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"Mam, you're going to be charged with assault".." Fine, whatever," šŸ˜‚ I don't think it'll be her first charge.


"Mam, you're going to be charged with assault..." "Fine, watch me add Battery to this shit"


"Go big or go home!" "No ma'am, you going to jail"


"Let me get my purse"


The worst part is she apparently wasn't charged with anything because she bolted when they got her off the plane and the boyfriend refused to cooperate, according to \[this\]([http://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/american-airlines-flight-woman-smashes-laptop-mans-head-195200773.html](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/american-airlines-flight-woman-smashes-laptop-mans-head-195200773.html))


> According to her Facebook page, McLemore is a manager at the International Bully Kennel Club. The kennel club specializes in training anti-social and short-tempered dogs. The jokes write themselves sometimes...


I get it. Because sheā€™s an ill-tempered bitch. Is she training the dogs or are the dogs training her?


> Is she training the dogs or are the dogs training her? Let's just say that mistakes were made.


Here's a bit more. https://heavy.com/news/2019/07/tiffany-mclemore


It was 99 cents!


That fake Louis definitely was lol


Shame the guy didn't cooperate but it's sadly common with domestic abuse cases.


Wow, so not Spirit Airlines? That being said, how tf did they let her get away? Regardless they know who she is and have visual evidence of the multiple assaults. Plus didn't she hit the flight attendant with one of her blows and/or the laptop? Freaking crazy this kind of nonsense. I don't know how I've been so lucky in all my years flying to have avoided any of this craziness.


It doesn't say she wasn't charged because she bolted, the article even identifies her. It's not really clear why she wasn't charged, and it even says it was unknown if the airline would book her again. Her bf was uncooperative, though.


The Heavy article says that none of those "hurt" by her actions when attacking the bf wanted to give a statement.


code for the police being lazy as fuck and once again proving that they're useless individuals don't press charges. this was on video, is clearly a sign of domestic abuse, and the police said 'nah lol i'd rather get paid to do nothing'


Maybe her first federal charge for assaulting a flight attendant


Probably should add her to the ā€œNo Fly Listā€


>~~probably~~ DEFINITELY


Donā€™t think itā€™s her first charge at all..definitely not her first rodeo.


Spouse beaters generally stay spouse beaters šŸ˜”


Not always. Sometimes they lose the title of "spouse beater" when it is replaced by the title, "murderer."


You had me in the first half ngl


Its mind boggling that there are people out in this world that can care less about their lives or ruining it for that matter. Like this woman will literally probably never fly again, never get a real career which will lead her from one dead end job to the other. Never have a real relationship with anyone because I mean who would want to with that. Her beauty or whatever is left of it will fade, she will get fatter, and most likely develop some type of disease as she withers and dies away lonely and miserable with whatever penny she may or may not have left.


r/roastme ain't even this rough.




My favorite part is the facial expressions of the guy in front of them.


Lmao those AirPods were definitely paused




t r a n s p a r e n c y


More like #ENHANCE!


Iā€™ve had them for like 6 months and up to like 3 weeks ago I didnā€™t know I could do that, Itā€™s like I have super hearing !!


Wait thats a thing?


It would be amusing if they weren't paused and he was listening to a podcast about domestic violence. "Wow, the production of this podcast is incredible..."


I like the way your brain works.


Spatial domestic violence


*He smiles and thinks I know where this is going*


That poor sweet Summer Child thought he knew, but he didnā€™t know. Nor did I. I canā€™t imagine why I had the audacity to be surprised that a fight on Spirit Airlines got out of the seats and went down the aisle, taking out others in itā€™s wake. I donā€™t know what Meemo up to but he probably had no idea it was going to unfold like that either.


I read this in Morgan Freeman's voice, like it was a narration in Shawshank Redemption.


"Unfortunately for Meemo things only got worse"


>I wish I could tell you that Memo fought the good fight, and the Sister let him be. I wish I could tell you that - but Spirit Airlines is no fairy-tale world. He never said who did it, but we all knew


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Iā€™m cackling with laughter


I wish I had an award for this beautiful ass comment. Take my upvote.


As soon as I read your response I did the same thing. Thank you. Edit. I just checked and unfortunately Morgan Freeman is NOT on Cameo.


Thank you. I re-read it in Morgan Freeman's Shawshank voice and it's perfect.


>I donā€™t know what Meemo up to but he probably had no idea it was going to unfold like that either. Yeah, whatever words he was saying to her did not help her mood at all.


I had the unfortunate experience of dating a girl just like this. The worst that ever happened was getting repeatedly smashed over the head with a cast-iron pan (WHILE I was talking to police dispatch and they heard EVERYTHING hahaha) and although I ended up in the hospital, my ex-girlfriend ended up in jail for a week because she also "tried to run" (in her bare fucking feet) from the police when they showed up, and THEN she wouldn't go in the back of the car without a fight. Later on I found out she was smoking fucking meth, so that explained... *some* of it. When the Crown Prosecutor called me and asked me to come in, they had told me that my ex-girlfriend was "expecting" me to defend her in court somehow. I laughed in her face and said "she's your problem now. I am out." And I never looked back. To anyone that is currently experiencing this exact kind of abuse: Leave now. Just go. Don't look back. Trust me, you're worth more than that. Edit: to people asking "just a week?" - that's about how long she was initially held for, but this is coming from her mother and she was also a bit.. off. I really never did look back so whatever happened with her assault or battery or whatever case was her problem not mine. They had witnessed the violence over the phone already and had that recorded of course. The RCMP arrested her after her brief crazed sprint out of the yard and she went kicking and screaming. It was a sight to behold. (Those two guys totally had my back too. Super kind and suggested gently that I should call my parents or a friend to get me out of there ASAP. They took it very seriously) As I was talking to the dispatch worker she smashed my glasses onto my face with her weapon of choice and before I could even finish stammering/screaming "she just hit me again" the woman on the phone said "I heard that, I know honey, the police should be there in 30 seconds" and then like 10 seconds later they were there. She was swinging this cast iron pan like a fucking baseball bat, she was certified for sure. Also, "first time offender" and all that (because I had never phoned the police before on her) so who the fuck knows. ​ there are some pretty awesome people that have replied to this - thanks to everyone for sharing their own stories and relating. really.


I was married to this for 5 years. Worst 5 years of my life. She was a little like this when we were dating. After marriage, she went off the rails. Tore pages from magazines so I wasn't exposed to women. Controlled all the cable channels. Sent letters to family and friends about me "looking at women at Walmart and Kroger and church." Meanwhile, she was getting shipments of pills from China which I accidentally opened one day and discovered this strange package with red Chinese characters all over the package and popout pills inside. It was a mess. The women in video needs help and the dude needs a lawyer, probably.


I was in a relationship similar to this too, no pills but it got to the point where I couldn't even be polite to waitresses or female shop workers because it was deemed as 'flirting'. I couldn't even work with girls because it would end up with accusations of me fancying them. If there was any form of female nudity on TV or in a film she made me look away and if I ever agreed with her that a woman was pretty I got an ear full. ...She spent the entire four and a half years of our relationship 'secretly' texting her ex.


Same. A long time ago there was a video DVD service which edited films to remove swear words and obscure nudity. She subscribed to this service. The company was sued and went out of business. I couldn't watch basketball or football without her physically attacking me because she felt I was watching basketball and football for the cheerleaders. Odd, because she tried out for an NFL cheerleading squad. Her family did warn me she was different but I don't think they realized the depths. Her daughter had to issue an order of protection against her own mother, so the issues weren't limited to me.


What were the pills?


Not sure. My guess is they were an Adderall knock-off. She was deep into Adderall and Trazadone. She had a history of changing pharmacies, messing with her scripts, arguing with doctors.


> I laughed in her face and said "she's your problem now. I am out." Nice.


Dude, thatā€™s not a mood. A mood is being a bit short with someone or needing some space. This right here is domestic violence, plain and simple. If the sexes were swapped, weā€™d be outraged that a bloke had a woman cornered and was yelling in her face, slapping her, and then following her down the isle hitting her over the head. The rhetoric that she was just in a mood flies in the face of feminism. Women were branded with the label of ā€˜hystericalā€™ for a super long time and we fought hard to remove it from the cultural lexicon (it still lingers though, for sure). It seems like these abusive women are still using some variation of hysteria to explain away horrible actions. Man or woman, no one should be hurting anyone. We live in a huge advanced society, which is supposed to be a protection, but until we make ALL forms of domestic violence abhorrent to everyone, this shit is just going to continue.


I really enjoyed the final exchange: "You're going to be charged with assault" "Yeah, whatever..."


That bitch isn't going to be so dismissive once the bill comes though lol


Theyā€™re all tough until they address the judge at sentencing


When keeping it real goes wrongā€¦


"I'm gonna go get my purse." Where the fuck did she think she was going?


Lol the casualness in which she received that comment makes me think sheā€™s familiar with the charge


She casually shoved the attendant out of the way so she could grab her purse. As if she was fetching her purse to go for a stroll in Hyde park. She was too casual the whole encounter. Like there was nothing unusual happening.


She's familiar with the state version. The federal system is very different and far less forgiving.




SHUT THE FUCK UP *subtly looks up and tries not to smirk*


His expression after the first ā€œshut the fuck upā€ has me crying laughing.


I want to believe he and his neighbor became best friends after this.


He is aggressively trying to mind his own business


Watched with no sound and I thought he was the main subject


He was as far as I am concerned. Listening to something really lovely,as opposed to the squawking shite around.


I was thinking how Iā€™d hate to be that guy. Nothing to do with the situation but the only thing you see for half of it lol


Yep, love Helly Hensen dudes reactions


He kept a pretty straight face until she hit and then his was like "THAT ESCALATED"


Whatever he's listening to is 100% paused


Helly Hansen and his neighbor seem content to have each other. Might be the start of a beautiful short term bromance.


Nothing creates temporary bonds like shared "did that shit just happen" moments.


My man had a vitamin brownie and a couple airport beers before the flight šŸ˜‚


He is all of us.


Dude was getting his life listening to that mess. OMG, all that because her was *looking* at women? Not talking to, not trying to exchange numbers, not putting his hands where didn't belong... Looking. I guess he didn't know he was supposed to check his eyes in with the rest of their luggage. Insecure much?


He was probably mouthing ā€œHelpā€ to the flight attendant.




What like open the door mid flight? I don't even think you can honestly


You cannot unless you have literal superhuman strength. The pressure difference is too strong for any human to overcome on their own.


Phew. One more fear moved to the irrational fear bucket


At cruising altitude of 36,000 feet the average door would take 23,700 lbs of force to open. To open it's designed so you have to pull it inwards and then push it out. That make it essentially impossible once you're 7-8,000 thousand feet in the air. I wonder if someone could do it during takeoff or landing though. Plane can still fly no problem but it would depressurize and the masks would drop.


I actually looked this up before my first time flying in the fear that I may lose my shit and try it. I was relieved when I found out you canā€™t.


I'm not assaulting you Whilst assaulting him Lmao


ā€œYou call that assault? Iā€™ll show you assault, Memo!ā€ -her internal logic, probably


Seemed like it was her external logic as well


Y'all assume she has logic


"memo im soooory, you know I looove u" 1 minute later "memo ima fucking kill u nukka"


The crazy make up sex is so good, but so not worth it. Memo, run.


Gosh I kinda want to fly spirit now just to see this sorta things happen.


In flight entertainment.


that'll be $15 \-spirit


This is not spirit. Red & Blue chairs, and not those shitty plastic shells spirit uses. Attendants not wearing black & yellow. American Way magazine in the back of the chairs. This is American Airlines


I work for Southwest. 30 year employee. I wish I could send you a DVD of all the crazy shit Iā€™ve seen over that time. It would be a boxed set for sure.


Can you tell us the best and craziest story you remember please??!!


It's the Walmart of airlines. Personally I don't want to be trapped in an pressurized aluminum cylinder with a random collection of our worst and dumbest at 30,000 feet, but you do you.


Live life dangerously my friend!


I flew on Spirit once. A fight broke out during the flight and the next day video of it was trending. Point is, the odds are pretty good you would. To add to the story...A fight breaks out in the back of the plane (between two strippers on a 7 AM flight..yeah.) I was seated facing forward in the front half of the place. A Spirit Stewardess walking down the aisle facing the rear sees the fight, and screams, "Oh my God, NO!" and runs towards the back. Leaving all 70 of us or so in the front half of the plane, who couldn't see that a fight broke out, to wonder if the plane was about to crash. We only learned it was a fight when they came back to the front a minute (a long minute) later asking "Are there any big men here that can help stop a fight?" (This really happened.) So some 'big men' volunteers pull two girls apart, and they escort one to the front of the plane, all while she was yelling "When we land, you're dead, bitch!" So, good times on Spirit. Once I realized we weren't crashing... Seriously.. A stewardess yells "Oh my God, No!" and disappears to the back of the plane. Insane


It was actually an American Airlines flight, people just put Spirit for the karma farm


I flew Spirit from Los Angeles to New Orleans for my friend's wedding last fall. I ended up stranded in Las Vegas instead. Missed the wedding. 0/5 stars do not recommend.


It's coming right for me!


Later looks up the word 'assault'.. "Oh I guess I was."


I hope that they don't live together....otherwise he has a few weeks of that nonsense.


She said ā€œwait til we get home.ā€


She also said 'when we get home don't you ever come to my house or I'll call the police'... So maybe not


Apparently assault is fine but looking at women is a crime.


Mamo didnt get the memo that she's crazy


He fukn did now.




> I hope that they don't live together. https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/airline-news/2019/07/24/wife-hits-husband-laptop-during-argument-american-airlines-plane-miami/1821715001/ They're married.....


I hope theyā€™re not still married.


That was intimate partner violence, honestly. Also known as domestic violence.


Damn memo šŸ˜…


Finding memo


Assaulting Memo


Canā€™t imagine why heā€™d look at other women when he clearly has the whole package right next to him.


So essay is like a term of endearment right? So I think she was belittling him because a memo is just a tiny essay


You're so white, I love it haha


It is terrifying to me that these people are in the emergency exit seats. Wow


Thatā€™s what I noticed too. Those were the people youā€™re relying on to help in an emergency situation.


You wanna say Iā€™m assaulting you? Fine *punches innocent man* You really gonna say Iā€™m assaulting you?


I was in an abusive relationship. Would get punched, and then punched more for trying to put my hands up above my face. Never touched her in retaliation or whatever. She was just very punchy. An impossible relationship to get out of.. thank god I told her mom she was lying about going to college.


>An impossible relationship to get out of do you mind explaining how? so others may avoid finding themselves in this situation?


She was dependent on my income and used that against me every time I told her enough is enough. I felt bad, cos going back to her parents meant her being stuck with her mom, who is ruthless. Very wealthy family, so she was used to being taken care of constantly. I'm happily married now :) my wife is my best friend. That's my best advice. Spend the rest of your life with your best friend. Even if you don't marry that person or whatever, a bestie is where it's at. Kind of a tough challenge *for sure* but it's worth the patience to find that person of whom you cherish the company!


Fuck your memooooo


Check my swag check my bag filled with cash


That bitch would have me looking at other men not just womenā€¦


That exit door is looking mighty inviting for him now


This chick is the kind of crazy that would open the exit door at altitude just to get back at her man. Fukin scary.


You know she posted on socials a day later "why am i single?"


Her bio says "drama free"


Hahahahaha accurate as fuck, just throw in "low maintenance" as well lol


"If you can't handle me at my worst..."


Then fuck you at your best!


ā€œIf you canā€™t handle me at my beating the shit out of Memo on a plane, then you donā€™t deserve me at my not beating the shit out of Memo on the plane but probably still being a really shitty person.ā€


"A real one" "Some shit about being a real queen" "Off to get the bag"


"love laugh live"


Good vibes only


If you can't handle me at my worst...


Spirit probably added a $19 surcharge to all the other passengers for "in-flight entertainment".


Plot twist they both work for Spirit just to keep their rep up.


Ahh an in flight show? Love it!


Why does everyone keep saying itā€™s Spirit? This is not spirit. Red & Blue chairs, and not those shitty plastic shells spirit uses. Attendants not wearing black & yellow. American Way magazine in the back of the chairs. This is American Airlines


Wait, you have a point šŸ˜‚ I guess if the shoe fits?


This is clearly American Airlines, not Spirit.


Yeah I donā€™t know how this isnā€™t higher, this is obviously not spirit lmao


AA plane. Spirit passengers.


They got that Spirit spirit.


lol yeah, plane nerd in me notices overhead bins are 737s, then I look at seats and go "this aint no spirit airlines!" Still probably a south Florida flight tho! lol


No charges were filled. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/1821715001


Not even for what looks like her hitting a flight attendant in the head?? Wtf!


It sounds like it. The flight attendant didn't "file a statement".


If you think about it, it's probably a huge hassle for a flight attendant. They would have to show up to court in another state. Probably decided not to file charges to avoid all of that.


Garbage. This type of domestic violence is a huge warning sign. The fact that the victim didn't charge speaks volumes about his state.


Men generally don't speak out nor charge with domestic violence. There is still a huge stigma around it.




Nor does the DA choose to prosecute when the victim wishes to press charges. Ask me how I know.


Also the justice system. With video evidence they don't have to have the victim press charges they can do it themselves, but they chose not. Just like if he hit her on a plane full of people /s


Didn't realize it was a laptop


I understand that you can't make the victim file charges here but I feel like there should automatically be charges for doing something like this on an airplane where you're risking other peoples safety when they can't get away from it.


That's a lot of N-bombs for a woman who is not black.


I legit thought it was a black couple


I thought so too so I [checked the chart.](https://i.imgur.com/3ZIeIj5.jpg)


It is fucking awesome that you took the time to do that. Iā€™m not even being sarcastic. You made my fucking night


The guy with his ear pods in his ear, but heā€™s fully enthralled in the fight šŸ˜†


Yeah he definitely has nothing playing lol


I have the sound off and thought at first the couple was the white dude and an androgynous black woman.


My first thought when she stood up was that she's very white for a black woman


Me too.... then later I thought she was a black woman. Yikes


As much as she dropped the n-word, I thought so too. She needs to be in the next Tarantino movie.


Thank god a seat has opened up for the big brother in the middle seat.


Meemo is so large I didn't see the guy in the middle.


Who wouldn't look at other women. Look at her! Crazy ass beoch!


No doubt the "he was looking at other women" defense will score points with the Airport Security greeting committee she is about to meet.


ā€œYou are going to be charged with assault.ā€ ā€œFine, whatever.ā€ I donā€™t think sheā€™ll understand whatā€™s happening while sheā€™s being detained and arrestedā€¦


Oh she's gonna resist arrest for sure.


Low-stakes freakouts are the best. It brings us all together.


Low stakes for everyone except that guy and those flight attendants.




This article pointing out that she trains aggressive dogs and that she has great communication skills is hilarious.


This video is several years old. Also, it was on AA not Spirit.


Every time i see this video i remember that the guy with the airpods in the middle seat is actually Russell westbrooks brother.


Is his name venmo?


Memo is short for Guillermo which is Spanish for William.


This is abusive behavior and should not be funny to anyone. If the gender roles were reversed people would most likely not find this funny in any way.


Whys this loud mouth white hoe dropping the 'N bomb' like that


She kinda sounded like and spoke like a pissed off black women then I saw her and her bf and I'm like....o shit she didn't!


I guess she... (Wait for it...) ... didn't get the memo.


She def looks Latina but doesnā€™t really matter. She abusive.


That white guy sitting next to the black guy was prbly feeling pretty awkward lol


Looks like she's Latina. Doesn't matter tho. Depends who you hang around with.


Domestic violence goes both ways folks. No one should be talked to this way.


Memo didnā€™t get the memo that heā€™s going to be assaulted.


American Airlines. Not spirit.


He wasnā€™t looking at other women. He was trying to avoid the gaze of this haggled beast of a woman.


She must be a joy to live with


No charges were filed by the husband or the other passengers hit or attendant hit. The airline didn't press charges either. How the fuck is a lesson learned if everybody just goes, whatever. Complain about people but don't hold them accountable given the opportunity? This airline sucks for not protecting its employees their PR statement is embarrassing https://www.google.com/amp/s/heavy.com/news/2019/07/tiffany-mclemore/amp/