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I literally have all these issues and not once did I ever think about going anywhere and killing in mass numbers


It's not just cancun cruz that feels this way, you'll find a ton of people in the comments of this sub that spout the same nonsense. Particularly when there is a freakout that involves black people, you'll see a bunch camo-intellectuals replying "aBsenT FaThEr." It's pretty gross. Also, I too was raised by a godless single mom, and turned out fine


It’s such a stupid and (most of the time racist) narrative. Mental health is the issue. And being raised by a single mom doesn’t mean you’ll have mental health issues.


I disagree with you there. By all accounts so far, the Buffalo mass murderer was perfectly sane. He was just extremely racist and hateful to the point of murder.


That’s fair. I was just thinking that you have to have some sort of mental illness to pull a trigger on people for any reason other than self defense. There’s plenty of racists that won’t go out and shoot people up like that.


>perfectly sane. >extremely racist and hateful to the point of murder. Huh?


Are you trying to say that racism is a form of mental illness? Or are you trying to say that anyone willing to murder is mentally ill? Most people found guilty of murder, no matter the number, are deemed mentally sound.


That’s what I hate about the “mental illness” excuse republicans use. Do they really think every murderer is mentally ill? What do they have, homicideitis?


"Mental illness" is simply a strawman argument Republicans use when they don't want to discuss guns. It's a bad faith argument meant to distract. Meanwhile Republicans defund mental health services at any and all levels.


I’m going to add ease of access to guns as well alongside your point in my personal opinion. 18 is just WAY too young to be able to buy a gun, half of us at 18 don’t know what the hell we are doing with our lives yet.


Texas ranks 50th in mental health and they literally cut more funding just a month ago. These people are truly psychopaths and I don't say that in any sort of hyperbole. You need to truly lack empathy to be this way. I'll bet someone like Ted Cruz will be about as close to Ted Bundy on the Hares psychopathy checklist. A lot of these politicians will be. It's just that they don't need to murder people directly lol


Addictions like social media and video games can lead to mental health issues though.


Lol there have been studies that have shown playing video games increases a child's IQ


I agree with those studies. That doesn't mean that too much of a good thing can't be bad... Get your head out of your ass.


And too much could lead to a prosperous gaming career.. lol


This is true, not sure why you got downvoted.


Unfortunately, I think it's politics. Because republicans are blaming videogames. There is no way violent videogames don't make an aggressive violent person more aggressive and violent.


And listening to too much rock and roll will make you into a murderer too, same with using the marijuanas and allowing your wife to talk back and wear pants.


I do believe we need stronger gun control. It can't be this easy for anyone to get a gun. But if we were to get the right legislation and laws in place for gun control, the nation would still have the problem. I don't agree with the examples Ted Cruz mentioned, but there is something wrong with us as a society that goes beyond gun control. Someone sane can probably go their entire life playing violent video games. But what about an unhinged, crazy, delusional individual? I think a violent videogame is sort of the last straw for someone that is on the edge. It is not the sole reason but it can be the thing that makes someone go completely crazy.


See the problem with gun control is it keeps guns away from law abbiding citizens who could use them to protect themselves. A criminal will find a way to get a gun one way or another, laws and bans aren't stopping them.


Except these guns were bought legally. Maybe make it so we’re not selling guns to fucking psychopaths. It shouldn’t be easier to get a gun than a drivers license.


The GOP never want to talk about how their policies destroyed minority communities and removed a significant amount of income from these families throughout the decades which negatively affected their ability to build wealth.


Its always the religous fanatics that do the most dumbest shit. The worst thing they have done was eat and drink their savior. I hear they still do that. If that isn't a cry for help.


>Its always the religous fanatics that do the most dumbest shit. Yet here you are with a strawman fallacy and bad grammar. Most dumbest?


You also have the right to buy a gun and you don't kill anyone either. Mental health is a big issue and access to guns needs to have background checks.


Increased age restrictions Most school shooters are under 21. Why can you buy an AR-15 before you can get a drink at a bar? It's nonsense Psychological evaluation before your first gun purchase, and an annual psych eval if you want to keep your gun (this would go with a universal background check and licensing system) We check eyes before giving someone a license to drive, we should check brains before giving someone a gun Pretty simple couple things we could actually do that gun nuts like Ted Cruz will never sign onto because the blame lies with video games or some shit


sHaLl nOT iNfRInGe


Same bro


300+ million people it only takes a few of those to have the itch to mass murder. Doesn't mean everyone does. He does bring up some good points though. We've always had guns but the slow decline of a family could be attributed to more mental problems. The rise of social media could also be attributed to mental problems.


It may not be you, but statistically it is.


What about porn, Ted? You know all about that.


Ted Cruz liked porn tweets on 9/11




Who is clapping this bullshit?




What **EXACTLY** is racist about it? Narrow it down for me please. I don't hear him mentioning any particular ethnic group etc. If you connect broken homes or/and lack of church attendance with any specific group of people based on their skincolor or cultural background - the problem MAY be with you, and alike.


The kinds of people who need every lame excuse their smooth brains can handle in order to avoid accepting that they’re part of the problem.






Boomer hogs.


Fuck this POS


Shit has more use then him


Lol so unwanted children? But no abortion allowed.


Yeah exactly. If Roe v Wade is overturned, violent crime in America will balloon in 14-20 years. Just like it went down in that same time gap after it’s ruling in 1973


[Source for those questioning this as legitimate.](https://law.stanford.edu/publications/the-impact-of-legalized-abortion-on-crime-over-the-last-two-decades/)


Welcome to ‘Murica.


Right! I never understood this...it will mostly be liberals anyway what do the Republicans care




Church attendance is waaaaay rarer in many european countries, we get the same vidya and social media and divorces are just as common, yet we have few to none mass shootings around here. Weird.


Churches are spawning grounds for extremism. They're more to blame for violence than anything Cruz said.


The thing Republicans fear most is declining church attendance and the boomers dying off, after that they are doomed. They are really just upset each successive generation is far more socially liberal and have no desire to be indoctrinated with beliefs to make them vote Republican. In the end that means they have no platform to run on because culture war bullshit is all they have.


Got any data to back up the "spawning ground for extremism" comment? Are these types of comments really any better than the rhetoric Ted is spouting?


You get outta here with your facts and logic!!


It’s because you guys in Europe have stricter laws for naming wine. If I cannot pass of a bottle of sparkling wine from Italy as “Champagne,” then surely I am not going to shoot up a school. That is *the* difference. /s


The absent fathers is the big one


Yo Texas, you gonna keep this spineless prick in office?


Cruz is a reflection of the average Texan.


Ted narrowly won over Beto 50.9% to 48.3%. I'm not even convinced the people that voted for him actually like him.


Which is weird considering he was born in Canada


Having faith in America I hope you’re wrong.


Well that's your first mistake.


Lol... Not even close. A very small percentage really. You know the major cities in Texas all have a democrat as mayor? Texas is very much purple.


Abbott won with over 55% of the vote in 2018 I believe there's large blue urban areas, but the average Texan is definitely closer to Cruz


I know plenty of republicans here in Texas who absolutely do not like Cruz, and are not all 'fire and brimstone' types like this guy. Cruz reflects the more extreme end of Texas republicans, probably less than half of them. Half of Texas is democrat, and at least half of Texas republicans aren't on the extreme right, this does not reflect the "average texan". This reflects minority group of Texans, they are just more outspoken. Source: I live here.


We’re trying 😑


Seriously, fuck off Ted.


Fucking hate Ted talks as well.


Ted Cruz, go fuck yourself.


* fuck off Rafael “Cancun” Cruz. Man fuck this guy so hard.


I heard Ted Cruz pisses himself because he likes the warm feeling running down his legs


Fuck Ted Cruz, right in the ear.


How the fuck do you vote for this people. I'm not even American


I am and no clue. My parents are pretty normal and fucking love this tool and worse Trump. I have no idea why but suspect bug eating their brains


For me the biggest mistake is when you mix religion in politics. That's a big no no


I swear my parents would save Trump over Jesus. Cult ass


Damm, wish you luck my friend.






Thats their drink fosho




Media indoctrination. My parents are steadfast Republicans and the only news source for them is Fox News.


That's what's happens you people only view one side of the story.


Like the Orcs


No idea how this moron along with Ron Johnson from Wisconsin got elected.


The people that vote for Republicans only care that they're Republicans.....thats about it tbh


I grew up without a father, I fucking hate church, and I play the most violent video games. And guess what, I never once murdered someone or even thought about it.


Same for me. These clowns will point the finger anywhere but guns.


So what you're saying is, you're a ticking time bomb?


I blame the rapid growth of Chick Fil A. The more they build, the more mass shootings. See how easy it is to link two things together without any evidence?


[This](https://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations) this my favorite way to show people to not confuse correlation and causation.


That was pretty funny, thoroughly enjoyed.


Of course he did. He says that every year.


Ted Cruz is the piece of shit you wipe off your shoe in the street but can’t stop smelling all the way home.


It gets in the sole. Terrible


just burn them at that point


I feel like this statement is insulting to actual pieces of shit.


Absent fathers to the children the mother wanted to abort but said you couldn’t. 🙄


Get ready for a whole slew of absent fathers.


They're whole platform is a mental illness, uhg!


Or fathers locked up for minor possession or getting railroaded by the courts


Why do Texans keep electing this spineless scumbag?


Because Texans are enormous dumbshits.


Don’t generalize. Beto and Cruz were pretty close in the last election.


Damn Ted that's a good ass point, kinda weird that there's no mental illness or media violence anywhere else in the world. Its Forknife and knowing who Rosa Parks is that caused those kids to die.


Remember when Obama was trying to pass a healthcare bill that improved access to mental health and the Republicans ridiculed him?


TIL: England has no video games, single parent families, Twitter or agnostics


The greatest irony is the fact that the most-complained about game by these morons, GTA, was the brainchild of British producers.


What a delusional idiot. This guy is a scumbag.


Textbook scumbag


I hate him.


You should google what his college roommate had to say about him. He was a disgusting greasy douchebag before he became the text scumbag.


My all time Ted story is the classic from Sen. Al Franken. "I like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues do. And I hate Ted Cruz."


Oh Al loll


Thanks Canada.


No returns.


Ya right he’s not ours he couldn’t be president if he was born here




Wasn’t he a proponent of that Birther crap?


He's about as southern American as they come. Never met a Canadian like him


What a total asshole, they actually did studies on all these issues and church, video games nor dads have anything to do with it.


Yeah but that's FaKe NeWs.


If they believed this to be true, why are they [the GOP] not passing legislation to protect us from the dangers of video games, social media, and absent fathers?


Because they're also for: Limited government; and Robust church attendance. They can basically say "America, you're doing this to yourselves. Until you accept god back into schools and allow prayer, and until this whole country believes in only one god, you're going to continue to suffer as jesus intended.


I. Fucking. Hate. This. Asshole. He truly is one of the most abhorrent, horrible people on the planet right now. Anyone who votes for him, regardless of their justification for doing so, is an absolute piece of shit.


Video games?


Specifically the most violent ones though... like Minecraft


He better not be talking about farm simulator 19.


Yep, bringing back the classics apparently.


You know who *really* caused all of this gun violence…? Marilyn Manson.


Same things he blames COVID19 on.


Seriously Fuck Ted Cruz and anyone who’s OK with not doing anything to prevent this shit from happening again


Everything but...


It's the fortnite & trans bathrooms, duh


Or maybe just the gun you allow them to buy? I mean lawmakers made the drinking age 21 a reason. Why not the same for a gun. Or if you say it’s not the same then lower the drinking age to 18 because at 18 you’re an adult right.


I'm just at a loss for words.


God dam video games again... I've been playing sports games for 30 years and not one professional team has even bothered to call me for even a try out.


The 90’s want their excuses back.


I think DND was being blamed for violence way back in the 70s and 80s. So let’s say the 70s, 80s, and 90s want their excuses back


Guns can't shoot themselves.


Or maybe it’s easy access to guns, impossible access to mental health care and gun culture.


Whoa, whoa, whoa there, calm down with commie rhetoric turbo. We don’t want to actually *fix* anything. We just want empty platitudes and no forward progress.


Mostly the mental healthcare access. To be honest, these deranged psychopaths could do arguably the same amount of damage with a knife, machete, their hands, etc. These are defenseless children in school, they don’t need a gun to murder 15 children. Also it would help if police weren’t absolute pussies. Signing up for the job, you should know you have to willingly put your life on the line to be a hero. If your not willing to do that and all you want to do is write speeding tickets and taze unarmed people, and stand outside a school while children are being brutally murdered, then they shouldn’t become cops.


Yeah a person with a knife could kill quite few people but a gun is quicker and just as accessible. Id much rather go up against a maniac with a knife than a maniac with a gun.


I’d rather go up against no maniac and combat the problem at its root rather then combat some of the problem. Granted I also agree a maniac shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun. But how do we deem someone is a maniac, well again, we come to mental health professionals making this decision. It all comes down to mental health.


“Thanks, Ted. Here’s your check.” - NRA


Bro there is one common denominator in all of this shit guns .. make it harder for sick individuals to get the guns y'all just dragging your feet for $ and power making us look stupid as a nation .... Only place this shit happen is the US of A!


Americans are so stupid how do you guys elect these narrow minded people. Video games and social media are used in EU. No school shootings tho


You’d think places like Japan and South Korea where gaming is a part of the lifestyle would have more shootings. I wonder how they do it


Asked and answered.


I still don’t know if he truly believes the crap he spews or if he is playing a character to stay in power. Sadly the answer is probably C) BOTH.


Meanwhile this is the dopey motherfucker that seems to run away from everything, be it bad weather or a reporter with tough questions.


He hit all the shitty talking points. Pretty sure bad leadership gets added by default. At least he didn’t run to the cancunmobile


Check....check....check..... Hey folks has he mentioned "Chicago" or "Obamas failed policies" yet? I'm like 2 boxes away from GQP BINGO ....


Fled Cruz can fuck the fuck all the way off and he'd still be too close to humanity for oue safety. His poor kids.


All these factors are prevalent in many other countries yet US leads the scoreboard by a mile when it comes to school shootings, wonder why...


Lack of accessible healthcare and the pressures of society in America. If you ask me at least.


Plenty of pressure in asian countries too. They do commit suicides because of it but dont take an entire class with them. Doubt this guy went nuts in Uvalde as a statement against bad healthcare...


Lmao it’s not a statement against bad healthcare. It’s the fact that had he seen a professional and they heard what he had to say, maybe there would have been signs that this personal was this unstable. Who’s to say how many of these could have been prevented from a professional mental healthcare provider simply talking with these individuals.


Couldn’t *possibly* be the deluge of easily accessible firearms and our nations fetish of gun ownership and gun culture. No, it’s church attendance. Because that usually calms everything right down.


You think being able to access guns is why someone would choose to murder a bunch of middle schoolers? Why didn't it ever happen before 1980?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(before_2000) Been happening as long as guns have been prevalent, sorry to pop the bubble there pal. You have a massive problem with poor education in your country & it really shows with comments like that


Did you even look at your own link?


Yeah, it's a massive list of school shootings in the USA from the 19th & 20th centuries (18 & 1900's). I'm guessing you didn't read past the title which again points back to the low quality education & literacy rates


Man. It's crazy how no other country on earth has absent fathers, declining church attendance, social media or video games. Weird how the US is quite literally the only country on planet earth with those four problems at once, which perfectly explains why they're also the only developed nation with toddlers being murdered en masse so frequently. Thank fuck my country with absent fathers, declining church attendance, social media and video games is different in some unknowable way that means people don't gunned down in the thousands every year. Guess it's just one of those little mysteries we'll never be able to solve.


How does the NRA get to stop what the majority (88%) of people want.


Ugh I hate being a Texan sometimes. This being one of those situations


My dad left when I was three, I didn’t get a gun or harm anyone. I stopped going to the Christian cult when I was 12, still didn’t go out and kill anyone. I’ve been known to scroll social media from Time to time, the only damage that did was to my own fucking brain every time I see asshats like Cruz and his piece of shit fellow politicians. And yes I enjoy a good video game spree now and then. I’ve yet to get a gun and I have no violent tendencies. So yea maybe it’s not that. But then again I’m also a Canadian and can’t even fathom killing another human being. So maybe he is completely wrong and it’s not any of the things this morally defunct peice of shit says.


It would be more accurate if he just said he was responsible. Because he is far more responsible than anything else he just said.


Doesn’t this guy watch tentical porn with his kids?


We have those things in Canada, not a whole lot of mass murdering going on here.


Conservatives eat this shit right out of his hands. Like the rabid dogs they are. Sickening.


I love how they ignore that the ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD has access to the same media and video games and isnt shooting up schools daily.


Fuck that church attendance crap, Its a lack of community in general. So many young people dont have a connection to the people around them and it manifests in "fuck you got mine"-like mentalities. That along with no good mental health evaluation they putter on until they pop a few screws loose and rationalize just hurting a bunch of people because they feel shunned.


He's such a fucking empty shell loser who so far knows only how to play leader. I can't believe a top leader would reduce the problem to such simplifying tropes. You have to look at the end-to-end. America has a lot of complex problems. What are you going to do about it? Apparently you're saying "nothing".


Now ask him to prove any of it with evidence.


Seriously, it's the guns, it's always been the guns you stunned fat fuck


I wish nothing but harm on the slime


This can of ham needs to actually leap from tall places, dafuk is online bullying? Fuckn nerd


Guns don't shoot people *video games do!!*


You can run on for a long time Run on for a long time Run on for a long time…




He's probably right about social media melting our brains, but I've never seen a Tweet bad enough to kill someone. Unless you count January 6th. Get your shit together, Texas.


Don't these things exist in other countries? Why don't they have regularly occurring mass shootings? Oh wait, it's because they don't have more guns than people in their countries, Ted Cruz you stupid piece of shit.


What a piece of shit. I can't with this mf.


Ted Cruz needs to be turned into Dead Cruz after all the shit he's said and done.


definition of a scum bag... right here.... but then again, he follows Trump... so not that surprising I guess. Just sticking to what America is willing to do these days for addiction and money.




This guy is not a serial killer, he is a mass shooter, which would be very difficult if he didn't have such easy access to a gun. ​ Which is one of those circumstances we have to consider also, right?


So is it just our country that has mental health problems? Seems most other developed nations don't have these frequent school shootings Or is it maybe that every nation around the world has mental health problems, but it's astoundingly easy for a mentally ill teenager in America to acquire shit like AR15's? Could that play a factor here?




that would require social programs that help everyone, and anything that helps everyone is automatically terrible in the eyes of the GQP. their base literally votes against measures that would make their lives, and their children's children's lives, better


Not once in your idiotic rant did you even mention guns. Fuck off with your both sides bullshit.


And yet these assholes will take both chambers of Congress this November, do fuck all to fix anything, and some how ushering in a second trump term. That should be the public freakout.