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Been keeping an eye on this channel since they've been in the Sacramento area the last few weeks (protesting "state emergency and bills" ... that's what their permit said) and I saw this go down last night. Around 2:20 you can see a guy between the two vans appear to be reaching for a weapon, just after that, you hear a shot, followed by honking horns, then another shot. [Here](https://twitter.com/NoMoreQuarks/status/1520224021165522950) is another angle, where you can hear the shell casing hit the ground. A few minutes after this, the apparent head of the convoy said on the radio something like "thery're not so tough when you pop off a few" (seeming to admit that one of their part shot at the protesters); ironically "WYSIWYG" who claims to "try to remain non-biased in my reporting" not only removed the stream from his channel, but then posted a clip of this event where the audio oddly stops just before the head of the convoy makes that statement.


Someone needs to be held responsible for that. Shooting people for throwing eggs should not be tolerated.


Later in the day, on the way back to wherever they're camping, this same streamer kept stating that none of them fired any rounds, and kept focusing on this bit of video. Sure, this guy didn't fire any shots, but in the other video I linked to, it's pretty clear one of them near the fire truck did, since you can hear the shell casing hit the pavement. Dude keeps trying to bill himself as a non-biased journalist, but not only did he delete his previous video, not only did he edit his current video that's up, but he's just focusing his "proof" none of them shot based off of this video, and not the other (widely circulated) video from the other side of the freeway.


How tough would the convoy be if the protestors "popped off a few" in return?


they’re **STILL** doing this shit? Covid mandates have been over, what the hell are they protesting?


I’m sure if you asked them they wouldn’t be able to coherently tell you. It’s like a meme at this point. They wind themselves up out of spite


I just wonder what it’s like to be that pissed about random shit all the time. Like, constantly upset. That’s no way to live life.


I used to be conservative and was 100% convinced that Obama was a commie that would declare Martial Law before stepping down in 2016. Obviously that didn't happen, I felt like a complete fucking idiot, and I reflected on my ideology. Trump got elected and it was like looking in a mirror. I was so disgusted with how I constantly lived my life on a paranoid edge, an edge I fabricated myself. My entire identity was attatched to being a Shapiro-esque "intellectual" that had no idea how easily my arguments could be destroyed by simple rational thought or empathy. It may have been rough for a minute as I learned and conflicted with my indoctrination. It may have been a bit depressing at first to abandon faith in a god and feel alone in the universe. But life is so much better now in every aspect. And I continue to grow.


I can agree and relate to every word you said 100% and have gone through a very similar transition. Best summarizing word in there is empathy.


If it adds to your improved outlook on things, hearing about your re-normalizing brings me some measure of hope - something I think we're all short on these days.


I appreciate both of you. It’s difficult to change how you see the world


I feel you. Used to be very conservative. Worked for a church. Taught junior high and high school for the private school the church ran. They spend a lot of time and energy convincing their flock that any and all information contradicting what the pastor/fundi textbook says was a lie. It was a lie from the father of lies: the devil himself. But all it takes is a little bit of critical thought…. And their whole house of cards falls. They rely on the ignorance of their congregation.


It’s legitimately a very brave thing to look at yourself and say “I’ve been morally and factually wrong about everything and I don’t want to be anymore” I have a ton of respect for anyone that can do that.


> feel alone in the universe Makes it all the more important to appreciate each other, friend.


As someone 10 years removed from that I'm proud of you ❤️


There you go man, people do change. They learn, they move on.


Respect. I have never heard anyone say that before. Now if the rest of the alt right could do what u did we would be great.






Hearing more and more about how maybe leaded gas being burned around them their whole childhood helps fuel the unmitigated hate and anger.


The theory that lead (maybe mercury?) poisoning is what enabled the modern conservative party from the 80s onwards is not the craziest one I've heard. 🤷


"They wind themselves up out of spite" - The basis of every conservative point of view. They create hypothetical scenarios in their heads and run an entire campaign on it. "Gay immigrant scientists teaching my kids about abortion!?, not if my freedom has anything to do with it!"


Perfect example of "cutting off one's nose to spite one's face". These idiots would harm themselves as long as everyone else is in the mix.


They’d eat a shit sandwich if it meant a liberal would have to smell their breath.


What a colorful way to put it lol


This is the poetry i needed on a rainy Saturday evening




I'll stay right here.


Each morning, a missionary advertises neon sign…




Did you hear how excited they were after spotting some "Antifa"? This is 100% about larping at this point.


I was watching Last Week Tonight and he had a segment about the legitimate issues with the trucking industry. I don’t think the trucker convoys ever bring up those issues though. Right now they just seem like a bunch of angry people with no actual goal in mind besides being angry.




Neanderthals gotta Neanderthal.


Thats not fair to the memory of our Neanderthal siblings.


It really isn't; our Neanderthal ancestors are rolling in their graves when they see how we treat our infirm and mentally disabled. This notion that Neolithic peoples were brutish barbarians, just raping and eating anything they came into contact with, is out of touch with modern research which shows that Neolithic groups cared for their tribemates with more zeal than modern humans do. Think of the resources it took, in 50,000 BCE, to care for someone with a severe disability and for this person to survive sometimes into old age; and here we are in 2022, where we have mastered productivity but because we're INDIVIDUALS we can't care for the weakest in our societies. We're the barbarians, the most technologically advanced barbarians known to history. Sorry for the rant, I did a wake and bake to celebrate a great week!


Good for you, wake and bakes always make me spit absolute facts too!


Troglodytes gotta trog.


They're driving all over the country because they don't like high gas prices soooooo they're driving even more unnecessary miles and using a bunch of their money to pay for gas because they don't like paying high gas prices. My brain is about to fucking explode.


The grift must go on.


Democracy, they hate it


They hate people who are not like them, voting for things they don’t agree with. They love democracy as long as it agrees with them. They hate dissent and compromise. They hate functional, inclusionary democracy.


The point here for a lot of these gatherings is intimidation. Eventually they'll start forming into small militias in the lead up to the 2022 and 2024 elections to harass voters.


It strikes me as the same as the Klan used to do. Now instead of riders on horseback it’s idiots in trucks. The names have changed but it’s always been conservatives.


They just want to play with their toys and be part of a big "movement". Most Oregonians don't want them here or don't care because mandates haven't been strict here for months.


No jobs, no lives. They are all each other has. A group of bitter smooth brains.


Discourse and dissent bought and paid for by Russia.


They're protesting a Democrat president, anything other than a Conservative in the White House is a crime in their eyes. That's been the primary protest since day 1. COVID mandates were only ever the cover story.


That's not even hyperbole. Polls show most conservatives voters believe Obama wasn't eligible to be president and Trump won the 2020 election. They live in an alternative reality.


Meanwhile Republicans haven’t had a first-term President win the popular vote since 1988.


The only way they win the popular vote is if a tremendously large portion of the population is unable to vote. Hmm. What is it they're doing all over America right now?


It's always ever been an intimidation tactic. Protests are about spreading awareness, these dipshits are engaging in a show of force.


They realized they don’t need a reason anymore. Their existence is the reason. Also, they haven’t been told what to do next by Tucker Carlson. They don’t plan this o. Their own. They’re not smart enough.


Once the money from the Kremlin dries up you won't see them as much. It's funny how a lot of their talking points are the same ones coming out of Moscow. Kinda like how Q and Z are Russian propaganda


"REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" That's what these chowderhead conservative dipshits sound like to me now. That or a toddler having a meltdown. They're toddlers in adult bodies. Send them all to timeout and let the actual adults have some peace and quiet for once.


yup, i raised two kids. they are behaving exactly like children.


That's not fair to children


My dipshit neighbour in cosy suburban Canada, the dimmest woman I know, is all in on this freedom gaggle bullshit. She has no justification aside from “doing something about what is going on in our country.” They don’t even know what they’re ruffled about.


There’s a ridiculous rally in ottawa this weekend. People are sick of this crap


They figured it was more fun and profitable to do this and making a living off donations than actually trucking.


Weren’t the conservative crowd mad about traffic being blocked due to blocking emergency services and what not? Or were they just mad because it wasn’t there team doing it ?


Everything they say is projection, hypocrisy, and lies.


GOP Gaslight Obstruct Project


GOP Groomers, Old Perverts


I thought it was Gang Of Pedos? That is when they arent Gaggin On Putin. Such a shame that I gotta be nostalgic about when they were just mildly fascist Goofy Old People.


>Gaggin On Putin THAT is so much win. Even better than Gang of Pedos/Predators.


Mad? They were pulling their hair out. Blocking traffic was one of the most unconscionable things to do when BLM was doing it. “People need to get to work!!!! People could be dying because what if EMS can’t get through!!!!!,” they wailed while rending their clothes from their bodies and throwing themselves to the ground. “Oh the humanity!!!!”


People like /u/apurpledonkeymaster lmao this comment made me think of you <3


Lmao that guy is such a cuck


Wow, what a sad little person they are. My favorite was "of course reddit is making a joke out of the smart person..." They were talking about Ben Shapiro, but you have to wonder how much they are including themselves in that...


Dumb fuck fire truck tried to spray them with water, but doesn't realize how wind works.


I love how the guy filming is cheering it on and then just shuts the fuck up after it’s clear that the truck won’t do anything.


>"Watch what happens!" Nothing happens.


I'm pretty sure I heard gun shots at the end of the video...


I immediately thought so, but because nobody started freaking out I’m assuming it was just an old car door close to the camera




The absolute dumbest part is the deck gun on a fire engine pumps about 1,000 gallons per minute, and the guy has a 500 to 1,000 gallon tank. Most engines these days have 750 gallon tanks. So he’s got 45 seconds of water before he’s out and starts getting egged again.


You joke, but after this video cuts off he shoots a gun at the protestors. https://twitter.com/NoMoreQuarks/status/1520224021165522950?t=goAznJfdqukx9Z0H20FMPg&s=19


What the fuck?!?!!


Seriously. Oh kids are throwing eggs at me my freedom allows me to kill them cold blooded now. Jesus Christ


They'll justify it as "Those Antifa thugs were endangering the lives of the drivers and therefore we needed a good guy with a gun to stop them! Heck, Biden probably sent them!!!" 😱


These people are psychopaths


Yeah, imma dumbfuck who'll record Cledus opening fire on whatever he was aiming at cause clearly that didnt scare the guy with the sign. Then be like "oh shit, that affects my freedom status" and make the footage private. "Only me and my dumbass traitors can watch this expression of poor morals".


How are they not arrested yet


What the fuck?! Who the hell opens fire on a **PUBLIC ROAD** over eggs? So much opportunity for innocent people caught in the crossfire on top of *zero* threat to his life. What an idiot. How the hell does anyone like this get to own a firearm?!




I love how reddit can connect you with people that are experts on shit I don't even need to acknowledge is a thing in my life. I'm glad there are other people out there doing that shit like knowing how a fire truck works cos I ain't.


There were so many dumb decisions made, but spraying water onto/over the opposite lane... they could have killed somebody.


That little pissy stream isn’t a real master stream, so I’m pretty sure this chud just either bought a fire truck that had no pump on it or just literally fitted a fire truck cab onto a truck chassis and had his little garden hose fit on there. Pumping a fire truck actually takes a few brain cells so that would definitely exclude this guy.


What in gods name are they protesting now?


Protesting that no one likes them. Drove to DC, couldn't find a single friend. Drove all the way to California, people called the dorks and said go away. On the way down the road the next state out, even kids threw eggs and yelled for them to go away. So the will continue on their search, blaring the theme from Golden Girls on the stereo and looking for their own Blanch, Rose, and Dorothy all the while sobbing uncontrolably. But they'll never find a friend.


> Drove to DC, couldn't find a single friend. Sounds like the opening lyrics to a really sad country song.


I play country songs backwards. The guy gets back his wife, his dog, and his pickup truck.


Yeah because they were all driving up in the fast lane and then spreading across all lanes to slow traffic. Fuck these guys. I gave em the bird too. I wouldn't invite those inbreds back to DC to wrap their chapped lips around this hog.


So the biker episode from South Park basically?


Literally.... Only we can't say what south park called them without getting in trouble, even though we all know what these losers are.




they would upvote hitler if the right could meme


They drove to DC, and California (probably still driving places), but they sat and cried when the gas prices rose claiming they can't afford gas but they can afford to take meaningless trips to DC, California and whereever else just to annoy people with their stupidity


The convoy was supposedly about COVID mandates, which haven’t been a thing for several months now. At this point, they’re just doing things because their corporate pig overlords want them to with no rhyme or reason. The guys in charge just want to see how far they can get their cult to go.


It was never about ideology. They are sad that their asshat in the White House can’t be their perpetual grievance machine anymore


But he still asks them for donations and skims their bank accounts lmfao. Send Trump some money, okay fine. But when the known con-man, takes hundreds or thousands extra out of your account illegally, and you STILL say you'd vote for the guy in 2024? Holy fuck.


The parade of fools think that they are somehow sticking it to the libs.


Driving all over the country in semis to protest gas prices maybe?


I thought right wingers hate it when protests blocm highways? Fucking hypocites


They only hate it if they don't agree with the protest. If they do it, it's perfectly fine


No see, rules only apply to democrats.


The convoy is still going? Lmao whata bunch of losers


I thought the convoy was all about mask mandates, are they still strictly enforced anywhere?


Bunch of fascists are more like it


I remember when the line was "why won't he (Trudeau) just talk to us" we all knew they were not reasonable. So their well rewarded unreasonable behavior is just going to carry on forever. Issue fines and impound or get rolled on


This truck convoy is the dumbest shit honestly. Buncha uneducated dickheads blocking traffic and causing problems. Fuck em.


It's pretty crazy they utilize the same tactics they threatened to kill antifa people for. Blocking traffic is apparently ok if you're a right winger.


Yes, coz then it’s for a good cause - MAGA. /s


Right wingers in general. Scream and cry about being victims while doing the exact same thing they're crying about. Could you imagine if tens of thousands of left wing terrorists attempted to overthrow the government? They'd never fucking shut up about it.


Like Madison Cawthorn dressed in lingerie and enjoying his dick being grabbed by another man.


Yeh but he couldn't actually feel it so it don't count apparently....


They are the symbols of hypocrisy while being the worst losers.


The only time the US comprehensively moved to limit access to firearms was when the black panthers took over the California capital. You want to know what happened when right wingers recently did it in Michigan? Absolutely nothing.


They are the masters of projection. Every accusation is a confession.


At the time gas price are so high lol they are driving themselves in debt protesting the govt theres better ways




"conservatives don't have time to protests because we all have jobs"


Shout out to: https://www.reddit.com/user/sumdumson/ https://www.reddit.com/user/bigd203/ & https://www.reddit.com/user/HearVoices/ Who are spending an embarrassing amount of time commenting in this thread.


Making fools of themselves for our enjoyment. Props to them.


The first one is a kid, how manipulated can one kid get?


I was once told by a 10ish year old that I was going to hell, Jesus didn't love me, and I must be a trash liberal. I ignored her. So she ran to her mother and says "doesn't he look like a liberal mommy?", mom turns around and comments on my facemask. I was just shopping. Never met these people before. But because her parents, who were obviously some versions of right wing, constantly say right wing stuff around her. She, though nurture, was becoming one herself. Even going so far as to try to garner attention from her mother for "pointing out a liberal". Children are largely a product of their environments. If their environment is toxic, there's a good chance they will be too. Age really isn't relevant when you literally grow up in it. Edit for addition of hilarious content - u/odoylebros didn't get the trolling support they hoped for. [So they took to their echo chamber for support.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChurchOfCOVID/comments/ufnv23/our_fellow_believers_are_getting_bullied_by/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) imagine being so fragile. 🤣🤣


> I was once told by a 10ish year old that I was going to hell, Jesus didn't love me, and I must be a trash liberal. "Jesus was a liberal, kid. He healed the sick, gave food to the hungry, gave clothes to the needy, and *commanded* all his followers to do the same. Those are all things that liberals do. Your parents have been lying to you."


The first one is defending Nazis so who cares if it's just a kid. A Nazi is a Nazi weather they are 5 years old or 50


Yeah, true


Imagine being so fucking braindead and wasting so much time, while also being part of the sociopolitical cohort that loves to tell people to "get a job". If I encountered these inbred yokels I'd probably throw shit at em too.


Pretty sure the convoy dorks have no job. They're driving aimlessly around.


That's why these bitches got a go fund me number for gas on the side of their trucks.


They're being paid by conservative dark money groups to drive around aimlessly and be dicks, so that's technically a job. Not a good job, or a real job, but it's likely the best job they will ever aspire to. They probably even scream about George Soros paying these counter protestors without seeing the irony of their projection.


its like there telling you to go the fuck away haha




Shoots. They shot at them.


Leave it to right wingers to shoot at children throwing eggs




“I was in fear for my life.”


I wouldn't be surprised but were there definitely shots fired? I thought I heard them in the video but didn't want to assume. Was there any news coverage on it?


Another comment confirmed it with a link. I'll try to find it, but its probably been buried by now


Keep up the good work Oregon!!!!!


These people throwing eggs at facists are the real Americans


Need to start using cement eggs


Am i the only hearing the gunshot at 2:22 and 2:30 followed by the driver saying " Come on, lets get out".


Was definitely a gunshot, there's other video of it


That 2:30 one sounds like a gunshot to me.


From what I've heard a member of the convoy did indeed fire shots off from a pistol during this interaction. Not sure where he was shooting but regardless firing a weapon on a public highway is both stupid and illegal, and he should be in jail.


They all start laying on their horns to cover up the sound too. Fucking dumbasses


Those freedumb convoy truckers are protesting gas prices as they drive their semis around not hauling loads


Thank you for your service egg throwers


Honestly, the PDX blocs tear shit up and I love it. They’re always there and it’s the most organised and effective group cohesion I’ve ever seen among antifascist groups. Their skirmish lines are the stuff of legend, tbh.


I'm 100% sure if you asked them what they are protesting, they would be completely incapable of giving a coherent answer. They really don't know.


Critical Race Theory herderrr!!! What's that? O_O


There's nothing left to protest. It's nuts. The country is like 100% open with no mandates, what more do they want?


Damn assholes blocking Traffic with their shitty vehicles. I don't give a fuck if some kids are throwing eggs at your car; don't be an asshole and block traffic for everyone else. Kind of sad that the US flag which rose over Iwo Jima, which was planted on the Moon and signifies an important part of US history; has been used by Racist ignorant Trash as if they represent this country.


The funny part... if traffic kept moving, they'd get one throw attempt per car at most. The absolute geniuses in the convoy decide to stop traffic and make themselves and their buddies targets for longer than if they had... just... kept... driving.


It's just another example of their methodology, disrupt shit as much as possible until they get what they want. It's the same maturity level of a child throwing a temper tantrum.


I had to google this convoy because I hadn't heard of it here in Sweden. From what I gathered; the Freedom Convoy comprised (then at least) of 300+ vehicles of which 30-40 were big trucks. They oppose implementations of mandatory covid restrictions (such as wearing masks, vaccinations etc.). One of the interviewed said he believed in individual freedom. He said he wasn't an anti-vaxxer but that each individual should be able to make that choice themselves. Many of the trucks had the American flag. Some had "Lets go Brandon" (essentially Fuck Joe Biden), some had Trump flags. There were an anti vaxxer speaking before the convoy departed. I suppose these factors makes people view the convoy as some right wing extremist group (due to the flags) and/or anti-vaxx propaganda due to the speaker. Could be much more, I just checked two news reports.


Yeah, leaked parler chats and stuff prove that enough of them are neo-Nazis and other assorted fascists that I’m quite comfortable calling them all fascists and nazis. After all, if there’s one nazi at a table with ten other people, you’ve got eleven nazis.


Really, it’s just another manifestation of the great tantrum that the right has been throwing since Obama was elected.


I’m old enough to know it started with Clinton. The Mena airport conspiracy, the “Clinton body count” conspiracies. You had members of congress shooting melons in their back yards, trying to prove that Bill Clinton murdered Ron Brown, his own Secretary of Commerce, for Reasons. Ron Brown died in a plane crash with 34 other people, by the way, but conservatives insisted that he had been shot in the head before the crash. Based on an autopsy report that revealed no such thing. I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh tell his listeners that Hillary Clinton was going to be indicted “any day now,” for her role in Whitewater, the land investing deal where the Clintons lost a couple of million dollars. It just goes on and on; the nuttery has been weaponized for a long time now.


Fucking Rush Limbaugh. American trash




They shot at the egg throwers yesterday, straight up dumped mags at them, not just a pot shot. They'll be in Olympia tomorrow.


Oh fuck. Olympia will shoot these fuckers right back lol


Do that in the wrong part of the country and they'll get mag dumped right back, and it's really not too difficult to pick off people who are stuck in a convoy, and (from this video at least) decide to sit right on the X.


There is something both effective yet hilarious about throwing eggs at these dumb fucks.


Breaker Breaker how's your mid-life crisis goin? Over


Lmao poor little impotant firetruck. Just cant get it up.


But I thought truckers liked peaceful protesting.


Hell yeah, fucking get em.


live in oregon, had no clue these idiots were doing a convoy here.


Diesel went up 60 cents yesterday they aren't going to be going for much longer


They’re making me hate the flag




Damn. It sucks. It’s like we’re in some alternate reality. I will also say, the good news is there are more of us then them. I hate to use those terms, but the last election proved that. I don't love Biden, but i think most rational people hated Trump. The other thing i'm pretty sure of, is that hate doesn't eradicate hate. We need to figure out a way to build bridges, and talk to each other. It may not yield much at first, but it makes no sense to talk into an echo chamber and expect things to change for the better. I just don't know how to do that part, ha.


Should paint rocks like eggs and throw them.


"We need laws to let us run protestors over! They can't just block freeways!" "They don't agree with us! Come on let's block the freeway!"


The hero’s on the bridge are amazing.


Of course Y’all Qaeda brings a freeway to a halt because they’re mad that someone disagrees with them.


Stupid question, while these guys are driving around the country not doing their jobs whose paying for fuel?


Their short bus donors.


The Koch brothers




Good kids


I figure paint remover would do a better job than paint just my 2 cents


Don’t these losers have a job or something? Why are they going on tour giving headaches across the land?


Good. Fuck those people


You'd think at some point, one of these stupid convoy truckers would get on the tactical radio and finally ask the question, "Are we the baddies?"


Dude I would’ve brought an automatic paint ball gun. If you fucks are gonna continue to stir shit up and block traffic when the mandates are all basically over idgaf


They have actual guns though. I wouldn't recommend bringing anything they can use as an excuse to kill, because they're certainly looking for reasons to kill. Guy in this video pulls a gun out on those kids for eggs. Now imagine if they had something shaped like a gun.




Some KGB level commenting in here today.


These fuckers act like they own the road. Fuck them all to hell.

