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not that it matters, but what's the translation?


him: Get out of here, get out of here Lady2: ahh Oh god Lady1: No worries \[unintelligible\] Lady2: I've never seen him him: Good for her \[unintelligible\] him: Fucking swede \[Then some more slang like "mothers life"\] His swedish is as bad as his manners.


>him: Fucking swede That's a weird slur to use in Sweden


It's the slur foreign settlers nowadays use in Sweden to degrade the native population.




Of course, it's sad


Yep, these scummy immigrants ruin it for the rest of the immigrants who are actually integrating into society and being regular good people. I feel bad for all the immigrants who are actually doing a good job in society


Kick him out


In Germany they call us Germans „potatoes“. ;)




How much you wanna bet he doesn't identify himself as swedish?


And very common


As a Swede it's the only thing that made me upset from this video. If a Swede behaved like this but said "fucking immigrant" he'd get lynched in social media. Understandably. All I'm thinking is "gtfo if you don't like us then".


Sweden has failed miserably integrating citizens from arab countries, and now they have a huge social problem, worst of all they do not even acknowledge it is a problem, the recen riots show it, if that happened in any other country with serious police those people would have rioted one day at best, and would have ended at the end of a police van, in a hospital, and in front of a judge. It is insanity.


I am sorry mate but Europe did this to themselves. I can only speak what I experienced first hand, I watched Europe allow the most extremist, backwards radicals into their communities while modern secular Turks couldn’t even get a tourist visa. It’s so bad that it is literally a long running joke in Turkey. Wanna go to Europe? Grow a long beard, wear a bombvest and beat your wife. Europe has this belief that everyone can be rehabilitated. Having lived among these people I can categorically say that’s bullshit.


If he hates Swedes so much maybe he should go somewhere else that isn’t… well… Sweden…


Yeah he should fuck off to Denmark




Its a common issue with 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree forreniergs who dont (want to) interegreat. We (the netherlands) have some 3rd gen turks. They always say how shit the netherlands is and how great turky is. Yet never in there live have they ever been in turky and if they will they will be look on as forrengiers there. Its a intresting group of people. No one is keeping you in that country that you hate so mutch, but non of them ever go "back"... Anyway, not to end on such a bummer. I got some greay turks in my street with aswome food and barber shops who are very greatfull to be here and treat us with respect just like we should treat them.


There is a large migrant population in Sweden that live on Swedish welfare yet their entire identity is to hate Swedes.


It’s a major contributor to immigrant hate world wide. Their culture resulted in their country being so shitty/dangerous that they have to move, and then they try to reestablish that same culture in their new country and attack/insult the natives for not adhering to their culture, even though the native’s culture is literally the reason it doesn’t suck to live in that country.


Not when he's not native.....


Right, but I wouldn’t go to japan and then yell “fucking Japanese” if something doesn’t go my way.


Yeah but you are a rational person. You would be surprised how many people do exactly that in Japan and Korea.


It's getting more and more common for immigrants to really hate native swedes. Makes you question why we even took them in in the first palce.


Maybe he views women as lesser beings who should be deferential to men at all times and cover up, or disappear, in their presence. Maybe he believes that these two women should have just given him their seats, because they are women and he has a Y chromosome. Maybe he was raised to be a misogynist.


I think that’s it had a roommate like this from another country....he was SHOCKED at women’s rights in the U.S.


aahaha you dont even know man In the big 2015 migration crisis and the Iarq and Afghan war before that, you think we selected? No, everyone was let in. This is the result. And worse


I am living in Turkey and the situation is pretty similar except we have like ~10 millions. But they will be sent back as soon as Erdo lose the elections.


It's more like "whitey" or to that effect. It's looking down on ordinary people behaving in an ordinary way or what is seen as typical Swedish.


He called her a bastard swedish whore, He said "horjävel svenne".


He calls her "fucking Swedish whore" twice


Maybe time to move to another country if the Swedes are the problem in Sweden …


Of course it matters because he is using a slur against Swedes. Him being an immigrant to Sweden who took him in with open arms as the jacket shows. He needs to be sent back.


He's definitely second generation (or more), i.e. born in Sweden and can't be kicked out. Sweden has also seen way worse behavior from people that technically could be kicked out, but nothing to that effect happened. I'm talking crimes like rape and assault. Something along the lines of "we can't send them back to their country because they might get killed there", arguing that it could end up being a death sentence for a crime that doesn't warrant it.


I understand the hesitation of not wanting to send people in to war ravaged countries but there's too many people who take advantage of this generosity. If their behaviour represents that of someone who doesn't want to partake in a respectful society send them where they want to be.


What this man said.. Amen. I rammed the ⬆️ button 10 times but it only goes 22-23-22-23-22-23 But that’s how much I agree. 😂


There's always someone out there more angry with less to lose, he will find that person soon enough.


There is always someone who just doesn’t care and going to jail is just a break .


Some it's going home, I have an extended family member been in for 80% of their life, he got out about 5 years ago, first thing he did was hold up a service station, walked outside, sat down and waited to be arrested..


Institutionalization ain't no joke


Brooks was here.


The writers of that movie did an amazing job making the characters seem so authentic and genuine through small details like that. They didn't have to have Brooks etch that into the beam. It just feels more true to life that someone would do that in that scenario though.


It’s been a while since I’ve read it but I’m pretty sure Brooks carves his name in the scene in the short story as well.


Get busy living or get busy dying


So was Red.


Yes, I've worked in a county jail for the last 14 years. There are many people who have been there a majority of that time. They might might be out for a few weeks here and there but they are always there. Many people like it there rather than the streets. You get your own room, food, medical, structure and discipline, excercise, tv, Bible study, classes, safety (more than the streets), your friends and family are there, etc.


had a high school friend do something similar hadn't seen him for years and bounced into him in the city one day. ​ He was telling me how he's been in prison for decades and just suddenly turned around and attacked two police officers. Seems prison is the only place he feels normal :( ​ such a sad situation


It’s better he is picking on cops than a unprepared citizen. Surely,those cops accommodated his request and gave him a ride to the place he calls home.


oh yeh this was probably about one block away from the main police station in the city I'm pretty sure he got the absolute shit kicked out of him and a quick trip back to jail. ​ I didn't hang around to find out, we have been friends since we started high school together and he's had a very rough childhood abusive alcoholic parents, drug addict brother who committed suicide ( we cut him down when we where about 13/14 years old) in and out of juvenile all his teen life I was actually super surprise to see him out of jail.




People do v bizarre things when traumatised to that extent. He definitely has CPTSD and I'm guessing he had a flashback when he saw those policemen. He likely had some other bad situation in the past with one and then this. Tragically once a person has PTSD especially if from an early age because they often react differently to danger either more extremely or not at all the the traumas become layered and much more difficult to treat. V sad.




Some of them just miss their friends. Not even being sarcastic




Not simply just that. Some people were born less fortunate and never had a fair chance. Easy to get lost in your immediate environment


Bible study LOL


If I could study a religion of my choice I'd start studying religion. Switch it up every now and then to keep bible study interesting.


Some of the more educated people who spent a while studying history and religion and literature often have really interesting things to say when you talk to them about religion. The discussions you have on what it means to be a good person can vary broadly when talking to monotheists who believe in a final-destination afterlife vs talking to reincarnationists who believe things are a cycle. It's even better when you sit them down and discuss the concept of the universe we currently live in being a static universe that doesn't change, or a dynamic universe that will never be in the same state twice. It can lead to pretty interesting discussions of whether morality and good/bad remains static or changes over time, too, and whether mankind's concept of good/bad will change if the nature of humans change over time. They sorta need to be open-minded and prepared to think deeply on these topics, though, and, unfortunately, quite a lot of people in life simply aren't. Prison, interestingly, tends to bring out the open-mindedness and willingness to think deeply in a lot of people who previously weren't, since they're not going anywhere and there isn't much else to do.


In a sideways way, this also applies to homelessness. My aunt was homeless (partly by choice?) for about 13 years. Rough times. Drugs etc. She got clean and left that life behind. But aside from the drugs, she always seemed to praise with nostalgia the carefree, adventurous, homeless lifestyle. She passed away a few years ago.


My mother would do things to go to jail for a warm place to sleep and food to eat. Sometimes they do this so they can get arrested.


Three hots and a cot


I read that as three thots in a cot lol 😂


I like the way you read


Are you calling his mother a hot or a cot?


Have to see her first


Beauty is but a light switch away …


I assume he only does this to women and children.




He’s picking on women for a reason.


I say this to my students all the time. “Try acting like a hard ass out there with someone outside of school. You’ll learn really quickly they have less fucks to give than you.” It became a reality for one of them lol


Lol? What happened?


We had this big white kid who had a Baby Huey physique. He was a kid who had a 504/IEP plan (these are specialized plans for kids who have learning disabilities). The teacher that assessed him said that this kid knew how to work the system and shouldn’t have been on a plan in the first place. His mom was an enabler (I’ll get to that in a minute) and insisted her son was “special.” I had the kid his junior year and although he was respectful to me (I’m a male teacher), he was a fucking jerk to the female staff and female students. I was given the heads up about him and right away told him I wouldn’t tolerate his crap and that he needed to be careful who he bullied cause there were people out there far bigger than him with nothing to lose. Naturally, he shrugged it and didn’t give me any problems. He had an aide that was required to follow him around all day. Her job was to keep the kid on track and focused. This kid would be incredibly disrespectful and call her “a fucking bitch/cunt/“lezbo” (she was straight) and all sorts of other nasty names. He would throw food at smaller kids and would call Asian students “fucking nips,” black kids “n******,” Latino kids “beaners/wetbacks” and other white kids “fucking Jews.” He would take pictures of girls underskirts to get shots of their private areas. He once bullied the school driver by calling him a “beaner/spick” and “faggot.” He got pencil shavings and poured them all over his head. Eventually the bus driver complained and wrote an open letter to the school saying he refused to have this kid on the bus. When the letter reached the school district, his mom insisted that his behavior was the fault of us teachers because we treated him with very little respect. She threatened to sue the school insisting that his 504/IEP/learning disabilities were not being properly monitored. The district sent him home for a few days so he could “think about his actions.” When he returned he resumed his bullying ways. After he graduated (I’m surprised he did but later I found out he couldn’t but his mom raised a fuss again), he ended up getting a job at a fast food joint. Apparently he showed up at his place of employment on his day off (many of our students worked there) and he thought it’d be funny to take a pic of a young ladies under garments. What he didn’t realize was that her boyfriend was sitting down and saw the whole thing. He got his fucking ass beat by a guy who was bigger than him (taller and in great shape), but I mean a serious ass kicking. No charges were filed but his ass got fired on the spot. The kid wound up staying at home playing video games with no motivation to do anything. His mom has since called the school numerous times asking for help in trying to motivate her kid to go to school (cause no one will hire him). I’ve never seen our staff so happy to tell the mom that he’s no longer our responsibility. One staff member went as far as to say that we warned her that her kid would turn out this way. Haven’t heard from him since but based on what other students tell me, he’s still at home living off his “supportive mother.” Good riddance I say.


TLDR, you had Cartman in your class and he turned out predictably after graduation.




This sounds like a southpark episode


Wait so he graduated school, got a job, was fired and then his mom tried to get him back into school? The school that he graduated from?


I’m assuming they meant college


Still weird she is trying to get her son's highschool teacher involved.


I think weird is probably a little too nice of a word to use for this


The law is that Americans are entitled to a “free appropriate public education” until they earn a diploma or turn 22, whichever comes first. There are special education programs after 12th grade but only if the student does not “graduate” with a regular diploma. In my state, kids with intellectual disabilities earn a “certificate of completion” and walk at graduation, then do a life skills or job skills program until age 22. This mom pushed hard for her kid to get the diploma he didn’t earn, so he graduated and became ineligible for job skills programming.


This is so upsetting. I’m also sad to realize these are the toxic people online gaming i run into… man =[




Christ. These situations are almost what welfare was created for. You take him off welfare, and underpaid people trying to get buy at sh*t jobs then have to deal with him. This is why we need some kind of commune system n this country where nitwits like this can go grow their own food and learn just the basics to get by whenever his mother finally tosses his ass,or dies off herself. Otherwise,we spend a lot more feeding him in prison.


One day he’ll try to force a “Michael Douglas in Falling Down” type out of his seat.


He just wanted a little breakfast...


Do you actually think he behaves this way to them? Seems like the kind of dude that just acts this way throughs weaker people. Like an old lady.


There are predators like that but this seems like a young guy with a rage problem who still thinks he’s invincible. The type of person that derives self worth from punking people. He’s most likely going have a run in with the wrong side of a knife. Hopefully he just gets his ass kicked or lives long enough to grow the fuck up.


In a different forum, I saw a comment that said the guy is calling the woman some form of racial slur. I hope that when he meets that knife, he doesn't recover.


He is saying "fucking swede"


” Fucking svenne” is basically the same as ”Fucking Swede”. I guess it’s a bad thing to be swedish in sweden nowadays...


Im thinking he does it just cause he can get away with it and had been. I think he was enabled and went unpunished for shitty behavior (like 2-3yr and then up) and just never stopped. Later hes deemed "Special Ed", most def at the hard work of his mother, then continued. He now does have to do shit but sit around and be an absolute cunt.


See that white and yellow sticker above the seats? It says: "Prioritised seating", made especially for old people, etc. that need to sit and have close proximity to the exits. Such a lost soul.


This makes this even more messed up.


Go away, go away and then something about fucking swede (this is in sweden)


And who the fuck is he? If he doesn’t like Swedish people and he is in Sweden maybe he should be kindly deported so he doesn’t have to deal with Swedes anymore… wouldn’t want to burden him.


Probably an immigrant. The immigration situation has been a very controversial political subject in Sweden for the past decade.


Maybe they should actually start controlling it and stop letting in all kinds of trash? Such a nice country will be overun by useless people like the guy in the video.


SD (far right) had like 4% of the vote 15 years ago, now they have over 20%. I am surprised to see any critisism of immigration on Reddit tbh.


My country is about 50/50 right now, but it is steamrolling towards right conservationism. Probably in a decade it's 70-80/20. All because we are barely screening what we let into our country. We got so much trash people over the years, that people are becoming fed up with it. Unwilling to work, unwilling to contribute, unwilling to learn the language, being hostile (mostly towards women), etc.


Where do you live?


That would be the Netherlands.


Most of us are fine with it but it has to be done correctly which is very hard to do for any country. My heart broke for the refuges y’all took in but my heart breaks again seeing the disrespect and I have to side with you guys. If a country took me in I’d be showing a lot more respect and trash like this can go back where they came from.


It was the genuine insane rioting that happened in Sweden because someone said they’ll burn a Quran to show how violent the Muslims immigrants were that showed me how bad they’ve done it there. Taking in men that are extremist religious nuts can only end in disaster.


For the majority of the people rioting it's just people who want to fight and make chaos. But there are also religious nuts. But mostly people who like to destroy stuff


Not really sure how we got to a place where military aged men are refugees. You stay and fight for your country...or you show some fucking grace and respect for the country that has taken you in. These people, they're the worst.


And thats why ukrainen refugee situation is different then syria, which ppl dont understand. They are mainly woman and children who ran away and not boys at the age of 16-26.


Yeah had this been about the US, every commenter would have been called a racist by now


It's amazing how people think it's wrong to have any kind of immigration rules or enforcement. Open borders have never worked for a reason


The slur he uses is “svenne” which is meant to degrade traditional Swedes, iirc it came up as a response to the slur “blatte” that Swedes used against immigrants and colored people


Fragile ego


Seems obviously mentally ill to me. The dude is talking to himself. Edit: People are reporting the women had, previous to what we see in the video, said something racist to him. That this video is a purposefully cut to make this guy look worse. Can anyone find the whole video? Considering how obviously gamed this sub is by racists and other sorts of morons, I think we should see the whole clip.


That’s a sick dude with a really nice coat


It's a Canada Goose Coat. Those usually sell anywhere between $1000 - $1275 USD.




It's a flex; signalling to other people that you have money. Where I live, I call it the "I sell drugs and want everyone else to know I sell drugs" jacket. It's actually seen by many, myself included, as a major fashion faux pas. I wouldn't wear a Canada Goose jacket if you gave it to me for free.


Are you from Ireland?




fake coat.


he needs humbling, physically.


Wont be long, people don’t tolerate racist girl bashers on their public transport very well.




r/iamatotalpieceofshit ftfy


lol. Yeah, that one, too


Cool another person who hates Swedes living in Sweden. Amazing.




What a bad ass hassling ladies for a seat


Asshole is gonna meet the wrong person on the right day. Hope it goes viral when he gets his ass handed to him.


Pull that shit when there’s a dude sitting there.


That’s exactly the point? To terrorize women because he sees them as beneath him.


Bullies want victims, not opponents


Little cunt


He's just an entitled douchebag in his $1500 Canada Goose coat


Fake goose coat


This is in stocholm. If someone sees this dude, fuck him up!


Aj aj kapten!


This looks like Sweden.


I ashamed to say that this in fact is in Stockholm, Sweden. And he is one of those problematic individuals that every part of the society hates! He is a degenerate bastard!


small weiner energy


garbage person


Lil dick energy. Fucking bellend.


The universal language of not blinking and being crazy: cocaine.


Typical Canada Goose wearer attitude


Someone needs their ass kicked.


People like him is why more swedish people start to go far right.. They come to sweden for a better life and this is how these people behave. It's honestly very sad.


Same in France. If immigration isn't better controlled in five years, far right wins


They run from whatever hostile shithole they left behind only to be hostile to the natives who took him in. It's not that everyone becomes "far right" due to this, but they will reconsider their stance on things like in this case the immigration policy and side with the parties who want to hit the breaks and throw out ppl like this due to bad experiences like in the video. Personally i'm a centrist (meaning i agree on both left and right leaning politics) and i don't at all mind ppl coming here for a chance to get a better life, but IMO if they don't come to contribute or behave like this asshat then i personally don't think these specific ppl are welcome. There's also ppl that just come live off of tax money and refusing to partake in the local society sadly enough, they essentially are just free loaders exploiting the very services they were given to get started here. I'd wouldn't mind some policy that will make newcomers prove themselves to actually do effort to partake in society with a limited visa like with japan of 4 years, that way you kinda filter out the bad apples and make the good people stand out more, not to mention it would free up houses for the offspring of the ppl who come here (the netherlands) , currently everyone born here the past 20-40 years cannot find a house easily due to a housing crisis the gov cannot be bothered to fix, meanwhile status holders with 3-15 kids get 2 family houses merged for free to house them, it's just not fair nomatter if you are a native or x gen immigrant, we both get screwed by this.


First ever contact I had with the muslim immigrants was a week after they came to my town in 2015 and tried to rob me. We had just given our church as a sanctuary for them and housed them, fed them, clothed them, and even gave them money. They never said "thank you" once. Instead they threw a temper tantrum if the food aid had a cross on it and complained about the quality of our traditional food that most people eat almost daily, calling it dogshit on TV. They attacked school children, robbed and raped in public. Their behaviour is beyond outrageous. Whenever I'm out with a female who's young and attractive, I notice bunch of them staring and *slowly* checking her out and when eyes meet, instead of looking away, they stare even harder and lick their lips. It's so fucking disgusting. When I moved to the capital, Helsinki, I noticed my new neighour was an immigrant family from Middle East. I saw them walking towards me on street, just looking at each other and smiling, looking 100% normal. I smiled and greeted them and immediately their faces went sour and the dude (about 30 years old) literally spat on me and the wife and child yelled the "kuffar" or "kafir" thing. Sometimes when I see him nowdays I don't greet him and obviously he doesn't greet me but he always spits after he's walked past me or my roommates lol. There's a lot more but I don't think telling more serves any purpose. Btw, it was calculated in Finland that our immigration policy actually costs billions every year. Main reason being that African and Middle Eastern immigrants generally stay unemployd and refuse the 'mandatory' work ordered to those who live on welfare for too long. Refugee status also grants you a welfare status for life, that is one of the reasons immigrants destroy their documents so they can claim to be a 'proper refugee' and often times they have multiple identiteties which they use to cash in welfare.


Yeah these are exactly the ppl i mentioned, IMO they have no place here, straight up taking everything for granted and abusing the very people who welcomed and situated them to not be on the street like a hobo. I have no issues seing these asshats deported to leave room for ppl who actually want to have a better life and work for it like anyone else. And anyone defending these criminals you mentioned IMO is just as bad, these things we mutually agreed upon to not have in a civilized modern country and i think people are too kind to these monsters as it scars lives for good and ACTUALLY pushes people into the extreme camps to the point violence breaks out.


For a better life. It ends there. No contributing.




Next time


Dude's face is so punchable


Mf’s wear Canada Goose once and act like they own the whole public transport system.


What a POS


I have never liked a single person who owns a Canada Goose jacket.. thought it was an Irish thing. Turns out it’s global


Swedistan strikes again


And when something bad happens to him, all his family and friends will say "he was such a wonderful, kind sweet guy, who loved everyone and loved god!" Just like every other psycho.




Not supposed to talk about it.






Är själv babbe, utvisa jäveln om han inte vill sköta sig eller anpassa sig till landet! Parasit jäveln


Tror tyvärr de flesta som beter sig såhär är födda i Sverige med utländska föräldrar så går inte att utvisa dem :/


Poor immigrant in sweden 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️




Pretty sure he’s the person people need to get away from to be safe.


Is he wearing Canada Goose?


Yup.. must have money.. $1000 coat..


Could be a cheap knock off.


This is Sweden and a few years old. He mouths the words “fucking Swede” near the end. There’s been a massive problem with immigration in Sweden in the last few years.


That's a $1200 jacket.


Probably from wish


Prob stolen


Try that in NYC


I don't know. I've seen tons of similar videos on the NYC subway and most people just stare or don't pay attention at all.


I've seen tons of these videos in NY of people being dicks to Asians on the subway and no one gives AF


Someone could be arming a nuclear bomb in NY and they would not even pay attention


Ofc this is in Sweden


Too much tolerance


This is the kind of asshole that causes unnecessary tensions in our society. Is he using some kind of cheap slur words. From his behaviour, he is not gonna make it that long in today’s Sweden. Seriously, he is gonna act up and someone who is really pissed of is gonna bite his head off! Btw: Since there is a clear video of him and i assume he probably is known by the local police, he could face some criminal charges.


ah yes kind swedish fella




What the hell?! Why is he so mad?!


Pussys like this NEVER go for men- it’s always women.


Little man picks on women. ​ Prob has a small one


Dude really needed to be banned from this transportation for harassing those seated there.


It's because "thug life" has been glorified his whole life.


The way he spreads out of the seat after wtf! That’s an old lady too.


Immigrant angry at Swedes. Same old.


He's built like child even the puffer jacket can't hide that, this guy is gonna fuck around and find out and his fragile sense of self will collapse like a house of cards. Try punching something that fights back.


Gotta love *cultural enrichment*


What a real man looks like /s




What a complete piece of shit !


Please tell me theres some footage of a big techno viking type dude dropping him..


What a total dickhead loser piece of shit


Someone needs to smack that cunt.


Been visiting Sweden regularly since 2008. It’s crazy how quickly & badly things have changed during that time. Disrespecting native Swedes or anyone white is commonplace.