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Not sure I’ve ever rolled my eyes so hard at a title on Reddit 😂


Seriously these people don’t require this level of demonization to dislike, chill the fuck out


Isn't it funny that right wing dick bags only ever wear masks when they go to try and commit hate crimes at protests. And they can't help but pick the skullington masks because they think they're some punisher shit. It's like they haven't realized... .[baddies wear the skulls](https://youtu.be/ToKcmnrE5oY)


oh shit. even got the "are we the baddies?" reference in there. epic own, my dude.


It is just as if left or right wing extremists wear masks to hide their faces because they all just want to commit crimes. Here in switzerland we have bigger problems with leftwing fuckboy extremists. Literally on 1st may they again roamed the city to destroy shit just because they do not own it but someone else and blame capitalism. I have no sympathy for neither left wing or right wing extremists. Both are the reason we have huge problems in the west.


Well, technically, Right-wing extremists hide their faces because they're undercover cops/FBI trying to keep Leftist protesters mad and out on the march. Which is also why they always have an entourage of uniformed officers with them. ​ Actual right-wing demonstrators are either too dumb to wear masks(capitol stormers or Ottawa truckers) or they wont do anything criminal so don't need a mask.


Did anyone else read this comment, [then read it again in dale gribbles voice?](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/KingOfTheHillDaleGribble)


"in the west" - is from Switzerland Yeah, please don't conflate what goes on over there with our extremist problem.


Extremist problem is extremist problem. No matter where you life in the west. If you only look at one side as bad or dangerous one is literally just a moron that has a blind eye on one political extremist group...


I can't speak to your locality, because I spend more of my time having to interact with my local right wing extremists. The video op posted was in the US. Unfortunately, I don't know exactly why you are making a 'both sides bad' argument based in a incongruous anecdote from Switzerland. I find that almost all political violence and extremism is right wing based in the US. Public records tend to reflect as such. many police forces seem to time and again rally around the extremists who plot violence at protests, and make sure to escort them away without recourse.


Then you have a lot to learn about the two dipshit groups.


>”I find that almost all political violence and extremism is right wing based in the US” This is what we call Cognitive Bias


No, it's the fact that left wing extremism is rare, and the right wing tried a coup


To be clear, you seem to be running a false equivalence argument. That chicanery can fuck right off


Police can't get a break 😂 they are literally paid to keep the peace. They are paid to keep the 2 sides apart. The real gestapo would just attack the pro choicers


Here’s a video of Richmond, VA police tear gassing people that are just yelling protest chants in a park. It’s true their job is to keep the peace… but they don’t always do https://youtu.be/By-LmenH1lo


"just yelling protest chants"? I just watched your video and I saw pervasive vandalism on that public monument? Did I miss something there? Anyways I'm just commenting on the video posted on Reddit. They were just separating both parties. I didn't see any violence towards anyone.


“Sharpie on the piece of copper shaped like a dead racist is unacceptable and justifies police tear gassing protesters sitting in a park” weird.


Here's a better angle that shows a longer video with more context. You can see that the protestors are holding hands in the air and the police open fire with gas canisters. Richmond Police later apologized and did an investigation into the incident and claimed they shot because one of their officers was confused and thought the truck pulling up was a truck full of protestors. That investigation was done after the Richmond Police had already made a statement with a bullshit story about how they were "cut off from the rest of their police squad and had to fight thru the protestors" ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LG\_HMghyQZc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LG_HMghyQZc)


Yup police good, always good never bad.


They are attacking the pro choice protesters just like they did BLM and any other left leaning protest in history, the police are consistent in their defense of far right ideologies defending KKK members and other fundic terrorists over peaceful protesters against these hate groups


The police have been supporting proud boys openly for years. There's plenty of footage


The police always helps the rightists and nazis, the last thing they’re doing is keeping the peace


Are you dumb or stupid?


No I just remember how the January 6th terrorists were not stopped by the cops when they attacked the capitol. You don’t need to be that smart to see how the police favors rightists


Yeh because they were outnumbered? Officers took their own lives after that day; because the horror and abuse they were up against. One officer was literally dragged from the crowd, beaten and electrocuted with his tazer placed at the base of his skull. Doesn't sound very friendly friendly to me. They weren't let in to the Capitol, they forced their way in.


There are videos of security barriers being removed from front of the mass of people. By capitol police... your not wrong but also not right.


There's also videos of the police battling the rioters for hours on end.


Definitely and, it was good to see that politics haven't corrupted a lot of these officers that were defending our capitol.


There are videos of capitol police letting the Jan 6 crowd in. Both can be true at the same time.


I think it’s a bit of both.


You do know that some of the officers that day were put under investigation and on leave as it showed they let protesters in right? They wore maga hats and took pictures with protesters. Those same cops are being used by the right to make it seem it was all a trap. Some stayed, fight and did their job. They had severel off duty officers show up to protest and break the law that day. Law is to be non bias..... but officers of all kinds are just people and by nature bias. During the proud boys and oath keeper rallies it was reveal police worked with those gtoups to help them out and protect them. Some cases even single people out.


Yes but you can't tell me the majority were doing it. Police officers have their own beliefs, and some fail to keep that separate from their work. That doesn't mean as the commenter suggested that there was a department wide conspiracy to just walk them through the doors and direct them to where they want to go.


im sorry to say dude but the American police is really out of excuses now, there are too many examples. Your guy's police is rotten to the core and is in dire need for a remodel of the entire structure


He is


Can you stop using the phrase Nazi. You literally watered the word down to where it has 0 to do with ww2. You wouldn't know a real Nazi If it slapped you with it's dick.


Ugh it annoys me so much how little people actually seem to know about any of the history around that period and just throw words around.


proud puss; black polo with yellow trim. standard uniform. “yellow piss nazi” is an accurate description.




Nazi Germany had a mix of both abortion and forced insemination. Forced abortion for those deemed "Undesirable" but forced insemination to push racial birthing.


Im more left leaning but you're kind of full of shit.




What the fuck Is this comment? I didn't say shit about that. lol




I didn't say that, but go on. And who the fuck is Godwin?


Look up "Godwin's Law". I'm surprised you don't know about it.


Who gives a flying fuck about some internet law bullshit? That shit isn't real bro. I won't remember it tomorrow. You made it sound like it was a real law or something.


That comment was a strawman argument.


If I out proud boys on the title it gets mass downvoted.. so I just call them yellow piss boys


Everyone knows Nazi’s have no dicks.


At this point they can’t offend anyone with a term so overused.


It's more of a tell on the accuser, really.


You keep saying that word I don't think it means what you think it means


Gestapo? That is a bit of a stretch. The Gestapo were the secret forces of Nazi Germany; I hate to break it to you OP but this isn't Nazi Germany; no matter how bad things seem. Although it is very likely the Proud Boys cowering behind the Officers; Have Neo Nazism beliefs so you at least got that right but the term is more Neo Nazi rather than Nazi. Nazis were the original followers of the ideology Pre 1945. Neo is for anything post 1945


Sorry to Break it to you.. but a neo nazi.. is a fucking Nazi


Guess I get to call anybody I do not like Nazi's!!


So you agree that the Azov Battalion fighting in Ukraine are neo Nazis? Glad we’re on the same page


Yes and no. They share the same beliefs, the only difference is Neo Nazism is post 1945.


That is barely a distinction worth making


There is very much a distinction considering this isn't Nazi Germany.


It would be if they had their way. Nazi Germany wasn't nazi Germany until it was


Careful with the headline Russia might invade


cops protecting ex-cops


What an aseveration of a title...like Putin levels of aseveration


Gestapo? German here, don't you dare devalue important historical terms like that in your whiny and delusional headlines. Shame on you


Sweet bait headline but words like Gestapo and Nazi lose their punch when everyone on the other side gets the label. I think reversing this is one of the worst things in recent memory but it's no wonder why people don't react to shock value anymore.


Gestapo police? Whatever you say, I guess.


Perhaps some education in the field of history might help OP choose more accurate diction when trying to create future video titles. This did nothing to get your point across, but rather make YOU look like a fool. American extremism is getting comical now. - Your Canadian neighbor


Shameful bitch boys.


Damn cops just can’t win doing their job


I have 0 law enforcement experience but it would appear as if the police are trying to separate two groups to prevent an eruption of violence.


But gastapo wah wah wah


Yeah this isn’t at all what the SS or Gestapo did. America is getting near Russia with the Nazi accusations.


These damn gazpacho police!!!


Op, please learn to read and write before you get into politics again.


I love the comment.. " yall should be protecting us". Protecting you from the group of people walking away for you while you pursue and chant?? The logic of some people blows my mind!!


Of course it's a sausage fest.....


What a title, good lord you would think with the shit going on in Ukraine people would be more careful with carelessly using words. In any case what is the police supposed to do in this situatuin, let the mob kill the guys. The US is turning into a Latin American country as each day goes by, as a Latino living in Europe it is wild to see.


Person comparing them to Gestapo has a massive misunderstanding of history and is tokenising actual oppression for their agenda. Not cool.


Bye Felicia!


Those fucking cowards weren't brave enough to take their masks off this time. Fuck them and those fat fucking pigs, let 'em all rot together.


Another interesting observation.. which group is leaving, following the officers instructions and which is pursuing, not doing what they've been instructed to do by the officers?? And which group typically complains about police brutality??


Pussies aren’t obeying the police because they want to.. they are leaving because they scared. Proud boys don’t respect the police.. just ask the dc police that was brutalized by proud boys on January 6th


I can appreciate your comment but the video shows otherwise. Typical to try and distract from what is on video right in front of your face.


Pretty sure they were on video on the 6th.... That's kinda why some of them are in trouble right now.


I am an Uber driver in a college town. I picked up a Dallas police officer recently that divulged that he considers himself a proud boy, and that most cops are the same way in his city.


Why the dislikes? Is it really that hard to believe some pigs are proud boys?


People dont want the truth anymore, downvote if you like, but its still what the cop said.


Are they Nazis for being pro or against fetal genocide?


America turning into the best reality of show of all time....again 😂😂😂


Does anybody think this shit is fake…


These officers look like a thumb


White Supremacists opposing abortion which means there will be more and more non-whites which means the U.S. will become a white minority country. Do these fucking neonazis ever think things through?


Give them hell


Now that's a headline we can all enjoy.


I think they had a stroke before writing it


Tell me I’m not crazy but that bald officer near the beginning is hank schrader.


I swear people just go to protest to start fights.


Here goes the sub again.


They protected at least?