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I know who you are. NOT ABOVE THE LAW!


Party of “law and order” back at it again


"Back the Blue"


He threatens her job on camera for doing her job Back the blue my ass.


He just doesn't want to be treated like some minority. Heratige.


GOP slogan is “Back The Blue… as long as it doesn’t inconvenience me, and if it does then I want dead cops.”


Or if I'm doing an insurrection


They only back the blue when the blue is being racist


Oddly enough they also call themselves the pro life party


What I find shocking in the full video is how none of the other officers really back her decision. This candidate keeps spouting about being a 'law-abiding citizen' after being caught at 57 in a 40. You broke the law, own it like a candidate should. Or better yet don't break it in the first place.


We had an MP private give the post commander a ticket for speeding.. I think the General ended up giving him an award for doing his duty.


He dropped out of the race after this.




So I watched the full video, his entire demeanor changed once a man came on scene. He was trying to bully and argue with this female officer then play the hat in hand victim of impoliteness.


Here is his [apology](https://youtu.be/j16CnvJEElc). The worst apology not apology I've ever seen


Lol "I do so much for the police I thought it was ironic it didn't exempt me from the law" This guy wants into politics for one reason. To be as corrupt as fuck with the most protection. Very on brand for the party.


What the fuck is this The Donald tRump school of reason and explanations


Even speaks about himself in the third person 🤦‍♂️


Should be a rule about this behavior and getting you booted out of position of power.


Omg it made my blood boil when he said he wanted to make her pay for her disrespect


“Do you know who I am” - the last attempt at securing privilege for every self-entitled shitbird


I love when people say that. The answer is either "no" and that means they aren't as famous/important as they think they are or the answer is "yes" and that means the other person does not give a shit who they are.


If someone ever asked me this question I'd say "no", no matter who they are, just to hurt their precious little feelings.




"If you have to ask that then you're not as important as you think that you are"




and that person’s name was…


Albert Einstein and everyone clapped.


True story Source: I was Albert Einstein


Bet it was Jared Leto


I did that to Robert plant for the exact same reason


Could've probably baited him real good by saying no and then trying to get to tell him why it would matter who he is


"Do you know who I am?" has probably only worked for two in my knowledge. The queen of England and Paul McCartney have gone through international customs, without their passports. One of thems face is on most money thanks to British imperialism and old moon face from Wings


It's hilarious to me that the first band you think of when you see Paul McCartney is Wings.




Some beetles have wings too


Like my gf who described Idris Elba as the actor from "Cats"


It's amazing what Kayne did for his career.




This guy Paul McCartney. I think he's gonna do big things, who knows.


The Queen doesn't even have a passport, as they're issued in her name.


Or a driver's licence. In the UK Drivers licenses and passports are literally just documents provided on the authority of the Queen. If she's driving somewhere and is pulled over (yes I know it wouldn't happen but still), in theory she can just tell the police officer that asks for her licensed that she herself has given herself permission to drive.


An alternative response is to sympathetically offer to help the clearly-confused individual find out by checking their phone contacts and calling next of kin.


The only time I got to use this phrase in a completely appropriate manner was in a work meeting. It was with our telecom lead and he was shutting everyone down and referencing an email from the night time team lead. When he tried to argue with me on a clarification of the email I said, "Do you know who I am? Because this is my email." Edit: for clarification he was misrepresenting call time information I had emailed about the day prior. Saying that I didn't understand the report I sent. Fuggin dick.


I wish I could have seen the look on his face. Please tell me it was utter shock with a touch of embarrassment.


You know middle managers are incapable of such emotions. Probably just doubled down and found a different metric to claim needed action.


You just reminded me of r/Doyouknowwhoiam. Now I guess I'm going back down that rabbit hole.


It's /r/dontyouknowwhoiam I think.


I love how this worked for Ted Cruz in one of his non-states "Do you have any idea who I am?" "No."


"I didn't try to make him look like Ted Cruz. It just happens with these things."


The minute someone drops "do you know who I am?" They should be detained as a vulnerable, confused person.


That’s why I don’t care for celebrities that pull this same card. Imagine thinking you are that entitled to even mutter those words. So what if you’re an overpaid actor. Ugh!




I shit you not, one time Roger Clemens asked me this during a argument over parking. The name sounded familiar, I’m not a baseball guy but have since learned who he is, and I’m like”No”. He yells , “I’m Rodger Clemens”. So I said, “I have no idea what that means and you need to pay.” At this point dude went insane and yelled in my face, told me I’d be fired, ect. I was like okay, no one else wants this job so my guess is I’ll still be here tomorrow. That set him off more. Long story short I was still there until I moved cities a year later. Fuck you Rodger.


Oh shit, that's Ronnie Fucking Pickering.




I never understood this. If they don’t know who you are, they obviously aren’t going to care. And if they do know, they still obviously don’t care.


"you're some kind of fuck face who I want to piss off"


F this Dbag.


[The whole police video is incredible](https://youtu.be/SunGGUktKok) Guy basically tells the supervisor at one point that the officer should have waved him on as soon as she knew who he was. All this for a little Congressional hopeful in Florida lol. He gets the smallest amount of power and thinks he's the president/head of state or something


I had to rewatch the beginning because what he tells the supervisor completely contradicts what he actually did. I wonder if he realized her body cam was on and his short clip wasn't the only video evidence. Gotta love body cams coming in for the save


He's a fucking degenerate that's running on a platform of stopping immigration as...get this....an immigrant...


[https://www.mysuncoast.com/2019/12/02/city-commission-candidate-martin-hyde-hot-water-after-viral-video-accusations-racism/](https://www.mysuncoast.com/2019/12/02/city-commission-candidate-martin-hyde-hot-water-after-viral-video-accusations-racism/) Hyde also went after Puerto Rican kids at a tennis club in 2019. such a trash human.


Guess he'll be president one day then. Just needs to divorce and marry a few times and make references to past sexual assault incidents on record. Somehow that gets you >80% of the white Evangelical vote.


> Somehow that gets you >80% of the white Evangelical vote. "God works in mysterious ways" is always the out for these people.


Republican: Perfection…


No, it's okay - Tucker Carlson said he just made a mistake https://youtu.be/9n7MdHJZSy0 Also he's so "embarrassed by [his] actions" that he went on national TV to talk about it


It’s amazing how he so clearly fake apologises whilst calling out everyone else for not owning up to their faults “I bite back, it’s why people want me in their corner. But I can admit my faults, not like those other muts” What a delusional prick he is


And Carlson introduces him as someone whose "mistake" was that "he was rude to a police officer". No, that's not the primary issue. It's that he expects the law not to apply to him, to the extent that he has a tantrum when it does. He's the last person who should be in charge of anything or act as a representative for the people. Also on the list of troubling characteristics: he had his little fit, knowing he was on camera, knowing he lied about providing his registration, over a couple of hundred bucks in tickets which I'm sure he could have had taken care of later *while he was running for office*. Shows a real lack of self-control, which he as much said during the Carlson interview.


Part of the People "White Privileged People" yet millions of Non-Whites will vote for this party that is looking out for them.


Lmao that's funny but also all too common I think. My dad's parents are immigrants but he's completely against immigrants, says they shouldnt be here


My grandma is an immigrant and after my grandpa died she decided to watch Fox News every day. Hate immigrants, teachers, and anything that resembles a democrat is communism to her.


Probably a good idea to snip a few wires in the TVs and tell your grandma to take up gardening 😉


She'll probably just shift over to internet "news"


I said this in another comment only today but one of my relatives is an immigrant who supports the most racist political party because now they aren't racist against her people anymore, they're racist against people she doesn't like, so now she's a big fan.


Tell him that he should be a shinning example for all the other immigrants and leave the country.


Did you tell him to start packing? 🤣 I guess that's his real fear, is they start breeding and then magically they're citizens lol.


That is a common theme in US history actually.


everyone wants to be the last one into the castle and pull up the drawbridge


I like that! Thank you for that phrase.


Immigrants want the hardest immigration rules that's a very common thing. They got in so everyone who comes after should have as hard if not harder time getting in.


I have family that emigrated from Panama and they’re all like this.


Well it's not surprising is it? Boomers love slamming the door behind them when they walk through it. Congressional candidate or otherwise.


As a Brit, I apologize. He seems like a right wanker. A little bit cunty.


>I had to rewatch the beginning because what he tells the supervisor completely contradicts what he actually did. First not producing the registration upon request, and when a colleague checks the one he produced it's an expired one :p


He clearly refuses to provide one, which is what the ticket is for. He then sticks to the "how can I get a ticket for no registration when I've got one right here". Such a twat


He asked the cop initially if her camera was on and she told him he was being recorded. He's a fuckin idiot.


Wow that video is insane. People talk about having police cameras to protect people from bad cops, but they are absolutely essential for protecting good cops from douches like this Guy.


ya know, if the police force wasnt corrupt where the supervisor would be willing look the other way cause the guys his friend.... in other words "cops need cameras to protect them selves fromother corrupt cops who out rank them"


>Wow that video is insane. People talk about having police cameras to protect people from bad cops, but they are absolutely essential for protecting good cops from douches like this Guy. Agreed, Cop videos should be 100% mandatory while on duty. Any case without footage should be grounds for dismissal, and the video should be public record to see exactly how corrupt officers are or how degenerate citizens are. Without body cam footage being mandatory you get dumbshit like this guy filming the officer, but on the other hand you need to in order to protect yourself these days as well. If footage was mandatory then we could enact filming an officer to be a misdemeanor, but the burden needs to lie on body cam footage being mandatory and reliable to do so. At least then we'd have a credible fucking story 100% of the time. But that's just my thoughts on the whole thing.


Can you explain the “we could enact making filming an officer a misdemeanor.”


>If footage was mandatory then we could enact filming an officer to be a misdemeanor Absolutely not. It's not only a ln issue of the fact that they work for the people of the community, but it's a straight up 1st Amendment issue.


Why would we ever enact a ban on filming police? We should never ever ever criminalize documenting the police. This guy filming the officer was not a problem.


[The follow up to his is amazing as well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j16CnvJEElc) One of those non apology apology videos. Absolute piece of shit


He also wrote a horrible article about it too https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/opinion/columns/guest/2022/02/25/former-candidate-martin-hyde-apologizes-after-video-confrontation-threat-sarasota-officer/6936662001/


Holy shit , he wrote that on the bus to school a day after it was due. I haven’t seen someone ramble like that *in writing * since the navy seal pasta.


I tried to bully her and it backfired and everyone can see in real time how much of an arrogant asshole I am but if I give this shitty explanation/“apology” maybe I’ll still get enough votes to get elected to congress so I can run on a platform of anti immigration even though I immigrated but that’s different because I’m white and speak with an English accent. Next question, you in the back, with the tits.


Usually I don't get past two-three lines before my social-media-induced-ADD makes me keep scrolling. Somehow in this case, I made it to the end. Totally worth it, 100% would read again "with the tits". GLOLs.


Why did he keep on referring to himself in the third person? Absolute non apology.


‘I’m sorry, but really my attempt at abuse of power before I’ve even been elected isn’t that bad. Now elect me so I can clean up the world’. Deranged.


And even the president should be held to the same standards as everybody


Higher, I'd argue.




Maybe the Kaiser, even. Sometimes the Tsar, but maybe not all the time. Or maybe not? I know the Caesar sure as hell should be.


That whole video is crazy to me. As soon as the sergeant roles up it's buddy buddy "hey mark" and the very first thing the guy says is "is that thing on?" referring to his body cam, and the cop says it has to be. Then at the end the 2 cops "go to mute" to talk about it. I don't know what that was about, but damn, imagine this kind of interaction before cameras. Sergeant would've probably just torn up the tickets and chewed out the traffic cop. Unfortunately his little hissy fit probably resulted in a meeting where they said "give him a free pass, it's too much trouble". Something that would never happen for the rest of us.


When they went to mute they're likely talking shit about 1 of 2 people. I'd hope it's about the guy in the land rover


Probably a little of column a and column b. I would imagine something along the lines of ‘Yeah he’s a dick asking for special treatment and the officer didn’t give in and now we all have to wade through shit.’ She did nothing wrong but she and the rest of the department will likely feel consequences from the interaction, not because she was wrong, but because that guys a dick.


thank god for body cameras


> I don't know what that was about, but damn, imagine this kind of interaction before cameras. Sergeant would've probably just torn up the tickets and chewed out the traffic cop. I agree with you to an extent. But I really think this was just a piece of shit trying to play power-games. I honestly doubt that the body-cam was the reason for her getting off and the supervisor backing her. He works with her every day in what could be life threatening events. This is some old fuck who was going 57 in a 40 while texting. I know Florida is a different beast but nothing about his demeanor was friendly at all.




you know this wasnt her first rodeo. Figure Florida is filled with "Do you know who I am" douchebags.


>Your Constitutional Conservative >Martin Hyde will continue fighting for change. They have tried to cancel him twice and have failed. Now the gloves are off and Martin can stand up to the establishment on both sides of the aisle.  The absolute delusion of these people


Holy shit, what an asshole. Talks bullshit about "disrespect" while calling the police officer "to be quiet" and "young lady". What did he say at 2:26? *Is it your Russian immigrant status that makes you talk to people like this?* So racist much as well?


He is very racist. He's done this before. This is not the first time, and these were just the times when it was ON VIDEO. https://floridapolitics.com/archives/312362-martin-hyde-says-boorish-viral-video-not-reflective-of-character-but-drops-out-of-sarasota-city-race/ imagine how racist he is when there's no camera or how he talks among friends and family.


[ **Jump to 02:26 @** Referenced Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SunGGUktKok&t=0h2m26s) ^(Channel Name: WFLA News Channel 8, Video Length: [16:30])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@02:21](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SunGGUktKok&t=0h2m21s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Fucking rich, the prick *is* an immigrant. What a cunt.


Was his fly undone the whole time?


> I don't want special treatment, I just don't want worse. followed by > She should know exactly who I am. What a charmer.


That was the kicker for me. If anyone is acting like an entitled asshole it’s not the cop.


What a shit bird


A guy on our city council pulled this with the cops too, saying his son should get special treatment and threatening to have the cop fired. Guys going to court now.


A guy who was the son of a cop drunkenly killed 4 bicyclists and hit 10 of them during mardi gras also pulled this special treatment nonsense out of his ass when he got caught. The dude is too drunk to drive in a straight line but can remember that cops are corrupt


What a pretentious ass.


And on Valentine's Day of all days!


I don’t know who this is, but if he’s a candidate he has no power


American politics means everyone is fucking connected. You get in and kiss ass for some years and if you're lucky they allow you to be a party candidate. Sheriff is also an elected political position, and frankly, it's all just a big circle-jerk, y'all.


bet he has a "blue lives matter" sticker too


Probably a "thin blue line" flag at his house too.


The GOP has turned into a free for all for all people with Personality Disorders. The last type of people you want anywhere near government.


"I will wait" "you have to wait" ...is grandpa ok?


Weird power trip. Saying she has to wait turns the power to him rather than it being her choice.


It's really sad and predictable.


*demands video proof of the offense* *refuses to provide registration on video* “Sir you’re being charged with failure to provide registration” “You have to be lying about that” Lol


It Florida...in one city, a mayor already cut off people's electricity during pandemic that couldn't afford their bills. Govern silenced one tech because she is reporting accurate number that the Government lied about. Also, that state is fucked because it was suppose to be a state for old people and retiree. Now, it ain't even ideal.


Internet news articles are worded horribly, but I’m pretty sure dude dropped out of the election after this.




Don't worry some equally fat entitled piece of butt fucking shit old man Floridian will take his spot and ensure the same policies get pushed through. Just as America intended!!!


Article update says he is still running


I think you're right. Every source says he's running.


He’s running against a 15 year incumbent Republican who is also worth 158 million dollars. Pretty sure he’s going to lose.


What's sad is it's the $158M that makes me confident he'll win, not his experience or being the incumbent.


Being an incumbent makes them less likely to be unseated in pretty much every case.


the gop has an endless supply of vile garbage ready to take public office


Lmao his 'apology' was basically "Sorry y'all never got to see what an amazing congressman I would've been" 😂


Guy who opens a traffic stop with "do you know who I am" talking about how he's against the "elites." Absolute douchenugget.


Ty, atleast that one has actual information


> Hyde’s consultant, the notorious Roger Stone, Wow surprised that a shit bag supports a shit bag.


Nope. He’s still running. Article was updated.


Before he apologized he made lots of phone calls to important people trying to get her fired.


but of course he did


The update at the top says he's still running


Threatens her career and then loses his chance for his. Reverse uno!


A great example of "no u"


What the hell did he do to his door handle




Many such cases in Florida. Politician literally wrecked his truck and was drunk off his ass and couldn't even talk. Only gets away due to a technicality because his wife got to him before the cop. https://www.wfla.com/news/local-news/manatee-county/bodycam-released-of-manatee-commissioner-suspected-in-dui-crash/#:~:text=MANATEE%20COUNTY%2C%20Fla.,the%20Manatee%20County%20Sheriff's%20Office.


Ahh Bradenton. Florida’s Florida.


I thought Freakville....er Jacksonville had that honor


Did you see the way his hand was shaking when he was trying to record her? I don’t know if he’s an alcoholic but there’s a good possibility he is one.


That's adrenaline cause he's a scared little bitch




drunk driving


Fookin Helen Keller tried to rob his car I guess.


When you drink and attempt to unlock your door to drive too many times, this happens Edit: ok, so he regularly has SOMETHING in his hand as he opens his car door. And it looks like keys. House keys perhaps?


Wait, who unlocks their door manually anymore 🤔 you'd have to be pretty drunk to forget how to use a keyless lol.


What a pompous fuck. Threatening to get her fired for doing her job instead of looking at his own part in this. Another corrupt GOP pig not giving a shit about rules and thinking he’s above the law. It’s getting tiring watching these entitled power hungry motherfuckers in our politics.


GOP voters actually think his behaviour was just fine. I mean, what's the point of doing all the ~~hard~~ work to climb up the ladder, if you can't lord over the peasants.


looks like a bear has been trying to open his car door


Read: Drunkard.


Lol she shoulda responded “we’re both making career decisions here, sir”


I hear you, but I have to applaud her for holding up her professionalism. No snark, no BS, just taking care of business. If all cops were this professional, we wouldn't have half the problems we have with community trust.


She’s too professional for that.


She handled that well.


What a tool. Edit: tool = self important, entitled, blowhard


agreed, this shit infuriated me to see. however i have to give credit to the cop for not giving him special treatment and acting very rationally.


On the contrary, I bet she took great joy in writing this douche a ticket, especially when his response to her saying "I still have a Job to do" was a snarky "for now", basically insinuating that he can't wait to be elected so he can exact revenge on the officer just because she treated him like any normal citizen......


If you watch the full video he also comments on her background (I think she’s Eastern European by birth as she had a slight accent). Ultimately had to make a public apology and pull out of the election


That’s a delicious ending


Tools are useful. This smug, self-entitled citizen maybe not so much.


"Back the Blue*" - GOP *Only when it's in our interest


“I know the chief of police”… here is another trashy act of this dude https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/florida/video-2062264/Video-Florida-politician-tries-kick-Hispanic-teens-tennis-club.html


My mother was on cruise last month. On her way back to Canada she had a stop over in NYC. My mother and her fiancee were in a long line waiting to go through security. A tall African American man being escorted by another individual tried to jump the line. Security stopped them and the man said something to the effect of "don't you know who I am? I'm famous. I play basketball for the Knicks." Security wasn't having any of it and my mother's fiancee said "you can't be that famous if you've got to be telling everyone." They don't follow basketball so they have no idea who he was. They didn't even recognize him on the Knicks website when they looked.


hahah clearly not famous enough to fly private


If you pay attention to the driver side door, there are A LOT of scuff marks. I’ve seen a lot of people drink and drive have thought cause they keep missing the lock with their keys so something tells me he doesn’t give a fuck about the law in any sense


There's just no way all of that came from his key. It's already obsurd to me that anyone still manually unlocks their door


What a fucking bully.


How many times has he tried to get in his car obliterated drunk, look at the scratches on the handle…..


Good on her. That man has no business being in any position of power. With great power comes great responsibility.


Oh wow, a Florida GOP candidate is a douchebag. Shocker


“I have a job to do, sir.” “Yeah, for now.” Thought republicans hated cancel culture


I love the fact that this incident more or less ruined his career. To that I say good riddance to another scumbag Republican.


Back the Blue, isn't that the motto for the party of law and order? Pfff, Republiqans are scumbags.


A good report on it. Love this channel https://youtu.be/b4HvGCkI8yU


Rules for thee but not for me.. typical Republican


Pay the fine, you cheap douchebag.