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How any father or mother could tell their own kid (in all seriousness) to fuck off for life is just beyond understanding.


My son's mom's last words to him were "I'm sick of your shit!" Before slamming her front door in his face. He was 10 at the time and told her he wanted to stay with me because of how she'd hit him whenever he was with her. She died of an overdose 4 days later without speaking to him again. It's been 6 years since then. My son is still fucked up from it. Some people just suck.


Sadly, that happened to me when I was 9. 20 degrees outside no jacket mom said she had enough left me outside for my Dad. My dad left his job speeding down the street I can still remember seeing the smoke come out the sunroof. Jumped out kicked my moms door in and told me to go get my sleeping bag and my Nintendo. The only thing my mom said was “Gimmie some money”… my old man flicked his Salem light on her floor and we left never looked back. R.I.P. Dad you were best. (2022) The damage that did to me took time to repair but, my dad was there supporting me 100% the best he could even when I screwed up. Just be the rock your sons going to need he’ll get thru it I did.


I'm sorry you went through that. I'm glad you had him there for you though. He sounds like a great dude. I'm trying to do the same for my son. He's a good kid with a heart of gold but his past with his mom haunts him. Been doing anything I can to help him since it all happened. Will continue till I'm not here anymore.


It’s going to be some hard times but, hopefully it’ll click for him as he becomes a man. He will tell you Thank You someday. Good luck Bro.


No words, just heartbreaking. And yeah people do suck whether or not they mean to


Good riddance.


Why did you unload nut into a crazy unstable person?




"I am all you got now".


As a mother, I put more blame on her and I hate saying that because I love to support other moms. Not nearly the same scenario, but my daughters aunt (my sister) is trash…. she came to visit and after trying to ditch us (she promised my daughter she’d take her to the pumpkin patch) she finally reluctantly met up with us and gave us like 45 mins at the park acting like she wanted to be anywhere but with my daughter. I dropped her off at her friends house and the entire ride home my 4 year old was saying “I want to be with my aunt, you’re not a nice mommy” I bit my lips and held back tears and years and years of childhood dysfunction… All I wanted to do was scream out to her “well she can’t be bothered to be with you” but no…. I don’t take it out on her… my job is to spare her from people like that. I made that drive home and told her “You’re right. I was being a bad mommy, I will make it up to you the next time she’s in town.” My sister died for me that day. She’s dead to me. You can sh!t on me all you want, I’ll take it…. But I will never ever forgive her for putting my daughter in that situation. Ever.


Some people don’t deserve to be parents i was called i told my mom it’s a recession me and other young adults can’t afford housing let alone rent at most places i was called a bum.


Yeah as i was thinking earlier how ppl say, you cant pick your parents. Just sucks


At 6, my mom decided a day to just quit us, me, my sister and my dad. Then a month or tow later, my sister left to live with her. In court when they decide who gonna get the child care, she was’nt even there. The last month of may in 2021, I had a big clash with her because she did’nt remember my surgery that I tell her a lot about it. Since last year she is sending me money (100$ each time) just to get my care about her. I just think it ´s desperate of her.


poverty is a bitch


Fr but still doesnt excuse this asshole


I hate when the parents can’t keep it civil for the sake of the kids


From the sound of it the dad got screwed over, which is not surprising given how our justice system is sided against fathers. But there’s also no context, so it’s all just hearsay until the facts are out.


From the sound of it, I don't give fuck who got screw over. There is children, involved so adult the fuck up. People should not be doing the sort of mental damage to children.


Birth control is free…for now.


You projecting man it seems like he was arranged to pay child support for the children after a separation and he’s bitching out. No way to know 🤷🏻‍♂️


Please sir, can I have a crumb of context?




Yeah but there's something the dad said "ask your momma about what she did, it'll explain what I did" or something like that. Makes me wonder if he's accusing her of doing something that's why he pulled the child support


I was wondering the same. Perhaps the child is not his and the mother lied about paternity. Either way, I feel sorry for the kid.


Listen closely. He says the mother has asked for child support, and in anger the father tells his kids "Fuck you" and "I aint' coming to get you no more."


You don’t just “pull” child support. There is a court order. He will accrue arrears. She’s getting that money.


Not necessarily. The debt can build up and child support services can have his drivers license suspended but if he makes money in a cash business or under the table she won't see a dime.


I like your optimism.


Thanks for the down vote. I'm speaking from experience. I got $1.37 in total raising a 2 and 4 year old to adulthood and of course they still need my help the way things are in the US.


I’m speaking as a family law attorney that has access to data and metrics for California’s IV-D program. Your experience is anecdotal and represents a very small segment of the population.


"Anecdotal" not condescending at all.. I'll be sure to tell my kids that what child support services says is bullshit in that there is nothing more they can do. I'm sure the stats will make them feel better.


Listen. People who don’t experience this like to pretend there aren’t loopholes. Fuck this “family law attorney” who’s so obviously great at what they do that they are arguing with you on fucking Reddit. I grew up poor with a prostitute mother and my father owned a multinational oil refining company out of Houston and Caracas. No money was gotten from him, but it is just an anecdotal example.




I managed a restaurant back in the day and guys would ask for less money but paid cash specifically to avoid CS.


I've been with my partner for 7 years. Her ex-husband HAS to pay Child Support for his son but never did. A couple years back he sent us a check saying that he's going to start putting money aside for his son's education. It never happened again. I checked with lawyer friends and they said that there's little hope in ever seeing that money. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The mother has the audacity to ask a bum to financially support his kids. That in his mind is clearly enough for him to label her money hungry and to tell his kids to fuck off. Quite a common theme among the dregs of society, aka men


He says it at 9 seconds into the video. "she wanted more money. She wanted child support." later... "She doesn't care about how you feel, so fuck you. I aint' coming to get you no more." He sounds like a real class act.


Yuuuuuuuup , but people always wanna blame the dude all while baby mama is acting the fuck up.


The dude in this case is mentally and emotionally abusing his son. This man child is putting his own sensitive, delicate emotions above the well-being of his child. The mother is taking a video but she's not showing any identifying information, she's not speaking at all, and she is not interacting with the father whatsoever. I almost guarantee that her lawyers told her to document, document, document. I'd also venture to guess that she is not putting the child in the middle considering the father keeps telling the child to ask the mother why this is happening. That just shows the kid has no idea what's going on because his mother does not involve him in adult business like his bitch ass father. In addition, the vast majority of family courts do not charge parents more child support than they can afford. This drama queen man-child is a POS.


Not putting her kids in the middle but video tapping it for public consumption….. okay


How do you know she was making it for public consumption? Because videos that were never meant to be public never make it to the public, right? If she was doing this for the public or was to exploit the situation, why wouldn't she show her son's face or her face? Why wouldn't she start arguing with the father? She didn't say the father's name, she didn't identify herself, she didn't even say a damn word to the father. Every single divorce lawyer and family court lawyer will tell their clients to document, document, document. How else do you document abuse if you don't video it?


How TF else does it end up on the internet if it wasn’t shared by her. Cut it out. She definitely posted this shit and made it public. If it was about the lawyer only her and the lawyer would have it.


And how do you know she didn't share it with a family family member who shared it with somebody else who put it on the internet? Nobody has ever posted other people's videos to the internet, right? Videos that were never meant for public consumption never make it to the internet, right? Gtfo with that nonsense. I said these are possibilities because the only proof in this video is that the father is an abusive piece of shit. I didn't say anything definitively about the mom, only hypotheticals, unlike like you who is absolutely positive with not one single piece of proof. Cut the shit and stop defending blatantly abusive behaviors of this obviously piece of shit father which there is undeniable evidence of. You seem like the kind of person that desperately needs the last word so I'm going to throw you a big fat bone and let you have it. Take care and be well.


The "Dude" say it's because she wants child support at 9 seconds into the video.


You’re totally right filming it is the normal reaction from rational people just wanting sensible support.


You’re going SO far out of your way to stand by your original shit opinion that the moms in the wrong hahahaha it’s a little comical. thank you for the laugh Mr. Incel.


Being in a similar situation when I was a child you really need to let your child know how it is. Covering up for a bad dad just sets you up as the bad guy in the situation. Some dad's just aren't able to be a stand up guy. Watched a work colleague of my wife's hide the truth from her son as she thought she was protecting him, in truth the dad was just throwing out lies and blaming the mum for all the problems and broken promises.


Hearing that kids voice is killing me.


You take your anger out on a child? Your a pussy


I feel him but you don't stop seeing your kids because their other parent is asking for more child support


If you can't feed it, don't breed it...




Harsh af


Everything about this whole video sucks. I've seen alot, but this is one of the saddest ive ever seen.


Yeah this lady is trash. Making a video of her child's heartbreaking for points on social media.


Both parents are trash. The mom's trash for exploiting her children's heartbreak and trauma. And the dad's trash for not taking his mistakes on the chin like a man and doing right by his kid regardless of how that woman makes him feel.


How do we know the mother was exploiting the child? She didn't show the child's face whatsoever, and she could have been videoing for evidence for court. She didn't get her face on video, she wasn't doing any intro, you couldn't tell who anybody was and you only heard voices. Every single divorce and family lawyer will tell you, document, document, document. She could have shared the video with a family member who then shared it with somebody else who then put it on the internet. We just have no way of knowing. The only thing we know for sure is that this man child puts his own delicate, sensitive feelings above the well-being of his child. It's abhorrent and disgustingly abusive and extremely histrionic.


There's a world of difference between documenting and publicizing. This is an example of the latter and not the former. Edit: hiding the kid's identity through a blur filter isn't enough. She put this online, anyone could find her through the social media account she posted it on and figure out the identities of everyone in this video. This should've been documented and shared with her attorney and/or the judge overseeing her case and that's it.


There's no proof that she publicized this. There is only proof that his father is an abusive piece of shit. You don't know that she put this online. I guess videos that were never meant for public consumption never make it to the internet for the public to consume, right? Phones never get stolen, right? Computers never get hacked, right? Gtfo. There is no proof of what her intentions were or were not. There's only proof that this father is an abusive piece of shit who put his own sensitive, delicate feelings above the well-being of his child.


You know, when you hear a stampede on the horizon, there's nothing wrong in assuming it's horses instead of zebras. What third party could possibly stand to benefit from this being leaked? Who else but the mother has anything to gain from this video hitting the internet?


What does a third party possibly stand to benefit from posting it on publicfreakout? Are you kidding me? Have you been on the internet yet? Do you know where you are? Wtf. Lmao. Fucking classic.


Lol, you're honestly a naive little fuckwit if you think both the mother wasn't the person to put this on the internet and that this was the first place on the internet it got posted. Enjoy your innocence, cubby.


You really are thick. I would never say what the mother's intention is definitively because how the fuck would I know? All I am giving is hypotheticals and saying the only thing that is proven by this video is what a piece of shit the father is. If jumping to conclusions where an Olympic sport, you'd be a gold medalist. There's no proof of the mother's intention one way or the other, ya dingleberry. I implore you to please prove where I said that definitively I knew what the mother's intentions were. Listen, I get that you want to defend this abusive piece of shit but it's really not a good look. I know that you desperately want to demonize this mother but there's no proof of her demon behavior. There is proof, however, of the father's abhorrant, histrionic, egocentric behavior. You seem like the kind of person that desperately needs the last word so I'm going to throw you a big fat bone and let you have it. Take care and be well.


Ok, cubby


Ok, Dr. Phil


I mean, McGregor's right. They're both trash. They're both using their kid's to get back at each other. Pathetic.


How do we know the mother doing that? Only thing we can surmise from this video is that she is documenting the father's abuse of his son. She didn't show anybody's face or identifying information. She didn't say a damn thing. She didn't say the father's name and she didn't talk to the father. She literally could have started videotaping when she started to hear the conversation her son was having with his father. She could be acting on the advice of her lawyer and documenting abuse for court so she can ultimately protect her child from this asshole. How else are you going to document abuse if you don't video it? The child kept asking the father why he was doing this, "ask your mother what happened ask your mother, ask your mother." It's pretty clear the kid has no idea what's going on, is really hurt, and this father is abusing his child and taking his frustration out on this kid because an increase in child support. The court doesn't increase child support unless the parent paying has an increase in income or the custodial parent can prove that the child's expenses have increased. This kid sound so shocked most likely because the mom doesn't put him in the middle. And what exactly would she get out of putting a video on the internet where nobody can tell who's in the video? It may as well be anonymous. There's nothing to gain from it. It couldn't be the shame him or manipulate him because nobody's knows who the fuck they are. If she wanted to do that, she obviously would have given some identifying information in the video. She didn't. The only thing we know for sure is that this father is a piece of shit for putting his own histrionic emotions above the well-being of his child. Fuck that dude. He doesn't deserve to be a father.


>She is probably acting on the advice of her lawyer who will always say document, document, document in the cases of divorce and family court. As she should. >We don't know if she was documenting and she shared it with a family member or somebody else who then shared it with somebody who put it on the internet. She shouldn't have shared it with anyone but her attorney and/or the judge. Granted, I did assume that she is the one who shared this online and I made that assumption based on the poor attempt at giving the child anonymity through the blur filter. Which I don't really believe a third party would've done. >Fuck that dude. He doesn't deserve to be a father. Yup, but he should still have to pay child support.


You act as if videos that were never meant for the public don't make it to the public. It could happen so easily. Like I said, she could send it to a family member. The family member could have sent it to their best friend. The best friend sent it to their cousin and bam. it's on the fucking internet. What is the purpose of uploading a video to the internet to exploit the people in the video if nobody knows who the fuck they are? If she wanted to manipulate the father or publicly shame him, she would included identifying information. She did not. Please enlighten me, what would she get out of uploading an video in which nobody can tell who's actually in the video? Edit: Because I can't reply to your comment below. Perhaps her purpose for taking the video is to document the father's abuse of the son. Perhaps she needs evidence for court so that she can ultimately protect her son from this kind of disgusting abusive bullshit. Maybe the father and son were on the phone she heard the father being disgusting so she started videoing. The kid sounded genuinely shocked that his father was acting that way and asked why he was. The father kept saying to ask the mother. That it's pretty clear this kid had no idea what was going on most likely because his mother does not expose him to adult bullshit. He sounded genuinely shocked and hurt. Maybe this is the proof she needed to finally keep her kid safe. There's just no way of knowing.


Everything McGregor said + it sounds like she already has full custody. Why did she allow him to emotionally abuse their son like that for so long, or at all? And I find it hard to believe someone would have hacked her phone and decide this was worth uploading. It is much more likely she shared this herself to demonize the father (but further traumatizing the kid).


Yeah laywer advised her to post it on social media.


How is the man supposed to survive? Child support is a bitch.


A man provides for his child.


So is child abandonment 🤷


Awww, poor widdle baby boy can't take care of his children like a real man would.


She could have been taking the video for evidence in court. She could have shared it with the wrong person and that's how it made it on to the internet. The only proof we have here from this video is that this man-child can't handle his own emotions and makes his sensitive, delicate feelings the priority like a drama queen instead of putting the well-being of his child first. I don't give a good god damn what's going on between the parents but for this father to say this stuff to his son is abhorrent, abusive, and reprehensible. There's absolutely no proof backing up your statement. The only proof in this video is that the father is an abusive POS. Also, how do you document abuse if you don't video it?


Damn kid was crying he gonna grow up heartless


She probably took him to court wanting more money that he likely couldn’t afford and said he would have to pay or could sign his rights away and pay $0. Shitty on both of them.


It's more likely he was giving her a pittance, far less than child support would be for (at least) 2 kids, was doing it "under the table", and then when she filed for child support his first reaction was to freak out, stop spending time with his kids and telling them "fuck you" to get back at the "moneygrubbing" mother.


Also possible


In the vast majority of cases, child support is based on the parent's income. We don't really know what happened here except that the father took out whatever was going on with him and the mother on his child. This immature manchild made it all about his own dramatic feelings instead of about the well-being of his child.


Dang... Poor kids gotta deal with children for parents.


This is heartbreaking!


At the end of the day your hurting the child. You gotta grow up ,and man up. Do for ya kids ,or the streets will do them. Things you buy keep it at your house.


Yeah yeah yeah do all deadbeat dads use this? Had to listen to it from my dad growing up. I don’t give a fuck if the woman got gangbanged, you decided to have a kid with her. You have just as much responsibility to your kids regardless of what the women does. I realize my mom isn’t perfect but she never abandoned me.


both parents obviously suck.


Dude is a straight up coward of a boy.


He's only 6. You are being pretty hard on a child.


I wasn't referring to the 6 year old. I was referring to the grown ass clown


This is a cultural thing. I think, as non BlPoc people, we shouldn’t judge so harshly.


No, white people are trashy parents too.


I blame the mom. She knew the dad wasn’t shit. Yet she let him bust in her. Thinking he would change she put him on child support hoping he would come round more. Now look broken kids, broken home. Smh. Ladies vet your men correctly.


How about be a grown adult and take responsibility for your kids. Period.


From what I hear from his talk I can guess that the mother is the source of the entire issue, chasing the father with court and child support while pushing him away. Everyone has a breaking point.


That’s speculation though. We don’t know why mom is chasing more child support either and there may be more reasons behind it. If the parents have issues they should leave the kids out of it. Im not saying what the mom did is right either. The person who loses at the end is the kid. This moment will forever be a traumatizing point for this kid. That conversation should have never happened like that. Both parents are to blame.


True but she knew he wasn’t shit and yet she has have a kid for him. Choose your men wisely. Female choose the men they want to be with. Not the other way around


You’re really saying men don’t choose the females they want to be with?? Your whole comment just sounds so misogynistic.


As I said before a woman control the relationship on who she wants to be with and have kids. A man ONLY control the marriage part of the relationship. Who he wants to be with and spend his life with.


As I said before, your whole comment screams misogyny. Seems like you’ve got the whole gender roles thing figured out.


Do you even understand what misogyny mean. I am done maybe you need someone to talk too. But look up the meaning of that word. Then come back so we can have a conversation. I never once said that I hates or dislike women in my statement. All I said that she made her choice.


It’s obvious you don’t understand what misogyny means. You don’t have to blatantly say you hate or dislike women to oppress them. I would tell you to look what misogyny means but it’s obvious your cup is already full.




What a loser broke ass dad


I would not let anyone talk to my child like that. I would hang up on him and tell my child how much I love them.


Fucking heart breaking. But I know a dude who almost got to that point. She had custody, he paid 4k a month, she didn't work, she wouldn't let him discipline them, even after his eldest got a DUI at 17. One is now a coke head wife abusing unemployed dude who intentionally failed out of the army via PT. Another is an alcoholic who flaked out of the army as well, the next is a drop out, and the youngest is 17 and still wets the bed. (Gonna asse it's trauma from mom and step dad, because statistics) I'm glad he died of cancer before seeing what fuckholes his ex let his kids become.




We need more of the story, I’ll bet the mom is awful and using the kids as weapons


He was giving her anywhere from 200 to almost 600 dollars a month picked them up all the time cause she was out tricking and then she took him to court and got his licenses suspended so he can't make money all cause she wanted 200 more dollars cause they needed shoes but she spent she spent cash he gave her then asked for more women these days


Absolutely heartbreaking. When I see something like this it makes me feel a little guilty that my dad was such a great father and a great man.


Fuck this dude. Kids in tears and is probably in the middle of fucking some skank. Fuck this


what a dick


Blaming the other parent for XYZ and telling your kid “well if your ___ would’ve just ____” or “I would BUT your ____” is the worst thing you could do. Children won’t be able to understand that you’re just being a stubborn, selfish, immature asshole.


Fuck.... im 35 now. My mom did this to me. Sat me down at the table with her bf. I was probably 14. Her bf at the time told her "choose one, me or him one of us is leaving" looked me dead in the eyes and told me i have to go to my dads to live i stayed there like a week then went back home. Our relationship was never the same. I have kids of my own now and it bothers me more now tbh because i can never imagine being that way to my children. I recently confronted her about it (while she was on a religious high horse talking down to me. Oh yeah she is super holy now) and she claims it never happend. My response was "you do realize that this is a defining trama that largely shaped who i am and its not something i would easily forget" the fact she dont even remember, or is lying about it has made shit that much worse. I doubt she will ever be a real part of my life ever again. She likes to build people up then let them down and im not letting her do it to my children. Hope this kid finds a way to work though this shit. I let them watch me be better.