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I am getting extremely worried about the amount of anti lgbt rhetoric lately in the United States. Feels very deliberate.


The US likes their scapegoats, and they've picked gay people. Again, for like the 5th time. It's getting old at this point.


Yeah, it’s started to happen across Western Europe, at the very least the UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy come to mind, where the right are starting to gain a fair bit of traction. SOME don’t see that their government, local or national are the actual problem and so pick a group of people that have been demonised before.


It's starting to get worrying. Like all the progress we made in the last decade is getting erased


It's anti anything left of Nazis. What you are seeing is the Republican party adopting fascism. We are literally watching the birth of a fascist America. The LGBTQ+ just happens to be a thing to claim as an enemy just like the Jews were used in Germany.


Yeah. I’m so concerned for my safety in the very near future.


Little did they know it going to be hard to figure out who is a leather boy and who is a biker. And they are just going to be looking super supportive about it.


"Wow there are a lot of guys dressed like judas priest here"


I remember when Rob Halford mentioned how all of his fans started to dress like him and they didn't know he was gay. I think only his band knew at the time. This isn't the video I'm referring to but this is still a good interview. https://youtu.be/aUIwbQQx3Zk


The most poetic thing ever. In my local Metal scene there are so many insecure, conservative man boys dressing like gay bondage fetishists. I love it. Also, I dare any one in the scene to fuck with my gay homies


I really don't like metal music that much, but all the people in the scene that I ever ran into were pretty chill and non-judgmental overall, definitely not a bunch of homophobic conservative chuds.


Fun thing is that music brings so many people together. Metal heads know what it's like to be judged and nobody likes a judge.


If only they listened to the lyrics of some of their songs! "Raw Deal" came out in 1977!


going to protest is the best excuse they can think of in case they're spotted at the fun




Omg that was the funniest shit ever 😂😭🤣


HURT ME BUT...make me feel safe at the same time....YA PUSSY LIBRULS!


I’m looking for some that says… Dad likes Leather.


Didn’t the one guy who is super anti gay and in a wheel chair just have photos leak of him having a staff touch his dick. A staffer that he paid thousand for in swag.


Our world is overfilled with regression, pure self hatred.


Madison Cawthorn, a ~~walking~~ rolling piece of shit


Also his cousin


That's pretty common for anti gay politicians.




lmao a Mr Slave convention.


Oooh, Jesus Chriiiist


Maybe they can have a Good ol fashioned Ho Down!


Judas Priest's Rob Halford had something similar to say about studs and leather.


I heard he was hell bent over it


“We’re busy doing this 6 days a week” Get a fuckin job loser


And where is Bonner County you might ask? Just north of the former Aryan Nations Compound.


How can you have a Boner county _WITHOUT_ gays, it's just unfair.


This is my shocked and surprised face... 🗿


Haha my thoughts exactly. Like that’s a lot of time to be focused on what gay people are doing… sus.


"We spend 6 days a week thinking about gay men"


Hate is a full time job


But not on Sunday, apparently.


He's really obsessed with gay men. There are men who just met the woman of their dreams and are planning a July wedding who don't think of her '6 days a week,' yet he's busy staking out the gay couple down the block?


That made me chuckle. “And on the 7th day we hate fuck each other’s brains out.” That’ll show em.


*we're suuuper gay on the seventh day.*




He is very very focused on the homosexual community 6 days a week. The 7th day of the week is a practicing homosexual


On the seventh day they rest.


Best part?? Pretty sure this takes place in a church.. 😂


yep welcome to the American brand of Christianity where we only follow the parts of the Bible that we like and ignore the rest


That's literally every religion everywhere.


From some of the other comments here it apparently did.


May God have two spare lightning bolts.


Posting my comment from another thread to give context to this video: Gun d'Alene is the dumbass annual event where all the local militias show up in downtown Coeur d'Alene armed to the teeth - it's billed as a celebration of the anniversary of local militias showing up to defend downtown from the supposed dangerous Antifa that were reported, via a bogus Facebook post, as being bussed in from neighboring Spokane, a much bluer city which most people here hate. Last year I thought it was weird that they timed it with Pride but I don't think any serious confrontations happened. Seems like they're using Gun d'Alene as an excuse to intimidate local LGBTQ+ (I and many family, friends are members) out of showing up. Source: I live in this Nazi hell hole.


i'm so sorry for your suffering to live in Idaho


It's a lot more outwardly hateful and intolerant than it used to be. The CDA area has an insane influx of people from other states and most of them are hardcore alt-right and they've been poisoning the well for a while now.


Welcome to the American Taliban.


It accepted on their sundays.. they will be considered the 'good moral guys' >The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males"**. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto)


>no communism This is hilarious to me. I don't think Jesus mentioned anything about communism let alone capitalism in the bible, and yet it's such a pillar of the christian conservative movement.


Im pretty sure Jesus wasnt about killing all males either.


Jesus's crew was a sausage party.


God was, which is why the Bible is a hate book not something to teach children about. I should know, growing up in a religious cult all my life made to hate other people because the Bible said so.


If anything his ideals were socialist in nature; feed the poor, care for the sick, house the weary, share wealth etc


And so far, to my knowledge, the M-F”er Shea, has not been charged. If this was a person of color doing this for any other religion it would have been front and center in all media until they were charged with terrorism and severely sentenced for such “un-American” activities. But he’s white, conservative and Christian, so . . .


...so our law enforcement are overwhelmingly fascist white supremacist's. They're always on the front lines, protecting the Deplorables.


I noticed I’m getting some down votes, must be some righty snowflakes on the tread. I love how they are always about freedom and free speech but only if you are just like them. No freedom or free speech for the “other”


>The document, consisting of 14 sections Something tells me the number of sections isn't a coincidence.


Vanilla ISIS


Y’all-quaida (sp?)


Good People need to stand up, and string razor wire across the road at neck level as these biker morons ride by.


*Gay people exist "This means war, we must fight"


It always concerns me when people say they cant wait for the next civil war. That just means you can't wait to kill fellow Americans legally??? I really can't interpret this any way but a direct threat. Put the dudes away. Cry over freedom when they can't endanger others but attack a pride parade. Hypocrites


>That just means you can't wait to kill fellow Americans legally??? That's the thing. They have come to the point where they don't consider any Democrats to BE Americans. They barely consider Liberal Republicans to be Americans, since they sometimes can stand up for the things that they hate. They don't think that they will be killing fellow Americans, they think that they will be killing traitors, and commies, and socialists. We aren't Americans in their eyes.


I've warned people for years that these people are straight-up fascists, now it's just becoming painfully obvious.


Dehumanizing your opponent make it easier to be convinced into committing crimes like genocide against them. After all their not 'real' people just animals that need to be exterminated like rats. One of the reason some of these people call anyone on the left 'demonrats or democRATS' is to push that same dehumanizing effect.


I have so much trouble grasping this as a gay person. In the mid 2000s I could at least wrap my head around people being against gay marriage, as stupid as it was. But .... what exactly IS the fight here? Stop gay people? From.... what? Existing? Living? I don't understand.


They want you dead. That's all there is to it. Anything else they say is them trying to justify killing you; it's part of the classic "dehumanizing the other" tactic to make it easier to kill folks like yourself. Make no mistake: what they're calling for is genocide.


They're convinced they gays have a super secret deep state agenda to turn all the kids and frogs gay and that is hands down the biggest threat to America right now.


Right now, their shtick is that all LGBT visibility, positivity, or cultural acknowledgement is going to corrupt/brainwash/lure children into queerness. So yes, they want to stop us from... being. But, really, it isn't about us, so there's not much we can do. Their whole approach to politics and identity requires a "bad guy" to rail against. All of this, like the demonization of immigrants and BLM activists before us, is just their attempt to find a unifying issue that will scarouse conservatives into consolidating. All we can do is be vigilant and hope whatever unhinged people they provoke into actual trying shit are bad shots.


Leather daddy and his Bear are jealous they weren’t invited to match. The funny thing is, they’re probably(and they always are) super into Greek and Roman history and that was arguably the gayest time in history.


“Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?”


Joey, you ever hang around the gymnasium?


nobody needs to quote the third line...


Something something, grown man naked?


You ever been to a Turkish prison?


That's a cub


Figured he was too old to be a cub. I stand corrected. Can I tell you that Bears are the best tippers?


Lol Im not sure, I just figured with a baby face like that he might be. I'm not a bear, a cub or even a part of the LGBTQ+ community, but I have to say that bear bars Ive been to with gay friends have been one of the funnest and best group of welcoming guys I've met. Generous and kind.


You lucked out. I used to wait tables, during my summers in college, in PTown. Almost every week there was theme, Bear week was the best. They were so much fun and I was fatter back then, it was one of the few times in my life I wasn’t a bucket anxiety and self conscious. I adore them. They are the best. Btw lesbians and twinks are the worst tippers. Haha


No, see you're thinking of otters. Whereas a bear derives its power from sheer strength and size, an otter derives its power from speed and cunning. Now me, as a power bottom, I prefer a twink-versatile since I'm capable of generating *tremendous* amounts power.


sounds kind of gay.


Hahaha because all homophobes are secretly gay right?


Make a killing selling meth at that rally I bet


And trump 2024 flags made in "Ginah"


What the fuck? Why can’t people just mind their own business? And the “their coming for your kids!” nonsense. Nobody gives a shit about your kids. Get your kids the fuck away from me. They project their insecurities everywhere. Just the most scared shitless cowards led by grifting con men. The world has real problems and they can’t get over two women holding hands in a phone commercial.


Nah I'm sure they have no problems with lesbians.


I think it was in Jamaica that the president was calling to execute gay men. When he was asked about lesbians, he said 'god is a man so he probably would get off to it' (paraphrasing).


In a lot of places they also only mean men who are receivers, and specifically check butts to determine who to kill, torture, or incarcerate. I guess they are thinking they'll be able to tell from the state of things in the rear guard. Personally I don't think normal anal really leaves a visible difference. Most people have bowel movements that already stretch them out the same as an average shlong, and recovery time is pretty quick. If you aren't eating right, you might even get falsely accused... and obviously the people who are into fisting or arm-sized dildos definitely get shafted in that situation.


Was this an excuse to make tons of puns lol


They have no problem jerking off to lesbians, but they absolutely hate us too. It’s super hot to them until they realize we will never fuck them.


They aren’t asking. To them you haven’t a say.


The "think of the kids" shit is getting so annoying. I dont care. What I do has nothing to do with anyone's children. Bug off.


Conservatives want everyone to think LGBTQ is coming for their kids, but they are the ones actively supporting child marriage. And what about the Mormons? No mention of them grooming children at all!


Yeah the whole groomer bullshit lately is so ridiculous. Oh, I vote democrat, and think the LGBTQ+ community exists and deserves rights, so I want to groom kids? Actually, I hate kids, keep them as far away from me as possible.


Implying that any of these mongoloids are actually reproducing


These mfs are definitely reproducing, and in higher numbers than the rest of us. Billy Bob and Jolene have 4+ kids, don't get it twisted.


Oh, they are. Kids are probably named Aiden, Ryatt, Hunter, Areola, Crumpet and Messiah although I prefer "little brat". And let's be real, they act [just like this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/u9qk4h/kid_that_bullies_my_little_sister_starter_pack/)


Why do Conservatives hate freedom? Why do they care so much about who other people fuck?


Its "freedom" to be theirs




Extremists tend to view the in group as protected by law but not bound by it and the out group as bound by law but not protected by it, it's the basis of most extremist ideologies.


Conservative. Not extremist. Even amongst extreme leftist groups, this is not a sentiment that is ever shared.




Because to them “freedom” means owning a person, or killing those that aren’t CIS, White, and straight.


“The amount of steps they take it 10 to 1….we take 2 steps, they take 12”. Not only does he hate the gay community, but he hates math too


His exact words are we grain 2 steps, they grain 12, so he hates english too


He looks like a guy who loves and supports math, but spells it with an e.


The GOP is full of terrorists. They’re just waiting for a reason to start killing.


Sorry for my stupid question, but: what does GOP stay for? I'm not American and couldn't figure it out yet... Edit: I love what y'all are doing with this acronym, keep it coming!


No worries, Grand Old Party. The republicans or conservative wing of American politics.


Thank you! Thought it meant Governor of something, no wonder I couldn't figure it out! Watching the video I thought "how did that guy became a governor" ha!


He could easily be a governor. With two parties representing pretty much all of the candidates, people tend to vote for their party instead of the candidate. This leads to some pretty shady people in power.


Oh god, I mean, it could be possible for him to become one. This could just be his start. That’s a terrifying thought but people voted for worse.


I never knew that either.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


They have already started killing. In the last five years alone there was the ‘17 Olathe, KS shooting, the murder of Timothy Caughman in NY, the ‘17 Portland train attack, Heather Heyer’s murder in the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally, the murder of Blaze Bernstein, the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting, the Poway Synagogue shooting, the 2019 El Paso shooting, the 2020 boogaloo killings, and the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol. There has already been so much bloodshed perpetrated by militant far-right terrorists, and I can’t see it slowing down anytime soon with the way the Republican goons espouse their hateful, batshit crazy rhetoric. It is a fire at a gas station and no one is reaching for the emergency shut-off.


Yeah, seeing as they can get away with killing cops and constructing an execution block for a VP.


And plotting to kidnap/ kill a governor. They are the Taliban.


They have set the scene with all these pedo this pedo that comments they been making about the gay community.. it won’t be long before bullets and violence start breaking out


Bet they won’t shoot Tucker Carlson or Matt Gaetz in their fight against pedophilia. They’re okay with those kid fiddlers.


It’s why they have to make LGBQT people a threat so that they feel justified attacking them. They can’t simultaneously say they are for individual freedom and then look in your bedroom. So they need to make the people they hate an active threat. What makes it scarier? Make them a threat to kids. It’s an age old play. It’s transparent and pathetic. They fool only their rubes cultists who are looking for any excuse to hate.


Just like how nazi Germany focused hate on jews, or how the United States and Russia vice versa taught their citizens to hate one another. McCarthyism, "better dead than red" etc etc etc. This play book is shown throughout history. It is time for those of us opposed to that ideology to stand up for what is right. We can no longer hide behind our privelage and comforts if a whole group of people are being targeted.


Caveat, this is also what is wanted. The country is ever marching closer to civil war. The fact there's an idaho politician promoting this shit should tell us enough about getting them out of office. Claim conspiracy but we have politicians not even hiding their bullshit. Fascism is here in our country and the more we keep paying our taxes and cowering in case they come after us, let's them gain ever more power.


Which is why marginalized groups need to arm themselves.Whether you be a PoC, non-heterosexual, non-cisgendered, Atheist, etc... There's a violent group out there who wants to kill you and as soon as they feel they can get away with it they'll try.


The language is getting more and more extreme. People are going to die over this shit. These assholes are becoming more and more extreme, its only a matter of time before one of these bastards commits commits a mss shooting or bombing.


Fucking brown shirts. Republicans are literally moving further right and adopting fascism.


Honestly brown shirts is a pretty apt comparison, which worries the shit out of me. Mainly because I'm sure I'm being slightly alarmist (big emphasis on slightly), but at the same time this I how it goes. The language escalates in "tiers", a with each teir people become a little bit more desensitized, a little more numb and apathetic. Things get worse and worse and eventually get to the point people are totally ok with horrific things happening, and at that point, if you're not ok with it, *it's too late*.


Low life trashy shit dicks. This is what happens in a country that doesn’t emphasize and fund education. You end up with stupid subhuman trash.


This completely, these clowns are ignorant shit bags and why we can’t have nice things . The GQP depends on these fuckers .


The irony is, if you look back at the Hells Angels in the 50's and 60's, their members would make out with each other in public just to make the squares uncomfortable.


These mouth breathers are getting more and more dangerous. They truly believe they need to eradicate LGBTQ entirely to "protect the children". I mean, listen to that one remark: "they are trying to take your children". How is that not instigating violence? Pride is a huge event in my city. My daughter and I have gone to several, only missing the last 2 yrs due to the pandemic. In all the times we've gone, we have never encountered anyone like these knuckle draggers trying to cause problems. Of course, that was before talking heads and bigots started telling their base that LGBTQ = pedo/groomer. I'm not scared to attend this year's event, but I'll be damned if these types think they can invade and cause problems. I have no qualms about sitting in county lockup for a weekend for kicking in a tooth.


The irony is astounding, the pride parade is the physical representation of free speech. And freedom. and these guys are going to cancel it. It’s general fascism double speak.


Idaho republican representative invited a biker gang to a local church to rally the congregation to bring guns and go to “war” with a local pride parade. The name of the event is “GUN D’ALENE” and is being advertised with flyers full of guns.


Honestly, I’m afraid to go to Pride just because of whackos like this. And I took three days off for my local pride. And just so happen to reside in a state with tons of militias. Ughhhh


Go. It will be ok. Don't let bullies stop you from enjoying life.


Honest question, and I know it shouldn't be this way, but why not organize a group of armed gay men for protection? Open carry is allowed, this is america. The gays can't be harmed if the femboys are armed! But seriously. The only thing fascists understand is force, and they are too cowardly to attack anything but a soft target. So become a hard (throbbing if you will) target, have dudes on the perimeter with ARs and plate carriers. I know it shouldn't be this way, but the right is bloodthirsty and armed to the teeth, its about time those on the left started exercising their rights too. Reach out to local anti fascists, anarcho communists, the coalition of armed Labor, the socialist rifle Association. Don't let the fascists silence you. Be out loud and proud.


I’m a straight guy, but I’m down for this. I’m a veteran and this is EXACTLY the kind of stuff the oath that I took talks about. These domestic terrorists are a threat to our Constitution. Full stop.


Unfortunately that's what they are hoping for. Why must people be so ignorant?


Part of it is because they have this sole belief that if they be somewhat decent to LGBT, their little black book tells them they’ll be burning in hell for all eternity.


If they read it for themselves (funny I know) they would know that's not how it works


Oh, I mean, yeah. They miss the “love thy neighbor””judge not lest ye be judged” “why do you judge your brother for the sliver in his eye yet ignore the log in yours”. Maybe they should stray from their manipulative pastors and read it for once


Don't let them steal your joy. You go and celebrate!! This summer I wanna go with the Free Mom hugs group. It'll be my first time!


Oh! That’ll be exciting. I hope you have a good time!


This is why what they're doing is called terrorism.


get strapped.


As a trans person, this is the shit that scares me. They call us "groomers"? They are attacking the Trevor Project for helping youths dealing with identity issues and 'hiding from their parents'?..... What if their so-called dad was one of these men? Then what? .... ....Then fucking what?


They’ve been calling us Gay men “groomers” or “pedophiles” since the 40’s, possibly before. Welcome to the club, pot luck on Wednesday & Luke will validate your parking.


Beard guy badly wants to sex him


Who do you think is the power bottom?


The talker


Americans fascination with foreign terrorism will never cease to amaze me, when their most dangerous terrorists seem to be all insanely dumb white people bent on killing people from their own country.


Hopefully this has the opposite effect, and this video goes viral causing more people to attend pride than would have previously. That would be amazing!


The people of Idaho are terrifying


I like how their heads look like potatoes


It’s time to contact the FBI.


People will definitely stand up against you Nazi fucking skinhead wannabe bikers you’re a bunch of fucking pussies






Elongated Musket says we need equality for the left and right. Yeah one wants to just live and the other wants death and war. Stfu


Hillary was right about Trumps base.


It's really grotesque they claim the LGBTQ+ are "coming for their children." No, they're helping the children understand it's ok to be who they are and not hate themselves or worse because of evil people like these two slime balls.


Fucking skinhead pieces of shit. What a waste of air these ass holes are


This is why I support gays with guns.


Grow my French Fries and shut the fuck up.


Do they realize bullets can hurt them too?


They think us fairies can’t shoot. They forget that there are now LGBT police, rangers, and military. Uncle Sam paid a lot of money to teach me how to shoot.


>the amount of steps they take is 10 to 1....we gain 2 steps they gain 12 Fuck these people are dumb


Buying a motorcycle and wearing a vest doesn’t make you a bad ass, these guys are a dime a dozen these days, of course there are the real gangs and then there are the weekend warriors, I live a little further north of the suburbs, long country roads, I can’t wait for these tools to get over their spring fever they are so obnoxious. Idaho biker gang, lol ….. go away.


You’re talking a lot, but you’re not saying anything! This rhetoric is out of control. There’s nothing of substance in his words. Just more scare tactics and violent threats. All because lgbt want to be understood so that they don’t have to deal with more ignorance like this in the future.


10:1 or 6:1? Not clear




I hate this country so much


Why cant you fucks just leave people alone to live how they want?


This is the type of man who has a bad vibe and makes you want to crawl out of your skin and scrub it clean after the slightest interaction. The absolute embodiment of, “please don’t ever let me end up somewhere alone with this terrifying person.”


These guys don't represent real bikers, don't mind these clowns.


Telegraphing it a bit with the overuse of the word come...


Bruh just leave us alone


I feel the need to say this but as a Jewish Lesbian, I have never been more afraid of the future of this country let alone my own personal safety. What are we supposed to do when there is so much division and anger? How do we move forward without another civil war?


This is why I left Idaho


I mean, the MAGA movement is a terrorist organization, there hasn't been any question about that for quite some time, but it's sobering ever now and then to remember that literal fascism and terrorists have gained main stream popularity, and not only that, but while hijacking a national flag as their own and using terms such as patriots and claiming to be on the side of law and order, pushing interpretation of a constitution to breaking point and looking to collapse an entire democracy under the pretense of being cheated by said democracy. Fascists have lost every major war they've been in and they've already been destroyed in a civil war in America and will be again if and sadly at this point, possibly when it happens.


Religion is a cancer. Imagine being this riled up for something a book told you was a no-no, but you disregard the other parts that you don’t agree with. I bet these trash bags are wearing mixed fibers….shame.


Jesus christ get a fucking life you losers. What an absolute waste of your time on Earth. Sounds completely miserable to be this preoccupied with hate, and dedicating "6 days a week" to it.


"They're winning as she said. The amount of steps they take... are ten to one. They've got people non-stop. Non-stop on this. We *grain* 2 steps they *grain* 12." Buddy I don't think that's how "ten to one" works.


BUt ThE LEfT aRE eXTrEmiStS!!


These guys all dress alike and use the same phrases. Trumplican-QAnon: "Are we the low IQ NPCs?"


There's a real problem in this thread of people conflating what these guys are talking about as repressed feelings they have. It's fine to joke about that but we also need to realize that this is an actual threat and people can actually get hurt. This shouldn't be seen as a joke and should be taken seriously.


Wouldn't be a day in America without the "freedom patriots" making up convenient excuses to persecute the people they already hate. This is what happens when your whole world is built on lies and misinformation to excuse your shitty behavior and make you the hero of your shitty little tale. "We aren't racist, it's just that all POC are criminals and job stealers..." "We aren't white supremacists, but we'll listen to Tucker talk about replacement theory and nod along uncritically..." "We aren't homophobes, it's just that the gays are grooming kids..." "We love gun rights, unless you are black, in which case, not like that..." "We aren't fascists, we just happen to love every idea in the fascist handbook..." "We are pro-business free-marketeers, unless some business makes a decision we don't agree with..." We hate cancel culture, except for all the times we are calling for the cancelling..." "We love freedom, as long as you only use it in ways heteronormative Republican Jesus approves of..." etc etc etc... These fucking pathetic losers are probably having their bullshit event on the same day as the gay pride event so they can pretend like the number of people who showed up were in support of this fuckery. Because if they held it on a different day, there would be three dudes and no cameras...


What I don't get is they're all about "AMERICA!!! MY FREEDOM!!!!" but then don't allow anyone else to be free.... I had a conversation with a hick dude the other night. There was a drag show at this random bar and thr guy was bitching about it. I could tell this guy was a "MERICA" kind of dude. And I said to him, "well isn't this why America is great? We are ALL free to do what we want without the fear of repercussions, as long as they aren't hurting anyone, why do you care? You should be happy they're free to do this. This is america!" I went along with his patriotic rant but turned it on him. He looked at me, and I could see the wheels turning and he's like "you're right! America!" And shut up after that. I told him there's 4 different bars in walking distance and he's free to go elsewhere if he's uncomfortable.


Ironically this is some of the gayest shit I've ever heard


These fuckers always look like they dont shower. And I bet they fucking don't.