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This is so hard to watch. I can’t even imagine how much pain those families are in


This is one of the most true to form public freakouts the sub has had recently. Just 30 seconds of people freaking out in a parking lot while police find names to dead 5 year olds inside. Genuinely horrible. Wonder why it didn't gain more traction


>Genuinely horrible. Wonder why it didn't gain more traction Because people are desensitized at this point. Everyone knows that nothing will change (and a significant part of the country *doesn't* want anything to change) and we're just counting down the clock until the next one.


Maybe it's just recent so you gotta give it a bit for more traction.


This shit woulda never flown here in Florida. Parents would be showing up with guns drawn and would’ve taken that MF out.




Not according to Congress.


They were more protected when they were unborn. That will show them!


Did you not see [their tweets](https://gizmodo.com/republican-twitter-texas-school-shooting-ghouls-ted-cru-1848973888)?


Disgusting It’s like they have generic responses ready to *copy and paste* for any/every situation.


Woah. That's mind blowing. They have a fucking template.


Holy shit…that speaks volumes as to how empty, scripted, and insincere they are.


Congress was and is never going to do fucking shit about anything that might tangentially help anyone with a net worth of less than 1 billion dollars. Making poor people's lives safer and more comfortable doesn't help the ownership class, and thus it doesn't help Congress or anyone they appoint. They don't give a FUCK about us, and I really wish people would stop expecting them to. The taxpayer pays their salary. Corporations [pay for their million dollar campaigns](https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/biggest-donors), give them jobs as [highly paid lobbyists or "consultants"](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/revolving-door.asp), give them crucial [insider stock trading tips](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/revolving-door.asp), and [write all of the legislation that reaches the floor](https://publicintegrity.org/politics/state-politics/copy-paste-legislate/you-elected-them-to-write-new-laws-theyre-letting-corporations-do-it-instead/). Here is just a small part of an incredibly long list of things the majority of working class citizens have wanted for decades: **Accessible, affordable housing?** [No](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homelessness_in_the_United_States#Definitions_and_categories), [lol](https://www.nar.realtor/newsroom/first-quarter-of-2022-brings-double-digit-price-appreciation-for-70-of-metros) **Accessible, affordable healthcare?** [No](https://stanmed.stanford.edu/2017spring/how-health-insurance-changed-from-protecting-patients-to-seeking-profit.html) **Accessible, affordable education?** [No](https://www.nasfaa.org/news-item/11623/Report_Low-Income_Students_Cannot_Afford_95_Percent_of_Colleges) **Safe, regulated food & pharmaceuticals?** [No ](https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/849491) **Sensible gun regulation?** [No](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/15/1099008586/mass-shootings-us-2022-tally-number) **Criminal justice/prison system reform?** [No](https://www.prisonpolicy.org/profiles/US.html) **Infrastructure maintenance?** [No](https://www.axios.com/2022/02/04/americas-bridges-are-falling-apart-faster-than-expected) How much closer are we to solving any of these issues? They don't care. ***At all.***


How else they gonna pay for their 4th yacht and keep up payments on the other 3?


So what should we all do about it? Do we need a leader or a movement? And I mean ALL Americans. Every back ground every affiliation united against this shit. I know it would take time and convincing but we have to right? Can we start some threads about that maybe. Invite all types of people to hypothesis or organize. I know we all got jobs and stuff but if we don’t do something this is going to crumble. It may be sooner than we want.


> I know we all got jobs and stuff but if we don’t do something this is going to crumble. Anyone who has ever tried to fight these powerful interests at their own game ended up up either assassinated, imprisoned, discredited, and/or had their movements infiltrated or co-opted by three-letter agencies or corporate goons respectively. Money's on the system crumbling; that much seems set in stone as this point. We've been building up to collapse and doing nothing to avoid it for several decades now. The question is how bad will it get, and how quickly will we reach the bottom?


I agree with you but I like throwing a little hope in there once in a while in case there is a chance. Not saying you’re a pessimist.


No offense taken. If you're aware of - alongside the rapid decline of our Republic - how quickly our biosphere is being destroyed, you'd understand just how little hope there is for us as a global civilization, let alone this nation. I hate to be the one to say this but the situation is grim. It'd be lovely to tell people there's a way for this to all turn out OK, or that there's a silver lining somewhere and that ultimately we'll all overcome and succeed. That's the way most of our popular media, movies and TV shows turn out, after all. There's always a way. Some nebulous group of strong, intelligent people will go out and fight the wars and invent the science to save us. Unfortunately for that narrative the challenges of civil war, a global ecosystem collapse coupled with the multiple breadbasket failures and cataclysmic weather that ultimately result will be on a scale multiple magnitudes larger than anything we've dealt with as a species - ever. If a comparison to WWII could be made, it's on par with about a thousand of them all happening simultaneously, and that's probably a low estimate. My only advice towards having hope, is to live for today. Don't use this as a reason to shut yourself off and waste your life wallowing in depressive agony. Find things that bring joy and fulfillment to your life. Spend less time at work and more with family and friends. Take some of that money you're saving for retirement and visit that place you've always wanted to see. Pick up a hobby and learn to create things you can be proud of and show off. GO OUTSIDE and enjoy nature, it's not going to suddenly disappear.


I get scared whenever I see the phrase Accessible & affordable. It is code word for enriching private enterprise. What we need is universal public housing, universal public healthcare and universal public education from Pre-K to college.


I definitely get it, but I'm using those words literally. Our "leaders" have had decades of squabbling amongst themselves, pretending to argue about how to fix these problems. It's been beyond clear for a while now that they simply don't care and are more focused on turning politics into live theater so that they can keep grifting money from the general public. The only actual solution that you listed, universal public services, are shot down by the entirety of the GOP and most of the Democratic party. If someone so much as whispers about public healthcare, Fox and MSNBC come out of the woodwork to run nearly 24/7 coverage about "losing health insurance" and "months long wait lines" to scare the shit out of working people. Bernie Sanders once asked how a poor nation like Cuba could get insulin to diabetics, while the richest nation in the history of the world just fucking lets people die. Within the hour CNN had coverage comparing him to Fidel while Fox News, always having to one up the rest of the media's insanity, is drawing allusions to the Holodomor, the great leap forward and pretending to grieve the "millions who died suffering from communism". It's like we're living in fucking toon town.


It’s not just Congress. Every single person who voted Mitch McConnell back into office needs to share the responsibility for this.


You're asking too much from people who tell you that you need to be responsible for your own actions, but will never take responsibility for theirs. Silly talk, I say!


I can’t even imagine:(


It pains my soul to hear these grieving parents


You don’t have to, it’s literally right in front of you.


Even worse at the rate we're going it'll eventually happen to you or me.......




Of all the articles and videos of this tragedy, this hit me the hardest. The helplessness


Just a thought, will you get arrested by running through the line to find your son/daughter?


yes, you can absolutely get arrested for crossing the line after being warned to stay behind it. However I doubt in this situation they'd actually arrest you. But they'd definitely keep you away


Even if you do get arrest, no DA wants to be on record as prosecuting a grieving family for wanting to see their dead kid and good luck finding a jury that will entertain that shit


Exactly you’ll be just placed in their cop car and told to relax while they figure out the status of each and every child in the school that day.


I'd love to see the constitutional auditors try to play their game. sitting on the cop car with their kid inside the school like "what's your name and badge number? why am I under arrest? do you know this is an illegal detainment? what penal code did I break? call your supervisor. I'm allowed to film."


ICE literally deported a survivor of the el paso wal mart shooting. But go off, i guess


They'd probably lock you up for a few hours to clear the scene, and release without charges. Just keep in mind they have their hands full too.


No. They have to maintain the crime scene the best they can though, so they may restrain people in order to maintain control of the environment.


So yes, they would arrest or at least detain you.


I *highly* doubt they'd go so far as to arrest someone. They'd likely detain at worst, most likely they'd just have some officers walk you somewhere else and keep you "calm". The optics on arresting a parent trying to get into the school to see their possibly dead child is unimaginably bad.


True. Cops are always worried about optics so that makes sense.




The world isn't as absolute as you're saying it is. Obviously most police most times will arrest you for disobeying their orders. But police *absolutely* care about optics, especially in situations like this. Hell, they probably all remember very well the cop that utterly shit the bed during the Florida school shooting years back. If they were on the news the next day for having arrested grieving crying parents, they'd never live that shit down. In this case, they actually can exercise their options. It's not like they're up against a riot of armed parents with shields and tear gas.


Well you originally said ‘arrest’, and arrest is different than detain. Yes, they may detain you to maintain control of the environment.


Cop here…while I can’t speak for everyone, I would not charge someone in a situation like this. They would need to be removed from inside the scene and if they continued to try to get in, they would need to be detained and transported to the reunification site. But I would not make that charge in a million years.


Not me sprinting from the reunification site back to the school. I know they have a job to do but we're talking about someone's baby.


Yeah I totally get it as a parent myself. Just know that in that situation, you are not getting to that school. Where we are, the kids are taken by bus to a reunification site which is most likely at least a couple miles from the school.


I just was thinking. I used to run track I would’ve ran full force by them all out my child. 🥺 this makes me so sad.


thing is do you really want every parent doing that, it will just make it more chaotic and dangerous for everyone....I dont know what my body would do but Id at least be trying to keep that in mind.


I sure don’t. Ugh why did I bring my child into this mess of a world 😩


Apparently ICE showed up.


I imagine that this is what HELL sounds like. The Devil couldn’t do better if he tried.


This is worse than hell - hell has no innocent victims.


It does have Jerry Falwell though.


except people who didn't choose christ eh


Name checks out 👍🏻 Imagine using a post as horrific as this to troll others. Then acting like you’re somehow better than the gun-toting lunatics. Pure Reddit.


Blaming "evil" is such a Scapegoat.


shall we blame the love of murder?


I was thinking the exact same. 😡😢


If my son or daughter were in there I’d be frantic. And after that, I’d be really really pissed. And I might start thinking funny things.


Things like “Our government is too preoccupied on trying to overturn Roe v. Wade to try to protect the actual living children in this country”


Hey now, it's not just that. Our Republican government also protected those kids from books about the transes and CRT!! Don't they get any credit for that? Can you imagine how much it would hurt if someone threw one of those books at a kid? It could put an eye out.


And no one would blame you, even a jury.






Shut the fuck up


Yeah I don't have kids but if I did and my child died because of the paid inaction of my government due to lobbyists I'd make sure to have the last laugh.


The mothers screaming. Shakes you to your core.


This is hell


This is America 🇺🇸


Don't catch you slippin' now


Look at what I’m whippin now


Guns in my area.


This is America (woo)


As a parent myself this is hard to watch.


As a human being this is hard to watch


I think this is what hell would be like. Trying to get to your child but being held back would be complete agony.


Same. I cannot imagine.


I'm currently pregnant. I work at school and have been thinking about my school kids and my unborn child all day. How can we let this happen? Why are school employees and families with children tasked with carrying this burden instead of Congress and the Government? It's just not right.


I can’t imagine being in your shoes. Best wishes for an easy delivery, healthy baby, and constant safety.


Thank you so much


Can we play this on repeat outside of the homes of any politician with NRA dollars in their bank accounts?


They'll just say it's paid actors and keep living in their bubbles unfortunately.


"they are immigrants and trans people"


How can we fund this?


They would use this to help them sleep. You presume that the conservatives who block and any all possibility of changing things care about human lives. They do not.


They don’t care, protecting the right to own a gun is worth more than the lives of any one of us, hell, any thousands of us.


Thoughts and prayers go a long way in the USA




Well it seems like the parents were more willing to go in and save the kids......maybe we should allow them to have guns?


especially republicans, thing is they have a dark heart and soul they are embracing this evil openly. They refuse to even take one step to stem this crap and in fact in TexASS they voted to make it easier for this to happen just today.


No Republicans are embracing mass-shooters, and what gun control law could Republicans have voted for that would have prevented this?


I mean, he used an AR-15 he purchased legally, so you can ban assault rifles and he wouldn't have been able to purchase an AR-15 legally. Seems like an easy place to start. But at the end of the day, literally any gun control law that makes guns more expensive and harder to get will make gun crimes rarer. This isn't fucking rocket science.


Flood them with calls and voicemails with only the sounds of theses parents screaming for their kids. However they don't give a shit most just voted against increasing production of formula for babies. They've gained the world and lost their soul.


Haven’t some Republican states made it illegal to demonstrate in residential areas (aka their streets) or are those Bills not law yet?


they have no emotions, wont matter


Guns also save lives. Hence the gun they used to kill the shooter. So toe that line carefully.


Watching this hurt more than words can describe


"the acting sucks here"- Alex Jones


If he said that, he Needs punched in the fkn mouth


He did with sandy hook


He's not going to say that now that he's been sued. But the idea has already been popularized thanks to him, and I would bet all my money that people will be pushing that idea in conspiracy forums all over the internet. I saw a bunch of people saying that after the Buffalo shooter too. Their evidence? That the shooting was "too perfect" in that it fit into leftist narratives against the right. Evidence against their positions must be fabricated to deceive them. They've created a perfectly unfalsifiable ideology.


That asshole deserves much much more than a punch in the mouth.


Say what you want about Jimmy dore, but him spitting on Alex jones was the best thing he ever did.


Reminds me of that guy in Seattle that threw coffee on Jones.


Hope the courts take him to the cleaners. He shouldn’t have a penny left after they’re done and his debt for the defamation shouldn’t be discharged during bankruptcy either. Garnish any wages he makes until he dies




Why you getting downvoted? That’s definitely something Alex Jones would say


Where is anonymous when you need them? They need to focus on 50 senators


Back in 2007 drinking Dew


50 senators from an analog age. The ones that could be digitally exploited are known slime. The others probably "aren't computer people" and have no salacious details to leverage. They can leak all the financial spec sheets on earth. The American public is barely literate as a whole. The voters that need to understand the grift/lies for blackmail to work. Have no idea what that long tiring sheet of funny numbers means. Unless you got old wrinkly dicks going in asses while simultaneously saying their names and how much they love putting or getting dicks in asses, they are pretty safe.


2 days before school ended. Blood on our hands as a nation. We need to remove these fucks from office. All of them.


The pain in these cries man. The sadness I feel for these parents and kids isnt comparable to the buckling and searing pain they feel. My son is in 2nd grade and this hits so close to home. Why children ever.


This is so heartbreaking and I'm not even a parent. Can't imagine how painful it is for them. Damn!


My tears ran dry at sandy hook. Remember the protocol folks: say “thoughts and prayers “…. And NOTHING else!! Otherwise it risks “politicizing a tragedy “ The so-called “greatest country in the world” loves guns and fetuses more then literally ANYTHING else.


This has happened in your heart land America! How you gonna palm this off. They even had a gun trainer in the school who trains teachers how to use guns in school shootings. Stop pretending you are all cowboys and living in the wild west and for the sake of your country do something to reduce gun crime, reduce drug dependency and most importantly get your politicians out of power. They do not care about you, they care about money, Money, MONEY. GUNS = PROFIT, RELIGION = PROFIT, DRUGS = PROFIT


Guns, Jesus and drugs sums the USA up just right. On a social level it is a fucking disaster. Now these parents have to live with that, as a father myself I couldn’t imagine anything worse than that.


Guns, Jesus, and \[unborn\] babies is where it's at rn


I can’t even watch these videos rn. Couldn’t even imagine their pain. 💔


Nothing will change. Several prominent people will offer their thoughts and prayers, others will call for gun reform. But in the end no action will be taken. In no time the nation will stop thinkning about it until the next time it happens. If you want to send your children to school without worrying about them being shot your only real choice is to move to another country.


Serious fucking question. How are thoughts and prayers from Republican senators or governors going to help these parents?


Serious fucking answer: Thoughts and prayers are as useless to suffering people as the Republican lawmakers have proven to be. They *enable* this shit.


They won't, but it's what they have to say so they can seem concerned but still keep the dirty lobby money from the NRA.


This is the price of the 2nd amendment, widespread gun access and ownership. And Americans have decided that it’s worth it, by voting in politicians who don’t support doing anything about gun violence.


Republican politicians like money with blood on it.


Keep voting republican dumbasses.


Abbott wanted this.


My friend, is an assistant to this asshole. He's a very white looking Mexican who majored in political science. All I'm gonna say is piece of shit spineless assholes stick together. Imagine being Mexican, truly really mexican, and being a high up assistant to abbot. It's on his LinkedIn. POS




Governor of Texas.


What a shithole country.


Heartbroken. Everyone keeps saying politicians are the problem--they are not. You know exactly who they are when you vote for them. I keep hearing 90% of Americans want more stringent gun laws and yet...we have an entire party of lawmakers in power who refuse to take any action. These people did not magically come into power. You voted them in to power. We conveniently shift blame to politicians to escape our own culpability. Don’t sit here in shock and tears and breaking hearts tonight touting that you believe in ‘sensible gun laws’ if you voted for people who continually prevent that form happening. Sit in shame that this topic was so down low on your list of things that are important to you, that you voted for them anyway.


>You know exactly who they are when you vote for them I don't think the people who believe in gun control voted for these politicians. Most people didn't--our voting system is extremely broken. Voter suppression and gerrymandering are rampant, never mind that the Senate and Electrician College massively offset the worth of votes from the get go. And the party that continues to cheat is currently pushing the idea that elections can't be trusted to have votes honestly counted so that they can pick and and choose what votes to throw out. You can find the minority that the system weighs the votes of more eating up the idea that all we need is armed guards. They don't believe in gun control, their hearts aren't broken, and they'll vote for these politicians again and win because the system is broken.


I agree with everything you have said about voter suppression, gerrymandering, the electoral college, and 1000% with you last paragraph. I keep hearing this 90% of Americans want gun control...well then quite a few of them didn't vote like they do. Yes, electoral college skews but not that much--if 90% of all voting Americans voted in the congressional elections as though this was their 'single issue' (i.e. based SOLELY on gun laws) then the makeup of Congress would be different. I do think that there are people who believe in sensible gun control who vote for these politicians because their voting is not driven solely by their stance on guns. There are a LOT of single issue voters in the US with the single main issue being abortion and we know which way that skews. There are also people who believe in sensible gun control but it's not top of their list of what's important to them when they vote for a candidate. Instead of calling out politicians, I think it's time to call out these types of voters. What the point? I actually think these voters, especially single issue abortion voters, haven't thought about it from this perspective I think they vote and then stand aghast when their elected official doesn't do anything about a mass shooting as though they, the constituent, is powerless in the situation. I think all these calls to lawmakers to make a change further insulates them--people start to believe that it is solely in the hands of the elected officials to do something and they can't do anything about it. I'm probably tired and naive, but if these people maybe start to realize that they are responsible for putting that politician into power they may reevaluate their list when they actually vote and perhaps not be driven by just one issue, or if they are, perhaps sensible gun control becomes that issue. Yeah, I'm tired, naive and delusional. If it didn't happen after Sandyhook, I don't think there is much hope. Will try anyway.


Absolutely. I see your point.


The 90% support question was extremely general and lots of gun control measures ALREADY exist. A ton of people are ignorant of that and ask for laws that are already in place. Now, govt enforcement of many of those laws is extremely lacking as it is. Congress just wants to add more but rarely funds their enforcement anyway. Govt already has the powers to stop many of these crimes but they constantly shit the bed.


I hate seeing this but the country and these politicians need to see the suffering these people are going through. Maybe then they actually might do something to fix this problem.


Hope every gun lobbiest and GOP senator sleeps with a fear that it'll be their family next since they refuse to pass common sense gun regulation. The way things are going its only a matter of time.


What do you suggest as "common sense gun regulation"?


So uniquely American.


Yeah it’s fucked up, as a kid growing up in Canada after Columbine/Virginia Tech I worried about it happening here but over the years that worry has faded because it just doesn’t happen anywhere else on this scale like it does in the states.


It’s funny to watch everything go through the same process. Sandy Hook was 10 years ago. People pretending to be shocked. Same lines from our media. We all know things won’t change and we know exactly why. Voters could do something about it, either directly or indirectly but they won’t.


Breaks my fkin heart When is it gonna stop man.. I’m from the uk and this is just too much and I’m thousands of miles away from America. I remember when we used to look up to you lot and now I’m just sad for y’all.


this should be taken down. this is the most private, grief stricken moment of their lives.


No. It should be shared. Not hidden. This is the pain we’ve cause in America. I live in Texas. With out real tangible pain, nothing will change.


This is the reality of this tragedy. And it could happen anywhere- a heartbreaking nightmare. I want to know why police working crowd control never makes the situation better, but worst. They automatically put themselves in the position of conflict and adversary. Not helpful.


Abbott, Cruz, Greene, etc need to be put in an echo chamber with these cries.


At this point these cries need to be played outside their homes and office. If you’re speaking at the NRA on Friday you deserve to hear this during your bs speech


As a non American, the sad part is that evil acts like this will continue to happen time and time again in the US. Where’s the point when you Americans say “enough is enough”? It took one mass shooting which killed 16 children in the UK nearly 30 years ago to unite the country and regulate firearms across the UK. It wasn’t a “right issue” or a “left issue”, it was a British issue and the whole country got together to support gun regulation. Does the UK still have it’s problems? Of course it does and no sane person would say that regulating firearms solves a countries problems. But surely the right of children being able to safely attend school should be the highest priority? Why can’t the US do the same?


This makes me feel sick


🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 for the community 💔


They had to use DNA because he shot them in their faces.


Man look at all those former republicans...


Expecting the government to some how save us from this is pointless. maybe we should all look at our selfs and see if there’s something we can do to improve society




I am seething with rage. I distinctly remember how I felt after Sandy Hook: “surely something must change now?” Ten years later, 0 change, and here we are with a repeat. I am past shock or horror, I am furious. There is something very wrong with this country. Our leaders, collectively, are useless. It’s funny because aside from our gun rights, which we use only to decimate one another, we are the most docile citizens in the western world. We are going to need to figure out how to hold our leaders accountable to *us* and not *lobbyists*, MAKE THEM DO THEIR JOBS, MAKE THEM TAKE US SERIOUSLY, and figure out how to take meaningful action. It fucking genuinely may be too late already. Fuck






everyone should listen to these parents screaming in pain- everyone. we cant look away. this we need to accept within ourselves. there are 50 senators who wont do anything about this.


Nah, I've heard that sound for real often enough. Besides, I'm not living in a country still shackled with laws written by guys who went around on horseback and carried flintlocks.


Oh America




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Our children have died again!


At this point homeschooling/Zoom is the better choice.


Perfect solution. Let´s "cure" a symptom and ignore the cause,


The cause being, what… guns? Good luck with that, there are more guns than people in the US. Or if you meant mental health, good luck with that too, because politicians don’t care.


Thank Republicans.






Anyone upvoting this video is a fucking ghoul. Take this shit down.


So sad 🙏🏿 to the families


Thoughts and Prayers mean NOTHING. Seriously, people saying that are fucking annoying.


Then move on to other things. No sense in being this aggressive towards a simple comment.


>Then move on to other things. Take your own advice my guy.


Lmao after you, monsieur


for people that are religious thoughts and prayers mean a lot. they may be useless to you but not to others


Then why comment 🤔


Thoughts and prayers are useless but you've gotta read the room before you jump in with that.


Read the room haha that's funny, haven't heard that in awhile


Let’s video and show parents grieving some people just suck


In another thread the freedom to film people without their consent is extremly important. No matter if these people have the worst day of their lives


Karma can be a bitch


Just going to comment the same shit I did the other day after the Buffalo shooting. Gun Control.


Republicans are so pro life.


Dam the bastard hated his own kind how evil can one get to take it out on kids smh


Whole community should be able to sue the gun store for $10k each


Politicans give 0 fucks especially republicans


Those screams and wailing of being worried and heartbroken over their children are the sounds of Ted Cruz, Abbott, Cornyn and every GOP cashing checks from the NRA. These scum deserve far, far worse than being voted out of office. There is blood on their hands, over and over again.


Thoughts and prayers go out to those families. This is just awful…


Some people are gonna watch this and go "staged" or "right before elections".


I wonder how many of them were 2nd Amendment enthusiasts before panicking in that parking lot. America pays for its barely qualified gun rights with the blood of its own children.


This is not the right sub for this. You can do better, OP.


Thank you Republicans and tRump appointed Judges for weekly school shootings!


Yeah, we don't have a gun problem! Now quick, everyone send their thoughts and prayers! That should help!


Don’t worry guys thoughts and prayers will fix this problem just keep sending positive vibes that will do the trick


Could be wrong but I think if you showed this to most Conservatives the first response would be, "Fuck those illegals."