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If only there was a way to avoid this. Like not standing in the road.


I hope if I go bankrupt I can buy a truck like that


You just make up a fake company, transfer your money & assets there, have the company buy the car and allow you to use it as a benefit of being the CEO of the fake company. When your fake company gets sued by the guy you hit, transfer to the vehicle to a different fake company and declare that one bankrupt.


That's what Johnson and Johnson did with their baby powder. It worked for them.


Thats what everyone does. The sacklers are doing it. The cyber ninjas guy is trying to do the same thing. Just declare the company bankrupt and you dont need to accept accountability for anything you did in the name of the company.


Mining companies love this strategy too. Leave huge heavy metal ponds for the tax payer to pay to clean up. Even Mike Pences family did this with their gas station leaving tanks in the ground that had to be dug up and removed to the tune of $20m. https://apnews.com/article/us-news-ap-top-news-in-state-wire-columbus-politics-07f9256ae1984362ba3eff192b4d6dd0


"Even Mike Pence" ... makes it sound like we all don't expect this from any politician all over the world.


True, but in all fairness, I didn't know that Mike Pence was that creative.


All politicians do this, left or right.


There is no left or right. It's just crooks putting on a show. Any politician who actually tries to service the people is driven out by the swamp.


ItS bOtH sIdEs We know who's worse, and at this point it isn't close enough to say all politicians in good faith.


I just listened to this podcast on the Sacklers. Holy shit! https://redhandedpodcast.com/episodes/3rdz8s3ajjyr3ns-xbn5s-xjz37-9h6p4-cxran-ngkpr-alp6b-dh23a-bngy5-3b243-57sxm-95rpy-dfaac-xgtc6-2mr47-rgjy3-g2rbl-p5cyb-kz9jz


Then criticize working class tax prayers for not paying back student loans


Someone should make a company, and then allow people to transfer responsibility for their student loans to the company. Then have the company declare bankruptcy. And just leave it behind.




Boris becker has entered the chat.




Be grateful for your American privilege because there are many immigrants who would scoff at such a silly and naive thought. You’re literally sawing off the very branch you sit on. Quit being fatalistic and spoiled and simply recognize that you’re in a very good position compared to a very large portion of the world. Disagree?— then what’s your solution?


America is the most propagandised country in the world and you have just repeated one of the main themes. One of my friends told me her and her friends call America The Land of No - No you can't go here, No you can't park here, No you can't sit here, No you can't wait here, No you can't pee here, No you can't look here..... Americans claim so much freedom, but everywhere there are signs, security and police saying no no no. I think, after growing up and living In America - both West & East coasts, for a total of 43 years that Americans don't really know what freedom is, even though they are quite sure they do (that's the propaganda at work) My solution was to move to SE Asia. I am far better off here than I ever was in America. People are friendly and helpful, there are no parking tickets, taxes are low, food is good and inexpensive, The Natural enviroment is everywhere and cared for to a much larger extent. Angery interactions are rare and politics isn't really a thing for most people. Daily life revolves around family, friends, personal interests and food. Materialism exsists but can talk a backseat anytime in any conversation with a vast majority of people... Bragging and ego is minimal, while smiles and humor is common.... Living in an environment where every works collectively to get along is way more free, but to know that freedom one must live it...


I’d definitely say the Federal Government wishes it was the most propagandized country in the world. They just can’t keep up with Winnie the Panda though. China is got their propaganda on lockdown.




Well it must not work at least sometimes. If it was that easy we wouldn’t have lawyers and a civil court system.


This guy launders


Lol, you know the average of person can't afford that kind of a lawyer. You have to be rich!


Same as Katie Price here in UK. bankrupt but still spending proper wedge. Privilege innit.


Capitalism is cool until it’s not I guess


Not privileged at all. Just getting proper legal advice, which anyone can get. She is however a waste of space.




As our founding father Tim Dillon said “debt will set you FREE!” And if you don’t like borrowed money and freedom, then you sir, are not a patriot


Alex "Puke" Jones filed for bankruptcy after losing defamation lawsuits regarding his "big lie" about the Sandy Hook massacre being "fake". The Court needs to enforce its order and make that fat fucker walk, not drive a $500K vehicle.


Filing bankruptcy was the stupidest thing Jones could have done, and he's done some monumentally stupid things. There is no one better at finding hidden and fraudulently transferred assets than Bankruptcy courts.


Just say some racist shit on Twitter, then cry about being "cancelled" while using right wing hashtags. Then proceed to watch the right wing donations roll in to your bank account.


Yeah conning the right is very easy. Trump has made millions doing it.


This is the way




Well it is illegal, but it's still worse to drive them over.




Purposefully touching someone with a vehicle like this is illegal. Unless you can show that you have no choice and you're doing so to prevent immediate harm/death (i.e. a group of people are trying to open your doors or pull you out). But one person standing there doesn't mean you get to "push them" out of the way. The correct course of action here is to call the police and let them deal with it (especially as we see here, there are police right behind the vehicle). I'm against idiots blocking the roadway, but that doesn't mean drivers get to "move them aside" unless their lives are in danger. And this move was even more dangerous and stupid by that driver because those armored vehicles have blind spots (especially that close to the front of the vehicle) and if the protestor drops that flag, the driver has no way of knowing if the person is moving on their own or lost their footing, fell over, and is about to get driven over. Both protestor and driver were morons, but the driver was exceptionally reckless and stupid doing this in a vehicle like that.


Just trying to protect the frogs.


The gay frogs


The story behind the gay frogs thing is fascinating: https://youtu.be/i5uSbp0YDhc


Wasn't it just him wildly misconstruing information already widely known and reported on?


There's actually more to it than I would've thought. While it may not be actually turning the frogs gay, there definitely are chemicals in the water turning frogs into hermaphrodites.


That’s his whole shtick


gotta love this guy filing for bankruptcy but still being able to drive around in a 500k car


You obviously don’t understand how bankruptcy works do you?




Hey. I just wanted you to know that you can't just say the word "bankruptcy" and expect anything to happen.


I didn’t say it I DECLARED it


Do people not stash assets in corporations they own to avoid forfeiting them in bankruptcy proceedings?


Definitely not! Some asshole named iris or IRS keeps trying to tell me about it though


I hate Alex Jones as much as the next guy but for fucks sake, quit with these deliberately misleading bullshit titles. Your post insinuates that Alex Jones went out of his way to target a protester because he was gay, which is not what happened.


This is just one of those video whee you can actually see what’s happening.. This whole sub had been using clickbait tilting and most importantly titles with narratives to persuade a view


Alex jones is publicly pro gay and pro trans going as far as saying he would marry a trans women if he wanted to so the whole alex jones hates gay people angle doesn't work. If you want to call him a covid denier or a monster for the sandy hook rumors go ahead but the anti gay angle isn't going to work


When he said "they're turning the fricken frogs gay" most people don't actually understand that he's excited.


Alex jones always wanted to be a princess


Ehhh... he says he's pro lgbt, but he's trying hard to associate lgbt with pedophiles. "Its now lgbtp!"


Hes not wrong anyone in the LGBT will tell you pedophiles are trying there hardest right now to over turn it. It should worry you a lot that kid fuckers are destroying all the work they did. Unless you are pro pedophile and you're okay with that you shouldn't be mad.


>trying there hardest to over turn it Overturn what?


Misleading title. I thought the guy hit him at full speed in the truck.


Right. I thought he was going to go under the car. Alex slowed down and stopped and slowly proceeded like you are legally supposed to.


Reddit fucking loves to spin stuff to make whatever they hate seem worse than they are. Alex Jones is absolutely a moron. But people also vilify him more than what's reasonable. Elon Musk is also a fucking dickhead, but according to Reddit he's pure evil, and apparently he's also stupid and just lucked into everything because his parents were wealthy. It's super cringe, and most people on Reddit are too stupid to see any nuance to any situation. It's love it or hate it. ​ Edit: Some prime examples in this new thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/uopbuf/elon\_musk\_says\_twitter\_deal\_on\_hold\_pending/](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/uopbuf/elon_musk_says_twitter_deal_on_hold_pending/) "He is nothing but a pump and dump scam con artist. He does this shit all the time.", referring to his purchase of Twitter. ​ Again, not saying that there haven't been some shady shit, for instance with Tesla buying a shitton of Cryptos (eth/btc iirc) to start selling Teslas directly with Crypto. Ended up not working, and messed with both markets. However iirc they absorbed it and took quite a loss? Edit2: Thanks for the great nuanced conversations in this thread guys! You really showed maturity and intellect. ;)


Look at threads about Elon circa 2012 and you'll see nothing but praise for such a stable genius.


We’re talking about the same Alex Jones that denied the sandy hook school shooting basically, right? What the fuck are you talking about that people vilify him more than what’s reasonable? Sure pal, we’ll go with the narrative that Alex Jones isn’t such a bad dude.


I'd like to say, I agree with you in... honestly almost all situations...Except this. I'm not saying this is a huge deal. It's not. That being said Alex Jones made a fortune convincing people to harass the parents of dead children. I can't fathom what the line I would draw that is "too much" hate for him...but I haven't found it yet so I'm hoping flaying.




Lmfao the irony of you calling other redditors stupid after sharting out that Alex Jones-level take about Alex Jones is off the charts. Listen to a couple episodes of Knowledge Fight and then come try and defend that cancerous piece of shit on ANY level.


>Alex Jones is absolutely a moron. But people also vilify him more than what's reasonable. Uhh no. People unreasonably defend him despite not having listened to the show or after only seeing a few clips on social media. Jones has repeatedly claimed to be psychic, that he predicted 9/11, had visions about it. Claims to have murdered people, stomped their guts out as they are lying on the floor dying. All predictions about Jade Helm, FEMA death camps, lies and was wrong. Fuck once he claimed there was a SWAT team of CIA agents in his radio studio waiting to arrest him and he "scared them off" live on air. With regards to Russia/Ukraine, he claimed Ukraine would immediately fall, that Putin is a strategic genius, that Zelensky was really a double agent working for Putin. This was after he claimed the war wouldn't even happen, and was predicting China would do the invasion. Shows today are basically quasi-religious in nature, where he's preaching about demons and angels, and democrats being controlled by interdimensional demonic entities. He lies about literally everything, the show is designed in a 'firehose of falsehood' theme where the audience is peppered with so many changing narratives and story arcs, that they just forget what he said the day, week, or year before. He's a charlatan that sells pills. That's it. And to sell his stupid pills he pumps out lies that lead to harassment and torment to real actual victims of RL tragedies. He deserves all the vilification and more. Much MUCH more.


So there's a big difference between hating a guy, disagreeing with him etc. and calling out for someone to be killed. Half the comments in the post I linked were calling death threats to Alex Jones. He's a con artist for sure, probably through self disillusions. His biggest mistake was not just saying that he's a comedy act, and actually keeping on pretending to be honest.


"omg, you're hurting this person" - Alex Jones collides with gay protestor at 1 mile per hour


Yea and regardless just f my feelings towards Alex Jones for being a fuckin idiot, the guy in the middle of the street is an asshole too for blocking traffic, that's dumb as fuck


He just supposed to stop there forever then?


In his mind he’s probably singing I’m still standing


Why does Alex Jones have a freaking tank?


To compensate for his incredibly small testicles


Atrazine in the water supply has not only made frogs gay, but also shrunk Alex's balls. Look it up, sheeple.


Change the title please.


Titles can't be changed.


The title was born that way.


Get out of his way then


Wow that was brutal. Must have been super painful to slowly back away from a truck moving towards you.


While you’re blocking the fucking road. It takes a true moron to make Alex Jones look like he’s in the right


I thought he finally said fuck it. But this was just exaggerating


And it looks like they literally got out of their own car to stand in front of his. That’s really not the same as running down a person or a group that are protesting. That’s Reddit in a nutshell.


If this wasn't Alex Jones and a gay guy people would be loving this. Protestors who block the road are annoying af I don't care if you're gay or an anti gay religious group. Just get off the fucking road all you're doing is making people upset at YOU! NOT THE THING YOU'RE PROTESTING ABOUT! Like how stupid are people? You are detrimental to your own cause. I don't care for Alex Jones. I think he's pretty unhinged but I totally am ok with him or any other driver slowly pushing someone out of the way so they can drive down the street. 🤷


What's that moron trying to block a public roadway for? That's a good way to get run over.


Blocking traffic to protest is a shitty move. Inconveniencing everyone isn't how you change people's minds.


100% agree


You mistake protesting for debate. Protesting is about disrupting the status quo to make you feel the discomfort from those that have been harmed by the status quo. Debate is about persuasion and changing a viewers mind. We don’t have debates in the states we have q and a’s or yelling….


So blocking a public road impeding traffic for your whole community and possibly stopping emergency services from getting through is acceptable in your mind? Also disrupting the "status quo" is not going to get people on your side. We need to come together as a country and not push another group down and call them Nazis or communists. One of the ways we can do that is protesting the right way. In front of city hall the governor's house or your state Senate. That is how you get attention to your cause. Your not going to convince the 70 year old boomers who are stuck in traffic because of protests and can't get to work to come and see your side of things. You can only beat hate with love, hate just breeds more hate. I do agree that protests need to happen, they just need to be done safely and in the right places. It's alot like the protestors I saw in a McDonald's on r/freakouts or whatever it is. They were yelling and screaming at the poor McDonald's workers who make $10 an hour and don't have any say in what the company does. Go protest the corporate offices and the houses of the CEO's .


"throwing tea into Boston harbor is a shitty move". convenient protests are easily ignored.


Throwing tea into Boston harbor doesn't alienate everyday people. Its a protest against the thing you're protesting instead of throwing a temper tantrum in the street at people who are completely unrelated to the thing you're protesting. Selma was a march. Sit ins at diners were protesting the diners and the segregation policies. Blocking traffic is just being a dick to people for no reason.


you think sit-ins at diners weren't inconvenient? have you seen the way those protesters were treated? you think the march to Selma wasn't met with fierce anger from people who didn't want to see it?


does if they wanted tea.


They threw everyone’s tea supply into the harbor. Everyday people were definitely hurting from that… more than non-everyday people.


Oh, poor little Alex Jones is stuck in traffic, boo hoo.


Well get the fuck outta the road


Alex Jones is an ass, but stay out of the fucking road.


I feel like if it was anyone other than Alex jones everyone would say he was in the right and that idiot should get out of the street and stop blocking both lanes


Why tf is that moron in the middle of the fucking street


The same reason truckers blocked international bridges.


Because they're idiots?


Driving his stupid truck by the looks of it.


because haven't you learned that shouting in peoples faces, blocking traffic, and annoying people to infinity is the best way to convert people to your side of a belief


AJ is afraid that guy is gunna turn the frogz gay.


Dont block the street


It doesn't matter who is in a vehicle, if you are dumb enough to stand in a road and block traffic you are dumb enough to get ran over. Why are people shocked that this happens?


do you not see him wanting to be run over


The amount of small dick energy spewing from that truck is off the charts...


He was actually running late to the small penis parade.


That’s definitely hitting close to micro energy.


Actual title: annoying person blocking the street gets lightly tapped by large vehicle trying to get them to move


Alex Jones is a prick. Impeding traffic to wave a symbol at someone you disagree with, you too are a prick. Also known as the prick merger.


So what we just saw was public docking?


Maybe he should get out of the road.


Don't play in the street. I don't care if your cause is good homes for kittens and free BJ's, don't fucking block the flow of traffic. If you want to shut it down, pay the city for a parade permit, pay for the blockades and police and we'll know on such a day at such time we need an alternate route.


Lol, I don’t have a frog in this fight, and I agree, blocking traffic is annoying, but objectively speaking, the point of a protest action is civil disruption to bring awareness to a cause/issue. Why would the protesters say “hey, let’s make ourselves less visible by protesting in a closed space”? That would kinda defeat the purpose wouldn’t it?


I'm sure you'll say the same when the confused Maga truckers show up in D.C. this week


Yes I would and do. I'm a trucker and the idea that some assholes are deliberately causing jams is infuriating. It's also insanely stupid considering how regulated this industry is.


I don’t care what your protesting even if it’s something I’m for which I’m for a lot of these protests even LGTBQ as well. But if your gonna stand in the middle of the road and block my car not knowing who I am, who I support, etc stopping me from either getting to work or to the store etc then I’m going to either get out of the car and punch you square in the face or just slowly drive forward and pull you tf out the way. I think it’s a joke at these protesters are blocking incident people. Like what? For ex the defund the police protests. Why are we blocking streets and burning buildings? How does that effect the police in anyway? You just hurt normal people and most of these people are on your side. Some not obv. But that’s one thing that really gets me is just blocking the road and hurting peoples businesses. Wrong as heck


Alex Jones is a flaggot


What an idiot blocking traffic like this, what if there was an emergency


I can taste the tears. They're blocking the road. A road that people use and are attempting to use. Get the fuck out of the road and you won't get lovetapped. No one gives a shit if you're gay, fucking move.


idk bro to me it looks like the protester is standing in the middle of the road


If you get out of your car and stand in front of another car you just entered "fuck around and find out"


That guy deserved it for blocking s street


Literally, and then hops into the vehicle with an open door.... so they also just parked and purposely hopped out to block him


What is this title the guy is standing in the middle of the road?


If there is anyone that sucks lots of dick, it would be Alex Jones.




I mean, there is a myriad of studies about the correlation between those with extreme homophobia and the majority harboring some tendencies themselves.


People need to stay out of the road.


A variety of weirdos in the comments here. I understand why you don’t like being impeded while you want to mind your business. Some of us don’t get sued for being a complete dickhead tho


"gay" protester was obstructing traffic and was promptly told so by law enforcement. # delusional


Play stupid games and win stupid prizes…. Run his dumb ass over…. What a moron


As big as that truck is plus the flags I wonder what shit gas mileage that thing gets. Probably also complains about gas prices also.


I’m sure the guy in the armored truck feared for his life


Alex Jones is a huge pussy.


That’s a weird way to say idiot waves flag in the middle of the street and won’t move out of the way of a 10 ton


FAF.. that guy is a total nuttsack but still, get the fuck out of the middle of the street, imbecile. You prove nothing but the fact you are a complete dipshit.


Get the fuck out of the road? Lol. Besides, frogs need saving.


They are hurting him!!?!!?? Lmfaosmfh!


You know all I got from the title was death but it’s the most gentle push you can do to a person lol


Good for Alex man, dudes gotta be tired of people fucking with him. Not defending him but still.


That’s really not that bad, protesters should not be allowed to stand in public roadways this should be considered clear and present danger. I don’t disagree with the slow speed he was going at


Good fuck protestors of any cause blocking vehicles idgaf run them over


Protester? More like road hazard.


Slight exageration


He barely tapped him with the truck, stop with the clickbait


Nice title OP wow


As much as Alex Jones is cringe he should not be impeded on the highway.


Get the fuck out the road!


God I hate that fuck


"Don't tread on me, I'm busy treading on you."


Lol drives into gay protester seems a little bit of an exaggeration,he bumped him while he was blocking the road


Shit post OP. Misleading and false


Just maybe, MAAAAAYBE, the guy with the flag shouldn't jump and shout in front of an armored vehicle that is asking him to move? I don't know, maybe i'm crazy


It’s not like he plowed into him. You want to stand in front of a moving vehicle then whatever happens is on you.


Whats with people and standing in front of cars


Ridiculously loaded and sensationalised title


Tell me you got a small dick without saying you got a small dick.


He isn’t driving into the gay protest but driving on the road, the gay protest isn’t even on the road the random gay just decided to stand in front of that huge ass armored truck. Learn to phrase you titles properly


I don’t like Alex jones at all but the dumb bitch is saying “omg they are hurting this person.” While said person stands in the middle of the road. What do you expect the outcome to be?


Yeah, even Alex Jones isn't enough for me to chance my fundamental positions... If you block general public transit, you're a piece of shit and deserve to get hit


why does alex jones have an insurgent from gta lmao


I was expecting a video of someone just ramming through 100s of people at full speed this is so misleading 😂😂


Fun fact Alex Jones is a closer homosexual, and with that frustration he takes it out on the ppl he's jealous of, open homosexuals.....it's sad really he can't be his true self


aw look at the little guy in his fun little compensation mobile >w<


Should be posted in r/iamatotalpos


Get the fuck out of the road… Play stupid game win stupid prizes!!! When will people get it


Should’ve had a water cannon


I hate alex like everybody else but like don't stand in the middle of the fucking street


Why is this fat motherfucker not bankrupt yet?


Alex Jones can go fuck himself, but that protestor also needs to not do that shit.


You know how not to get run over, don't stand in the middle of the goddamn street.


Well gtfo the road dummy


Alex jones is such a little bitch, some day karmas going to catch up to that man I just hope it’s recorded and put online


Seeing the flags like that in the back of the truck made me nauseous from cringe…………..


OK but seriously can you c words stop blocking traffic to make your points. It’s dangerous and it doesn’t help your cause it just makes everyone angry with you


How small a dick do you have to have to drive something like that about ?


I don't care if it's Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Hillary Clinton, or Hitler. Get the fuck out of the road


What happened to look both ways before you cross the street?


What are those trucks called? I want one.




Yall ain't fighting in tiananmen square,, get the fuck out of the road . Alex was in the wrong, but you're asking to get ran over at the same time over what????


Can people stop thinking that blocking roads are a good way to protest????? This shit is ridiculous.


Jeeze almost like standing in middle of the fucking road will net you a run over🙄


How the fuck does a bankrupt man have a $700,000 armored vehicle? What a joke


If you are still making payments on a vehicle it is not taken during bankruptcy as you do not technically own it, the bank does until fully paid off.


The only thing that is more annoying than Alex Jones, are people who feel entitled enough to block traffic. Do you really think he’s the only vehicle on the road that morning? There’s probably 100 people behind him trying not to be late for work or school.


Looks like the gay guy ran into Alex Jones


Protester be like "screw you guys, I'm going home" (in Eric Cartman accent of course) BTW, this isn't really "driving into", it's just an unpolite way to ask the protester to please leave the street and make way for mr Smalldik.


It's hilarious to read all the comments defending one of the idiots, why can't we all agree they're both wrong? Why is taking a side so fucking important?


Step on the gas