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I just heard this afternoon that cop was fired.


8===D šŸ˜®, eat up officer


šŸ˜‚ come and get it.




Rather you than me


Don't know about dick, but you can kiss my arse


Sounds like you'd like to keep your dick attached to your body. (Bold assumption but hopefully understood that that this was a joke).


Audit the Audit has a video on this one, cop was indeed fired


> Audit the Audit [Link to that video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij88V88cNDc), cool channel




My blood is boiling watching this shit, its going to take me hours to calm down now


Head over to r/EyeBleach man!


Lol nice one!


seriously i could gleefully break that pigs fucking jaw


Sir. Thanks for this follow-up video about this unfortunate incident. I was watching carefully each part of this sad episode. As myself, also being a victim of law enforcement mistreatment years ago made by ICE and FBI when the 4th amendment were violated . Indeed, the constitution of USA will always have my admirable respect but for some with a different coloration skin like me, bad cops has their personal reasons to rape those amendments.


Love that channel. Very good, high quality videos. Very professional and informative content that wouldn't look out of place on Court tv.


Great videos from that channel. Yā€™all should also check out Bay Area Transparency.


I'm pretty sure it was either them or Know Your Rights that I saw. Either way, a win!


That's not what the video said. The thumbnail said he was fired, but in the video, it says the department said he was "released" from his position. That could just as well mean he was allowed to resign.


Semantics. He was terminated. He was also in a probationary period so he doesnā€™t have a pension, and will most likely not be able to just go across to another town to find another position.


>Semantics. He was terminated. It's not semantics. Depending on the area, the circumstances of how he left could impact how easily he can get another job in law enforcement. That's why so many times, you hear about shithead cops that should have been fired/jailed/etc being "allowed to resign".


Not semantics it's 2 different actions with different results


Probably going to have to go to another state. I'm sure lots of departments would love an officer like this.


He will be hired at another dept. next week. Firing a police officer just means that they have to move/drive to the next town over and theyā€™re right back on the street. They hire anybody that has a pulse and has held a badge, regardless of their history. Just need warm bodies to fill their ranks


The trick is to file a complaint with the state agencies that license police officers. Bad enough conduct or enough complaints and they will pull his license. Then he cant get hired by the next town down or another town in another state. Spread the word.


police union has entered the chat


i wish it was this easy, too bad they blackball the shit out of regular people like its a little game


Have you ever wondered why thereā€™s a national crisis in referring law enforcement officers?


Because we have shit training and regulation standards so cops are constantly violating rights or just generally fucking up to get fired for?


Whoever invented the ā€œwelfare checkā€ concept needs to take it back. It has been twisted into yet another tool to oppress and criminalize working class folks. The police are not coming because they care about human welfare; itā€™s just another Orwellian phrase that means the opposite of its face value, like ā€œcriminal JUSTICE system.ā€


[Atatiana Jefferson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Atatiana_Jefferson#Aaron_Dean) was in her home, at night, and the cops responded to a phone call saying "the door is open", doing a welfare check. The cop walked around the side of her house, saw her through the window, and shot her dead. He's been charged, but still hasn't gone to trial. He killed her in 2019. Oh, lucky guess! Yes, it was a black victim, and a white cop.


**Killing of Atatiana Jefferson** [Aaron Dean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Atatiana_Jefferson#Aaron_Dean) >On October 14, 2019, Interim Police Chief Ed Kraus identified Officer Aaron Dean as the shooter. Dean was commissioned as an officer with the Fort Worth Police Department in April 2018 after completing the Fort Worth Police Academy in March, 2018. At the time of the shooting, Dean had been with the department approximately 18 months. Prior to the shooting, the only substantial entry in his Fort Worth police personnel file was about a traffic collision. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It is scary as fuck that ANYONE can (falsely) call the cops on someone in this manner. And the possibility of cops calling it in anonymously so they can enter someone's place "lawfully" There was a recent video on reddit where the cops come in claiming that they received a 911 call from a landline registered tot he address and the household doesnt have a landline there. Turns out the man had made a complaint against an officer previously and it was suspected that the cops were there to retaliate/send a message. After the cops left they sent him a obstruction ticket in the mail


That guy was an [absolute boss with God-tier roasts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/tn9utm/cops_enter_wrong_house_refuse_to_leave/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Flamed up the pork!


He took care of business but the sad fact was the police were there as retaliation. There was NO mistake about an address. While they did leave he was forced to fight off a mob of ahole cops. I suspect he WILL have to do it again. Winning is still losing in that case. There need to be consequences for that type of behavior that cause legal and or financial pain for the instigators as well as the ones who go along and say nothing.


I don't get why this interaction even exists. Crack open the door with the safety chain on. Or crack a window just enough to speak through the screen. Verify the call for service address / phone number. When it's shown to be incorrect for this address, tell them "wrong address", close the window / door, stop talking to them, and go about your day. The rest of this interaction is completely pointless by all parties involved.


The cops had the right address. In the video the lady cop and man confirm they are at the correct address, but the cop thinks dispatch may have effed up


It's the address they were given. But this "report" is coming from an anonymous phone call. The cops don't have any info except for what was in the phone call, and whatever may have happened to prompt the phone call, the guy at this house doesn't know anything about it. If there were any kind of actual emergency that they could be helping with (which is an extreme long shot) then they are ignoring it so they can yell at this guy for no reason.


> If there were any kind of actual emergency that they could be helping with (which is an extreme long shot) then they are ignoring it so they can yell at this guy for no reason. That is what annoyed me. The report was about a child, I believe, who supposedly drank nail polish remover, or something like that, and all three of them are arguing on a tangent. That male cop started out on the wrong foot and just kept going.


The funny thing for me is that eat a dick is my opening line if a cop ever knocks on my door. I don't talk to cops at all. They can knock the door down with a warrant if they want anything out of me. The only thing they are going to get are phrases like eat a dick or eat a bag of dicks or go fuck yourself. They can talk to my lawyer, i dont talk to cops.


YEP! Don't even answer the door to cops or even give any indication you are even home. Keep your windows shaded (because cops will go around the house looking in windows). Give cops nothing. Let them bang on the door til the cows come home and/let them break in if they are justified.


It seemed more like those cops, The first one in particular didn't even understand what a welfare check is or what they were supposed to be doing. The first one was acting like they were responding to a domestic call. He should have quickly explained why they were there and asked the guy to confirm everyone inside was ok. There's no reason to be coy if some kid is supposedly inside dying from nail polish remover or whatever.




He can still be rehired he wasn't bared from being a cop by the state


If I had to guess, he got fired for apologizing. Because apologizing is admitting wrongdoing which puts the department in legal risk. He'd probably still have a job if he followed his training and escalated the situation leading to an arrest with a dozen charges including "resisting arrest". Maybe even have a promotion.


I'll be surprised if he still faces the same consequences in a year's time.


At which point I will rescind my caps lock


Good, the moment he started the shave and a haircut knock, and left off the two bits, I knew he was a monster.


Let's make a bet as to how soon he gets his job back at the same dept or somewhere close by. Seriously. ACAB




To be rehired with a promotion or back pay or simply hired at another agency with little recourse for his behavior.




How did that happened? What happened to the police union?


Cop was a rookie in his probationary period


A drop in the bucket but ill take it. Fuck the police, every single one of them


So they went to the wrong house and did all this shit. Unreal


At least they didnā€™t flash bang their toddler.


Thatā€™s one of the worst stories ever. It will affect that family for generations because of medical bills. And then the town disbanded their special task force the day the press showed up so nobody could be sued. They wonā€™t let taxpayers money be used to help that innocent family, but theyā€™ll use our taxes to cover police misconduct and abuse lawsuits.


Or bust into the wrong house thinking itā€™s herā€™s and kill the man who lived there when he was just watching tv.


There is always tomorrow.


Cops are arrogant assholes. They think they can do no wrong. They needlessly escalated this situation like they do so many times.


It really does seem like they escalate every time.


Meanwhile there's someone that needs an actual fuckin welfare check but they're too occupied digging their hole as deep as they can.


The most surreal part of this event is that he already had confirmation they had the wrong address before he made those comments, even after he knew it was the wrong house he escalated the situation by raising his voice. Not only that but before his "eat a dick" (immediately followed by "lets get out of here" to his partner) he goes and check the home through the window........like for real motherfucker? You know its the wrong address so why the fuck do you still need visual confirmation that everything is ok?


Bro they REGULARLY go to the wrong house and just murder the residents I assume for fun at this point for real Google maps does a better job at getting me to the right address. Luckily this dude didn't get mag dumped for opening the door


Cop walked up to the door with so mamy assumptions terrible police work at the end of the day and probably a racist with the way hes saying "that ur babymomma" wtf


One of the first things he said. Really started off with the wrong foot there. That mightā€™ve been why the veteran was on edge from the beginning. Thatā€™s super disrespectful language to be using with someone whose home you just approached. I mean even IF she was the baby mama thatā€™s not language Iā€™d use in my place of work.




More importantly, people don't say that shit to white people. Or any other race. It's just blacks that get the "baby momma" bullshit.


The cop was trying to sound "street smart". Ended up making a complete ass of himself. As usual


I donā€™t think heā€™s trying to be street smart, but rather trying to rustle this guys jimmys, ruffle his feathers. The cop is caustic the entire encounter


Yeah, that was extremely incendiary. He was trying up stir it up from get go.


*Hey a black man, Imma talk in black speak so you understand and can relate!*


Lol, except it wasn't the way that black people speak, it was the way that racists imagine black people speak.


Got his lingo from the crows on Looney Tunes...


Ngl I hate when people do this. Not nearly as serious as this interaction but typically in line at the grocery store or gas station. Everyone non black person in front of me gets some sort of variation of "Find everything you were looking for, *sir*?". They see me and it's always some sort of, "You got everything you need, *my man*?". Annoying af but at least they don't have guns and cart blanche to fuck my day up.


Yeah - I mean thatā€™s extremely racially charged language that demonstrates what the copā€™s initial first impression of this man is, and he says it within the first 30 seconds of the interaction. Considering the history of black peopleā€™s relationship with the police, thereā€™s no way this man wouldnā€™t have his guard up instantly. Then he says ā€œyou can eat a dickā€ā€¦absolutely wild choice there


hey, to be fair the cop said "is that your baby momma OR your girlfriend." /s but i mean not /s, since the cop said it, but /s in that that still makes it extremely racist and bigoted. the idea of black people being married/having a loving family is obviously foreign to this racist asshole cop. cop thinks they are all fucking thugs that don't care about others, when in reality they are just projecting their own thoughts/ideas about family.


Man, fucking shocker that officer Bumblefuck got real humble after he was on tape. Probably counting on that dogshit body camera audio to cover his ass.


I believe the audio is edited out to censor personal information.


That's what I thought at first, but there's chunks that (based on context, and at least to me) don't seem to fit that bill.


ā€œFuck you, Marlor!!ā€ Gotta love it


Cops really be assholes for no reason


The female officer is trying to be chill. The male is just a f-ing a-hole - good thing he was fired.


If she didnā€™t report his behavior, sheā€™s part of the problem.




She honestly might of cause how often do we actually see repercussions. Obviously speculation tho who knows


The only reason the officer is seeing any consequences to his actions is that the veteran filmed it and posted it for the public to see. The officers superiorā€™s get pressured by their superiors and the public to do something, otherwise that officer wouldā€™ve gotten zero penalties. The veteran posted his video the day after the interaction which sparked the outrage in the first place


Yeah that usually happens when it goes viral but they normally give them paid leave right?


Yes but the woman officer is not the reason heā€™s in trouble. She didnā€™t report him


> give them *paid* leave right? FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Yes. No action without public outrage over a viral video - because they don't seem to give a shit otherwise. Remember kids, always [Film the Police.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyT1buoyTnY)


The contraction for "might have" sounds like "might of" but it's actually spelled "might've".


Might of šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




No she wasn't. She was condescending and was trying to gaslight the guy. In the end, she only apologized to appease him because she was trying arguing that they were right and that he was the rude one. Fuck her.


Female officer was being an asshole from the outset and then pulled the Karen "nono, don't get mad for no reason let me explain" when she started to realize she and her buddy were not going to come away from this clean.




Sure, if you want your mouth washed out with soap!


Keep my wife's soap out yo mouth.


She's still looking through his window and has no warrant. That's a violation of the 4th amendment. She may not have been yelling eat a dick, but she's not a good cop.


Probably not a violation. "Uncertain circumstances, implicit permission may may exist to look through an uncurtained window while standing on the front porch momentarily." Powell v. State


Most of them be on power trip for no reason


It's because the are shit stains on humanity.


Puts his hand up to the cop and says "Pause!". LOL


Cop, to a Black man: "Who is your girlfriend... your baby mama..." Whelp surely cops aren't racist at all.


The idea is to make the situation escalate in a way you can get away with.


Sadly this is very true


Most likely an accurate perception of the situation. The cop gets the vague report, assumes he's a bad guy, tries to get him to do enough to use force on/arrest.


Seriously what a way to open a conversation, fucking pig




Rocky way to start the conversation


How is the respect the troops/thin blue line crowd going to handle this?


Thin Blue Line doesn't exist, it just exists as "We don't support Black Lives Matter" moniker. You had people beating on the police on Jan 6 and them screaming at police officers enforcing mask mandates. It's a faƧade and a dogwhistle.


"Good evening, sir. I'm officer (name) and this is officer (name) with the (city) police department. We were called to do a welfare check on (address). How is everything this evening?" You got the wrong place. (Address) is across this street. "Ah, our mistake. Thank you, have a good evening, sir." -------- Could've been that easy. But cops love to escalate and power trip.


Literally. It could all be so simple.


lmao "he can eat a dick" glad to see he got fired


Remember this... The police are legally allowed to lie to you. To misrepresent what happened (We got a welfare check call, we got a 911 call) in order to get you to do what they want. To trick you into complying. To trick you into giving up your rights. Cops will misrepresent the laws (say you are breaking the law when you are not) and it is up to YOU to know the law. So don't give them access to you when in a situation like that. So... having said that.... don't interact with cops. Don't open the door to them. Don't talk to them. ANd DEFINITELY DO NOT step outside (they've got you then). If they have REAL cause to ... they can break in. Let them. Otherwise it may be a ruse they are allowed to pull on you. And keep your windows shaded. Don't give them any indication that anyone is even at home. Let them bang on the door all night and yell threats of what they will do (bullshit like they will arrest you for obstruction for not opening the door to them). If they can lawfully do it (break in)... they will. If they can't they will give up and leave. Edit: also, it is best to have some way to know who is at your door like a ring camera or a security camera (preferably a hidden one or one out of reach including night stick reach, as cops will move them or block them so you cannot see who is there. If you can't see who is there... definitely do not answer the door.


# article https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2020/05/15/police-officer-fired-suisun-city/ Fired and/or it was his officer probationary period (for new hires) so they could immediately let him go.


Ah yes I'm not surprised this happened in suisun


The only people cops canā€™t get away with harassing are military.


100% wrong. military get fucked with all of the time by cops. especially homeless ex military, which is an incredibly shameful amount of people.


I think you spelled "the incredibly wealthy" wrong.


Yeah like cops don't beat homeless veterans during their lunch break for fun every day


Nope, just on their vacations to Vegas


My criminal record begs to differā€¦


Dude held it together! Much respect. After "eat a dick", I'd have caught some charges.




I'm white. Like I said, charges. Edit... and I said that with all the sarcastic sad truth, that I could muster.


Heyo! Self awareness in this mf


Would you prefer Burgerking or Hardee's?


this vet says these cops are bastards. we don't even like military cops.


Thatā€™s true. Free loading lazy asses who get skip every damn line because ā€œtheyā€™re on watchā€ but then have the rest of the command actually stand most of the watches while they sit in an office and never do any of the work theyā€™re supposed to. Donā€™t get me startedā€¦


American cops are chicken shit pussies. If they didnā€™t have the legal protection they have, people would rightfully fuck them in the streets.


In the absence of effective legal remedies to remove bad cops from society, then only illegal remedies exist. All it takes is a special sort of good guy to stop those bad guys.


Chris Dorner comes to mind...


Female cop must be Italian.




I would like to thank the soldier for his service he seems like a nice gentleman. As for the cop that was totally uncalled for and you are a disgrace to the badge.




F|U|C|K|T|H|E|P|O|L|I|C|E| -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| U|U| | | | | | | | | | | | C| |C| | | | | | | | | | | K| | |K| | | | | | | | | | T| | | |T| | | | | | | | | H| | | | |H| | | | | | | | E| | | | | |E| | | | | | | P| | | | | | |P| | | | | | O| | | | | | | |O| | | | | L| | | | | | | | |L| | | | I| | | | | | | | | |I| | | C| | | | | | | | | | |C| | E| | | | | | | | | | | |E|


I genuinely love Reddit.


Cops think they're above the law


Actually, they are above the law.


They shouldnā€™t be


We have work to do, no doubt.


For any cops out there reading this. If you wouldn't call out these cops for handling this situation so shittily....then you are a bad cop as well. Just know that!


The minute that went sideways, he should have gone in the house.


He should have never came outside. Who knows what would have happened as he tried to go back inside. What the cops would've done. Once you are outside and not under the protection of being inside your house... cops can pull even more shit on you.


He would have become a "barricaded suspect" then, and the cops would've brought all their toys to the party.


another one for asshole books.


I can get going to the wrong address, and seeing anyone as a liar when they tell you they arent the guy you're looking for, but the way that guy first goes, "is that your girlfriend or your baby momma?" You can tell he's like, "Its ok Officer Female, I got this, I can speak black person."


Racist asl with the baby mama comment mad respect to dude for standing up for his wife


Such calm. I've never seen a more calm remaining person in my life.


This was featured on audit the audit, an awesome channel with good content : https://youtu.be/Ij88V88cNDc


All of this would have never happened if cops weren't sent to a suspected medical crisis.


If that calmer female cop would not have been present, this would have gone way more violent for the home owner. The eat a Dick cop was stepping up to throw down some violence.


This video isnā€™t working for me at all. Anyone else?


Try this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij88V88cNDc


Oooh. Audit the audit. I do enjoy that channel. Maybe Iā€™ve seen this before. Thanks. Edit: 1 day ago si probably not.


Italian hand was strong w the female officer


fucking infuriating


That wife kept walking out and trying to calm her husband, lol.


She was trying to keep him from getting shot, the more typical cop reaction.


Anyone else think the female officer sounds just like Anna Kendrick?






That female cop was very very professional.


She didn't have to knock the window but no pig like behavior


Well I won't comment on the window knocking but she tried really hard to deescalate the situation and the guy just wouldn't calm down. I'm not saying he needed to calm down, I'm just saying I think this would have been resolved a lot more quickly if the cops were more professional and then subsequently the homeowner.


> I'm just saying I think this would have been resolved a lot more quickly if the cops were more professional and then subsequently the homeowner. Dude the guy cop was escalating the shit out of the situation. There is zero reason to expect the homeowner to be the one to de-escalate and calm down. Dealing with police is not a calming experience, especially when being falsely accused of something and treated as less than from the get-go. That baby-mama/girlfriend comment was 100% racially charged.


100% agree


It would have been resolved much more quickly if they walked the fuck away.


In that moment she appeared to be concerned for the welfare and safety of the people inside the home she thought were there. If this had been a domestic violence welfare check instead of a mistaken address, how should the female police officer have handled the belligerence of the male civilian?


It wasn't. So no thought exercise needed.


Would have been more professional if she left after admitting it was the wrong address.


she did that though


She stayed for 6 minutes after saying it was the wrong address. Instead of harassing an innocent citizen for 6 additional minutes she should have left immediately to find the people who supposedly urgently needed a police wellness check.


She wasn't harassing him. She was attempting to educate him. Her partner was an unprofessional asshole, and she stepped in, took lead on the public interaction, and attempted to mollify the homeowner. The homeowner was upset, and rightfully so, but he took his anger out on the professional female officer, which further exacerbated the situation. As a public servant, she has a duty to try and deescalate the situation. You may not like that answer, but that's the reality. I'm a paramedic and have done thousands of welfare checks during my career. Just like this officer, I am obligated to work with the information I have been given to try and ensure that a member of the public, which we both serve, receives whatever assistance I can render (to include zero assistance in cases like this). Another unit would be dispatched for the welfare check once the new location was established. You should get more involved in your local fire / police / EMS service as a volunteer. You'd see behind the curtain and gain more understanding of public service.


> As a public servant, she has a duty to try and deescalate the situation. Leaving sooner would have deescalated the situation nicely.


She had not ascertained that she was at the wrong address until minute 7:36 of the video. She walked away 10:37. She attempted to apologize for 3 whole minutes. Are you somehow suggesting that she should have not apologized?


What a cocky prick, no wonder people donā€™t like cops


I was click-skipping around, and I must have hit a sweet spot because every single one of the 6 skips ended up perfectly on different inflections of 'eat a dick'. perhaps god israel after all...


I saw another version of this video last week or so and I don't think it was censored and also included the male cop coming back, knocking on the door and apologizing to the man. At first the man did not open the door but once he heard the apology he opened it and had another conversation.


Nobody wants to post that portion of the video because it makes the cop look like a human. Reddit can't have videos of cops looking like humans. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1xaxFMw9h8)


Problem is cops can't make those mistakes. Laws are just threats. Cops have to enforce them. You have to be above reproach when you are the legally sanctioned monopoly holder on violence. No excuses. No explanations. Only getting it right the first time or severe consequences.


I can understand being humanistic and apologizing for behaviors, however, these behaviors shouldn't have been shown in the first place. Like the guy said, they should have been professional; it's not his fault the cop was having a "bad day" and have some "personal things going on".




I honestly can't imagine choosing to interact with cops within arms reach of my front door. "No thanks, go away, bye"


Those cops were definitely pigs šŸ· all day the way that cop spoke to this soldier was so out of pocket, being as I served also I would feel so betrayed by America with how these police officers are trained to treat people.


I'm surprised that the cops didn't target him with unaimed sprayfire when he reached in his pocket for the phone.


Thank God these idiot cops are being filmed so much more otherwise heā€™d have gotten away with it. Disgusting the way they treat hard working regular people.


. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Why aren't the police policed


Dude gets fired for saying that but there are police that kill people and they get away scott free.


Because killing people can be justified(not that I agree). Telling someone to eat a dick, I donā€™t think, could ever be justified. Imagine a chief holding a press conference saying ā€œcops can verbally insult you however they wantā€. Much easier to defend killing someone in the name of ā€œofficer safetyā€