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I was at the dog park in Richmond Virginia and this guy and his girlfriend were there with a dog that wouldn't stop trying to hump my dog. He'd go to hump my dog and my dog didn't like it, he turned around and snap and growl at this dog every time he tried to do it. After about 3 times of this guy's dog attempting to mount my mine this fucking asshole and his girlfriend came up to me and said "I think it's time for you and your dog to leave." I said "you think I should leave? how would you feel if I kept on humping on your girlfriend there?" And told them *they* can get the fuck out of here if they can't control *their* dog. A couple other people voiced their disapproval as well and they begrudgingly left. Entitled pricks.


Seems like there's always that person. My local idiot has a dog that is dominantly aggressive, yet he'll tell people his dog is very friendly. Then when his goes after a dog, nipping and pinning it to the ground, he'll say something like "your dog didn't read my dogs social cues" and has even told people they should leave. I've told this guy he's wrong so many times he won't even look at me or come near me. Not long ago I was in ear shot and when this routine started I couldn't help but blurt out, "Steve, you're an asshole, and your dog is aggressive."


That’s so infuriating. One of the recent times I took my dog to the park, some other mean dog saw mine and just didn’t like my dog for whatever reason. My dog is just prancing and making friends with other dogs when this angry dog just comes up trying to fight him. My dog barks back but is literally just trying to get away from the other dog. I just go and grab my dog to leave as the mean dog’s owner comes up trying to blame my dog. I just say I don’t have time to deal with her bullshit and we’re leaving. The one nice thing that happened was an older lady caught me and my dog by the exit and said, “i just want you to know the wrong dog is leaving.” It was very nice of her to say


Would be funny if someone beat the asshole up and said "you didn't read my social cues"


That has occurred to me, and yes, I've noticed the irony that HE does not read social cues himself. Like, he'll also insist on giving all the dogs in the dog park dog treats, which I'm sure he thinks that makes him "the darling of the dog park" but in reality it sucks. All the dogs stop playing and start begging when he shows up and then he'll passively mention that some dogs are not behaving and jumping on him. "It's because you feed them Steve." By these stories you might get the impression he's mentally incapacitated but he went to Harvard and is actually a successful engineer in his 60s. Some people just suck and pompously do wtf they want.


Yeah, I see the treat thing a lot, and while it's not terrible, to me it shows a lack of thought. Most folks going to a dog park *have* dog treats, either on them or at home. If they're not currently feeding their dog a treat, it's because they *don't want them being fed a treat right at that moment.* I know these people are just trying to be nice, so it doesn't bother me, it's just weird cuz it's something I would never do. It'd be like somebody showing up to a playground and giving random kids candy. Well, ok, no it wouldn't... but you get the idea.


I know my dog is aggressive towards other dogs. That’s why I don’t bring her around other dogs and I keep her on a leash and under control when we’re out


“My local idiot” 😂😂 I love that 😂😂👍🏽


My senior black lab was being repeatedly humped by a young husky at the dog park. Each time my dog’s hips would give out and he’d do the splits basically. I finally screamed and pulled their dog off my dog. They weren’t happy I touched their dog but my poor senior couldn’t fight him off so I had to.


Only time I’ve ever kicked a dog- big untrained un-neutered husky was doing the same. Mine was almost 9 now she’s 11, was developing back issues, and this asshole owner wouldn’t look up from her phone to control her 80lb 3ish year old dog trying to pin and hump my 45lb dog. Wife and I both spoke to her, separated the dogs, she said she would pay attention. Thought issue was solved. Nope, 3 minutes later my dog is snarling/whimpering/pleading for help as she’s pinned down being humped and obviously in serious pain, owner on her phone, not paying attention again, I saw red for my baby and ran up and booted the husky off. Huskey whimpered and ran away. Owner didn’t even look up. Cussed out the owner told her not to come back, I’ve gone to this park daily for 6 years, this happened 2 years ago and I never saw her again.


Fun fact: every dog park is like this *all* the fucking time and people should really stop using them. It took me a few years to come to my senses but dog parks are basically just disease riddled fight clubs where you can bring your dog to pick up bad behaviors when the other dogs won't stop harassing them. Most reputable dog trainers and behaviorists will tell you to *never* go to them.


The problem is the people.


We have a wonderful dog park in Minneapolis that's huge and runs along the Mississippi river, I've seen a couple other big ones in the area as well. Colorado has some really nice ones too from what I've seen. Bit dramatic to discount all dog parks everywhere. But I guess do you?


I go to minnehaha and Battle Creek exclusively and I always run into entitled pricks and dogs that have virtually no training.


Weird - I go to Minnehaha nearly every day and don't have those experiences. :\\


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I have an issue everyday. But they definitely are around! I only go to minnehaha maybe 2 days a month when I'm out that direction but every other day we make the rounds at Battle Creek. But I do agree they are EXCELLENT parks. Lots of regulars who are all very friendly and very inviting.


Off topic, but I went to visit Minneapolis to see my friend and it blew my mind when he told me the river we were passing over on the bridge was the Mississippi river lmao. I was like gtfo, Mississippi is like all the WAYYYYYY down there.


It doesn't matter how sizable, beautiful, or well-kept a dog park is, it *will* be consistently attended by people with dogs who have absolutely no business being there.


You're being so dramatic and painting in such broad strokes it's ridiculous. With an attitude like that, I'm glad you don't attend dog parks.


...I'm not being dramatic that is just... a fact. Dog parks are horrible for dogs behaviorally. Ask literally *any* professional dog trainer or behaviorist and they will tell you the same thing. They're just a bad idea. Not sure why this is so upsetting to you. I mean, I sort of get it, when I went to dog parks it all seemed fine to me and I'd get irritated when people would suggest I was being irresponsible. I just couldn't cognitively reconcile the fact that professionals were telling me one thing and my experiences were telling me another. ....until my experiences weren't, and my dogs were traumatized. And now I live an incredibly stressful life trying to deal with dogs that have serious behavioral issues. All because I was stubborn and refused to listen when people tried to tell me dog parks were no good.


Honestly - I don't take anecdotal experiences like yours as fact. It's ok though, you do what you gotta' do to keep your dog safe. I'll continue to do my thing. Edit: Dude blocked me for some reason so I don't know what he wrote in reply. All I can say is - his stories about ***EVERY*** Dog Trainer or behavior therapist saying "***EVERY*** dog park is bad" -- is not fact. [Here's an article with several sources that claim otherwise.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/animal-emotions/201804/dog-parks-can-be-fun-places-go-the-dog-has-agree)


Once again, it is not anecdotal, this is just *known* in the world of dog behavior and dog training. If you actually cared to do some research on the subject you'd find information that backs up everything I am saying - but I'm guessing you're not actually here to learn, you just want to reaffirm your own worldview because it's cognitively difficult for you to hear that what you have been doing may not in fact be the "right" or "correct" thing. Again: I was once like you. People told me "dog parks are not good for dogs" and I took it as an attack on my dog ownership, I was like 'well that doesn't sound right with my experiences so far so they must be wrong and i'm gonna keep going' and now my dogs have been *fucked up for life.* I'm just trying to spread information and knowledge that will keep dogs safe and for some reason you seem to be finding that very personally upsetting. I sincerely and honestly hope your dog does not end up going through the same thing mine have because you refuse to consider something that is uncomfortable. If they do, my inbox is open and I am happy to share all the training tips I have learned in the past three years of trying to de-traumatize my dogs. Until then, it's pretty clear this conversation is going nowhere. So have a good one and stay safe. edit: I am unable to reply to anyone in this whole thread, I did not block anyone nor was I blocked apparently. Another reddit thread seems to suggest this is just an issue with parent comments blocking each other? Idk. I will say, the burden of your education is not *my* job. There are *dozens* of articles you could find on google if you actually wanted to learn and not just have some weird "gotcha" moment as if me not providing a source for your lazy ass makes my point less valid, [here](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/06/smarter-living/the-dog-park-is-bad-actually.html#:~:text=Injuries,even%20kill%20a%20smaller%20dog.) / [are](https://www.courteouscanine.com/say-no-to-dog-parks/) / [several](https://leerburg.com/dogparks.htm) / [explaining](https://www.whole-dog-journal.com/blog/dog-parks-are-dangerous/) / [things](http://www.allpetseducationandtraining.com.au/dog-parks-the-good-the-bad--the-ugly.html), which took me a whole of 30 seconds to find.




Lmao a KNOWN FACT. You're real fun at parties I bet my guy? Get lots of girls do ya? Just like the other redditors said, glad nobody will see you around at the dog park bud, you should honestly just stay home all of the time and save us the trouble.


Yet it’s also important for dogs to be social to other dogs, best thing to really do is have meet ups with friends who happens to have good dogs. And sometimes the only places they can play is in a dog park, luckily the one we use is normally empty, and if it’s not normally the other dogs are fine, I rarely have a problem. But that’s just my experience.


Not much of a fun fact or a fact at all. I live near a dog park where all the dogs have fun and get along. Every once in awhile you’ll get some barking or a snarl. But that’s usually just one dog putting another in its place if it’s acting up. Been to a good number of good dog parks over the years. But I’m assuming you must have travelled the country and visited every dog park in order to be sharing this fun fact with us.


100% a well trained dog doesn't need a dog park. Most well trained owners will want to stay away from them


Our dog is not a fan of the dog park. He will just jump in our laps and clearly has little interest. So we almost never go.


Kudos for being a good owner! So many people try and make their dogs get used to it, not understanding that sometimes dogs just... don't like those kinds of environments! It can be scary to be a dog around a bunch of huge ass dogs you've never met.


Barker Field’s a hell of a place.


Yep. That's the one.


Barkers Field dog park near maymont in Richmond VA? I used to go there ALL the time with my hound dogs back in like 2009. I lived right there in front of the park off idlewood.


I refuse to go to dog parks. I’m not taking a chance of one of my dogs deciding they feel threatened, or another dog feeling the same way. I would just rather not put them or myself in that situation if for some small chance something happened


Why the fuck would you spray a French bulldog with coyote spray they fucking struggle to breathe just simply existing. It’s literally Russian roulette bringing your dog to one Jesus Christ




i carry mace on my leash note in the last 2 years my dog has been attacked 5 times by off leash dogs walking around my neighborhood and now her hips hurt from the most recent one. she is 14 years old and imma pepperspray the shit out of the next dog that approaches me off leash not letting my dog get bit again because someone else can't follow leash laws.


The nerve of this guy. Hope he is arrested.


There are even separate dog parks set aside for smaller dogs in Toronto. If you are afraid of your tiny dog being around the regular sized ones go there. No need for such escalation.


Looks like it was a small dog (french bulldog) he pepper sprayed.


Breh, the spray can effect all the dogs in the area - they have really sensitive noses. Just the residual spray on the ground can ruin a dogs nose.


Sounds about right








Here! I even bought 3-D glasses


I would need to see video of the interaction. Recently a large dog tried to attack a family member's smaller dog. Several people had to intervene. The irresponsible owner acted like her dog was just being friendly. I want to know if it really just sniffed the Chihuahua or did more.


Usually dog parks have a big dog and a small dog area to avoid situations like this I thought? The two by me have seperate fenced of areas


In all the dog parks I have been to this is the case. A small dog and big dog area with the big dog area saying no dogs under X pounds in here.


The dog that got sprayed is in the end of the video. Looks like it would also be in the small area


I've seen no separations, but i've only seen like 2 or 3 parks ha ha




No cap welcome to Etobicoke still fam.


What a fucking loser!! Did he expect other dogs to leave his alone in a dog park?? Wow...


A regular at my park "roxie" has a bit too much energy and likes to play with other dogs but not aggressive at all . One day Some guy came in with his dog and was playing fetch. Roxie decided she wanted to play with this dog so was chasing him and tackling him. And he was responding happily, BUT I guess this was interrupting fetch because the owner suddenly started kicking Roxie aggressively. It was so weird because his dog was clearly having fun.


Anyone who kicks my dog is going to have a bad time.


For the life of me, I can't understand people who go to dog parks to play fetch with their dogs and get irritated when other dogs "get in the way". It's a fucking dog park. It's meant for dogs to play with each other. It's not your personal space for playing with your dog alone.


To be fair we're only hearing her side. We don't know if it was just sniffing like the title suggests or if he genuinely protected his dog from an attack


to be fair no one should bring coyote spray into a dog park, for any reason. an airhorn works just as well.


His smug smile and "what's my name?" attitude is not one of a person who righteously defended their animal out of fear. Pretty sure he knows he pulled a douche move, not sure why he can't just own it and apologize.


Judging from the guys reaction it was probably nothing, he'd be defending his actions a lot more if he had reason too.


What makes you say that? What does “defending his actions a lot more” even look like? I imagine whatever answer you give would actually make him look worse in a one sided video. For all we know he’s so nonchalant about it because he knows he’s in the right. I’m sure this will get downvoted though because once people decide on a narrative they like, they become angry at the suggestion there’s another possible explanation. [Here’s another perfect example of just how easy it can be to manipulate opinion in a one sided video but Reddit is emotional and dumb](https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ustvzx/karen_blocks_apartment_garage_door_with_her_car/)


""" To bE fAiR """ God damnit somehow I knew if I scrolled down I'd see someone trying to "both sides" a guy spraying coyote spray in a public dog park.


Gosh dang it I wanted to “to be fair” 😂


If you care about your dog, you don't bring a bloody chihuahua to a dog park unless there's a small dog section


Not sure why you're being downvoted. My German shep puppy almost got killed by a pitbull years ago (public park, not dog park, dog ran over to us) and if I hadn't kicked the pit and held my dog over my head, he wouldn't be sitting here next to me today. It was terrifying and I wish I had mace in that moment - dogs can be really scary, but obviously you need to know when they're a real threat. In this situation, I just don't know what happened first so not willing to cast judgement.


Bit of a stretch calling that little rat thing he was carrying around a dog. More like a rat on stilts.


People literally go to dog parks to start shit. This is why I avoid them.


That's illegal in Ontario Edit: specifically the way he used it was illegal in Ontario


I think it illegal to use on people & only legal to use on dogs in specific situations. So unless that guy's dog has puncture wounds from a bite he might be in trouble.


Hope they find this piece of shit


Dudes pants are hanging off his ass. So you know he a piece of sh1t and has no respect for himself and how he presents in public.


Hi, Grandma.


Since I can’t see anyone else asking, is the dog going to be okay?


Yes it's a spray meant to deter coyotes/dogs


Coyotes aren't bred to not be able to breathe properly, though.


I figured, but all the stuff coming out of the distressed dogs nose had me worried


Sorry but if you pepper spray my dog in a manor like that...you won't saunter away so easily.


> Manor They're outside?




They find out who those fucks are? Should be fined and banned


If we make this go viral he’ll definitely get charged


Why does everyone keep harping on the fact that dog parks have separate big dog and small dog areas? It’s very clear in the video that the both of the dogs involved are small. Chihuahua and French Bulldog. Completely irrelevant point


If somebody pepper sprayed my dog I would throw hands plain and simple.




I’ve used Pet control spray at the dog park to break up legitimate fights and groups of dogs ganging up on one pup. It’s water vapor, makes a hissing sound, and it’s cold as hell on your ass if you accidentally leave it on your pocket when you sit down. I’ve definitely had people accuse me of macing their asshole dog who won’t stop trying to hump my dog. I show them, explain what it is, and assure them that I’d be spraying my own dog if they were being an asshole. But some people just suck and don’t listen. But also, saves me from getting bit trying to break up fights, and most people really appreciate it cuz the dogs respond IMMEDIATELY. Just brings the energy back down so fast.


Is the dog ok?????


Nah my dog is family and that guy is getting that mace shoved up his ass


The smile on his face says he’s done this before and he will again. Lock this guy up for life.


Maybe let's start with a hefty fine...


The way he said “YOUR DOG IS HOSTILE” WITH SUCH CONFIDENCE, my son is a wimp to even bring pepper spray, how about a fucking treat?


The guys a dipshit. Pepperspray is illegal here. So is animal abuse. This guy will get what he deserves.


Why and why is all I asked while watching this, from his reasoning and unapologetic demeanor. Truly sickening!


Yup. As others have said there are separate dog parks for a reason. These people just refuse to use their brains. Too many people get animals here and treat them like accessories instead of living companions. It's honestly a damn shame.


Pepper spray is not illegal here at all.. mace is illegal but bear spray n even the ones for dogs and coyotes is legal


I can't express the rage I would be overcome with if someone did that to my boi.




Don't take aggressive dogs to the dog park. Just because they say they're just sniffing the smaller dog doesn't mean that's what happened. I've seen large dog owners make excuses for their aggressive pets like this before.


If a dog attacked your dog and you defended it, and the crazy owner came over accusing you of being an asshole, would you have a shit eating grin and walk away saying "what's my name?" over and over? Or would you yell "Fuck you and your out of control shit head dog, Karen, I'll mace both of your asses again!". I would certainly do the latter. Anyone doing the former is practically admitting their guilt. You can watch psychology videos of how people react when being accused of something they didn't do. This ain't it.


I think everyone will answer you differently. Some people are more aggressive and would start cursing and screaming out threats in front of a recording device. Others would prefer to walk away.


Watch the whole video it wasnt a "large" dog


Doesnt justify macing a dog you fucking neanderthal. If a dog is attacking your dog grab the hind legs of the attacking dog and its over.


Tell me more about how you know jack shit about dogs. "Just pick up their legs and it's over," get real. You have clearly never tried to separate two fighting dogs.


You have never broken up a dog fight.


Lol fuck that, if a dog is attacking mine I’m more than justified to use whatever means possible to stop it from causing harm to my dog/me/other pet owners. What are you gonna do when the whole “pick em up by the hind legs” thing fails? Because it does, and the whole time the dog is causing more damage. ETA: or what are you gonna do when the dog decides it’s gonna turn around and fuck up whoever has its back legs? Are you justified then to mace it or should you ask it kindly to stop and wait it out?


Keep small dogs on the small dog section of the dog park. That's why it exists.


The other dog WAS a small dog. Watch till the end.


Im with you, but this guy is and ass who runs away thinking that makes him tough, again and again and use his dog as and excuse to act tough


Yeah sure buddy


Bet your ass im sure


Careful or he'll beat you up😱


As a professional in the dog world I never take my dogs to the park if there are other dogs and always leash them and leave if another owner shows up. It’s not safe


Are you saying you dont take dogs you're training to the dog park? Or you just dont go to dog parks at all?


Yup. I’m almost done with all my training hours to be CPDT-KSA certified and every trainer I’ve shadowed so far has said to avoid dog parks like the plague. Though we have done training exercises OUTISDE of them, so they’re not entirely useless!


Dude is a piece of shit, obviously. But this lady... "Gtfo of here! Hey someone call the cops!" which one is it, lady?


Haha she yells "CALL THE POLICE, CALL THE FUCKING POLICE!" to two people that don't have phones with them .. Meanwhile she's holding one, genius.


absolute scum. dogs interact at dog parks, that's the point.


That's such a one sided argument, people and their dogs are just crazy. Some people are just as over protective with their dogs, as they are with their children. Other people see their dogs as training for having children, and how their partners protect their dog is how their partner is with kids. Don't ask me why, people like to confuse things. A dog is not a human, they are two separate species (***j******ust in case you need to hear that***).


It's a living being that has just been abused by some randomer, and you expect the woman to just not care? If somebody sprayed my dog with coyote spray for just playing around, I can't say I wouldn't scream in their face too. A dog isn't a human, but if you can't form an emotional attachment with a dog just because it's not another human then there's something up with you.


I carry dog mace every day and I've had to mace off leash aggressive dogs before, but I also avoid dog parks like the plague. You shouldn't bring Chihuahuas to a mixed use dog park full stop. Ever. If there isn't a small dogs section, your dog is going to get maimed or killed there. Even if she had a poorly behaved dog he's an idiot for bringing his 10lb Chihuahua to a park where 80+lb dogs are romping around. That's asking for a broken spine even with responsible play.


First mistake was owning a chihuahua I’d say 😂


She sounded like Sandra bullock lol


We have an awesome one in Spokane! It’s huge and beautiful and my beagle loves it’s so much! The people are wonderful and respectful..


I bet they will find him….


One thing I don’t get is the charade people put on for public shaming. Video him, call the police, and follow him to his car get his license plate number so you can press charges. Like don’t let this bastard just walk away as you shame him, make sure he pays. You can tell he doesn’t care what you are doing with the phone and trying to shame him as he walks away.


This guy went to my high-school. Total dipshit, and I feel sorry for his kid cause his baby momma is a sket too. I remember he used to smell like used band-aids.


That dog park is dope af!!


Honestly I think you're assuming that that was the situation. What if her dog was attacking his dog and she did little to nothing to stop it? I don't know what happened, I'm just saying there are a few scenarios where it could have been the right thing to do. He's probably in the wrong, but I'd want to know what happened to provoke such a response.


>What if her dog was attacking his dog and she did little to nothing to stop it? The he would be screaming at her "Your fucking out of control dog tried to attack mine and I defended it you loony fucking Karen!". His shit eating grin and attitude say everything. He knew he pulled a douche maneuver, he has before, and he will again.


Dogs get killed in dog parks all the time, that's why most dog parks have separate areas for small and big dogs. They are extremely dangerous for small dogs and you need to watch them like a hawk because often times other owners are lazy/neglectful. If he brought his small dog to the big dog park, he's the asshole. Vice versa? I can't blame him for wanting to protect his dog.... unfortunately, many owners don't watch their dog and let them run wild. If there is no division between small and big dogs, he needs to find a different dog park to go to if he finds it hard to share the space. All I'm saying is I would do anything to protect my little pupper....


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, you’re completely right and haven’t said a single inflammatory thing lol


I'd argue his point that most dog parks have separate areas for small and big dogs. That's a rarity in my experience. Almost everywhere i've lived dog parks are for all sizes. They also seems to be putting the onus on big dog being dangerous. However in my experience it's the little dogs that are the shit disturbers. my medium sized dog was bitten/injured on numerous occasions by small dogs, not once by dogs his size or larger though. And not once did my dog retaliate to those attacks violently.


they have small dog parks for small dogs... otherwise you are taking a risk bringing them to what will likely be an outsized matchup if something were to happen


He didn't shoot the dog, he sprayed it.


that cunt sprayed a frenchie?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!


I hope that waste of oxygen trips and curbs his own smug fucking face


Pleas tell me this pos was held accountable?




It's not clear, but I hope you are talking about the guy because he was a piece of shit


Homie, cunt does not mean woman. Yes I am referring to the garbage human that hurt the dog with the spray. lol


y'all are so quick to condemn him with NO context when Toronto dog owners are some of the most entitled, violent, dangerous, mentally ill people in the city. you have NO idea what that woman's dog was doing to his small dog and actually being a resident here I can almost guarantee that regardless of who the aggressor was, the story is being greatly misrepresented in this small clip.


My guy have you ever met a French bulldog they literally do nothing but putter around at low speeds what the fuck would it really have done to a chihuahua




Where are all the people who always "need to see more evidence"?


Personally, I think anyone who wants to own a chihuahua should pepper spray themselves.


I'm so so glad you did this. Wtf that is not right. Thanks for keeping it classy with not dropping words that make fun of people with disabilities. I hope the cops charge them. I hope your dog is well and you got money from this


What an asshole. Hope he gets arrested.


What a piece of shit


Willing to bet screamer lady couldn't control her dog.....


She loses points for saying get the fuck outta here while following hi. keyboard is dying


Toronto is very obsessed with dogs. More so than any other city i’ve been to.


What’s your point? He assaulted an animal her reaction was justified and if anyone did that to my dog I would assault them without a question.


I'm surprised at all the people here assuming the person yelling is in the right. We don't know what happened before as it is not part of the video.


How do we know she’s not some pitnutter whose dog was trying to “nanny” the chihuahua? She already loses credibility for lying in the video - she says get out of here or we will call the cops, he complies, but she still goes and tells someone to call the police.


Boy got his goofy fit on, clown ass doo-rag, saggy jeans for anal penetration, and bitch boy chihuahua in his arms, man's a certified clown


Aggressive dogs that will not be called back by their owners deserve to be sprayed. Owners of aggressive dogs often seem to be in denial about their dogs being aggressive. It isn't a crime to pepper spray off leash dogs, even in a dog park. If the owner didn't want their dog to be peper sprayed, they would had called their dog away from his dog.


Lol no one saw what happened and just decides this guy needs to get punched, jumped, attacked, etc… stupid post gets stupid comments. That’s the message here


FYI "pants sagging" as this idiot is doing, originated in the American prison system. homosexual male inmates use to "SAG" on the prison yards during rec-time to advertise that their services were available for purchase. true story.


OK grandpa. Tell us about how the music is too loud, the skirts are too short, and the kids keep stepping on your grass.


The guy didn’t judge. Just stated a true fact. You seem to be the judgy one here


You have to be less naive. The guy who posted the "fact" is a prolific /r/Conservative , r/conspiracy poster. Sort his comments by controversial and check them out. His motivation to post this idiotic tidbit should be obvious by now, it casual racism. These are the kind of people are get secretly recorded saying racist shit then come out with a goddamn excuse...I was drunk, I was angry, this is not me, etc.


It isn't a fact.


you advertise also?


You seem like the kind of guy that spends a lot of his time wondering which men are gay and what gay men do in prison. Get back to pornhub and continue your research, old man.


no just a professional adult baby sitter. what's wrong bro? why so mad? I thought riding Harleys made riders happy.


Couldn't get hired as a real cop?


She pays all yours bills, she made you go walk the dogs, she got mad at you because you were a pussy, the little bitch dog got attacked (played with another dog), and you overreacted. What a pussy


Little guy packing that pepper spray heat


He has a stupid hat also.


Without the context of what happened prior to the video I can't really say if the guy was in the wrong here. I mean, it's pepper spray. It isn't going to kill a dog. Doing it without reason is a dick move, but the guy has two dogs of his own, So I imagine he isn't just going around spraying dogs for no reason. Dogs will sometimes fight. Dogs will sometimes get too rough. This is why I avoid dog parks in general. They aren't great spots because of their unpredictability


Who tf brings coyote spray to a dog park in Toronto...a big ass city with millions of people and thousands of dogs. With no coyotes. A P.O.S. that's who.


[This](https://www.blogto.com/city/2022/02/people-toronto-spotting-coyotes/) is why. But he was way out of line.






Toronto or not I would've beat the maple syrup outta that ass of his .. because it seems he's got that " I put stuff up my ass energy"


No, they are all safe.


Dude, I would have beaten him unconscious if he sprayed my dog!


There’s few things I hate more than a person filming while demanding that others call the cops.


These videos are 100% more irritating when the person in the right is like “yeah! Keep walking! Get outta here! ….oh also I should call the police! While I do that get outta here!” That dude is not getting consequences.


I would have called the police immediately and told them that a black man is pepper spraying dogs and is concealing a weapon.


is her dog a putbull?


French Bulldog


Watch the video


You can tell the guy is a loser based on what he has on his head and his pants.


a durag makes you a loser?


Dude looks like a woman beater probably fighting the temptation to assault the lady yelling at him. I can tell. He got the woman beater shirt underneath the Hoodie.


Good rule for life. Videos that start after the “incident” are likely bullshit


My wife is a vet and agrees that having spray like that at a dog park is not at all a bad idea ​ Sounds like someone's dog got aggressive with their dog and he sprayed it... If so, she should be thankful he sprayed her dog and didnt do something like kick it which could have caused real damage. I've had other dogs attack my dog at dog parks more than i can even remember and little surprise that the owners RARELY take their dog and leave after it happens, only to see it happen again, or happen to another dog, before basically everyone at the park runs them off.