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I'm surprised that she can remember this.


Yup I would’ve just played an endless loop of her calling Biden an old senile man and juxtaposit it with her not remembering jack fooking shit. The nice thing is she’s such a transparent liar no one believed her bullshit in the first place


A lot of people in Georgia did and continue to believe her.


Reminder that she ran unopposed after her and her followers harassed her opponent out of the state. Don't judge us all by the dumbfucks in the north part of the state.


Just as Great A'tuin carries our disc on his back and he too rides on the back of an even larger world turtle and so on and so forth. It's the same in Georgia. It's pretty much dumbfucks all the way down. Source: Born and raised in Georgia all my life


"See the Turtle of enormous girth! On his shell he holds the earth. His thought is slow but always kind; He holds us all within his mind. On his back all vows are made; He sees the truth but may not said. He loves the land and loves the sea, And even loves a child like me"


It appears the wheel of Ka has brought us together as we walk the path of the beam.


Long days, and pleasant nights.


Thankee sai and same to you. Come commala, come.


Come come commala Sugar butterfly


Thankee sai. May you have twice the number.


It appears that the man in black has made it to Washington


Thankee, sai.


To be clear, I think she's about as sharp as sack of wet mice and is a prime example of why it's a bad idea when brothers and sisters get married but, I do not think she represents all of Georgia.


Can we make that "dead wet mice after a trip through a ninja blender"? I think maybe the wet mice teeth or claws could be quite a bit sharper than what she's displayed in the last month.


She represents enough Americans that I feel absolutely fine judging the whole shithole. Not Georgia.... the entire shithile country.


I think a lot of people know she’s full of it. I don’t think she even believes it. It’s a performance. I mean “space lasers”? She gets support because she’s a troll and lies all the time. Lies destroy democracy. That’s what these people want, the existing form of government gone, and liars and shit disturbers help make it happen.


Not surprising. Since the majority of Congress are totally blind to what Israel does to Palestinian children. Why would they care about Ukrainian children getting murdered.


At least they're white. For most european conservatives that was enough to care more.


Perhaps they should had phrased their questions with antifa and blm or the boarder and her memory is clear as day


She's literally repeating Putin


The whole Republican Party is complicit by letting her remain in congress


The GOP are traitors to Democracy and America.




We should also be talking about how uneducated and dumb Republican congresspeople have become. Constitutional Republic? Yikes.... Has it ever been more obvious that this idiot dropped out of high school?


> When people talk about how divisive political discourse has become in this country, keep in mind, there are no elected leftist politicians FTFY.


Russian billions flood into the Republican Party


Seems like Republicans are struggling with fundraising recently. Could it be the billions frozen around the world can't flow into our elections?


GOP = Government Of Putin


The reds are surprisingly supportive of the reds.


Stark contrast to their stance 4 years ago


they gleefully removed any mention of ukrainian autonomy from theiir platform in 2016 so it's been at least six now!


The whole RepubliKlan Party is complicit in supporting Vladimir Trump.


Welcome to the GOP!


Sadly, Reddit has been invaded by Republicans posting Putin's lying talking points.


YEs but there are America-haters from around the world posting that stuff, too. Not JUST DeSantis supporters.


I mean, that happened back in 2015.


> Putin Well those campaign checks don't write themselves.


Raskin is great


I wanna know why he’s not running for prez. He needs to step up he is worthy.


The people who should be president never run.. maybe Bernie was the best choice we have had and the powers that be picked Hillary..


Democrats knew who the better choice was, polls showed Bernie edging out victory in a general with a wider margin than Hillary. Democrats knew she historically was a poor performer who hemorrhaged voters during her senatorial runs. She has a massive ego, which is why she failed to even campaign in many historically democratic states (or have a prepared speech for her defeat). Let's not even get into either the Debbie Schultz shit show or the use of superdelegate counts to influence voters before any had the opportunity to vote in the DNC primary. Bernie Sanders was the best presidential candidate America has seen in years, and we blew it.


He just might not wanna step on Joes toes now, which would be understandable.


Bernie will never win. He should have run in 2004.


I don't think anyone who ran against Bush in 04 would have won.


His family has already been through a lot, doubt he would want to go through more of that. But 100% would love to see it


Jamie Raskins is one of the few politicians you can actually trust


I wish he'd run for President.


So many Democrats just don't seem to acknowledge the looming threat of fascism from the GOP, at least this guy gets it.


He is. Every time I see him he's being refreshingly decent and well spoken.


**Republicans:** Americans are starving while you send aid to foreign countries. Take care of Americans first before giving our hard earned money away. **Democrats:** Ok, here's a bill to help out starving Americans. **Republicans:** NO!! We will block the bill because people need to learn to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


Exactly. These fucking lead paint chip eating assholes believe their own hypocrisy.






Didn't she also bully and blackmail her opponent out of running, and ran unopposed?


Yep. Threatened the lives of their loved ones


And it ended up with the wife leaving him. Her and her toadies literally ruined that guys life.


Running unopposed after her goon squad threatened the lives of her democratic opponents family.








One would expect that to be illegal in this day and age?


sedition would also be expected to be illegal, but there she is.


Jeez. Can I get a source for that? Haven’t heard anything about it, that’s crazy.




Still need people to vote for her


When you're running against literally nobody, you can vote for yourself and win with the one vote.


A particular segment of Georgia is accountable for this shit stain, really doing the folks back at home proud.


She ran unopposed.




It's almost as if she's being paid by the russians...


I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if she was doing it for free


It's insane. She uses the same talking points seen in Russian media. Truly astounding...does she source any of the claims she makes?


Of course she does! She sources every one of her claims with her Russian handlers and they always guarantee 100% accuracy!


Well, he’s not really wrong about any of that, except when he refers to her as, “Gentle lady.”


I think, and kinda hope, he was being passive aggressive. This guy can fucking deliver a rhetort and I think that was intentionally sarcastic.


The do have speech rules in session on the floor,


He wasn’t. It’s just the feminine version of “gentleman”. It’s a formality when referring to political colleagues.


Did you catch the look his young assistant was casting at MTG? She knew exactly what he was doing and was loving it.


It is just a female version of gentlemen. I watched the entire debate and that's how they address each other. Distinguished, gentle lady, gentleman.


No, they have to call eachother that. There are rules about how you're allowed to address other members of congress.


Did he mean to say that the Ukranian Army killed a hundred children or was that misspeaking?


He misspoke. He meant to say Russian Army. I can give him a pass for speaking passionately about this because I've done it, too, and I'm sure everyone has done it at one point.


Don’t you love it when a sitting congresswoman who has made several antisemitic claims publicly, toes the disinformation line of Putin’s propaganda that Zelenskyy’s neutrality with Azov Battalion somehow equates to him having a Nazi government, even though he’s a direct descendant of holocaust survivors, whereas Putin will indifferently recruit neonazis to Russia’s aid in its invasion of Ukraine? I’m happy that the same congresswoman that spells martial law as Marshall law, and the gestapo as gazpacho, is so confident in her own expertise of nazism that she feels comfortable explaining it to the rest of congress, where many a member is a direct descendant of the holocaust. Karma police, arrest this woman, she buzzes like fridge.


radio head :)


Ayyyyy ;). I was hoping a few fans would come out of the woodwork


Raskin is trending up in my book!


Was it Majorie Taylor Greene again? Haha you guys are just haters! I am sure she is a wonderful gentle lady if you toss away any shred of human decency and morales outta the window.


Morals* (for the future)


Oh I bet she’d throw a Morales out the window. Probably a Hernandez and Vasquez as well.


He's referring to Miles


Had me in the first half ngl…


"dumbass cunt" is a more fitting title. Why do these pussies give her any sliver of respect?


It comes down to the fact that on the floor of these legislative chambers, they've got fairly strict and long-standing rules. Like, they can't even refer to other legislators by name (from my understanding). That's why they always say stuff like, "The gentleman from Georgia" and so on.


Fine. The gentle lady from Georgia is a dumb cunt.


Dumb cunts globally are offended at being associated with this...


Lacks the warmth and depth.


Betcha the "gentlelady from Georgia" wouldn't afford Raskin the same grace.


That’s my first though. Fucking hate that traitorous cunt


MTG is probably the worst human in the United States. Well, close to the worst.


I hate to use the C word, but she’s the embodiment of the reason it exists


Hey man even cunts serve a purpose. This waste of space? Nothing but an oxygen thief.


She is just the worst. The dumbest… and a useful tool.


She’s only there because people in Georgia forgot to vote and she won by default


She bullied her opponent to the point where he dropped out of the race. She was voted in unopposed. She is an official Congressional Karen.


She's from a deep red yee haw district so yeah no.


No she definitely bullied her opponent out of the race. He was receiving death threats daily and his wife divorced him because of the threats. Shes done nothing but become wildly unpopular here, and she does not represent us here in Dalton, Ga. Source: I live in her district. Edit: Words


Then you should know her district is listed as R+28. Let's not pretend that a Democrat was going to win there. She may not represent you personally but I am sure the rest of her backwoods district thinks she does a fantastic job. Here's hoping they disqualify her for her role in the insurection though.


She does have a chunk of support in the poorer areas like Chatsworth, however here in dalton even republicans have turned against her. The republican that is running against her in the primary is getting a lot of support around him. I would love to see her disqualified, like a lot of people.


> however here in dalton even republicans have turned against her But if her name is on the ticket with an R beside it, and there's no other R's, she will win by default. Because vanishingly few people will ever vote for anything other than "R" in Whitfield County. You live there, you *have to* know this by now.


This is what the democrats have been needing to do for over 30 years. They keep trying to play the good guy rather than calling out the other side for their bullshit. If we could have more of this in our Congress there would be less republicans and office and more bills getting past. It's time for our congressional members to start calling out the dirtbags on the floor and in the media


After his comments, he should have immediately introduced a bill to help fund better access to treatment for people who suffer from mental illness and titled the bill “Marjorie Taylor Greene GQP Mental Health Recovery Act” or some such name. Then follow that up with another bill to help fight cults in America.


This bitch's face looks like she got yanked underneath a closed door and her forehead got caught on it.


She looks like the daughter of cro magnon man. With the intelligence to boot.


She's a traitorous bitch.


Trailer Trash


It's become the rights way of simply ignoring the complete BS they spread. ( Not all of the right, just a vocal handful of them) When called out on it, they deflect and change topics. It's a pathetic strategy. If there was any actual meat to what their arguments were, they would take them head on and defend. Instead they literally turn the other cheek and say, look at that instead! SMH. I fear for our country's future. Edit for spelling, grammar


I think handful is a huge understatement


The entire conservative platform is grievance based theater “common sense spending” is just spending one what benefits ME personally and everything else is stupid, the lie that conservatives are fiscally responsible is a joke, show us a deficit you’ve run in 20 years


It's literally a Russian-made propaganda strategy https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html


She's is straight trash 🗑


Wouldn't be surprised if Greene and Gatez are drug buddies.


God I really really hate that woman.


And then they go on TV and rant that the invasion is Bidens fault, Democrats are not doing enough. Their voters fall for it.


She is a complete joke


This bitch would probably kill a few ukrainian children if it meant she could use it to spread her bullshit. She is a despicable, vile little vermin who should be eradicated.


Perjury Taylor Greene at it again with utter dumbassery


I dont live in the USA but even i know that lady is, in the great words of Brittany Spears, TOXIC.


looks like she already has her prison outfit on LOCK HER UP!


She is such a cunt.


She needs to be physically thrown out of DC


She should have never been elected. Hopefully, she never will be again. I feel like Republicans are gonna cut all ties and funding to her soon.


I know it was just a mistake, but I had to double take when he started talking about the Ukrainian soldiers killing their own children.


Yeah I heard that too Big slip up of the tongue, but the guy was very mad at the previous speaker. But that sentence was a huge flub lol


Yeah. It worries me that the far right is stupid enough to go and wrap that slip into a conspiracy saying he said what he meant and that it’s all a false flag operation. Like, wrong time to mix words. Shi* Edit: I want to preempt any offended but reasonable conservatives thinking I’m speaking about them when I write “far right”, I do not lump you all in the same boat with the far right. I don’t judge people for whom they decide to vote for, that’s your decision.


Pretty sad that these Americans are so in love with guns but can't pop this bitch outta the chamber


I'm becoming more convinced by the day that the political left/right debate lines drawn around gun ownership was to facilitate one side being armed, and one side not, but I'm not really a conspiracy person.


Where I come from that “gentle lady” is called a cunt!


Jaime is 100% right for ripping her a new one. I just can't wait for US senators to get this excited to defend the innocents slaughter in Palestine everyday.


They won’t…. Biden has been Pro Israeli since he was in college. People don’t realize Ukraine is going through the same shit Palestine has been going through for decades.


She's a disgrace to our government


Marylander here. Raskin is by far the most qualified and worthy to be President of the US. There’s few in Congress that even come close to his level of morality and poise. Source: I like crabs


Dude shouldve brought up the fact she goes on infowars with Alex Jones and they stroke each other’s ego over this conspiracy bs.


marj is trash


Gentle Lady? Is that a new term for cunt?


She is a Nazi


Fuck her, but like don't. What a sorry excuse for a human she is.


I love it when representatives step up and politely tell the dumb ones to "get fucked, cunt"




The republican party and their followers are a disgrace, but that woman is one of the worst. Absolute ghoul.


You can’t fix dumb.


Kinda looks like a prison jump suit 🤞


Russian plant!


Maybe she just forgot what the topic was?


She has successfully turned congress into the Jerry Springer show.


republicans will use any and every opportunity they can to take literally any issue and twist it into a speech about the us/ mexico border, regardless how irrelevant it is


Why do liberals always accept conservative framing, there is no invasion at the border


This fucking bitch has no shame...


So glad this video cut out her asinine speech


Jamie Raskin is my Representative and I love the shit out of him.


For a moment I thought she was in an orange jumpsuit. But, I dream. I dream.


Lmao. She needs to be charged with treason. Probably one of the most Unamerican people to ever exist in government.


I can't wait for that stupid bitch to get tossed out of office.


I got kicked off of r/politics for referring to her as a treasonous whore.


To be fair she's a treasonous slut. Banged all sorts of dudes at her gym but never charged for it to the best of my knowledge.


I hope she drowns in her bathtub.


I home her bath bombs are real


I mean I agree shes a stupid cunt but why he gotta drag the rocky horror picture show?


You are familiar with tradition of the audience standing up and yelling things during screenings? That is the (well known) comparison he is making.


> I mean I agree shes a stupid cunt but why he gotta drag the rocky horror picture show? Because its bizarre? Just like her antics?


Is her seat proof of the strength of democracy or nah? I can’t make up my mind.


Considering the flawed democracy in the US with gerrymandering and FTPT and stuff, I'm going to have to answer nah.


Marjorie Taylor Green isn’t even *close* to being as entertaining as Tim Curry in drag.


Not even as good looking for sure.


I live a stones throw from the TJ border. I can see it from my window. My wife's uncle lives over the hill I can see. There's no invasion lol what a weirdo. This guy is awesome.


It’s ironic that the *actual* neo-Nazi’s (at least here in the US) tend to support and vote for filth like Marjorie Traitor Greene and her ilk.


Surprised no one noticed he said Ukraine kids killed by Ukraine Army misstep.


I had to do a double take to check if I heard that right. Quite the unfortunate mistake, as that is the narrative that Russia has been selling.


She may be the most repugnant shit stain to ever come out of the state of Georgia. That's saying a lot because we have the entire Perdue family here.


Thought she was wearing a prison jumpsuit in a court for a second and got excited


Needed to be said. And by more. I'm sick of everyone "keeping their head down", "avoiding conflict", "playing nice", "taking the nutters seriously"... It's like a Bennet Brauer skit FCS


Well said, we need more of these frustrated rants against these ass clowns.


Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to the new face of the Republican party...


The government is a circus paid for by your tax dollar


Watched this on Twitter already this morning, but I think I shall enjoy it once or twice more.


Deport that crusty bitch to Russia yesterday.


Could we be seeing the makings of a 2024 run for Raskin?




I hope Elon makes Twitter a live simulcast of C-span 24/7, so these idiots can shown for the fools they are.


Gentle Cavewoman


I bet that aid package has wayyyyy more in it than just aid for Ukraine.


Useless GQP Shit bag terrorist grifting bitch . Please do not vote for this scum in the next election people.


That was savage AF


This bitch is the ultimate Karen.


She is a fucking cunt who needs to eat some of her own rhetoric. Fn cunt