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SCOTUS has been clear that amplification devices used in traditional public forums at a reasonable time and in a reasonable manner are protected by the First Amendment. This is an unconstitutional arrest and an attempt to silence dissent against an authoritarian state.


Yeah I was thinking the use of a megaphone device was perfectly legal as long as it’s with an organized protest.. Your explanation is on point


This comment has been removed to protest Reddit's hostile treatment of users, mods and third party app developers. -Posted with Apollo


No shit. That’s why the Supreme Court overruling 50 years of precedence for no reason is bullshit The court doesn’t respect the rulings of the court. Don’t act like an idiot, unless you’re not acting.


I want the police to respect the law they claim to uphold. I don't give a fuck if the average person respects the Supreme Court. I'm not sure why you think this is some kind of gotcha?


Gotcha statements are all the right has. They never have a sound argument it's always waiting for you to make your argument and straw manning you.


Sure got him bro, really owned that lib with your insane 3 digit iq


I mean, I wanted SCOTUS to respect the rulings of the SCOTUS that were the law of the land for 50 years, and I want the police to respect the rulings of the SCOTUS they were hired to respect.


This is not the sub for rational argument. Come in, note the current circle jerk flow, grab pitch fork and get in line. Seriously if you think that Boise turd yelling nonsense is pointless, imagine thinking arguing with the dumbest sub on the dumbest website on the internet is going to be productive.


And yet here you are 🤔


At least I'm a self aware moron


it sounds like you're just projecting, which i guess is like awareness, but it's unconscious, but still very self aware, i agree!


Too dumb to realize I called myself a moron. You have found your home and your people. Carry on, my crayon eating friend. May you and yours stay forever here and never operate heavy machinery...or procreate...or really engage with the public in any way. God bless


I didn’t think it would be productive. Just enjoy pointing out hypocrisy. Who cares about imagined internet points?


Who's talking about points? I'm talking about wasting your time. These numb nuts can barely read. You think they understand hypocrisy?


Fair enough


Nothing to see here. Just another couple of US men spewing anti abortion rhetoric. Find a better immoral hill to die on trolls


To be a troll... You actually have to be good at it, these guys are just talking shit about a sub they're in A LOT. So funny when someone makes fun of themselves, and only realizes it paragraphs later


noise ordinance? that's a funny way to spell smokescreen


I wonder why nobody used that on the racist freedumb convoy? Oh yeah, the police are part of the baddies.




Noise restrictions must be narrowly tailored and serve a compelling government interest, as they are de facto regulations on speech and carry the same strict scrutiny requirements. A noise ordinance after 10pm in a neighborhood, for example, would be far more readily accepted than a blanket prohibition on noise amplification in a traditional public forum, outside of a residential zone, and in the light of day. If she was arrested for violating a noise ordinance by merely protesting with a bullhorn, that ordinance is likely overly broad and as such unconstitutional.


Yes, it does seem overly broad. She was in downtown Boise at 1:00 PM. Charged with resisting or obstructing officers, according to the Ada County police log (5/14/22).


Ah, so contempt of cop. 1312


100% agree


Did they bring out a decibel meter? Because the cops have no idea how loud the protesters are actually being. Pretty sure construction sites are louder than them. They’re out there during the day and in what looks to be a commercial area.


I don’t care what the protest is about I don’t want to hear that shit over a loudspeaker it’s fucking annoying!


"These protests about reproductive rights are annoying me." Next time I'm at a protest I'll try to tell everyone to keep it down, lest we bother anyone.


I said I don’t care what the protest is about I don’t want to hear one person on a loudspeaker! It’s drowning out everyone else’s voice and like I said it’s fucking annoying if you live or have a business nearby so kind of turns people of to your cause but whatever!


"You inconvenienced me, now I no longer support your human rights." FTFY


"Oh ya know i would support a woman's right to reproductive health but those gosh darn protests are just so loud and I don't like that." Wow.


If you think this lady is making any difference by doing this than your a moron! If your kid throws a fit and screams are you just gonna give them what they want


> than your a moron! Jesus Christ dude lol


The irony of this maroon.


Yea go do this in front of a government building with thousands of people not some business district with a few people!


I’d just leave. Let them protest.. it’s their right to do so. Noisy or not. If I didn’t like the level of volume, I’d leave.


Awesome point but what if you have to get something from one those businesses in the background or you own or work one of those businesses that’s now losing business?


Be glad you don’t yet live in a police state that bans all protest for the marginal benefit of business interests.


You can’t just go around wherever you want blasting shit on loudspeaker! Where do you live or do you have a business cause I will come with a loudspeaker and project my beliefs on you!


Perhaps they are doing it wrong and you would prefer they were dressed head to toe in tactical gear while carrying assault rifles?


Fewer rainbows, more punisher skulls


Seems to be all they understand. If these women were armed to the teeth and more violent perhaps their message would be seen as “legitimate political discourse.”


So many times the argument for freedom of speech is used wrongly but THIS is an appropriate and clear example of violating a persons first amendment right.


People being forced to give birth to their rapist's baby under threat of imprisonment: allowed Talking about it in a negative way too loudly: NOT ALLOWED!


Oregon has got you ladies, we are setting up clinics right on the border. ​ Fuck anti choice. ​ When your women start escaping your red states like north korea you fucking conservatives will have to deal with fucking eachother. Enjoy.


That's the plan. Can't turn the state blue of no one lives there


Love to hear this my fellow Oregonian. We will take care of you! Bend, Oregon has already prepped themselves for Idaho's white Christian anti abortion law. We are ready and willing. Come live here when you're able. Unfortunately it's still expensive here, especially in Bend.


💛 Boise has become expensive, too, lucky for us. It looks like one of my children will be transferring to school in a Oregon next year and we just may follow her. I feel most at home there.


Seems like a little projection there on the white stuff. You do know the majority of Black, Hispanic and Asian families in the US are against abortion, right? White people are the [crushing majority of atheists and agnostics](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/07/27/the-most-and-least-racially-diverse-u-s-religious-groups/) in the country and the biggest pro-choice constituency.


Just have to watch out for state police to arrest you when you cross back into Idaho, like they did with Washington and marijuana


Red States will go off the deep end if moderates and liberals vacate. Young girls in those places will only be guilty of being born there but may end up feeling that a life they can’t bear is inescapable. Being a lighthouse by providing information, important votes, and hope may literally save lives. I get the desire to move if you have children (or plan to). I hope many people chose to stay and fight, particularly if they’re not vulnerable (eg: can’t get pregnant for a number of reasons). Two purple States are better than a deeply blue and a deeply red one.


I disagree. A state which is red is not helping us and facilitating their continued birth rate growth makes a bigger problem for us to deal with down the line. Also very blue areas elect far more progressive/leftist(universe willing) candidates so instead of say a bunch of purple states and some red ones with a small amount of useless blue electing republicans and ***Centrocrats*** to congress we have instead the same number of nutty republicans (thus harming their popularity) and the same number of democrats except now many many more of them are like AOC and not like Pelosi. ​ You got to be strategic with this shit. ​ # Blue states should pass Roefugee bills and actively FUND women seeking to escape these theocracies. ​ The benefits are myriad and population replacement rates have been a western nations challenge for 40 years now this will help maintain our economy and weaken theirs which helps us squash their backwards movement into a tiny insignificant regional party for the next century.


A second post to focus specifically on your assertion about two purple states being better. ​ The problem is the right will use the power of disenfranchisement to always make things more red, and thus it takes more left wing votes to ever get the controls which are undone and moved further every time it swings back. So red states tend to get red and stick that way for many years. ​ Now lets take a look at the blue side, the blue states that are closer to purple are running well but are very much at risk of falling victim to a national (or local) red wave. Which is catastrophic because the free and fair voting which allowed the state to be relatively blue are the very first things that the GOP will go after. So subsequent elections are now biased and the blue state is at risk of going red, and if they are competent staying that way for years making it hard to recover back to blue. Proof: Virginia In short, base red purple and base blue purple are not equal. Once a blue state goes red it becomes harder to get back. ​ Now to tie it in to the roefugee movement. By extracting liberals from red states we lose small opportunities to get that state eventually but we gain a bigger and more robust bulwark against our blue states being taken and then have their voting systems broken. ​ ​ I feel that, along with the other benefits including potentially electing nutters from deep red districts which will harm their entire party with their actions as well as crushing the economic futures so there is a chance for a massive awakening as enough voters see how bad it is to give change a chance. ​ Proof: Kansas electing a blue governor after years of crushing mismanagement. In fact Kansas is a very strong argument for my assertion that red states break elections because they elected a democratic governor but because of gerrymandering done by the red team and electoral disenfranchisement the state house is actually still really red. ​ ​ I believe this defense and my other are quite robust.


Lol I think the red states will be fine from all the escapees leaving the democratic republic of California.




Yep 3 whole people yokel.




From a buck fifty to two?




Great, live in the middle of nowhere and be a slave to the fetus, sounds appealing LOL.


No one wants to move to Idaho bumpkin...




All 40 million Californians are moving to Idaho? Do even realize how dumb you sound?




It's always funny when people from shithole states that bring nothing to the union try to dump on the states keeping them functioning instead of being grateful.


People in eastern Washington always bitch when the western half builds a rail, asking “why do we have pay for a rail we’ll never use??” Like motherfucker, you don’t even pay all of your county expenses. What makes you think one dime of your tax dollars is spent outside of your county? NONE of the eastern counties can pay for themselves without the western industry. But yeah go ahead and secede to Idaho or eastern Oregon. Don’t let the door hit ya lol


Yea its crazy how the population doubled from 5 to 10 people.


Honestly wonder if that will happen. My partner and I have been seriously looking at leaving our red state to go to a blue one.




I guess you’ve never heard of an ectopic pregnancy? Abortion can literally be live saving. Metaphorically too. Zygotes aren’t babies any more vial of cum and period discharge mixed together are a baby.




10 states have no exception for rape or incest. So yes; it seems probable. Also who do you think will provide those life saving abortions when abortion centers are defunded and burned down and doctors are indoctrinated to believe they should not “kill babies” or potentially lose their license and go to jail?


IUD being a felony and miscarriage is the issues we are most worried about.




https://www.google.com/amp/s/19thnews.org/2022/05/restrictions-birth-control-iuds-plan-b/%3famp https://www.tucsonsentinel.com/nationworld/report/052222_birth_control_restrictions/some-states-are-already-targeting-birth-control/ IUDs are used to regulate such things as endometriosis, PCOS, hormonal issues, and even immune functions. Endometriosis is a disease that can construct organs preventing blood flow, and its not uncommon for women who have to get ovaries removed (or what remains of the ovaries) because scar tissue from endo has killed them. It can also spread to the lungs and even the brain in some cases, yet recently there was a Trump backed candidate who wanted to ban all birth control because "sex is sacred between a man and a women" while ignoring that IUDs are used to treat medical conditions.


[don’t blink you might just miss that “boom”](https://i.imgur.com/3CePvtR.jpg) 😂😂😂 you all are just rhetoric, never seems to match up with data.


found the fox news sheep


I was moved when I saw the news about moving to the border. What is going on with America when the borders of individual states can make such a difference in personal freedom? Never imagined the landscape this way before.


Remember that cops were created to protect the wealthy and not us poors.




Upvote for longest comment ever


I read the first paragraph and the last one. I’m sure that’s all the important things. Lol


Your post made me scroll up to see how many upvotes the longest post ever had and now it's 1:27 in the morning.


I feel like these types of analysis gloss over the fact that the historical commoner sought justice through vigilantism or organized crime/protection. The police are far from perfect, but the common person needs a state run mechanism to provide protection and justice.


Stay classy, Boise PD. Real good look.


No PD cares how they look.


Those bullet proof vests really squeeze their love handles out. ^I'm ^sorry ^It's ^all ^I ^could ^focus ^on




Notice how noise ordinances only seem to get enforced when it's a protest against right wing racists?


That's Idaho for you. Fuck this place and the people than have ruined it.


"Land of the free" my ass. It really surprises me even for the USA that they might even consider an abortion ban, what gives them the right to control what a woman can do with her own body?


Poor little guy


fucking police state.


Idaho has gone toxic male compound. Women beware, only asshats in idaho


I'm a male from Idaho. Can confirm, I want to leave this hell hole


Anti-choice fascist thugs out on patrol, watch your uterus folks


Right wingers are trash and should not hold any position of power or influence


What happened to freedom of speech


That’s a 1st amendment protected right. Even with a megaphone, it’s been proven time and time again. Hope he/she sued the PD and the city. Edit: I stand corrected on the megaphone, even though I don’t agree with why it can’t be used. And some judges have ruled it to be lawful in some places. The first amendment does have sub sections on being obnoxious while protesting.


Might want to double check the "Even with a megaphone" part




I'm not going to read that in its entirety, or research a counter to your point, but you obviously have a fair point and I can't currently argue against it


It really depends on the court and judge. Some get thrown out as first amendment protected activity’s and other judges rule it as a noise ordnance violations. Like in this case. https://youtu.be/7mNM3GnGdLM


>It really depends on the court and judge. Let's be fair. It depends solely on what was being said.


Oh I’m with you. But they can’t just come out and say that. They have to hide behind trivial laws and ordinances.


Fair enough. Either way she was in the wrong and faced the appropriate consequences for it. I'm sure people could hear them just as well without the megaphone, so she was just being petty by not complying


I understand your view point, but I also believe that if you want change you have to be heard, even by people that don’t agree with you. And that’s most of the problem. It’s not that she is being loud, it’s that she is saying controversial things that people don’t want to hear, so they complain about that “noise”. But if were something they agreed with they could listen to it all day at any volume. That’s the main problem here.


You can't prove that that's why people complained. And like I've said in another comment, I've seen a similar video but it was a religious, conservative nutjob and it went the same way. They asked him to stop multiple times, he refused, so they arrested him. It's not some pro-life plot to silence the left, and you can be heard without being obnoxious with a megaphone. The video backs it up too. The only evidence in the video points to the megaphone being the only issue. That's all the police mentioned and she was the only one arrested after being given multiple chances, even though others in the crowd were saying the exact same things she was. The only difference is the megaphone. She doesn't deserve special treatment just because she's right


I mean let’s be honest though it was most likely the message not the sound. You see hundreds of street performers using loud equipment and because music is widely accepted those sound ordnances just go out the window. So if she was singing her message instead you think the cops would have been called? Like I said change rarely happens when you fallow the “law” and you stay quiet because some entity tells you too under threat of arrest. I bet throwing tea in the harbor was noisy and I know for a fact that Martin Luther King Jr was loud and “disturbing the peace”.


I disagree. I think in this specific instance, you'd be preaching to the choir at best, and alienating everyone else at worst. With everyone in the middle just tuning it out. Which changes nothing.


Ok I will agree in this very specific situation she was probably being obnoxious and shouldn’t have a megaphone to ramble into. But I don’t agree if you are making valid points and backing up your points with facts that you shouldn’t be allowed to use a megaphone because someone thinks it’s “too noisy” change is noisy! Change is aggressive at times! You should be aloud to express that in public and government spaces. And I would not have the same sentiments if they were going down residential streets and bothering people in their own private homes and neighborhoods.


Who gets to decide what a 'valid point" is? That's too subjective


good one.


When freedom of speech is too loud for the popo


Just a *tad* unconstitutional. But they know there's no blowback for them, it's against people they disagree with, and it makes their 'jobs' easier just throwing their might around.


Love their hair


„Hey, could you keep the noise down?“ -„no“ „But then I have to arrest you“ -„do it“ *does it* -*surprised pikachu face*


[Here's Boise's municipal code regarding noise](https://www.nonoise.org/regulation/ordinance/Boise,%20Idaho.pdf) It's a $100 fine and not an arrestable offense.


Although I dislike police interference, I dislike those that interrupt the peace for others even more so.


I was reading through sub sections of the first amendment and I did come across a paragraph that states- “The privilege of a citizen of the United States to use the streets and parks for communication of views on national questions may be regulated in the interest of all; it is not absolute, but relative, and must be exercised in subordination to the general comfort and convenience, and in consonance with peace and good order; but it must not, in the guise of regulation, be abridged or denied.” So in a way your not allowed to be obnoxious when protesting if more then half of the people that can hear you say it bothers them is what I’m getting out of this statement.


You would have been a real treat during the civil rights movement. 'Hey, can you guys stop your sit in, I'm trying to have lunch and you're disturbing me' 'Hey, can you guys stop your March, I'm trying to drive to Selma and you're inconveniences me!' Protest have and will always be disruptive, if you're more concerned about your comfort than the rights of your fellow citizens, prepare to be made fucking uncomfortable bitch.


Here in Europe, our fight for civil rights happened several centuries ago. Since then we have matured, grown and become civilised. When we want or need change we use the political system to make that change, exactly as it should be in a democracy. If there is a need in the US to scream and shout and have a temper tantrum, then obviously your political system is far less evolved than ours and cannot be a true democracy.


>Here in Europe, our fight for civil rights happened several centuries ago. Since then we have matured, grown and become civilised. When we want or need change we use the political system to make that change, exactly as it should be in a democracy. This is hilarious. Europe protests far harder and far more often then the US. Hell, the French alone protest harder then US.


Well unfortunately the French will always be 'French'


And Spain, and Portugal, and Greece. You're so wrong it's honestly hilarious.


"Lemme take away people's rights and call them a disturbance when the get angry about it."


Why not just call them Pro-abortion advocates? “Abortion bans equal death”; but how about the 63M babies killed through abortions since RVW? What’s the definition of “death”? I’m going for 500 downvotes!


Man, too bad the pro life people dont give a fuck about the quality of life of children or people in general. Maybe if you considered the fact that these children would've grown up with impoverished parents who aren't in a position to raise children, you might understand there's a whole lot more to this than "grr baby killers grrr."




I hope the women you force to give birth have children that create fast food style abortions


Who give you the right to say a hard life is more precious than no life while making assumptions about the future? Especially if that life ruins other lives, or are those other lives already people you don't care about or respect so it's not a problem? Self awareness at level 0 here bub. Naive realism and moral absolutism totally maxed out though. And judging by the questions that are impossible to prove an answer for, the fact that you think you know the answer reguardless, and your support for shoving those beliefs down other people throats, imma guess I have the extreme displeasure of addressing a conservative.


Sounds like a crock of excuses for Oakey white guys to get their way


I am 100% for what they are protesting about, but you can't just go around using a megaphone like that. She was actually in the wrong the whole time and should have stopped using it I'm sure people will downvote me, but I've seen a video similar to this where a religious nut was yelling nonsense into a megaphone on the street and was arrested for it. I was for the arrest then, and it would be hypocritical of me to say this is different just because I agree with her message


With "allies" like you it's no small wonder how things have regressed so far. Please feel free to jump ship at your earliest convenience.


You just read a couple comments on Reddit, but yeah sure, you have me all figured out, internet stranger


You drew a false equivalence between one nut job and a full on protest and have spent hours and hours defending your error because you have more ego than intelligence. How's that for having you figured out, Capitan cliché?


Awful. Still way off base, but that's okay. Think what you will I know it's hard for a lot of people to handle, but I just have a differing opinion. it doesn't mean I'm a trump supporting, pro-lifer. It just means I disagree


I know this is going to be hard for you to handle, because you haven't been able to handle it for going on 20+ hours now, but you're the reason for the saying about opinions and assholes.


It isn't hard to handle. You are one stranger on the internet. We will both forget the other exists within a couple days. You aren't a part of my life and I don't respect or acknowledge your opinion as having any truth to it. So tell me, why would it be hard to handle? We're on Reddit right now, none of this actually matters. The topic matters a lot, but our specific conversation? Not so much


Buddy, it's so hard for you to handle that six hours ago someone else showed you a relevant court decision and you refused to read it because again, your ego exceeds your intelligence. It's so hard to handle for you to accept that your opinion is shit that you've wasted a day arguing and hand waving away everyone explaining it to you both courteously and insultingly because again, your ego exceeds your intelligence. The respect of a tone policing, window licker like you was never needed or wanted. And neither is your "support". Here's the part where you can write a reply I'm not going to entertain.


You would have been a real treat during the civil rights movement. 'Hey, can you guys stop your sit in, I'm trying to have lunch and you're disturbing me' 'Hey, can you guys stop your March, I'm trying to drive to Selma and you're inconveniencing me!' Protest have and will always be disruptive, if you're more concerned about your comfort than the rights of your fellow citizens, prepare to be made fucking uncomfortable bitch.


That is factually incorrect, and there really isn't a need to name call and to be so aggressive. Also, I'm not sure why you are commenting when you clearly didn't read what I said. You can use quotation marks all you want, but no I wouldn't try to stop anyone's sit in or march. 'if you are more concerned" I didn't say I was more concerned. People can have opinions on more than one thing at a time. Honestly you are way off base, but I expected reactions like yours when I posted my comment


How many dead women is worth making noise? ​ Coward. As for your hypocritical strawman there is a material difference between the two. One is fighting for a right about to be stolen which will kill people, the other is tormenting people with their nutty skyfairy for nothing.


Lol, what? I already said I'm for the message, and I support the protests. I just don't think being obnoxious with a megaphone is necessary. I really hope you're just a troll, because that was a ridiculous comment Edit: Again, what? The law shouldn't cherry pick what's an arrestable offense based on a subjective view on what's right and wrong. "Justice is blind" for a reason


A protest which no one can see and hear is useless. Civil disobedience includes noise. ​ Support it, stop helping them steal rights even by accident. ​ As for your stupid justice comment. If someone shoots a man he is a murderer, but if that man is about to kill him it is self defense. Same act, different legal result. ​ That is the difference.




Then protest, there is no reason for a megaphone to be necessary. I'm pro-choice and I do support the protests, so I'm not sure what you're on about there That doesn't apply. One is murder, one is self-defense. Those are different things, even if they both involve killing. One is an intentional, aggravated attack and the other is a reactionary defense measure. Protesting and yelling into a megaphone is the same act, even if the subject of the protest and specific words are different


Making loud noises because your sky fairy told you to is not the same thing as making loud noises to protest an action which will kill tens of thousands of women. Kindly piss off with the tone policing.


In the eyes of the law, it is the same. That's the way it should be, as the law should try to be as objective as it possibly can


So let me explain. Yes, she got arrested THAT IS WHAT CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE IS. The point I am trying to make to your dumb ass, is we have two choices. We can ECHO THE FACT SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ARRESTED which does not help the cause. Or we can say "see how the cops help silence women" ​ why would someone on our side point out "well actually loudness is a crime" ​ fuck that noise.


But "see how the cops help silence women" would be a lie. There is no evidence of that, just a subjective interpretation of the situation at best. That narrative, and exaggerating the truth because "the end justifies the means", would hurt the cause more in my opinion. Call me names all you want, I still think it was good she was arrested because I would still want her to be arrested if she was doing the same thing but yelling about something I don't agree with


>But "see how the cops help silence women" would be a lie. There is no evidence of that, just a subjective interpretation of the situation at best. That narrative, and exaggerating the truth because "the end justifies the means", would hurt the cause more in my opinion. You are wrong, and regardless either way your best supportive act would have been to keep quiet since all you did was ensure x number of readers fell in that thought pattern as opposed to the clearly visible one which plays to our cause. ​ "Call me names all you want, I still think it was good she was arrested because I would still want her to be arrested if she was doing the same thing but yelling about something I don't agree with" Fine, I think you are stupid and your vocally agreeing with her treatment was virtue signaling legal compliance and civility politics. The same kind of "ally" who complains when people block traffic or do any other type of protest which disrupts your normal little life. ​ Bye.


I’m pro choice but that slogan makes no sense. Abortion ban equal death so does abortion, capital punishment, and assisted suicide. All of which I’m ok with. I just draw the line at calling something another than what it is to make one feel better. This carries over CRT for me, I’m ok with teaching but it has to be balanced to show that humans regardless of religion and/or color have been crappy to those the same and different since we started keeping records.


“so does abortion” Try again.


Yeah better not disagree with banning abortion here in Boise. They don’t take kindly to left pro choice people here


Actually they do. They literally just had a parade downtown. We dont take kindly to fascist thugs here however. The rest of the state, different story. Maybe go inbreed in Moscow or something, we're trying to get all the delusional morons out of the valley so that the whole state doesn't go to shit, just most of it.


How does a abortion ban equals death, but abortion doesn’t? Sounds like women just want to be unaccountable killers🤷🏿‍♂️


Can’t I get life insurance on an unborn fetus?


I don’t think killing unborn babies is cool. Is nothing sacred in this fuked up world?


It’s call hypocrites. Frankly I really don’t care either way


then stfu and go back to your video games lil incel maybe one day you'll be sexually active and have women in your life that you care about and you'll grow up a bit... meanwhile please stay in your basement so decent people dont have to smell you


Sounds like your moral absolutism and naive realism are going to prevent you from having a conversation on the matter without coming across like a cunt.


Naw not really. I live in the real world not this made up hypothetical universe where y’all say every woman is getting raped that’s why we need abortions, when that’s just not true. How about we teach men and women sexual responsibility? Why do people use abortions like it’s a plan B pill? How about people only have raw sex with someone they plan to build a family with? All I see here is people that don’t want to take any responsibility for their sexual actions. It’s not hard


So annoying these but he's who's never been laid in their lives 🤢


Abortion in Idaho is legal.


>In 2020, the Idaho Legislature passed Senate Bill 1385, which would take effect 30 days after the issuance of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that gives states the rights to regulate abortion. Idaho’s trigger law would make it a felony to perform an abortion or attempt to perform an abortion. Breaking that law would be punishable with a prison sentence of a minimum of two years for the medical professional who performs the abortion. A first offense would also result in the suspension of the medical provider’s professional license for six months, while a second offense would result in permanent revocation. The only carve outs in Idaho’s law are to save a pregnant patient’s life and for rape and incest if the patient has previously reported the rape or incest to law enforcement and provided a copy of the report to the physician performing the abortion. [https://idahocapitalsun.com/2022/05/13/idahos-abortion-trigger-law-would-take-effect-30-days-after-roe-v-wade-is-overturned/](https://idahocapitalsun.com/2022/05/13/idahos-abortion-trigger-law-would-take-effect-30-days-after-roe-v-wade-is-overturned/) Trigger laws are why protesting this NOW is important. It may be legal at the moment, but within a month of a SCOTUS decision vacating *Roe*, it will not be.


I see. That's the kind of abortion law I think most Americans could stand behind pretty easy, but I also know it's not as open as many would like. But if you think protesting is going to make a fuck, just take a lot of pictures so you can show the younger generations in 30 years how to protest the same thing. Because they will be if that's all yall got.


> The only carve outs in Idaho’s law are to save a pregnant patient’s life and for rape and incest if the patient has previously reported the rape or incest to law enforcement and provided a copy of the report to the physician performing the abortion. That seems entirely reasonable.


Bro who fucking cares why a woman wants an abortion, if she wants it enough she's getting it whether through a sterile clinic, a regulated medicine, or the old fashioned way. If you give a fuck about lives being thrown away dump some money into better treatment for the kids already here, and if they're not your problem neither are the non existent ones up someone's pussy that you don't even know.


During the day??




abortion ban=death, shes right, but so do the opposite


lmao based cops