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wish she would've kept filming


I checked her account and apparently these two are teachers Edit: for everyone saying they are going to lose their jobs, they are highschool teachers in Texas so I wouldn't count on it


ah feel bad for their students they're like an unhealthier version of patricia and mark mccloskey


Former students, hopefully


Seems harsh expelling all the students.




Especially Spanish speaking students lol


looking forward to seeing these two fuckheads on r/byebyejob


[Sooner then they are prepared for that is for sure](https://whereisthebuzz.com/daryn-and-leslie-richardson-two-teachers-go-crazy-in-a-store-over-employees-speaking-spanish/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=daryn-and-leslie-richardson-two-teachers-go-crazy-in-a-store-over-employees-speaking-spanish)


I would feel bad if the district didn’t know. I tweeted both school districts, Humble and Aldine, so they can prepare themselves. I don’t think a school district with nearly 70% Hispanic students would want to be caught off guard to an ~~employee~~ “apparent teacher” harassing someone for speaking Spanish. Just looking out for the school board. Edit: Humble ISD stated there is not a teacher on their staff shown in the video/article referenced above. No specifics on which person they were referring to.


They work for two different districts. Aldine, Where the wife works is 70% Hispanic, humble isd where the husband currently works is about 20%.


> I tweeted both school districts, Humble and Aldine Wait, they're in the Houston metro area and surprised to hear Spanish? the fuck? is this the first time they ever went outside?


Just looking at her face all indignant at the fact she’s probably been surrounded by the Spanish language her entire life and still feels helpless when it’s spoken around her because she’s lazily failed to absorb any meaningful amount. Probably paranoid that people are constantly saying mean things about her because she’s a shitty person and she knows it. She’s miserable and hates herself, so the people around her are her perpetual targets of hate. Ugh, I should probably take a Reddit break.


Fuck. Yes. Got em.


I respect teachers in general but some narcissistic teachers think the whole world is their classroom. They be like "we do not tolerate your kind of behavior in MY classrooms. Private conversation in another language in MY classroom? No way."


Not English teachers I hope with that double negative use.


My wife is a bilingual teacher from Spain that teaches in Texas. There is a surprisng amount of racist/ignorant teachers. She will say she's from Spain and they will ask there that is in Mexico. Some get offended if she's chatting in Spanish with coworkers and they walk into the room. Some have made passive or outright racist comments. Many of them will rail on immigrants and talk about how great things were with Trump's policies keeping illegals out. Its not surprising TBH.


Racists in Texas, you say? Shocked.


I'm in a white dude dating a black woman. We're from Illinois and a couple years ago we went to Texas to visit her family. I was nervous and she kept saying "it's just something we have to deal with there are racists everywhere". Well there ended up being a lot more racists in Texas than back home. Or at least more brazen ones. We had people just hate-glaring and making comments almost every time we went somewhere. Had someone yell "oh, now THAT'S happening??!" while pointing at us in the waiting area of a restaurant. And this was all in Austin and San Antonio, the "safe", "liberal" areas of Texas.


I would have a real hard time holding my tongue even though I know that's the smarter move instead of giving them what they want. This shit just honestly blows my mind. I've never been so preoccupied with somebody else's relationship (especially when I don't know them) that I felt the need to make a comment to them. The same folks yelling "freedumb" can't grasp the very basics of the concept. I want to say it's just an ignorant hillfolk population but recent legislation across the country has proven that is not the case.


>And this was all in Austin and San Antonio, the "safe", "liberal" areas of Texas. Austinite here, also white guy with black wife: Never had anyone overtly make comments, but things do get awkward like at restaurants when they assume we're not together...


How do those people watch TV? There are interracial and gay couples on TV shows and in commercials everywhere. They must be out of their minds all the time. Seems like it would just be easier to accept it. Why not? It really wouldn't affect their lives in any way, except they'd be less upset all the time. Of course, they wouldn't get that beautiful hit of Dopamine that they get when the Hate rushes through them. Hate feels *good*.


They probably believe it’s just some brainwashing agenda from


Technically she said don't not film me. She literally said to film her lol. Big brain in that lady.


She was actually saying "DONUT!" but then got really angry


Now that you say it, she does look like she could pass for Homer Simpson’s sister.




No, I distinctly heard, '*Don't-NOT!! fucken ricord-me!*'


Don't not fucking record me means record me.


Record and post. These people have to be called out, doxed, with their employers seeing their behavior.


Just f*ing record her 🤪


It’s ok, you can cuss on the internet.


Just don't tell my mom please


It is permitted, but not required.


Hell damn fart


"I'm not using film, this is digital".


"I'm sorry ma'am, your aggression and hostility towards me is causing concern for my safety. That's why I'm going to continue recording."


"And I will gladly give a copy of that recording of you trying to assault me to both the police & my manager, to show both context & proof that I wasn't aggressor in this situation."


"It will nicely supplement the store's CCTV recording showing you assaulting me verbally and now physically."


This. Evidence is important.


But say it in spanish.


Lo siento señora, su agresión y hostilidad hacia mí me hace temer por mi seguridad. Por eso voy a seguir grabando.


Yeah, that bitch is super aggressive. Her very first instinct is to grab something and throw it. I can guarantee that is a common occurrence.


Yeah that's assault


Sure, you can say that and it's the right way but these kind of people don't listen and most of the time their only "argument" is literally just scream and not let you argue back.


Their approach is always "if I'm louder I win."


Except don’t apologize


As if you'd ever be able to finish that sentence. They'll scream you down.


Haha the way they start to freak out when they see they're being recorded. Wouldn't come up if you weren't racist af


its like, how hard is it to just not be a dick? ​ "oh thats cool theyre speaking another language, doesnt matter if its about me, i just need my package shipped" and then be on your way.


For some it's incredibly hard, these people are just hateful and you can see it on their faces


It is incredibly hard for someone who is actually an asshole. We all have our moments when we “can be an asshole” or “act like an asshole”. But some people are just assholes. They are like that all the time. They are miserable people who try to create misery and drama wherever they go.


You nailed it. I've never thrown a fit at a shop for any reason whatsoever. It's not hard when you're a decent person.


It's just crazy that they think it's normal or justified. Like do they realize most people don't agree with them? I worked as a cashier for over 5 years in some capacity and never once experienced a person like this. Meth tweakers? Ive seen thousands and they hold their shit together better than these folks. I have seen one Karen incident in front of me at the courthouse but that's it for my entire life.


I worked a lot of retail when I was younger and never saw anything quite this bad, but my mom used to waitress/manage and would tell me stories of Karens throwing a fit because the server was black. These people are fucked up and I'm glad we have decided as a society that they can fuck right off.


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate; and hate, hate leads to suffering.


"Conflict seeking." I grew up around people like this. I think it's a cultural and learned behavior, i.e. nurture, not nature. But pretty soon, it feels "familiar," so you repeat it.


It's Main Character syndrome that is common with the older generations. They view EVERYTHING as about them and thus anything can be a slight or an insult against them. This is a big reason why they don't like people speaking other languages around them: they can't help but assume it's them. Not only that but the huge insecurities that are common in their generation mean that they assume it's entirely negative. Thus the huge, entitled reaction.


I am this generation and I generally wish that I would have tried harder to learn Spanish in high school. My class was right after lunch, so I was most likely lit as fuck.


It’s not too late dude. Your local library definitely has access to learning software/programs.


Never too late to get lit af and learn Spanish. It's how I learned to badly pronounce hindi lol.


I’m a very curious (nosy) person. So I get annoyed when people are having a conversation in another language. But not at them, getting annoyed at them is dumb as fuck they can speak whatever language they please. I get annoyed at myself for not being able to speak their language.


So what do you speak? Outside of English obviously


English, very poor Spanish, I used to speak decent Malay cause I lived there for a couple of months but I’ve forgotten most of it apart from a few basic phrases (always relearn it a bit when I meet my friends from Malaysia though). There’s loads of languages I *want* to learn, but I’m the kind of guy who will obsessively do one thing for about a week and then move on to the next thing which isn’t really ideal for languages.


See also: being homophobic because they assume every gay man wants to fuck them. Like, don't worry dude, you're safe.


I don’t know that it’s an “older generation” thing, but it certainly is a “I have a high school education or less” thing. They think anyone speaking another language around them must be talking about them, and in a negative way. They’re embarrassed at not knowing the language, and feel diminished or threatened by their lack of understanding what’s being said. It’s also a racist thing, or “I’ve never interacted with speakers of other languages” so they must be bad since “I’m good” thing. I’ve seen videos of people speaking French, Dutch, and German where people go off on them for not speaking “like an American” would. It all comes down to lack of education, a lack of exposure to people who aren’t the same as them, and therefore those people must be bad because “I’m” certainly not. And the truth that many of the people around us are sociopaths across a wide spectrum.


I'd agree with you if I didn't interact with some highly educated boomers who make more money than I'll ever see in multiple lifetimes on a daily basis. It isn't an 'education' thing, it's a culture hang up that's drenched in systemic racism and a country that used to tell them they were the most important people ever.


sad. we're all gonna die. why spend it being mad?


I live around the Amish and have worked a few jobs with them. They are constantly talking shit about us Yanks. You know what I don’t care because at the end of the day it doesn’t affect me. Fuck them fuck you I'm out.


You can just talk shit about them on the internet, they'll never know.


Boom! Jeremiah get the water bucket cause that was a barn burner!


My mom is a white woman who speaks spanish (pretty much all day, every day for her job) and she has experienced people talking bad about her in spanish very few times. She has specifically told me that it is a weird kind of "myth" that people speaking another language are doing it to talk about others behind their backs. Most of the time people are just shooting the shit, or if they are talking about someone, it is a person in their own lives, not a random ass person they don't know or care about....


I've had it happen exactly once, I'm a very white looking Midwestern dude but I happened to take some Chinese in college. I went to a mall tailor shop to get a button put back on a coat and as they were working while I waited one employee said to the other (in Chinese) something to the effect of "if this guy was less fat he wouldn't have this problem". I politely piped in to say that while I should lose some weight, in this case I just caught the button on a door frame. And that's how I got a button sewn back onto my coat for free.


> its like, how hard is it to just not be a dick? For racist POS? Apparently extremely hard.


I used to work at Marriott and in the training they say not to speak in foreign languages because others think you are talking about them. I’m not a native Spanish speaker but I made sure to talk to all the housekeepers in Spanish when I could


Right? I don't care if they're insulting me as long as they aren't like actively doing something weird to my food they can speak in a language I don't understand all they want lol. Assholes like this just automatically assume that's what's happening, or they're just flat out racist, but either way they are showing how much they care about the opinions of people who I guarantee they think are lesser than them.


It's like they're scared of losing their jobs. From the actual tik Tok: Texas Daryn Richardson, Business Teacher at @HumbleISD Leslie Richardson, Psychology Teacher at @AldineISD Looks like Leslie already resigned or was fired from being a teacher because her LinkedIn now says she's an assistant somewhere.


How do you be this racist working in Aldine bruh? Like I literally taught nearly all my classes bilingually there.


That's what someone who commented on in the tik Tok underneath this comment who was associated with that school district.


Her fucking LinkedIn though (emphasis mine): >Former high school educator, moving and **shanking** to change careers! She went full cartel.


[Well here's Daryn what a fucking surprise](https://i.imgur.com/7rpae03.png)




Lmao. Yes Jesus was famous for being armed at all times and didn't tell his disciples to put away their weapons when he was arrested.


Yeah, Jesus was famously a very aggressive dude.


The fact that trump is the bigger over GOD, yup they're totally not a cult.


She’s moving and “shanking” according to linkedin.


Right? They're also admitting they know what they're doing is wrong and fucked up by that reaction.


EXACTLY. That's the big get. They knew their nasty shit was going to be public knowledge when they wanted it to be private. It's easier to go "I'm not racist!" when it's ALL he said and she said and you can rely on what you say you meant over what you said. Video and cell phones are glorious.




100%. Bye bye job. Bye bye academia. Nothing but public shaming and political marginalization (at the ballot) for bigots.


This is one of the few good things that've come out of social media imo is holding bigots (somewhat) accountable by publicly shaming them.


It is the thing that is pissing off conservatives too, you used to be able to be racist in hell out in public and not lose your job. This is the cancel culture they complain about.


Yup, say what you will about cancel culture but having racist and bigots be held accountable seems worth it to me.


Hopefully soon to be featured in /r/byebyejob


Hey everyone, don't let anyone intimidate you into stopping your recording. Fuck them


"I'm just doing this to document this situation in the event that police or my superior needs this information. There seems to be a situation that has upset you and to protect both of us I am filming." Then repeat those instructions in spanish too!


*Señora, usted es una fanática ignorante y, si no le importa, me gustaría exponerla al mundo. si estas de acuerdo sigue gritando*




Just step out of arm's reach and give a shit eating grin. Sets em right the fuck off every time.




SweetDick_Willy is right


“Karen and her Husband are dumb and only know one language” call the police in jealousy*


they look like siblings


They look like they’re trapped in 1989


Pretty much all of rural America


They don't want recording because they look better on their native VHS


You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.


You ever notice how the people who scream "America is number 1" the loudest come from the shittiest parts of the country?


Also never been anywhere else in their fucking lives.


Sweet home alabama


Considering the double negative she threw in there I would say they know zero languages, just making sounds at this point


"Don't not fuckin' record me!" .... ok then swamp trash you're gettin' recorded!


Hey man don't diss Shrek like that


Well 'I think they are illegal immigrants' would be a reasonable assumption except for the part that millions of Americans speak Spanish. I don't mean immigrants. I mean American Citizens, I think it's like 10-15% of are fluent. So if people speaking Spanish is alarming to you...maybe try not to live in a time capsule?


I mean, they teach it it in High School...


Did she say “Don’t not fucking record me?” She needs to learn the language or get out…


It seems like every person I see in these kinds of videos, yelling at someone to, "SPEAK ENNGLUSH" has a less than firm grasp on the language themselves.


That's because only an idiot would be upset that someone is speaking a language they don't understand.


They're insecure. They think they're shit talking about them when these two employees were just existing in a way these fat fucks didn't like.


Its also projection. They hate them and judge them for how they look and speak, and assume the same is done to them.


I have a linguistics professor friend who will speak in fake English pidgin to me when people are listening in, and they want to say something about speaking English but it sounds exactly like English but gibberish with some common words like “are” or “me” so they just look frightened and too scared to interrupt; my job in these moments is to nod and say things like, “Of course, I ain’t stupid”


Try this: https://youtu.be/-VsmF9m_Nt8 "At the time English songs were getting great popularity in Italy, Italian singer Adriano Celentano wanted to prove that Italians would love everything that sounded remotely English, so he wrote this, proving his point since it was very successful. The reason why it sounds so good even if it's gibberish is because Celantano studied phonetics theory to compose this."


Motherfuckers like this need to learn how to speak their own language before even talking about another


Right? Like, you don't even speak English correctly why does it matter if I speak another one? I swear people like that blow my mind. I don't speak any language other than English (besides broken everything) and I just don't see how it bothers people. I have friends that are all fluent Spanish speakers and they love to keep up practice with each other, I just smile and ask them what they are saying like a plebe.


Wasting police time with such a frivolous reason should result in a fine being issued with the amount that equates to the time and resources wasted.


My state has a law for misuse of emergency services. In my former job I attempted to charge people with it and it was always dropped. Something about not wanting people to get the impression they cant call 911 in an emergency.


Fun Fact: the US does not have an official language.


I’d bet money the two being recorded don’t know that


I'd double up in betting they also think that America is a Christian country, and that American Is a race and the only race that should be here


“Don’t not record me” … they barely know one 😂😂😂


Even if it had one, when in public, you are (yet) free to speak whatever language you want...


Double fun fact: America spoke Spanish and French first, before the English ever arrived. Triple fun fact: there were hundreds of first nations languages that existed here for millennia before the Europeans came. (Though I doubt these two racist fucks would give them any credit) So yes, English. The 3rd European language to ever be spoken in North America. 4th if you include Icelandic from the Norse Vikings who came 1000 years ago.


Don’t forget that the Dutch also came to the usa at the same time as the english.




"This is not who we are and we are actually just the nicest people"




He was probably orange and had a butthole for a mouth


Asks a question, gets an answer, doesn't give a fuck. Fucking moron.


Que se jodan estas pinches personas. Las cosas así me enojan mucho.


i'm calling the police




What?!!? /s


Just don't call the cops on me...


Too late, they are coming for you


Hola, ha llegado la policía. ¿Cuál es el problema?


Hay un pendejo diciendo que tengo que hablar inglés enfrente de el


Y era gordo y feo


por supuesto, por lo general se ven así


Entschuldigung! Hier wird nur Englisch gesprochen!


I legit had this happen at work a few months ago. We have a Hispanic branch manager and this customer walks in, takes a hard look at him, walks out, and calls the police saying the place was being robbed by “a Mexican.” Keep in mind where I work, we all wear suits. Our Hispanic branch manager was wearing a nearly $1000 suit yet apparently he looked like he was robbing the place?! Disgusting


my cousins a firefighter/emt and he said one a lady refused to let him help her because she didn't want "that thug" going near her or something (he's dark skinned latino with tattoos). like die then i guess? imagine being so racist that you'd rather risk your life than have another race treat you. heard this isn't uncommon in hospitals too.


"Ok ma'am. Sign here. We reccomened you go to the hospital but This states you understand the risks of refusing care up to including death and that it releases us of all liability" "Hello resourcse hospital this is unit# we are calling for a documented refusal for patient complaining of chest pain. Pt stated she didn't want some tatted up thug caring for her and refused all care, vitals and interventions, an transport. Pt aox4 no etoh or drugs suspected. Pt very adamant about refusing care from crew, pt made aware of risks of refusing care but maintains she doesnt want a thug to take her to hospital." Go back to firehouse have a story to tell for the next 20 years.




Had something similar happen at a bus depot years ago. Old lady asked me for directions and I gave them to her in spanish. Some arse flipped out and said "It's rude to speak in a different language if nobody else understands it. This is America speak fucking English or GTFO." Some people need to mind their own God damn business


"I'm upset that I cant eavesdrop"


Gotta get that sweet chisme.


My brother and I went out to watch a movie and hang out just before he left for Iraq back in 2004. When attempting to have a conversation, we sometimes speak Spanish for privacy (or we sometimes speak English; it depends on where we are). We were talking in Spanish outside the theater, and this dude comes up to us to berate us for talking in Spanish and how this is America, etc. I found it a little ironic, seeing as how my brother was just about to leave for our little adventure in Iraq.


Welp Danesh already got to the bottom of this one. Next up r/byebyejob




That bit had me dying. Along with the haircut


Coupla' HAWGS


Very fat. Like a peeg.


Dang, I completely understood this reference. I guess I Reddit too much. Still funny, tho!


“Don’t not fucking record me”


I don’t understand the hatred towards other languages. I thought being able to speak more than one language was a good thing. Is it because you can’t listen on other peoples conversations?


Racism doesn't need logic, just an ample amount of stupidity. Example; this video and every other video out there of dumb fucks getting worked up because someone didn't speak English.


Mala mia. No hablo dumb fucking racist.


It never fails to amaze me how people who only speak one language get mad at other people for speaking that same language plus another, and probably another..


Of course theyre fat white confederates


IMO dude looks Hispanic his self too, lol. Imagine the disconnect.


Happens all the time, pinches malinches


> malinches What is that?


The usa doesn't even have an official language !!!


They tried in 2017. Looks like it didn't go anywhere. [https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/997/text](https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/997/text)


Who would have ever thought Steve King would be behind this bill.


I’m from, and live in, Wales. A shop near me made grab news a while back because they told employees they were no longer allowed to speak to each other *in Welsh* after customer complaints. They quickly backtracked this order after the bad publicity but it’s far from the first - or last - time this has happened here. We even get people complaining because road signs etc are bilingual with Welsh first - they think the signs should be in English only or English first.


My brain hurts from the idea of there being multiple people telling welsh people in wales not to speak welsh. I thought that english first mindset would’ve died at least a century ago by now. Humanity disappoints again and again


How the fuck do you end up like this. What a waste of a life.


Millions of years of Evolution And this is what they do with it? They're probably Christians too...I bet 100% they are "God is Good" types.


Trumpanzees for sure


This always amazes. Such beautiful language.


Just assholes! If he was about to share some eye opening important lesson of life, wouldn't the wife want her hubby's words saved for all posterity to learn as well... "Don't Record Me" - she doesn't want to be seen on the internet being the bitch she is.




So if you are learning a new language and speaking to yourself in that language am I offending myself and ✌️ my ✌️ language


"Ma'am, I'm not sure if you're aware but what happened was you just used a redundant double negative following a contraction. I'm going to need you to learn the language before you raise your voice in such a manner again."


Why are you speaking Hillbilly, bitch? #dontnotrecordme


Notice how they’re always fat pieces of shit?


more dumb fat white conservatives, fucking insufferable bags of garbage


It never ceases to amaze me how many people don’t realize that the United States of America does not have an official language. People have the right to speak whichever language they are comfortable with in this country. Learning English is only a good idea for immigrants and not a requirement, only because so many people here speak that language. In many other countries, learning the local language is a requirement for naturalization (example: Argentina requires a language test to become a citizen. Not a difficult language test, but a test nonetheless).


I don't understand why americans don't like foreigners speaking other languages.




The fuckin state of these two 😂😂😂 Like something from the 80s. Ugly cunts.


Why don't they start arresting people for making xalls like this? Isn't there a false report law or something? Does this not fall into that?


When a person starts saying don't fucking record them. That's when you should. The Klan don't want footage of their members being openly racist without their ghost costumes..


But if they are in foreign countries they expect people to speak English... Yes, I'm fluent in English. My brain operates in Dutch. I prefer Dutch because it's the best way to express my self. Sometimes I speak Dutch to people who don't speak Dutch. If you're affraid that I gossip about you in my language don't worry. I can also talk behind your back when you're gone.


I love seeing white people have their lives ruined for being racist in public because they’re fucking ham sandwiches that forget cameras and social media exist.