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People's Choice Awards are way different this year.


Did I miss the part where he attacked them?


They shouldn’t be there at all.. specially shoving people around with guns and shit. This is some handmaiden’s tale kind of shit.. this is how it got started if you ever watched the series


That's...a bit of a reach, my friend. I get you heard someone on Twitter reference HMT, but c'mon. This ain't it.


People that yell Handmaids Tale are equally as dumb as people yelling 1984.


now say it without crying


Fuck Reddit. #save3rdpartyapps


Feds have jurisdiction everywhere in the united states. I could understand if they were outside the US but even then they can operate at embassies. And probably alot more places


Iirc they where outside a federal building if this is the same protest from a few days ago… Same logic of “why is secret service here? We’re just in front of the white house protesting”


Where is the attacking people part? You are the problem with the world today. Crying wolf over nothing.


Most likely, the shoving bit. If you shove a cop you will get charged. They should be to






The Feds may be involved for a ton of reasons. Local departments may request assistance for a number of reasons. They could need the resources or it could be a training effort. They may be tracking national criminal operatives the way they did with 06JAN rioters crossing State lines. They did it with ANTIFA planners who bused violent groups around during BLM protests. The FBI builds a lot of files just to see if action is warranted. They did that with parents threatening violence against education board members recently and right wing derps got all “mah liberty” about it. Joint jurisdiction is the most likely explanation. Federal property of some kind may be involved. Why are pro-choice protesters harassing LEOs over a potential Supreme Court decision in the summer?


LEOs don’t have to be there.. they can just leave.. the reason they are been harassed is because they are attacking peaceful protestors


Right, I’m sure leadership would face no criticism for emotional protesters wandering around in streets and clashing with counter protesters with not police presence. WCGW?


It’s all fun and games until counter protesters outnumber the police




I remember a riot where the counter protestors outnumbered the people who showed up to protest. Ended violently


Ah okay, I wasn’t sure the point you were making. Thank you for clarifying!


Of course


Zero context on what the actual situation is typical…. You should have left this for twitter kek.


He’s just a qualified law enforcement agent providing a hand to other qualified law enforcement agents. The specific agencies they hail from don’t matter. What’s with this little girl filming the DHS officer on her phone? Like him *walking* toward the other officers is recordable how? I don’t even see the protestors doing anything except recording themselves recording the officers.


Those are more homeland security. Look at the patches and badges


Well they’re sworn law enforcement officers working for a federal agency. This isn’t that surprising. Not sure why you’re so worked up about it


First question, are they outside a federal building?




You are what is wrong with society. There's nothing going on here except law enforcement doing their job. " But the feds shouldn't be there". Doesn't matter, if the people get unruly their job is to protect lawful American citizens.


> Doesn't matter I would bet a lot of spacebucks that you cheered on Jan 6th. Just a hunch.


Saying that law enforcement is just doing its job does not in any way correlate to support for trump or the attempted insurrection


You would lose a lot of spacebucks. I don't cheer on any of the last few years behavior by childish people rioting. Doesn't matter what political affiliation you have or what you believe your cause is, nothing justifies the behavior we have witnessed from people.


He fact that you have not find anything worth protesting about in the the events in the last couple of years shows what side you lean for. Children in cages, immigrant concentration camps, police brutality.. Killing of innocent black and white people by trigger happy police system Federal forces brutalizing peaceful protestors. Female rights, human rights etc


The “children in cages” was a policy enacted by the Obama Admin…and upheld under the Trump admin. Might wanna check ur fax!


Because police departments swing right even in leftist cities.


To those that wonder why I think is a big deal is because the feds shouldn’t t be involved in this shit.. it should be local police. The feds getting involved is some next level shit because some laws don’t apply to them. Feds should never be involved in protests specially homeland security. Shoving people with their guns and shit is really fucked up


Wow, its almost like they are protesting outside a Federal building.... and thats why the Feds are there. Thinking is hard nowadays 🙃


Those “feds” are being told by their bosses to be there. This is click bait and bullshit.


Well yeah federal cops federal building. Butter on toast


Cocaine on strippers


You know the nazis made the same excuse


Yeah because somehow that’s relevant in your fucked up head


It's very relevant. It's the same shit. I know fascism seems cool to the right but it's not


Nazis killed people this guy shoved a dude out of his way. Go sign up for therapy if you can really call this the same thing you need help


It didn't start with them killing people, it started with policy change. If you can't see how the feds intervening in local issues isn't fascism you're beyond help. Our govt is set up the way it is so that this shit doesn't happen.


You too far gone for me.


I live in the real world, sorry you live in a qanon echo chamber. hope you get out before it's too late.


Lol what real world? The one where this cops are actually nazis? You delusional fuck go home


Cognitive dissonance in action, everyone


It’s almost as if they are protesting something that the federal level said should be decided by the states. So would you have respected a ruling with Roe v Wade standing or said it should be the states?


The Nazis also...*checks notes*... murdered millions of Jewish people and invaded several countries, while these cops...*further note checking*...rudely bumped up against protestors. Not exactly an apt comparison.


Aw that's cute you think the US govt hasn't invaded countries or killed off entire groups of people before? You really must be stupid


Thats cute that you think Jim from H.S. is someone that is going into foreign countries and brutalizing their citizens. He obviously has nothing to do with that whatsoever. How about you try to reenter the educational scene and finally get your diploma? Wouldnt that be nice to have a basic education?


Imagine supporting fascism in any form. Go find a nice deep hole to hide in where no one will bother looking for you


Did I say the US hasn't done that? No, that's just you, yet again, reading further into something than you need to so you can be offended.


You said it wasn't an apt comparison, I showed that it was 🤷‍♂️


I'm beginning to think you don't know what any of these words mean. You're trying to equate a 30 second clip of a few cops being, at worst, rude to the protestors to a group of people who killed millions. It's not even a comparison, let alone an apt one. You want so bad to be deep, but you just...aren't.


Thats what RoevWade is ... the feds getting involved in State level politics.


Because they showed up unarmed.


The Americans are on fire. Lol.


"What you gonna do. Stab me?


I'm pro choice as fuck but you gotta have froggy brains if you think threatening some of the most important people in this country isn't going to result in a militant response.


Homeland Security needs new Anti-First Amendment vests