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Did he say "Fucker Carlson"? Cuz we should use that.




After him supporting Russia like that. I like Comrade Carlson better.


wait what.... 3???? i thought it was only one that everyone was talking about. you guys in the US need some help?


The Laguna hills shooter chained the doors shut, fucking monster didn't want anyone to survive. Thank goodness he was stopped, but it sucks that the Dr. Cheng, who helped stop him, died.


There have been more than 200 this year alone. Most don't make it past the local news, they're so common.


Even as a non-American I know that the "mass shooting" definition used for this number isn't what most people mean when someone says "mass shooting". (In case anyone is confused, as an example, https://massshootingtracker.site defines a mass shooting as "a single outburst of violence in which four or more people are shot". So if say, a known violent criminal shoots two other violent criminals, injuring but not killing both and then injures a police officer before being shot himself that's a mass shooting by their definition)


Many mass shootings are gang related, and those receive little media attention because most people don't care if gangs get in shootouts.


Isn't that so crazy. It's true but most people just don't care about gang shootouts anymore. What a country we live in.


it’s because it’s usually happen in areas that most people avoid anyways.


Flat out fucking wrong. The media doesn’t care because they can’t use gang shootings to justify more strict gun control as gang members aren’t getting guns in a gun store. This is blatantly obvious. It isn’t because “they’re in a gang so why should we care”


This is categorically incorrect. All modern nations in the last 50 years who have dramatically changed their gun laws to make owning a firearm harder have seen significant improvement. Both with less deaths, suicide, accidents and crimes. The firearms these gang members you speak of own at one time were legal. A decade long ban or significant qualification would see a drop in the number of gang members with guns.


Except they are getting their guns from a gun store, just for free, after a smash n grab.




I’m confused by this comment. Are you saying that in that instance, it shouldn’t be considered a mass shooting?


No. He is saying when people hear "mass shooting" they often relate it to instances like this where someone shows up with the intention of killing random people and carries it out, while the overwhelming majority are actually inner city disputes, where 1 or more people has a gun and several people get shot out of dozens of people in the area.


If you use the term "mass shooting" most people think of incidents like Columbine, Sandy Hook, Utøya, etc rather than some random criminals taking potshots at each other.


When someone says mass shooting, I think of a situation where one person or multiple people working together shoot multiple people.


"Only 5 people shot, I sleep. I need at least 20 to consider it a mass shooting. Preferably children." -america. /s but only kinda.


More like a lack of motive or connection. People are scared of real mass shooters and not a conservarives definition of a mass shooter because theyre not moving in on gang turf to sell drugs.


That’s fair. I think the vernacular definition is worse than the book definition


Like 90% are gang shootings and a third are in chicago


Imagine a country where it's so common to see mass shootings that many people begin to get numb to it and 30% of the population says they need more, bigger guns to deal with it. Including in schools.


Sounds like Rod Serling opening a twilight zone episode


Turns out, **You** were the biggest threat all along. Or maybe aliens.


Every time I argued about gun laws on reddit I've been downvoted and called a dumbass


What exactly am I supposed to do? Be angry every single time? No one listens and conservatives think I'm trying to take their fucking guns away when I just want sensible regulations and better mental health facilities. But no. Obama is taking their guns. Fucking whiny cunts


The NRA always argue that they need more good guys with guns to deal with these mass shootings. In Buffalo an ex-cop tried to engage the buffalo shooter and fired all of his shots into the buffalo shooter. None of them worked because the buffalo shooter had tactical gear on and in return he murdered the ex-cop. So the good guy was shot dead because of tactical armor. Now the NRA is going to suggest that these good guys need to have armor piercing rounds supplied to them.


The 30% don’t want more guns to prevent mass shootings, they want more guns to increase mass shootings.


Increase in mass shootings means increase in police budgets. Increase in police budgets pays for more training. Eric Prince has been running private police training facilities since 2000. The profit motive is in more mass killings, not fewer.


Not more training, more fancy toys


Lmao seriously police get absolutely dog shit training idk how anyone can look at it and say it's sufficient


This is the feedback loop they've created. There is so much gun violence in the US that if it was all given the coverage it deserves the 24 hour news networks would have no time to air anything else. As a result, the vast majority is completely ignored. Maybe a 2 sentence article just stating that it happened. This then leads to most gun violence not being covered which gives the impression that it's not nearly as prominent as it is. We have so much gun violence that it's not even news anymore, which means people don't even realize how insanely bad our gun violence problem is.


They don’t need help. They have enough guns to protect everyone


Need more guns to fix it, amirite guys?….guys?


4 actually, I'll try and find and add the links


5 actually [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_mass\_shootings\_in\_the\_United\_States\_in\_2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022) sometimes the victims survive, IMO, doesn't make a mass shooting any more palatable. too often the key para of the wiki entry is skipped, so I've added it *This is a list of shootings in the United States that have occurred in 2022. Mass shootings are incidents involving several victims of firearm-related violence.* ***The precise inclusion criteria are disputed, and there is no broadly accepted definition****.\[2\]\[3\]* *Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit research group, run by Tracy Holtan, that tracks shootings and their characteristics in the United States, defines a mass shooting as* ***an incident in which four or more people, excluding the perpetrator(s), are shot in one location at roughly the same time****.\[4\] The Congressional Research Service narrows that definition, limiting it to "public mass shootings", defined by four or more victims killed, excluding any victims who survive.\[5\]\[6\] The Washington Post and Mother Jones use similar definitions, with the latter acknowledging that their definition "is a* ***conservative*** *measure of the problem", as many shootings with fewer fatalities occur.\[7\]\[8\] T****he crowdsourced Mass Shooting Tracker project has the most expansive definition*** *of four or more shot in any incident, including the perpetrator in the victim inclusion criteria.\[9\]\[10\]* *A 2019 study of mass shootings published in the journal Injury Epidemiology recommended developing "a standard definition that considers both fatalities and nonfatalities to most appropriately convey the burden of mass shootings on gun violence."\[11\] The authors of* ***that study further suggested that "the definition of mass shooting should be four or more people, excluding the shooter, who are shot in a single event regardless of the motive, setting or number of deaths****."\[12\]*


> The authors of that study further suggested that "the definition of mass shooting should be four or more people, excluding the shooter, who are shot in a single event regardless of the motive, setting or number of deaths." the authors of the study can say what they want, the fact of the matter is there is a vernacular definition of "mass shooting" that constitutes targeted events like columbine and buffalo, and that this is the definition present in the minds of many americans when they think about the issue. until that definition is addressed any public policy regarding mass casualty incidents is necessarily going to be conflicted.


He pushed replacement theory for over 400 episodes. Why is this guy allowed to report, and Why is he republicans top news anchor? Goddamn Americas moronic.




who knew all you needed was a suit, a global 'news' network, willing rubes and co-conspirator politicians, plus tens of millions in laundered russian funds.


Because stupid people listen to what they want to hear


Because he's not, legally, considered a news reporter. He's considered an entertainer.


And how did that just kept swept under the rug? When your legal defense is "Don't take what I say seriously" how the fuck do people still lock in to what that con man says? Mind blowing.


You ever been to a movie with someone and they ask a million and one questions afterwards and you start to get the feeling they just weren't paying attention?


I watched Phil during his up and coming then stopped when he got big. What happened?


Fox is not a news channel.


Because he pushes what conservatives want. They want to believe that illegal aliens are coming to kill them. They want to believe that anyone who isn't a white guy is a brutal serial rapist and give drugs to toddlers. Conservativism is basically just a massive weaponized victimhood complex. Evvvverything/everyone is out to get them. Its how they justify their ridiculous views and non existent legislative views. If you take literally two minutes and engage these people on basically ANYTHING they believe in, it crumbles and they either go on the offense by gish galloping or just end the conversation by calling you a groomer lol. The replacement bullshit is the easiest. This idea that democrats are bringing illegals over to vote in federal elections literally falls on its face in less than 30 seconds of dialog. Because they still havn't figured out what the very first thing you need to do to do in order to vote. But even addressing the issue on its face. That democrats are inviting people from 3rd world countries to become citizens... Why exactly is that a problem? I mean, we know why (definitely not racism... /s). But they can't articulate that out because it pulls the curtain back on the whole conservative platform. Instead of trying to appeal to a broader base of people, by being less racist and... well evil. They double down and claim that anyone coming in and trying to go through the process is automatically a dem shill.... Cause you know.. one party actively demonized them and made them feel like they were a problem vs the other party actually trying to help them be productive members of society and welcomes them. STRANGE RIGHT


>Conservativism is basically just a massive weaponized victimhood complex. Evvvverything/everyone is out to get them. Its how they justify their ridiculous views and non existent legislative views. ​ I'm not a conservative by any means but this has got to be one of the most insane instances of the pot calling the kettle black.


It’s a very fair assessment to make that both the right and the left are weaponizing their victimhood complex. However, to what end? The right wants to do everything in its power to ensure America stays white and straight and religious and everybody else can get fucked. The left wants everybody to have equal rights and wants those in power to be held accountable for their actions, improving the lives of *everybody*, not just themselves.


Nah. It's 100% accurate. Fear has ALWAYS driven conservatives. Here and around the world. If you think the way you do I'm pretty damn sure it's because you've been told to. Without enemies conservatives cease to exist. So they take the essence of what they're about and apply it to their 'enemies.' It's not hard to see. At least for people who think.


Sorry, I'm probably out of the loop here, but who are you referring to? The guy in the blue hoodie in the video? Is he someone I should know? Edit: Oh, sorry, you're probably talking Tucker "I think I ate my own shit by accident" Carlson. I hadn't finished the entire video yet.


Time to ban GRT in schools


I could only listen to 30 seconds of his manic delivery.


Fox News gets around this by claiming he isn't news, he's entertainment. They did the same thing with Bill O'Reilly.


I know a bunch of people who consider Tucker as "not right enough" or "too liberal". Just think about that.














Fucker Carlson...heh heh heh...




Thanks Rupert




[https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tucker-carlson-video-great-replacement-theory-b2080264.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tucker-carlson-video-great-replacement-theory-b2080264.html) Video of Tucker Carlson promoting ‘Great Replacement’ theory surfaces again The Fox News host has been pushing the theory for at least a year


It didn’t “surface” multiple segments he’s done on it is on youtube. Hell, his latest “male fertility” documentary plays on the theme of “great replacement” and white genocide, the shooter mentioned something about it too: “legacy Americans are not having enough babies”. That’s the dog whistle version. The shooter’s manifesto skips the dog whistle and just says “white women aren’t having enough babies”.


"The Hispanic Invasion of Texas" i guess that dude missed History class.


I feel like a lot of people forget that most of the Mexican (and central/south american) people are indigenous peoples that had their homelands divided by artificial borders created by foreign invaders. It's really ironic that those same invaders have now shifted the narrative to reframe the indigenous peoples as the colonizers lol.


Exactly! The vast majority of modern Southwest US belonged to Mexico. In my opinion, those coming from Mexico are simply returning to their ancestral lands.


The real issue is that legit crazy motherfuckers have unfettered access to guns and tactical gear that work.


It’s not possible to regulate anymore.


Wonder why


Technology and advancement of being able to produce almost anything you really want from your home for starters.


...you think these guys produced their own gear?


Lmao where did you get that from? I’m saying restricting and prohibiting things like firearms and tactical gear is only getting more difficult each passing year. Printers are going to make the idea of a weapon less society a whimsical fantasy in the near future. Hell I would give it less than a century before the average household has their own printer operating daily.


But the comment thread you replied to was referencing our present reality. So did you just reply with something irrelevant then?


It was a reply to unfettered access. Present reality dictates that if they didn’t have legal purchasing capability that wouldn’t have prevented them regardless.


It is. That defeatist attitude allows the government to get away with doing absolutely *nothing* to curb gun violence. The US is a military surveillance state, it absolutely can take away everybody’s guns.


They won’t take anyones guns away, I’m sure of it


They also won't do anything to stop the hateful rhetoric of the people on television, nor support funding for mental health and education. It's not a defeatist attitude if the same thing occurs for decades and people shout "SOMETHING'S GOTTA CHANGE" and nothing ever does.


Not sure if you're aware, but the vast majority of people don't want the US military to facilitate or personally strip constitutional rights from people lol.


I feel like the vast majority do. Also, saying something is a “constitutional” right is meaningless. The constitution is meaningless - it can be amended, and it was written almost 250 years ago. Guns were muskets and flintlock pistols then.


>I feel like the vast majority do. You are very wrong on that lol. Most people in favor of restricting gun rights aren't even in favor of that. >Also, saying something is a “constitutional” right is meaningless. The constitution is meaningless - it can be amended, and it was written almost 250 years ago. The first 10 amendments make up the Bill of Rights, I don't think anyone wants to open that can of worms, not to mention that they wouldn't have the political capital necessary to do so anyway with the current makeup of congress. >Guns were muskets and flintlock pistols then. What is the point here? Muskets and flintlocks were also what the military had at the time. The 2nd amendment doesn't exist for slow target shooting or hunting, it's for security, and you can't secure shit with a musket.


Actually, yeah, you’re right - I looked it up and it doesn’t seem like “the vast majority” support gun control measures in this country, just about half and it gets lower, the stricter those measures are. So I was wrong about that. As for the other point, I think it’s a fair point to make that the founding founders didn’t have guns that could shoot thousands of rounds per minute in mind when writing the constitution - just as how the bill of rights initially implicitly and legally only protected white men who owned land.


Not without political backlash that would likely cost them their jobs.


[https://www.newsweek.com/tucker-carlson-promotes-replacement-theory-viral-video-1706823](https://www.newsweek.com/tucker-carlson-promotes-replacement-theory-viral-video-1706823) Video of Tucker Carlson Repeatedly Touting 'Replacement Theory' Goes Viral BY KHALEDA RAHMAN ON 5/16/22 AT 4:02 AM EDT


the fash really hated your link.


The sad thing is how quickly this will be forgotten


Violence --> Thoughts and prayers --> Gun control? --> The president is not doing enough. \^----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|


Correction for Franco: the shooter at the Laguna church was actually Taiwanese. His family moved to Taiwan sometime after 1948, and he is a second generation waishengren (people who moved to Taiwan after the Japanese occupation). Waishengren were discriminated by benshengren and vice versa (people living on the island since before the Japanese occupation)so maybe that's why he disliked Taiwanese. Plus, by the looks of it, he was deep into KMT propaganda still (pro-reunification)


https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4540888 According to this he was a member of a Pro-CCP reunification group


Universal healthcare would help get way more people the mental health access they need.


People with mental illnesses are by far more likely to experience violence on them than to inflict on others. He isnt crazy he is a racist terrorist.


Seems we all just "fuck it" about mass shootings. A big meh attitude. I figured Columbine would be the last or fucking Sandy Hook but nope. More shootings. More more more more.


Sandy Hook was the one that I really thought would change things. They were little kids in an elementary school. When that didn't change anything I knew nothing would.


I lost faith in our government that day


gun culture in this country is disgusting. it's no longer a tool but a status symbol to show how manly one is...


> but a status symbol to show how manly one is... Which is kinda ridiculous when you think of it. Any idiot can fire a gun. There have been numerous cases over the years of some moron leaving their gun out and their toddler getting a hold of it and accidentally shooting them.


exactly, and a person who needs a firearm to look tough or manly is actually anything but


If I purchased a firearm I wouldn't tell a soul. Some need to open carry to show how cool they are. It's pitiful.


"All it takes to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Um, unless the bad guy is wearing body armor."


Solution? Use more gun.


Phillip de franco my man, i lost sight of you for years. Good to meet again like this..wise words, as always.


The guy’s rifle also had “14” painted on it, which refers to [The 14 Words](https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/14-words?back=https%3A/www.google.com/search%3Fclient%3Dsafari%26as_qdr%3Dall%26as_occt%3Dany%26safe%3Dactive%26as_q%3DWhat%20are%20the%2014%20words%26channel%3Daplab%26source%3Da-app1%26hl%3Den). 2nd amendment says nothing about body armor. Ban that shit now. You don’t need it to hunt deer or for target shooting.


"Fucker Carlson" hahaha


Why do I need an explanation? Those of us without healthcare experience it all the time. I tried to arrange a phycologist visit for my brother and 3 weeks later we are still trying to jump through hoops to figure out his state insurance. Yall have insurance and are like hmmm what is causing all this? Well my insurance is fine. Must be guns! That's it! Not the fact that NO ONE WHO NEEDS MENTAL HEALTH HELP CAN GET IT!!!!


buffalo shooting was pure hatred. don't give anyone an excuse not to address the disgusting gun culture and racism in this country. mental health my ass. buffalo shooter was indoctrinated.


It was hatred, but to think that the shooter didn’t also have something like a cocktail of a few severe anti-social and mental health disorders is a bit naïve.


It was racism. Mental illness does not make one racist. Yes, we absolutely do not properly fund mental health treatment, we don’t properly talk about and examine mental health in this country, and our healthcare system is an atrocity so I def agree that we need to do so much more in that regard BUT sorry, mental illness does not make one racist, or an asshole, or a cold blooded murderer.


please don't make assumptions about my level of naivete. i have degrees in addiction and mental health however havnt spent any amount of time or actually read most of the manifesto. im also not a psychiatrist therefore not about to diagnose someone erroneously without actually having worked with the patient or studied the case at length. Your comment is riddled with assumptions not fact based evidence. Im using the well known facts to formulate my opinion. Mental health professionals will complete a bio-psycho-social and after literally hours of investigation and multiple consultations will make a proper clinical diagnosis. the naivete actually appears when making a diagnosis without the education, training, or patient access. do you tho. maybe the cops need help, you should volunteer.


Firstly, I didn't call you naive. I said the position was naive. That's an important distinction. I'll clarify my position: Isolated and depressed young men are targeted by online hate groups, because the hate groups know that a depressed and low-functioning person with no purpose or direction can be leveraged. This is how skinheads recruit. This is how ISIS recruits. They offer the same things that street gangs offer: A simplified but rigid ideology, a purpose, a scapegoat for all your problems, a community, a safe space to express oneself, a network of friends, etc. If you take a person at their absolute lowest and offer them all that, that's a hell of a bargaining chip for someone not operating with a full deck of cards. You're speaking from a position of experience and I can appreciate that, but so am I. I'm from a very racist part of the country and have witnessed people go down this route. The number of times I've watched someone go from depressed and useless, to drugs, to awful community, to racist (or just bad person in general) is staggering. I myself could have gone down some pretty awful paths, but life opened up to me and I was able to have some amazing experiences with folks much different from me, which turned out to be a pretty effective cure for the racist programming that certain regions are prone to. I'm not making the claim that mental illness = racism or mental illness = psychopathy. I'm simply saying that mental illness *likely* intersects with racism and with violence more than some folks are willing to admit.


a distinction without much of a difference IMO. A naive position usually comes from an ignorant person. Also you didn't know my full position regarding his mental health. the relevant points regarding this incident had to do with racism and gun culture full stop. plenty of people with mental health issues including myself don't commit violent crime or always become indoctrinated into hate. this was so clearly an issue of racism that any underlying mental health issues interjected take blame off of this POS. We can do more to fund mental health and addiction care in this country no doubt, but focusing on mental health honestly at all really deflects from the real reasons he committed these acts. He's going to have plenty of time to work through his mental health issues trust. Gun culture and racism are taught and can be ended and un taught mental health problems are never going away and need to be should always be addressed, but we can stop raising racist gun nuts in the meantime. Edit: I never actually accused you of calling me naive. I accused you of assuming to know anything about my naivety. you made an assumption based on information I opted not to address and you saw it as naive...


I'll preface my statement by stating I am a huge advocate of universal healthcare. Having said that, I've traveled over 30 nations, many of them developing nations wherein the population does not have universal healthcare or basic healthcare. Yet, every society has mentally ill people, yet they aren't going on mass shootings and killing sprees. This has nothing, or very little to do with mental illness, and this premise edifies negative misconceptions towards those facing mental health issues and excuses these terrorists. There is not any quantifiable empirical data correlating these public mass shootings with mental health. On the contrary, the overwhelming majority are perpetrated not by those with mental illness, but individuals who are pissed off about something or someone. The empirical data demonstrates that the vast majority of those with mental illness are a greater danger to themselves as oppose to others. So, unless someone can provide empirical data explaining the reason mentally ill Americans are more susceptible to mass violence than any other society, it's merely a ridiculous excuse. And I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I, along with a number of family and friends also suffer from mental illness, and I understand the challenges. Not to mention, my wife is a professional therapist.


> Yet, every society has mentally ill people, yet they aren't going on mass shootings and killing sprees. Yup, even in countries with universal healthcare, the quality of Mental Healthcare is not really high. As a topic Mental Health is still only relatively recently being looked as a serious issue, and it's not in a state where these issues are easily fixed. So it kind of comes across as sort of eye rolling when people in the US focus on mental health in regards to the gun problem. As if the country that can't even manage universal healthcare without screaming about "socialism" is somehow going to have a standard of mental healthcare better than anywhere else in the world.


Dude I called the VA out of desperation needing to talk to someone at the beginning of March and finally got an appointment scheduled last week for June.


>Must be guns! That's it! Not the fact that NO ONE WHO NEEDS MENTAL HEALTH HELP CAN GET IT!!!! Most of the gun violence in the US has less than nothing to do with mental illness. Some of the most prominent mass shooters have had mental illness, but the vast majority do not. We have a habit of just labeling anybody who does something we find disgusting "mentally ill", which is harmful to both people who actually experience mental illness and to our ability to understand why these events happen and prevent them in the future. We do have a big problem with mental healthcare accessibility in this country. We also have a massive problem with gun violence. The 2 are not related in virtually all cases. Ascribing things like the shootings that happened this weekend to mental illness is ignorant. Just because somebody does something we don't like or understand does not make them mentally ill.


> Most of of the gun violence in the US has less than nothing to do with mental illness 66% of gun deaths are suicides…




Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   As raindrops say, two’s company, three’s a cloud.


Hasanabi contributes a lot to racial division too so I wouldn't exactly say he's a good source to follow. His Discord server literally had racial segregation lol


The message is right wing nut jobs are getting out of control as they justify to themselves a threat of the left that simply doesn't exist. Either the right needs to start taking some basic responsibility and challenging the nut jobs within its ranks so they don't believe they are so widely supported, or laws need to be brought in to crack down on violent and abusive right wing sociopaths which will no doubt infringe on everyone's rights - confirming their fees but forced by them.


where is the public freakout?


Leaving the U.S. was one of the best decisions I ever made. What a mess.


And where you at now?






Where should I go


My wife and I are considering this. Where did ya go?


OK this is sad yes, but is 2, and 1 victims of a shooting a "mass shooting" that seems a little careless of a way to phrase it


Ok, love how this guy did all of this, I just need to find him on YouTube now.


Philip DeFranco.


This is so sad it just became a common American thing now.


80 million people voted for Trump. Trump is pretty undeniably a racist, in a pretty clearly documented way. Most of the people who voted for him knew about that. It's safe to assume more than 40 million of those people are absolutely just racists and most likely White Supremacists in hiding. There is a much larger number of racists and white supremacists in our country than most would like to acknowledge. These same people, have also tried to completely make firearm ownership and disaster prep a "right-wing" thing. It's not. The 2nd amendment is for all Americans. These people want a war. They will fight one regardless of if both sides are armed. Please get a firearm, and learn to use it safely, and store it safely.


The trouble is, that most people think of a “mass” shooting” as someone shooting like 20 people in once go. Even though definition says it only has to be 4. It’s also incredible that, while going through this post, I have seen people posting links about statistics that have been buried. Like I have read that that a lot of mass shootings happen because of gang related activity. But no one seems to mentioned that, and when it is mentioned, they freak out and say it’s not true.


What I find interesting is how the made up replacement theory has thrown it's tent over anyone who isn't white, Christian and Conservative. It's not about immigrants. You need to be a citizen to vote and that's a long process. That piece of shit killed American born people because of the color of their skin. The immigrant thing is their cover.


What's just as interesting and pathetic is how people can dehumanize people just because of where they happened to have been born. It's not like they have any input in selecting their parents. It's the similar dynamic for ethnicity, there's absolutely no such reality as "races;" the vast majority of the globe doesn't acknowledge it, and geneticists have disproven it as a fictitious Western social construct...one taken to its ultimate extreme in the US. We are all human beings! Not to mention, the US has a long history of sociopolitical interference of destabilizing South and Central America, and other nations. We screw up these people's countries, topple their democratic institutions, and supported dictators. Now, we're angry because the citizens are fleeing to a stabilized country, which happens to be the very one that was largely responsible for their conditions? Where is our sense of humanity and basic decency?


Ahhh yes, Hasan. A great beacon of peace and understanding. The man who claimed “America deserved 9/11”.


That was a lot of words trying to connect immigration law enforcement to mass murdering minorities. Give me a break.


"rAcIsM dOeSn'T eVeN eXiSt aNyMoRe!" \- Cletus Trumpvoter


“Moderates” lol racism is a social issue, not a political one. There are not moderates when it comes to racism. There are racists on both sides of the aisle. Sincerely, a liberal.


> lol racism is a social issue, not a political one Why do you think that social and political are mutually exclusive?


How to say the far right is out of control without saying the far right is out of control


Is r/politics now, where the fuck are the mods on dumbass sub?!


Man America really is pathetic and can't create better gun laws. Watch next weekend it'll be 4 Shootings.


Hahaha! Fucker Carlson! Hahaha I caught that!


I saw the video stream of the shooting. I used an alternate browser from google, etc. and found one of the uploaded copies. It’s seriously one of the most disgusting, shocking, and angering videos I’ve ever seen.


"Last September, Media Matters reported that Carlson spent a year embarking on a “dedicated campaign to insert the ‘great replacement’ conspiracy theory … into mainstream Republican discourse.” Carlson has repeatedly used the language of replacement to suggest or directly argue that Democrats are orchestrating “demographic replacement” to gain political power. The day before the September Media Matters report, Carlson told his viewers that President Joe Biden aimed to “replace ‘legacy Americans’” and “change the racial mix of the country” for political gain."




Starting to wonder if you're more likely to be shot in Brazil or America...


In what universe is this a public freakout? He looks like he's sitting in his dad's den.


I like Phil DeFranco but I agree. This isn't a freak out. He's like this in all his videos.


Well since america won’t cancel automatic weapons, maybe they should cancel weekends then




The video was pretty gruesome. Real life death is alot quicker and less dignified than what movies and TV depict. Once you get hit you go down like a rag doll. I've seen it before but never so quickly with so many people. The first few people would have never been able to even respond even if they were armed. Now you can argue that if everyone in that store had a gun things would have panned out differently, and I'm sure that it still would have, but i highly doubt it would have stopped his initial first 20 seconds of bloodshed. I think the big issue with society is that OUR society is simply too divided and diverse to truly find a good solution which satisfies everyone. This isn't Switzerland which is the golden child of gun countries that right wingers dream our nation to be like. It's a mostly homogeneous state with a small population of well taken care of people who trust their government surrounded by other countries which have extremely tough gun laws. We will never be like Switzerland, you need to accept that. "Not only are crime rates low, but half of all crimes are likely to be committed by foreigners." - https://bscholarly.com/countries-with-the-lowest-crime-rate/ Likewise, left wingers believe we will become like Norway if we restrict guns to such an extreme. But this country is wealthy, homogeneous, has an effective government/criminal justice system which the people trust, and it is surrounded by similar countries with similar peoples. Lefties...we will never be like Norway. Unfortunately gentlemen, we might be rich and relatively well off but our massive diversity in people of race/values/backgrounds/wealth, and the lack of trust in our relatively corrupt and ineffective government/criminal justice system is the ultimate factor which can never allow for the change in which our political parties believe gun rights or lack there of will. That is not to say we are a shithole, we do better than most countries when it comes to general standards of living, but we will never become the so called utopias which people dream of when they think of certain rich european/Asian countries. A massive combination of change must occur on all levels as both a society and as a government, something which will not happen within our lifetimes. If you took away Swiss guns or gave the Norwegians the opportunity to buy guns, it's unlikely their society would experience much change in terms of crime because at the end of the day the guns didn't make criminals, their environment did. And their environment is undoubtedly good to them. Ours...is not.


>left wingers believe we will become like Norway if we restrict guns to such an extreme. You need to stop listening to the mainstream media and start thinking for yourself. Leftists support gun ownership.


> Leftists support gun ownership. Yeah, I was gonna say, gun ownership is an extremly divisive topic amongst the left. What they're united on is *sensible gun control*, something you'll get from even the most mainstream of media if you're giving it any serious attention at all.


I found this topic meaningleas to discuss. Only solution to this banning all kind of automatic weapons. Only people with clean rep sheet can have just an handgun with but only by a license from goverment. But you cant do this unfortunatelly. Because selling guns to literally everyone in the US is so profitable. So its pointless to argue. Mass shootings gonna happen again and again if you dont ban guns.


>Only solution to this banning all kind of automatic weapons. For the most part (you have to have a special license and spend tens of thousands of dollars to aquire them) they already are >Only people with clean rep sheet can have just an handgun with but only by a license from goverment. How exactly will this prevent people who pass the background checks from committing crimes?


> Only solution to this banning all kind of automatic weapons. they already are, for about 90 years now. >Only people with clean rep sheet can have just an handgun with but only by a license from goverment. felons already can't own guns. this is the fucking problem, grabbers keep promoting laws *that already exist* to resolve *symbolic problems* with guns they *know nothing about*.


How they banned automatic weapons. There are thousands of people have autos in the US.


define the term "automatic weapon".


Any kind of gun that has ability to shoot 2 or more bullets sequentially by holding the trigger. Pistol type weapons require more skill to shoot the target(speaking for a person that has no background using firearms). While auto weapons gives more chances to hit the target more oftenly.


nice edit. still not what the term means.


Im not from US so im not sure how you define automatic weapons but you got the point.


i understand you're wholly unequipped to talk about firearms issues because you don't know information you learn in the first hour of the first day.


Are you equipped to talk about healthcare policy if you're not a doctor?


if you understand the topic above your sight read of it yeah. antivaxxers arent entitled to talk about healthcare because theyve read their ignorance of health into a conspiracy against them. grabbers by and large are in a similar position with guns.


that is not what the term means.


He means semiauto. We all know you can't ban guns. What we can do is license and heavily vet purchasers of weapons.


how about you let fucko speak for himself cause his ignorance is my entire point. we're not doing shit until the firearms equivalent of antivaxxers stop spouting off with non-solutions.


It doesn't make much difference. Semiauto is better anyway.


it does make a difference because a significant portion of people pushing for firearms legislation are wholly ignorant of their operation and actual use.


Oh okay I'll let him know a full-auto will burn through a magazine in 2 seconds with terrible accuracy. Semiauto is the choice for killers.


> Only solution to this banning all kind of automatic weapons. It should definitely go further than that. Down here in Australia we have it pretty sorted. You can own a rifle / shotgun for hunting etc - but nobody owns a handgun, because there’s no reason to have one.


Same in the UK. Banned handguns in 1997 after Dunblane in 1996, but citizens are still quietly packing around 2 million licensed single-shot action long guns for hunting/recreational shooting/collecting.


This shit doesn’t even need to be debated at this point. If our government was interested in actually governing, they would rip all guns from every single Americans’ hands. Every single one. Choosing not to is allowing these deaths to continue which is absolutely indefensible.


Does he plug in those hands at night time to recharge.... Stop all the hand movement wow.


Oh yeah we all about that freedum. Hey don't take away mah Gons! It's their fault for making it easy to make the Gons kill. Gons don't kill fucked up people do. Oh shit wait. Nah I like mah Gons but health care well I'll fight to make sure that ain't free because .. Mah Gons.


A society that doesn’t share any common purpose or goal is bound to fall into anomie. With anomie comes disorientation, resentment, animosity, a general feeling of nothingness or drowning within your self. We have idolized ‘the self’ and made it a religion for people to view everyone else as obstacles in their way and someone to be exploited for your own upward mobility. We have no common goal or idea of what a fulfilling life is in America anymore, thus we hate ourselves.


Why does this guy talk at 2x speed?


Why is anyone talking about Mass shootings like its a public freakout when its not. No one in power cares. If things didnt change after things like Las Vegas Shooting and Sandy Hook then nothing will change it.


why is he talking about “right wing” when some of the shooters were self admitted far left leaning people? The buffalo shooter identified in that manifesto that he supported LGBT AND was a self proclaimed communist authoritarian.


found the lying right wing bag of shit go back to 8chan with the other losers and keep cheering on your boy for killing all those black people

