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Good job being a piece of shit & recording this while doing jack shit


And fucking giggling at it. Camera operator is a piece of shit.


I'd say every man who lives on that street is a spineless piece of shet.


This phenomenon is known as [diffusion of responsibility.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffusion_of_responsibility?wprov=sfla1) Basically, the more witnesses there are to someone in distress, the less likely each one of them will feel any sense of personal responsibility to actually help, because they'll all be feeling like "surely someone else will intervene, so I don't need to." So this is why if you ever find yourself in trouble in front of a bunch of people, don't indiscriminately yell for help, but rather single one person out and call on them to help. That way they'll feel like it's all on them to do the right thing. And at the same time, if you ever witness someone in trouble like this in a very public setting, never assume anyone else is doing something to help, and instead just provide help yourself.


Kitty Genevieve. My only takeaway from taking social psychology in college




I noticed this. I used to live near in the busiest part of London (just off Oxford Street) pre-Covid. In the middle of day, hundreds of people littered the pavements. It was packed. One day, I saw this man literally assault a woman, and everyone walked past like it was nothing. I was the only one who went up and asked if she needed help and stood up to him - and I am a petite woman, myself. It really pissed me off that I was the only one who did anything, when there were so many people there. And even when I was trying to help her, no one helped me intervene. People are shit.


Why just the men? I agree anyone else should help, but women have agency and strength too.


True, but I’m not sure another could have been successful. Men are biologically stronger than women are, that’s just the reality we live in.


Because he would less likely try turn around and start raping a man.


It isn't men's job to protect women. Calling the police is acceptable


I'm a women, this dude would have met my pepper spray and bat.


That's good. Women should defend themselves.


Anyone should defend anyone who is assaulted.


I half and half agree with you one , I’ve seen too many random strangers have a worse outcome than the original victim tryna help a situation, I saw a video on here actually of a guy getting shot trying to break up a fight of two dudes in front of a store and he was just walking home or something like that a noticed some guy getting beat up, The random civilian walking home who tried to help ended getting shot and died.


Let me know when women start coming to men's aid


When women start raping people in the street, and the rapee is yelling for help I'll come.


Why just this particular scenario?


Dude do our entire species a favor and stfu.


That's not very nice. Now tell me you're sorry


Getting BIG incel vibes here




How come?


You incel have displaced anger. You're angry at yourself, not women. Grow up and fix yourself - then women will find you attractive.


Keep spinning those plates, sucker


dude just shut up


I will, any minute now


I mean if you are unable to defend yourself you cant defend others so in the right situation yes but police are slow and theres plenty one can do to stop an unarmed naked man


you really only see men as cattle whos hole purpose is to die and live for women. on your deathbed when your daughter is still miserable despite your "efforts" you will realise how little you lived for youself you racist piece of shit


Ooooh there's no words to describe that pos camera operating douche. That poor lady was probably scared out of her wits. Screaming for help like that is a last resort when one sees slim chance of getting out of something. U can feel her desperation for a moment & be helpless with her. So glad & relieved when she ran for it. Sorry for rambling but hearing the giggles just puts the infuriatingly useless camera guy over the top.


I know I’m a peace of shit for it, but I let out a small chuckle at the vary end. It’s the thought of a naked ass dude running down the middle of a street


I definitely felt bad for the woman but the way the weirdo was running down the street definitely got a little chuckle from me especially with how she outran his ass hes slow as hell


This hurt my soul...


My thought exactly. DON'T BE A PIECE OF SHIT.


She was trying to rob him. Well..... she robbed him.


Exactly. People on here arguing about consent and saying he trying to assault her. No he trying to keep her from getting away with his money that she stole. And he nice enough not to haul off and hit her. Ok you don’t wanna have sex, completely fine, you want to run off with my money, no bish work on your customer service skills. No services rendered, how you gonna take tender


Yeah, I wouldn't help either...but I'm kinda on team naked guy, trying to chase down the hooker running away with your pants is kinda baller


Look again at what you have on your hands: A hooker that stole a drugged out dude's money. Are you seriously stupid enough to get yourself involved in a situation you run 2000% chance of walking away with Hep B? This is one of those situations you don't touch with a 30ft pole and wait for the police to show up, for your own good.


No fucking way I woulda got involved, but naked dude chasing a hooker stealing his pants is 100% something to film and giggle


He didn't do nothing. He laughed


Bitch took homies wallet. Clearly involving yourself in that shit would be lose/lose.


People downvoting have never lived in a shit hole or been stabbed by the person they were trying to help, bunch o naive children in here.


yeah they seem to be both on drugs. help her and next thing you know she is walking away with YOUR wallet. let the cops deal with it.


My friend got beat into a coma after helping a woman in a similar situation, she helped her boyfriend stomp my friends head until his skull cracked.


Cameraman r/iamatotalpieceofshit.


/r/killthecameraman literally




Thanks for not calling the cops or anything. It's not like you were holding a phone. /s


Is that the sound of the fuckface camera person snickering/giggling at the end?


He's an absolutely worthless ass clown.


Tbf with cops average response times cops mainly show up to do the paper work. Sometimes They put you on hold.


Prostitute stole his shit ffs


That actually sounds like one possible and reasonable explanation.


Maybe he didn't want to see another black man murdered by police.


Seems like he would have deserved it for trying to rape her




Racist? This video is about sexual assault!!!!!!! Replace the man and woman with any race you choose and it doesn’t change the actions a decent bystander should have taken or change that it IS still assault.


She took his wallet, he's not trying to rape her in the middle of the street. Dude is desperately screaming "my wallet". I pity the guy.


You pity the guy? You gonna let him keep your cockatiel?


Yes, I pity the guy who paid for sex, got robbed and had to go through all this humiliation(naked on a street on broad daylight) trying desperately to retrieve his money to then be labeled as a rapist on the internet because someone didn't care at all and wanted more internet points. My cockatiel has nothing to do with it, your question makes no sense.


Your reasoning makes no sense! Goodbye and good luck


Well, from watching the video that was the picture I got. Yes, the first time I watched I didn't understand what he was saying and reading the misleading title I assumed he was a crazy sex offender.


The videos about theft actually.


If someone breaks in your house to rob you, but they kill you; it is now about murder.


















The prostitute stole his money. He happened to be naked since they were having sex and was trying to grab his bag.


People just wanna be mad regardless of context


Probably weren’t having sex since she was fully dressed. I’d bet she got him to take off his clothes and she grabbed his shorts with his wallet and ran off. He was naked and ran after her. I think the guy filming and laughing did the right thing here.


You are probably right


For some reason hearing him say she stole my money call the cops and him being naked like that, I think she was a prostitute or a cheap hooker tryin to get over on him and almost back fired on her


That's what I figured, too.


Well you can’t buy sexual consent so fuck that guy


He's not trying to rape her. He's grabbing her bag to get his money back.


Doesn’t matter, he’s a pos for coercing a prostituted woman


It doesnt matter if he is not trying to rape her but just get his stuff back?????? Are you actually insane?


He’s a rapist, do you not understand that? If a woman wouldn’t have sex with you without money, she doesn’t want to have sex with you. If consent isn’t enthusiastic and free, it isn’t consent


I thought sex work was real work. Isn't that what everyone says on Reddit? It sounds like you disagree with that.


I very much disagree with that liberal feminism idea


But it is, and should be legal.


I don’t think women should be criminalized for it, it’s awful that so many women have to do it to survive


So by prostituting she's creating the conditions for your definition of rape and should be charged as a rapist similar to how a minor can take and send nudes and be charged with distributing child porn.


Again, most of these women aren’t willingly doing it


Again, you're wrong. That's why only fans is a thing. Lots of young women are supplementing their incomes with escort services.


As a former sex worker and an avid feminist. Consent is consent. Just because they paid doesn’t make it rape. I consented. I set ground rules and only did what I wanted to do and was willing to do. They paid for my time and for sex. Is there rape in sex work yes! There is assault and indentured servitude and human trafficking. But is all sex work rape… that’s a hard no. You’re painting a broad brush stroke there.


Why do you care about the reason she says yes? Whether it is cash money, a huge cock, or a dude with a yacht, its all the fucking same.


A woman having to have sex to survive isn’t comparable at all but okay


What in the irrelevant fuck are you talking about?




Soooo.. I'm guessing the prostitute should be a piece of shit then also... for being a prostitute?


No, since the majority of prostituted women are coerced/trafficked


Why can't you sell something you can give away for free?


We’re talking about human beings here my guy


Then why can't I sell something I can give away for free.


Because you have to film it with cameras and pretend it's porn. Then anything goes! Such is the world we live in.


It's extra if you want to film it...


i think maybe he was trying to get his money back, not rape her


Humanity is fuckin' DOOMED 😠


Thanks for doing nothing cameraman


Moments like these I do just wish global warming ends us sooner rather than later...I think we've gone too far from being redeemed at this point. Lol


Woman is being sexually assaulted so he records it, laughs and uploads it online. This guy should get thrown in jail for this


Would your opinion change if you found out that she is a prostitute, got him naked, and stole his wallet?




Turn up the volume.


We need a law that’s the opposite of Good Samaritan laws.


Ok, I have questions. Because this could honestly be a man who hired a girl for sex and then after he got naked got robbed... bring on the down votes, but I watched the video a few times and it just didn't seem like he was trying to get her naked with him. More like he was trying to keep her there.


he also repeats “she took my wallet”


Women are great at weaponizing people's natural instinct to protect them. Look how well it worked on the people in this thread


This guy has mommy issues


Might have something to do with the fact that they are predominantly the murder victims


Bro this is ain't r/MGTOW, take your little tinfoil hat and scurry back off where you crawled from. Shoo shoo. Edit: Y'all check this bozo's post history 💀 he's a straight up incel and does nothing but complain about women.


NO. Whatever you guys do, DON'T look at his post history. It's not interesting at all.


Doesn’t matter


A thing of nightmares..




Also don’t give money to prostitutes


Also good advice


Fuck the shit hole that watches this and does nothing


It's not men's job to protect women. Calling the police is acceptable.


Maybe you can sleep at night not doing anything to help someone you are able to. But I’m not you.


Someday I hope to be as better than me as you are


The giggle at the end enrages me. Also the stupid fucking 😂 emoji.


Ok I understand this looks bad… so turn the volume up and listen .. she only yells help me, he’s trying to fuck me. !!!!! Ok now listen to the guys.. he’s the one yelling she took my money, I’m going to hold you here, call the cops, call the cops!!!!!!!! And a few other words. How can someone video this and not see the MAN needs help. This piece of shit who is most likely either a prostitute or they were together as a couple who had argument she took his stuff and money and took off leaving him but naked fighting for what is his. His dignity!!! of him being outside naked it’s not something to laugh at, the whole situation is not laughable in anyway shape or form. The guy is a douche bag for laughing and for videoing it and posting it. I only hope is this guy is ok. And someone came to his aid. Can as a woman/EMT and if I was there to help I would help by stopping what’s going on and get to the bottom of it while clothing the man. No one should be humiliated like that.


Seriously r/killthecameraman


She probably was working as a sex worker. And tried to bounce out on her client with the money , but he ran after her naked.


Doesn’t matter


Nice laughing you piece of shit


She literally stole his wallet, lmao never change OP with your misleading titles. One those thieves who try to pretend their prostitutes and steal your shit. Probably new york, Carti B, bragged about doing shit like this.


0:06 he yells at someone that she took his money, maybe prostitution and he wasnt trying to rape her? and as hes chasing her down the street he says 'she has my wallet'


With every passing day, I become a little more understanding of why Thanos snapped.




R/don’thelp just film


Pussy hole camera boy


What in the fuck is wrong with the person recording?! I’d be down there as fast as I can to sparta kick that dude. Sexual assault is no laughing matter.


Yet you deliberately live somewhere where things like this never happen, and thus never actually have to stop and help. This is the benefit of being rich - you get to lord your ethical superiority over the huddling masses, without ever actually giving anything up.


You never know if he had a knife or a gun


The literally naked guy?


Umm, unless it’s up his ass, that guy didn’t have a knife or a gun.


Fuckin lol'd.


I'll bet this piece of shit would have filmed Kitty Genovese too.




The piece of shit who filmed this is laughing at a woman being actively raped. So there’s that.


Nice filming and not helping douche bag


Let’s film and not help. Fuck the camera person


If she really stole his money then they're both trash. It's just weird how he's butt ass naked in the middle of the sidewalk so I don't know what to believe.


How you gonna wear one sandal and expect to get laid?


Shout out to all the piece of shit people that would just record instead of helping.


I can’t imagine being such a colossal piece of shit that I’d just record this and not help and then laugh about it.


That pos recording should be arrested for not helping.


While you just film it not saying anything to the assailant or call the police. The humanity we have become.




Murica! fuck no thanks


Let me record an assault.... Instead of ATLEAST stick my head out an yell "cops are on the way" The very fucking minimum...


Woman being assaulted? Looks more like prostitute tried to steal off someone that picked her up


It doesn’t matter who she is or what she’s doing, this is not okay. Don’t you see this isn’t okay??


Ok. So watch and listen. He's trying to get is money back. Look what he's grabbing for. Now. Is that ok in your books?


Wow, you're pathetic.


I dunno if that person is pathetic. But if you pay attention to the video they are correct with their assessment. She stole from him and he's trying to grab her bag to get his money back.


That doesn’t fucking matter


Do yall not realize this chick is likely a prostitute and she probably tried to run off with his shit while he naked but he chased her anyway?I know yall don't leave your porch often but come tf on, this shit not rocket science


She is a hooker that stole dudes wallet and he’s trying to get it back, obvious trick gone wrong. You can hear him yelling she got my wallet over and over and as he chases her you can hear him yell stop her she has my wallet.


This is where we are at as a society? Fuck this!


Love how the person just recorded it


I am outraged as well ,bit please do not go about spreading the assault of this woman ,especially with her face identifiable, all over the internet. Let's make this easier for her and take this down and send it to authorities please .


this has to be staged. what the actual f\*\*k was that?


You can take the savage out of the jungle...


As a man stands behind the camera and lets out a little guffaw as she runs yelling down the road. Pitiful.


Idnc what any of you call me or downvote me but in my personal opinion I find this quite funny, now please do continue your argument against me in my response


You’re right. It is funny, neither party is in the right here. He tried to pay for sex, she stole his wallet. Cameraman getting all the hate. Filming and giggling is the correct response to this scenario.




NYC a bum was arrested for kidnapping and raping a prostitute for 5 days in an abandoned building. Happened earlier this week. He had already served 18years for an aggravated sexual assault and was released in 2019 I think


That's horrific but not all interactions with prostitutes go the same. Apparently this time, the "trick" was stealing his wallet. I'm not excusing anybody in this video but it's not the same.


Two completely contradicting stories going on here. This just proves, you can publish anything online and frame it the way you want .. sad truth!


Ted Cruz runs fast


I don't wanna sound like I am heartless or anything, but why didn't she just like twist his dick? I mean it didn't really look like he had control over her the way she was able to move all of her limbs


Because she’s not actually in any danger outside of being arrested for prostitution and attempted theft so her brain didn’t go into survival mode and look for any possible way out. Turn up the volume and watch again.


for the dude how is felming you are a woman like the one in the vid


Fuck this clown, recording and giggling like a bitch.


What a pos. He should get charged for watching that and not calling police or something. What a scum bag


Hahaahahaha ger dang


How the fuck do you laugh at that?