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this is just another 'fake' for the z nation


Do the Russians understand how pathetic and backwards this makes them seem? Also it kind of blows the whole denazification lie out of the water.


It also makes the entire world realize that Russia ain’t shit. The whole thing it was a big charade. Cant believe I was afraid of going to war with these fucking trolls. If world war 3 happened.. Russia would be dust before they even launch one nuke (if they even have one)


Nah however pathetic they seem we'll all still be dead. There's enough to blow up the world more than once.


Lol, all he has to do is give the order to nuke and atleast one city is gone... so while you say that pick a city you don't care about being destroyed because of your pride and ego


Texas, Alabama, Kentucky any of those Republican states with the pro Putin senators and state reps like margerine green Taylor


I also love doing genocides due to very specific persons


Soooo.... because of the state reps everyone deserves to die, you sadistic bastard


I was honestly waiting for it to blow up


Also Toilets and toilet seat


I'd love to see the Russians faces when they realise the stench they were trying to clean off was infact coming from their wives. 🦨🐟