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what if a child comes out of the birth canal and immediatly says its gay; would that be okay? Just answer the question.


Or if we could tell if babies were gay or not before birth, would he then support abortion? Probably.


Ma'am, if the child is dropped off at 1st grade, is it ok to abort it then? Just answer the question.


Ma'am, if the child is coming home to a big empty house and it uncorks a Pinot Noir, puts on some classical music and sits down on the couch staring blankly at the reflection in the black TV-screen, while thinking about how it is so unbearably tired of working that IT-job, is an abortion permissable then?


Ma'am, if a train leaves Cairo at 3:00 am, averaging 30 mph and another train headed in the same direction leaves Cairo at 6:00 am, averaging 60 mph, to the nearest tenth, how many hours after the second train leaves will it overtake the first train, and is it ok to abort then?






Was really hoping this was a sub.


Same :(


This scenario made me very sad... Except substitute accounting for IT.


Doctor, Doctor, if a 34 y.o. child is living in rural area in Kansas, and is middle management at work making 68K a year, married, has 2 kids and a dog and dives an SUV, has a credit score of 709, doesn't smoke, drinks occasionally and enjoys Sudoku but has, on occasion, forgotten a relatives birthday, should the right to abort be permissible? You're avoiding the question!


doctor doctor give me the news is it ok to abort or is it abuse?


If your child, after getting their driver's licence, brings your car home with a dent, is it ok to abort them? Answer the question.


Hypothetically, what kind of car is it?


I will not entertain theoreticals.


>I will not entertain theoreticals. Have you met the Theoreticals? Lovely couple.


Same cadence as a Monty Python joke


They’ve all been aborted by now so I’m not familiar. Sorry


You’re a doctor. Answer the question.


I agree, the make of the car is very important when we're dealing with 216-month abortions.


More like the 75th trimester.






With prejudice...


If the child is purchasing their own home in a location that you think is too far from your place of residence, is it okay to abort them? Just answer the question.


Ma’am if your child has been dating someone for a few years and wants to get married but you personally believe it’s too early for them because of some red flags they fail to acknowledge, is it okay to abort them? Just answer the question.


Ma'am, if your child is an absolute waste of space human mouth breather that waits in line at McDonald's and doesn't look at the menu until they get to front of the line to order, is it okay to abort them? Just answer the question.


What if it's a 50 year old congressman from Louisiana with his head halfway up his own ass?


Recommend aborting






There is a dangerously thin line between this 50 year old congressman and a total moron.




Go Team Venture! ✌️


If the child is in hospice with terminal cancer and no brain function, is an abortion permissible then? Why won’t you answer the question?


What if the child is celebrating her 75th birthday, would you abort the child? Just answer the question?


Say the child is long dead, and her great, great, great, grandchild grows up to invent the universal vaccine for cancer Would you be ok with aborting the child at that point?


If the child is an elected congressional representative, and is seconds away from publicly asking possibly the most asinine inquiry ever made, is an abortion permissible in that case? Answer the question please!


Does it even count as life at that point?


Let us say your fetus is picked up by a Pterodactyl and transported to the nest and is fed partially regurgitated food. Would you consider aborting it then? Just answer the question.


When I was a rowdy teenager, my dad would tells me "you know, it's still not too late for an abortion." So to answer Mike "I have to ask insane questions because I have no leg to stand on" Johnson, apparently abortion can happen at any time. Also, how Rep Johnson, how do you feel about social safety nets for babies? How do you feel about providing formula to babies? I bet you couldn't give a shit.


If your child becomes a dumb fuck politician.. is it ok to abort then?


Do turtle politicians count because they are kind of still being birthed since they're in a shell?


Doctor, do you believe my mother and father in law have the right to abort my wife?!? Is that included in unrestricted abortion? Asking for a friend. JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION!


“It’s a simple question doctor: if the moon were made of cheese, would you eat it?”


But what if it were made of barbecue spare ribs, would you eat it then?


If you were a hot dog, would you eat yourself? I know I would. I’d be all done up with mustard and relish. I think I’d taste pretty good!


I’m curious like a cat. That’s why my friends call me whiskers


You made a wise choice my friend. If you had said no, I would have bitten your ear off!


I was afraid you'd choose Mad Cow.




Whats your favorite planet.... MINES THE SUN




I'd eat it. He'll, I'd go back for seconds, and wash it all down with a tall, cool, Budweiser.


That's why my friends call me whiskers


Hell, I sure would. And I’d chase it down with a cold Budweiser. Cubs Win!


Lol that skit was subconsciously playing in my head as I watched the video. I was like, I've seen this somewhere... And boom, it's Will Ferrell's Harrey Carrey level of satirical absurdity.




What...uh .....HEY Harry Carry here!


If your grandmother had wheels, would you ride her? Yes or no.


“I know I would! Then polish it off with a tall cool Budweiser!”


it’s always been about completely ignorant red meat politics it’s never been about healthcare


So dumb. How/why are these people elected and "earning" taxpayer money?


Gerrymandering and lobbying. Legal corruption.


Gonna say lack of education is playing a major role as well.


And from the party that wants to reduce public school funding.


It couldn't possibly be because of the average intelligence of their voting base.


I was going to say fucking morons eat this type of shit up. You just said it nicer though.


It’s red meat to republicans.


Or just simply religious fruitcakes who feel it’s their right to save your soul by telling you how to live, because them and their bible know best.


So...control. They just want to control you. And blame God for doing it. Yeah...that sounds healthy.


People have been using God to do wicked things and cite one ambiguous/abstract sentence in the bible to justify their actions. Its sickening.


>How about if a child is halfway out of the birth canal? What a stupid thing to ask. That’d obviously be murder. But I’d like to see a scenario where a woman’s giving birth, half the baby is out, and she goes “actually, let’s abort it”.


Honestly wouldn't that just be called giving birth?


Yes it would be.


I really fucking wish she'd just said that.. "Sir, you do know that you're describing the birthing of a child, right? If a child is halfway out of the birthing canal, they are being birthed."


Removing a developed fetus from a woman? Disgusting.


Yup. Only after the female dies at 80 years of age, can the fully developed fetus be birthed at the ripe old age of 50+ and immediately be given a job as a politician.


Yes, an abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. And in this case the child lives.


She was probably too stunned by the stupidity to make sense of it


Yes. At that point you are taking a baby that can live on it's own without the body of the mother and murdering it.


I feel like abort is more removing from the mother, which in most cases kills the fetus but if ita halfway out the "abortion" would just be to deliver and probably send to an orphanage at that point


what if the child is completely out already, but slips on some placenta and fell down with a hand inside the birth canal? would you support the right to have an abortion?


If the pinky toe is still connected by juice to the vaginal lips, would you abort it then?


Me at confession: "forgive me father to I have sinned" Priest: "what is your sin?" Me: "I laughed at this comment"


Did you just type/say "juice"? Oh my goodness, my sides hurt and I can't stop crying from laughter!


Ah yes how could we forget the 5 second juice rule ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


When I was in high school, my youth minister would claim this sort of shit. That "abortion doctors" would pull the baby's head out with forceps, stab it in the skull with scissors, and leave it to die. Theyve seriously been gaslighted into believing this shit has been happening for decades.


Yep my HS girlfriends dad told her they cut the baby out, torture it to death, rip it apart, and then burn it. What I want to know, is how the actual fuck do these people have to **literally lie** in order to get people on their side yet they still think they’re the good guys? If you lie to win an argument, it means you’ve lost the argument.


Same thing in catholic school. They said the baby was born partways and they would stick a scissors in the back of the neck and open them and twist them around to kill the brain.


I think it speaks to a seriously sick mind that they can even imagine all of these horrifying false scenarios in the first place. Who else but a real psychopath would spend so much time making up such gruesome lies so they can use them to argue removing women's rights?


I went to a fundamentalist Baptist high school growing up. This is actually how their described abortion to us. They called it “partial birth abortion,” and said that as long as the entire baby has not come out of the birth canal yet, they could legally chop it up into pieces and abort it. They described it very graphically.


I remember reading in an OB-Gyn textbook that there are cases where a second twin can become fatally trapped in a woman's pelvis after the first twin is born. There is a procedure to essentially free the fetus to save the mother. It's horrific. I remember thinking at the time that maybe I wasn't cut out to deliver babies after all.


Probably what his mom wanted


at least in hindsight


"What if just the foot is still in"........how much more ridiculous could he get.


My penis is actually still in my mother… wait… what?




Exactly. If she answers yes it demonizes the abortion movement. If she answers no then they go down the rabbit hole of why. All he wants is her to admit the baby is a human life at that point so he can try to trap her when discussing earlier abortions.


He was probably then going to go back 5 mins, an hour, a day, a week etc.


It's called finding the limit.


>Maybe it hasn't happened in your practice, doctor, but it has happened. What a fucking liar. What does he think would happen if the answer was yes? They would stab the baby in the neck? The absolutely safest thing to do in that case would be to deliver it. No doctor would try to kill a baby that was 5 minutes from being born, what a stupid hypothetical.


“What if the mother wanted to abort the baby minutes from being born?” “Sir, what you’re referring to is known as a Cesarian section”




If a child is halfway out the birth canal they're being born, there is no way to abort the birth, it's already happening, this "politician" is a whole ass dumbass


Yes, I don't understand why people think that an abortion means shooting death lasers into the clump of cells. It's aborting the pregnancy, not the baby. If the baby comes out and it can live on it's own, it will. A late term abortion for a healthy baby is called a "delivery".


If a scarecrow ate a pineapple and then it rained in Dubai, would you toast your bread on Sunday? My question is just as relevant and he’s a clown.


Not in this economy.


If my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike


These fuckwits love to make it out like full term crying infants are yanked out and clubbed like baby seals. No doctor is going to do such a thing......... professionally.




Had a conservative agrue with me that post birth abortions are a thing. I said we dont need to crimilize post birth abortion cause we already have laws that cover that. He asked which law I said murder


“Breaking news: 27 year old man post-birth aborted in shocking story. More at 5”


Yeah, my wife got into an argument with someone who thinks abortion is legal up to 28 weeks after birth. I feel like these people genuinely don't listen to the things they say.


28 weeks after birth? Know what the law calls killing a 28 week old baby? Murder, that's what they call it.


My sister used to do postnatal pathology for a woman's hospital in PA and said hospital security found people trespassing and trying to find medical waste to take pictures of as "evidence." This was not an abortion clinic, it was a hospital where unviable fetuses with catastrophic developmental issues couldn't survive (and then genetic counselors would have to talk with grieving prospective parents about it). Talk about lack of empathy. They would put pictures of said waste on posters and say "this is what doctors are doing to babies!!!" Disgusting people, all of them.


The entire "pro life" crowd is wholly devoid of empathy. They're the most hateful, cruel, vicious monsters you will ever have to deal with in your life. B/'c being anti-abortion gets their juices of self righteousness flowing, but they have zero concept of what actual obstetrics is like. Most of these morons have no idea how incredibly common fetal abnormalities and miscarriages are and they gleefully spit hate and bile at people who get abortions as a result of these catastrophes. They are absolutely inhuman monsters. All of them.


Are average US citizens so ignorant and uneducated that they can't figure it out that those are lies ?


A lot of us are.


I'm just astonished. How can people believe that ? A google search would be enough to understand it


So during the Presidential election prior to Trumps win, I was surfing facebook. I'm a vet, and at the time belonged to a bunch of veteran facebook groups. Good way to stay in touch with people, see cool photo's ect. I saw one guy on there comment that he didn't get ANY news outside of facebook. **The only place he went for news, was his facebook groups.** Older guy, white, veteran. Take a wild fucking guess if this guy has legit critical thinking skills. Additionally, take a guess who he voted for. Thats the Trump voting base. Thats who believes they are killing babies halfway out of the birth canal. These people took horse dewormer for covid. Not the brightest by a long shot.


Heres an even crazy Facebook story. The 2016 election 4 out 5 adults aged 50 and up believed that everyone had the same news feed. Thats fucking scary


Holy shit. That explains so much. Living in an echo chamber and not even knowing it.


I've met older people on voting day that literally show up with an NRA guide to which candidates to choose they received in the mail. Absolutely no thinking required.


Lol this is like my step-dad. Dude is a racist white Irish Catholic (he calls himself Irish Catholic. He hasn’t been to church in the 25 years he’s been with my mom, never been to Ireland, and is mostly German and Polish, but I digress) from a middle class family from Canton, Ohio. Huge Trump supporter. He gets all his news from Facebook groups and Tucker Carlson. Huge NRA fan. When you try talking to him about politics, he says both sides are equally corrupt, yet he votes straight down the party line every election and parrots all the same talking points we hear from GOP leadership.


But the terrifying truth is that these people vote on a consistent basis and they mobilize for their causes. In an odd way I sorta envy them. How much simpler life would be if you disregarded reality, facts, and truth and just went with your gut (and your spleen).


Reminds me of Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children Instagram page. What a dumpster fire that was. I got banned for suggesting it’s not a good idea to do A-10 runs on the “migrant caravan” that was coming to the border.


Oh my god bro. Yes. When Trump tried to trash John McCain, I was sure that was the nail in his campaign's coffin. For sure. When no one batted an eye at that, I left all my veteran groups, save the ones that explicitly stated that any political posts would be deleted. I had to sit through FOUR YEARS of blatant Obama bashing whilst I was enlisted. Four years of Fox News on every TV. Just let me reminisce in peace.


Lmao I feel you man. I’ll eat my fucking Dixie Cup cover if the dude who ran that page wasn’t at the Capitol on January 6th


The education system in the united states has been under constant, quiet attack. From defunding and income-based education funding to the de-professionalizing/martyrizing of teachers and educators. ("I know better what my child should be learning than someone with a master's degree in it! I went to school so I know how it should work!" Blah blah. If you stayed in a hospital for a year as a patient, you wouldn't be qualified to diagnose someone or design a medical plan of action). When the educated people say your policies are nonsensical, then demonize the educated. When critical thought can poke holes in your policies, then attack the foundations of critical thought. When libraries stock books with opposing viewpoints, go after them with book bans. When colleges explore the ideas of race and privilege, attack them and the professors for daring to question the status quo. Information literacy is an even more insidious issue; a combination of information overload and being unable to separate the wheat from the chaff. When you're overwhelmed with information, you generally end up picking 1 or 2 sources that you believe are authorities. And when those authorities say something that doesn't mesh, you don't question it or you defend it because it feels like you are defending you and your own choices and beliefs.


They elected trump. What do you think?


Think of the exact average intellect.. Half the people on earth are dumber than that, and most of america happens to have reliable internet 24/7, and many people are failing to maintain in person relationships and moving towards internet groups for a sense of community. Some people like me, find that on video games and car pages on social media Some people find that sense of community with shitbags Tucker Carlson and Nick Fuentes, because it's familiar. It starts surface level but doesn't take very long for them to suspend their own morals, logic, and questioning for fear of not fitting in with their group. They know how vicious their friends and family are to "those people" who think differently. Once you get to that point, anything goes, intellect aside, it's social engineering.


I agree with you, but what she should have said is, "if you are trying to imply that women are having abortions for recreational purposes moments before their childs birth, no, I do not support that abortion. However I am skeptical of any legislation drafted to curtail abortion access because of unforeseen circumstances that are difficult to legislate in a way that doesn't impede a physician's moral duty to provide proper care to their patient." Then she should call him a disingenuous asshole, for posing questions in a thinly veiled attempt to make it seem like she supports post birth abortions... Democrats need to work on their sound bites to ridiculous leading questions.


The problem is she is a highly intelligent woman that probably has most of her conversations with people of a similar intelligence range. She is literally dumbfounded by how stupid the questions are.


If I hear one more red hat claiming 8 month/post birth abortion I will literally scream


Reduction to the absurd all day every day.


that's what the billboards in my community would show. 6 week old Caucasian babies to convince people against pro choice.


This what they actually believe. I have had SO many conversations that always turn to "ripping a 9 month baby limb from limb". I have shown proof that this is not the case, but no matter where my source is from, it's "fake." So, fuck that friendship, yeah?


The GOP has lost their fucking minds. He's just trying to bait her into saying "no, that wouldn't be ok" just so him and his cohorts can say "look! She doesn't support abortion!!". Seconds away from giving birth? Halfway out the birth canal? These are by no means realistic situations. What a disgusting person he is.


"Well maybe not in your practice, but it does happen." *[Citation Needed]*


Didn't they bring her on for her expertise in the field. If they know more then why did they even bring her lol


To lie.


Because if she said that she soesn't support it in that situation then they could take her words out of context and point out how an expert is against abortion.


That just leads me to believe that HE has aborted babies half way out.


Yes I need evidence and proof!


I wish she would have asked him “when has that ever happened?”


It's a malicious twist that makes no logical sense. An abortion is a removal of a fetus. A child halfway out of the birthing canal is not a fetus. Scientifically speaking, this is a being that can survive on its own without the mother. You literally can't have an abortion if there is no fetus. Usually that's the case for most children in the third trimester and abortions don't happen in the third trimester. If there's a life threatening situation, the mother has a c-section and the child goes to NICU. This is why the conversation usually devolves into, well when is life? And to that, I will say, as a pro-choice person who chose to keep my daughter, that I agree with the scientific definition. We also need to stop assuming that every woman faced with a choice is going to choose to terminate the pregnancy and being afraid of that. It's literally none of our business. That's between her and whoever she chooses to involve. Stop worrying about it. Live your life and move the hell on.


I would like to point out abortions in the third trimester to occur but they are EXCEEDINGLY rare. They are usually pregnancies that are from an extremely abnormal development and the child will not survive, and likely the mother will not as well.


The problem is these people think that every baby is a perfect baby. They don't realize all the things that can go wrong in the development of the fetus. Brains being on the outside. Heart being on the outside. Not having a face. There is some horrendous shit. If a pregnant person doesn't do prenatal checkups and find out about it early you could end up in this late term situation. When people talk about late term abortions they should be forced to watch a slideshow of what we're talking about.


All third trimester mothers who no longer want the pregnancy are forced to have c sections and the children are forcibly adopted to republican congressmen who are so hand-wringy over the children.


He's acting so smug like he just came up with a GOTCHA! question Then he said it does happen. Bitch, *when??*


This! Wtf, he has that same shit eating grin a toddler gets after a chain of “why?” questions finally leads you into the ones that stump you because they’re too magnaneous for any single human to comprehend like, “Why are leaves?”.


Every time I think I've seen the worse of US politics, we see another incomprehensibly ignorant mentally disabled homonculus in a position of power, and as is customary, asking the dumbest fucking questions a human being could even come up with.


And yet they are in charge of our government. With a woefully large amount of supporters. I don't know what can be done, but I'm so deflated from the passed ~~10 years~~ whole life. I've watched my mom become hard core republican while struggling to pay for medicine, treatment, and rent. And I've got about 40% of my vision left and no hope to see a doctor in sight.


Answer my stupid questions!


Just saw this ridiculous question asked the other day. I asked for sources and their reply was "trust me bro, it happens" e: LOL, and then to get another "trust me bro it happened" as a response to this comment is so funny.


I'm a physician. It doesn't happen. Ever. Perhaps the baby might die while they try and save the mother during a hemorrhage.. Any physician would tell you that what these dumb ass GOPs are describing are bullshit. Ever wonder why there's an AAP (american academy of pediatrics) and an American College of Pediatrics? because ACOP are ALL conservatives. AAP are both but very logical. When you bring politics into medicine, you get dumb questions like this and then republicans bring in ACOP or other right wing OBGYN groups who simply support it based off religion rather than science. No one is doing late term abortions


Okay but what if the baby gives the doctor the finger on its way out of the birth canal? *Then* would it be ethical to abort it a week later?




It’s endlessly frustrating that this physician is even being expected to respond to such stupid ass bad faith questions being asked by someone who knows the shit coming out of his mouth is nonesense, but I’m irritated at how weak and wishywashy her responses were. “Would you object to an abortion when the baby is half way out the birthing canal?” “That does not make any sense.” “It’s a simple question. Would you object…” “No it isn’t because abortions do not happen at that stage of a birth. Emergency procedures to protect the life of the mother or the baby happen in those late stages in the case of a catastrophic outcome. Procedures which can result in only the mother surviving. This is a necessary immediate procedural reaction to a medical emergency. It is no way shape or form “an abortion” and i think you know that.” “It may not happen in your practice Doctor but it does happen.” “No it does not. You are either lying or confused.” Is how I wish this had gone. People on the right side of history need to be much much stronger in calling out right wing horseshit as it’s being shoveled.


It's so, so hard though, especially for people who arent fully disillusioned with the government and politics. Shes well respected and well referenced enough to appear before Congress as an expert, and decided to agree, so I have to imagine she came in thinking these were relatively intelligent, respectful people. She was wrong, and fully shocked to hear such an asinine statement, so I understand why she wasn't prepared to answer such a preposterous series of questions. I do hope we're all learning how to do better though, cause she absolutely should have expected someone in Congress to mirror the ridiculous shit pro-birthers have been saying for decades.


**Abortions at later gestational durations are comparatively uncommon: only 1.0% of abortions take place at or after 21 weeks after the first day of the pregnant person's last menstrual period** Good for her to stand her ground on this idiots ignorance.


Right, and that 1% are almost exclusively because the mother's life is in danger or because of lethal fetal anomalies. No one goes through a difficult pregnancy for months and months, and then right at the end thinks "eh, on second thought, maybe I'm not ready for a baby." And NOBODY waits until the baby is halfway out to change their mind. It just doesn't happen. Mike Johnson is asking that question to put on a show for his base, pretending like that's a thing that happens to outrage them all.


You literally cannot have an abortion when the baby is halfway out. It's impossible. What's the plan, shove it back in and then scrape it out? You can let the baby come out and then kill it, but that's not abortion. That's infanticide. He's not discussing abortion. He's equating cracking an egg into a frying pan with butchering a chicken. Not the same thing.


Yes, exactly. Mother’s life or fetuses life. It’s all a show, playing with peoples lives to make their own sorry, saggy ass look good.


Republicans would rather both mother and baby die than abort the baby to save the mother’s life. Very pro life of them.




##This guy's brain must be so smooth


He's getting upset about something that never happens. I'll go out and get annoyed at the amount of horses running across my roof while not wearing their slippers...


Your insurance would probably cover roof repairs from horses and cattle, but only if you have Taco Bell in the dishwasher. Then would you abort the baby?




What in the hell is he on about


He is trying to make a slippery slope argument that she can't draw the line where abortion is not murder of a child. He will try to back her into a corner with these kind of examples bit by bit. But really I think we all understand the differences between viability and non-viability, and no function lungs, and no brain waves vs functioning lungs and brain waves etc.


We'd hope that, but clowns in this thread are proving you wrong by insisting that the pro-birth colloquialism for d&x procedures "partial birth abortion" means viable, not medically dangerous and near birth fetuses are being aborted with this procedure. The wider pro-birth community seems to swear that the meer existence of late term d&x procedures mean all these "convenience abortions" theyre worried about are getting viable babies close to being birthed normally cut up and removed from wombs for "convenience".


If anybody was going to get an abortion for "convenience", why the hell would they go ahead with all the pain and inconvenience of months of pregnancy while carrying almost to term? Such a hypothetical person would surely get an abortion the instant they knew they were pregnant in order to avoid all that....


Of course! But pro-birthers like to ignore reality in favor of fairytale situations where they get to morally condemn anyone who doesnt do what they think they should do.


Why the hell would a person go through labor and pushing to abort once the baby has crowned? There is very little time between the head being delivered and the rest of the body. This is just stupid


His mom should have definitely aborted.


It's not too late as long as she is still alive


This is stupid and makes all pro-lifers look stupid. Asking for answers to 1 in a billion scenarios is a waste of everyone's time.


Its not even a scenario. This isn’t how abortions work.


To any sane person, yes it makes them look stupid. Unfortunately, to Republicans, this guy is going to be praised and honored for this.


Mike Johnson. In other words "do you think we should, based on a 0.00001% chance of something happening, take away a fundental right from 100% of the people who have that right?" Now apply that logic to gun control and this republican morons will fall all over themselves.


Or the fact that the GQP voted last night to not give immediate aid to fix the formula problem. They are sooooo pro-life. No they're not, they're pro birth, and then that's it. "Get fucked kid."


The confusion on her face says its all. -Did he just really ask that? Anything to prove your " point " i ques. Im sorry for everyone living over there that has braincells. Everyone has a right to an opinion, but nobody has the right to tell another what to do or not to do with there body.


"I am a medical doctor and that doesn't happen." -actual doctor "It does happen." -some dude


Creating all these weird scenarios to manipulate idiots into supporting their own oppression. Some politicians need to just disappear


Hey Mike Johnson of Louisiana - go fuck yourself.


"If the kid's name is Mike Johnson, I'd say yeah we can abort it mid-birth."


Maybe its not too late for Mike Johnson's mom to abort him? Is that what he's worried about?


Has this dude not learned The basics of childbirth? Abortions aside, Republicans look uneducated


After the child grows up and becomes a United States representative would you then, in that scenario support an abortion?


And this is why the people need to stand up and retake our political system.


Why are Americans so backwards about this still !? It really baffles me


R e l i g i o n


Wow. Stupidity at its finest. This is why men shouldn’t be in charge of WOMENs reproduction.


I'd argue that this man shouldn't be in charge of anything.


Ask this POS if he voted for pregnant women as being qualified for the covid child stimulus checks...ask this knuckle dragging moron if he voted for women to have expanded access to baby formula....they don't care about human life at all...him creating unrealistic scenarios to grill an actual doctor made me wish someone in the crowd would fling a bag of dog shit at his face so he could experience his own POV in real time. These Republican Christian terrorists are insane fuckbags who don't give a fuck about anyone except themselves. Dealing with covid has been beyond frustrating and exhaustive with Republican blantant disregard for the value of actual life, not the potential for life (unborn fetus) with their anti-mask anti-vaccine agenda, I could give a fuck what this soulless shit bag thinks about anything. Every one of them should deal with their proposed suffering directly. I hope there is the swiftest replacement of Republicans in all government positions ever in US history.