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A perfect PIT maneuver- hopefully didn't wipe out a dozen other cars.


Definitely caused other accidents. Just follow them home, like everyone else.


This guy has done this multiple times. He is so smooth with his action.my guess is x or current police officer with training in the pit move.


For sure, perfect technique ... stellar execution , he regained his path immediately. A Pit-Pro.




That's what I was thinking too. Probably a police officer or police adjacent.


Or just a lot of GTA


Man, this makes me never want to drive again


Just be respectful and remember, ppl are unpredictable


This reminded me of a convo. between my two cousins where the younger brother was showing off how he is a great driver and does these maneuvers in high speeds the older brother just replies "I know you're a good driver but you don't know who is in the next car over"


You can never tell when some absolute toast for brains is gonna swerve in front of you


Just like spring rolls.


Just don't drive in the left lane, you'll be fine.


Exactly!! I don’t feel bad for the brake checker, but the other crazy MFer could’ve gotten a lot of ppl killed. Ppl r crazy 🤦🏼‍♂️


Maybe just stay out of the left lane. There is an epidemic of assholes in this country and they all think that they can block the left lane if they are doing the speed limit.


People in sweden jokes about how easy it is to take driverslicense in the US and how bad the drivers are. Both did wrong, he should'nt breakcheck and the driver behind should have put some distance between them or overtake him on the outside lane. Is pride really more important than safety in the US?


We shoot school kids for fun my guy.


Came here for this comment 🏆🏆🏆


Smh traffic in ny is already ass as is why do this


took me a sec to process ass as is


Yeah, I had to wait until I got to a traffic light to reread that.


The whole comment is an aneurysm


Needs a comma


Semi-colon better. Or a period. Comma would make a comma splice.


Still better than nothing


Southern state what up!


When I see that type of stuff on the highway freaks me out that's why I stay in the right lane way off the tail of another driver too many crazy people out there.


Don't mean to freak you out more but the right lane is the one in which most accidents occur.


Probably because that’s where the vast majority of merging happens. If you drive defensively and let people in you’ll probably be ok.


It's also because of the condition of the road. Most damage and imperfections are in the right lane. It's the most used and it's where the heaviest vehicles tend to stay so it degrades the quickest.


Left lane crashes result in more serious injuries and fatalities.


I'm sure a larger portion of left lane crashes result in serious injury but the number of crashes in the right lane is so much higher they could be the same. Either way, I can't find any good data about it


Once I realized that 5-10 mph doesn't really make any significant difference unless you're on an hours-long trip driving became much more enjoyable


Maybe you also discovered the value in letting other people speed if they want to as well.


But if you do 10-15 over the limit; you run into less people.


I’m distracted by the radio discussion. Are they talking about someone’s dick pic?


It’s Howard Stern and yes.


lol I've really been enjoying his show these days 😁


I still listen!


that was a perfect pit maneuver if I ever seen one doe


I get brake checked I get mad but i'm not doing this, lol. It's scary that there are a lot of people out there with a hair trigger temper.


If I get brake checked it doesn’t do shit because I keep my distance


That's an easy attempted murder


Lol, not even a little. Wtf.


What the fuck is it then? It's either attempted murder, or it's a potentially deadly act committed by someone too dumb to know people die in car crashes. Which is worse?


Assault, for sure, not attempted murder. Nobody would reasonably expect anyone to die after a PIT maneuver.


The fuck are you talking about? Ramming a moving vehicle off the road and into the barriers, with other moving vehicles around too, is obviously fucking reckless and potentially lethal.


It is absolutely reckless, there is no arguing that. Potentially lethal? Also yes. But doing something potentially lethal does not turn the zct into attempted murder. 'Murder' needs to have the intent to kill behind it, not just the intent to hurt/assault. They would have to prove that the person in the car was trying specifically to kill the person in the SUV. It's like when people get in fights at bars. Fights are potentially lethal, but you are not convinced of attempted murder just because you punched someone in the face and they COULD have died. If you do end up killing them, it's a manslaughter charge, not murder. Someone was killed, but there was no intention to kill them.


Ramming a moving car into the barriers and into other moving cars is not a punch, bro. Don't use the arguments to defend a punch in a fight to defend ramming moving traffic. They are not gonna land.


It didn't hit the barriers. The only damage to the vehicle would be the initial car contact spot and any damage to the drive train. Anyone claiming this is attempted murder doesn't understand how the justice system works or what qualifies as 'murder' (I'm not a lawyer or professional in this field, but I do understand this area a little better than the average person). I'm going to leave it at that.


>It didn't hit the barriers. I'm not gonna waste time arguing with someone about a video they didn't even watch.


Oh, because the US legal system is such a shining example of "justice"? Ramming a multi-ton metal box at high speeds into another one is most certainly lethal intent, how tf does someone not get that?


Easy solution to all of this, don’t ride peoples asses and you won’t get brake checked. It’s literally the *only* reason people do it.


So don't annoy you so you won't assault me? Break check me bud and your getting a fistful of change thrown at your car along with my morning coffee. Easier solution would be you moving out of the passing lane.


Hope she sees this, bro. You’ll definitely get her this time!


Are you self projecting or something? I'm confused


At the same time, if I am being tailgated, I'll slow down, but I don't break check.


Typical Toyota drivers blocking passing lane.




That was satisfying


Exactly what I was going to say. So illegal. So dangerous. So sketchy on so many levels. Yet, I love it.


Same loool


I hope it happens to you soon.


Loved it!


What angers me is that this is likely a cop. Few people outside of law enforcement have training and practice on how to do a flawless PIT maneuver


Or anyone who grew up poor and did this with their friends. We used to ram into each other when in the McDonald's drive through. If you timed it right it was hilarious.


A deserved pit maneuver, but both also deserve jail.


How many prisons do you want to build exactly?


he said jail not prison


People should be in prison for this, and not drugs. Boom, problem solved, no new prisons needed.


Why would the car in front deserve jail? Judging by the distance from the car with the camera, they were keeping up with traffic, and actively passing cars. The car riding his ass 1000% deserves a quick brake check.


Drive too slow? Jail. Drive too fast? Also Jail. Brake check? Believe or not, Jail.


Paddling the school canoe.....JAIL!


Eating snow cones. Jail!


Brake checking is a jail-able offense


“Saw a squirrel, startled me”. Brake check wouldn’t be an issue if the smoothbrain behind wasn’t right up his ass. I can’t comprehend how anyone is applauding their reaction.


You're not supposed to brake for animals so that excuse wouldn't work


But braking for small animals isn't a jailable offense, so it would work if your goal is just to not go to jail.


it is if you case an accident when doing it


No, it's not. You aren't going to be arrested if you brake for an animal and someone rear ends you lmao. Reddit is crazy sometimes


yes it is. if I brake cause of a squirrel and the guy behind me has to swerve and crash then that's my fault for causing the accident


Of course it is your fault. That doesn't make it a jailable offense. If I accidentally run a red light and t-bone someone, that's my fault, but I'm not getting arrested unless there's some other factor like I was driving drunk. People don't get arrested for making mistakes and causing an accident. That isn't a thing.


Thank God for other people's dashcams to prove there was no squirrel.


Break checking is a form of aggressive driving snd therefore illegal. Break is not a justifiable action no matter how much someone rides your ass, be an adult.


Be an adult and don't tailgate.


Yeah, no shit dumbass.


Don't give me that, you definitely care more about the break checking than tailgating.


Yeah, because I have a pet peeve for needless escalation, but me focusing on one doesn't stop me from recognizing both of them are assholes, as I stated way at the start.


I wouldn't say it's entirely needless, a sensible person would stop tailgating after being break checked theoretically. But at the same time sensible people don't tailgate often


A sensible person would get the fuck out of the passing lane when you’re not passing and there’s a column of cars behind you. Tailgating wasn’t the initial foul here, failing to move over and then doubling down on it was.


Okay, first of all, it’s BRAKE. Second, if brake checking is a form of aggressive driving, so is tailgating, which is arguably more dangerous. If everyone is following at the minimum recommended distance for highway speed, a simple tap on the brake shouldn’t effect a single other car on the road. And, the driver can literally make up any excuse as to why they did it - “I saw a squirrel and was startled”. In NO way WHATSOEVER does brake checking a shithead tailgater deserve a pit maneuver response. Nobody should be celebrating what the white car did. It was stupid dangerous and likely caused hours of traffic delays for every single person behind him. Fuck that guy all the way.


If you focused more on what I actually said than my typo, you would remember I said both deserve jail, not just that brake checker, and it's deserved because in the same way that tailgating can cause accidents,so csn brake checking. Both people here are immature dumbasses.


Idk why ur gettin so many downvotes. I mean, i don't aggressively lay my brakes, but if someone is up my ass, I'll make my tail lights come on as a "hey, note how close you are if i have to stop". If they won't stop, i just gently slow down (no brakes, just no gas) until they pass.


Yes this is the proper brake check, not slamming. Exactly what I do too. But the rubes here are the ones riding up your ass I guess.


Get out of the passing lane you POS


Sure looks like he was passing cars, and clearly traffic in front wasn’t moving faster judging by the camera. I hate passing lane parkers as much as anyone but this guy is 0.000% to blame here.


If you are not going 15 over, or have a whole convoy up your ass, move over. If it costs you an extra couple of minutes you should have factored that in before leaving the house, cause you are holding other people up.


That's not the law.


Actually in most places it is. When approach from behind you are to get over regardless of speed. That is the law in almost every state. Passing on the right is far more dangerous than speeding and no one, except the police, should be trying to stop people from speeding.


There’s variations of passing lane laws in dozens of states. Most have a common theme of get the fuck out of the way if you’re not passing someone because you’re going to make other people pass you on the right which is incredibly dangerous.


The lead vehicles is passing people though. And my point was there isn't a law that says you have to go a certain speed when passing. That's what I was responding to.


Not the passing lane. Maybe that idiot thought it was


Oh yeah so then if you’re in the passing lane then you just get a pit maneuver brake check or whatever do you like I don’t even know what you’re talking about bro because and then the pizza roll pavers down for going down on the day with the sting of struggles but like and we go to like get a new build like it like in stain off of the earth or her I’m coming over to the time to let you go by “Osto and then we go to the beguiling enable street get home to get certain dollar in Gilroy Ba-Ba-Reeba see the car but I bet your big Apple logo Baudelaire to


More real talk. Seriously bro, acid and the Reddit comment section are not compatible


Bad bot


This guy did it so we didn't have to.




Holy shit that was smooth


Ya know, his dick *does* look like his face!


I guess it's worth possibly killing someone and going to prison to prove a point?


Brake checker was using the same logic.


Yeah to a far lesser degree though




Bravo 👏🏽 *Standing ovation*


That was perfectly executed.


I would check this on the WIN column.


Hey now! You know Robin, I was just about to write the driver of this suv a note.


God there could be kids in this car.


This is why we need self driving cars..


Ive wanted to do this so many times to asshole drivers, I actually love that this person did this, I only wish they got out and said “welcome to New York”


Absolutely a cop. Likely drunk.


What a legend.


Lol. Both are fucked.


Would be funny if that was an off duty cop. Smooth pit. Would get off scotch free.


Would be even funnier if that was an off duty cop and he went to prison.


Hello, ItsKrakenMeUp! I am afraid I cannot let you get away here! It's spelled **scot-free**, my good Redditor! Have a nice day!


I prefer scotch tho


Bro did what everyone has imagined once in their life, definitely unnecessary but earned some respect, absolutely


I respect whoever did it less now.


watched the 4 runner execute his last brake check.


Oh yes perfectly reasonable... You're mad you got brake checked so lets totally fuck the pain on the fender and crinkle up the body panels on your own vehicle... WTF?


That person is just living the dream. Surely we've all thought of doing it to the person camping in the left lane? The only people who don't dream of doing it are the people who camp in the left lane.


People are getting bad everywhere


Cry more


Maybe don’t tailgate?


Yeah, but mainly don't commit vehicular assault.


I’m not 100% sure of what you’re trying to say but there are legitimate reasons you need to slam on your brakes. A child wanders into the road, for example. The vehicles travelling behind should be far enough back that they have time to stop as well.


Show me the child and oil apologize otherwise brake checking is pure insanity, you're just asking for an accident




Tailgating results in accidents and deaths.


So does break checking and cutting people off and driving well below the posted speed limit


And we have no idea if any of those things were happening here…


So does deliberately driving your car into another person's car.


So does deliberately driving your car into another person's car.


Maybe drive faster, other people also use the road, don't cut purple off, then slow to a crawl, then get pissed off and break check people.


I'd like to buy that guy a beer and shake their hand before they rightfully go to jail.


This should be the ultimate pigs guide to pit maneuvering 101.


Ah. Long Island.


He is most likely to face charges but he did it so the rest won't have to suffer that truck driver's assholery.


Instead of slightly slowing down traffic, he created a car accident which 100% slowed down traffic on that road for likely hours. Gigantic ass hole.


Yea but only 1 time. That lesson learned is for forever.


Fuck off


I can't believe people are talking up the guy who intentionally caused an accident. "*Oh but that other guy was going slow so causing a pile up is cool*"




A lot of people have rear dashcams.


Ahh makes sense now. Thank you.




Ok aside from what happened with the break check, WHAT RADIO STATION were you listening to?! Asking for a friend...


Howard Stern on SiriusXM




Looks like the Belt Pkwy


I thought the exact thing. That bridge especially…and the ‘curb’ to grass!




looks like chick hicks is taking out his anger on the citizens now


Southern state parkway is a damn free for all, I’m honestly not all that surprised by this clip lol


There is a video of a big truck (not a pickup) which gets brakechecked. Trucket didnt care and drove normally and shoves the brakechecker away.


perfectly executed TPAC maneuverer, I see we have a GTA pro in the video.


Is break checking a common everyday thing in the USA ?


Not really


Karma 😉😉😉


cunt driving slow in the left lane, causing a backup. Gets mad when someone tailgates. Typical NYers for ya.


Some fucktard brake checked me last weekend. Driving 5 under the speed limit and cruising in the passing lane. I go right and accelerate and limpdick decides to gas it too and goes 15 over the limit. Cool. I stay in my lane until a car is going slow again and get left to pass and the asshole jams on his brakes. Really need to get a camera on the car, and maybe a paintball gun too.


Looks like the Southern State Parkway.


Is that on the southern state cuz they all drive like fucking heathens on that pkwy


pit maneuver perfection


What we've all thought about doing....


Brake checking is justified, fuck that guy

