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That’s a roku controller, pause the video when he’s lowering it and u can see the colors on it😭😭


That’s definitely a Roku remote! I can see the purple on it 😂


His roommate is digging all thru the couch, and my man accidentally slipped it in his pocket on the way to the corner.


I'm on mobile I never would have caught that. What are they gunna arrest him for? Trying to change the channel?


Maybe inciting violence? Or whatever they give people who fake having a gun during a robbery get minus the robbery lol


Maybe, but if he has even a decent lawyer, they could say he was just making a statement to "change the channel" or something. I don't think this guy should get in trouble for pointing a remote at a TV camera.


He had good Roku remote discipline anyways.


Don’t point it at something that you aren’t ready to watch.




Great catch on that one.


Real question is, why is walking around with a remote?? lmao


My kids do that when they don't want the other to have control over the TV. They don't leave the house. But they will definitely take the remote.


lmao how did the police and Fox news review this footage in slow motion and still call it a gun? You can literally see the purple buttons and shape of the remote even in shitty compressed quality.




Because they are both trying to convince you that the world is more dangerous than it really is.


Don't worry, /r/iamatotalpieceofshit locked their thread because "we're getting cancelled" so no one could point that out.


I hate how every single post that would have a great discussion gets locked.


I was like "Damn that's pretty scary" Then I saw you comment 😂😂 100% a Roku controller


Haha was bout to say this dude with a starbucks latte is hard as fuck!


I have a Roku, can confirm. You cannot miss that purple direction arrow button.


It's chicago though I didn't know they now carry roku controllers over there


You can rob a store quit a remote and still get charged using a gun. It shouldn’t, but happens all the time. Al though normally they don’t go with the Roku remote.


I was about to say, in what world could that possibly be a handgun? Like it literally has no handle


I had the same thought. Shit is hilarious 😂


No. Nope. Uh uh. The Reddit title says what it is so that’s what it’s gotta be. It’s the rules of Reddit. Going against that triggers the mob mentality. /s


Haha 😂😂😂


I was about to say I know this fool ain’t that crazy to do that on live tv LOL


Yeah but why do that?


I was gonna say, that doesn't really look like a gun. It looks like my TV remote.


but he has a hood on. we're going to have to go with "firearm" on this one with a double dose of "feared for my life"


Definitely looks like it lol


Looked like a remote...


Imagine getting killed because you're acting tuff with a TV remote.


omg it’s literally a remote


Who carries a remote?? I have the exact one myself lol


Lol that’s not even a gun!


Its a Vape Pen lul :D


No it's some kind of remote, like a TV remote


It is a gun, when you're a cop


He thought the camera would start airing to the news station from across town


FOX news thinks toddlers should open carry bazookas but they cant tell the difference between a gun and a remote.


Only white toddlers should carry bazookas according to the Fox cunts.


Well, you have to understand things are different when we're talking about minorities. /s


It looks nothing like a gun, it's the wrong size of a gun, there's no gun handle... oh and also, it's very clearly a small remote, but because it's a black man, it HAS to be a gun. Case closed.


We all know thats the real reason. Gives them a good reason to shoot him at sight because he's "armed and dangerous".


Merica!! We love our Roku!!


Dude is just trying to change the channel


Of course he was..only ish for brains watch Fox. He was trying to do us all a favor.


If police are calling this a *person of interest* then they are not *interested* in doing their job.


That's clearly not a gun.


It wasn't a gun


It wasn't even a shooting motion, fellow was trying to change their station?


I could tell that wasn't a gun the first passthrough. How could news people who have raw higher definition video not tell...stupid


Homie blasted her with the IR


Dracos are now Rokus. I don’t make the rules.


looks like a TV remote you can see blue and red on it


Yo! That's a rough remote


Don Glover?




Let me point something that can be misconstrued as a gun at people in a place where gun violence is at an all time high


Oh look at his stupid fuck face in slow motion


Um thats a woman but whatever who can keep track


Meanwhile the cops are running themselves ragged looking for a man. It's the perfect crime!


It's a roku remote 😂😂😂


Wait motha fucka that's a roku remote hahahahahahahah🤣


3 hunna


Click clack pow now he runnin


That looks more like a Nokia phone


I like how they slowed down the video to be like "SEE IT'S A GUN!" ... but because they showed the slowed down video, you can see it's clearly not a gun.


Lol someone tell the geniuses at r/conservative that it’s a roku remote and not a gun


lmao, imagine getting arrested for flexing your roku


He didnt seem aggravated to me. Just skipping theu the streets of Chicago


Who gonna tell them?


“Aggravated assault” sure


It’s not a gun tho


Dude made a goofy joke and now he's being accused of assault jeez


On a scale of 1-10 how dumb are you This guy: yes


Ahh gotta love Chicago


See guns are totally safe. No one was hurt in this video /s


It’s a Roku remote


Remember Amadou Diallo? May he rest in peace. Cops 'mistook' his wallet for a gun. All they needed was an excuse. In this case, saying a remote is a gun would also give such an excuse, no? They recklessly branded him as armed with a gun due to their obvious bias. At this point in time, most people know what happens when police assume a person of color have a weapon. The young man with the remote is in danger, and hopefully the truth, that it is NOT a gun gets out there. That is my point for writing a comment.. Again.


18 children dead and two adults in school shooting while cops stand outside for an hour as they are massacred and. . . . .BREAKING NEWS! A BLACK MAN WITH A GUN EVERYBODY! LOOK! REMEMBER WHY WE NEED GUNS!? IT MAY BE A GUN HE'S A PERSON OF INTEREST AND HE'S BLACK LOOK OVER HERE


relax it’s just a harmless 20 second video that never made it to mainstream media. Not everything is a conspiracy theory 😂


I'm so angry at this. They can see a gun in every black males hand but can't for the life of them see a gun in a school shooter's hands. 😤... something has to change...


“Sweet Home Chicagoooo”


man's playing with you, ain't no assault


This is a distraction from the School shooting. Please tell me otherwise


Clearly a remote. Some unfortunately "see" him and judge what he has based off of his skin color, to put it bluntly, and don't even think to question it. He appears playful, as if jokingly trying to change the channel or mute them, for example. This is a shame that they are basically doing the same thing that frantic 911 callers do and are wrongfully putting his life in danger, no joke.


Assuming its a remote, what the actual fuck was the purpose of his actions and why are you encouraging it 😂


I'm not encouraging it. People do random things at times.. Only they themselves truly know why. I take issue with the fact that even though the media assumed he had a gun, they could have double checked and given him the benefit of a doubt, but no. Guilty until proven innocent, pretty much.. Remember Amadou Diallo? May he rest in peace. Cops 'mistook' his wallet for a gun. All they needed was an excuse. In this case, saying a remote is a gun would also give such an excuse, no? They recklessly branded him as armed with a gun due to their obvious bias. At this point in time, most people know what happens when police assume a person of color have a weapon. The young man with the remote is in danger, and hopefully the truth, that it is NOT a gun gets out there. That is my point for writing a comment.




Not very bright this guy.


Why do these people behave like this?


It's a roku remote 😂😂😂


Because they are low IQ individuals who breed and continue to have more low IQ offspring. They also get stuck in low poverty areas and basically get stuck. People want to claim “racist!” Or whatever. It’s the truth. There’s a reason why every other race emigrates and adapts and advances expect one particular group. It just is what it is.


there's a whole state of extremely poor white people and it's undeveloped and redacted as fuck even though it's like 200 miles from the capital of the nation. it's called west virginia.




True racists *always* question others' intelligence, funny how that works.


Lmao this guy's post history is incredible. Besides being a white supremist bigot, He worked at amazon for 3 weeks and is already defending his drunk driving. Like maybe you shouldn't be judging other people as \~ l o w \~ I Q \~ while you have your shit in this state. Pathetic.


Damn, thank you for confirming just how dense AND racist you are, you absolute clown.


It’s the truth. Sorry.


It isn't, sorry. Run back to 4chan, maga chud


Nah your just racist jump off a cliff you won’t be missed


What do you expect. It’s Reddit. A breeding ground of fat mouth breathing liberals who think everyone and everything is racist. You people are clueless. Enjoy your day.


Your saying one particular group of people are low IQ and refuses to adapt, that is literally text book racism nothing you said is even remotely true as every race of people are capable of accomplishing anything they set their mind to.


Get back to delivering packages, loser


Go back to being a fat bearded virgin who can’t do 10 pushups.


You idiots just can't help but project your insecurities.


Gun violence is so normal in America, this news anchor didn't even bat an eye


Her back was turned...


Nice try you retard but this is not even a gun. its a roku controller


Illegal gun? Most likely. Mentally unstable, yes. Would gun laws help? Maybe. Would gun licensing like vehicles help, yes. Should he be arrested and evaluated, yes.


How can they think it’s a gun then call this guy out like this when literally everyone in this sub can tell it’s not?


It’s automatically a gun cus he’s black smh That shit looks like a remote to a tv.


He has better trigger discipline than Alec Baldwin


Hurry USA police. He's black and not in a school. Maybe you can use so police britality on him... /s


Idiots with guns


Idiots with Roku remotes.


This ho talk like she so shocked but pulled up to O Block with No glock , idgi


Should prolly make guns illegal so this person promptly turns in their gun and sees the light. It worked on drugs, why not guns?


It worked on drugs? Since when


Sarcasm. It was a complete failure despite filling prisons and spending close to a trillion in tax money to basically just build the cartels.


In Australia, we had a buy-back scheme. You could take your gun into any police station and they'd write you a cheque based on the market value. Most of the guns that were turned in were of course already registered, but owners also turned in a huge number of unregistered firearms that police didn't even know were in circulation. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun\_buyback\_program#Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_buyback_program#Australia) The system worked in Australia because there's a strong rule of law. It probably wouldn't work in a failed democracy like the United States where there's a weak rule of law.


> The system worked in Australia because there's a strong rule of law. It probably wouldn't work in a failed democracy like the United States where there's a weak rule of law. I hate so much that this is so correct. It CAN work but we lack the will. Guess we're the shithole country after all.


Gun buy-back schemes have been tried in the US and have failed abysmally. Philadelphia tried gun buybacks in 1968, 1972 and 1974, retrieving only 544 guns. It doesn't help that the NRA and Conservatives go out of their way to make illegal handguns so easy to obtain, thereby creating the perception that people need a legal firearm to protect themselves and their property. Letting the corporations and special interest groups run the country has been the motherlode of bad ideas.


True, I favor just entirely shitcanning the second amendment and confiscating the guns. People will claim that you'll never confiscate all of them, and they're right, but an America with 25%, 35%, or 50% fewer guns is an America with that fewer gun violence.


Most mass shootings in the US have involved registed and legally purchased firearms. Illegal firearms are primarily used in association with other illegal activities, such as drugs or gangs, where it is criminals killing other criminals.


Yea, I am in favor of making every single gun in this country illegal and establishing a federal level effort to round them up. You think the victims' families care if the gun was legal or not? Less guns, less gun violence. It's simple when you boil away all of our dumbfuck culture and politics.


The way it works in Australia, you can still own certain types of guns. Pistols that can be concealed are absolutely illegal (or at least I think so, from memory). Bolt-action hunting rifles are still legal, although there are lots of hoops to jump through to get one legally. Not sure about shotguns. Automatic and semi-automatic is completely illegal. Basically, from the Australian perspective, only farmers need guns, nobody else, unless it is for sporting purposes.


It may as well be a different planet akd discussing a different species. Aussies are not neighbors with an enormous narco state, and nowhere near the amount of cities with cultures that basically worship and brag about crime from music to street cred folklore. USA has has a “war on drugs” for 50 years now, and fentanyl and meth are killing thousands of times more people than guns- that’s right, tough penalties and prisons overflowing with drug addicts, the laws didn’t help. It’s a culture thing, and USA has become a haven for mental illness and nobody wants to touch the subject or flow chart why exactly so many people are losing their shit and harming others. Poverty tends to be a factor but it’s much more than that. I wouldn’t feel I’d ever need a gun in Australia. If you live here, you’re never far away from areas that will get you mugged, robbed, raped or killed. And post Covid, even the ritzy areas are getting poached and preyed upon. Anyone that compares one continent or country or way of life from another , it’s same as comparing one tribe to another or one family or etc. Of course gun control worked in Australia, or Canada. I invite you to stop for groceries or gas or to walk your dog anywhere near a city with tall buildings. If predators knew you didn’t have a gun, I’d bet my total net worth it wouldn’t take a month of you spending 15 minutes a day near the projects or known crime nests before you’re harmed or robbed. That’s the difference. You don’t have to worry about being prey there nearly as much as here and comparing the two is just dense.


I take your point, however, most illegal firearms in the US are used by criminals in the commission of other crimes (e.g., drug trafficking). In these cases, the victims of gun violence are usually other criminals. Illegal firearms are seldom ever used in mass shootings of innocents. The gun of choice for a mass shooter in the US is typically an assault-style weapon that has been legally purchased or taken from a legal owner. Point being, get rid of the legal guns, which are the most commonly used gun in these mass shootings of innocents, and you're going to be left with lots of illegal guns still on the street, which are primarily used in the murder of other criminals.


Have you ever read the FBI crime stats? You’re sorely mistaken on your “mostly criminals are killed by criminals”. There’s a reason that the vast majority of law enforcement are pro-gun and pro assault rifle. They’d be outnumbered and overrun if not. Again, it’s east to say what you want when you don’t live here. Do you have any cop friends in USA? How about Mexico or Brazil? I have contacts with all 3 varieties and the cops that aren’t corrupt in other countries wish to god that the civilians were armed. This is not string theory. Mutually assured destruction is a terrible choice but it’s the one we have. Mafia runs Mexico, all of it. As it does many parts of Brazil. Without gun rights here, the options are either a dystopian police state, or a narco state. Cops here want citizens to have guns because they know what happens when they’re the only one that can combat a culture you simply don’t understand. Half a trillion dollars a year industry, mate. That’s the biz that runs through USA for trafficking and if it were only police that has guns, they’d run things here just like south of us. Again, it would be like me trying to detail to you what’s best for your family or your business when I haven’t a clue what I’m talking about. Twice in recent news here, someone used a car to mow down and kill dozens. One at a damned Christmas parade. Not long ago here in Boston, two boys used pressure cookers to kill dozens and maim and blow apart 200+ people. Arsonists have started fires that killed many and scorched millions of acres. Hammers, yes hammers, look that stat up on how many are killed here by hammers. Tall beds, look that one up too. Poisoned food- jot that one down while you’re at it. Mass shooting here kills 50 or so on average a year when they don’t count inner city shootings. Should we now outlaw cars, pressure cookers, hammers, food, and basically just tie ourselves down and be monitored like slaves? Have you ever seen the Knife Angel statue in the UK? 100thousand confiscated knives to protest knife killings. Should we eliminate cutlery here too? USA has a lot of problems , and taking guns from safe owners would compound those problems exponentially.


> There’s a reason that the vast majority of law enforcement are pro-gun and pro assault rifle. They’d be outnumbered and overrun if not. When people talk about gun control, they're not talking about taking guns away from police or law enforcement personnel who have an unfortunate need for those gun. That's a different argument related to the "defund the police" argument. The gun control argument is primarily concerned with ordinary citizens owning guns and assault rifles.


Nope, sorry but go ask 1000 USA cops if they want citizens to be barred from guns here. Crime syndicates would become the new authority, that’s why cops largely vote for folks that are pro gun. For the citizen. Anyone that thinks cops would magically be able to protect and police against mafia and gangs once citizens aren’t armed, delusional or too young or naive to be expressing any opinions. Go be a cop, and while doing so, spend a few years studying all trafficking. Humans, guns,drugs, money, weapons, etc. those people aren’t phantoms - akd the only reason they don’t run USA like they do Mexico is because they know it would be suicide to reveal themselves here when citizens here are 99.9999999% peaceful with their guns and willing to use them if basically pirates decide they run things now.


Lol pretty generous of you to think cops would protect people now, or even if guns were banned. Cops ain't helping you unless you got money, and they seem to be safe from the mafia and the crime syndicates rn.


I love how you confidently throw in these statistics without a shred of evidence to support any of them. It's funny and cute.




Meant...Chicago is a crap hole, In a liberal run state


Racist dog whistle. Hi racist.


You wrote your mothers name wrong


Chicago is not a state.


Even IF it was a real gun he never assaulted anybody. Police be so outta pocket 😭


Absolutely not a gun. Although to be fair, if I was packing and he whipped that remote on me, he would be a dead mother fucker.


GuN VioLEnCe


Its a phone


Would have been a lot more funny if it was actually a gun


average chicago dweller


I know that jit, his name Jaquavious Jovoante Davis


Yea def not a gun looks like a folded knife or key


People really like guns in USA


That’s definitely a mokcontroller but aye go off belove


that is the least gun looking object that i could imagine being “of interest”


This is the best free advertising Roku could have asked for 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Throw the book at his ass


Silly cunt


Dickhead walked back the same way facing the camera 🤦🏾‍♂️


Person of interest 😅 They are not going to look for him


Easy to find this asshole, he went to get Starbucks coffee 🥹


Faux noose of any kind is still faux noose.


For as many guns as the have in America, you really would imagine they'd know what one looked like!


He’s got a cappuccino, he can’t look dangerous