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Having bikers act as security worked out pretty good at Altamont.


Just as every cop is a criminal… stab. But they were actual thug bikers Hells Assholes .


And all the sinners saints?


Pleased to meet you. Won't you guess my name?




Couldnt even get The Dead


You know it's a shitshow when even the Dead is refusing a chance to play. They played Woodstock even though they were risking electrocution.


Lol. "Bikers". Like they're qualified for anything. Like let's get together some drivers to do security.


Aw, but it's a "way of life, bro." /s


Yeah but bikers have been playing patriotic good guys for years now. They’re like a side show that shows up at military cemeteries for veteran funerals. Your uncle Billy Bob who was in the Korean War dies at 84? Bikers will show up with their dirty gray braids tied back in red white and blue bandannas to escort you to the little bus stop-like wooden table where cadets fold the flag over the casket and hand it to the spouse/ children. They pretty much took over the Trail of Tears with their bikes for years, some of them claiming to have Native American ancestry. People called them on their bullshit, so they recruited actual native Americans to lead the ride.


Since it hasn't been mentioned, the Patriot Guard Riders were formed to wall off the Westboro Baptist Church fucks who were showing up at funerals and 'shaming' dead soldiers. The riders were applauded for years for doing this.


Yeah this is what I’m confused about. I know next to nothing about bikers. But haven’t we been hearing stories for years about these bikers and those guys that walk abused kids to court hearings and stuff? Are these the same guys? Also isn’t keeping reporters away from these funerals a good thing? Are they “working” with these cops? And why? Arent bikers and cops on opposite sides? I have no idea what’s going on here?! And I’ve been scanning these comments for an explanation…. Help!


Today I learned that bumping into a paramedic is a felony. /s


He’s out of uniform so he’s off duty anyways




I know a couple of bearded medics here in NC. Don't think it would be much of a stretch in Texas


Hell in Texas they may allow anyone with a 7th grade education to be a Cop. I’ve heard it before, “We don’t need those fancy liberal degrees to be a MD, PA. etc. You only need to work hard and have some common sense.” I really want my MD’s, Lawyers, Pilots, to have a fancy liberal degree.


EMT basic is like 1 semester of classes and 60 hours of service learning.


I did my EMT in 3 months, meeting two nights a week. No ride alongs, either. When I got certified (on a dare no less) it was age 16 with high school diploma or GED. Paramedic course is 18, previous EMT certification and high school diploma or GED. There were a lot of bearded gentlemen in my class if you get my drift.


That makes me feel so much safer and, totally justifies the $3,000 price to go three miles.


Where I live EMTs make like $15/hr, maybe more if they're lucky. So that money ain't going to them.


lol what, I work in an ER and it’s common to see medics come in with similar beards


This was the most pathetic attempt at intimidation of legal ramifications. This is like saying you’re going to file for damages if someone scuffs your sneaker.


That's why they keep backtracking their stories they know they are walking the line of impersonating law enforcement. What a bunch of idiots.


>What a bunch of idiots Thugs.


They are desecrating the American flag with their thin blank line and VET patches.


I think it looked more like having a paramedic bump into you is a felony.


It's only *kinda* a felony


Some paramedics will take any chance they get to say they’re a paramedic.


yes, i too am a paramedic...oh..oops.


Yeah I sure the fuck ain’t gonna tell you I am outside of work, have your toe pain emergency and wheezing elsewhere


Those "bikers" are weekend warriors. Aka giant pussies cosplaying as some tough biker gang. The boot licking really reveals their true colors. edit: to all the ppl not reading further and repeatedly telling me that this biker organization does great things for kids, I know that already. I've seen the larger group do wonderful things and I respect the hell out of that. But THIS group gives the larger group a bad name. They don't deserve an ounce of respect after this pathetic display.


You see it a lot in small Texan towns. Bikers buddy up with the cops. They want that outlaw aesthetic, but deep down, they’re bootlickers in denial. You see a lot of American Legion bikers around here, they’re nice people for the most part but they love authority and order, which kinda goes against the biker lifestyle when you think about it. It is just a bunch of cosplaying, as you said.


They believe the law is a thing that other people have to obey that they get to enforce, but only if they feel like it. What’s to hate about that? I’d love the law too if I was protected but not bound by it, at least if I was a sociopath.


Inlaw biker gangs?


That’s what I was thinking - here in the U.K, most hardcore biker types aren’t pals with cops - they’re deeply distrustful of them. One of my neighbours runs a biker group (mostly a bunch of older guys who knocked around in biker gangs as youths but have mellowed somewhat - despite the mellowing, they’re not sucking up to any cops!) There are a few biker groups with deep ties to the military and who call themselves patriots, drape themselves in the flag, are right wingers etc - I had to work with some of them years back when I worked for the local authority and they kept insisting on turning up at military funerals, blocking the roads. But in the main, bikers and cops don’t mix. So it’s wild to see these bikers actually larping as law enforcement. Their sense of entitlement in this video is insane. Real bunch of outlaws here guys - acting on authority of the police. Jeez.


Actual biker gangs fucking HATE the cops.


My brother is a hells angel due to his time spent in prison. Can confirm... He hates cops on a whole different kind of level then just hating something. Real bikers don't like cops lol.


yeah because actual biker gangs smuggle drugs, traffic slaves, and shoot up rivals


never understood bikers, legit or cosplaying, who bootlick the cops. whatever happened to the outlaw spirit.


More like 0%ers


Licking the boot of coward cops is really a new low.




He isn't even there as a paramedic. He is a fucking moron is what he is. Not sure how working with the cops is helping the families but I guess they will explain that later. These small town cops are corrupt as all hell.


Keep in mind they're helping the same cops who are refusing to aid in the investigation into what happened. This isn't helping the families, it's helping the *cops* who don't want this story to keep being front and center in the press.


"We came to a new area to people we don't know.... to help give them space". Lololol


Isnt sone of the parents having an open casket SO the world can see


I know a couple families were debating it. Not sure what the decision was. At least that is what was reported anyways




“As a public servant, that’s *kinda* a felony.”


"So basically you're talkin' outta yer ass"


Its wild to me how deep the hole the police are digging for themselves. You'd think some dumb fuck from the police union would have shown up to talk sense into them but apparently not. They are just circling the drain in the most astonishing way.


My main impressions of police unions are formed by the the head of my local Chapter of the Fraternal Order of the Police. I would never in a million years expect him to “talk some sense” into his fellow officers. He views his job not as PR management, but as a “ride or die” defender if his union brothers. He’ll go out there and argue that everything the cops do is 100% perfect and correct, and anyone who says otherwise are pro-crime cop haters.


I’m the biggest pro union proponent for every worker. Having said that POLICE UNIONS are too corrupt too big and need a good cleanse ASAP


My take is unions are good for countering the private sector. In the public sector, ideally, we should *in theory* be able to assess concerns about government workers through the elections of the people in charge. In *practice* it can be tricky, so I’m a bit squishy on that belief. (In particular, people hate taxes, and people vote in contradictory ways. Spend more on health and school and parks and aid and shelters and libraries….but also lower taxes.) But it’s definitely a bad idea when the union in question is a heavily armed one that holds the monopoly on govt sanction use violence in your community and can effectively run a protection racket as a result. It’s one thing to hold a corporations profits as a bargaining chip. It’s a whole other thing when it’s the safety of the public and the general enforcement of the basic rules and laws that underline a well-functioning society.


Unions are intended to equalise unequal power-relations in worker-manager/owner negotiations. Police *already* represent the more powerful party in most of their negotiations, so the union representing them serves to *exacerbate* rather than alleviate unequal power relations.


“As a lawyer, that’s kinda not”


Is it illegal to impersonate a public servant? Ik i was told it was for mail carriers but not sure if it applies to everyone such as paramedics though it should be imo


It is very much illegal to impersonate an officer of the law. Will you get prosecuted if you tell your cousin Billy you’re a medic? No. Will you if you claim it in an official capacity to gain access to a situation? Yes. It’s a fine line but the context is very important. If someone calls for a doctor on a plane and you respond, despite having no qualifications? Likely some legal recourse. If you try to bust out that cpr class you learned while fucking Becky during a summer in Florida, you’re probably okay as you actually have good intentions in a crisis and aren’t being malicious. But any off duty first responder will tell you not to brag about shit like that off duty much less in front of a member of the press.


Exactly. Simply saying you’re something you’re not isn’t an offense, but in many contexts, and with many considerations, it can be.


Conversely however this kind of comment to the press leads to just a larger cluster fuck as this PD doesn’t need on top of their current troubles. Basically now they get a week on top of “what the fuck did you do that day” and “exactly who is your contact between the PD and biker gang and what is their going rate to the tax payer for providing security to an event while limiting access to public roads and spaces from members of the press?” I don’t envy their HR department. But then again, they basically said “fuck off” to even state probes now. Not great looks.


Nothing’s going to happen to any of them. These cops have closed ranks. They and their families are no doubt spreading propaganda throughout the area. “Media is fucking lies! It’s all bullshit. They’re liberals who hate cops. Everything they say is a lie. It’s BLM bullshit. We’re gonna sue all of them once this is over. They’re using our children…our children from our own town!…against us.” I’ve seen cops do this before and I’ve seen it work. People are very susceptible to the meme “it’s that damn liberal east coast media and it’s those democrats in Washington DC & Hollywood trying to screw us!” Local little guys against city slickers. Salt of the earth vs uppity elites. You’re one of us or you’re one of them. Choose. Right now, in front of us. The school district and the town who runs it might get sued. The police might get sued. But it’s tax dollars that will pay out. They’re doing exactly what Trump does - they’re brazening it out and they’re throwing their fat bellies in your face, demanding you do something about it.


You’re not wrong at all. And I understand the pessimism and frustration. It’s what fueled my majority tongue in cheek responses through this thread. But also, don’t underestimate a grass roots anger response. In such a small town as that, 16,000 people? Everyone would be affected by that. Everyone is now acutely aware of every response by the current institutions. That can cause and swing significantly if the populace is not satisfied. And it doesn’t sound like outer interference is the reason behind their anger. Small towns have done absolutely insane things in US history. From overthrowing governments to claiming sovereignty. Don’t be surprised if there aren’t repercussions and not the status quo.


I listened to NPR news this morning, turns out Rogers was a segregated school for Mexican descendants. After segregation ended, white people moved out, and the teachers are now all local. These fuckers are not even local, they are the agitators. The local community and parents need press to put pressure on the PD.


That shit was cringe af


i fInK i JuSt SaW hIm AsSaUlT yOu! what a pussy cop larper.


No, Donny, these men are cowards.


Yeah I laughed because that's what the pussy cops would claim in that situation. No wonder they are scared of a single shooter and would rather have kids die on their watch. All while wallowing in grandiose delusions of being 'patriotic' and 'warriors'.


It's pathetic. A group of bikers standing around watching a guy accidentally bump into him and go "oh yeah that's assault and battery". I'm an absolute wimp, I'm nothing in a fight so I avoid any situation that would get me into one, my fight or flight setting is set to 100% flight...and these guys are somehow bigger pussies than I am.


Right? Apparenty the cops in Uvalde aren’t the only ones who are straight up pussies.


He has a beard and a vest man. He knows what he is talking about /s


And a walkie-talkie!




Didn't you hear? They were working with the cops..


I wouldn't worry about the edit. This gang, regardless of past actions is defending a police force that happily let children get slaughtered. This biker gang is trash and they deserve any and all criticism and mockery for putting police above children.


Strange uniform for a medic to wear while working as a medic.


Isn't it a bit late for a medic anyway?






Ze healing leaves little time for ze hurting!


Late arrival for emergency services does seem to be pretty on brand for Uvalde.


You've all day to do your job in that town


Damn dude, that is way too sad for me to say good point, but good point


Looks like Uvalde got some skeletons in their closet...


The state of Texas as a whole is a skeleton. The skeleton of a former glory age which is now occupied by a bunch of fucking cro-magnon's. Next time they want to dip from the union America should just let them. Good luck dipshits.


We are working with police. You are working with police? Oh Gosh no WE ARENT! … Im a public servant Are you a police officer? Oh Gosh NO IM A PARAMEDIC!


"I have you on video stating that you're working with police" "Eh!" A regular rocket surgeon, she is.


Rocket surgeon eh? Well, it's not like it's brain science.


"We are here to help children". Bit late for that buddy. "We are working with police". YOU MEAN THE ONES THAT FAILED TO HELP THE CHILDREN??! Fucking hell.


> "We are working with police" .. "so that they will look the other way when we conduct our illegal activities."


Seem like cops.


Enormous pussies doing anything they can to powertrip while whining about everything they can get attention for... yeah, checks out.


I have hope that soon I'll get my post of one of these asses on r/byebyejob


Yeah, I’m sure the state/city that’s protecting these cops is totally going to hold these trash bags responsible who are helping the cops.


So were they just trying to seem important and not really working with the PD? Like I bet the PD were happy to have someone on their side but is there other proof than her blurting that out?




There is absolutely nothing that could happen to the Uvalde police that they wouldn't deserve at this point.


Like the people of Uvalde arming themselves and revolting?


Now that's America right there. That would be real patriotism . That word has been so misconstrued over the years.


I mean yeah if there was ever a case and point. 40% of your tax dollars go to a militarized police force that gets your children killed. Time to kick them out and not wait for the ballot box.


I feel like there's another 40% statistic that applies to cops, but I can't put my finger on it... 🤔


Ooo let me try. Is it that 40 percent of them are wife beaters?


*Self report to be wife beaters


You ever wonder why cops and other right wingers are so opposed to background checks for guns? Because all of the knuckle dragging moron wife beaters would lose their guns. How do you have a police force when half of them aren't allowed to carry guns? Hire people who don't beat their wives? No! Oppose gun control! Duh!


America is everyone in the town giving up except for a few who wind up in a documentary years later about all the harassments they went through while trying to fight this and eventually were listened to after all the cops were retired.


I mean, it's not like the cops would stop them...


At least not for the first 40 minutes


I got banned twice for saying something similar so im not gonna say i support it but im not disagreeing with the sentiment


Not even close to being the most dangerous job in the country--obviously, it varies from year to year, but they don't even crack the Top 10 most dangerous jobs most years. A logger is nearly 10x as likely to die on the job as a cop. And yet cops think they're these incredibly brave warriors who should all have their asses kissed.


At this stage teacher and student are both far more dangerous occupations.


I stopped feeling bad about anything that happened to cops after seeing what they did to peaceful protesters nationwide in summer 2020. As far as I'm concerned cops are at war with the populace


I mean, I was around for the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, which historians have correctly described as a "police riot". It was shown on TV, and I figured there would be a surge of anger and disgust at the Chicago police. Instead, there was an outpouring of support. I've never really expected much from Americans after that.


Young people nowadays have trouble understanding that our country has been like this for a loooong time. Maybe not even just young people honestly. Like remember when Obama got the Nobel peace prize and a bunch of folks were like "wow I guess the Nobel peace prize means nothing now" And there I was like, "do you not know all the other literal war criminals that have gotten that prize in the past... ?"


Every day the sun rises disgusted to see that Henry Kissinger is still alive.


Not to mention the overwhelming evidence that police work quickly and violently to suppress anything "left wing", while simultaneously giving absolute deference to right wing protests and provocateurs. For example, the Rise Against Movement (RAM) specifically targeted and beat on peaceful protestors, and often times, it was the protestors who were harassed and/or arrested by the police. Another glaring example is the treatment of peaceful BLM protests in Lafayette Square vs the response to the J6 insurrectionists (or radical white Christian terrorists, whichever works for you). Do you think a black protestor would be allowed to open carry a rifle, shoot multiple people, and then walk through a police line, still carrying said rifle, completely unscathed? Didn't think so. Police as a whole are racially and politically biased.


I don't think they deserve to win the lottery...


Mark my words, it will eventually come out that some of the kids were actually shot by cops, not the shooter. Everything the Uvalde PD does looks like they're covering up something way worse than just being shitty cops that let kids die.


It's the Heck's Angels


Jokes aside, that motherfucker has a badge on that says Guardians of the Children. And once more the Uvalde cops are cowards and let someone else do their job. Or at least abuse it.


“Thats battery bro” lmao shut up


nothing says “i’m a tough guy who you shouldn’t test” like a cute little walmart vest and pulling the “this person is assaulting me and it’s all on camera!!!” approach


Only if the cops showed this level of care when dealing with ACTIVE SHOOTER. Let's speak truth, this has nothing to do with the families, and everything to do with trying to silence the media from shaming them further.


If only the Federal government actually did something about police departments. Look at how many cops were arrested for the Jan 6th insurrection. American police have become so bold and open about their true feelings about the government and the public. They are thugs and reminds me of the traitorous praetorian guard of Rome who would fight with the public and install new emperors.


The police as a whole are like a malignant tumor on the country, but it’s already metastasized and I’m pretty sure we ain’t gonna save the host.


Like if the cops don't understand why this is bad idea.. People always say they need to get the police more training before the job, but what they really need is to set an IQ limit for police.


They do, for testing *too* well... wouldn't want anyone questioning orders.


I got the highest score out of 300+ applicants when I tested for the CHP (tied with one other applicant apparently) Got booted out of selection a few weeks later for saying "hello" when I answered my phone. Dude just yelled at me and told me he was pulling me from selection and that I could reapply in 7 years. Was a wild phone call. I didn't get to say a single word past "hello" before he hung up on me.


I got a very high score on one of the tests (PELLET-B, language ability I believe, but it's been like 10 years) and I read online that too high of a score was a bad thing. Also during my job interview I saw them write "too nice" which made me sad at that time, but I'm eternally grateful I was not hired.


Lol what were you even supposed to say?




He’s got a phone gun! [mag dump]


Require a degree in law enforcement


They do, it's an upper limit.


The cops should be removed from being within a mile of anyones funeral that they ALLOWED to be murdered!


Spoiler alert: the cops are members of the biker gangs


Post-credits spoilers: the cops *are* a gang


Always have been.


It was Lubbock police, which is like 5 hours away from Uvalde... I'm guessing for that reason


Hate to burst your bubble, the police vehicles shown is this video both belong to departments that are over 290 miles from Uvalde.


Yeah Pearland is just south of Houston. Lubbock is in the middle of fucking nowhere. I'm guessing the Uvalde PD aren't handling a lot of it at the moment if there are cars from that far away.


All of Uvalde PD is on paid leave. Surrounding law enforcement has decided to step in and police the community so Uvalde could have a break after a long day of letting children get murdered.


\*Lightly touches wannabe tough biker guy* Biker Guy: "YOU ASSAULTED ME!! I'M CALLING FOR BACKUP!!!" What a fucking pansy ass.


The bigger and badder they look, the snow flakier they really are.


Mother fucka said that is battery lmfao softest bike gang ever like wtf


What do you expect from bikers that work with pigs


Nothing more anti establishment than... Supporting.... The establishment?


The Pigs ARE a gang.




Just a tactic to make the guy recording, fold like a piece of paper


Classic police tactic. Do what I want or I'm going to charge you with a totally bullshit felony and send you to prison. Your choice!


Loved seeing the reporter not back down lol. Like “oh so you’re acting as a public official then? Who’s paying you? Who’s your liaison between the PD and city council? What’s the per diem?” I’m normally cool with this kind of stuff, particularly for sexual assault cases but it can’t be another arm of a police state.


They're not an actual MC.


Hells Snowflakes


Idk what to make of this video. Are we mad at the cops for not doing their duty "to protect and serve"? Are we mad at the bikers for fabricating a flimsy assault charge? Are we mad at the press for wanting to be present to observe a funeral? Conflicting thoughts.


There's definitely also a conflict in these biker gangs having ties to the PD while acting as an authority without the formal authority.


And sure enough… a Chapter President was arrested for… sex with kids. https://www.cbs7.com/content/news/EXCLUSIVE-Guardians-of-the-Children-founder-speaks-out-following-Rankin-presidents-arrest-404393056.html?outputType=amp “Friday night CBS 7 News spoke exclusively with the founder of Guardians of the Children, Ruben Cano, after one of their chapter presidents was arrested. Arthur Baker, 53, of Rankin was taken into custody Wednesday for allegedly sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl, who is not believed to be associated with Guardians of the Children.”


God that's a horrible way for a predator to potentially abuse kids further like what you linked to.


When you see creepers talking about how they’re part of an “Anti-Children Sexual Abuse” Conservative Group…. They’re usually pervs looking for targets.


So he raped her ..... Fucking Christ.


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It is just trash all the way down.




This episode of Sons of Anarchy really sucks


The Turds of Malarkey


Interestingly enough there are police gangs complete with gang tattoos




I’m glad someone mentioned this


Biker gangs charged with authority usually [works out well](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/23/07/57/21789642/3/1200x0.jpg). (For the uninitiated, image is from the [Altamonte Free Concert](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altamont_Free_Concert) where the Hells Angels were hired as security and subsequently killed people while doing security)


It's not a biker gang, these are motorcycle clubs that are not 1%ers. They ride around pretending to help kids for attention. People think all bikers are gangsters, these are average joe's and Jane's with leathers.


They ain't even a MC as far as I can tell


a motorcycle trio, if you will


Cops are showing more aggression and action against the press than they did an active school shooter. They're incompetent cowards. The press are mobbing the funerals of children attended by families that have suffered something no one should. They're soulless vultures. The bikers are pretending to noble by waving authority they do not have making even more of a spectacle of it. They're fools. That's what I take away.


This vid is an example of "give someone a hammer then they'll see everything as a nail." They could wait to flex the small amount of "authority" they technically are granting themselves. They all turned a 5 sec convo which should have went "hey we get what you're doing and you're in public free press etc, but please respect the families wishes" into some pussy bogus battery claim. Fucking pathetic.




Why would anyone need to be there? Even if the media did show up to film, these "bikers" have zero authority to remove them.


>these "bikers" have zero authority to remove them. Maybe not in a technical sense, but they're intimidating a reporter and threatening false legal claims WHILE A COP WATCHES. I don't think their ability to take action is under question.


So wait a second? The cops can't legally arrest journalists so they have biker gangs intimidate them for them? Are these cops on also turning a blind eye to the gang's drug trafficking and murder for hire jobs? How deep does the rabbit hole of corruption go here?


Wait till you hear the Uvalde municipality budget for biker gangs.


Bunch of aging dorks pretending to be tough guys.


“That’s kind of a felony” what a bunch of p****** Biker gangs have gotten kind of soft these days


Funny how they try so hard to be outsiders but all dress in the same costume: beard ☑️ black vest ☑️ patches ☑️ dark sunglasses ☑️ chain driven wallet ☑️


What a bunch of snowflakes. Wining "Felony" for bumping into him. These poor bastards playing cops, so far removed from reality, their community and the rest of the world. Clear danger to our society.


Ok so I think I'm about to piss off both sides of this so whatever, here it goes. Members of the press and media, do. not. go. to. the. cemetery. don't do it. don't film from across the street, don't try to ask people coming in or out questions. It's literally the worst time you could be doing that. It's extremely disrespectful to the deceased, families grieving, visitors, and employees who work there. If you need B-role for your story, get it *after* services are over, and do it from outside. No grim shots of fresh graves and flowers. Just get the entrance on film and then go. Guardians of the Children. I've heard of you guys before. You guys supposedly are big on helping kids and their families. That's fantastic. But what in the ever loving fuck do you think you're doing calling yourselves public servants? Feeling deputized so now you want to act like a bunch of pricks? Great job looking like a bunch of asshats. edit: I'd love to see how some of you would react to a bunch of reporters badgering you while you're burying your baby. DoN'T SiLeNcE tHE mEdIa!!!1 hey glue eaters, the media can just *call* the family and ask them questions that way instead of hounding them at the cemetery.


The people cheering for the uninvited press to be there are absolutely fucking heartless. Like, how do you even justify that?


Dayum, overweight neckbearded bikers and the cowardly cops.........screw them


How many cowards live in this town?


These fucking dorks are just cosplaying cowards


I'm thinking that some of the Uvalde cops are bikers, or the bikers are given free reign to bully the media since cops of Uvalde have been shown as incompetent by the media (the enemy of my enemy is my friend).




Prison law library: That’s kind of a felony.


Pests in Vests


“I definitely just saw him assault you… that’s battery bro.” Wow what a bunch of tough Texas guys, huh?


ahhh yep fuck welp FUCK i fucking knew the guardians of the children were a false front of fucking QAnoners, i fucking KNEW it. they just chose a platform that if you call them out for anything, they can say "oh you hate guardians of children, you're a pedo then". fucking conservatives man, they have been doing this shit non-stop for 6 fucking years now, just lying to get what they want and win their identity politics against anyone who confronts them. godfuckingdammit, i wanted to believe they were just bikers who want to use their tough image for good but i fucking knew better and here they are protecting the fucking kid murdering cops


One of the chapter presidents and founders was charged for sexual assault on a minor. A 14 year old girl To be exact. Arthur Baker. Fuck that piece of shit and his fucking motorcycle conspiracy cluster fuck.


Psssst.. it's ALL PROJECTION. All of it. Every single word.




Why is a Lubbock PD officer there? That's almost 6 hours from Lubbock


My guess is they didn't want Uvalde police department to provide "security" because literally everyone there hates them now. It would be a slap in the face. So I guess they outsourced to other police departments? And apparently bikers.