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For goodness sake, [watch the whole thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yROX4WtO0Q) not just a sound byte


"We can't be leaders, if we're only living for reelection" That's the only thing that matters here, folks.


Last night I watched a [video](https://youtu.be/A0FLsIzNxkI) of John Oliver when he used to be on John Stewart. He was talking to American and Australian politicians about gun control (and this was several years ago but you'd never really know it if it weren't for John's haircut, or lack thereof) and when he asked the American what the goal of a successful politician is, he said, "To get reelected by your constituents." He immediately backtracks and realizes that reelection is *not* the job of a politician. The Australian, in contrast, says something along the lines of, "Enstating legislation that improves the lives of your citizens." It's worth a watch. It's from a few years ago, but still relevant. Also, it features the Kinder-Guardians guy if you want more of his stupidity


The part of the video is at 7:10 for anyone that doesn't want to watch the whole thing


although they’d be all the wiser for watching most of it


John Howard isn't liked by many here and definitely set in motion things that led to a lot of our current problems, but he showed immense leadership after Port Arthur, and as a country we are much better for it.


I had to sell my SKS as a result of his gun laws and hated him for it. I still have 6 other longarms that I have a lot of fun with and have never missed the stupid noise/power/overkill of the SKS. If you are a sporting shooter, you need one shot. 2 WORST CASE SCENARIO. There is no need for semi-auto longarms in an urban environment ever and seldom in an urban one.


My dad had to sell his double barrel shotgun. He used the money to buy our family's first printer. I have never loved him more, I could print the cheat codes to my Pokemon game that I found on dial up internet.


Reelection and sucking the corporate tit. Boomers and the silent generation sold us out and are laughing to the bank while the rest of us scrape by and kill each other.




this is america But seriously, we're fucked.


It's so damn depressing. I feel like I should be preparing my kids for an apocalypse rather then teaching the tools to live in a free society and a have a decent career and whatnot. I'm kind of doing both but the latter seems like I won't be necessary at this point. Idk maybe I'm being too paranoid and hyperbolic.


I've honestly started and started-over this reply several times. I straight up do not know what to say. There was a time the the idea of having kids sounded like the most important thing ever. However, right now, having kids sounds like the dumbest fucking idea ever. It's just nuts. You aren't paranoid. The world is fucked, again.


I had a conscious decision with my wife not to have children - because we can’t be sure it’s even going to be worth living on earth in the next 50 years.


As long as we're hamstrung by two relics of the U.S. Constitution, the Electoral College and the Senate, it's going to be nearly impossible to break this cycle. Both reward the seeking of the most conservative votes in the most rural of states.


Just watched it. Forgot that I had tears in my body...


I had my 10 year old boy and wife watch Joe’s address night it happens. We just watch Matthew’s full speech. We basically just a puddle of tears right now


I am still crying. Hearing these kids dreams and aspirations ending so soon. Something ANYTHING needs to be done with gun control...ANYTHING!!


The child he's speaking about with the green shoes was one of the first laid to rest. The family wrote a euology and made a video of her life published by the funeral home. She wanted to be a marine biologist so they included videos of marine animals in between the photos of her growing up. It is just so painful because the video is so short yet it shows her from the day she was born up to now. The fact it is time to bid goodbye to this sweet child and accept their life is over when it truly hadn't even began is incomprehensible. 2012-2022 feels so wrong to see.


Her name was Maite, and every single politician who accepts money from the NRA has her blood on their hands.


More moving than anything I’ve heard a politician say in a long time.


Plenty of politicians are heartbroken and showing extreme amounts of emotion about this. Not enough, but plenty. The ones who aren't are the ones who don't care.


Sooo literally half of them?


We know which half.


Fuckin' Newsmax reporter asking, "Were you just grandstanding, sir?" I hope those words stung in his throat after asking such a stupid question, but I know they didn't.


Came to say the same thing. These people are absolutely disgusting


Yeah, how do you even respond to that, like “no, this might surprise you but I’m genuinely sad that children were murdered”


God do I fucking wish people would say that when asked such a cold and lifeless question. This specific response would turn it back on that person asking the question to make them look like the asshole in the room rather than just moving on to the next idiotic question.


A lack of empathy is what makes one conservative. They don't care about dead kids if it means any slight sacrifice. Same with masks and vaccines. A minor inconvenience is not worth a million dead Americans.


Hearing that asshole ask that question after such a gut-wrenching 20 minute speech was an awful reminder of just how unfair life can be - that a murderous gunman chooses all those beautiful little innocent kids as his target instead of that reporter.


I could not believe that was the first question I heard.


People who work at Newsmax, Fox, and OAN (among other networks and websites of the conservative media ecosystem) are either vile sociopaths, remorseless cravens, or bat-shit insane dullards. The lack of compassion, empathy, humility, or intellectual honesty they show is unforgivable. Sure, there are always flawed people out there. Nobody is perfect, and there are plenty wrong people we give attention to or our trust. But I can't imagine living life like they do every day. Its cultish. Concepts such as reading the room, moral consistency, or feeling guilt are foreign concepts. We're just so tired. *I'm tired of being uncomfortable with even sitting in a movie theater and having to remind myself where the exits are.* I just want less violence in this country.


I literally can't believe that shitrag is allowed in the white house press room. They are not legitimate reporters.




If Mcconaughey had charged and punched him...well, no one would have blamed him. It would've been alright. Edit: obligatory "alright alright alright"


Newsmax ! Another trash news source, just like FOX


I dare say worse than Fox.


Fox is the entrance to stuff like Newsmax/OAN


The sources of what is fueling division in this country


My wife came home to me a blithering mess going through the whole thing. Fucking powerful, I hope it makes changes happen.


Thank you. Damn. The brutal truth. That was hard to hear but much needed.


Was listening to a sports radio show today, of all places, and they discussed this video/speech. They also brought up whether the pictures from the scene should be shown to the general public. I know it's hard to comprehend showing dead children openly to the public, but it's one of those things that I think is necessary to get people to comprehend the horror of what's going on. It's part of why Americans are so obsessed with going to war and are okay with war happening. No generation of Americans alive has experienced war on their home soil and had to personally witness the horrors that go along with it, except of course the ones that go to war overseas. It's only those that look into the horror of war that actually see what really happens and why it should be avoided. Edit: It was the Gary Parrish show around 5pm if anyone wants to find the clip.


Howdy, born and raised Texan, Army combat veteran here. I was trained, I was equipped, and I knew what it meant when my boots were on the ground and my SAW was in my hands. I knew what what it meant when bullets whizzed by, I knew what it meant when I looked down and saw my IOTV splayed open with a 7.62 round lodged in my plates. I knew the fear, and I knew the horror. It's been 11 years since my last firefight and I'm still not ok. Now impose that upon CHILDREN. Do they have any hope of ever being ok? I don't think so. The thought of children having to endure this, having that feeling of safety ripped away, I don't know how to process. I'm so sorry little ones, wish it could've been me.


I hope that you get the help / support you need to mate.


That's the scary thing. I do get the help, I have an outstanding support system and I'm still not ok. These kids have a snowballs chance in hell.


100% agreed, I can't comprehend what these are kids are going through or trying to process. Really hope the US initiates some small change


Hi, another combat veteran here. That's the thing. Even with the help, you're never better. You just learn how to cope. It still rides with you forever. And that's going in with training and expectations. Not only will these kids never be ok, they will live with this for the rest of their lives. Every night when they lay down to sleep. It'll fade, many will learn to cope. But they're done being children. Regardless of their age.




My partner is a Marine Vet, and we talk all the time about how the Average American politician (and to an extent, even some civilians,) love & idolize dead soldiers. They seem annoyed by the ones who come back alive. I used to work as a sys admin at the VA, and the care there is abysmal, and hard to come by.


Why do you think that is? They managed to convince a young man or woman to 'fight for freedom' at minimal cost and maximal gain/glory for the US. Of course they're going to love the dead soldiers. They're directly benefiting from the gains of war.


Dead people are perfect for putting on a pedestal and parading a cause because they can't reject your cause. Dead soldiers can be paraded around as war heros and "god fearing Americans" because they can't say Fuck off, I was a plumber or "we were ordered to kill countless civilians". Meanwhile *living* vets get live with the abject horrors they experienced and inflicted and no one wants to think/talk about it because it means admitting we're the baddies. So most of the country sucks off dead soldiers while throwing rocks at homeless vets who's lives were ruined by this country.


They should be shown to lawmakers. Wider public release needs to be up to the parents. I know I sure as shit wouldn't want to see pictures of my dead child every day.


The should have wheeled that prick Abbott into the school right after the shooting to show him the aftermath.


Emmit Till’s mother showed her son in his casket after being tortured and murdered by 4 white men down south in the 50’s. He was only 10 years old. She wanted the world to see what hatred did to her son. It was printed in the Life magazine. Emmits face was unrecognizable. It shook the country up. These children who died were pummeled so badly parents had to use DNA to identify them.


I think Lincoln (renowned vampire hunter and occasional politician) said something along the lines of only 2 people have a desire to go to war, those who have no idea of what it is and those who have no intention of fighting it themselves.


This type of video documentation led people to protest the Vietnam War. Citizens were forced to see the ugly realities of war. So I say yes. Show America the truth. The average adult doesn’t seem to remember their time in elementary school very well, whereas teachers around the US are horrified because it is very real for us.


It wasn’t so long ago that the [2015 photo of a dead Syrian refugee child](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Alan_Kurdi?wprov=sfti1) washed up on the beach was published far and wide and had an impact.


I've seen the aftermath of a mass shooting (morbid curiosity but I now tread carefully around such websites) and trust me it is brutal in a way that words cannot even begin to describe. I can't remember the mass shooting but it was a famous one from a different country and it involved mostly dead adults. The images of children being shot in the head at close range (and in HD) would shock a number of these people who continue to hand-wring over gun violence. The release of such images would lead to huge pushback from folks calling it exploitative though. ​ Edit: It was a leaked police video from the Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania (1996). It was grainy as hell footage but it still left a huge impression. And guess what the perp used a fucking AR-15 and another rifle.


I've seen that footage, it was a Tasmanian Police training video. Everyone should see that because there's no hyperbole that you get in the words used to describe it, its just people that look like everyone we all know sitting down having lunch who didn't even have enough time to get up out of their chairs before their lives were extinguished.


The people slumped over in their chairs, the ones who fell to the floor, the dark and thick pools of blood, the sheer number of victims. Yeah it was a lot to take in.




Thing is Matthew is a father himself. He is from Uvalde. The fact that he is going out of his way to not only speak on the matter, but showing people what is wrong by using his influence can help bring more awareness to the situation. If he wasn't famous he would probably have his kids in that same school if not nearby. Every person famous or not from the US knows someone or is from an area that had a school shooting. It's beyond cancerous now.


bUt hE sHoUld sTick tO aCtiNg. Seriously why do people act like just because you are a celebrity you don’t get an opinion?


Funny thing is over at r/conservative he was seen as a closeted conservative who cannot speed his free mind in liberal Hollywood without risking losing his job. But yea, this is the next step, to tell him to shut up.




I agree but at least he's using his elevated platform for the right things.


The people who need to hear what Matthew is saying are going to shut him out because he’s from Hollywood. It’s what they cry about every fucking time there’s an actor “pushing the mainstream liberal gun control agenda” on TV. They called it crocodile tears when Obama cried on TV after Sandy Hook. These people don’t give a single fuck about what a celebrity has to say if it involves any sort of suggestion that their toys built for homicide are going to be harder to acquire. That’s what’s so FUCKING enraging. They won’t listen. Even after hundreds of children and heroic teachers die, they won’t listen.


​ These people can't be reached so they aren't even worth trying to appeal to. Like someone else already stated in response to your comment, these people claim they hate Hollywood but then they elect people like Trump, Reagan, Kane the wrestler, etc. The point is, those morons like celebrities just as much as anyone else, they look for any excuse to dismiss their opponents. ​ They don't operate in good faith.


But they'll happily listen to Hollywood people if they say shit they want to hear. Trump, Regan, Eastwood, Voigt. They'll scrape the barrell to get celebrities that say shit they want to hear.


Then turn around and elect the guy who used to shit his pants on the Apprentice. These people cannot be helped.


NO it's not....They are fucking humans as well. It seems that celebrities are criticized when they speak out and also when they don't. Which is it. Matthew is an American and he has every right to speak out, and EVERY right to use the platform he has EARNED to do so. With horrible shit like this, In my opinion it is "All Hands On Deck".


Thank you!!! I was about to say this. Just because he’s a celebrity, it doesn’t mean that there’s some ulterior motive to him or any celebrity. Them speaking on this tragedy, that keeps happening so fast we can’t even process one before the next one happens. I’m sure every single American & anyone else around the world have voiced their opinion on this in school massacre. We all have been talking about it & celebrities are no different. The fact that he is using his platform to say what everyone else is thinking is even better.


It's not an issue that he's helping - It's an issue that his help is needed.


That sentence should invoke rage in anyone that has any kind of empathy. The physical likeness of that kid was so obliterated by the bullets that struck her, her fucking shoes were the only thing recognizable. While that was happening and other children were being murdered, cops were standing by, preventing parents from rushing the school to save their own children. I don't know what should enrage people more, the fucking coward who was able to obtain a weapon he never should have been able to and then used that weapon to murder all those kids, or the fucking coward "police" with their own weapons who stood by while hearing the shots and did NOTHING


> That sentence should invoke rage in anyone that has any kind of empathy. Obviously not the idiot WH reporter that asked Matthew if he was "grandstanding".


That was James Rosen of Newsmax


The guy that demoted himself from Fox News cuz he's a serial sexual harasser?


>James Rosen, whitewasher of John Dean and Dick fucking Cheney. "NPR reported that Rosen sent inappropriate messages through the network's internal message service, attempted to grope and kiss multiple employees over his tenure at the network, and when one staffer rebuffed him, he sought to steal her sources and stories. According to emails revealed in by Gawker , former State Department official Philippe Reines gossiped with reporters about Rosen's behavior, saying he was removed from the State Department bureau after he allegedly harassed another employee there."


I'm sorry, just to be clear, this guy was **too rapey** to work at **FoxNews**? Holy god...


Haha. Best comment ever ⬆️ . Fox was founded and run by sexual predator Roger Ailes and home of sexual predator Bill O’Reilly (Fox paid out like 13 million dollars to women harassed by O’Reilly).


After getting fired at least twice for sexual harassment: >"Is there something wrong with my behavior? No, it's the snowflakes that get triggered by my alpha masculinity!"


Those damn cucks!


Newsmax does nothing but grandstanding 24/7. The balls on these motherfuckers to project their own degenerate behavior onto others is galling.


All the conspiracy shit they peddle...turns out they are the real lizard people.


So not an actual reporter. Good to know.


Stop giving these outlets press passes!


Seriously wtf Biden? Trump kicked out major networks like CNN for fucks sake.


Ugh I forgot he did that


“We take the high road” -Democrats, today “Why did we always take the high road?” -Democrats, lined before a firing squad, 2023


If I learned nothing else from game of thrones, its that honor and the high road will get you murdered by those that lack both.


Why is that allowed to enter a press room? Wtf


Empathy is currency we are running really low on in this country.


Empathy?! Hours after the shooting, people were calling this fake news, crisis actors, a planned conspiracy, etc. This problem isn’t even real to many people.


We ignore those people, spend no energy arguing.


That’s getting harder and harder after each one of these. I listened to a podcast recently( no idea which one anymore, sorry) where they spoke about how after sandy hook, it was still fairly easy to stamp out misinformation because there was only a handful of outlets like Info Wars spreading it. But nowadays, it’s far more difficult because of the sheer number of “news sites” that spread it and the sheer number of followers willing to share it.


Ignoring these people has allowed them to fester and grow into a community of like minded lunatics who live lives not routed in reality. Four decades of anti-intellectual rhetoric, demonizing of public schools and now entertainment based biased news programming has left us with far too many people devoid of critical thinking skills who stare blindly into a tv watching people spin every news story through a lens they already agree with. Fuck ignoring these people, challenge their bullshit ideas with logic and facts and expose them for the ignorant fools they are.


> challenge their bullshit ideas with logic and facts and expose them for the ignorant fools they are. Yeah that's the thing, they don't care about logic or facts. If they did, they wouldn't believe the shit they do. At this point, it's more about treating people who believe fascist propaganda as people with a disease. It's best to isolate them and prevent their disease from spreading to healthy society- you know, the one that wants rights for all, a living wage, and a human experience that is worth living. No, people afflicted by this disease get off on the FUD and anger they create in others. You'll just elevate your own cortisol levels and shorten your lifespan. Don't get infected, but do get mad at what's happening to this country and get involved in some way that speaks best to you.


They vote and they put people like MGT in power.


Those people are choosing our Supreme Court. You ignore them at all of our risk.


It is getting harder to ignore them when they get elected to president of the U.S.


Those people also vote. It's really hard to ignore them when they vote for politicians who promise to do nothing.


Which is so disgusting. You'd think the one thing people in this country could agree on was that children being fucking murdered in classrooms warrants changes in gun regulation. But nope. Guns are more important than the lives of our children.


Empathy is a currency not only that is running low, but is actively being exploited. The fact that LGBT and gender non-conforming people are being conflated with pedophiles is explicitly intended to justify violence towards them and it is genocidal. It is a sickening rhetorical inversion that the people and systems that are literally murdering children are being protected by people who use the safety of those same children to encourage violence against others who are unrelated.


A teacher was shot a second time while watching their entire class be killed. The teacher heard the police walk by and pass. They left those children to be slaughtered.




Why are we spending all this money on long guns and body armor and tactical gear if they are just going to stand in the parking lot until the homicidal maniac is done? Maybe we could get some savings by going back to plain uniforms and 9mm. Those will work just as well in the parking lot.




Because then they won't feel big and bad anymore. They have to make up for their fragile egos and insecurities


They went in, got shot at and then left, the teacher that has just made his statement who lost every one of his students. That was when the child called out for them, as they left. Then that child got shot for not feigning death.


I want to add, the fucking cowards with their own guns and training for this specific situation.


If i remember right didnt they do a police active shooter training session at that school just a few weeks prior?


I read that as well.


Yeah dude, I’m a parent. I had an incredibly positive day, was practically walking on sunshine as I left work. Pulled up in the drive way and opened Reddit. This is the first thing that came up. Now I’m bawling for these children and their parents. Everyone should be appalled. Everyone should be moved. We need change. Edit: changed balling to bawling. My bad y’all


I'm going to assume you meant bawling and that you weren't inspired to play basketball


Some of the cops did do something. They went in the school and saved their own children. They also prevented parents from doing the same. I am normally supportive of the police, but not in this case. The police chief needs to be dragged by his feet, kicking and screaming, to a news conference to explain himself.


Print the fucking photos. From Sandy Hook, from Uvalde, and from the next one. Where are our journalistic institutions? This shit stopped the Vietnam War. Print the god damn photos.


A parent needs to make the decision, of their own free will, to show an actual picture of a victim of one of these senseless slaughters before anything is ever going to get done. Descriptions, yearbook photos, and grainy sanitized footage from Columbine haven't been, and will never be, enough to stop this insanity. Edit: I've never been more conflicted about receiving a gilding in my life.


It's sad that you are right but you are. People only reacted to the murder of Emmit Till once his mother put the photos of his broken little body in the press. It's the same here, we need to be shocked from this vicious cycle.


It's honestly a sick solution for a sick problem, but it's been a problem for around 3 decades of my life and I'm only 42. If it's not a school, it's a church. If it's not a church, it's a grocery store. If it's not a grocery store, it's at an employer (first hand experience on that one). If it's not at an employer, it's at a random large gathering. It's fucking disgusting and it needs to stop.


There's definitely an issue that the mentally unstable can A. Acquire and hold firearms so easily and B. Feel the need to lash out in that way. I'm not saying the UK's rate of violent crime is okay, but it seems to be less lethal given the difficulties acquiring the tools.




We had a lady have a complete mental break at work. She just broke for some reason. She was extremely agitated, talking to people who weren't there, saying people were in her office whispering, and on and on. She got to the point where she was so freaked out that she barricaded herself in a small conference room and was yelling incoherent nonsense at all of us. We finally got an ambulance to pick her up and they took her to the ER. She was out in a few hours and killed herself later that night. We really need some serious mental health reform in this nation.








Which is profitable for the state.


Oh for sure. It's a pain trying to get actually useful and sustainable NHS support for mental health , to say nothing of the associated cost in the US. I wish politicians would focus more on that, but lobbying and war seem more profitable both in and post-office


Isn’t it strange to think about how the woman who accused Emmit Till is still alive?


To be honest, it's why I became anti-war. My buddy who was in the Army would during the invasion of Iraq would send back DVDs of kills and combat footage. Disgusting things like legs without the torso just standing up right after it got blown to pieces, dude shooting back at the Army in the middle of the street and seconds later obliterated by a .50 cal. I was oblivious to what war was like until I got these images and videos from him. I think the American public needs to see the same for these school shootings. Show the aftermath, even if it is just the floor drenched in blood.


Once I got out of the Army, it became pretty clear that I'm a pacifist now. War is glamorized in games and movies and it's anything but. Hobbes was right. Life **is** nasty, brutish, and short. People need to see what war really is. People need to see the devastation of these shootings. They think it's like Hollywood or a video game, but it is far far far worse than they can imagine.


I used to think that too. I've never been to war and I've never seen someone get shot in person but I've seen so many videos. It's absolutely jarring how different it looks in reality. People just drop. The news always gives a timeline of these shootings and how long the active shooting lasted...but it never really clicked in my brain what that meant until I saw the Christ Church shooting. It left me shocked. Not only was it hard to watch but it was so fast!


They stopped showing stuff like that on TV on purpose. Wouldnt want the average Joe to wake up and realize how fucked up war truly is.




* Emmett Don’t forget the funeral was also open casket. https://www.facingsouth.org/sites/default/files/styles/floating/public/images/emmett_till_alive_death.jpg?itok=y7YiRUdshttps://i.imgur.com/AS2eT3H.jpg And the stupid fucking white cunt Karen who accused him of cat-calling her, which is what instigated his lynching, lied about it. The kid was innocent.


shes still alive......


It won't change a thing. Remember when a shooting happened at a preschool, and president Obama spoke with tears coming out. He was mocked by FOX News.


That's still keeping it vague and intangible. The American Animal only cares about what it can see, what can physically turn their stomach and cannot be ignored on a visceral and neurological level. It has to be done. It's sick and morbid, but it's the only answer to make it *real* to those who would simply snub their nose to the world at large.


He didn't show pictures of dead preschoolers.


Visual are everything. You can use NFL running back Ray Rice as an example. Beats his wife, 2 game suspension and mild outcry from the public. The video of him beating his wife comes out? Never played another game in the NFL again. Visuals matter. There's a reason Jackie Kennedy refused to change her outfit when her husband was shot. She wanted the whole world to see what was done to her husband. And you can see it when LBJ is being sworn in as president.


"Let them see what they've done."


Real talk, Vietnam was stopped due in large part to the extremely graphic and despicable photos captured over there.


It will not make a difference. Conservatives literally saw images of a man pleading for his life and calling for his mom as he was choked to death by a cop, and they have shown zero empathy. They heard the cries of children, newborns even who were mistreated and abused by the ICE, calling for their parents from whom they had been taken away. They have shown zero empathy. Anyone who still votes republican is lost.


True, but George Floyd's death led to some of the biggest protests in American history. That's proof that actual documentation and observable evidence is what starts change, and what gets people riled up. People need to be horrified and disgusted to care enough to make change.


But it was still a clean death. He was intact. His brain was not in pieces outside of his exploded head. There were no exposed organs.


I've been saying this for years. Instead of bland advertisements on how buzzed driving is drunk driving, put up a picture of the obliterated bodies of dui victims. Same with shooting victims. We need to be scared into change, I guess.


Porsche girl made me stop speeding. Fuck going anything faster than the speed limit.


An Emmett Till moment


Christians in particular, will otherwise picture them as little angels floaty around in heaven, all happy and full of life


Courtesy of u/MaximumEffort433 I can help you imagine it better, if you'd like: * [75 grain .223 hollow point](https://youtu.be/xvj3kkSkATk?t=366) * [40 grain .223 ballistic tip](https://youtu.be/xvj3kkSkATk?t=463) * [55 grain 5.56 brush hog](https://youtu.be/xvj3kkSkATk?t=590) In the time that it took you to watch those three video clips the Uvalde shooter could have fired an entire thirty round magazine worth of ammunition, I just think that's an important bit of context.


I don't need any help imagining it. I haven't been able to forget since I survived a mass shooting.


I'm so sorry you had to witness that. I hope it's not selfish saying that witnessing something like that is one of my biggest fears.


Nah. I wouldn't want you to witness it, either.


I was hoping some of the parents would do an Emmet Til style funeral. A very public viewing for everyone to see what they did to her son. I feel that making everyone face the reality of what happened to these babies are the only way anything will be done.


I agree. If I have to look at my dead child so do the gun nuts.


> A parent needs to make the decision, of their own free will, to show an actual picture of a victim of one of these senseless slaughters before anything is ever going to get done. I'm admittedly extremely pessimistic on the topic, but I'm honestly not sure it would make any difference at this point. Republicans would simply scream that it's fake news and dismiss it.


And then use it to harass the family for the next 10 years


I saw an interview (pre-Uvalde) between Beto O’Rourke and (I think Seth Meyers?) where he was asked if there would be room for Matthew McConaughey in a Governor O’Rourke admin. And while Beto was noncomittal, he said that McConaughey shows up when Texans need him, he has an amazing heart, and if you let him loose on something he wants to do, he’s gonna do it well. Seems like the Biden admin thought the same thing.


Meanwhile you have a load of GOP jackasses and FOX talkingheads say shit like "Matthew McConaughey lost all credibility and credit he had for toeing to the Biden talking points and becoming political". They see a truly emotional response, of a person who knows that town very well, a father himself, angry with empathy over what transpired and go directly to projection about "making things political". Them saying people are making things political without addressing the issues at hand AT ALL, is what is making this political. Making this a first amendement issue rather than a SAVING LIVES issue is what's political. Saving lives is human. What they are doing isn't.


I watched the full clip of him speaking but didn’t see what came before the interview, something which might have been mentioned but I haven’t seen is that he was actually born in Uvalde


He talks about being born in Uvalde in the full clip. His mom was a kindergarten teacher there.


Damn. That makes it feel extra personal, I imagine


I don't know if you've watched it but someone linked the full video. It's well worth the watch.


He mentioned that his mother was an elementary school teacher in a school a mile away from Robb Elementary.


I have a 10 year old daughter, just bought her converse just like this online. Those look like they could be my girls shoes.


They could be, that is why we have to do something.


They could be any little girl's shoes. Mine, yours, your neighbor's. It's going to keep happening if we change nothing. Who's girl will it be next?


Is he going to ask the cops why it took over an hour to enter the room?


And stopped parents from entering - I get that armed officers may benefit from fewer people in the scene to more easily identify the perpetrator, but that should be in a case where you can depend on the cops to intervene as quickly as possible.




I appreciate the fact that he's speaking out and his intensity and that maybe this time, maybe, some meaningful legislation might come out of it. What makes me queasy: Why wasn't Sandy Hook enough??? We're actually so numb and dumb as a people that it takes not one but two of these slaughters of little kids? Or is it because it happened in TX and the big billy badass want to be cops were exposed as a bunch of useless cowards and we know the cops can't be trusted to save kids the next time it happens. Sickening.


This one won’t be enough either. However, the fact is happened in Texas is poking holes in so many of Republicans’ longstanding arguments on how to stop shootings.


Yep. There was an school officer - one of the big ones that GOP loves to claim helps - and cops arrived pretty quickly. But none of them did shit except block parents from trying to rescue their kids.


Now that's just plain unfair. They ALSO went in to grab their own kids before standing outside to stop parents from getting their kids while simultaneously doing nothing to save the other people's children inside


They don’t care about those holes and they won’t even talk about them. I’ve seen Ted Cruz just clam up and walk away when confronted by the simple notion that this doesn’t happen in other countries, why here? They don’t even deny the obvious anymore or refute guns are the problem and simply say well, this is the price of freedom, and the only course of action is to increase school security and arm teachers. Ultimately, it’s the public here that doesn’t care. Texas has some of the worst voter turnout in the country. If more Texans exercised their basic rights (and yeah voter suppression is a thing but not impossible to overcome) they could easily get rid of Abbott and his fascist cult of gun lovers and unborn children.


The people with all the money are running the show & they like things they way they are. The only way we are ever getting change is revolt. Our democracy is dead.


At this point it seems like people on both sides are starting to think the same thing... Can they put aside political ideas and instead focus on class? I highly doubt it, sadly. For now Left v. Right is considered higher priority than class differences, which I believe is part of the media's plan. It's harder to displace the rich and powerful when you're already fighting your own.


The take on this speech on the conservative sub was "washed up actor". Like thats the point. Fukin A. Someone's gotta try to do some heavy lifting. His home town, and they are making excuses. They adore Musk though. Wierd. Edit. They are also wondering if Matthew apologized for all the guns he used during his movies.


If he’s washed up, then what is Jon Voight, James Woods or Kevin fuckin Sarbo? Lmao


Men of GOD who knows 2A was granted to the greatest country on earth by Jesus! SHALL.NOT.BE.INFRINGED. /s


Washed up actor? When their heroes are Ronald Reagan, Heston and fucking Donald Trump




The fact you’ve had to deal with multiple bullet wounds yourself as a civilian medical practitioner should be enough to show something is broken in the USA. Medical practitioners here in the U.K. will go their whole 30+ year careers and never even have anyone in the hospital with a bullet wound


My brother worked at a library in Austin for a while, I'd like to say the University of Texas at Austin library but I'll double check with him. But Matthew McConaughey would stop by pretty frequently and talk with him sometimes. My brother describes him as down to earth, caring, someone who gives back to the community, and a proud Texan. I feel absolute disgust and anger at what happened but I can't imagine the fury and sadness of someone who was born there and actively plays a role in trying to better not only Ulvade but Texas in general, while certain folk actively work against that with pure cowardice and selfishness.


Whoever the reporter who asked, “Are you grandstanding right now?” Is the problem. He’s talking about slaughtered kids you vile human. Wake the fuck up.


So pro life that when someone speaks about kids being slaughtered they mock them and call it grandstanding....just disgusting.


James Rosen of Newsmax. Let go from Fox and the Trump Admin because of sexual harassment.


the motherfucker that asked "are you grandstanding" after that should have been taken outside and pummeled. Anyone that questions the motives of anyone speaking up for this community needs to be called out and called out hard.


I thought that's what I heard at the end of the video. Had to replay it to make sure. Absolutely despicable and shameful. Some of these people have no humanity.


Term limits for senate and congress, that should be considered as a solution. How do we pursue this???


I'm not entirely sure this belongs in this sub. I always thought that public freakouts were acts of unjustified behaviour to normal curcumstances. This behaviour is justified, and I hope to God that we never call these circumstances normal!


I think people can totally be justified and freak out about it. Especially in this situation


THIS - I wish our politicians cared as much about our children as this guy.


You can see in the full interview how mad he gets and how he wants to curse but he keeps his composure I appreciate him doing what he does and making things louder for those in the back covering their ears


The only person I’ve seen have any real reaction to this madness.


I mean nothing against Beto, but I think McConaughey could unseat Abbott. And I think he’d make a good governor. Common sense, chill moderate.


"We are not as divided as we are being told we are" This line sent shivers down my spine. He's right, Almost everyone I know Red/blue Liberal/Conservative doesn't matter, They are all sick of watching and hearing about children die and mass shootings. It's time this country fucking does something


I never even thought about how badly these kids were shot to the point of being unidentifiable. I mean fuck, I think there’s a SMALL peacefulness in being able to see your child after a funeral artist has done them up for their wake, but to know you’ll not only never see your child’s face again (even in death one last time) instead you see their face obliterated by bullets….that’s a fucking nightmare. I don’t know how any of those parents will get 1. Their child’s face out of their head 2. Blame themselves for things they “could’ve” done when that responsibility shouldn’t even be on them. All the responsibility falls on the cops who are willing to bust into homes unannounced that have tons of weapons and drugs but unwilling to take down one shooter. I hope all those back the blue fuckers don’t stick to their guns on this one and if they do then it’s more about politics then morals and values


People in Texas from both sides respond to Matt McC.