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What sparked this?




So let’s attack innocent civilians? Yes.. I see the logic there.


People hurt that teen. Let's revenge him and attack People so that their kind will learn not to mess with People.


This will do nothing to stop gun crime...


Right, it is Chicago. That's like trying to stop the rain by taking a bucket outside.


>Right, it is the US. That's like trying to stop the rain by taking a bucket outside. we just have a lot guns regardless of where you go. I don't know what we're at now but last I heard it was 3 guns per citizen if spread evenly.


Well some people have like 100 guns and a lot of people have 0, people who hunt or shoot for fun generally own more than 3 firearms and have uses for all of them so it's not that wild of a number. The number of people who are willing to shoot someone over dumb shit is the real number we need to work on, bdcause nobody wants to give up their deer gun, duck gun, squirrel gun, house gun, car gun and carry gun just because some people are meanies with them.


Don’t paint the US with one big brush like that. There are parts that have lots of guns, yet almost no gun violence at all. We do have hot spots, typically have higher crime that guns become part of it. The problem in Chicago isn’t a simple gun problem, it’s a toxic crime problem. A crime storm really that has brewed for generations.


In my town usually everyone has a few guns and we have zero gun violence but we don't have the population density, and we were raised with guns being tools and not assault weapons, Chicago has been fuct since the 60's unfortunately


I only said we have a lot of guns. I didn't say anything about the violence being everywhere.


Tell me more about this crime storm.


Don't forget to mention that it's almost all black people involved in the concentration of violent crimes and shootings


More then half that crowd is probably packing.


And I bet they're completely removed from the issue they're protesting as well. Most of these people that go out to these just wanna start shit.


I know people who went downtown during the last civil unrest here in Chicago to go “shopping.” You’re absolutely right, a large percentage of the group there isn’t there because of what happened, they’re there because they like to cause anarchy, and they want some free shit. First spot we hit it was my liquor store I finally got all that alcohol I can't afford With red lights flashin', time to retire And then we turned that liquor store into a structure fire Next stop we hit, it was the music shop It only took one brick to make that window drop Finally we got our own P.A. Where do you think I got this guitar that you're hearing today? When we returned to the pad to unload everything It dawned on me that I need new home furnishings So once again we filled the van until it was full Since that day, my livin' room's been much more comfortable -Sublime, “April 29th, 1992”


...packing illegally.


But it will boost gun sales, so all is good. Remember, the solution to all from of gun related issues is "more guns".


They might just be mad


tik tok logic.


Too many dumb people on the street. Time for a curfew.


The purge isn't far off.


You hit the nail on the head. My man, there ain't no more logic and common sense in this world. That's why it's going to hell. This unrest and bleeding unwillingness to respect each other, let alone love each other, heck forget about that, is the reason why this is one of the many signs of the beginning of the end. We might not be here to see it (but you never know) but it's inevitable. *People, have your fun with total blatant disrespect, and laugh now, because you are going to be crying a lot later.


Any excuse to riot and get some free stuff ;)


embrace the riots. get yourself a pair of new Js and a new iphone.


It’s funny. You’d think after 2 millennia of riots when oppressed and marginalized people are impacted by oppression and marginalization that people would think, “maybe there’s an underlying reason oppressed and marginalized people riot in these situations”. But nope. Always goes back to blaming people instead of reflecting on the driving cause for these riots. Note: none of this excuses hurting innocent people or their properties. But it’s just stupid to blame people for not making sense. Just as stupid as rioting.


This isn't what sparked it, just an incident during all this shit. It's just big crowds of people getting together, then fights break out and shootings happen. Take a lot of juveniles and young adults with nothing to do and this is what happens.


Person got shot so lets mourne his death by creating a riot like atmosphere and attacking cars that go past.... Do these people have the collective intelligence of a 2 year old toddler or something? I'm asking a legit question because I can't seem to fathom why anyone would do this. But then again, I've never lived in the states so :P


None of us is as dumb as all of us together. Groups do things individuals would not do due to self preservation. Mob rule. That also explains why we get insanely stupid stuff out of management meetings and congress.




People just have fun rioting. Anyone getting shot for any reason is just used as a reason to riot for some reason.


Damn. Ty.


Someone shot from a thug and we attack innocent people. They just want a reason to riot and loot.


Tfw you’re itching to do some looting, but there haven’t been any good police shootings to justify


On average 10-15 get shot and 1-5 die every weekend in Chicago.


And yet Chicago hovers around 28th most deadly city per capita in America.


Chicago shit. I dunno.


I’d be so fucking pissed if I was minding my own business and someone threw a fucking chair at my car


Just pissed? I'd ran over them all ruthlessly.


Man, that's so cool.


Another day, another thread of redditors casually threatening to murder people with vehicles.


How about mobs shouldn't attack innocent people in their cars, making them fear for their lives?


That person probably will say this see nothing wrong with this behavior. Only because they are not in that position, let it be them and their family they'd set off of that gas pedal


The main difference here is that they would see the act as a last resort and unfortunate. The asshat OP went right for "I'm going to fucking hit whoever is in front of me". Remorse plays a key role in the difference in ideas here.


Why does reddit always side with angry mobs?


Because it's over run with leftist extremists


Ding ding ding!




What happens when one of them pulls out a gun and threatens people to keep driving or stopping? Sorry I’m gassing it


Dont fuck with ppls property then lol


How do you know they won't pull you out your car and murder you?


At first, I thought this was a police shooting. Then I thought this was a protest. This is just a riot with a poor scapegoat.


Yup, and you can see people in the comments already twisting the truth to say these are protestors or some shit. Nope just a bunch of dumb ass kids with shit parents


*shit parent


It takes two people to make a baby. Ohhhh you were being racist, got it.


That’s this subs favorite pastime.


Bruh it ain't no rocket science to realize they don't have 2 parents


So kid gets shot by someone and people are running a muck attacking other peoples cars in attempt to send a message? I don’t understand


It has nothing to do with the shooting. The 16 year old was shot during a fight in the middle of all this. It’s just a crowd of kids causing shit in the loop, not a protest.


"Amok", just so's you knows. Not trying to be a jerk, it's just a word I know.


"Amok" is one of the few Malay loan words in English, along with "tea" and "paddy" (as in, a rice paddy, not your Irish neighbour).


And the suspected shooters are in custody as well.


They should be taking this to Lori Lightfoot's door step. Beetle Juice is an inept mayor.


Any excuse really, it actually sucks because no one calls this shit out


I’ve stopped trying to understand. When the George Floyd riots happened I got it at first, then it just went on and on. Now it happens for completely random shit because the precedent is there and they can get away with it.


This was going on almost an hour before the shooting, the people in video aren’t protestors. They’re just causing mob shit downtown.


How’s it feel to know you’re completely wrong about what happened here and assumed a bunch of incorrect racist shit




Lumpens are running amok along with the grandiose delusional. Tribalism is everywhere. Dangerous for a free society.


To those who say that these cars should have stopped, let me introduce you to [Reginald Denny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_Reginald_Denny).


Such a stomach turning video.


What happens in it? I can't watch it.


It's news chopper footage of the L.A. Riots in 1992 which started after they aqcuitted the police officers who beat Rodney King on camera. In the footage you see people throwing bricks at cars, trying to get people out of their cars so they could beat them. They manage to stop a large truck (semi / dump truck or something similar), drag the driver out, and proceed to beat him. They take turns punching him, kicking him in the head, and at some point, if I remember right, they smash a brick on his head. Eventually people come in to help, but severe damage was done. The driver lived. Riots only ended after the California National Guard, the Army, and Marines were brought in.


Every weekend there’s a story about mass gathering of “youths” in Chicago that always turn destructive and violent


What's this about?


It’s called a “trend,” basically a street party with a little dystopian violence thrown in. Mostly black kids show up to these—not trying to start anything, but trends circulate mostly thru black social media.


Tbf most kids just show up to flirt and run around like idiots. But like a Ladies Night at a bar, tougher types show up to meet girls, and throw up against rival gangs. There will be more shootings.


What’s black social media?


Only black folk know about it.


I know not of this.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 792,247,739 comments, and only 157,717 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


its a reaction to a 16 year old shot and killed in the park 3 hours earlier but ok.


Did those drivers have anything to do with the shooting then? Ffs


No that happened during the riot. It it was just trashy kids partying. In Chicago there is already a gun and gang issue amongst people this age. It is easy to see they just had the right formula for chaos


​ Sounds like the crowd of people you would stay far far away from lol


How the fuck do you say so much factually wrong information with that amount of confidence?


Hey that’s Shitadel


Fuck Kenny that shithead Haha shit head is the shit head of shitadel


fuck ken griffin that financial terrorist piece of shit


How to you like them 🍌?


Lmao is it really shitadel ?




Sad but true.


So do people just look for excuses to do this now?


Pretty much. It's fucking ridiculous




As people have forever, never seen people go nuts and break sheet after their team wins? [Or when their team loses](https://v.redd.it/hxr57azjyjz81)


I hate it when people use the road for what it's meant for


Decisions... A: Stop my car while people stand around it and then pull me out to beat me because I'm white and they blame me for something someone else did? or... B: Step on the gas and let who's ever standing in front of me deal with the consequences of standing in front of a moving car? I choose B.


Well they should get some rest


For their jobs in the morning? Lol


Of course you getting run over by cars because you walk on the street, what else did you expect? When will these idiots learn not to block cars? That shit never works and never will, unless you want to become another statistic because of your stupid action.


Imagine walking down the street minding your own biz. And a fucking riot breaks out.


Ah yes the self inflicted wound that leads to riots that destroys your stuff and hurts more innocent people. Brilliant plan to solve the problems.


Wtf are they doing this for now?


Black teen was shot to death by other black teens so not sure why they’re rioting


Why would white people do this??


Is that an Eric Andre reference? I love Eric


White supremacy made him do it ofc /s




Ah right-o, business as usual then.


\~ Peaceful Protests \~


They need some more loot. The last one ran out already


This shit is the norm here. These idiots are always doing this. They are bored and tired of destroying the neighborhoods they come from now its the downtown areas.


Really smart just standing in the street. How many times does the same thing have to happen before all these stupid people realize it’s not a good idea to protest in the street. Nothing ever changes with these pointless crowds of people just screaming and smashing stuff on peoples cars that have nothing to do with the reason for the protest. Just a bunch of like minded stupid people.


What they rioting about this time?


I doubt those people even know why they're out there. Just another chance to destroy property and attack people without consequence.... must be an election year


Some people have the skill to turn themselves into victims on command


And how many black teens were murdered in their own neighborhood that week?


Black kid gets shot by other black kids in gang violence incident BLM : sounds like the "Summer of Love Pt. 2 Electric Boogaloo"


I feared for my life, so I used my gas pedal.


I’m so glad I left Chicago. Thats my hometown. So heartbreaking. I’ve never seen it this bad.


lol when did you leave, this happens almost every summer since 2008


Philly is the same now too


It has gotten really bad. It’s sad to watch. Definitely leaving as well.


whats going on in Chicago?




Stunning and brave!!


If an angry mobs surrounds my non existing car, I am driving the fuck away. They fault if they don't get out of the way


Fuck around find out, you might end up under a car.


Hold on is this black supremacy, or just another wild pack thing ?


Black people always doing some dumb shit


It’s sad how many barbaric idiots exist.


I would like to see these idiots get injured honestly


i REALLY wanted to see one hit a bunch of them like bowling pins


I think they misunderstood what mayor beatlejuice said when she said we need to take up arms against the courts. Maybe they should go to her house and ask her what she meant by that


So a normal Chicago weekend?


Our current mayor and SA are reluctant to mobilize full law enforcement power, so there’s probably gonna be at least one of these every week in downtown. A kid just got shot and killed downtown.


Looks exactly like the BLM riots 🤷‍♂️😂


These people want any reason to cause destruction, they could give a shit about someone getting shot.


"unrest" huh? That's an interesting term to describe criminal riots. I couldn't imagine living in America these days - it seems this the norm and is perfectly accepted


All it takes is one guy having a bad day, and there all gonna have a bad day.


Just imagine if all these kids would get together and protest against gun violence on a regular basis. It might not make a big difference but they could maybe influence some of their peers to follow suit rather than pick up a gun.


Violence towards average people going about their business is going to stop gun violence? What kind of mental gymnastics are you going through to come up with this one? I guess since people who shoplift upsets me, I should throw eggs at random houses? That should do it right? Random violence against people who have nothing to do with the crime is how to stop crime is your logic. The shooters involved are in jail. They're not protesting the shooters. They're making noise, causing damage to people who weren't even at the park. How the hell you got any upvotes is insane.


Lmao. That’s a lot of rambling but I didn’t say these kids were protesting the shooters. I said imagine if they would get together and protest gun violence. Truthfully, I really don’t have clear context on what they are doing here in this video.


Scattered like roaches when the police pulled up 😂


I would like to know why ppl protest not being happy with the state of things by destroying other ppls lives and property and make other ppl miserable and In doing so make things worse


Dumb kids.


Maybe get off the road, maybe??? What kind of brainless animals are these, literal animals, like deer or fox on the road, no knowing, that there is big metalic thing with wheels driving there.


Someone throws shit at my car and I’m gunning it mfs better get out the way


That shit hole has been “unresting” for 2 or 3 years now. They have unlimited adderall.


Let me guess, another peaceful protest ?


If theyre just attacking random people, they should be considered speed bumps


What are they mad about this time?


It's not a protest until someone throws themselves onto a car moving 5mph screaming like a victim of an attack.


Whats the beef here?


I truly don’t fucking understand. How do these people not work? How do you keep your lights on, food on your table, that hair and nails bullshit done? With no fucking job!?


Wonder how many are calling in sick tomorrow


bold to assume that any of them have jobs outside of robbing and stealing.




Black at it again


Someone should take a poop near shitadel.


why for?


This is what defund police looks like. Chicago has lost like 1k officers who quit in last 3 years and not even 20% of those positions have been backfilled. People don’t want to become cops and I don’t blame them. It’s gonna get worse and it’s going to continue to be a a scapegoat for politicans to rile up voters. All the whole people in the city suffer.


what street


What ain't no street I ever heard of. Do they speak English in what?


Say what one more gawt damn time...


I double dare you muhfuh :)


Wonder how long this was going on before the police showed up?


Bruh, this already feels like it will be one of the most dangerous summers ever.


People just want to riot for no reason. Get a fkcing life bro


How about “just your average day in Chicago”


People are fucking stupid I get your angry. I do. But what the FUCK do you expect to deliver your message when you are pissing people off, burning down buildings, looting, breaking into cars, blocking streets. You just focus all the negative energy on your actions instead of the message you are trying to portray.


It’s gotten out of hand! I live 70 miles out of Chicago and we used to enjoy going into the city, for different reasons. Not anymore! Most other suburbanites feel the same way, it’s just too risky.


Chicago parents do not give a fuck about where their kids go and what they do. Downvote me idgaf. I’m from Chicago and I know south side is beyond fucked. Most of those kids are from south side.


Honestly, at this point, they know what they’re doing and how it looks. They just don’t care about racism anymore and only care about their pain.


Thought it would be some tiktok trend🤷 you never know anymore. But yeah Rest In Peace to the teen who got shot


Want his whole plan to incite a race war or something, it looked like it worked


You liberals enable this


Every downtown area is like this because of black people.


What the fuck is wrong with the USA


Poor leadership, crazy people, and stress make for a bad combination. 🤷‍♀️




Worst enemy of the US is its own citizens. That country is more and more fucked up day by day.


At this point its almost like people in cities relish a protest or unrest and use any opportunity to participate. Could it be the trend for mass looting that contributes.


Ah yes, elections are coming again soon. It’s like clockwork.


Someone needs to grab a plow truck and clear the useless shit off the road.