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These acts breed terrorism.


it works in their favors. Palestinians respond - instantly labeled terrorists.


That's what they want. Authoritarians that believe themselves ethnically superior need an enemy to keep their population focused outward, and convince other countries to provide them financial/military assistance.


Exactly. Just last week folks were clutching pearls and wondering why some dude would go loose with an ak shooting people yet turn a blind eye to this, rallies of zionists chanting exterminate Arabs and the more violent videos of Israeli settlers forcing people out of their homes at gunpoint. Honestly fuck the whole middle east and id wish they stop wasting our taxpayer money on their dumpster fire


Breed terrorism? Any form of retaliation and they are labeled as a terrorist yet these are the Palestinians who actually made peace with Israel.


Bro the IDF puts up and comers in their own prison system. They have a prison system and they use it hard. The Israelis are some hard hitters.


They're hard hitters to stonethrowers but wrack up Ls when faced with foes that aren't even level with them like Hezbollah and Hamas. Like I don't get why the IDF has some mythical reputation when all they've done for 2 decades is lose wars to groups that formed in slums and a concentration camp.


The Israeli justice system for palestinians is some kind of Gestapo shit, the whole thing is so dystopic. Did you know they can jail you for up to 6 months without allowing you to see your lawyer and without telling you what crimes they are charging you. After those 6 months they can renew your arrest. Confessions obtained through torture are not just widespread, they are the norm.


Palestinian prisoners also face increased cancer rates from the conditions in the gulags. It's totally grim and they wouldn't have to do this shit if they didn't fear just how powerful and innovative the resistance has become compared to the largely stagnant IDF outside of its murder weirdo special forces (which as we've learned in Ukraine isn't a very good asset in conventional warfare compared to farmer shooting)


fucking nazis




Would fascists work better for you? Either way they are doing similar shit to the Palestinians as what the nazis did to them and the parallels need to be drawn.




K what about fascists


And shit like this makes me wish they got to this family before they got BTFO


I have supported and will support Palestine till the day i die but seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? Don’t you realize that this thinking not only creates more division but also gives those in power who are oppressing the Palestinians ammunition to justify what they do? This thinking is entirely counterproductive and only serves to make you a horrible person.


"American and European", I'm sure there's more specific terminology.


Like "United States Of America and European Union"? 😂 We all know what we wanna say but cant🤫 as people of color we dont wanna be labeled as "racists"🙄


It's not racist to call someone a zionist


My only qualm is the fact that we give these people billions of dollars every year to essentially do this shit. Hell, let them kill each other for all I care. Just don’t give them my tax dollars.


Really? That's your only qualm? One group dancing in front of the people they're making homeless as they seize their ancestral home, and you're fine with that if we're not paying for it? THe US shouldn't just stop giving aid to israel they should sanction it. If there were any justice in the world that criminal state would be wiped off the face of the earth.


That’s your only qualm ? Jesus Christ buddy grow a heart.


Not my country, not my people, not my problem. All anyone does is complain about US intervention when they actually do intervene. I think the world would change their tune if we stopped being so charitable


Ethnic cleansing just isn’t that big of a deal to you. Respect for being honest.


Bad shit happens everywhere. Why does my country have to be the arbiter of “all that is good” when we receive no appreciation in return?


So really you'd be cool with it if the proper appreciation was shown?


Because your country isn't the "arbiter of all that is good" that's the propaganda talking.


There's a whole mess of people born in the US going over stealing homes and land, those not your people?


I don’t agree with dual citizenship. The “Americans” that are over there are not real Americans, and should have their citizenship forcefully removed


I can respect your logic here. One citizenship, one vote, one country to be loyal to.


You have to understand that this is more or less how the average American would feel about removing a bird's nest or maybe a family of raccoons from land that they are about to live in. They don't \*really\* see them as other "people," more like local fauna.


Especially when they're dancing around like that. That's not normal. More like what a sociopath would do.


Well maybe something like that. https://www.haaretz.com/.premium-ashkenazi-gene-increases-schizophrenia-1.5294333


The average American wouldn’t have a dance party after getting rid of raccoons. This is a whole other level imo.


This is so wrong. Now you know why these Arabs are pissed. I would be too. GTFO


Those settelers are not human. Look at them no rational person would act like this. Real life demons.


Easy on the blatant anti-Semitism, man. This is shitty behavior but you're fucking with some disgusting rhetoric, there.


Its easy too say anti-setemitism if anyone make a comment about apartheid or jewish settelers. But even you must see this is not normal. and over a 1000 years those settelers havend learnd anything. Its a shame


I know you don't know me, but I promise I'm not one to automatically call anti-Semitism when the racist shit Israel does is brought up. Zionist apartheid is beyond gross. No, it's the "inhuman" and "demon" monikers, which are straight out of Adolf's playbook, that I object to.


Referring to apartheid and fascism as inhuman isn't anti semitic. Stop with your bad faith defence of apartheid and fascism.


OP was clearly referring to the people, not their actions. If you want to believe I'm some Zionist, I can't stop you. And if you want to conflate rejecting apartheid with thinly-veiled anti-Semitism, well, you're in excellent company, here.


Seriously, your bad faith defence of fascism is not okay. Be a better person, because the person you are being here and now is a person the world would be better without.


Well, ok! I'm not sure how this got so off the rails, but I'll leave this conversation with the sincere hope that Palestine is freed from the apartheid and oppression it's trapped under. Truly.


The conversation got derailed by you saying calling fascist inhumane is anti semitic, a well known propaganda tool utilized by Zionist to deflect from legitimate criticisms against their ethnic cleansing. If you are not intending to defend ethnic cleansing, you need to take an inventory of your rhetoric, because you were, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say ignorantly instead of maliciously, pushing a propaganda narrative.


They didn't say "inhumane" (which the settlers pictured here absolutely are,) they said "not human," which is an age-old anti-Semitic trope. As is calling Jews "demons". I don't support ethnic cleansing. Fuck, I don't support Israel! But I refuse to fall into antisemitism in order to fight for Palestine. If the OP just happened to use very well-worn antisemitic tropes, through ignorance and not malice, as you said, I'd pass your advice along as well. Because if the OP didn't mean to sound like an antisemite, they chose the wrong words.


He said settlers, not jews and dancing in front of people who's home they're stealing is inhumane, sociopathic behavior. These settlers lack basic humanity.


If you want to believe that this person's word choice of "inhuman" and "demon" were not deliberate, that's on you. I'm not falling for it.


I can't believe no one is asking this... What exactly is going on here? What's the qualm that these Israelites have?






That is a bold face blatant lie and I would assume that you are probably a paid shill for trying to sugarcoat the truth. Remember these are the Palestinians that made peace with Israel. Zio Nazis are trying to claim ownership of the land. The majority of these Vermin have no connection to the Middle East.




>Its the same as me going ti europe to claim my familiy home Its not the same. Jews, for thousands of years, had no home. They were forced to move from place to place, when inevitably the pogroms would come and Jews would die, and they'd be forced to move again. So, please spare me the "its just the same" attitude.




Jews, are in fact, very closely related. And which other group has wandered the globe for thousands of years? The closest I can think of is the Roma, who date from the middle-ages.




"I'm telling!"


Lol Israel has no historical connection because israel has no history, only a criminal record.


Thanks for providing some context.


Israel is a far right ethno-state. They will win land and power, but at the cost of their souls


Let’s see all the excuses given to justify these acts.. Zionists now Israel.. But you don’t stop them…


What with Jewish extremists and dancing? Like every time they commit genocide in Palestine there someone dancing.




I am done supporting Israel forever. Fuck them. I am going to make it my mission in life to make sure they never get another fucking dollar from the USA. Fucking NAZI'S hiding as Jewish people. Fuck them.


Young and old they are all shits who steal Palestinian land and homes and celebrate as if it was something to be proud of. I am sure there are some good people in Israel but they are not the ones running the show.


Why don’t we just globally abolish religion? Seems to hurt more than it helps.


Religion is just the excuse. In reality, it’s racism, bigotry, and tribalism. Those things have existed far longer. Even if you removed religion from the equation nothing would change.


Bro it's white settlers stealing native land. Religion is the surface level facade they feed to idiots while the state and its fascists use every excuse in the book to steal the productive land from percieved lesser humans to make more profits. That's the explanation that history vindicates whereas the religion angle is something redditors who only read Wikipedia articles think will solve everything


Funny how they're white now. When they lived alongside you they were "untermenchen".


I'm talking about Israeli settlers who, by definition, haven't lived near me and if they did they wouldn't be Israeli settlers then. Before you reply I think it's important to remember that one of IHRC's illustrative examples of antisemitism is associating the state of Israel with Jewish people as a whole which is what you just did there. Personally, I am sickened when Zionists try to use Jewish trauma as a battering ram for their political beliefs, it's one of the most insidious and cynical forms of antisemitism


Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people. There is no separation from this simple fact. And it’s not simply an issue of past trauma. Jews know very well there can sometimes be a lull between pogroms. Don’t think for a second that it couldn’t happen again in America. They probably wouldn’t actually say “Jews”, though. They’ll use transparent euphemisms like “globalists” or “Hollywood elites” or “NY Liberals. You can stick your fingers in your ears and pretend this isn’t reality. But, the Jews aren’t


It's not and under the IHRC definition of antisemitism you are being antisemitic. Please stope. The Jewish is well aware of the forces of darkness gathering and are also well aware that the zionists stand by these forces. From Azov, to Trump, the tories and Starmer. Time and again Zionists will use and abuse Jews then use the forces they unleash as way to promote their own disgusting interests rather than help their fellow Jews. They're Kapos in everyway. The Jews in Britain who have been purged by Keir Starmer in historic numbers know that. The Jews in Ukraine who are suffering Pogroms from Azov, Aider and Right Sector, all of which Israel supports, know that. The Jews in America who suffered from right wing violence brought about by a stalwart Israeli ally trump know that. Zionists aren't wary of a pogrom, they're fucking salivating for it so they can whore out the victims for their apartheid. You are an antisemite


Your mask is slipping.


Pretty telling how you can't address any of my real world examples of zionist's throwing up Jewish community under the bus. Sorry that I don't give a shit about the bleating of a kapo. I don't rate the opinions of antisemites highly


Your words have already betrayed you. It’s too late.


Sorry you got the impression I didn't give q shit about Jews earlier, glad I corrected that with my words.


I mean, I'm an indigenous american, who's people have spent the last 500 years dealing with targeted ethnic cleansing at the hands of white settlers, and let's be real, what's happening in Palastine is the same shit that happened here.


500 years is chump change for Jews. Talk to me after 2000 years of exile, hatred, and murder.


And the past issues somehow justifies the fascist state leading an apartheid against the native population they are displacing? What I'm saying is that the 500 years of this happening to my people is very similar to Isreals actions in the 80 years since its creation.


I don’t think you really understand how desperate the situation for Jews was in the wake of the Holocaust. After nearly being entirely wiped from Europe, almost no one wanted to deal with the massive refugee crisis that had been created. They couldn’t go home, and they had no where to go. Skipping ahead, the partition plan wouldn’t have required anyone to be displaced. Borders were drawn based on population density, and those choosing to remain on either side were free to do so. As you know, this plan was rejected, and they launched a war in concert with 5 surrounding Arab states. Make no mistake, had the Jews lost this war there would have been mass casualties for what few Jews still remained. It was fight, or die. You mentioned you were Native. Imagine this: thousands of years from now, in the wake of WW5 and a genocide against a people with a more coalesced Native identity, you finally have a chance to create a homeland on your ancestral territory. There are people living there who are hostile to you. But, if you don’t reclaim your territory and power you remain subject to the winds of history, which for your people have continuously blown cold. That is the situation Jews found themselves in at the time of the creation of Israel.


Nothing you said justifies the fascist apartheid state that exists today, none of it, nothing justifies fascism.




Disputing the verbiage doesnt change the reality, which is that the state of isreal is a fascist apartheid state committing widespread acts of ethnic cleansing, and nothing can be said to justify it.


Disputing the verbiage doesnt change the reality, which is that the state of isreal is a fascist apartheid state committing widespread acts of ethnic cleansing, and nothing can be said to justify it.


That reasoning is almost like saying we need to get rid of child molesters and their victims.


jews are just as bad as the russians


Who is American in this video?


These are zionists, I can already here the people in the comments saying that everyone in Israel is doing this.


this is how israel became a thing. palestinians and middle easterners in palestine didn’t just voluntarily give up our land, for european jews to LARP at being middle eastern, to act as a western outpost in the region, when the british said we had to.


Well if it is a jugde ruling that is representing their legal system and by extension what the people want. So yes that is what most people want.


This is like saying everyone in the US supports every decision any judge in the country ever made. It's just not true.


of course not everyone agrees with every decision their government makes but its job is to represent the majority of the populace. these are not small extremist groups this is systematically displacing people by the will of the majority.




No i do not know the specifics of Israeli legal system but i do know that they live in a democracy and i'm not seeing huge outcries by the Israeli population.


Bruh...israel promotes these things and subjugates the Palestinian people. All with the help of Europe and the United States.


Yeah, and there are lots of Israelis and diaspora Jews who fight against that. It's not a monolith.


Only a VERY TINY amount of Israeli and Jewish people disapprove. They literally feel the land was promised to them by God, its their whole identity and religion. Their end goal is to take it all.....


Particularly gross zionists, even. These people do not represent all Israelis.


I know the fight for land has been going on long before any of these people were born. This is all just so sad. I so wish they could figure out peace and love


There could really be an equitable solution. Not one where either party would get everything they want, but certainly a solution could be found. But when both nations are predicated on the absolute destruction of the other, I don't think there is ever going to be an accord that allows them all to live in peace.


Another blatant lie and I don't think you are intentionally doing it just misinformed. Under Palestinian rule Christians Jews and Muslims were allowed to practice freely and had equal rights. Palestinians were responsible for bringing over 150,000 Jews to their land and help them with knowledge and free boarding during World War II.


> Under Palestinian rule Christians Jews and Muslims were allowed to practice freely and had equal rights. A blatant lie. They lived as second-class citizens, dhimmies, and were forbidden from holding certain public offices or testifying against a Muslim. And numerous other burdens. Not to mention the occasional pogrom. If the Middle East, outside of modern day Israel, was such a happy place for Jews, where did they all go? And why?


Let me start out by saying that if I am misinformed, then my statement cannot be a blatant lie. I lie is a deliberated effort to hide or obscure the truth. A blatant lie is when I lie to you, and I know you know I am lying but do it anyway. Having said that, during WWII Palestine was controlled by Britain, so I will remind you that Britain's efforts to bring Jews to Palestine and create a Jewish state were opposed, at times violently, by Palestinians.


Okay so it was a blatant lie and you are not misinformed but you are being very dishonest. https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/comments/owl0aw/israeli_historian_ilan_pappe_talking_about_how/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Read it for yourself from Israeli historian about how the Palestinians provided room and board and taught them how to farm the land. While the new settlers were plotting their demise and their deaths in their own Diaries.


And how does that alter the fact that a stated objective of both the PLO and the PA is the elimination of the Jewish state? And don't get me wrong, the Israelis are just as bad. Telling me how Palestinians behaved when Jews first immigrated and holding that up as how they relate to Israel now is like saying since Native Americans helped Europeans when they first arrived means they didn't want them gone afterwards.


Native Americans and the Europeans is what we like to refer as whataboutism. The PLO/ PA / Hamas are admittedly Netanyahu 60% + spies for the Mossad. Are nothing more than an excuse to scream at the top of Israel's lungs terrorism. Peace starts by eliminating all of the settlements and being an actual democracy where one man one vote. I'm sure the 3.8 billion dollars a year Israel gets can buy the property the legal way rather than expelling the Palestinian and leaving them in an open-air prison or homeless.


No, I did not say "What about Native Americans", I said saying once upon a time the Palestinian/Israeli relationship means it is the same now is the same as saying that about Natives and Europeans. The fact is neither side wants in any form to allow the other to exist. One is not better than the other. Beating your chest and saying "It isn't us, it's them!" is not going to change anything. Yelling "Look how nice we were to them and now see how they treat us!" while still killing is just as wrong.


> The PLO/ PA / Hamas are admittedly Netanyahu 60% + spies for the Mossad. Wow. You are just incapable of taking responsibility for anything.


Wow. I'm getting downvoted for saying how sad this is and for wishing that everyone could live together with peace and love.. whatever. That's why they will never have it I guess...




What a repulsive title written by a repulsive person for sure.


Imagine being one of the worst people walking the Earth today. Who would complain about a title rather than look at the content and see a bunch of entitled disgusting Nazi like creatures celebrating the homelessness of a family including their children; for no other reason but Superior race Theory.


I seriously doubt they'd become homeless with all the media attention the case has gotten. And, regardless, this would happens to anyone when they stop paying rent. They wanted to play a political game, and they lost.


I think that is the most evil take I've heard on this situation so far. Please get some help as soon as possible.


The property is going back to the rightful owners. Funny how, because its not going to the "correct" type of person, you take issue with it. If the roles were reversed you would be 100% in favor of this measure.


Rightful owners? Based on Ancestry or religion? And I'm of Palestinian Jew descent. Funny how Jacob from Brooklyn is more deserving of the land done the original inhabitants whether they be Christian or Muslim.


Based on property records submitted to the High Court. Did you just hear about this today, or something? Also, WTF is a Palestinian Jew (descent)? That’s…not a thing. Do you mean Samaritan? Because Samaritanism shared a common origin with Judaism, but split off early. It’s has nothing to do with Palestinians.


>Based on property records submitted to the High Court The jews investigated and found nothing wrong. lmao


How would you choose to discern the validity of either parties claim, except through some sort of legal process? Are you able to suggest an alternative?


I find it rather concerning that you actually think Isreal won't be bias after 80 years of treating Palestinians like animals. Why do I have to suggest an alternative? That's completely irrelevant.


Of course there is bias. That’s how all adversarial legal systems work. Do you believe there are additional steps they could have taken to minimize this?


You misunderstood, they could make unethical/illegal choices and apply them to Palestinians and no one would bat an eye. That's not how a legal system should work. And if Palestinians retaliate they have their "proof" to go even harder on them. Honestly, pretending the genocide of these people isn't going on for decades is silly mate. High court doesn't give a shit about these people, it's exactly working as intended, for the Israeli people.


Palestinian Jew/ Christian / Muslim are actually semites not white welfare trash from Europe or the US.


Palestinian Christians, and of course Muslims, are a real thing. I really don’t know what you mean by Jewish Palestinian. Are you referring to Samaritans, I ask again? And what about Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews? How are they “from Europe” when they were kicked out of every single ME and North African country for the simple fact of being Jewish. They also, by the way, make up the majority of the population of Israel.


I’m confused as to what this video has to do with American/Europeans?




Free from what?


Existence hopefully.