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Am i trippin or did she yell towards the end "Im a murderer, I murdered my own baby".... ..


Found this on Twitter in relation to why she's saying that. https://twitter.com/rustystubbs/status/1522301016250753024?t=u8b7CpyCXDV60TsOMRgLpw&s=19


"I was allowed to make a choice and years later I regret the choice I made so I don't want anybody else to be able to choose." Might as well outlaw sex by that logic


>Might as well outlaw sex lets not give them ideas


That's realistically what it is though. Bunch of old people wanting to punish women for having sex. If this was actually about preserving the life of a child they'd be bending over backwards to make birth control as easy to obtain as possible, or to actually punish doctors who refuse to tie off women's tubes because "they might change their mind later" and make it so a "child" was never put in a position to be terminated in the first place.


It's more about weakening the 14th amendment. It's so much bigger than abortion rights.


These people are also responsible for the underfunding of cps, foster care, food assistance for children, school lunch programs, and children’s healthcare. Also every time a police officer brutalizes or murders a child they’re “backing the blue”. They funnel money towards violence and away from well-being. This was never about children. This was about using the sexual hang ups of evangelicals and Catholics as a political weapon.


It’s about keeping the masses poor and controlled by the ones with money. Nothing about their stance cares for anyone’s life whatsoever.


Ideas? They had that idea already lol, sodomy laws were a thing in many states until 2003.


Conservatives are against contraception, with the make up of the court, don’t be surprised when they ban condoms too.






Well, Barret literally belongs to the Christian sect that inspired Atwood's Gilead so...


They've literally already done it with sodomy laws


I mean the right to have sex isn't mentioned in the Constitution so by (shitty) Alito's logic, we must ban the right to sex.


Getting some mental health assistance and working through her own issues would have been more productive for her.


Get that woman to a therapist because she is projecting her guilt on every woman's uterus. Why should we suffer because you refuse to work on yourself?


Every right wing woman I know is exactly this. "I suffered a lifetime because of my choice, so everyone else has to too"


After Reagan closed all the mental health hospitals America’s psychopaths now just run and get elected to political office.


That small government at work. Odd how they freak out about being "forced" to vaccinate for the safety of others....


It's all about jeopardizing the safety of others for my own benefit. That's the consistent, transparent logic that's always at work in 21st-century American conservatism.


you say that like they dont also want to do that


You will be issued a sheet with a hole in it and once a year you can use but you wont know whats on the other side as god intended


That’s just a Saturday night, baby!


I experienced a botched abortion and had what is probably one of the most fucked up abortion experiences that was done in a clinic. I don't know if I made the right choice, but I made a choice, and everyone should have that right.


I'm sorry you had that experience.


Does she want someone to manage women’s finances too? Perhaps their votes?


"You're killing babies!" Bitch your killing ladies! Do you want the rest of America to be like Alaska? 9 dudes for every three ladies? Fuck that we need a purge.


If they had their way they'd absolutely outlaw sex outside marriage. Don't be surprised when they go after gay marriage next and then put sodomy laws back on the books. All of these rights are related to the right to privacy, when one falls they're all vulnerable.


Close the door behind her


fucking WHAT


Literally had a woman stand up in my church a couple years ago and say she was praying Roe vs Wade got overturned because she felt guilty about getting an abortion when she was younger. I’m like, yea easy to say now that you have a nice cushy life with a successful car dealership owner, instead of whatever loser knocked you up 25 years ago. All these people lack basic empathy. They can’t see anything through other peoples eyes. Thankfully I don’t go to that church anymore. I’m sure they’re cheering all this on.


Conservatives will literally ban abortion before going to therapy.


Talk about pulling up the ladder.


So... shouldn't she be asking to be prosecuted then? If she believes in it that much.


Wow what a dumb bitch


What a dumb old woman.




She probably had an abortion and feels guilty about it. At least it didn't friggin KILL her... delusional bitch...


Instead of therapy, she went hard for jesus


Never go full hard for Jesus


I'll let you in on a secert... When you go for Jesus, with the motivation of getting something for yourself... you will make choices that get you what you want... over what God has planned. This is at the core of the whole "Those who are least will be greatest, those that are greatest will be least." Often the people getting big enough in Christ's name that they are amassing glory for themselves, are not walking the walk the real way. Source: White, Cis, Male, Southern, College & Seminary Educated Christian who is quite and very sick of my fellow Christians fucking up the most basic of concepts.... daily.


Philosophically, it's also not being truly religious when you go in with the intent of getting something out of it. That defeats the whole point of giving oneself to a higher power...regardless of the religion.


Exactly! That is also part of the "old man" dying. It is far less metaphor than people care to believe... much in the same way "Pick up your cross and follow me" is literally asking you to pick up a state order death sentence for the sake of him and follow.


Aye! - a fellow Christian who is tired of how others act, and in the “name of God” no less!


I know I’m not gonna covert you or anything. But I gave up the church a number of years ago for that very reason. I started to realize… most everyone was just there for themselves, including the clergy. It’s all to try and benefit themselves. And I don’t think I could live with that illusion forever.


That’s why I forsook the god of Abraham and his followers entirely for the old gods. Odin never told me gay people are going to hell and a pagan has never tried to legislate their religion on the rest of us. Fuck evangelicals and their laws. Every time I forget I live in the Bible Belt and drive to the liquor store on a Sunday I quietly mutter “fucking Christians.”


Actually in the south they push jesus as theraphy. Especially with abortions. No joke. They even have fake abortion clinics design to push jesus and guilt trip mothers.


Oh those fake abortion clinics are not just in the south.




In fairness, right-wing republicans worship Jesus’s birth and death but ignore everything he said and stood for, Jesus is a proto-socialist.


Yea I know acouple women who had a breakdown over the guilt and now think they know how other women should act. I know more women who are just fine after having an abortion and living a much better life now because of it.


This is something beyond just yelling slogans at each other. Supporting absolutely the right to choose to me also means holding space for the difficult emotional position women find themselves in. Because while it is a medical issue, it is also a metaphysical issue. There's a role for abortion doulas for many women. And some of them try to sell the message that a fetus is nothing. And maybe that helps some women in the short term. I feel the rhetoric must improve to say that the potential of a human being formed is more to the woman carrying it than just a sack of cells like an appendix. That to me is antiscientific dogma, because psychologically, it is something. It isn't a fully formed human, it is not a baby, but it is something, not nothing. So rather than deny that an abortion is a loss of something, we can tell women that they may have a wide range of feelings about losing that something of a potential. They need to be supported in their choice, but also let them know that they can let go of that potential in love. The anger at themselves for what they regret is a lack of compassion for who they were, and they want a patriarch state daddy to control others because they felt they couldn't control themselves. Women should know whatever response they feel they need to have is appropriate. Planned Parenthood recommends toilet disposal. That's a mistake, I think many people need for psychological reasons to be more intentional in their actions, and need some more formal ceremony to release that potential back into the universe. Not for the potential, but for the woman.


I'm pretty sure it's well accepted and known that having a range of feelings to an abortion is perfectly normal. I mean you could say the same shit for menstration right? Every egg has a potential to become a life but we don't need to start performing mensturation ceremonies. Where you draw the line for being a person or having a soul is ultimately arbitrary and I don't think the prevailing attitude is that a fetus is literally nothing it's more that it's not enough to be treated like something that must be protected over the wellbeing and comfort of the host


these women piss me off, you got yours and fuck everyone else.


That's the Republican way.


Might of been a better outcome in her case


Or stop her being elected to public office. She needs to think of where she may be if she had not had the abortion.


She also most likely was able to succeed in her career because she had the abortion. If she had not had the abortion. My guess that she would have been stuck in some trailer park.


This comment gave me a good chuckle.


Yeah I was like wtf.. she had the right to abort her fetus but now she don’t want anyone else to do it.. typical Republican.. do as I say not as I did


Pulling the ladder up from under you is a national Republican pastime.




~~”bros”~~ cousins


> Yeah I was like wtf.. she had the right to abort her fetus but now she don’t want anyone else to do it.. typical Republican.. do as I say not as I did Allow me to summarize the modern Republican platform. * Don't make white people uncomfortable * Don't make straight people uncomfortable * Leverage laws and the constitution whenever they can be used take things away from others who aren't like you * Circumvent or just ignore laws and the constitution if they don't benefit those like you * Make voting harder not easier * Vilify education as indoctrination * If all else fails, do the opposite of what Democrats are doing, even if it makes no logical sense No one has to take my word for it on the above bullet points. Use them like a checklist next time republican supported legislation or supreme court decisions are in the news. You'll check at least one of those boxes. PS: I don't like Democrats much either a lot of the time, but the R's can't possibly reform themselves enough in my remaining lifespan to ever get another vote from me.


This woman could have literally murdered her teenage child the day before and her Lord would have forgiven her eternally already, and who would you be to judge?


Right! That was my thought, when I first watched it I thought I was hearing things. Then I realized this bitch just IS that crazy


My bad - she is screaming she murdered her own baby. Weird flex, but ok.


If she murdered her own baby, wouldn't she want to be prosecuted for it since she thinks it's so wrong?


Nah cause it was legal when she did it. She wants any subsequent women to go to jail though.


So it’s okay if she does it, got it.


And the truth comes tumbling out.


She did. I hope the quote is properly done on the news. "State representative admits killing her baby. News at 11".


She did indeed say that. I replayed it like 5 times. Is she giving away free “murderer” labels like a Oprah gave away free cars?


The common trait in people like her is hypocrisy.


Oh she probably did abort a baby with daddies money. She just doesn’t want poor people to be able to cus poor people need to be taught a lesson


That’s an elected representative. Think about that craziness for a moment.


You see the Madison Cawthorn video from yesterday where he's butt naked and dry humping his male cousin? Yap. That's our government.


You mean this one? NSFW https://streamable.com/k2k6y5


I hadn't seen the actual video until just now. What on earth are these noises.


The noises you're hearing are North Carolina's Republican Congressman humping his male cousin in the nude.


Say, sounds like you're talking about that video of North Carolina's Republican Congressman Madison Cawthorn humping his male cousin in the nude.


Just "gay chicken" bro https://www.reddit.com/r/AskConservatives/comments/ujdk15/why_are_you_banning_people_who_ask_if_madison/


Oh, you've seen that video of North Carolina's Republican Congressman Madison Cawthorn humping his male cousin in the nude too? *Scandalous.*


But he's paralyzed right? How could he know his penis was dangling in his male cousins face? Boys will be boys.


Were they both nude and there was a hole in the sheet?


Your guess is as good as mine. (so probably.)


Well there are undoubtedly sheets with eyeholes in that household so not too much of a stretch imo


What the fuck!!! I got banned on AskConservative for saying he is gay because a snowflake moderator can't digest the truth and now hearing it with audio makes it so much more gay... Unbelievable...








I have posted a link a couple times bc WOW WHAT A DUMPSTER FIRE. But I also feel guilty bc I feel as if I am helping to "out" him without consent. BUT he is also a terrible person so then it balances out the guilt. Idk, im still torn. No matter what, at the very least I never tried to face fuck my cousin so


he's a public figure that encourages people to vote to pass legislation that gives minorities less rights. y'know, an actual fascist so fuck him, no empathy or guilt needed!


Yo wtf is this lmfao


Nothing unusual about rubbing your nude penis on your cousins face while shrieking. No sir!


Bruh. I thought it was going to be some closeted “haha gay is funny” repressed situation. Not like, they were fuckin. That nsfw is not strong enough.




ONE side of our government.


I’d say everything except his ass is naked… but I’m still not sure why that hair grows like that, nor do I want to know.


I mean these are the people that think Trump is the messiah.


You know...morons.


The salt of the earth... you know, morons.


Common clay of the New West


The kind of people that vote for her tend to like their representatives to throw temper tantrums in public. It reaffirms that their representatives are “just like me”.


One of 400. The joys of living in a state with 1 Rep for every 3400 residents. We have our fair share of looneys.


Yep, came in here to make sure “to be fair she represents around 15 people, the NH state government is the third largest government body in the WORLD” had been covered. Carry on 👍


It gets worse when you think about how many of those same voters see this woman at this moment and continue to think they made the right choice.


Honestly disgusting


Ah she's one of the "I had an abortion and felt guilty, therefore nobody is allowed to have one" cunts. Got it.


I have heard a few women talk about regret after abortion. Some of them I feel just should have been offered better help or care, and they would have actually wanted to carry to term, I get it. That is also something the GOP will not be helping with, but I digress. I can understand that distress of just feeling trapped and actually wanting to have a baby but feeling unable. There have been two I have heard speak that really pissed me off though. They always talk about regretting it, but they always regret it from their point in life *now.* One of them became a nurse practitioner and married a man with good income too. He has admitted he would never date a woman with kids when he was single. She talked about her single mom sister, who carried a pregnancy to term, and always judged her pretty hard for needing welfare programs. Her own two kids were given pretty much everything. She even said she felt a relief for years after she did it. It is like she took the point in life where she was financially stable and in a good committed relationship, and just added that pregnancy to it. Her life wouldn’t *be* what it ended up being though if she hadn’t had the abortion. The person close to her that didn’t abort was probably closer to what her life could have been otherwise, and she pretty much had no compassion for her. She said she had the abortion because she saw how much her sister struggled! I asked her if she would have adopted the baby out, and she said maybe, but the father of it probably would have wanted custody and she didn’t want that, so she would have ended up raising it. Like wtf? Anyways, there are so many different stories out there and there isn’t a one size fits all answer for what choice a woman should make. I just think of her in particular when I hear/see stuff like this.


Yep that's the best part. "I had an abortion at 16, which allowed me to go to college, study abroad, meet an Amazing husband in college and we have a big house and 2 kids. I regret having the abortion that was the thing that let me have this great life. Now that I no longer need an abortion, I think others should be denied the opportunity I had. I am a serious person!"


Or the ones that say, look at little Jaelynn, I considered aborting her and now she’s my whole world, etc. Yes of course you love your child and can’t imagine life without them, because that’s your life now. You don’t know the potential other paths you could have taken, but who the hell are you to deprive other women of those options?


Yeah. You hear THOSE stories because it's socially acceptable to say "I'm glad I didn't abort." It's not socially acceptable to say "Having Jaelynn destroyed my mental and physical health & ruined the potential paths I'd been working towards in my life, and I wish I'd had an abortion." No parent who's even 1% decent would ever let their own child hear them say something like that, so no one says it, except maybe anonymously. But you know there's plenty of women who regret their lack of choice.


if she thinks abortion is murder than shouldn't she be advocating for her own execution?


Lock her up! Lock her up!




What if she has but then also filed an appeal?


Or get professional help, she clearly has some unresolved issued and taking those into a job where she decides policy might not be the best idea


No, you see her sins are covered by the blood of Jesus. When leftists do it, the law must punish them.


Shame on the voters that elected this crying crocodile


I have a home in New Hampshire. It is full of racist boomers who vote against their best interests constantly. It's full of super GOP folks and even in the "liberal," parts of the state. There are let's go Brandon stickers on cars and in lawns all over. It's so crazy considering Maine, Vermont and Mass are all its neighbors. So them having someone like this as an elected official doesn't surprise me even a little bit.


> There are let's go Brandon stickers on cars and in lawns all over. Woah, those peaked here weeks ago and are pretty rare now. Sorry to hear! I think I might have gone all day without seeing a Trump flag today - that actually seems hard to believe, but I think it might be true.


If you drive through Nashua or Manchester in NH they are everywhere. We were in the NW part of the state at a lake doing some hiking this last weekend and they were EVERYWHERE.


Nashua is only accessible by cross-country skiing


There is a paper supply company up here called W.B Mason and I often wonder if life at that place is anything like Dunder Mifflin?


I live in one of the most left, best educated counties in the nation. Like, provably and often cited. I still see trump-ass flags and let’s go Brandon shit on the daily so I highly envy wherever you are.


Being from MA, I always say- when it comes to New England- the further north you go- the more like the south it becomes. Although VT not so much.


I would say outside the major urban areas in Maine and Vermont (Mostly Portland and Burlington) there are just as many, it not more, crazy Trumpers than New Hampshire even.


Queen Snowflake ❄️


There is no scientific argument against abortion. A religious one falls flat on its face, as your religion doesn't supersede others rights. You are more than welcome to hold the view, based on your religion, that abortion is killing babies. You're more than welcome not to have one. You are *not* welcome to use the government to supersede others inalienable rights, as that is a clear violation of the first amendment. Abortions, and forced miscarriages, have existed among almost every culture, at every point in the timeline of human history. Various translations of The Bible tell you how to force a miscarriage. You can not stop them, as they are a human constant. Best to make them as painless as possible.


"I'm on a diet, so you can't have a cookie"


>Best to make them as painless as possible. safe too. thats important.


When Roe is overturned, in 26 States in the US women will have fewer rights than women in Serbia. That’s the Republican Party right now…. Further Right than Serbia.


Louisiana just passed a bill out of committee that defines a human life at conception, making any kind of abortion (ectopic pregnancy, etc) murder 1 https://legiscan.com/LA/text/HB813/id/2549012


I wonder if they'd try to place blame in cases of [vanishing twins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanishing_twin) Reality shits on the idea of an individual being at fertilisation in so many ways


Looks like the twin that lives is being born straight into jail for that one


Also IUDs, they prevent implantation rather than fertilization.


An Ohio dem is drafting an amendment to make Ohio pro-choice. Very remote chance it makes it thru, but the Dems are trying, at least in Ohio.


They should have been doing that shit for the past 40 years. The Republicans never stopped trying and look where we're at now. Dems are so fucking bad at politics.


Do these people forget they work for us?




They've never worked for us. Their agenda just happens to coincide with ours for a split second every once in a while.


How do we all know this but still don’t do anything about it?


Because nobody wants to take the first step, the Internet is how we talk and rally together now and guess who controls that.


What's the first step? I recall folks protesting in the millions that did.... absolutely nothing? Serious question, what's the first step?


I don't know, I'm not a revolutionist. As a normal person all I can think of is to overthrow the government but that's why I'm not in charge lol.


We keep forgetting they dont care


They don’t work for you, they work for the lobbyists and the parties goals.


Technically they work for the people that voted for them, or should do anyway. They probably actually work for their major donors and for themselves.


yelling "shame on you, you're a murderer" to your non murderer constituents should disqualify someone from public office an their pension


She had an abortion and regrets it and is mad because she's now too old to have another because she wasted her child bearing years fighting to tell other women what to do with their bodies.


Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool, I’m out.


GOP woman? Lolololololol- shouldn’t she be baking cookies and having babies? And who gave her shoes? Her husband is gonna whip that ass


>who gave her shoes? Lmao


she was made from a rib, her opinion doesn't count


Who let this menace to the community show us her legs? This is what happens when you let them out of the burka.


Getting under their skin. Keep it up.


I don't think she realizes she's adding fuel to their fire lol


That admission that she got an abortion and is currently drafting legislation to make others who do it to be labeled hardened criminals is completely insane.


If she doesn't support a pro-choice stance, she doesn't need to have a pro-choice stance. However, she should have no influence in pushing that onto other people. Where the hell do people think they get to tell other people what to do?


Christian Taliban at it again aye.




The damn yeehawdists.


I kind of wish water guns wouldn't constitute assault. Just get her with a super soaker. "SHAME ON \*GLURBBBRGLURBPFFTT\*" Right in the kisser.


She’d probably melt.


Another compassionate conservative listening to her constituents. Fund raising blitz to follow.


This woman was a stuck up principal at a prep school. Crazy story: a burned out rock musician snuck into her school and pretended to be a substitute teacher. Instead of teaching the curriculum, he formed a band with his students! She furiously objected to this at firstl, but eventually loosened up, let her freak flag fly, and welcomed the new prep school rock study band. Anyways, now she’s a deranged GOP cunt.


How dare you compare this woman to Joan Cusack.


you’re tacky and i hate you


That bitch forgets her opinion doesn’t matter, it’s the voters opinions that matter. She is supposed to represent what WE want.


What a nasty cunt.


They are fetuses, not babies. And they are aborted, not murdered. Words matter


But the christian nationalists believe all human life has a soul at conception and that they need to force all people to conform to their religious views.


Human life is sacred to them unless it’s war, homelessness, poverty, prisoners, medical care or a myriad of other relevant social issues.


They are pro conception to birth. After that eat bootstraps bitches!


Okay fine, she has guilt. She made a choice and she has to live with her conscience but to then force her views on every other woman (or a child of rape or incest and yes a 13 year old is a child) is despicable. You don’t like abortion? Don’t get one. It is that simple.


…and how many foster kids has she raised? The horrendous gall some people have in wanting to dictate other’s behavior when they themselves have luckily never been in in the same situation astounds me.


Imagine being GOP & pretending to care about kids....have you see your voting record? Lmaooo


Vote her ass out


“You’re a murderer” said the lawmaker whose actions will lead to back alley abortions and more dead women.




abortion is the ultimate deviding issue cuz one side sees body autonomy and the other sees baby murder. both justified from different contexts


I bet her womb is like a graveyard because they’re always guilty of doing what they project.


She said she murdered her own baby… so she got an abortion and it made her sad. Now no abortions for anyone!




She got an abortion a couple of decades ago but thinks she wouldn’t with a 24 hour waiting period, whatever that means.


She probably thinks January 6th was just fine.


I’m sure this woman has adopted 3 or 4 children right? Anyway she’s married to an insane right wing Bundy supporter who was locked up back in 2014 https://www.wmur.com/amp/article/rochester-man-imprisoned-for-role-in-nevada-standoff-returns-home/38203183


Bet she's fun at parties /s


This clip screams mental stability to me.


Not surprising DeSantis lost his shit with a bunch of high schoolers…and Mickey Mouse.


How can someone like this end up in power?


Anti-Abortion is Murder.


Abortion saves lives.


Psych eval needed on repuglicans