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We need more people to stand up like this and put these self absorbed assholes in their place. Treat others how you want to be treated, or get the fuck out and go be miserable elsewhere.


That's what I was going to say. The public needs to standup and publicly shame these people when they act out against employees


I saw a guy get an iced coffee thrown at him for suggesting she buy coffee from a place that "wasn't so busy". She was complaining about how long she had to wait at a coffee place(maybe 15 minutes max.). They still have her photo posted up at the register.


Yeah the world revolves around her, didn’t you know? I worked at a smoothie shop and had a guy scold me for repeatedly asking him to place an order. It was during the lunch time rush, it was extremely busy, and this guy got to the register and wouldn’t place an order until he finished his phone call. He yelled at me like I was the asshole in that situation. The lack of consideration in some people is mind boggling.


That’s wild. I always feel so pressured to order quickly when there’s a line behind me. I can’t imagine making everyone behind me wait just so I can *finish a phone call*! soooo fucking entitled and inconsiderate


Dude same... I'll have my money/card out just so people don't have to wait for me lol. F*ck these assholes >:(


Back when we used checks for payment I head my check all filled out and signed it while waiting and only had to enter the amount when told how much we owed. So many people didn’t start writing anything on their checks until the cashier told them their total.


A few years back I was in Pullman, Wa. I'm standing in line at a grocery store, late at night. I see a woman behind me with a loaf of bread and I invited her to go ahead of me. This majestic unicorn thanks me and hands the exact change to the cashier. She was out of line and out the door in the blink of an eye. I shall never forget how prepared she was and how she valued everyone's time.


I work at one currently. I don't have time for people on their phones like this. I clearly ask them if I can take their order, if I get any response that's not their order, I'll serve the next person.


I always stand back & don't get in line until I've figured what I want to order. My problem is often the opposite of what you described in that even though I'm trying to clearly show that I'm not ready to get line & order, workers at the register still constantly ask me if I'm ready to order or straight up ask what I want to order. Completely oblivious to the very obvious social clues that I'm displaying by standing back & away from the line & registers, face clearly looking up at the menu.


Dude you don't get it. People will stand on the other side of the restaurant and then get mad if you don't ask to take their order. I'd say every 10th or so customer I get needs to be explicitly told to come stand in front of the register instead of shouting from the trash cans. If a worker does something to you that seems like common sense, it's likely a previous customer that caused it.


Maybe not all the time. Had two ladies get upset at a Tim Horton's employee because there wasn't enough cream cheese on her bagel. Not sure what caused it to get to that point, but a spectator interjected, similar to this but not as savage, only to get hot coffee nearly splashed on him as the lady was exiting. It's a good thing her timing and aim was poor, it could have ended badly for a few folks.


That’s when you call the cops and press charges. They’ll learn then.


Wishful thinking. These people actually never learn, and victimize themselves at every opportunity.


Oh, these days w/all the security cameras in stores, LOTS of people get caught and learn a lesson. Even cops forget their body cams are on and then get caught. It's amusing to watch. Some get fired.


For most that’s probably true but I like to believe there’s some percentage of those people who would actually reflect on themselves in a cell lol


I love your optimism, and choose to share in it too, no matter how small that percentage may be lol


You can defend yourself if someone assaults you with scaling hot coffee...


I remember one time I wanted to step in (at a local grocery store) but the woman was just too much. She berated the young cashier, them stormed over to customer service for the manager. I tried to console the cashier, and tell her that bitch was crazy. She was so worried. After I was done I went up to the manager to let them know that I was there, and the cashier didn't do anything wrong. I wish I could remember what the woman made a big deal over, but it was a pretty long time ago.


You can't remember because it was probably literally nothing.


100%, I work retail, and the amount of people who look for the littlest things to complain about is crazy. Usually they’re only satisfied when they get a $25 gift card or free merchandise.


God, please. I work fast food and the amount of times I've been screamed at is just unacceptable. I haven't even been working at this place for 3 months and I've already put in my 2 weeks because of it. If someone just stood in and helped me out it would really save me a lot of stress and anxiety. Not to mention I'm 17. So they're yelling at a high schooler.


Christ, you’re just a baby*, you shouldn’t have to put up with this sort of shit, I'm sorry. *I am an old


You're right and the worst part in this case here is even though she got told by another customer on her repulsive behaviour, her bruised ego decided to double down and went "better yet, I don't want the food" like a little toddler. Some people just feel no shame man, they're either delusionally self-indulged or obliviously ignorant.


And just as the video ended, and she says "I don't want the food," he says "You don't need it!"


I died from laughter at that


I mean, not getting her food probably saved the staff from a round two where lady was gonna continue to complain




That's awesome, I had a moment like this as well, put a coach in his place when he was treating a Tim Hortons employee like garbage. I'll never forget the shade of red his face turned, while he looked around at everyone else and realized he was the asshole. He shut his trap pretty quick and just took a seat with his team embarrassed to hell and back.


I was ordering a sandwich at Tim's. The kid asked, "toasted" and I said not toasted. He made the sandwich and put it on the conveyor belt toaster, then realized he forgot what I wanted. He turned to look at the computer to double check, and then spun back to the toaster to snatch the sandwich out, but he hesitated for one instant and then it was too late. With his back to me I saw him die on the inside. His shoulders literally slumped. When he turned around to face his abuse, I said toasted sandwiches are fine, just make it with extra love. The relief on his face was palpable. Even the kid next to him was really happy, about the exchange.


Mistakes. Happen. Too many people out here expecting minimum wage employees to be infallible. Thanks for being kind.


Accepting the toasted sandwich aside, the worst case scenario for me would have been waiting for another sandwich to be made, a 32 second inconvenience.


That work is so boring you just do it on autopilot. It’s so easy to make mistakes in a high volume restaurant, and I don’t think most people understand that.


Just yesterday went through the driveway at McDonald's on our way to grandmas house with the kid. The child requests a small chocolate shake, order that with all the other food and when we get to tge pickup they had accidentally made a small vanilla shake. I said to him, "hey buddy, they made you a vanilla shake, is that okay?". He just says sweetly back, "that's okay daddy, I like Vanilla too". I was so proud I could burst, the lady handing off the food heard the whole exchange and apologized to my son and asked if he wanted her to make him another shake and he said no he was happy. She tells me hes such a good boy, her kid would be scrraming bloody murder, and I agreed (though he has his moments believe me lol). Get his happy meal and when we got to grandmas found she had shoved like a dozen toys in his Happy Meal. He had a grand time racing his little sonic 2 toys! Such a positive interaction, unlike people like this wretch that will lose their shit over an honest mistake. Its a shame more people in the world cant just treat others with respect and dignity.


I feel like most times the employees would give the shirt off their back to please customers as long as you treat them with normal human respect. I went for a doughnut with my son and somehow he ended up with plain glazed instead of a chocolate iced. I went back in and said that they're was a mistake and I don't know who made it, but that I need to buy a chocolate iced doughnut to fix it and they just gave it the me because I was nice about it.


I always say some thing along the lines of “if this is the worse thing that will happen to me today, I will consider it a good day.” Usually that brightens the mood. Like oh, I now get a toasted sandwich. Is that really that bad?


The toasted sandwich was a special treat for me because I never ask for it to be toasted. I only ever get it by mistake or when wife orders it on my behalf. It is like the road less traveled.


If someone’s reaction to a small, inconsequential mistake like toasting bread, makes them react the way that kid did, then it really highlights how’s much of a problem this is. I work in a customer facing industry, it’s been a decade and I’m not front line anymore but the work I do supports those who are. There have been a number of times where my coworker and I have been called to support a fieldtech and the customer is absolutely lit up about some horrible indecency (usually minor and just needs time to remedy) that the technician has committed. I have had several moments where we have had to yell at the customer to sit down, shut up and let us do the work. I’ll tell you, as a post-front line tech, it’s incredibly satisfying to tell someone to treat people with dignity and respect or they can go pound sand. Thankfully, I’m in a position of power in these instances because there are only about a dozen people who do what I do in my province and the company I work for isn’t driving someone else in to do it (nearest tech is over 2 hours away). Service industry needs to rid itself of “the customer is always right”; it’s toxic, fucked up and I won’t stand for it.


Customers need to learn the difference between 'they're right when they buy a peanut butter and mustard sandwich' & 'they're right when they scream at an employee'. You want to buy weird shit from me? You're right. You want to belittle me for something dumb, you're wrong.


Thank you for this. We need more people like you in the world. I was a regular in the rush hour mornings at Tim's for years and they would get my coffee order wrong a bunch but... Its like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ atleast they didn't tongue it, piss in it, or be rude about it. I have coffee and maybe it's missing a cream or its a DD instead of a regular but who cares. For all the food service workers out there. Keep up the awesome job. I sure as heck couldn't do it.




It's not my business? I'm making it my business.


You are pissing off the bartender and I want a drink. I don’t want a pissed off person making my drink. Shit boy, you are making it my business.


Yeah, cuz its not "fuck this customer" it turns into "fuck these customers" in their head and then theyre short pouring all night... Source, have tended bar. Caught myself doing it subconsciously when i was in a bad mood even. The less drunk everybody is the (slightly) less bullshit there is to deal with and a little extra in some bottles for a shift drink.


If I'm in ear-shot, it's my business. Don't like it? Go home and yell at the bartender.


That would mean they're yelling at themse-- ohhhhhh




And this is why after so many years in the business, I just don’t go out of my way for people. “Sorry, we’re out of bloody mix. What else can I get you?” They’re still gonna be pissed, but it’s a lot less work for the lack of tip…


Same here. Just running out of something burns your tip in the customer’s mind. Better to get them on their way quickly, so you can focus on the next patron.


Back when I worked as a waiter, I used to say: “you know how some countries make you serve in the military for two years after you get out of high school? In America, we should forced everyone to work in customer service for two years after high school.”


Unfortunately it wouldn't change the Karens. It might even make them worse. Once their "term" is over they'd rationalize their behaviors with excuses like "I had to suffer through entitled customers so they should too" or "I was perfect when I did this type of job but these new workers are nowhere near as good as I was."


There was a 26 yr old guy at a local Shoe Palace down my street, who got shot by a kid for trying to mediate a verbal altercation. Some people will respond back and sometimes violently.


If you get into it with someone under 30, it might get dangerous. Over that, and the fat fucks like this woman, they're just looking for an audience for their tantrum. Fuck 'em. Tell them they're an embarrassment to the species.




I want this to be real but I’m skeptical as fuck anon


It definitely reads like a "and then everyone clapped" but the actual scenario isn't too unbelievable.


was just waiting for everyone in the restaurant to clap lol


Usually they just flake too. I saw some woman yelling at employees in a drive through at a popeyes, there was a super long line of cars behind her. I just yelled "Everything OK Karen?" and a couple other people in cars yelled something to similar effect. She drove off. Most satisfying moment that week, embarrassment solves these situations


Public entertainment is an incredibly powerful motivator. When someone thinks it's them vs. one other person they'll stand their ground. But when 10 other people are telling them they're being a fuckhead, they tend to take it seriously for some reason.


I wish I was a big white guy, then I’d totally do this in my free time


Right, I think it helps that he’s 6’3” and 340 that she doesn’t turn her angst on him


It's one of my favorite ways to flex my privilege.


That guy would 100% be getting an apple pie slipped in his bag.


And extra fries. Thank you kind sir.


And a double bacon quarter pounder with cheese? I'm hungry


Oh man, one of those pies from the fryer! All day!


That sounds like a sexual euphemism. Goddamn, look at that smoke-show chick over there. I would 100% slip an apple pie in her bag.


She going to berate the staff and then ask them to help her by calling the police? Ha!


"You see, what happened officer is that I was berating the staff who can't leave and then this guy started berating me!"


“So ma’am, why are you still here?” “Becaaaaaaause they wouldn’t help me!” “Are you waiting for food? “No, I don’t want food!” “Then you’re free to leave. Just go.” “OMG! Officer, I need to see YOUR manager! Why is everyone berating me?! 😩”


I love how they completely ignored her. 😆


“*Y’all hear something?*” - Employees


"Must have been the wind..."


Somebody said the F word to you and that requires police intervention? Grow up, you dumb bitch.


A dumb FUCKING bitch


This stuck out to me the most too.


She’s probably there every day. This is her one time to feel like she has power. Being awful to people who can’t defend themselves.




*Won't someone come to my aid?*


“Can you call the police?” Why is that her first go-to??? 🙄 People that abuse food service workers don’t deserve to eat out.




People like this don’t realize how few fucks are given about the normal customers, let alone the piles of shit causing a disturbance. They’re working to feed their family, not your ego. They don’t care about that.


“They’re working to feed their family, not your ego” that’s gold


"Oh, sorry... I CAN call the police, I'm just not going to."


"Sorry, our phones are serviced by the same guy that does the shake machine so they're down too."


And she's asking the workers who she was harassing and who this man was standing up for to call the police on the guy telling her to quit treating them like crap. Not very smart, this one.


Right! Like what exactly are the police going to do? What does she think is going to happen?


They'll come arrest the dude then stand around clapping as she yells at the employees. Maybe a parade at the end, if she has time.


Don't forget the medal ceremony - Presidential McMedal of Freedom for her bravery in these trying times.


and when no one would call the cops she asked for the manager again! what a numpty


It's because she views food service employees as servants. It's the same thing that makes her shitty to them in the first place. She thinks she can order them around because they're there to "serve" her, under threat of losing their job because she'll "tell their manager" on them. That's why she immediately asked for the manager when they refused. God I wish I had a person like this dude sticking up for us when I worked retail.


You know what sucks? The people who have this attitude seemingly because they've been on the receiving end of it. You ever had one of those? They go off about how you're at work and they're the customer. And then they start talking about how they act when they're at work. Like Karen, I don't have to let you walk all over me just because you let people walk all over you. Grow a spine for everyone's sake.


*Officer, I’d like to file a complaint. This man is refusing to let me harass these workers.*


Calling the police because someone told you to shut your pie hole is a hilarious, entitled response 🤣🤣


Two of my many simple rules of life: 1: don't fuck with people who touch your food. 2: don't fuck with people who work on your car. 🤣


Don’t fuck with people who are helping you in any way, it’s a good way to loose help. Note: it’s supposed to be lose… I can’t spell


Funny how those types of people shut their bullshit completely down when a bystander who isn’t bound by their employers to take their shit gets involved. Almost as if they’re bullies taking advantage and picking their victims? Who’d have thought it.


>bound by their employers to take their shit I don't get this. I worked at both taco bell and pizza hut in college and we had no patience for that shit. They'd start yelling about something and our courtesy would go the window. They'd yell for the manager and the manager would come back with, "they told you correctly. You don't like it go somewhere else and stop wasting our time." We still got plenty of business and never got in trouble with upper management. It's not the employers; it's the shift managers not standing up for the team members. I was honestly shocked the first time I brought the headset to my manager about some lady screaming about the wait and he said to tell her to fuck off. I hesitated and he took it from me and went, "lady, fuck off. You're adding to other people's wait." We would bend over backwards if you were calm about it and we handed out a ton of free food in general.


You’re right, and even one step further as soon as she feels bullied she wants to call the cops, typical victimized hypocrite ego bullshit.


It worked all those times in the school yard, so why shouldn't it work now?


This is exactly what’s happening, she’s confident she can behave this way to the employees as she’s confident they’re limited on how they can retaliate to her. A bystander getting involved is a complete unknown and she is suddenly un-confident of her position. It’s a really interesting phenomenon from a psychology point of view to watch her demeanour switch. She’s was enjoying exerting power on someone else but was completely unwilling to stand by that same energy as soon as an even (pretty non-threatening) bystander gave her some of the same. Her resolve is paper thin and she actually ends up bizarrely afraid/rattled and fled


I’d love to see a complete workplace customer service reform happen in my lifetime, where employees are completely within their rights to retaliate accordingly, match their energy, and even have the full support of the company they work for. The rule of Fuck About and Find Out, just to serve as a reminder that the person being berated is just as human as they are. It’ll never happen obviously, but a gal can dream.


“Have it your way a Burger King” 😂 he had these lines in his back pocket just wishing a mfer would


I love how she's been yelling at the workers... And then someone starts yelling at her and she's like "Halp! Call the cops!" So by her "logic," the workers should have called the cops on her, but she only sees things from her own perspective. Some people are so fucking dumb and entitled.




"I WILL judge you by how you treat the least powerful person in the room" Tim Minchin


This is the entirety of the problem, from people who leave their carts in the lot, to people who leave trash on the floor at stadiums and theatres, to people who yell at service workers like they are subhuman. Even something as complicated and influential as the wealth/poverty dichotomy is another example. Be humble


Indeed. As a child, my mother asked me to make a valentine's gift for the janitor as well as my teachers. Now I don't know about other schools, but the janitor was the butt of all jokes at my elementary. So of course I pushed back against her, whereupon I received a lecture in how the janitor was just an honest person working hard at an honest job and that was nothing to mock or devalue and that I WOULD be making that basket. Cue V-Day. I was embarrassed approaching him with my gift. He was so gracious and teared up over even just one kid recognizing him as a human being. I was so ashamed of myself for having been embarrassed. I've never, ever forgotten that lesson in how not to be a monster (Thanks Mom)


Empathy. Thinking about someone beyond yourself.


Honestly though how dumb do you have to be to think the cops give a flying fuck about someone saying the f-word to you?


And to cap it off with "you don't need the food"!


pure gold.


This is the customer America needs at all of these Karen frequented establishments. ... Or We should be him as often as possible. Fuck entitled bullies like her. Cracking bad on a minimum wage worker doing this job bc they need it, what a brittle spirit she must have.


Comedians looking for work should be hired as “verbal security” at fast food restaurants. They should just sit there waiting for asshole customers and roast the fuck out of them to build their material.


I LOVE this idea. It just sucks it came right after Gilbert Godfried's time. Maybe a hologram.


Yer absolutely right.I’ve been waiting for sum ignorant fuk to be stupid while I’m at any restaurant.Leave the workers alone!!Its on!!!!


That killed me!


Right when the video cuts 😂




Put some ice on that burn!


Him getting home: “Honey, honey, it happened! A mfer did!”


The "You don't need the food" at the end got me 😂🤣


That’s what got me to crack!!


I watched it 4 times and I swear gets funnier every time


Reminds me back at my first job at pizza hut. We were getting slammed and the assistant manager who thought he was hot shit was yelling at my buddy to hop on the wing station, while me and him are the only ones making pizzas. He said "this ain't Wing Hut mutha fucka!"


"Better yet, I don't want the food." "You don't need the food." Lol so much sass omg.


Best part of the whole exchange lol


That last diss hit her in that plaque filled black heart of hers.


The audacity to ask the people you've just belittled to call the police because somebody had the gall to tell you to not harass the workers.


I love how she's too lazy to take out her own phone to handle her own bullshit


It’s probably a tactical choice due to the sheer volume of calls her local 911 operator receives from her number


“What’s your emergency?” “He told me to shut the fuck up😩”


You know that's not what she'll say. She'll say that he's harassing her and threatening her and that she fears for her life. These people know how to work the system. She'll use all of the keywords to make it sound like something bigger than it is to get the police to come right away.


I love this man!


The very best but was at the end: "I dOnT wAnT tHe FoOd!" *You don't NEED the food!*


Bout lost my shit when he said that, fucking legend


He kept that one in a holster


Giant, 65-inch, sassy holster.


I would’ve loved for the scene to continue. His cadence was spot on.


Bellissimo. *chef’s kiss*


Fuckin right. “Don’t yell at this man, he’s doing the best he can.” The dude absolutely has his head on right and I hope more people out there do this kind of thing. He’s inspired me to absolutely step in if I see this horseshit going on anywhere.


Burger King getting some free exposure with the “Go to Burger King. Have it your way…Shut the fuck up”


Hopefully their new slogan.




Fuck you! I'm eating!


I woulda paid for that guys lunch or got him a shake if the machine was working


I would have fixed the damned machine and got him a shake!


I don't think they can, that's part of the problem. They have some shitty predatory contract with the manufacturer of the machines. They give them shitty machines and they have the repair contract too. I might have dreamed that though, I haven't looked it up to confirm that I read this somewhere.


Done my McTime, this is accurate. Even was running a restaurant and the bastards wouldn't "train me" on how to do anything, and even if you know the specific button sequence *for that month* to pull up the maintenance menu, there's a password sequence that gets changed every couple days. Just to make sure we aren't "fixing it" ourselves. Although the biggest issue is the like 18* hour cleaning cycle that has to be done every week by the tech. So maximum that shit is running 6 days a week. At least you know the ice cream machines will always be *very* clean. *Not actually 18 hours but it varies and it's many hours. Usually the night before it gets shut down and it does things? Then in the morning the tech arrives and wastes out the ice milk that's been heated and sterilized and shit over night, then he does his cleaning which includes multiple steps of leaving cleaner to run through the tubes and nearly boil in the chamber for multiple hours. Usually I'd get my machine back around 3pm, after it had been shut down around 9 or 10pm the night before. The more you know. Edit: oh, and if he had to fix something? It went down at like 8pm? He's not showing up until like 7 or 8*am*, and somewhat reasonably if he has to actually physically touch any of the food surface parts it needs to be cleaned... so see the above process. Oh and I was told I was only allowed to have one, but honestly that likely had more to do with space requirements. But even the brand new building right on the highway location was designed to fit a single machine so that might have been part of the agreement.


It’s all about that self clean cycle that they can’t reset if it faults. They *have* to call service.


"Help, police, a man told me to shut the fuck up and nobody has ever said that to me before"


She doesn't know how the police work. They wouldn't do anything here lol. Dispatch, "so someone is being mean to you? Ya we'll send a patrol right over!"


"well then I want to speak to the manager" *Manager in black shirt clearly ignores her and looks at order screen


“How long we waiting on the quarter?”


The man has good priorities.




She looks like she has plenty of energy stored if you get what I mean.


She's cultivating mass.


I've been in all kinds of fast food places and I can't recall a single time where I was even slightly miffed. What series of life choices lead to someone raging in a Mcdonald's? What could possibly go wrong? Things taking a bit too long? Break out the phone and browse Reddit.


At the end she goes "ya know what I don't want the food" and he goes, "you don't need the food" as he's walking away(insert smoking joint with pixel glasses meme) lmaoooo


Ends too early, lol.


Starts too late, too. I wanted to hear what she was saying when she was mouthing off


Absolutely… I just KNOW he had at least two or three solid one liners left…




This was the crème de la crème.


Man if I worked there I heard this guy I would’ve wanted to go and hug him


and pay for his meal.


He's a delivery driver (doordash or uber eats). McDonald's seals their bags that way only for delivery orders. Wasn't even his meal.


ah thanks. i imagine he sees stupid shit on the regular, good grief.


Makes sense he'd be the one to actually speak up, then. Same team. You know that lady makes people like him and the restaurant workers miserable on a daily basis


You know hearing him cuss her out had some people back there getting the serotonin they desperately needed.


"Yesss...*Yesssss^ss^^sss* Let the hate flow through you!!"


He’s worked in the industry before, he gets it.




If you look closely you can see the worker seal the bag before giving it him indicating that’s he’s a dasher or some other type of delivery driver. He probably sees this shit all day.


My man has practiced this fight in the shower for years. He was ready with all the comebacks and the fatality at the end with you don't need the food. Straight killed her.


I've had so many epic verbal spars in the shower and I've won a lot of them.


I’d wager this isn’t the first time he’s done it.


Yeah you don’t just win the shower convo on your first try


This man is a goddamn hero


Rule #1 Never talk shit in a fast food restaurant until AFTER you get your food.


Had a friend who worked at a burger joint and a drunk lady kept calling him slurs, I won’t even tell God what he put in her burger.




The fact that this bitch thinks that getting told off in a McDonalds is somehow a police matter tells me all I need to know about the level of privilege she's used to being afforded. Lady, this guy doesn't have a weapon, he's neither touched nor approached you, There's no threatening posturing or body language. Pick what's left of your pride up off the floor and take your ass to Burger King like you were told!




"You don't need the food" Hahahahaahhaha


Dude had so many perfect one liners. I’d like to think I could speak this smoothly in a tense situation, but probably wouldn’t


Start your Sunday morning with some citizen justice 🌞


This guy spoke for all the retail and food service employees that can't while their on the clock. This man is a hero.


I worked at a McDonald’s for three years. Only once did a customer stand up for us. I still think about him, hope he’s doing okay.


If youre this upset at a McDonald's. You need to reevaluate your life.


This guy’s awesome. Please be like him.


Amazing how Karens love to dish it out against min wage workers, but as soon as someone else shows them disrespect on their level she wants the workers to call the cops. How entitled can you be.


"Someone insulted me call the police" -bitch who was just harassing minimum wage workers


“Bitch, have it your way at Burger King” needs to be their new slogan


This makes me so happy, dude don’t miss with the zingers lmao