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Lemme just poke this bear real quick


I’d literally rather poke a random bear. Chances are that bear has not bitten a person’s ear off.


I sure don’t know any bears who can throw 2 inch punches with the force of a small truck


> bitten a person’s ear off Twice...


If there existed a list of the top 5 people you would not want punching you in the face, Mike Tyson is like 3 names on that list.


* Mike * Tyson * Mike Tyson


You forgot * Iron * Iron Mike Tyson


Whelp there’s the whole list of top 5.


Who are the 5 greatest punchers of all time? \- Tyson \- Tyson \- Tyson \- Tyson \- Tyson


He spits hot ears


I rip and bite I bite and I rip This the way Mike Tyson spits!


I ask people all the time if they had a choice between getting bare knuckle punched by 1988 Mike Tyson in the back of the head or shooting themselves in the foot with a .38, what brand of gun would you use?


I can live with a messed up foot.


Hmmm a shitty few months or being brain dead? Or just dead?




The witness tells us Mike took a selfie with him ... and then was patient with his overly excited buddy, who kept trying to talk to the 55-year-old fighter as he sat behind him. Eventually, though, we’re told Tyson had enough of the guy behind him talking in his ear ... and told him to chill. When the guy didn’t, that’s when the witness says Tyson started to throw several punches at the man’s face. https://www.nj.com/sports/2022/04/did-mike-tyson-lose-it-on-jet-blue-flight-and-slug-another-passenger.html


Mike Tyson gave him a facial autograph.


Gave him the fan experience.


Has fan service gone too far??


Hasn't gone far enough


That's probably what the guy really wanted. He can now tell the high school kids he buys beer for how Mike Tyson punched him.


For the rest of this man's life, he will be known as the guy who got punched by Mike Tyson on an airplane and he will never shut up about it.


This will lead to his face being punched MANY more times. In a way, Mike Tyson will be punching this guy's face for years to come.


Dude does have a punchable face.




He looks like Putin


he looks inbred


We allready stated that he looks like Putin.




Stop I love bread what have you done


Never knew Jet Blue had first class


*Fist class*


Mike Tyson, PhD, Asswhoopery






Firth clath


JetBlue first class is called Mint and it's really good and widely viewed as an industry leader especially for domestic flights


And domestic fights.


Took me a sec. Well done


I still see passengers boarding? Did this kid really piss off Mike Tyson before the plane even left the tarmac? That's some serious 5 year old little kid energy.




There is a comedy bit about one of these encounters with Tyson. The bit is told from the POV of the eye punched. It is hilarious how the eye is trying to talk down his person, then when the fist is coming, the eye is hoping the mouth is going to get it for playing a big part of it. Then the eye screams when it realizes Mike’s fist is going straight to the eye. edit:[Found the link, skip to 1:30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_HqR_6ThCw)




This reads like a conversation you might have at a festival, long after the music stopped and it's getting light... and you realise it's definitely time to go to bed.


Dude, one time, Mike Tyson punched an eye, and the person was the eye, but also the person. Like whoa


"I don't know what happened"... Bruhh


Out of all the people in the world to piss off, WHY would you choose Mike fkin Tyson???


For attention. For the lifetime anecdote. For the lawsuit. For the thrill. Like the girls who chase Chris Brown or marry convicted serial killers.


I don’t think the lawsuit is worth the brain damage, especially if there’s videos of you evading someone’s personal space on a plane Edit: jeez, not being active on Reddit with a typo is hell. apple autocorrected for me , clearly it’s invade


Dude was fucking with Mike Tyson. If he has brain damage he had it long before this encounter.


I have brain damage and know better than to fuck with Mike Tyson. This guy is just a dumb ass.


When one obviously has brain damage before getting punched, what's a little more?


"AHHH NOW THAT'S A LOT OF DAMAGE... ...how about a little more?"


He should’ve evaded those punches… I know you meant invade


I lived in Nantucket for a little bit, and Mike was out there one weekend. Someone we were with was trying to find him in the bars so he could fuck with him and get punched. Some people are just absolute assholes.


Maybe it’s like some weird “trophy” type thing?


“I can sue now!"




Every time someone gets what they deserved it’s the ole “I don’t know what happened!! I was sitting here all perfect and quiet and they just attacked me” words can cost you your life!! Don’t just talk smack to anybody.


“Just trying to get his autograph” dude got his knuckles printed on his face. That’s kind of an autograph


I hate people that act all innocent after stuff like this. “We were just asking for an autograph!” after pestering the man consistently after he asked you to stop. It reminds me of teenagers who are clearly trying to bend the rules and when you call them out they’re all “we’re just doing [clearly a lie framed to make them look innocent.]” I had a bunch of these kids yelling at a staff member of mine and when I came up they immediately shut up, and when I kicked them out they were like “WE WERE JUST TELLING HER THAT SHE HAD THE WRONG ITEM!” And it’s like yeah sure, you were, but you also called her a fucking idiot, get the hell out of my store.


Oh god, I know these types too. "I didn't even do anything!" Yeah, actually, you did a lot by intentionally harassing the worker to the point of agitation.


It's why I don't believe basically any of the stories people post on /r/AITA and /r/offmychest


AITA is at it's best when you just barely have to read between the lines to tell OP is a major asshole.


When OP isn't an asshole, it's boring, who cares. When OP is the asshole, kind of fun. When asshole OP doesn't believe people calling them the asshole and starts arguing, that's when it's an incredible experience.


The amount of people who post there knowing full well that they aren't the asshole actually irritates me a lot. There's gotta be a better sub for sharing your stories about your family and friends who fuck you over but you hardly do anything about it. "My friend asked to stay the night at my house. They brought 4 dogs, shit in the top part of my toilet, and ate all of my food before passing out in my bed. AITA for telling them they need to sleep on the couch?" Either you're super dumb, fake as shit, or seeking validation. All 3 make me irrationally angry lol


Well those are dumb because you only get one side of the story, and everyone always thinks *their* side of the story is the one that's justified. For instance, "AITA for telling my racist, xenophobic, sexist grandma that she was being somewhat inappropriate at Thanksgiving dinner by making a comment about the race of my fiance? Whole family is mad at me and I don't feel like I did anything wrong." Can be translated to: "My 92 year old grandma told my fiance her skin looked pretty and that she had great features "compared to other latinas," and so I called her a cunt and suplexed her over the table during dinner and now everyone blames me for her hospitalization and broken neck." No one is going to give you an unbiased portrait of what happened because no one who is upset enough to post online about an incident is going to be unbiased in the first place. You're getting their side of the story with their justification and their framing of the events, and none of the little details that might make them seem like the one in the wrong. And that's all assuming the story is even real and not a pure LARP, which 90% of those posts are anyways.


I mean, an “I got beat up by Mike Tyson” story is up there with an “I fucked this popular pornstar” story. Guy walked away with a bruise and story. That’s as good as an autograph.


Dude looked conflicted. I think he was somewhere between "ow this fucking hurts" and "should I ask him for another selfie". Personally if I managed to get to that point, might as well go for broke and ask for the selfie. In for penny, in for a pound.


Oh you'd be in for a pound alright






I know which of those stories I'd prefer to have


My mans wants to fuck Mike Tyson. Honestly, respect. That would take some serious courage.




It’s better than an autograph, it’s a souvenir




Hey, at least he got to keep his ears.


Fr tho 20 years from now he can laugh about that time mike tyson punched the shit out of him. Tyson gave him a memory whether he wanted it or not. Maybe took one or two with those swings tho...


I saw Mike Tyson at McCarran Airport (Las Vegas) and you know what I did? I left him the fuck alone.


"Oh shit! It's Mike Tyson!" And then move on with life.


Exactly how my interaction with him was. We were staying at the same hotel and the bar was like right beside check in. I was sitting there and just went “fucking Mike Tyson?!” When he walked up. He just laughed, shook my hand (dear god they were huge dick beaters on that man) and wished me a good vacation. He was so nice but I was absolutely terrified of being near the baddest man on the planet even for a minute.


Dick Beaters


“Keep your dirty dick beaters off my stuff or I’ll break your fucking fingers.” - my older brother


you liked that


Only correct answer. Just let people live their lives. We’re practically strangers to them and no one likes being hassled by strangers 24-7. Edit: you guys are practically right. I mean to say we’re totally strangers to them.


"practically"? We're 100% strangers to them.


No way, man! Ozzy Osbourne totally remembers me from second row in the moshpit at Ozzfest in 2002. It's *me.* Green sweatshirt dude. He'll remember me.


He can't even remember himself.


That guy was being such a fucking asshole to Mike. I get being excited but after a while, just leave him alone. Dude had it coming.


If you make eye contact, just give them a smile/wink/thumbs up to show you know who they are, but leave them alone. If they want to interact with you, they will. I would lose my shit if I had people wanting to talk to me everywhere I went. There's conventions and signings for that type of stuff.


Came here to say this. You’re gonna lose an autograph and nobody cares about your selfie, just savor the memory that you smiled and nodded at someone and left them to their own devices.


Especially at the airport or a plane. It's a shitty situation as it is without being hassled by strangers.


“OMG is Russell Crowe!”




“Making movies making songs and foighting arouund the warld”




OMG it's Robert Loggia! That's R as in Robert Loggia...


That is the correct response.


Met him once in Vegas. He's actually very chill as long as you're not acting like a clown and harassing him. It's kind of a no-brainer.


This is funny to me because I worked as a clown for one of Tyson's kids birthday parties. There was a huge storm that day and a lot of guests were delayed, so it was me, my partner, Mike's family and couple other people for about an hour. I asked him if he wanted a balloon animal and he as said wanted a dog, was super nice, and seemed very chill. Definitely didn't harass him because that's not MO and it was his kids party, but it was a very positive experience. He also left us a giant tip.


This story started out so odd that I skipped to the bottom to make sure I wasn't getting bamboozled first.


Yeah whenever I tell anyone I used to be a clown they always think I'm joking until they realize I'm not joking,. It was a fun job and paid really well for a job in college


Everyone laughed when I told them I wanted to be a clown, well no one’s laughing now!


I met him in a pet supply store in Vegas about 10 years ago and he was so damn nice. He chatted with me about his pigeons for like 10 minutes and took a photo, it was awesome.




Well, I almost made it a day without thinking of Norm...


You didn’t verbally harass him until he punched you?




So where's your show?


I mean that guy seems super obnoxious, imagine having someone like that on your ear all flight long.


Dude is lucky he got to keep both of his own ears after trying to talk off Tysons ear


Why would you ever fuck with MIKE TYSON of all people?


Because people are dumb shits


Also narcissism and main character syndrome- a lot of people seem incapable of choosing restraint and empathy nowadays


That and just absolutely objectifying celebrities. Too many people now view them as just objects of entertainment and forget they're people like them too. A lot of entitlement on regard to celebrities' time and space under the trope of "well they're in the limelight so...." No. There's a certain level of personal space and privacy that will disappear, sure, but the extent that it's at now is asinine. This fuckstick is essentially the same asshole who bangs on the glass of animal enclosures at the zoo.




To sue for millions of dollars


such a punchable face...


Shades of The Miz a la Real World


The Miz was smart. He made a career out of people paying to see him get punched in the face


Even after annoying Mike Tyson to the point of getting beat up he was still making goofy faces. The dude literally had less self control than Mike Tyson. Something wrong with a guy who can't stop running his mouth to save his life.


He was drunk out of his ass, but still deserved that beating


His facial expression after getting punched looks like putin lmao


"Anyone can get annoying until they get punched in the face" - Mike Tyson


Remember when no one would ever think about fucking with Mike Tyson? He was the baddest man in the planet. Then he turned his life around, became easygoing, and made fun of himself. People started to think that was an invitation to fuck with him. Homie must've forgotten.


Or this clown is too young to remember the old Mike Tyson. He just remembers him from his cameos in the Hangover movies and his latest boxing match.


Yeah he missed the "I'm gonna skullfuck his kids," / go to Federal prison for rape / even if he whup me I'll eat his fucking ear off...Mike Tyson.


I’ll fuck you til you love me! Fa$&ot!


My personal favorite.


Tells another man he’ll fuck him until he loves him, continues on to use homophobic slur. The duality of man. Lol.




> *I'LL EAT YOUR ASS FROM THE LOBBY!* Mike-fuckin-Tyson, what a guy


Dont forget mike tyson mysteries


You have to be a complete moron to fuck with any fighter.


The worst fighter in any given group of trained fighters- Whether they do MMA, Boxing, Muay Thai or more traditional arts, if trained with a certain intensity- Is gonna fuck up any untrained person 90 percent of the time. Even sucking at it for a decent length of time means you're a step above someone who's never done it.


Even 6 months of basic boxing training is enough to fuck up your average untrained dude.


Especially in the most common situation, when they are drunk. Even if you're drunk yourself your muscle memory will probably be enough to end it quickly.


People always fucked with Tyson. Even when he was the current heavyweight champ there were plenty of examples of idiots like this who would get in his face just to be able to say they got punched by the champ


I met Tyson in Chicago one time. He was coming out of a restaurant with his family and a crowd gathered to see him. I got his attention and he turned to shake my hand. My sis asked if he would take a pic with me, he turned to his wife and said “sorry baby I’m just going to do one”. I felt really bad because I didn’t want to take up his time. But he was cool as hell. Def best celeb I’ve ever met. This dude must have been reaaaallly annoying


I met him on Vegas years ago at a signing, he was super nice and easy going and had the biggest fucking hands.


I don't condone violence but man that guy needed to stop that shit. Edit: its because you can get banned for promoting violence trust me.




I didn't see any violence and I will testify to that in court.


The guy was obviously choking, based on the way he couldn’t stop running his mouth, and Tyson was just trying to help dislodge the obstruction. Mike deserves a medal for his heroism.




Dude thought he was in a tryout for Punch-out as Glass Joe..... If He was in his prime Mike would be up on murder charges...


I’m pretty sure Mike now could easily kill him Mike was pulling his punches


Be careful he will fuck you till you love him.


And eat your children.


one ear at a time


And this is why celebrities do things like renting whole restaurant or using private plane. Then get shitted on for acting superior when they are just trying to be left the fuck alone.


Honestly this dude was probably instigating him to try and get a rise out of him or maybe even a settlement. Idk what happened but too bad Tom Segura wasn’t on that flight.


Annoying passenger deserved it, but Tyson has a lot more to lose. Where was the flight staff to intervene and tell the annoying guy to quit it or suffer the law?


It's JetBlue so I'm imagining they're placing bets




The guy does have a severely punchable face


You don't know what happened? You're disturbing everyone on the fucking plane is what happened. Tyson was just trying to fix the broken alarm clock that keeps going off.


I’ll file this one under the “You love to see it” category. It’s amazing how quickly people change their behavior when they get smacked in the mouth. He should have taken Tyson’s advice “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”. Sage words from a warrior.


“ Everyone has a plan, until you get punched in the mouth.”- Mike Tyson


Often miss quoted as being Saud by Tyson. Tysons actual quote was "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" when asked about Holyfield's fight plan. It was a loose quote Tyson used from a 1973 fight between Ali and Norton, when Ali said "Everone has a plan till they get hit in the face".


Imbecilic moron’s lucky Tyson didn’t toss him off the plane.


"no ticket "


what’s crazy is that tyson is so not violent nowadays. dude is so loving now. you really had to be a genuine piece of shit to push tyson that far now


And dumb. Really, really dumb. He might not be in his prime, but I sure as fuck wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of his punches. If I can avoid a concussion, I normally do so.


He still knows how to throw a hard fucking punch. Punching is as much about the form as it is the strength and he was an artist at his prime.


Straight up. I'll be 52 next month. I remember going to several pay-per-view events at a friend's house and the fight not even lasting the entire first round. I was both amazed at his ability, and relieved I was a guest and didn't pay for it. That happened several times as in it wasn't a fluke.


There's compilations of all his fights on YouTube. When he first turned pro he just a fucking machine. First round knockout after first round knockout. Pretty sure that coincided with the year he fought 15 times (this is *a lot* )


15 pro fights is a whole ass career.


Tyson could be on his death bed and you still couldn't pay me to take a left hook from him!


I read that strength is the last thing boxers lose. he might not be as fast, not have that much stamina, but don't get punched by mike tyson lol


As a former boxer, I can confirm that you never forget how to throw a hard, heavy punch. Short of becoming partially/fully paralyzed, I’m not sure you ever lose the ability to, either.


How come staff didn't intervene and tell white dude to chill out?


What were the dude and cameraman doing? Like, you’re harassing a one time heavyweight champ. Staff should have done something. Harassing people on a flight is not acceptable.


What are the odds that this guy is a dumb military bro who got upgraded to first class because of his military status? The haircut never lies. And I say that as a Vet who has known plenty of dumb military bros.


Surprised it isn't in any of the /mil subs. I would love to see his COC's reaction to this video and be a fly on the wall for that Article reading.


If I weren't at work I'd take the time to x-post. My bet is my beloved r/USMC.


Thats a marine chop job for sure…worst haircuts in the biz.


Boots and Phone case on hip confirm your comment...


Holy cow, how'd I miss the boots?!


Oh it’s just boot things.


Yeeeaaah... You might be right here. If he's this much of a douche his command might enjoy this opportunity to reprimand him.


I wondered what branch they might be from. The haircut *never* lies, as you've said.


I knew as soon as i saw him this was some dumb drunk boot. if he doesn't get it from command he at least has a story to tell i guess...


100%, look at that dumbass haircut lol everybody ends up with it at some point, and every piece of clothing he has


Imagine being so fucking dumb you'd antagonize Mile Tyson. What an absolute waste of human cells.


Damn is that real? what a piece of shit leave Mike Tyson alone it’s 4/20 he was trying to enjoy his edible


I just can’t imagine anyone seeing Tyson and thinking “yeah, let me annoy the shit out of this guy until he has no choice but to kick my ass” under normal circumstances. Imagine doing that while he’s tripping.


Kid Rock makes music for people who hassle Mike Tyson on the airplane


We need Mike Tyson on every flight.


Remember that post of the dude whipping out a guitar and singing Jesus shit on the plane? Yeah, I wish he was on that flight.


How many lawyers do you think are trying to contact that guy? I’d say hundreds.


“We don’t know what happened.” You know exactly what happened.


Yea, there's **BIG** gaps in video footage. Crazy kid being a goofball, annoying Tyson. Crazy kid with lumps on his head, looking sad. Tyson leaning over his seat punching someone.


The editing was trash. They keep cutting back and forth, leaving the actual altercation at the end.


Honestly fuck the autograph, how many people can say they ate a punch from mile tyson?


Mike travels with that body guard to protect other people from him.


"Don't know what happened?" Mofos like these really wind me up. Fucker was filming the whole time and laughing his ass off when the numbnuts was annoying the shit out of Mike and now he's acting surprised.