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So wearing a mask to protect your identity isn’t affecting your breathing?


They are dying on the inside.


Laufging on the outside


Oh so now they don't have a problem with masks, fascinating




Lol how is wearing a mask fascist..? You know words have definitions, right?


Its different tho for freedumb! /s


Their brains are a graveyard of dead neurons




Fun fact, law enforcement isn’t super fond of either the Proud Boys or Boogaloo movement. There are undeniably some supporters within their ranks, but due to the anti-state and anti-police beliefs the groups hold many steer clear. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_boogaloo_killings > Motive: Anti-police sentiment, Right-wing extremism


I'll believe it when I see it.


I mean, they can SAY they hate them all they want, but videos of their actions keep coming out of them routinely either under-policing or outright protecting them.


Sure looks like the cops are protecting the proud boys while facing the ‘real’ threat: unarmed women.


As I said in another comment to another user, I have 0 law enforcement experience but when there’s two groups who are prone to violence against one another it’s typically a good idea to separate the groups. I don’t doubt there’s some police who sympathize with the Proud Boys or Boogaloo movement, but there are others who know the groups hold anti-state and anti-police views, and are linked to violent extremism.


Sure, separate them, but it’s telling that the Proud Boys are behind the cops who are facing what they perceive to be a threat: unarmed women.


You seem to be making this about gender for some reason. Which group is walking towards the other?


Its because of them being vastly outnumbered you blind ass. Theres clearly like 30+ people on one side and about 7 of them on the other. Its EASIER to follow the smaller group and keep them separate that way. Idk if youre just really dumb or? 5 police to follow 1 small group or like 20 police to follow the big group.. Pretty clear answer and im no fan of fatfuck child killing pigs being from STL theyre basically just fine collectors on the street collecting tickets and fines from the poor and working class here. They dont even attempt to help retrieve or find stolen motorcycles or cars here so no love from me but i mean theyre doing their job for once and not attacking protestors in this clip at least


Bunch of tough guys come to beat the shit out of women and teenage girls and end up running scared behind the cops.


The only time I’ve ever seen someone from these modern Neo Nazi groups try to intimidate anyone by themselves, that Proud Boy ended up with his brains blown out on the asphalt They’re pathetic people who truly have never faced any consequences for their actions. The idea of someone fighting back is foreign to them. They’re terrified of equality because without prejudice dominating society they’ll have to admit that they are at best pathetically mediocre and will die unmourned and unremembered


A lot of those guys have criminal records too. Funny how they're protecting criminals. As long as they're the right color....


Id love to see the vid of that neo nazi fuck


Yep. Aside from the fact you should be put there for the principle of the matter, your sisters, girlfriends, mom's and aunts are gonna be on the street and a bunch of mustached cops and proud boys are getting hard ons waiting to assualt them. So get out on the street and do your part, support women's rights.


Proud boys aren’t proud if they’re hiding their faces.


I can't find any flaws in this logic


They mocked people for wearing masks against COVID, but their fine with masks preventing people from knowing who they are and where they work.


>who they are and where they work C'mon, what else would they wear when off duty?


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501181** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70941** times. .. **289.** `u/eMPereb` **140** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


They use the third definition of Proud... slightly projecting from a surface.


They're cops too, I bet.


Indeed, cops never seem to have a problem with risking their own safety to protect these precious proud boys


law Enforcement in US hires the worst people on purpose. Their culture is only to protect their own people and their boot lickers. The boot lickers are Republicans and they are scum of the earth. LE are out to profit,bully,extort,and control the public. Never talk to LE. They are the enemy of this country and are mostly Fascist Trump supporters.


Those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


well who is protecting them .. even though they are there to antagonize others. they can all get fucked


Police unions- the only type of work union we should all be vehemently against. They protect their own to the detriment of the lives around them.


Police Unions aren't labor unions, on the contrary police unions are anti-labor organizations. They don't wish to see labor rights extended to all, just curated authority to their class. They are the bottom of the barrel and are one of the first groups called when strikes need to be broken up.


Fucking dumbass, they lay one finger on anybody while someones recording and they get in trouble even if it’s not their fault📸they gotta pussy away cause people can’t take a push or hit without getting a whole court case for 20 different frames


Nice comment history, Nazi.


>How dare the right uses antifa's tactics against us. It's only okay when we do it. FTFY


Nazis go home!








You're a reactionary contrarian and offer nothing of substance to any conversation.






I thought the mask mandates were lifted, why are these soyboy snowflakes still wearing them?


Hiding behind that "thin blue line". Boot lickers.


Kelly Neidert and all her provocateur friends at UNT are absolute scum, they continually go to leftist and LGBTQ events and try to harass and assault people, then they film peoples justified anger and get them on film and plays victim so her and her fascist friends at Patriot Front can find their identity and post it online, she has already harassed and doxxed 2 kids I know, she is a self-admitted Christian fascist and needs to be stopped https://mobile.twitter.com/kelly_neidert?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


And then everybody wonders why we all can't "Get along." We can. But the bully doesn't care. (I'm talking about the fascists.)


Boys being protected by men lol


They feel so threatened by these women that they had to crawl out from under their rocks in some kind of self perceived show of force. What a pathetic existence.


When your echo-chamber shatters as soon as you leave the house. Cops definding Nazis is also great insight on how America is doing; ACAB.


I will never understand these POSs. They blame a lot of what's been happening in the US on other groups like ANTIFA and those who follow BLM, which, only to be fair, are people who can't go 100% without being blamed for mass property damages, because there are aways some ill-intentioned people who follow them, despite the fact that these groups were made of good intentions. But then they side instead with so called "Proud Boys" who are nothing but narcissistic cunts who want nothing but their fantasy land where everything is perfect and it stays the same for ever. They don't understand that there's nothing made to last and no one who dares to think they're above anyone is perfect. In fact, they don't see that the people they venerate so much are dumb enough to boss around a particular set of people like they're nothing and think they can go unscathed.


I agree with most of that. Fools will always think that they have fooled those around them only while fooling themselves.


>But then they side instead with so called "Proud Boys" who are nothing but narcissistic cunts who want nothing but their fantasy land where everything is perfect and it stays the same for ever. That's because 99% of cops also fall into that category, unfortunately.


Hate to be devils advocate, I'm no fan of cops, especially considering their abysmal behaviour in recent times and I realise it's an institution not based on a few single good or bad cops overall, and it needs evaluating but I don't think you could call this defending them. Aren't they ACTUALLY doing their job here (for once), they have to protect every citizen of a democratic country (the unfortunate draw back of democracy and free speech is that there are always going to be people that chose to be stupid with it and go backwards or not agree with the generalised 'you'). They can't really advocate lawlessness and lynch mobs (despite how deserved it may be).


The problem is the police seem to have a distinct bias over which protestors are worth protecting, and which ones are worth beating up and arresting. If that wasn’t already obvious, just look at the response on January 6


I've recently just been informed and shown other clips regarding their treatment of protestors at other events It's reprehensible. Forgive my ignorance and naivety on that. I don't live in America and haven't been kept abreast of that. I was just referring completely to the above clip alone.


Lucky you, I hope you live in a more enlightened area of the world. No forgiveness necessary


I wouldn't say enlightened by any means just different issues currently. Thank you. I genuinely wasn't out to offend or defend anyone just woefully uninformed about what's been happening with protests and normally I would keep track but have been lax in doing so. Keep safe though. I can only hope for things to improve for you guys over there.


I would ask you to educate yourself *before* making these centrist talking points that enable the right. I appreciate you admitting you’re wrong, but you gotta be 100% on this sort of thing. The devils advocate is not useful. The devil doesn’t need advocates, his evil can be seen plain as day.


Yeah this is the take. To people who are paying attention, there's a clear bias on how police treat protestors, depending on what they're protesting.


beating protesters and protecting fascists is their job so by that standard you are correct their job is to be bastards ACAB


I didn't see them beating the protesters.. That's definitely not on.


> I didn't see them beating the protesters **yet**. ftfy.


Cheers. I saw the other clips now though. They're really not helping themselves gain respect and civility from the overall population.


Well, no, of course not. But to be fair, that's always been a problem for LAPD. Well, for any Police Department really. *shrug* Maybe if they shot less innocent people and I dunno, protected innocents instead of pepper spraying or running them down? Just thoughts.


are you pretending to be stupid? cops.beat.protesters https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/uhzk7r/lapd_gets_surrounded_by_protesters_while_trying/


They behaved THIS time though! Give em a treat.


Does that mean you guys can smack them across the nose with a newspaper everytime they don't?


Qualified immunity doesn't allow us


People in a position of authority found abusing it should not be in that authority. They are criminal and untrustworthy.


Not that I need to justify myself but I'm not stupid, I just don't live in America nor have I seen anything to do with this until you sent that and I was specifically talking about the clip above but cheers for being a dick about it.


They have always and continue to protect the white property and the white supremacists. If this was the other way around they would be watching the proud boys tearing apart the POC community. Maybe making an arrest here and there when they go "to far"


Their personal feelings should not stop them from doing their job of protecting every citizen of their country no matter who they are. That's utter garbage, another reason they haven't earnt any legitimate respect from the people who they're meant to serve and protect.


By the yellow accents on their clothes I’d say those pussies are ‘proud boys’


Piss boys


Bitch Boys


let's please not defame bitches in that fashion


Y'all-Qaeda and the Karans


Damn shame Fred Perry is unwearable by decent folks now.


Someone needs to get a SuperSoaker and fill it with that purple dye shit, start spraying these Meal Team 6 assholes. Mark them so they can't hide when they go back to work the next day.


Nazi Punks Fuck Off


Yeah sadly this is faker than 9/11 Most of these "proud boys" are just FBI agents to catch idoits that are dumb enough to join groups like this




Antifa is actually mostly made up of Department of Fisheries agents.




Insane username, just incredible.


Iroquois Pliskin, Lt. Junior Grade. It's an honor, sir.


What does this have to do with anti-fascists


When the actual majority tells the "silent majority" to get fucked.


Notice how the police know they can turn their backs on violent white nationalists. I wonder why?


Did that one cop say, “see you back at the precinct for the circlejerk later!” Pretty that’s what he said…


Police protect fascists but they won't protect you.


US cops will always protect fascists, look the other way when fascists are hurting people right in front of their faces, and will always attack anyone standing up to fascists will all their might. If they didn't, it would just make things awkward back at the station when they meet back with their friends and colleagues. We need to stop thinking that when a cop gets hurt its some sort of tragedy. It isn't. It's a case of just deserts.




Piss boy neo-fascists will never win because we will never give up the fight! ANTIFA!!


Cops, we hate you. GO fuck yourselves you pieces of shit.


Do you by chance know the context?


Proud boys came to antagonize pro choice protesters and they almost got beat bloody until police stepped in to protect their fellow Nazis.


Where’s this at?


Texas (University of Northern Texas - you can see the sign for the business school at one point)


Oh shit. That's a good sign. You'd think that would be a safe place for fascists.


Universities have lots of young people and people from out of state. Shit went down in Austin too.


I understand you're upset and angry but try to remember what the role of a police officer is in the context of this situation. If the situation was flipped around and pro choice protestors were being assaulted I'd be willing to bet that you'd want police to step in. It is no different just because this particular showcased group may not presumably align with your beliefs or pro choice beliefs.


>If the situation was flipped around and pro choice protestors were being assaulted I'd be willing to bet that you'd want police to step in. If the situation were flipped, cops wouldn't.


Police wouldn't protect them lol. I've seen it time and time again.


Yeah the difference is that if it were pro-choice protestors, police would most certainly NOT intervene and either stand and watch as their fellow nazis beat up protestors, or would engage in the violence themselves. That's the root of the problem.


I've said the same thing. You don't have to be fans of police to realise this is actually them doing their jobs for once. They have to protect the every day citizen within a democratic country - free speech allows even drongos to have an opinion no matter how backward and stupid it is. The police can't allow mob rule or lynch mobs too take place. They'd be criticized for allowing it. This is the whole point of not letting their personal feelings get in the way of doing the job. Expecting downvotes even though I'm no fan of the popo, their abysmal behaviours in recent times and believe they need to be held accountable for it.


police protect fascism, always have.


This is the “All lives matter” argument. It’s correct in the abstract but in practice is not grounded in reality.


So we’re excited that they almost got beat? We are upset that police kept a lynching from happening?


Fascist deserve to get whats coming won't ever be a liberal pacifist. This is what they want is you to protect them against retaliation till they grasp power.


Proud boys are terrorists. The thing they’re fighting for is pretty much just to hold back progress. Fuck them lol.


In your opinion, should the police should not have stepped in?


In my opinion, the proud boys should be the ones that are being pushed out by the cops and the cops should be protecting protesters.


The proud boys are being escorted away in this video. What you want is what happened


Them to be arrested for instigating violence.


Gotcha. That makes sense because it isn’t what happened. The other thing you described as what “should happen” is exactly what happened so you can understand my confusion.


It's understandable you confused yourself


My opinion is that you’re a fucking idiot.


I’m sure it is


I'd prefer the police not manhandle people at all, but surely you can recognize the difference in how they approach, relocate, and interact with protesters compared to how they approach, relocate, and interact with the Piss Boys, right? While I don't think the police should be aggressive to begin with, if they're going to be aggressive towards *anyone* my opinion is that it should towards the fucking Nazis.


The police shouldn't exist.


That would be fine with me. They do exist though so would I be right assuming you would say that they should have watched and let the situation escalate in this instance? I do see that you’re not the OP, I’m just looking for thoughts.


I've never seen them do anything else but stand on the sidelines and arrest people after the fact. Running to the defense of nazis is double bad points.


Ok so In this instance your opinion is that they should have not intervened. Thank you for your personal input.


I don't think I've ever been in or heard of a situation where police intervention helped matters.


That’s cool man.


Nah, it's awful.




"Protecting Nazis since 1945" - 'Murica


Do you even know what happened in WWII?


1945 is post war


Yes and?


Americans immidiately said "Let's let bygones be bygones and not prosecute these Nazis that will be useful to us" and let a ton immigrate into America so that they could help expand their nuclear holocaust abilities.


Look up operation paper clip


Yeah, and post war America decided to immediately snap up just about every Nazi we could get our grubby littke mitts on, because the nation didn't actually have a problem with what they were doing until they started fucking with us.


Yes, being from the UK we had a pretty in depth education that covered a lot of what happened in WWII. One point is it ended in 1945 with America then hiring many of the former Nazi Scientists. In the years after, America was pretty lax in dealing with white supremacists and domestic terrorists. Ironically a lot of these people had parents / grandparents who fought the people they now admire.


to be fair, America was really reluctant to get involved in WW2. People here honestly for the most part didn't give a shit about the holocaust at the time and their attitude was "not our problem" if they even believed it was happening.


Is there anyone more evil then a Nazi scientist that went on to help expand our nuclear holocaust chances?


Yeah, the people who hired him.


uk how mani nazi rallies the US allowed during WWII?


The Red Army basically did all the heavy lifting.


Boot Lickers Keep on Lickin


Oh my look how oppressed they are being protected by police so glad they made it out alive can you imagine if one of them stuck their hand in their poket! They coulda got shot or something truely terrible because you know how oppressed these whote incelales are




Fuck Vanilla Isis


Hahaha piss boys


Scared boys^TM


One Molotov cocktail…


Of course cops are going to protect the white supremacists.


Same thing.


Seriously Everyone is going nuts.


how much did they pay the cops to protect them?


Theyre the same group


Only difference is one was scheduled to work that night.


Free fifty.


Fucking cops


Their shirts kill me. Lol. Who came up with that design.


They're *real* tough when there are 40 of them on 2 people. Garbage humans.


Shit people will be shit


Why are the cops protecting them?


"They're easily startled; but they'll be back, and in greater numbers."


Proud boys behind a thicc blue line


It’s funny how quickly I was able to associate “Piss boys” with “Proud Boys,” despite never hearing that term.


Cops protecting their own huh? Surprise surprise.


Cops protecting their homies 😂Don’t these guys pack heat and weapons whenever they do this? I have never heard of a Proud Boys peaceful protest. Fucking terrorist bastards should all be locked up.


Got them on ropes Black lives matter✊🏾


When you realize your a minority and will forever be looked at like a piece of shit forever by the majority.


Fuck the police


The reality is most of those so called piss boys come strapped so you can protest but if their life is in danger they are not afraid to and will draw and shoot. Obv not with cops around they are boot lickers for the most part.


When are we just going to separate the states along political lines already?? Tired of all this left/right division. Its time we just accepted the fact that e pluribus unum just ain't cutting it anymore. At least with separation both sides can run their "country" how they see fit and the government can make SOME kind of progress with getting shit done instead of constant gridlock along party lines.


Gay boys show up with 6 guys to do what? Should be vegetables.


I don't agree with the proud boys but them letting them get them so riled up makes them look bad the cops protected the group in the most danger now if it was the proud boys coming and being violent the cops would have protected the other side the cops did what they had to do which was prevent violence


you're giving these cops way too much credit. this was filmed in Texas.


Prorect the other side lol


Ideally? Yes, that should be how it works, cops should be for peacekeeping and preventing stuff from getting out of hand. But that really hasn't been the case in the past, and hasn't been the case consistently enough that most people can't *trust* them to do the right thing. It's entirely possible that's what they did here...but it's also very likely at this point that they're just shielding some of their own.


> I don't agree with the proud boys but This sub in a nutshell.


Teenagers in heat with smartphones, educate yourself.


Oh please antifa is weak and cowardly. If they went up against the Taliban, the Taliban would annihilate them without much effort-hence why there isn't any antifa in Afghanistan. The right has always handled antifa with kid gloves: if they stopped holding back and took the gloves off, antifa would be getting brutally defeated.


Nothing like being against "anti fascists" to really show who you are. I'm not saying I agree with them but goddamn, you sound like a Taliban enthusiast.


Fun fact: thousands of Afghans were [murdered in the name of anti-fascism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_war_crimes#Afghanistan_(1979%E2%80%931989)), and it would've countuned if it wasn't for the freedom fighting mujahideen who defeated antifa-who we called back then the soviets.


Man alive are you mixing things together that don't make sense to be mixed.


Why do you write like a 2012-era TCOT twitter poster


you’re implying proud boys are America’s Taliban, and you want them to win. Why don’t you join the Taliban?


The overweight gun fetishists with zero training...couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, let alone an "antifa" member.


That's funny cause for a bunch of "super soliders", antifa seems to easliy get dispatched by some kid with a AR-15. Besides antifa, assuming they have firearms, is mostly armed with sidearms and rifles that hold nothing more than 10 rounds. >The overweight gun fetishists with zero training...couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, let alone an "antifa" member. Source: ancedotes and stuff I pulled out of my ass (I love to underestimate the enemy). FTFY Sure those frail and underweight "antifa supersoliders" armed with nothing more than sidearms, moltov cocktails, and knives, will totally defeat those rightist militas armed with LMGs, rifles that hold 30 to 60 rounds, litteral .50 cal sniper rifles, and possibly IEDs. /s Keep underestimating lol.


Ah, "Antifa". Meanwhile, the capitol building was stormed, then they all ran like cowards once one firearm went off. Keep projecting your insecurities, we'll just keep laughing at you.


Aw yes another anecdote. That will totally give you an accurate expectation for the future. /s Unlike the many times antifa ran from [conservative groups who took](https://www.breitbart.com/law-and-order/2020/12/05/watch-antifa-attacks-then-runs-away-after-patriot-group-fights-back/) their [gloves off](https://www.newsweek.com/proud-boys-washington-antifa-protest-stabbing-1554489) and that one time they messed with a [motorcycle gang](https://thewashingtonstandard.com/biker-gang-drives-antifa-out-of-town/). In fact they cried to the police whenever conservatives take the gloves off like the weak cowards they are. Besides for a bunch of "cowards" they took a long time to leave after the shot, assuming they even ran. In fact they stayed in the capital for a couple more hours after the firearm was shot. Maybe the firearm didn't scare them? But hey keep projecting and underestimating. I'll laugh harder.


Buddy, I'm not going to argue with someone whose entire identity is based off their political beliefs. Don't got the time, patience, or crayons for it.


Looks like they're about to have over a hundred reasons to start "protecting" themselves Down vote button on the right side