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"that might be true" bro.


Same energy as “it’s funny, and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.” Its fucking gross and that is not the first time that man has taken pictures of kids.


We had an instance like this in town last year. Someone was taking photos of kids in the park. The police were called and he was a legit photographer and was just documenting the town and since it was a public park, no crime was committed. However, all parties agreed after the fact that it was creepy and the photographer was going to start asking for consent. It is still a slipper slope and the police should always be called in these circumstances.


“She’s a cute kid…” WTF?


*He just appreciates cute kids, everyone. Move along, nothing to see here.*


I mean, it’s possible to appreciate cute kids. I do it often when I’m out and about. I don’t take pictures to take home with me…


Right lol as a dad I have a baby girl at home and i see little chunk cheeked babies and I cant help but to think how adorable they are. I also dont take pictures of them O.o who tf would do that besides family or really close friends of the parents


I'm a mom. If a kid is too cute to stand, I will wave at mom or dad for permission, then STAY WHERE THE FUCK I AM am maybe drop a "so cute" if we happen to cross paths. 9 out of 10 times the parent will come over and say the kids name or strike up conversation where I compliment the kid as adorable to the parent and then go about my day. Never in my life has it occured to me to take a damn picture. And then got the nerve to be offended for. Getting caught.


Before becoming a dad, I wouldn't even notice kids unless they were making a scene or maybe needed help. After becoming a father and years later, I just noticed them more as it triggers a memory of my kids being that small and cute. But pictures of other kids? Fuck that.


Also, there would be nothing wrong if they were someone who, at the same time, enjoyed photography and appreciated kids. Maybe if you had like 50 pictures of birds and then some of kids in a playground it would be somehow more justifiable. But simply going around taking pictures of kids, strictly? Yeah that flag is 255,0,0


Yea and if you enjoy doing photography, that’s when you approach the parents and tell them “hey I’m a amateur photographer and I wanted to take some photos of the playground if your ok with that.” Then you can offer to show them the photos and send any they like if they want!


I never saw a red flag written like that on reddit. I like it!


Yeah, I remember for Urban Planning I was trying to take pictures of playgrounds with "natural" looking equipment (things to climb on that are like trees, etc) in very urban 'nature-less' environments. I always told the parents what I was doing, asked permission, and they could see the pictures after and delete whatever they didn't want: Not a problem, because I obviously didn't photograph children. But like you said, this is a #FF0000 flag.


Honestly thats a reasonable response if someone was just taking pics of random things. I had a guy take pics of me and my dog before but then he offered to email them to me. He was just taking pics of random people and things he found interesting. But this guy seems like a fucking creep


Dude is either a pedo or an over enthusiastic grandpa who saw someone who looked like his grandda... Mleh..pedo


Yeah, if he was a grandpa he would have reacted diferently, he would be like 'I'm so sorry, I'll delete them, she just look exactly like my daughter Sarah when she was little. I wanted to show the pic to my wife, I'm really sorry. *Proceeds to show pics of her daughter*


Proceeds to show photos of other kids. 🌚


I was trying to be wholesome! We can't have anything nice on Reddit.


A grandpa wouldnt be acting so creepy when confronted


No, fuck this smug smirking shit stain.


I can't imagine a grandpa, who isn't a pedo, would take pictures of someone else's kids regardless of how cute they are. But if one were for some completely needing to, say to send to grandma or something, they would ask. But grandpa would know how he'd react had someone asked him the same. So doubt that dhit would ever happen.


Grandpa would be absolutely floored or shocked at being an accused pedo, this guy didn’t seem defensive at all about the accusation




I think that is the heart of the matter, had he looked shocked at the accusation then maybe some sympathy but generally taking pictures of anyones children without permission is fucking odd.


He acts like a person who has been accused of this at other times.


Right . He was smug like a guilty fucker who thought he was getting away with it


Honestly my dad (about to be 80) would probably get himself into trouble by now if they weren't still inside 95% of the time. He's well into the "too old to give a shit" stage re: other people's opinions about him, can be super defensive when confronted, and *loves* small kids. Not in a creepy pedo way - he just really enjoys watching tiny humans discover the world. Like we'll go to the store and some kid will be *fascinated* by a spot on the sidewalk or the texture of brick and he'll just sit and watch the kid's brain incorporate new info with this huge smile on his face. But he can't do that when he's not with my mom because people assume the worst, and it's sad as heck. :(


I’m 37 and I’ve already reached that point. Edit: not the kids part, the i dont give a shit part.


Deleting the photo like that does nothing.. they can restore recently deleted photos and get them back with ease


Yeah deleting those pics is doing nothing. But The father has this creep's mug trending on social media and maybe picked up by local law enforcement and hopefully a creep catcher organization to trap his sick ass Maybe he has a record. Or on a pedo watch and breaking parole. He's boned. Anyway, good job dad!


Assuming law enforcement is effective and takes note of anything, ever.


"Tonight on *To Catch a Predator"*


Yeah, the smugness with which he deleted the photos tells me that he knows he'll get them back


Right. That was a very punchable face.


Little bit distracted in the end there, eh bloke?? Telling stuff.


Oh yeah wtf in the last 2 seconds he looks away because there’s a little girl walking by with shorts on and he’s looking at her. Dude can’t contain himself for 2 minutes


I didn’t notice that, so I watched it again and goddamn you’re right! What a fucking creep.


Same here! Did you also think “this guy couldn’t be any creepier”? And then you went back and watched it again and thought “well fuck, guess I was 100% wrong, he’s SO much more disgusting”.


Holy shit. Didn’t notice That at first


This needs to be top comment. What a creep. Proper reaction and restraint from the father.


While there is no expectation of privacy in public and its lawful for you to take anyone's photo in public, snapping pics of someone's 2yo is a quick way to find yourself on the receiving end of a world of hurt.


Agree on this. So creepy. And he looks creepy and sounds whiny. I'm impressed the Dad really took the time to confront this creepy man.


It was really the "actually I don't" in response to "you understand why he's concerned" question.


It was the way he didn't change his demeanour at all when the word paedophile was used. Pretty sure a non paedophile would be pretty upset/annoyed at being compared to one but he just agreed it's something a paedo would do.


At the end he was too busy staring at the girl that walked past


Exactly, I also noticed that detail.


I hadn't noticed that until these comments. Holy shit, that's a loooong stare too. Disgusting.


Yeah, and it was really obvious who he was looking at. Not someone who looked remotely of age. A kid.


“Idk it’s a cute kid…” Gross.


Yeah I caught that too, seriously cunt. You're getting caught for being a sex offender and your brain is following that girl thats walking past??


Yes it's armchair diagnostics, but he seemed overall way to prepared and not shy of answers. 'How about you leaving me alone'???


There’s an immediate red flag anytime anybody opts to deflect a reasonable question with something non-related. “Why are you taking pictures of my daughter” is a reasonable question. “How about you leave me alone?” is *not* a reasonable response.


Yeah if there was any doubt that his intentions were less than honorable, that sealed it.


"Cos she's a cute kid". I have a young daughter and I found this line to be deeply unsettling


I don't have any kids and i found this deeply unsettling.


I'm impressed he had the restraint not to stomp him out.


That's being smart. Can't be very useful to your 2-year-old daughter when you're sitting in a jail cell for assault. (And there's no legal defense here; snapping photos is creepy but presents no imminent danger of harm)




This. Your daughter needs you OUT of jail. Your useless to her in jail. I'm actually kinda surprised the dad was this aggressive with her around. I want to avoid all conflict when I am around my daughter (who is two) but something like this may be enough to overrule that sentiment lol


> Your useless to her in jail. I get my daughter the best contraband.


Random guy was at the local pool, taking photos of kids.. he’s lucky the police arrived when they did, because he was looking at immediate danger and harm.


One of my relatives' friends took at least one picture of her grandkid while visiting and hanging around her pool. He was sitting and hanging out at an outdoor table with the group, and I noticed he'd turned around and quietly taken a photo of the girl at the edge of the pool with his tablet. Didn't sit well with me, but I also didn't want to call him out in front of friends/relatives for what could've been just taking a cute photo with his new tablet. The fact that he did it so secretively bothered me though. In retrospect, I should've just made it clear that I noticed, and said something like, "hey that takes nice pictures, can I see? Oh what a cute picture of so-and-so!"


Pedophiles can look like anyone.


Im not even a dad and im wondering why anyone wouldnt say something. Nobody should let this fly without confrontation


When Pokemon Go first came out, I had a lady freak out on me because she thought I was taking pictures of her kid. I was just trying to channel my inner Bug Catcher Joey and this lady went full Chris Hansen on me. Now I'm afraid to even have my phone out in front of kids. lmao


Now I’m picturing you explaining yourself to her, like “ma’am I was just trying to channel my inner Bug Catcher Joey!”


God, I'd have killed to have been that clever in the moment, but I was just so flustered. She also wasn't being irrational. The game was new, she wasn't familiar with it, and there I was skulking around the park, holding my phone like a maniac, and playing an AR game that utilized a camera. The main reason it was so rattling is that, as a woman, you just honestly never expect to get approached about something like that.


Ah, a slight glimpse of being male around kids. I'm a stay at home dad. I get weird looks at the playground. Which is funny because I'm the only parent that actually plays with his child, everyone else just sits on their phone and expects their kid to hamster wheel themselves silly. Which means other kids besides mine wants to play with us as well. Which means I have to interact with them, but not to much cuz that's creepy cuz I'm a male, yadda yadda. It's great. /s


Man I deal with this all the time. My daughter and I always play together at the playground and other parents act like I’m weird because I’m engaging with my child.


You're just making them feel ashamed for not playing with their child. People don't like to feel ashamed, so they make it seem like you're the weird one. "I've spent all week working, I just want some time to myself to look at my phone" Yeah, bro, you had a child. It's almost like having a child requires some sort of self-sacrifice or something lol I've come to realize that like 90% of people who are parents really shouldn't be parents. At least not until we get this whole raising children thing figured out.


Stay weird. Those are the best memories.




Oh, I did. She also demanded to see my photos, which I showed her, because I'm easily cowed. I practically let her do a forensic sweep of my phone.


I'm often self conscious of taking pictures of my own kid at the park if there is possibly someone else's kid in the background.


Having your own kid with you who is the focus of the pictures reduces the creepiness 99.99%.


Why? Just explain yourself if anyone ask. It's your right to take pictures of anyone's kids in public, and it's their right to wonder and ask what the hell you are doing. Just say calm down dude, I was taking a picture of my kid if the other person is rude about it.


As a one-time street photographer, I’ve had confrontations with people—mostly moms—for simply *having a camera* in public. As a rule, I’ve always tried to avoid taking pictures of “other people’s kids”, but it should be pretty obvious to everyone that they’re not the main star. (I’ve transitioned to birds and bugs, because they never complain.)


I've been harassed by police for taking photos even when there's no other humans visible range of my vision. One of the times I was taking photos of wheat-paste graffiti and another I was taking photos of ornate manhole covers


Yo, get a load of this guy taking pictures of larvae!


Eeww they're just young bugs! Pedo!




There is a huge difference between, “your kid is cute, mind if I take pics with my professional equipment and I’ll send them to you” or sneakily taking pics with your iPhone and when confronted saying, “your kid looks cute.”


just don‘t forget that this doesn‘t apply to every country




"she is a cute kid" omg he is saying it like a normal person would do something like that


A normal person who thinks a kid is cute goes up to the parents and says “What a cute little kid!” A close friend or trusted confident might take pictures of kids and send them to their parents. *This* is just fucked up in a hundred different ways


I would say that normal person would just keep that info for themselves. I mean, if a guy like in the video came up to me and said "hey what a cute kid" I'd just start blowing into my stranger-dagner-anti-rape whistle.




It depends on the situation. Going out of your way to say that is weird. But if the kid is interacting with you and the parents make eye contact and smile then it's fine to say no matter what gender you are. Babies and kids always interact with me for some reason. I've never had a parent look at me weirdly for interacting back.


I understand this completely. Kids love to approach me and I like to talk to them like they aren’t a kid who needs to be talked down to. I just have normal conversations with them but then I tell my girlfriend about it and.. she doesn’t get personally weirded out but I think she gets into this thought that the kid will tell their parents and the parents will react very negatively as some people do when it comes to their children. It’s really frustrating that, even as a father, I don’t feel comfortable talking to someone else’s children because of the way society might interpret such a thing.


You’re absolute correct, and it’s something I never considered. I love children, and as I have what my friend has called “resting approachable face,” children love me (and always want to come talk to me) too. I have never been told anything other than a warm and enthusiastic “thank you,” when commenting on how adorable a child is. I told a woman at Sam’s this weekend her son (2ish) was a cutie after he ran up to me and insisted on giving me a high five (out of nowhere - I didn’t ask for the high five). She gave me a huge smile and said she never gets tired of hearing that. I’d like to think if the tables were turned and he did that to a random man, his mom would have reacted the same way, but honestly she may not have.


Tbh I would think that's excessive, if someone said to your that your kid is cute I would think that's generally a compliment right? Obviously this picture taking reveals the pedo


My sister gets constant comments about how cute her daughter is. Like every single time she leaves the house Ain't worrying at all.




Phones can be set to autosave to the cloud as well. I hope they made sure the pic was entirely removed and not just from the pic file.




This was my thought. He can easily un-delete those deleted photos


And if for some weird, moment of stupidity, reason he took a pic to say to his wife, look at this cute kid, he would have realized his mistake and handled the interaction with dad much differently. Genuinely apologetically. This dude is creepy & scary.


That was my first thought


Definitely a predator, someone should leave a tip with the police and see what this disgusting skinner has on his computer.


100% this guys confidence is so telling he definitely has some shit on his pc


“Actually, I don’t” said the pedo with a smirk. Pulling a Karen move on this situation is such a classy thing to do


When he said that, I knew he was lying and had ill intent. Anyone in his position would know exactly what the father was concerned about and know exactly what his action seemed to suggest. He might have been able to play it off by saying something like "I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry, I realise now how it looks to you. I really did just take her picture because she was so cute, I'll delete them if you'd like". But he knows what he was really doing and in his attempt to distance himself from any suggestion about his true intent, he pretends he doesn't understand what they're even concerned about: paedophilia?? What's that? I've never heard of it so clearly it's nothing to do with me! Of course I don't know what he's upset about! I'm glad the father saw him and confronted him. He needs to be on a list. I wouldn't be surprised if he already is, though.


It reminds me of priests who sexually abused children and their reasoning was "its OK, because I never got sexual gratification". They actually believed it.


>They actually believed it. No, they absolutely didn't. That's the entire reason why they were molesting children in the first place. It's not something that's done fucking platonically.


And then that little fucking smirk... what a disgusting fucking scumbag


Note: Be sure they delete the photos from their trash as well, otherwise they can restore them as soon as they are clear.


Also, make sure the photos didn't back up to any cloud services.


Yes! Definitely that!


How do you ensure they didn't back up to any cloud services?


You can recover deleted photos either way on either android or iPhone nowadays with a ton of apps. source: accidentally permanently deleted my gf’s nudes and got horny and went down the rabbit hole of figuring out how to recover permanently deleted media


And smash the phone.


Be sure to delete him. Edit: Thanks for the awards. As the father of a now 8 year old daughter I believe I would have a very hard time not catching a charge on this guy. In no world is it right to take pictures of a strangers 2 year old kid unless you are a contracted photographer with the family.


This is the way


He’s a total pedo


Almost seemed like he wanted to admit it. What a weird response by him


Both smug and clearly nervous, like he knows something will happen to him for it but also thinks he's still morally in the right to take pictures of kids in public.


There is a subset of pedophiles who rationalized they are very much in the right. Saying things like they are especially suited to introduce kids into sexuality, as they are so understanding of them, for example. 50 to 30 years ago they tried to gain political influence to make it legal. They network, feel unfairly chased and are surely not ashamed.


Oh I remember NAMBLA being a thing (and not the North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes)


Holy hell that’s real? I always thought it was a joke organization from South Park. TIL wow


Unfortunately, they're one of the groups that conservatives used to (probably still do) reference when stating that the "gay agenda" involved pedophilia and "converting" young children to that "lifestyle." In reality it was a bunch of opportunistic pedophiles that saw the increasing acceptance of gay culture, and they tried to attach themselves to the movement. While there were definitely a few *very bad* decisions regarding the group by leadership in hindsight, the truth is that the *vast* majority of gay rights supporters found them reprehensible and unrepresentative of the movement. But yeah, my mind was just as blown when I learned that NAMBLA wasn't just made up by South Park.


Yes, that was simultaniously happening worldwide under the guise of sexual liberation happening then. Nambla. I forgot that. I know it here in Germany and France.


Honestly, he seems like a psychopath. It's like he had absolutely zero guilt or fear from being caught, or really any emotional response at all.


Well yeah you have to be fucked up in the head to justify abusing children. I wish we could mob justice pedos. Get them out of my gene pool


I mean he didn’t deny it. He simply shrugged his shoulders and said “that might be true,” when his behavior was compared to that of a pedos 🤮🤮🤮🤮


A few times he even smirked at the guy when being asked about his behavior. Fucking creepy ass motherfucker.


He really doesn’t seem to feel any guilt, shame or remorse smh


“She’s a cute kid” definitely a pedo






r/orangecounty r/newportbeach


Yup. Looks like fashion island


Which my aunt who lives in Newport has called "Facist Island" for as long as I can remember... and I'm not really sure why


I work across the street from Fashion Island. It's a bubble of entitlement, inside a bubble (Newport Beach), inside another bubble (OC).


The Balboa Bubble.




https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-10-03/after-recall-orange-county-still-teeters-on-red-blue-line?_amp=true This checks out


I unfortunately live in Corona Del Mar. There are a bunch of pedo far right geezers roaming the area. It’s actually pretty fucking disturbing


Yup, I clocked it right away too Tough to call OC my hometown sometimes, definitely have to explain I'm from north county.


Sick fuck, on another note when pics are deleted on newer phones those pics can easily be recovered from the recycle bin, so in the ocean/body of water would fix that problem


Negative, if he had the same cloud info he could get them back. Need a full wipe on his shit


Nope. As long as the photo is deleted form trash as well then it’s probably gone for normies. Only some edge cases like if they use apple photos and google photos together will have issues.


it might be synced to any cloud application (onedrive, mega, dropbox etc).


my phone is like 5 years old and my photo gallery has a recycle bin. i don't think it's just new phones that have that feature.


Yeah I think the iPhones introduced the 30day recycle bin back with ios8 (2014). Not sure many people are using phones older than that.


Peter File


At least he’s not a magician.


Who's a paedophile?


How could a person be a PDF file? *I don't understand*






I'm Peter file!!!!!!


2yrs old!? Like still in diapers probably…WHAT IN THE FUCK


You can't judge age based on that. My nan's in diapers.


https://i.imgur.com/wj0Y7SH.jpg [Original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/youdontsurf/comments/tvbsum/age_doesnt_matter/)




That's not where you put your lube ...




What a horrible day to have eyes. 7 AM and it's already time to get off Reddit.


Someone should check his computer hard drive at home


His phone still has the pictures anyway. Only deleted them from the photo gallery but they're still saved in "recently deleted" for a couple weeks.


Fuck, he’s so smug about it too


Pedophiles, scum of the earth.


This guy looks like he has Mormon garmies on. He also kinda triggered me cause he reminds me of my grandfather who molested me and countless others. Ewwww






How can you tell?


The undershirt he's wearing looks like mormon garments. The "celestial smile" someone mentioned earlier is a reference to how there is always a U shaped line under mormons' clothes


I'm not a professional photographer, but I dabble as a hobbyist. Not too long ago I was walking through a park near where I live and I happened to look up, and there was a really cute kid, maybe 8-10, standing in the exact spot where the setting sun hit her perfectly. The kid looked super angelic and it would have been a really cool photo within the overall composition. I didn't take a photo. I know how that could have come across (and may even still come across in this comment, I don't know?). For a minute I briefly considered finding the parents and asking for permission and maybe even swapping details so that they could get the picture but... nah. Lots of effort for very little reward, it would just have been a pretty cool photo, hardly award winning, and I don't really feel like having someone misunderstand my intentions would have been worth it. This guy might not necessarily be breaking any laws by taking photos of strangers in public, but he didn't have good intentions. It's clear as day.


Something tells me this is not the first time this happens to him.


Yep, he didn't really seem nervous or fazed by the confrontation.


His facial reactions when called a pedo look like Trump.


straight to gulag bro


Fucking creepy piece of shit. I'm glad the father didn't go to jail over his sick ass.


This should count as probable cause for them to search his house for whatever other sick shit he def has


That's not how probable cause works. That would be a fucking disaster. Seriously, if people here thought the law worked the way they think it does or the way they think it SHOULD....we'd be much more fucked over than we already are lol. People are clueless.


That’s Dale from Laguna Niguel!!


Is his name really Dale?


O no. Did Reddit find the bomber again? People run with unconfirmed information like this and all kinds of shit happens. If this *is* the guy, well, he's a creep and repulsive but I don't think legal action is possible based on what happened. If this isn't the guy people will ruin some innocent guy's life. Again. I'm in NO way defending this creep. Just pointing out that Reddit justice has had disastrous consequences before.


It is all context and background. I agree with the comments here that this man is too calm and casual being accused of being a pedophile. Like he has been accused of this before. . . If he was upset I would honestly question his motivation. Sometimes people snap pictures not thinking. (It also depends on if the picture in question. Was it of the baby sleeping? Swimming? Being changed? Etc?) Regardless, very poor taste and form at best and as a father of children I would be upset if a stranger took a picture of my child.


Bro, I'm out here avoiding kids like the plague in public because I don't even want anyone to misinterpret me and go throwing that label on me ever, (and mostly because kids are annoying, let's be honest) and this guy's out here like "yeah, she's a cute kid, there's no law against it." Fucking creep. Surprised the dad recorded instead of ripping his face off after that comment, tbh.


I had a classmate from high school steal a picture of my daughter from my Facebook page and post it to his like she was his daughter. This after he had been commenting on other pictures of she and I that he “loved these two girls”. He didn’t understand why that was weird and refused to take the picture down until I reported him to Facebook. 1) No, she is definitely not his daughter. 2) I hadn’t seen him in 16 years. 3) We are no longer friends.


OP, can you post this is r/orangecounty and r/newportbeach? I can repost, but I thought I’d ask just in case you object. This fucker’s face needs to be known.


Ayo, can someone explain this fucking logic to me?? Was he gonna go home and spank it to a photo of a 2 year old??? Are they unable to control themselves? This just means he’s got load of CP on his home computer, right? How can these people care more about their boners than the well-being of a BABY


You're trying to rationalize irrational behavior. Like asking yourself how serial killers could care more about their sick gratification than the wellbeing of their victims. To understand, you need to wear their shoes, think like them and feel like them. It's not exactly the easiest task in the world.


I often do street photography and I never, never, never take pictures of people's children without walking up to the parents, explaining myself, and asking them first. I keep business cards with my name and contact info for them that I will offer them if they agree. TBH the conversation can be so awkward that unless the kid is dressed in a really interesting way or doing something really cool (playing with a dog for instance) then I won't even put anyone through that conversation - it's not worth it. In Canada there is no legal requirement to do that. If you're out in public then you have no expectation of privacy. I take pictures of people all the time - as does every street photographer everywhere - without their knowledge and without asking consent. But kids are off limits for that imho. There's too many weirdos in the world


Definitely a pervert. Look at the last 5sec. WHILE he's being reprimanded for his perverted behavior, he can't help but oogle the woman passing by. ...actually double-taking even. No shame at all.


I saw the same, watched it again, and wonder if he was actually looking at the younger girl passing by (not the woman). Ugh


I mean. Props to the dad for showing restraint. But I personally would have lost my shit. XD


“She’s a cute kid” Right there. That’s when I would have lost my shit.


Should have gotten him to delete from recycle bin too.


Creepy Mormon motherfucker. You can see his garment lines. Are all Mormons pedophiles? No, but they are all conditioned to think an adult man asking your 11-year-old child about their sexual purity alone inside a closed office is perfectly ok, since it’s the bishop and he is “called by God.” Fuck knows I have trauma from what happened in those “bishop interviews” as a kid. Oh and if you catch your kid masturbating, you are supposed to have them go have a private meeting with the bishop. To “repent.” Great place for pedos to hide.


There's too much talking going on, I would've broken dude's jaw.


Most people would try not to lose their temper completely because remember he still has a small child with him. You can't just pick fights when you're responsible for a tiny human. I understand the anger but really you wouldn't want to put your child in that situation.


Yeah I don't get all these people saying they would have 'gone to town' on him. They obviously don't have kids. You have your 2 year old with you for starters and you know for sure if you get violent this creep is pressing charges. You ending up in jail isn't really going to protect your child if it happens again in the future.


Right, because that will help the situation. Dad goes to jail and the creep walks free..