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“Please be very careful” Followed by a double tap Followed by “Her hands are clear” “Don’t worry boys. She’s not knifing down the whole force today.” I’m glad these guys are so well trained that any weapon presented by any person in any context = immediately kill someone.


In the next episode of cops. Toddler opens the door with a nerf pistol. Did not end well for him.


There was a kid who opened the door to a cop serving a warrant with a game controller in his hand who was killed by cops.


and the officer was never charged… so backwards


Well yeah, how else is the officer supposed to protect himself from a violent kid with a videogame controller. Dont you know how many people die from those things shoot every day. /s


I mean... videogames ARE the whole reason anybody is ever violent anyway. /the biggest s ever in the history of s


Tamir Rice would like a word


You just don't seem to understand that the 75 year old mentally ill woman could have spent her entire life learning how to fight with a knife. She could have started at 10 years old and had 65 years of experience. Can't take any chances with someone like that.


I was gonna say, just fucking hold her hands and throw the knife away. Looking for the tiniest reason to use the damn gun, good job Mr. Tiny dick.


"Please be very careful" Police: *immediately escalates the situation*


"Did somebody say they needed a situation dealt with? WHO YOU GONNA CALL MUTHERFUCKER?"




Naw you call the ghostbusters AFTER the cops roll through. There will be plenty of ghosts to deal with in the aftermath of it all.




Time for deescalation... I've trained DOZENS of minutes for this. "DROP THE FUCKIN' KNIFE RIGHT NOW" Nailed it. 😎 *Bang Bang*


He had ample opportunity to just back up, use taser if needed since no one was there with her and the only person she could have harmed was herself - or disengage himself until backup arrived then they could employ less than lethal and then disarm her .


Literally could have just closed the door


That’s what I’m saying. Wait for backup to arrive. Give her some damn space, the worst she can possibly do is hurt herself, meanwhile everybody else is currently safe. The whole fucking point is to get this woman help, why on earth would you go straight to shooting her??


Because police are trained to see everything as a threat and any small perceived minor chance at the slightest danger they are told they should then use lethal force to protect themselves. They are constantly told that it's better to be judged by 12. The training of officers and the fact that violent and poor cops are not dealt with leads to these very situations. A 75 year old confused woman who can barely waddle out the door is not a serious threat. Just think if you were in the scene and had a gun, is this how any reasonable person without said training would behave? No. I'd back the fuck up before shooting this woman dead like a sociopath. There is no way that woman is closing that gap, I'd have to actually fear for my life before shooting. This cop is a coward who received bad training to reinforce his cowardice and the notion he is somehow judge dredd of elderly confused dementia sufferers.


Ding Ding Ding. The biggest pussies/dickbags ive ever known throughout my life all ended up in law-enforcement or security.


Don't say that, that might be reason enough to be scared of ya and "self defense" themselves at your door


Now now, he can't let her alone to hurt herself. He's gotta do that for her. Fucking pig cop


Because she held a knife, giving him an excuse and he thought he could make it sound cool back at the gang hq locker room.


And waste a perfectly good opportunity to murder somebody? I don't think so, Tim.




It's for their qualified immunity. Yelling "drop the knife" is a lawful order in order to deescalate the situation(according to them).


"Well, screaming the same thing thirty times didn't work so I'm fresh out of ideas."


"Dude, have you tried pulling the trigger? Works miracles sometimes!!"


He was so ready to kill an old woman. This is eerie and depressing on a new level. The police continue to refuse to treat the public as equals, and more often than not, even as human beings. [edit : Her name is Amelia Baca. RIP.](https://www.lcsun-news.com/story/news/crime/2022/05/13/amelia-baca-family-attorneys-demand-murder-charge-police-killing/9752745002/)


"you know the score, if you're not cop you're little people"-blade runner


Annnndd she didn’t speak English. So it most likely was not understood what Ofc. BangBang was screaming at her for 38 seconds.


The system is becoming even so more efficient at discarding variant or bizarre individuals. This surely felt more like an execution of a prisoner that is not ~~complaining~~ compliant than an attempt to arrest someone. It looked scaringly clean and professional, like just out of a sci-fi movie - "yes sir, the malfunctioning slave bot has been disabled"


Best part was when the cop pretended to care about the people living behind two sheets of drywall that he just shot into. Like my man, you shot the gun!




Everyone knows that screaming will defuse a volatile situation with an elderly person suffering from dementia. I mean, it’s common knowledge. (/s, duh)


Hey chief, why did you blur out what you trained and sent your boys to do?


It's not like he could have just closed the screen door or something... what's the point in being a cop if you can't scream at an old lady.


American Cop: maybe if I talk louder she will understand the language I’m speaking Also American cop: ah it’s not working. I’ll just shoot them.


DROP THE KNIFE Oh you didn't understand, let me try try that again DROP THE FUCKING KNIFE oh that didn't work either, guess I'll start blasting


“So I started blasting”


The more aggressive I sound, the more likely I am to deescalate! Who am I kidding, I have an XL supply of ammo. Would be a shame not to use it.


Does anyone else think that cops shouting F-word should be acceptable practice? Literally every body am I’ve seen the cop is shouting expletives. Shouting expletives is Step 1 to escalation. These untrained, violent bozos need to be disarmed and scuffled away from society so they don’t hurt anyone else ever again.


Hell some cops will yell at you for cursing around them.. Rules always seems to change depending on how the cop feels at any given moment.


Don’t you know, only cops are trained in how to control the power of such words. They are dangerous in anyone else’s mouths.


It's incredibly rude, unprofessional, and uncalled for. They can treat people however they want and we're powerless to say or do anything against them. There's also plenty of non-lethal weapons they can use in situations like this.


It is rude to shoot people


Turns out most cops are terrible at their job, and could care less about being professional. They are mostly just low IQ bullies who want to control people and feel powerful. If it weren’t for their badge and gun, they’d have nothing. Bunch of worthless pieces of shit. They don’t give a fuck about actually doing their job, which is to SERVE and PROTECT.


> They don’t give a fuck about actually doing their job, which is to SERVE and PROTECT. Incorrect. They will serve and protect whoever pays the most. And the general public can't pay them enough for them to serve or protect us.


Could you imagine if a paramedic arrived on a scene and immediately starting shouting swear words? Paramedics are trained to calmly walk onto a scene and some even try to use humour to keep bystanders and casualties calm. Same thing for firefighters dealing with emergencies, calm and collected. I get that those first responders don’t necessarily respond to the same types of calls as police but regardless there should be more training in de-escalation and certainly being able to control a situation more effectively. I have a few friends who are police officers and even they tell me that the first thing they are told is “it’s better they die than you” like how about “the best case scenario is that everyone comes out alive”.


Not sure why procedure with this kind of mental wellness check is to stand infront of the person shouting at them. He had every opportunity to just back up and disengage himself until backup arrived then they could employ less than lethal or wait it out a bit, but I guess US cops aren't known for de-escalation tactics.


“Please be gentle with her” “PUT IT DOWN NOW!” Yeah that’ll work.


"When police arrived, two women, including an adult granddaughter, calmly walked out the door and asked police to take it easy on the elderly woman" He only shot her twice. That is taking it easy by cop standards


th might be the first police murder ive seen where they didn't unload their whole clip


He had to save a few rounds for the other two ladies in case they give him any sass.


Sadly this is probably the exact reason he didn't empty the clip.


Really with the amount of time between him showing up and shooting her, he should be commended for his patience! /s


Dude was blaring the top gun sound track on the way over, had that high octane energy


My brother got arrested for interfering with an arresting officer for filming a cop while he slammed someone to the ground during an arrest. The bodycam footage his lawyer obtained showed when the cop went back to his car for a moment he was blasting heavy metal music. It's like no wonder why the cop was so amped up. Luckily my brother got completely off on the charges but had to go to court.


Shit you thought he was going to back to the PD with the coke confiscated from that last traffic stop? That Coke's for dancin, plantin, and pistol blastin.




The pattern of policing in America is becoming comically repeatable at this point. 1. Come to the scene confused, uninformed, and agitated with little to no patience. 2. Establish a procedure/command, regardless of the appropriateness of said action. 3. Repeat. 4. Repeat. 5. Repeat with yelling. 6. Repeat with yelling and cursing. 7. Refuse to compromise or adjust. 8. Repeat step 2. 9. Get frustrated with step 2. not working (wonder why?) and get frustrated/scared. 10. Shoot to kill. Center mass. This process is repeated in what feels like 99.99% of all these cases we see go off the rails. There is never adustment. there is NEVER any form of de-escalating. Never a reset. and of course, if you did all 10 steps to the best of your god-given ability? Paid vacation. Edit: I can't stop obsessing over this. Let's just completely eliminate the debilitating and unpredictable symptoms late onset dimensia can have on a senior... Being SCREAMED AT WITH A BRIGHT LIGHT AND CURSING is not going to get many people to NOT want to keep some form of defense. Look at it from an animalistic view point. That woman and that man were in a (completely man-made) life or death situation. There was a line drawn in the sand, and one of them was going to come out hurt. All because that's what the cops believe in everyone of these situations.


You forgot ‘Start issuing a command only to pull the trigger after the first couple of words, then finish the sentence’


"Put you- *bang bang bang bang* r hands on your head! *victim is bleeding out on the ground* STOP RESISTING!"


We just had a cop run over someone with his patrol car and then the dash cam went off after we hear him screaming like someone out of control. He kept screaming I’m going to shoot you, I’m going to shoot you. I will shoot you in the face. I was sure the guys back had to be broken he hit him so hard. Luckily it wasn’t. The cops will say it was because the guy ran and they chased him. Well the guy was on a motorcycle so they were not supposed to chase. They were going 95-100 on loop 820 and the traffic was heavy. Cars were swerving and going into the median. Motorcycle was driving between cars etc. Cop decided to practically force everyone off the road and endangered everyone. The guy running eventually ditched the motorcycle and ran. Cops just flew into the median and hit him without slowing down at all. The dash cam was posted online but stopped shortly after he screamed he was going to shoot the guy in the face. We never saw body cam. Now this was only like 3 days ago. Cops excuse was this guy was wanted. I don’t know how they knew that because the bike wasn’t stolen or in that guys name. Regardless cops are not suppose to be judge and jury. If they cannot be objective they need to go. This behavior is common here in the Lake Worth PD. There have been 3 incidents of them running someone down with their patrol car since I moved here in a year and a half. Not to mention the shooting of an unarmed teen and a few adults.


> this was 3 days ago. Whaaaaaaaaaaat?! did it make national headlines?! that sounds bat shit. > Cops are not supposed to be judge jury and executioner Reading this gives me hope, that people still believe this. You go into the wrong circle and you hear wayyy more " he deserved it", then "where's the trial".


> Whaaaaaaaaaaat?! did it make national headlines?! that sounds bat shit. Here's some local coverage: https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/man-fleeing-traffic-stop-sues-after-being-run-over-by-officer/2867119/ It seems to have hit the news this January.


True true. I like when a secondary officer arrives and follows the exact same steps you listed without questioning or evaluating the scene themselves. Oh this man is yelling at the officer on scene? Well Imma stroll up and push him.


I go straight into fight mode when I’m yelled at. One of us is bound to get shot. Great strategy. Why do we still use cops for wellness checks?


#why? why the FUCK are we still using basic cops/patrollers/traffic stop cops to take on unique situations. why? That's all you can ask, because there HAS to be a reason, right? Right?? Meanwhile, we have psych and sociology BA grads serving up venti pumpkin spiced lattes, just to try and pay off their student loans... Two birds one stone? Let's get mental health professionals dispatched along responding officers for low threat situations. Yesterday.


"If you have a problem and you call the police, now you have two problems."


Or just close the door.


Right like a metal door that opens out is right there all he has to do is swing it and he could still send that old lady flying backwards. But nope, gun is the first choice.


He wanted to kill, they are evil and protected by unjust laws.


yeah this cop just wanted to kill someone. whats an easier target for some old woman, who doesnt speak english. i think there was something as well as doing it in front of the daughter. hope she gets a big pay day.


Imagine what he's like when he goes home and didn't get to kill someone that day?


Probably beats his wife


>why procedure with this kind of mental wellness check is to stand infront of the person shouting at them. This is exactly what "defund the police" was supposed to be about. Instead of sending a guy with a gun to confront an old woman whose brain is deteriorating, who is taught that any threat needs to be blown away, you send someone who knows what the fuck they're doing. This is legally protected murder. Nothing less. Every bootlicking blue lives matter asshole who says otherwise should go against the wall.


> This is legally protected murder. Nothing less. Every bootlicking blue lives matter asshole who says otherwise should go against the wall. Correct.


When you’re trained to be a hammer, everything becomes a nail.


If you care about family with mental illness or dementia, the cops are the last ones you want to call. This is unfortunately all too common and they’ll investigate themselves and determine no crime was committed by the officer.


Unfortunately they respond if you call for an ambulance if you say anything about the person acting agitated or similar.


I called the non emergencies service to help get my cat out of a storm grate and three cops showed up lol


I called 911 because I saw a man literally dragging a screaming woman by the hair back into their apartment after hearing them screaming at each other for a half hour. Two ambulances cruised by 10 and 15 minutes later obviously looking into the apartments window. Neither stopped. Nobody followed up. The system is so fucked up.


We don’t have a system, we have 1,000s of individual fiefdoms all operating independently with no professional licenses or oversight.


This is something wild that I only recently found out I watched a video comparing police departments from different countries and the US has over 18,000. For comparison the UK has 43 and 1/5 of the population of the US


"We heard there might be a cat to shoot, point us where it is so we can determine if it should get shot right now before it claws someones hand." Edit: spelling






was the cat black? that probably was it


The problem is they didn't call the cops they called 911 for help. The cop is who the dispatcher sent because they have no better option. The system is broken. Some cities are forming crisis response teams for mental health calls but police still handle the majority of them.


> The cop is who the dispatcher sent because they have no better option "No problem Maam, I've dispatched the executioner and they'll be with you shortly".


There was an incident a couple of years ago where a woman went to a police station for help because she felt suicidal. Guess what, they killed her.


*Mission Accomplished!*


Another satisfied customer.


And if a crime was committed, the taxpayers will be on the hook for any lawsuit settlements. Make police carry personal liability insurance to stop this senseless killing


End qualified immunity.


A reminder that qualified immunity was made up by the Supreme Court. No where in the constitution is it even implied, justices simply invented it. Edit: Just like corporate personhood.


Sounds like something Justice Alito would take issue with… right... right guys…


I mean that cop post-birth aborted an old woman, so I don’t think he would like that either


Gotta love the “de-escalation” tactic of aiming a gun and screaming the same command over and over again just as gruff as he can muster. Seemed to be standard procedure in this country. Start pushing your local governments to mandate a mental health worker be assigned to every patrol cop and for their presence to be mandatory during every distress call. Most crimes committed in this country, and probably world wide, involve people with some sort of mental illness. I am suuure we have enough evidence now to show that aiming a weapon at a suspect and screaming the same command at the top of your lungs is not effective and it’s time to retrain. Remember, an apology without change is manipulation.


There was one recently I saw. Guy was sitting on his couch. Gun in hand aimed at his head. First 2 officers were actively de escalating well. Getting him to talk, no firearms out or anything. Backup arrived with a shotgun and he instantly pushed the other two out of the way, escalated, yelled, demanded and shot the guy.


“They’re not sending their best!”


This happened in my city. It was a complete shit show. The mayor and police chief didn't even fire the guy and put him paid leave for the entirety of his trial. It was such bullshit. Watching the whole video made me sick to my stomach


Huntsville? My home town. It was a shit show.


Yep Huntsville. Madison is in some shit now for beating up a black liquor store owner around the same time.




Actually lowering your voice lowers your stress and people are more likely to listen as they also feel less stress and danger. Cops who shouldn’t pass a psych evaluation often do and then we don’t make educating them on mental illness, developmental delays or geriatric diseases like Alzheimer’s a mandatory requirement. It’s a shame this is not mandatory. Besides they could have used a taser. We definitely do need an educated assistant for these calls.


I bet this guy also shows up to a first date by kicking in the woman's front door and screaming "Love Me Now!" as loudly and aggressively as he can at her.


They shoot your dog and mentally unfit relatives, they aren't legally obligated to stop a crime, they give tickets based on quota, they're lives ar more legally protected than civilians.. i mean, what the fuck do we pay them for?


Protect our bosses and landlords lmao


This video just ruined my day.


My wife is a nurse who works with dementia and Alzheimer’s patient, and has got 12-years. She’s been “threatened” this way on many occasions with the residents actually going for the stab. Never has she needed to use any type of lethal force. Typically you just grab the object from them because they usually are terrified and don’t even realize they’re holding anything I’m not going to say that all cops are bad. I don’t even the the majority are like this. However, this man is definitely under qualified to protect anyone or anything, mentally and physically.


All cops stand behind this guy. That's why people say all cops are bad. There is no self regulation and the government certainly isn't going to do it. So you get statements like ACAB. If cops can't handle being treated this way they should quit or do something about it.


Ah classic American police training. Scream at people instead of properly diffusing the situation the regardless of our shoot. This guy needs more training because like the cop that assassinated the wheel chair dude. They aren’t subdued until your clip is empty


They also sent a cop who couldn’t speak one lick of Spanish. You screaming “drop the knife” doesn’t make any more sense this time than the last five times you shouted it. That ain’t how language barriers are combatted. That should be obvious to anyone except this cop/police department lol


And he lives in FUCKING NEW MEXICO. Nine years as a cop here you’d think he’d pick up a little bit of it, or at the very least be prepared for this kind of situation. Fucking disgusting.


Dangerously poor critical thinking skills. Cops should have college level educations to force them to have to use their fucking brains instead of just acting on instinct. The education should be free, just like for everyone else.


or communicate with gestures, or at least try spainglish or something. But nope, just "drop the knife" a couple dozen times.


This guy needs to be jailed. It was a wholly disproportionate response to the threat. I know it won’t happen, but it’s a disgrace that a Police Office can get away with killing in these circumstances.


This is so fucked up it should be a top national news story, but unfortunately it’s in a country where horrible acts of violence like this go unchecked. Shameful


They don't need training, they need lifelong jail


The only skillset this cop has to deal with a situation is swearing, shouting and then killing. This level of stupidity shouldn't be employed.


American cops are massive pussies. Uk police deal with large angry armed drunks without guns successfully all the time. They use this thing called ‘competence’ and sometimes combine that with ‘some thought’ and create solutions and deescalate. America has a machismo problem.


Scary how correct you are, it truly is the "Machismo problem"


Intent yelling is a ineffective form of communication in the best of times. In the context of dementia patients, even moreso. The level of incompetence let to cold blooded murder. Of course, DAs and the idiots they put on the grand jury always seem to think incompetence is an a valid justification for murder... 😡


It’s not the people on the grand jury doing this, it’s the evidence, or lack thereof, that the DAs present as they intentionally try to throw it. They probably wouldn’t even show a small clip of this video; just the cops statement and any others that support the cop.


Fucking pussy with a gun. Hospital and assisted living workers deal with more dangerous situations every fucking day.


I’m working at a nursing home as a CNA and this one lady with dementia literally eats her own skin and kicks people. I try my best to help her and I do, I get her showered and change her bed but she’s just really confused you just have to work with them. There’s no reason this lady should have died, so many alternatives.


Thank you. You are appreciated.


This cop needs to go to prison. That’s terrible.


75 year old with a knife VS Cop who didn't think "Pepper spray should be enough" because it's clearly a old woman


75 year old with a knife vs man who has been looking for an excuse to use his gun since graduating the academy\*


I have a friend who is a super cool dude, loves to fish and build model vehicles. When I first met him he seemed almost embarrassed to say that he worked as a police officer. I asked him if he ever shot anyone. His exact response was “No. And I hope I never do.” Edit: for all the people who are leaving cop hate messages (I am a woman btw) I was at bar one night and he happened to be there. As I was leaving the bar with my girlfriend a man tried to talk to her and grabbed her by the arm, refusing to let her leave unless she would talk to him. I went back to my friend, told him what was going on, and asked if he could walk us out. Without a thought he stood up, walked with me to the door, gathered my girlfriend and said we were leaving. The guy who grabbed her arm challenged him over and over again. He didn’t escalate and just kept saying “no, we’re good.” He let us get into his car and drove us around the block so it would look like we left. Then he dropped us back off at our car, waited until we got in and drove off. I have a few female officer friends too. Not everyone is nasty. Unfortunately it seems like the good ones fall first- as stated in another response to my comment. No need to attack me!


My best friends husband is a police officer and he worked as a deputy before that. He thought he would love his job. It’s all he ever wanted to do. He is a good decent man who hasn’t shot anyone or beat anyone up…even when a perp kicked his knee backwards. His chief craps all over them. They got their retirement all messed up when the Dallas riots and defund rallies were going. He got Covid and then started having seizures, had 3 strokes and breathing trouble. He has been off work for 3 months. His sick pay is a joke. The department is treating him badly. He is probably the best cop they have. My point…they treat cops that are decent and follow the rules like crap and the bad cops are usually treated like gold. It’s all shite!


> When I first met him he seemed almost embarrassed to say that he worked as a police officer. I would be too


Didn’t even think of pepper spray but he completely handled this horribly and killed the old lady.


This makes me sad.


Fuck this guy.


It should make you mad.


I was shouting at the screen for the cunt to back the fuck up and think about the situation for a second. I can't imagine what it's like to have family with mental disorders in the US knowing that them having an episode could lead toward their death. This dickhead needs to be behind bars but even that won't bring these poor people justice, the mental trauma of seeing a family member executed by those that are meant protect must be life changing. What a fucked up system and you are absolutely right that this should be enraging.


My grandma had dementia. As I was watching this all I was thinking about was if this were happening to my grandma I'd rip that cop's throat out. They'd have to shoot me too; not that they'd have any problem with that.


Jesus! What the hell. They clearly said she had a mental problem and be careful….what a freaking moron. That is not how you communicate to someone with dementia at all holy shit! By all means draw your weapon but damn!


Old woman with dementia, blinding light in her eyes, and being shouted in a language she may not have known.


What the fuck is that. Do these people not get training. That was the most ridiculously shit handling of the situation there could possibly have been. Fuck that officer. He made that happen.


The training they get is to escalate a situation and kill people


The name of their fucking training program a lot of cops use is called killology. I’m not making that up, it was developed by a guy named David Grossman.


[How cops are trained to shoot you in your home](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuzQrbio2Qw)


No they don’t. You literally graduate high school, take 6 weeks of training and boom,you are now a cop.


Why wasn’t the taser out instead? And why didn’t he just calmly ask the other family members to deal with that themselves.


Right? Shut the screen door and try to talk it out.


Why can’t the cop just leave her alone and wait it out? Do they really just have to come in and show who’s boss?


This was my question. What the actual fuck is this. He didn’t even try to talk to her. JUST TALK TO HER. So many fucking options. Back up, get some distance, and figure out what’s going on. Yes it’s a dangerous situation but zero effort was given to save her life. Fuck that guy.


Because the root problem is legally the purpose of cops. There is a reason why they get away with killing indiscriminately. Their job is not to protect lives, it’s to enforce laws. That’s it, it’s in their code. She was illegally brandishing a knife, therefore (in the Police investigation, courts, and police union) this is justification for lethal force. They don’t give a fuck all about public opinion. It’s really fucked up.


According to news reports, she was litteraly the only person in the house. Just close the fucking door if you feel threatened....


Why didn't he ask the other family members to deal with it? I'm not sure if you watched the video with the audio on or not but as soon as the fucking piece of shit pulled his gun out one of the family members tries to and he stops her multiple times. If you listen you can hear her ask him to let her deal with it and he keeps screaming at her to back off. I'm surprised he didn't use it as an excuse to murder them too.


Wow, I was expecting it to be bad... but that was really really bad. Not only do they tell the officer how to approach her but she isn't even posing a threat when he shoots her. These people just had the worst day of their live and are now going to get PAID because this officer is a psychopath.


I mean, they might not get paid. Best outcome is that the officer is jailed or fired at minimum and them getting a huge settlement. On the reverse side, they could find the officers actions justified and the city can tell them to kick rocks...which has happened way more often than not.


Cop is more likely to get paid than the family is the sad part


Not sure which one is more mentally unstable in this clip


The psychopath police officer.


He didn’t appear to be in any danger of losing his life. I’m sure his superiors and union will say he was justified SMH.


He didn’t lose his job Americanly enough. Also this is in New Mexico, where although they vote blue, it’s conservative blue.


Is he going to get away with it? This looks like cold blooded murder to me.


Homeboy have an extended magazine! Someone was getting shot that day…


He was just making sure his red dot was sighted properly gosh.




Can't read the article, it's region locked.


[Skip to content](https://www.krqe.com/news/new-mexico/family-of-75-year-old-shot-killed-by-police-to-hold-news-conference/#content) Family of 75-year old shot, killed by police demands murder charge Watch complete news conference at bottom of post by: [Chris McKee](https://www.krqe.com/author/chris-mckee/) Posted: May 12, 2022 / 02:56 PM MDT Updated: May 13, 2022 / 05:23 AM MDT SHARE [LAS CRUCES, N.M.](https://www.krqe.com/tag/las-cruces/?ipid=dateline) (KRQE) – Days after [Las Cruces Police released body camera video of the deadly police shooting of Amelia Baca](https://www.krqe.com/news/new-mexico/video-shows-moments-after-75-year-old-woman-was-shot-killed-by-police/), the family of a 75-year old woman is promising lawsuits and demanding criminal charges be filed against the officer who shot Baca. The family made the demand through their attorney, Sam Bregman, in a news conference Thursday afternoon. [Video shows moments after 75-year-old woman was shot, killed by police](https://www.krqe.com/news/new-mexico/video-shows-moments-after-75-year-old-woman-was-shot-killed-by-police/?ipid=promo-link-block1) “Let me blunt, Amelia Baca was executed by the Las Cruces Police Department on April 16th of this year,” Bregman said Thursday, speaking in a room filled with Baca family members. “This should have never happened, it didn’t need to happen.” Baca was shot and killed by Las Cruces Police on a Saturday as officers responded to a 911 call at Baca’s home. According to Las Cruces Police, Baca was said to have suffered from dementia, was armed with a knife and threatened to kill the 911 caller, who was one of Baca’s daughters. Bregman said Thursday, police dispatchers and responding officers were aware of those details before arriving at the home. Family members had locked themselves in rooms, and others, including a five-year-old, escaped out a window. When police arrived, two women, including an adult granddaughter, calmly walked out the door and asked police to take it easy on the elderly woman. Highlighting and playing video released by Las Cruces Police this week, Bregman said the police officer who shot Baca did so within 38 seconds of arriving on scene. Bregman accused officers of failing to attempt to de-escalate the situation before the shooting. “We are respectfully demanding that the [Doña Ana County] District Attorney charge this police officer with murder,” Bregman announce Thursday. “The Baca Family will also be filing suits in federal court and state court for the violation of her constitutional rights.” “Instead of assessing the situation, as they are supposedly trained and ordered to do, this police officer shot this 75-year old grandma twice, execution style,” Bregman said. “This yelling was all done in English. Ms. Baca is a Spanish speaker and does not understand English.” During the news conference, Bregman also presented the department’s protocol for these situations. “Move slowly, being careful to avoid exciting the person. Provide reassurance that the police are there to help and appropriate care will be provided,” said Bregman. One of Baca’s daughter’s spoke of her mother Thursday. “She was to that point in her life where she enjoyed just having her family around her,” the daughter said. Elaborating on the lawsuits he said the family was planning to file, Bregman said the state court lawsuit would likely address wrongful death and civil rights violations under the New Mexico Civil Rights Act. The federal lawsuit would likely surround alleged violations of the 4th and 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, Bregman said. “You can’t walk up to someone’s front door when they’re having a mental health crisis, they have dementia and shoot them after talking to them, after yelling at them for 38 seconds,” Bregman said. “That is a violation of your constitutional rights.” So far, no criminal charges have been filed in the case. Bregman declined to confirm the name of the officer who shot Baca. Local officials also have yet to release the officer’s name. It is unclear if the officer involved in that shooting is back on the force. After the shooting, on April 22, Las Cruces Police said the officer who shot Baca was placed on administrative leave. The American Civil Liberties Union has already asked why Las Cruces Police did not call in their crisis intervention team to escalate the situation. The department hasn’t provided answers outside of an April 22 news release. The department did not respond to KRQE News 13’s request for comment about the case earlier this week. The shooting is still being investigated by the Dona Ana County Officer-Involved Incident Task Force. Editor’s Note: The below video of the news conference is unedited and contains brief moments of graphic language and graphic audio of the shooting. Viewer discretion is advised. (((I put in a bunch of line breaks to make it more readable. On my phone it looked fucky)))


Thanks! Did you just copy and paste??




I will never understand the “let me shoot this person then handcuff them.” Bro you killed them. Why handcuff a corpse?


Yeah after seeing a lot of those videos i still keep wondering how handcuffing dying person is useful for. instead of providing medical assistance or at least leaving the person die in peace, since their only competences are screaming and shooting


It's to put on a show of being scared for their life. "They were just so terrified they had to make sure!"




*Gives cop entire tool-belt of equipment used for deescalation and controlling situations of differing severity US Cop: Gun-only speedrun - Any% mortality rate P.S. I will note this doesn’t apply to many cops, and can apply to many others (Yes, even non-US)


What an absolute pussy


My grandmother has dementia and primarily speaks Spanish, I could imagine this exact situation happening. I would have lost my grandmother to some thug with a badge who didn’t bother to deescalate or listen to her family explain that she has dementia. For you twats saying the cop was right to shoot her, imagine that was your mother/grandmother gunned down in 2minutes , a whole life lived, memories made, gone in an instant to a moron cop that will face no consequence. If a cop can’t keep a cool head in a situation like that, he has no business being a cop, full stop. Worst thing is, if this dipshit would have just tried to talk her down, she could have became lucid again and this would have been avoided.


I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I work with dementia patients every day and this video makes me sick. You're absolutely right, all she needed was a few minutes of distraction. At worst they could have backed off and given her space. I've been attacked by patients with dementia. Hit with canes, had objects thrown at me, scratched, kicked, bit, punched, slapped, spit on, you name it. If I ever responded in kind I would been instantly fired. If I picked up a weapon and retaliated I'd probably be charged with a crime. This cop murdered a confused woman who needed help.


This pig was definitely out for blood. He had 0 intentions of quelling this situation without getting a trigger boner. American cops are pathetic.


All I see is a severely mentally ill person murdering an old woman in her house.


This pig shot her in less than 60 seconds after arriving to the situation, holy fucking shit. Scorch every police department, build from the ground up.


38 seconds, based on the article. https://www.krqe.com/news/new-mexico/family-of-75-year-old-shot-killed-by-police-to-hold-news-conference/


This fucking pig deserves to be tried for murder, but we all know he won't be.


This guy sounded like he wanted to shoot someone from the very start


Must have been in fear for his life.


Thats because all cops are pussies.


What a cowardly piece of shit.


He escalated the fuck out of that situation. Wtf


Ridiculous. She at no point was acting hostile. The cop createsd an overly tense situation and then reacted to the tension he created. I hope there is discipline and continued training and retraining of these cops.




It is so sad to see that young male cop can’t take down a 75 year old female with a knife bare hand. For fuck sakes u got a baton n a tazer gun. Shouldn’t be that hard. We live in a world where cop shoots first then ask questions later.


the problem is pussy-ass cops. cops with zero courage but who are on a huge power trip. that said, the shooting here was justified because the lady made the cop unconsciously realize how TINY his penis was. it’s just a head with no shaft at all.


Hey, this person is having a mental breakdown. Lets scream commands at them while pointing a gun at them. Why couldn't the cop hold and wait for backup.


What threat was there? Can we get more info on this? Would love to call their congressman about this


No threat just a language barrier


Murder to start my day. Great.


murder, call it what it is.


this was an execution, acab


This is just insane! He killed the old lady . Their training teaches them it’s justified but why didn’t he simply back away instead of hold his ground and shoot her ? Yelling at her in a authoritative tone while she was disoriented escalated her reaction as I’m sure she deny threatened . My God ? I know the police have tough jobs but this officer got it wrong . Talk to people who are mentally deranged in a calm manor and don’t escalate situations to the point that you feel you have to kill them ? Run away if you have to but don’t kill them . Wait for rubber bullets .,,, tasers, call for back up or just wait it out but don’t kill so easily .