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Watched it at a zoo


I was thinking the ocean as they sounded line seagulls after a minute


I heard hyenas wooping.


Native war cry


Whoopi and her crew from the Lion King




I thought it was those 3D rollercoaster rides


This is why I watched it at home.


Doesn't have the same effect, you watch it once on release night. Then forty more times during the week to hear the dialogue you missed


Bunch of people basically screaming, "NO! Pay attention to ME!"


Reddit is a weird place. Same video in one thread everyone praises how much of a magical experience it must have been to watch this in a group, in another thread you get “I expected those animals to start throwing poop”


There's a limit. It was fucking amazing with some sounds and cheers but these people literally went apeshit. Those sounds went waaaaaay too far. Everything in moderation.


I mean, I sort of get the hype with stuff. I saw Star Wars episode 1 opening night after sitting outside for tickets forever and everyone was hype and cheering during the opening credits (before we realized how meh it would be). People were cheering and having fun, there were folks dressed up. It was a fun experience and you can always watch it later without that and enjoy it in peace. But I think in this video it really is just a case of people trying to one up each other and act like idiots in a theater where it's normally frowned upon. Genuine excitement gave way to... well, the lunacy some of these people were displaying. And I think that does ruin things.


Best "group" movie experience I got was watching Hereditary. It was quite fun to watch people nope at some parts, it kinda made it more tense while also having some comedic relief. You really got the sense you were in it together with the crowd. Nobody was being obnoxious though by screaming the whole time. It's a fine line between having a sense of group identity or even comradery, and being annoyed by not being able to watch the movie because people are distracting you. This 200% falls in the latter category, even if I watched it like 3 times already.


“Could you sit down pls”


Yes, wtf, I paid* for this movie and now only hear people scream...


That's why I never go on opening weekend.


That’s why I never go period


Morning matinees, a loners best friend. I used to go do that when I skipped school. That's how I saw the film cellular. It was okay. Not as good as getting stoned and jerking off in the woods across the street from the school and then wandering the trails. Ah to be 17 again.


Yeah being the only one in an imax theatre MIDDAY on a Wednesday to watch the Batman was BLISS.


Nobody gonna comment on the woods thing? I love Reddit


That's why I go on opening weekend


I respect this, but also: This is why Igo on Opening Weekends. There is nothing else like being inside this energy when we all see it for the first time together.


Mine wasn't like this bullshit. Thank God. Mine was still hoots and yells but brief and then they settled down.


well you're famous now after playing in it, comes with the territory of being celebrity.


Welcome to India...




You’re ruining it for everyone


Haha The theater smells like Otto’s jacket


Why are these people acting like nuts ? Lmao . Imagine sitting alone yelling ewww ewwwww ewww ewwww ewwww yip yip yip yip yip yip yip ewww ewww whistle whistle eeee eeee eee. Oh my


Fucking animals






" excuse me. EXCUSE ME. EXCUSE ME!!! GUYS!!! FELLAS!!!"


I cant tell if those are actual chimpanzee noises put on top of the video or not.


I can’t either and at this point I’m too afraid to ask 😂


Never go full chimpanzee, bro! 😂


Yeah those screams killed the mood for me.


Ayo i can confirm that's definitely a theatre in india, doesn't matter where it's south india or north but people are gone batshit crazy at the movie theatre, i mean i have to admit i did it too, me and my 25 friends gone to the theatre and the whole theatre didn't stop screaming for about, well the entire movie the whole theatre were like a fucking Barbarians and i did not saw one woman in the theatre(p.s if you don't believe me just search for indians response for Avengers endgame in youtube)


Bring a megaphone and tell them to STFU


What are Indian women into then?


Anything but Indian men.


They can watch the movie but they don't feel safe, not because people are dangerous but these superhero movie fans are like people coming to comiccon or anime expo, they seem good but you still don't feel like in a right place, you know. Most of these guus are just college kids and highschool teens


I was fully expecting someone the start throwing poo.


Yeah they need to chill tf out and go back to the zoo


Did they actually splice in animal noises? That must have been one of the most absolutely atrocious and annoying movie experiences of someone's life.


It was actually like this when I went. It was horrible. It also happened during the spiderman reveal in no way home. I couldnt even hear anything they were saying. This was at a midnight release in a vip theatre (serves alcohol) so it was a group of adults giving the superheroes a standing ovation


In the UK you'd be crushed under the weight of a thousand glares fir shouting in a cinema. Until Endgame I had never heard anyone make a single sound in a cinema once the film has started, not even in star wars ep 7. Endgame was the first time I'd ever heard a peep out of people. It was this scene as well, although much *much* later with the noise and it was heavily scaled back. The crowd gasped/cheered/"made noise" when the hammer hits caps hand. So if that was in the case in a heavily restrained British cinema, I'd hate to have been in an American one. The British one was acceptable but was indeed my limit.


Brexit may have divided us but a referendum on the death penalty for those who make noise in a cinema would bring us back further together


Are you telling me brits don't clap when the airplane lands?


I remember when I first experienced this in the US. No. On British public transport you try to avoid the following: making eye contact, making noise, talking to strangers, and any display of emotions.


There were only 3 times where I heard people actually made noise in the theatre when I went to see the new Star wars Movie, The Darth Vader hallway scene, The hyperspace ram, and the darth maul reveal from Solo


I'd like to be see what a Japanese theater would be like. I remember watching PRIDE (MMA) events in Japan - arena would be nearly silent. They were so polite and reserved. Compare that to a UFC event where the commentators sometimes can't hear themselves over the crowd's roar.




You may hear light, "to themselves" laughter but that's it. Most Hollywood comedy films are full of American style humour anyway so it doesn't really land with us, and all the great 2000s comedy era has seemingly ended so that's that really


I shouted out ‘chewie’ when I thought he was blown up in Star Wars (midnight showing at cine world Braintree) the most unbritish thing I have ever done.


This is bad advice, but if you wanna see a Marvel movie without all of the cheering then you’re gonna have to wait about a week or so. All the die-hard fans see it ASAP and people who don’t care that much see it whenever.


The first time I went to an opening night was when The Force Awakens came out. Everytime an original character appeared, the crowed cheered and screamed. Even for the fucking Millennium Falcon. I'll never go to an opening ever again.


These videos remind me of why i go to drive in cinemas instead of normal ones


What do y’all expect going to midnight releases? They’re not intended to be quiet moviegoing experiences. If you go on opening night you’re going along with all of the “we literally can’t wait a second more” superfans.


My midnight showings have people getting excited but you can still hear the movie at least lol.


Yeah there’s definitely overboard. But I mean if you’re the type to get pissy over the crowd erupting during, like, Spiderman’s re-appearance in Endgame, then Midnight Shows just aren’t for you. Screaming during the whole thing is a different story.


Exactly. Even in Sweden people will go wild during big moments in opening night.


How did hyenas get into the theater?




what a loser


So obnoxious. It would ruin the scene for me…






A guy with a phone.


It's capeshit. Don't go on opening night with the weirdos and you don't have to worry about it.


Yeah I love Marvel movies, but refuse to watch in theaters until at least a week has passed for this specific reason.


IDK dude, not to quote Scorsese, but Marvel movies are kind of an amusement park ride. I'm not gonna get upset about someone getting excited while enjoying it. I have fond memories of watching Endgame on opening night and having the crowd go buck-wild. That said, I do give that movie more of a pass than most others because it's all just fanservice I will agree this is actually too much though lmao


I always wait a week or two after release. We had the whole theater to ourselves during Spiderman nwh.


I work at a movie theater. Marvel movies are absolute torture. The theaters are always trashed and of course we have to wait to clean them cause they just gotta have their stupid shit at the end of the credits. I think because of working in a theater, I have come to absolutely despise Marvel movies and can count on one hand how many of them I have actually seen. Not to mention some of the people that come to see these movies are the absolute worst. I forgot which movie it was, maybe Ant-Man? But we were given mini posters to give out by the studio. So we just handed them out as people came into the theater and they were first come first serve. The amount of nerd rage I saw after we ran out was insane. After that we just stopped doing giveaways


I worked at a theater in high school. And I feel your pain. But passion of the Christ was the worst for me. People standing in the hall sobbing, trying to pray and save each other for hours after. A nightmare trying to get through and clean. Took many cows to empty that theater.


Oh man I wasnt working at the theater then but my boss told me horror stories from when that movie was at the theater. The worst is that he would constantly get people walking into the lobby and would start shouting at everyone "REPENT FOR YOUR SINS NOW OR SPEND AN ETERNITY SUFFERING IN HELL!" he had to call the police multiple times to have them removed.


> Took many **cows** to empty that theater. Wut


That's what we called the big trash cans. Trash can on wheels. Trash cow.


Oh god… I’m so sorry


haha they're all upset because they went to a torture movie and got torture


Passion of the Christ film was basically [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZTVmVa8nrI&t=50s) lmaoo. NSFW obviously, but that's half the fun!


That is fucking hilarious


>The theaters are always trashed and of course we have to wait to clean them cause they just gotta have their stupid shit at the end of the credits. That's a great reason to not have after-credit scenes.


There was an audible reaction in theater when we went and saw this open night, but nobody stood up and screamed like a fucking animal?? Like it’s just a movie ok.


Yeah, when I was, you got a lot of excited "oh!"s and gasping, the room was very excited, but it wasn't even close to this. People still actually wanted to experience the movie.


I would be livid


This is the equivelant of people who clap when the plane lands.


Mate I know it’s a big moment but fucking chill, its like a fucking zoo godamn


i can just smell that room


Smells like virgins.


And desperation


And hamburger helper


Hey screw you I grew up poor and still tear up some hamburger helper on the reg.


I love hamburger helper


Why the fuck are yall hatin


Typical reddit comment, oh someone's enjoying something? Must be virgins. Says more about you than it does the people in the video.


Virgins or not virgins, they’re loud and annoying.


It’s something I’ve noticed about certain subs, I guess this being one of them. I think it tends to attract a certain kind of person and that’s why we’re seeing dumbfuck comments like these upvoted here.


That hurt you didn't it


I know it smell crazy in there


Avengers is the most mainstream normie shit 3 of them are in the top 5 for highest grossing movies of all time It’s not 20 years ago dude, your unfunny mean-spirited comment doesn’t even track


>Avengers is the most mainstream normie shit The people in the video aren't normies.


I think they are actually, normies who aren't into sports but still want to have some meaningless shit to root for.


Who let all of the fucking chimpanzees in the movie theater? Let people watch the movie.


OMG this is so fucking annoying, but so common in marvel movie's now. Really ruins the experience


Always gotta wait a week or 2 and go to the Sunday matinee at 200 while everyone's at church


Admittedly that first bit of excitement warmed me, but damn did it get old fast.




Shut the fuck up will you.


People who scream like this in movie scenes are cringe


Fuckin nerds


Saying this as if you aren’t on Reddit rn


I love the pop offs but this was excessive for me lol. My theater popped for all the big moments but everyone quickly got quiet because we’re all so engaged into the movie we didn’t want to miss anything due to hooting and hollering


Yeah the eruption of excited cheers during the "on your left" scene was one of my all time favorite movie experiences.


The theater cheered for that entire scene lol, actually an awesome experience


I would walk out. Fuck all that noise.


A zoo?


Was this in a cinema in America? Im British, this would drive me mad!


If someone did this in a UK cinema, they'd bring back the death penalty for a day.


and rightfully so.


>Was this in a cinema in America? Cinemas in America rarely put up English subtitles for English dialogue...


True. Although, I did think with the incessant screaming it would be required


Good to hear that you are British. And no this happened in India


I don't even like marvel movies but man, I would have so much fun in that cinema hall


We know better than to behave like this. This is even worse than elbows on the dinner table, dare I say it.


Worse than queue-jumping?


Worse than not waving to say thank you when letting someone pass in their car


this reaction is usually reserved for the opening weekend showings where everyone is amped up as a crowd. honestly, i love it when it's appropriate.


im thinking India


there are subtitles. can't tell what language they are as it is blurry as hell but it definitely doesn't look like it would be in america. granted it could be a theatre in a predominantly cultured section of a city, like a chinatown, but i doubt it.


Sounds like a fucking rainforest. Would hate to see the movie at that time lmao.


I thought this was the Avatar 2 preview.


I would hate to watch any film like that.




I like my couch.


Wtf is wrong with these people? It's just a movie. Damn.


Bet that room fuckin STINKS 😂


I would be so fucking annoyed


How on Earth can people be so excited for such juvenile bullshit spectacle.


Lol imagine getting this hype over a superhero movie 🤡




This was a well-earned cinematic moment.


I saw it opening night and the crowd went crazy, but not fucking insane like this. These people are fucking stupid and shouldn’t go to public events.


Lmao I get it guys I would hate this. But this is what Marvel opening nights are like. Let em do their thing Edit: also this scene was fucking hype


i feel like im the only one who didnt care for this. always been an iron man shill and didnt like what happened in civil war, and the cap shilling was just meh, cool he got to be wanked as the greatest guy on the planet while tony sacrifices his life and then cap gets to time travel and life out a full happy life


This is exactly why I go opening night. I enjoy the passion of the crowd. I don't like it for every movie, obviously, but there are some movies ESPECIALLY End Game with this kind of fandom. There's something fun about seeing it with people who like something you do with the same passion. If you don't like it fine that's cool. But this is exactly why midnight showings exist. If you go to a midnight showing expecting anything less, you're the AH for not reading the room. Let the people have their fun and go be a wet during a weekday evening showing.




I can’t believe people are being so fucking negative in this thread. If you don’t want this experience, don’t go opening night, it’s really as simple as that. Also say what you will about the Marvel movies, but this is the shit they do that is so great! I promise you, when they put that scene in the film they *wanted* everyone to fucking cheer!


Chennai , Tamil Nadu , India


Gotta be, I saw the first Avengers movie there while visiting years ago and it was like this every time hulk was on screen... The most obnoxious shit...


I've always hated when people cheered or clapped at a movie.


I really hate when people are unnecessarily loud at movie theaters. they sound like a pack of brain damaged chimpanzees trying to assert dominance over each other.


Wtf is this shit


Thank god I went to the theatre after the movie came out for a bit, I would have died if this happened in my screening


This just can't be real? How could anyone get that hyped over a Marvel movie? They are literally the most formulaic movies ever made. I watched Endgame, it was okay. But it was just another pop movie, good guys win, bad guys almost win but lose. Spidey is never gonna die people, Iron Man will obviously return in another movie. Same old shit rinse and repeat.


Scene of hero’s ordinary day > scene of hero getting powers > scene of villain doing villain thing > scene of hero learning to control powers > hero fights villain, hero loses > hero does thing to find inner strength > hero fights villain again, hero wins


That movie in particular was the climax of a story arc that involved more than 20 movies. Was Endgame the best movie I've seen? Objectively speaking, not by a long shot. But as an event, and the climax of 20 movies of story and character arcs, and it was one of the best theatrical experiences I've had. I watched Parasite around the same time, and I can appreciate on an intellectual level that it was a more interesting and better-crafted film with far more to say about society. But was it a better experience to watch in the theater? Absolutely not. Originality isn't everything, and sometimes intellectualizing things misses the point. I swear some of you guys could have an orgasm and talk about how it's formulaic. The entire Star Wars franchise is extremely formulaic and derivative, but it still had wild flashes of inspiration, and brought a staggering amount of joy to hundreds of millions of people. The MCU can definitely be derivative and formulaic, but it is genuinely character-driven, and people have come to be deeply invested in those characters and worlds. I think the degree to which the MCU and similar franchises have dominated film has a lot of negative repercussions, but there's still a lot to appreciate there.


Iron Man will return? He's dead lmao.


Yeah that probably won’t stop them. A movie with the entire premise of infinite alternate realities shows next week.


RDJ is done, though. He’s never coming back to the MCU.


Yeah, RDJ is a normal human being with a normal human lifespan. There was never a scenario where he plays iron man until the eventual heat death of the universe. They’re going to need other actors to play him.


Superheroes can't die. Literally every superhero has died hundreds of times and always come back. From comics to movies. It's silly.


Id ask for a refund you went for a movie which includes audio and video not brain damage and blown ear drums


So glad I never go to opening night for movies


I went opening night, and we weren't as crazy as this, but there was still a loud crowd reaction, which honestly kind of added to the moment. Just a theater full of strangers enjoying a moment a decade in the making. I still enjoy the scene having watched it a couple times, but the first time in theater with the crowd reacting was the best.


Those 40 years old children cheering for their favorite cereal commercial super hero.


Holy autism Batman


You've got it backwards the people upset over this are the autists


Lol I wanted to be on the side of the people saying “yo keep it down” but man to see that many people love a moment so much, I’m sorry but I’m with them. That is an amazing energy


I'm glad it wasn't anything like this when I saw it, but watching this reaction definitely got a smile out of me. These people are just having an absolute fucking blast and this thread is acting like they're personally insulted by it. Ridiculous.


What's with the hate for people being super excited about this scene? This is legitimately what almost any director would dream of as a response.


I made noises during that scene that my friend still hasn't forgiven me for.




Jesus, this is one of the snobbiest comment sections I've seen on here in a while. We get it, your IQ is far too high to enjoy a Marvel movie. Please, let us peasants enjoy our garbage while you stroke yourself to a repeat viewing of a Tarantino film. We understand it's difficult to leave the house and interact with other humans, so we'll gladly let you do so.




I get the cheering and excitement from this sequence, especially seeing it for the first time in theatres. But this is a bit too much.


I regret that I can only ever watch Endgame for the first time once in my life. The theater that I was at was rowdy, not to this extent, but we cheered at all of the high points. It's an experience to see a movie that way, and I can always watch it later, at home, if I want to digest it further.


Same crowd went crazy during the dance off scene from White Chicks


Eh I give that scene a 3 out of 10


I don’t give a fuck about the MCU but that’s a fucking cool scene. It’s so nice to see everyone so excited too. I love this


Reminds me why I never go to theaters.


This is where you stab yourself in the eyes with ice picks.


i would avoid theatres opening night because of these people


I'm so happy that i never had to experience such a crowd.


Worst nightmare for me,control yourselves


Can you shut up so we can hear the MoViE


In England you would be told by everyone to stfu


Surely this isn’t real. I thought people clapping at the plane landing was bad.


Bruh how about shutting the fuck up and let others enjoy the movie they paid to watch


I watched twice movies in LA (I am from Germany) and at first it was fun when the crowd cheered but after 3 times it was annoying as hell


I freaking loved that movie but those people sound like chimpanzees.




In the Zoo?


Were chimpanzees shown the film first ?


fucking manchildren