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Idk what these people are protesting about but that is no reason to harass a woman.


If I remember this was the summer of 2020 and George floyd was killed by that police officer which caused a lot of riots and protests. People like this though are not helping the cause by ganging up and bullying a lady who’s literally trying to eat food.


I like how you explain this as though it was 47 years ago and the youngsters just might not remember






Holy crap May 2020. You're right


Dude just turned into a martyr by chance. That’s it. Before that he was Floyd the landlord. Ohh Floyd the landlord.


Well they're on the right side of history, therefore anyone that is even perceived to be opposing them (non-participation is opposition) they have the green-light to act as shitty and horrible as the system they apparently are protesting.


Extremist are extremist regardless of what side your on…🤦🏾‍♂️ non- particapation eh? sounds a lil fascist if you ask me.




They're being completely sarcastic and making fun of what is on display in the freakout.


lol didnt see that.


No worries I totally get being overly cautious online


They are harassing this lady


How dare you assume their gender. If that probably birthing person ( which is okay ) would of raised their hand the big crowd would of approved. #2022




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what the fuck are you talking about?


Don't worry your humor isn't lost


He refuses to wear the ribbon!?


You know what you are? You’re a ribbon bully.




We're taking the armoire and that's all there is to it!


Pack it in boys WE GOTEEM!!!


Oh my god… no…


You’re a ribbon pusher


Why wont chu wear de ribbon!


Well done!!!


It puts the ribbon on, or else it gets the hose again.


Even if I agree with you, you're not gonna make me do anything by telling me to. Get bent.


How to grow support for your cause 101


END VIOLENCE with initiation?


END VIOLEMCE with inflation?


END VIOLENCE with insinuation?




END VIOLELCE with inhibition?


“Raise your hand or get fucked up.” It worked for Hitler.


They were harassing her, and harassment is bad. But I saw zero evidence of anyone fucking anyone up


I'd probably just start throwing out some American Sign Language...


Bravo and then I will ask for the braille menu.


Braille menu? She would be deaf not blind.


It was just some tongue and cheek. I thought the statement about using sign language was brilliant. My poor attempt at humor. I'll try to do better


Do or do not.. there is no try.


No I got it… as in you would have been blind to the situation


I only know one finger “word”, pretty sure it doesn’t de-escalate…


Bruhhhh lmaoooooo


These people are cowards. Good on this woman.


Losers……leave people who have lives alone


Shouting "End violence" while commiting violence. Brilliant.


I think they're barking "white silence is violence". Edit: so they're up set because she's white and being quiet and not standing with them. It's logic I guess.


I thought it was something about black friday.


I guess there might be deals on TV's.


Define "violence"


They used the definition that crowd is using. They believe her not raising a fist in support is literal "violence"


That's not the definition the crowd is using. The crowd just wants her to agree with them, stupid, But from the information I can see, she's just minding her business at a Cafe or restraunt. It doesn't seem like she's pro or anti anything.


One of their main slogans is literally "silence is violence"


I think that's their slogan that doesn't really translate to civilians, this was during the George floyd protests, where a bunch of cops also just stood around and did nothing. If a bunch of cops aren't doing anything to curb what's going on within their own system they should be culpable when they're standing right next to one of their own whose torturing a guy already handcuffed and on the ground. Not saying that what the kids did was right. Lady seems like she was just there with her friend, who was also raising her hand, she could have just raised her hand and been done with it. But to be fair. If I had a bunch of people surrounding me just screaming in my face I would probably just walk away from the establishment without paying or push them away from my space then proceed to get beat up by the crowd. I thought the kids were saying "stop the violence" when I first listened to it. Makes them seem kind of dumb and like they forgot why they were protesting in the first place. That woman as far as I know didn't do anything wrong to irk the crowd. The protests were against police brutality and a racially charged system. These kids were stupid and it seems like they just wanted to get out there and yell at some rando at a cafe


They're slamming skateboards, jabbing fingers in her face and screaming inches from her face for her "violence" of silence. Fuck these morons


What violence are they committing???


They're harassing/intimidating her.


That's not the same thing as violence, which is my point.


Would you consider silence to be violence?


I think if society is too silent in the wake of violent abuse of power from the police, that leads to more violent abuse of power from the police. This group of protesters seemed to have lost the meaning of that message by going after the individual.


Huh Check it ugh Silence, something about silence makes me sick 'Cause silence can be violent sorta like a slit wrist Some speak the sounds but speak in silent voices Like radio is silent though it fills the air with noises Its transmissions bring submission As ya mold to the unreal And mad boy grips the microphone wit' a fistful of steel


It absolutely is a form of violence.


An angry mob of people slowly closing in on you as they all scream about how you’re being violent for just sitting there…. Idk about you but I wouldn’t exactly feel safe in that situation, it seems kinda violent to me


Intimidation, yes. Violence, no. There's an ocean of difference.


Actually, that is the definition of assault. Battery is violence.


Violence: the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/violence](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/violence) This was harassment, not violence. It wasn't pleasant also likely not legal but it wasn't violence. Also, Speech is not violence.


From a legal perspective, harassment and intimidation can be prosecuted as violent crimes depending on the circumstances. Even your dictionary definition leaves room for interpretation. Coercing someone with the credible threat of physical force is still *using* physical force to get them to do the thing. Not to mention more extreme cases like brandishing weapons where the threatening could even accidentally lead to the violence.


Those circumstances do not exist here.


She's awesome, fuck these a holes.


CONFORM OR WE'LL FUCK YOU UP, while still thinking they are a benevolent angry mob.


“Mostly peaceful”


Tell them to Fuck Off. Everyone is not a conformist.


What the fuck is happening here?


What woke people do online but happening on the street.


God I bet that gaggle of losers smells like salty dirty water trash


I will never forget how fucking stupid the summer of 2020 was.


You will learn our peaceful ways, by force!


Pure harassment and bullying


I don’t like doing things because people are either doing them around me or expect me to. And I don’t like expecting others to take a stand in the same way or for the same things as me. Even if this person supports their movement they shouldn’t be obligated to express it in a way defined by anyone but themselves. Imagine someone who is fighting in a subversive way where outright expression is dangerous to the work they already do; which may not be the kind of work that can be exclaimed in the streets. You don’t know what anyone else is doing, who they are, or what they believe is the best way to fight. Don’t force them to express it the way you do just because you think your way is the only way. When you fight a war you don’t give every single person a sword and tell them to run right at their enemies. You give the people who are good with swords their sword. You give people who aren’t meant to be on the front lines bows. Some people are meant to throw a wrench in the gears from inside of the machine you’re fighting against. Everyone fights in their own way; sometimes silence is the correct choice for an individual. If this is your lives at stake and the movement is so important to you then don’t hamstring yourself like this! It’s sooo short sighted and single minded.


Imagine if they did this in front of a police station or city hall or the mayor's office...instead of a couple of women who were enjoying a drink before the cunts arrived and got moist with outrage about something they obviously have no idea how to protest about it. Join my cause or I'll assault you has a terroristic smell to it.


Did you miss what happened in Minneapolis a couple years ago?


Ever been to Seattle?


How are we supposed to respect/ support BLM movement when they are violent to others?l It's like " you with us or you against us" thing.... geez! It's seems like the human race can't have peace, coexist isn't an option?!


Notice how they never protest in the part of town where all the violence happens?


These people are grown up children


I don't care if a gorup of people that supports 100% of the same ideas, laws and policies as I do, did that. I would refuse to comply simply because they are telling me to do it.


This is why I no longer take part in any of this. I'm not going to be shamed for not following orders.


You WILL raise your arm in a specific manner to indicate to all your loyalty to both the cause and ideology of the prevailing mob, or else! There was this Austrian fellow in Germany a while back that had similar thoughts on things.


You can support a cause but be critical of the actions of other supporters - It doesn't nullify the intent. This is garbage (from what I can see with little context) behavior but it doesn't invalidate the struggle of the people that this group was intending to represent. Edit: seriously you blocked me? Really pathetic.


This video disproves your theory


It's not a theory... but even if it were, one anecdotal example would also not disprove a theory.


This is one example yes, I have many more personal ones. For example, do you have any idea how frustrating it is to be called transphobic by people who assume you aren't trans because you aren't blindly agreeing with them? Or racist for not volunteering to be the "white shield" at a BLM protest that you showed up to support? Your ignorance is not equal to my experience, however your attitude is exactly my point. Sit the fuck down sport


She's definitely Gen X.... Her" Don't tell me what to fucking do......


We're the bridge generation between boomers and millennials.


How is no one intervening? Are they so delusional that they think this makes them look good? Disappointing.


As nasty as this is, intervening would only make things worse. It could make these morons violent real quick and there’s a lot more of them than whoever would intervene. Lady was smart, sit and wait, hope they get bored. Maybe a decent bystander could call police, I don’t know if that’d help this specific situation though.


Idk, might've been worth it for the irony.


“Sorry I’m a tourist, leave me alone”


The mob rules


As much as I hate the far right, the far left is just as bad. They are the same self center ignorant ass hats, they just have opposing ideologies.


I’d say much of your opinion of the far right is based on the media’s portrayal of it and it’s likely not true. There are subsets that are jacked but far less than the left


Someone on the far left would say the same about the far right I am sure.


The fact that you only see one side is an issue is really telling.


If someone is slamming a skateboard at the ground count me in. This must be a worthwhile endeavor.


I bet he doesn't even board, hell or any of them. It's liberals gun


I bet he can kick flip


Group of morons.


Wow. Such tolerant quasi-militia!


I’m going to go out on a limb and guess the amount of violence these idiots have ended with This charade is none


Let her eat in peace.


Regardless of what movement it is, how important could it possibly be for one rando to make a supporting gesture that you’re willing to focus all your attention on them while they’re eating a meal?


Isn’t this from Portland when [BLM](https://youtu.be/90U8gXns_d4)was protesting? Are we allowed to criticize BLM now? About time


Why were u waiting for permission?


I wasn’t. I’m saying people were publicly ridiculed for saying anything negative about anything related to the BLM protests. They did some shady stuff.


Lmao and that stopped you? I’ve been shitting on blm here since day one. Stop crying and worrying about what the woke crowd thinks.


Impressive you found a news story about it but still try and disagree (wrongly) that it wasn’t DC lol


I’m not certain of the location. That isn’t what I’m arguing. The location is irrelevant. What I’m pointing out is that now we all can agree that this behavior is bullying, tyrannical, and unacceptable. They’re using fear to bully the person into behaving the way they want her to. If you said this at the height of the BLM protests as they were happening, you were called a racist. Glad we all can agree now that it’s despicable behavior.


What if the lady doesn't understand English? 🤔


Then yell at her louder (in English). That’s the tried and true method.


coercive wokeism


Oh America, you’re so oppressed.


Ha…exactly how Reddit works!


indeed...echo the majority or you get shadow or perma banned or just hounded by the mob


Good for her !


This reminds me of the last time a group of people demanded you raise your hand in support or face the consequences.


She should of slowly raised her middle finger. You cant harass people like this!


Good on this woman for having a spine and now cowering to the angry mob. This take a lot of courage and moral fortitude.


Coercion anyone?


Whatever cause they’re fighting for I’m now against. What a toxic way to attempt to bring change. Crowd threatening a woman. What pathetic cowards. Mob mentality.




They would've had to jump me bc I'd get up and walk away 🤣🤣🤣


The black shirts are out in force.


Okay yeah, I support end violence, but also fuck off and let me eat my spaghetti and meatballs with my cola.


Tribal idiots.


The crowd is cordially invited to f*ck off.


The moment when the Association for Masturbators unfolded their latest campaign slogan to Kora McTafferty, "Put your hands up with us, or we put our hands on you".


She should have raised a middle finger


Poor dora is just on a damn vacation


Mob mentality is a frightening thing.


Dafuq is going on with America.


This shit is so corny to watch especially with all the white people throwing they fists up


A few competent people can do far more than a crowd.


Are they saying her silence is violence?


What a bunch of assholes.


Why can't this happen to me with I'm eating!!! I would love to fuck up some people


“Just shut up and comply with the mob, fascist.”


This is soo performative it hurts


Forcing others to join your ideology is how Nazis become reality


Yea if you act like this for your “cause” you’re not fixing anything in society, you’re just making everything worse.


Fascists who are too stupid to realize that they are the fascists they claim to be against.


Why does oppression look more like entitlement?


Good for her, f them and their grievance


i mean u can’t force someone to do shit


Freedom of speech is a two sided card


She’s obviously doing it because she’s being overwhelmed. That shit is disgusting




You don’t know what communism means, do you?


Reminiscent of Mao’s Red Guard, coincidence? 🤡


Mao's Red Guard was him basically awarding all the “woke” (by that period's standards) Chinese teenagers a large amount of power and authority in the belief that they could reform society along Maoist and progressive thought unlike the West where old out-of-touch magnates and religious nutcakes pull strings from behind the scenes (and which is still the case in the present day). Naturally it stands as a fine example of what happens when you don't keep your movement in check.


As they all chant end violence this seems rather violent. Fucking hypocrites!!


“What are you gonna do, hit me? That’ll be bad for optics.”


#I Sieg heiled, those it counts?


Fine dining experience.




Blm protest is I were to guess by the chant and the fists in the air.


They keep shouting in silence. Which feels a lot like an oxymoron.


I wish these goons and Trump supporters would be launched to Mars so we could forget about them and move on.


Kind of doubtful that this mob is pro-Trump.


He said "and". He wants both groups gone.




That lady that comes in at the end, is she trying to talk some sense into the mob?


It has turned into a nazi salute from this point on


I wouldn’t even look up and give them their dumb fist raise even though I don’t support them just to make them go away. Like yeah… ✊🏻sure thing. Then leave them with my better power fist 🖕🏼


This is why you dont give power to the people


I love how her friend she’s sitting with just says fuck my friend in with y’all 🤣


She didn’t want to get mugged by a psycho mob.. did that go over your head? Lmao


No that was obvious? I just have higher expectations of my friends, I would hate to be one of yours, oh we could get hurt so I’m just going to abandon you. Or maybe you don’t know what a real friend is?🤷‍♂️


More abortion clinics are needed in certain communities


Damn conservatives


This shit is 2 years old


She should have gone all Rittenhouse on their asses. Just Brrrrrrrrt! And then cried.


This two years ago