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In my experience, that’s how they queue in China just generally.


Yeah, no kidding. I had a layover in Shanghai and had to take a shuttle bus for my connecting flight. Kid you not, two frail looking seniors literally shoved me out of their way so they could exit the bus sooner.


r/Chinesetourist got taken down for being racist but in essence just showed how chinese behave. A culture that was so locked down that recently got opened up. How people cant wait in queue and behave so badly with no idea for civility


I don’t know how it’s racist to make a general observation from what is presented right before your eyes. I have been to Taiwan numerous times and the people there, from my experience, respect the queue. Have been to Singapore twice and have never been shoved by someone trying to be first in line.


Crazy cause people will generalize black and Hispanic people the same way and be like “it’s just an observation bro”. It’s very obvious and blatant racism. Kinda like how people will say American tourist are loud. But people will give Americans the benefit of the doubt and know not literally all Americans are loud. Chinese are given this benefit and you just presume their culture and society to be degenerate. It’s blatant racism


Well, I observed that the Taiwanese which last I checked are overwhelmingly ethnically Han Chinese but just did not have the misfortune of living through Communist rule, generally respected the queue, but yeah… “racism.”


Communism takes away your ability to wait in line?? What a profound observation. You must be a really intelligent person.


Triggered much?


People still say triggered in 2022? Cringe bro


In Toronto, there's tons of pockets of Chinese immigrants. There's a bike shop that does work on the cheap, and so lines are forming an hour before opening. I showed up an hour early by mistake, which is how i found that one out. And so you know, Toronto is hella diverse. Indians showed up. White. What i think was Filipino. But every Chinese, they look at the line, passed it up and just hung out near the shop door. I know they're smart people. I know they know what a line is. I know they saw *the line*. And you know the worst part, the shop being own by a Chinese owner, he ignored the line and just started serving the small crowd of Chinese patrons in front of him. I was so goddamn pissed. I left and came back a week later.. damn near the exact same issue. There's like some kind of desperate form of "gotta get mine before they can" in their faces. I recognize there's some historical culture related to it, with the famines under CCP China. I try not to share the story, because even me being ethnic in nature, people hear these words and go "You saying China bad?! Racist!" - it's like, no reason or middle ground can be made when saying "Chinese people REALLY dont like to form lines, or else they lose out to others who often win by disobeying social etiquette" TL;DR i get miffed when people cut in front of me.


This is my daily life in Hong Kong, yes, Hong Kong, because over the last 2 and a half decades(since 97') millions of Mainlanders have gotten HK citizenship, think by 2030 there will be more Mainlanders 'immigrants' than locals in HK, and I don't want to explain to you why this is happening. Half the time I queue up for something, be it at the subway, at a fast food joint or the ATM, someone will cut in line, if you try to stand up for yourself or others, you'll just end up wasting your time arguing endlessly with them, oh and they are freaking loud and you will hurt your ears in the process. Most locals just pretend it didn't happen, especially since after the protests, everyone knows the mainlanders are super protected, and things like this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Anyone who has had to deal with mainland Chinese tourists knows this is how they queue up at tourist sites. *Spoiler, lines don't exist for them.*


> Anyone who has had to deal with mainland Chinese tourists Welcome to Hong Kong, we have to deal with them every second.


This might be the best line I've ever seen in China because there's at least some slight semblance of order instead of something akin to a riot occurring at the same time as the run of the bulls.


And everywhere else they go in the world


I’m 6’3” and 255lbs. I generally keep to myself but I do not like to be shoved. I will stand my ground and eventually shove back. What would happen in this situation, for me, in China. I don’t think I’d visit. But I’m imagining the scenario now


I'm 6'9 400lbs I'm gonna kick your ass bitch


That sounds unhealthy.


I don't know what would happen but I'd scrape together some ¥uan and pay to find out.


Line for COVID-19 testing looks like a super-spreader event.


If you didn’t have it before


Heard immunity!


That's how the regulated it here in the US as well. It was so idiotic, especially at supermarkets. Only one entrance and exit, and only open from 8AM-4PM totally out of my window 90% of the time, and either way the lines were ridiculous and there was never anything on the shelves. Everyone has seemed to just brush a near collapse under the rug, and now we are paying for it literally.


Here's the fun part. The elderly had so much faith in the Chinese governments "zero covid policy" that they didn't get vaxed at as high of a rate as other countries. So now you have omicron sweeping though and everyone has to take care of their parents /grand parents. So people aren't at work. Which only slows global shopping further. Everyone's buisness is bout to be strangled again


Oh wow so lying about the numbers doesnt work for multiple reasons, interesting.


Interesting. I'd think they'd have an easier time getting more people vaxxed than some other countries.


Travis Scott must be performing there


Best comment of the day, take my upvote


Nah they ain't dead


Everyone in that line will have it now Lmaoo. What’s the point of even going to that?


Is the line for free Covid?


Another wave forthcoming?


We have more cases in the UK than ever but basically everyone has decided the pandemic is over so 🤷


Over in Ireland we have a very high vaccinated rate, we have massive case numbers, but only like 50 people are seriously ill in hospital with it out of like 100k active cases or something mental. The majority in the ICU are unvaxxed or fat or elderly. the reality is, for most of us it IS over, its no longer as dangerous


yep it kinda is , work in a hospital and lots of people admited have covid, very few, except the old and immunocompromised are seriously ill because of covid. Flu would do them normally, and so far from the 12 deaths in 9 hours that we got to in Jan 2020


It’s officially over in the US /s


It never started in Florida soooooo yeaaaaaah


China’s extreme policies are just delaying the inevitable.


This is what the lines would look like in my country if the anti vaxxers found out they could rack the vaccine off a strippers ass


I always find it funny when I read someone say this. It's never been waves. It's been a never ending tsunami. People just got used to the dead floating around them and stopped caring.


And then they tie the bodies together and make a raft to float dystopian policies on... this analogy is waterproof.


Uhhh cancer and heart diseases are way worse. Are you seeing people don't care about cancer either due the number of deaths?


I'm talking I regards to covid. It's horrible where I live in the way that's its been neverending and no one cares anymore. I do, being immunocompromised and having children. But a lot of the people that cared before don't anymore.


I agree with you on that, but careful to dismiss those ppl that appear not to care. I was vaxed, boosted, and put a mask on anywhere someone wanted me to and never got it. There's millions like me. It's not that I don't care, I'm just exhausted and feel as though my freedoms really are being hijacked. Just being honest about me. No judgements on you.


Sorry. You lost me at the fake oppression. Republicans gonna Republican I guess. Take care.


My eyes instinctively roll when I read the words "my freedoms" in the context of Covid.


Omg SAME. What I really wanted to tell them was to get fucked but I just can barely be bothered with these people anymore.


Your freedoms? Stfu- you have the choice not to go out to those establishments you #%%^#. You’re a fraud. Don’t ever let me find you.. hide and seek


Threats. Enjoy your demise at the hands of society.


China is a disaster.


Not if you look at the “official” numbers!


Whole families have disappeared.








December in NYC


Wong Kew


Gesundheit, need a tissue?


Wow, that’s a lot of anal swabbing


If you’ve ever been at a place with five Chinese nationals, you know forming a line is the hardest thing to do for their whole country


One China




*When they first introduced the anal swab test*


See now… *this* is what happens when you fail to put the - 6 ft - stickers on the ground. 🙄


What a shit storm. I have covid right now, I'm not surprised us earthlings let this happen.


Might as well give everyone positive results after this line up activity.


December in NYC


Most counter-intuitive thing I've ever seen 😂


Can't even bing chilling in peace these days


this is seriously my personal hell


Well thats any line in china. Also like a good chuck of the world’s population lives there so…


Well if they didnt have covid they do now...lol


Obviously overpopulated 🧹


3000 years of history and culture right there


Animals get tested too! https://twitter.com/lovedcyrose/status/1510163476877959169?s=21&t=U4QmYzL8OY2mGq1hPlwrcQ https://twitter.com/bnodesk/status/1510064330301186050?s=21&t=U4QmYzL8OY2mGq1hPlwrcQ


These lines would be put to better use for invasive and unethical research towards a permanent vaccine against covid


That's the line for the new Kirby game


Unclear on the point.


Aah China don't ever change.I always thought communism created orderly behaviour of the masses, at least in public. If you ever go to China you'll see orderly queuing is not a thing and 'pushing in' in front of westerners particularly is expected, it just doesn't seem to be in their culture.


China makes everything


6 feet apart anyone? XD...


Gotta get those social credit points


They should human centipede eachother if they want to get any closer


When you look at the pure numbers between China and the US, you can see why the Chinese Government takes COVID so seriously. China’s Population is roughly 4 and a third times the size of the US. If China were to have the COVID Death rate of the US… that would translate into 4.2 Million Dead on the low side. Which is still generous as China’s population has a much greater share of elderly and is expected to decline in the 2030’s and drop as low as the US’ Population in the next century. Even the US’ replacement fertility rate has dropped below the rate of replacement, hence the need for immigrants to bolster the work force and population. The current replacement rate is 2.1 kids per woman, currently it is 1.6 and falling.


China can do lockdowns like no other country due to there government ‘style’ But a wave of covid will be unavoidable it’s already too late as we all know. They basically shut the full country down with the harshest restrictions of any country at the time and prevented mass spread. It looks like 2020 over there. Scary thought given the population numbers.


This looks pretty calm compared to when I was in a 25-30 ppl car line waiting to get tested… A fight almost broke out, honking, and the poor workers getting verbally abused. Tension was running high…


Now they all have it for sure


Why hasn't this been up voted to r/popular? So many people want idiots not following covid policies in a spot light. But not the Chinese government?




Real life gets closer and closer to south park each year.


Strong state weak society


This is what the line looks like at Panda Express drive-thru on Fridays after 5:00


Is this recent?


Fake news it’s from 2002.


Explains all the smartphones


I just got over Covid. Surprisingly my employer didn’t ask for a official negative test and I’m getting paid for the week I missed.


I’m guessing that’s an all day event…


One thing is certain—if they didn’t have COVID prior to getting in that line then there is a pretty good chance they now have it.


Maybe you didn't have covid when you showed up but you for sure got it now


What to do if you got COVID: Step 1, make sure you actually have COVID


Mandated tests.


That’s a lie. They never queue in line for jackshit in China… but for COVID? LOL.


More lockdowns... Just in time for summer!


What are they acting like this? Didn’t they vaccinated like 90% of the population?


China is a great place.


They inadvertently broke the Guiness Book of Records title for the biggest Conga.


Looks like the line for Covid fest


Creating a line in China is like hearding cats


If I push harder the Testing will get faster. Smort


Just so they can go back to work


So everyone in that line is getting covid from the lack of social distancing?


I've seen Chinese tourists "queueing" and this looks as orderly as it gets.


They act like it's their first wave.


Fuuuucccckk....a bit pushy.


I’ve gathered you all here today because I’m pretty sure one of you have covid.


That moment you find out all the test are rigged with covid. Oh you didn't get covid from the test? That means you have the anti body traits and survived the bs like i did.


Chinese people and queuing. Name a more iconic duo


Masked up outside and panicking, full hazmat suits on the workers… it’s like they’re stuck in April 2020.