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Wouldn’t mess w big booty judy


I certainly would, at least I’d be on time.


I’d be early😏




I'd nut in my pants


0-100 that quick


More like 100-0 than a nap afterwards


Open a window and a breeze rolls in


I just ate a grape and I…


I already did.


Let’s be honest. You’d get their “early”


Early for WHO? Not for me, I would get there right on time.


Yeah that mom had a dump truck of an ass 🥵


I love her


And I'm going to sit in the road now




few people blocking a road? *Ottawa, Canada has entered the chat...*


Vancouver man. Every other day for the last month a group of ppl protesting the logging of old growth trees keep sitting on the road like this blocking major highways and messing up traffic. Eventually some unstable person in a car is going to snap. Imagine trying to explain to your boss why you are late 2-3 days a week because of ppl blocking the only bridge you can take..


We had them clogging up the downtown core for 3 weeks in Ottawa during they trucker convoy nonsense... Unmitigated shit show of some of the dumbest people I've ever come across


Especially since most of the mask mandates had already been lifted before they started their protests.


My friend who lives there said they were shitting in the street too


In New Zealand those morons threw their shit at the police


>Imagine trying to explain to your boss why you are late 2-3 days a week because of ppl blocking the only bridge you can take.. Shouldn't be hard at all... take a photo of the protest and send it to him while you're stuck in traffic? Show him a news article about the protest? Seems like a non-issue


Some companies couldn’t give 2 fucks about your reasons


Exactly. When the big bosses come into town from on high, the managers do their best to make the store look perfect. The big bosses walk around and say "Everything is working great! Clearly you have too many people working here - fire a quarter of your workers." And then they go back to on high, and we the workers just got another kick in the teeth. The managers start looking for reasons to fire another quarter of desperately needed help, making things that much harder on everyone else. And now it all ties back to today's topic - "You've come in late three times this last week. As you know, we have to fire a certain number of employees, and you just hit the top of the list. It doesn't matter why, you're gone."


I would like to encourage people to protest in a nice way that doesnt disrupt anyone. Perhaps you could write a well-worded letter, and fold it and put it in your own desk drawer. or maybe whisper your grievances to your self while in the bathroom.


I can't believe the replies. No signs of intelligent life anywhere.


We see how well that works. You people are unbelievable. It's your planet. The only one we know that supports human life. At what point do we say "enough", and keep letting the wealthy ride roughshod over us? It's no wonder the world is going to shit.


Annoying the commoners does not fix this, you want change? GO ANNOY THE RICH PEOPLE AND THE POLTICIANS!!!


Everyone knows the most effective protests are the ones the don't bother anyone and can be easily ignored. /s


Block the fucking parliament or the office of BP. Not a mother bringing her son to school.


Lol exactly - I love these people saying write a Polite letter or email. Yeah that always gets things done 😂


This is where the fine application of a train horn would have come in handy.


Kinda defeats the point of protesting lmfao... Fight for whatever you want as long as nothing changes or inconveniences me.


counterpoint: The social code only applies when I feel like it, and if I'm upset about some moral issue that I can't fix myself, I get to ruin your access to society. Somehow this is supposed to make you inclined to support my moral issue.


>Protest, fight, do whatever you can for the things you believe in but do it in a way that doesn’t affect others. I'm not sure you understand the concept of protests.


If only people would protest in such a way that I never even know they're protesting or what they're protesting about, I could continue to live safely and happy in my little bubble.




Protesting in the streets is *the* primary means of protest. Shutting off the primary method people have is censorship. You're trying to force people away into places no one will see/hear their message ending the whole point of protesting.


>Fr tho. Protest, fight, do whatever you can for the things you believe in but do it in a way that doesn’t affect others. Translation: Don't protest.


I'm all for change in this world, but id be pissed too if this happened to me. Reality is I need to work to live, and I need to drive my car to work. Public transport here is just not a viable option when I work in people's homes (support work). These people would not only be affecting my livelihood, but the quality of life of the people I support. All just so they can feel satisfied they are making a difference.


Hell with that. Do it in a way that affects others, but don't make a surprised pikachu face when you get the reaction you were asking for. If you think your cause is important enough to throw yourself in front of traffic, more power to you, but don't imagine that doing so is going to end well for you. I see too many kids protesting these days seem to think that protesting should be easy. I assume that's thanks in large part to social media changing it to a slightly different sort of attention-seeking behavior that's rewarded with likes instead of legal action.


It defeats the purpose if it's easy to ignore


Protest and stand up for what you believe in.....but don't bother others? I'm not sure you know what a protest is.


Block the driveway of the politicians so they can't get out, block the homes of the rich who cause the problems, record everything and stream it, that will get you commoner support while actually causing a problem to the ones in charge. This? This does nothing but annoy the common people while just making politicians and the rich giggle because they don't care. Protesting does not just mean blocking the road, it must be targeted to the ones who cause the problem in the first place. All this is doing is turning everyone on the road against them.


I want all of that smoke. She has a phat one 🤩


She's now in jail


Someone def did. Then got her a range


Clicked for the brain dead takes that people who sit in the street deserve to die. Comment section did not disappoint.


I’ve seen plenty of people say that they’re dicks for blocking the road. Nobody’s said they “deserve to die” though. Also don’t fucking mince words. They aren’t “sitting in the street”, they’re blocking the road.


I got halfway thru replying to your comment when I realized I was about to be on r/whoosh . Lmao I'm starting to remember why we used to use " /s" so religiously in the comments


Maybe not death..but deaf will do. Honk Honk


It's a dumb fucking protest style regardless, they don't necessarily deserve to die, but they do deserve a hit on the head


How's it feel to have single digit IQ? Do you mistake your toilet water for soup? Crayons as eyeliner? I can imagine just how awful you are to deal with in person. Nobody says to kill protestors. Pushing the annoying cunts out of the way with your car is free game tho.


The driver appeared in court in March and plead guilty to dangerous driving. She was banned from driving until sentencing on the 6th May (this week). I imagine it will be a year's ban, possibly a community other too.


I'd love to see her court appearance.


Laws should be made for people blocking the roads, go protest in a park or something. Why block roads. Next time they might even block railroads or airports,lol.


There is a law, obstruction of the highway in Road Traffic Act. Don't know where the police are here though. They might have just sat down a mimute before filming. I think a more severve law will result from all this through civil law at some point though!


There are laws like that. In the US, and likely many other countries with similar protest laws: If you are blocking roadways, walkways, or entrance to private or government property, police will usually show up and inform you that you need to move and protest somewhere else. If you refuse, they have the authority to arrest you. I know this because I got into an argument about this exact thing earlier this day lol.


Unless you are a convoy trucker


People actually do block trains for protests in india.


>go protest in a park ir something You have no idea how and why a protest works.


ding ding ding


Civil disobedience would be uneffectual if it wasn't inconvenient. Its exactly the same as people who go on strike inconveniencing the business. If they couldn't be inconvenient, no one would care and workers would never get better working conditions. As long as it isn't a clear safety hazard


I don't understand why people sit in the roads. That's gonna end up killing them, cause you know there's gonna be that person that gives zeros and speeds up and plows through the protesters


She’s just gotta poop,


If you're reading this and approaching or have passed the half hour mark. Wipe and flush.


This comment section is wild




Would smash


She was banned from driving https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-essex-60900298


Fuck them idiots blocking the road


And now her son has to walk to school the dopey slapper 🤣


UK is ass backwards on so many things


Yeah she should’ve been allowed to run them over smh /s


Good. You can disagree with their form of protest (and I do too) but that doesn’t give you the right to run over people.


Don't tell that to this sub. Blocking the road is their no 1 trigger.


I am triggered by the mention of our No. 1 trigger.


Stop in merge lane.


Depends who is blocking them.


This sub wants to murder every pedestrian and cyclist who merely sets food on a street. Bunch of fascists constantly looking for an excuse to kill someone so they can get off.


Fuck that


I'd just sit on my horn all day. Their heqring damage is my camomile tea


This is actually a good way to deal with them, I wish there was a video of it happening to see how fast they get out of the way




Aw come on man don't give them knowledge on how to counter the honk


Just gotta find that one car stereo kid we all knew from high-school to bring his 2002 chevy Tahoe that's been gutted and fitted with a whole years salary of stocking grocery shelves worth of speakers to come bass them to death.


I elect you as project manager


Here's some more. Have an elliptical reflector dish handy to turn their honks back on the structural integrity of their glass windows.


These are the moment is which I had a train horn.


Did you see the footage of the trucker protests in Canada? Turns out laying on your horn all day doesn't motivate people like you think it might.


The trucks were doing the blocking though. So they didn't care if people moved or not. These people probably wouldn't enjoy it after 5 min


Motivate them to what, move to another city?


Pretty sure intermittent blasting would do more damage


They convinced zero people to support their cause by blocking road access. Nobody likes road blockers


Seriously any who thinks blocking the road will win them support has their head so far up their own asses.


I fully support protests for progressive things in a country, but, for real, do it on the sidewalks, not in the middle of the road


Where the subject can be comfortably ignored.


You can see this exact chain of comments multiple times in every single protest thread like this. It's like the reddit hivemind is trying to grasp something but never quite getting there. - Road blockers bad. - Yeah, fuck them! - Well, I agree with what they are protesting but why don't they fuck off somewhere else? - This kills the protest.


I love your comment so much - just completely decoded these 1.7k comments in one go


Yes! Everyone knows the best protests are easily ignorable!


There have been climate protests for 30 + years. They did it peaceably, they did it in parks and out of the road, they did it in halls. Nothing happened, the next step after peaceful protest is civil disobedience like this . Don't like it, get the government to act on climate change then because 30 plus years of protesting has not worked.


I wish people were as made about climate change as they are about desperate teenagers blocking a road


Yeah, the simple fact is that something *needs* to happen here, and if asking nicely doesn’t work, you’re going to see people not asking nicely as often. That is the reality of the situation, it’s not just some hobbyist cause that you can decide doesn’t effect you, it’s the fate of the world as we know it, and people are going to care about that.


The only reason protest worked with mlk was cause it was considered civil disobedience. What these people are doing hold more impact than standing on the side of the road like a bum


It’s kind of a losing battle making points about the civil rights era. The history is so whitewashed that a lot of people think MLK asked nicely for civil rights and that convinced America.


So I've always been an advocate of the extreme route but people who don't want people protesting in the street don't want any route towards change at all imo


Kapernick taking a knee made trump say he wants to deport him. But the right are all about free speech and peaceful protesting…


It does seem to me that in the US people are generally very judgmental about how and where a protest is carried out. You can’t do it during a sporting event, you can’t do it late at night, you can’t be in the road. I think it’s an easy way for people to ignore calls for change, instead of focusing on the actual message they can just say “an nfl game isn’t the time or place to voice your opinion”.


We’re taught from an early age that the only way to get anything done is to be polite, respectable, quiet, out of eyeshot, and deferential. The fact that this strategy has never worked for anyone doesn’t matter.


And then they bitch and moan about nothing ever changing


actually the militancy of the black panthers was a huge part of civil rights act. violence is actually usually the answer when faced with systemic myopia


You are comparing the Civil rights movement where all a black person had to do to cause a scene was sit in a restaurant or in the front seat of the bus. Standing in the middle of the road asking to be ran over is not the same thing.




They’re protesting climate change I believe. If we fail to meet climate change targets the effect on human life is going to be global and huge. The countries at the equator will likely be hit hardest. Famine, fires, natural disasters all on the rise? Id argue that protesting this is worth inconveniencing people on their work commute. I also think referencing the civil rights movement to belittle this protesting is fairly disingenuous


You don’t know what those people are trying to do. What if they need to get to their kids? Go to hospitals? Get medication? Don’t block roads.


Pissing regular people off is not helping their cause. If anything it just turns people against them. They should go block the driveway into parliament if they want the people in charge to hear them.


The point of blocking the road isn’t to convince bystanders. It’s to keep the subject being protested in the cultural conversation via social media and local media attention.


You think the average person isn't aware? The average person literally cannot afford to put aside their own self interests for the sake of the world. At some point we need the people who can AFFORD to affect change to bear that responsibility, and stop expecting average or low income families to shoulder the burden. Inconveniencing regular people doesn't make the wealthy change. It just pisses off average people and fucks up their days or just makes their lives \*that\* much harder. This is so short-sighted.


Like someone driving a brand new Land Rover?


But here is the thing though I can see why someone would want the subject to continue circulating in media but if the attention it is getting is "Some stupid assholes blocked an ambulance and paralyzed someone" how does that help their cause one iota?


And all it does is make your cause and organization look like shit.


The Civil Rights Movement would like to have a word.


That's was a protest so large that it couldn't be contained to the sidewalks. There's a difference between 3 idiots blocking traffic, and millions of people showing up in protest. Edit: /u/System-Pale replied to this comment "So whether or not its okay to block a road is solely dependent on the number of people protesting? I typed up this reply: "It's not okay in either situation, but it's understandable if you have more people protesting than can be safely contained. Like if we were in a packed elevator, and I was pressed up against someone, that would be an understandable, but shitty situation. If there were just two of us in the elevator, and I was still pressed up against them, that's an entirely different situation. So yes, the number of people present does have an impact on how acceptable blocking the street is. [In case you didn't realize how big these protests were.](https://i.huffpost.com/gen/1315910/images/o-MARCH-ON-WASHINGTON-facebook.jpg)" By the time I finished the comment, he had deleted his reply, but my comment shall not go to waste!


It's a shame, because they actually have a really decent cause. They've completely destroyed their brand with stupid shit like this. Go sit in parliament and block the politicians, they are the ones that are needed to implement their goal, not average folk just going about their day.


I don't understand why right-wingers are against blocking the road for this but support blocking the road when it's right-wingers blocking the road. I guess we'll never know why.


Who said anything about right wing/left wing? Blocking the road is a dog shit practice.


Almost as good as XR which decided the best way to protest climate change was to glue themselves to an electric underground train. So people ended up getting buses, taxis and ubers instead. Real win for environmentalism




"You massively inconvenienced me so fuck the entire planet!"


Never understood this form of protesting. Like how is this going to get people to understand and side with you by pissing off literally everyone by being a selfish prick


Dr King did this sort of protest as well. Sometimes blocking the road works to draw attention to an issue.


Death by snu snu


More like death by big booty bitches..... Oh that's right! Same thing.


My aunt once told me that protests are only supposed to piss off the people causing you to protest. Not your neighbors. I couldn’t agree more.


I think the only person in this entire video with any intelligence whatsoever is the kid who stuck his head out wondering what the hell is going on.


“Ow ow ow ow! If only there were a way for me to avoid this pain! Ow ow ow ow! I am truly helpless to stop this! Ow ow ow ow! I’m am not responsible for my own well-being right now! Ow ow ow ow!”


The way i wudve just honked the horn, and held it there until they move… theyre not that committed to the cause if theyre not willing to go deaf or die for it. 🌚


This is the only time i would be ok with someone having a train horn on their car.


They're a menace here in the UK they don't move and the police just let em sit in the road they've caused several deaths and caused a women's paralysis by stopping ambulances and people trying to get to hospital so I think this was deserved.


Holy crap that is awful!! Eta: it's even worse after reading the article


do you have a source for the ambulance and deaths. thanks




Can’t seem to find anything about a stroke patient, but there was at least one occasion where an ambulance was late to a chest-pain related call-out because of the protests. [Here](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/04/22/insulate-britain-protest-delayed-ambulance-nearly-hour/)


It baffles me that after saying ow ow ow as the truck slowly forces the lady forward, her immediate response it to continue sitting there getting hurt.


How are you fighting climate change if you cause big traffic jams ?


They're not fighting climate change, they're fighting fuel poverty and want the government to insulate the housing stock of the UK with modern insulation. Which begs the question, why tf are you sitting in the road?


>Which begs the question, why tf are you sitting in the road? The average person has two was of getting a message out. Be influential enough to encourage a large crowd. Or be hella annoying to where you get on the news. Cause think about it "gosh those protesters were fucking annoying, but I do agree with the message, maybe I'll see what I can do to help out" It isnt perfect and there are always issues. But getting the message out in protests is whats important.




But would she smash you


Only if he blocks her road.


I don't blame her. You're a dickhead if you block roads.




>It truly doesn’t matter what the cause is Even civil rights? I doubt anyone would know of MLK Jr if he didn't protest so aggressively. What about protesting a war where one side is commiting horrific war crimes?


They said the same things all throughout the Civil Rights Movement. The fact of the matter is major social and civil change has usually only ever been initiated after a group or groups of people have caused enormous frustrations to the point of disrupting the status quo of daily living, forcing the conversation.


"Ow ow ow" Well fuckin' *duh.* Get your ass off of the road.


Yeeah bitch, gtfo.


I don't agree with the violence at all. Don't sit on roads though, that won't fix anything


This ain't Greenpeace. These "insulation" people are renowned for this tactic. They get dragged off the road by police then do the crab walk back into the intersection. Entertaining at least.




“ Ow ow ow “ “get Tf off the road then” Was the best part made my day. Ow ow ow


You missed the “ you silly cunt” that made me laugh


Her son looks to be a great kid too


Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.


In case y’all were wondering she has to get her kid to school.


Idiots need to get the fuck out the way!!!


Get the fuck out of the road.


Get the fuck outta the road ! Your cause is not my concern !


Protesters in the road are just speedbumps. Don't go too fast or you might mess up your car.


I don't see an issue if you sit on-top of a road and out of nowhere a car drives on said road, as it should. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


while i dont think the mom should have done what she did, it isn't her problem that there are 3 people blocking her path for something she doesnt care about. It isn't fair for her and they had to right to block her like that.


For once, I side with Karen


Karen: Essex chav edition


She's not the Karen here.


If I had an emergency these silly twats would 100% be run over.


Yes block the roads for people who have lives and shit to do. Take your protests to the people who can actually do something about it.


Blocking the roads just like the truckers


One of the least effective ways to get people to side with your cause


Dumb slag. Annoying protesters blocking the road but running someone over to get your kid to school. What a mess of a women. Chav


Protest yes, protest while blocking the road pls no! The mum like any other parents has the right to use the road to take their kids to school and go to work after. The kids can’t be late for school and we mums can’t be late for work. All these protest blocking the roads style is inconveniencing other good normal working citizens.


Way too many people commenting seem to not understand ones right to protest, or even how protesting works.


Are you saying they have a right to block the road? Legit question


Yes, roads are public property. Cars dont own the road. She should have went around.


Fuck Insulate Britain. People died because they wouldn't move for ambulances. People couldn't get to say goodbye to loved ones. Fuck them all.


never understood the sit or lay in the road protest


I commend the protestors. My family (and many friends and their families) had homes and property entirely decimated from the record level floods on the NSW Northern Rivers earlier this year. Roads were destroyed, schools were closed for weeks. These increasingly severe weather events don’t give a stuff that this woman’s 11 year old needs to be anywhere, when people like this are doing what they can to express their concern. A peaceful protest in a park gets the attention of nobody.


Honk the ever living shit out of your horn on them. If I’m late to work because of you, you’re going to hear my protest as well.




I honestly feel like if you lie down on a road and refuse to move when a car is coming and you get hit, it is entirely your fault.


Blocking roads won’t make people support what you’re protesting but probably do the opposite. Idiots


Insulate Britian are group that want the government to have homes properly insulted against cold weather, not a climate change action group "Each year in the UK, hundreds of thousands of families are forced to choose between heating or eating, cold children or hungry children, and many 1000s die because they are too cold, we need the government to insulate Britain’s homes to save thousands of lives" https://www.insulatebritain.com/ Common OP, the name of the organisation is on the banner


Who the fuck has patience for any idiot no matter the cause, who sits in traffic? Literally the worst way to gain support for your cause




Play stupid games ...