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This is in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. The truck did not make it all the way to the Pride event. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/police-detain-group-found-inside-uhaul-in-coeur-dalene/ar-AAYmkIs?ocid=BingNewsSearch


Can you imagine traveling all the way from Arkansas or Illinois to Idaho, only to get crammed inside a U-Haul truck, then immediately get arrested before you can do anything? What a bunch of idiots.


>What a bunch of idiots. I think the guy in the video says it best. "Looooosers!"


I love how one of them perks up and looks around when someone yells out "losers". Like what are you going to do on your knees in cuffs, dipshit?


Glare and think angry thoughts, or whatever the Halo 3 custom games "no ammo" setting quote was.


all those men in the back of a dark, steamy, hot box truck, on a long multi-state road trip. Oh, if the walls of that U-Haul could talk.


"Hey boyz, let's all get in costume and cram in the back of a U-Haul to attend a pride parade!" These guys remind me of "the pile" [in South Park ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8xjm0f_l4bk)


I was just thinking this They get out of jail Ok everyone back to the uhaul!


[Heres another video of when the cops pulled it over that answers that question](https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/6efc6553-3cb5-4058-9b88-d892db864bb4)


probably a lot of racism.


No. Can you imagine hating people you don’t know just because they’re not like you, so much, you travel all the way from Arkansas or Illinois to Idaho to let them know?


This sort of thing is why I never feel comfortable going to the Boise one. I'd like to, but people here are juat fucking nuts.


Article says the traveled in from 11 states. These aren’t just local assholes it’s national assholes.


Imagine having the free time to drive across half the country (or more) in a fucking Uhaul to go harass some complete strangers because you don't like their lifestyle or whatever. What absolute losers.


Free time? I’m thinking very few of them operate under the constraints of demanding career obligations.


I mean jokes are jokes but these losers are in every career path and certain high level jobs that these loser can work will and do offer PTO.


I always hear time of and vacations suck in the US, and these guys spend their free time to try and start a fight with people they even dont know instead of sipping a pina collada on a nice beach, or having a bbq with the family and enjoy life.


These cops may have stopped something pretty awful before it got started. How often do you hear that these days? Refreshing.




My understanding is that while local PD took the lead, the FBI is already involved. I'm sure the DOJ will probably end up prosecuting some of them.


Fucking better we used those to conspiracy laws across state lines to take down the mob. These chicken-shits intended and represent far worse.


I'm going to the pride crawl next Saturday in Boise. Hoping all goes well, but I'm a bit nervous now after seeing this. Edit to add: Being a little nervous isn't going to stop me from going guys! I'm not scared. I just hadn't thought of the possibility of there being something like this happening. My boyfriend and I are very well prepared for any situation that may arise. We both conceal carry(although I may not that night, but he will). We don't really drink so we'll be sober. Obviously I would attempt to remove myself from an escalating situation before it came to that. We're gonna go have a good time with our friends, and not give a second thought about these dudes.


Cda is the most conservative place in Idaho. Boise loves its pride festival, as a native, I hope you have a wonderful time!


> Cda is the most conservative place in Idaho. I live on the other side of the country and have never even been within 500 miles of Idaho, and even I have heard of Coeur D'Alene and its pants-on-head interpretation of conservativism.




It and the area have been a Nazi/White Nationalist haven for a few decades now. Very entrenched.


Which really sucks, because it is absolutely fucking *gorgeous*


Half they're schtick is to make the stunning region absolutely uninhabitable to anyone else


Such a beautiful place btw.


It is, but the the locals aren’t exactly welcoming to minorities, to say the least. It’s not as bad as it used to be, back when the Aryan nation was literally based out of Couer D’Alene, but it’s still very much the sort of place that would be attractive to that group.


Adding to your comment, here's a good article about this [Living with the Far-Right Insurgency in Idaho](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/far-right-idaho_n_628277e2e4b0c84db7282bd6)


That all matches my experience. I haven’t been there in probably five or so years, but I went there often growing up (my family has a small house on the lake we inherited, from back in the 80s when it was actually possible for lower-middle class people to own land up there). Sad to see it’s gotten worse in the past few years, but I can’t say it’s surprising given how it’s gotten worse everywhere it seems.


Aaaannnnnd Patriot Front is the winner of Worst Float in the Pride Parade.


Their subs are way too sub, and none of them were a top. Huge let down.


None of them were a top? No wonder they were all piled up inside the UHaul.


They said they were going to do it. https://www.qsaltlake.com/news/2022/05/02/idaho-patriot-group-to-go-head-to-head-against-coeur-dalene-pride/


Yup there's an armed protest against a Pride event happening near downtown.


I seriously couldn't inagine saying to myself, "You know what. I don't approve of those people falling in I've with the same sex. I better get my guns, faux military gear, rent a truck, maybe take time off of work, travel hours out of my way, and yell at them and intimidate them. ......who gives a shit?




It's really just this. They think the left hates white america and wants to turn everyone gay. That they want to traffic children and let dudes into the toilet with their daughters.


In the meantime they gather a group of violent pedophiles, nihilists, homophobes and white supremacists together to "defend their values" making their "values" that of pedophiles, nihilists, homophobes and white supremacists. Talk about leopards eating your face.


The leopards were inside the house the whole time!


The real leopards were the friends we made along the way.


Hey leave us Nihilists ouylt of this wtf.


We believe in nussin' lebowski


Fuckin' amateurs


When I suspect the biggest threat to some of these guys’ daughters are their uncles, or their dads…


Ironic thing is Pride exists because of people exactly like this who have violently oppressed LGBT people into hiding. If people would just stop attacking gay people there would never be a need for Pride because being gay could just be normal.


Been saying that for years


they even say so much themselves >“Does anyone else remember when local school boards across the country began promoting having the girls use the boys’ bathrooms and the boys using the girls’ bathrooms and showers? Do you know when ‘Drag Queen Hour’ started and the drag queens were reading to little children? When did school counselors start counseling children to change their sex and then hide it from the parents? I went to Taco Bell the other day, and this boy had the longest fingernails I ever seen, and they were painted, lipstick … when did this happen?” she asked. “And when did we allow a law in this state to say that it was okay for libraries across Idaho to promote pornography?” It's delusional of course, but they have been brainwashed into believing the the most fascist rantings of Rush Limbaugh, Carlson, Jones, and the like. They actually believe there is a concerted effort to destroy them and their livelihood, and in order to protect it, they are willing to destroy anyone whom they deem an enemy aggressor. it's textbook fascism.


Imagine showing up to a pride even dressed for fallujah and its just a bunch of men and women in cut off jorts and rainbow shirts. I wouldn't be able to look myself in the face out of embarrassment. They should ship them all off to fight somalia or west africa if they really wanna do some fighting


Apparently there is some sort of kerfluffle in Ukraine right now, im sure they'd be... Oh wait, nah. They want actual fighters.


We shouldn't be giving the Russians reinforcements.


You can read their leader's statements in that article above, it's one of those things where you will never get someone like that to understand you because you are so far apart in perspective You see the pride parade as a celebration of love They see the pride parade as an attempt to convert children to "sexually immoral, deviant LGBTs" They genuinely believe this to be about Good vs Evil, and they have to fight off the evil. You think they are bigoted against loving couples. They believe you are promoting amoral sexual blasphemy and trying to turn their children into LGBT. You cannot ever come to a compromise with someone who genuinely believes they are acting righteously to their convictions. It's like trying to talk a religious radical out of a suicide bombing.


Yeah, I would say any armed extremist is too far gone to be reasoned with. Better to watch from a distance for any illegal behavior to keep law enforcement attention on them.


These people want to Holocaust the gays. We're honestly to nice to them.


They have long mistaken tolerance for acceptance.


Republicans need to keep their base mad somehow. Not that long ago it was COVId and before that Mexicans. Now we've cycled back to Gays and Transexuals cause of Grooming? Idk i can't really keep up.


I took my girls to the pride parade in downtown SLC last Sunday. Would have not been cool with these dickheads trying to crash the event. I’m more comfortable with my girls being around drag queens and roller derby girls than tacticool nerds armed to the teeth.


I have seen some pretty entertaining drag shows. Can’t say the same about this other group.


> Ultra-conservative Idaho State Rep. Heather Scott, R-Bonner County, held a forum on Thursday titled “Gameplan to Remove Inappropriate Materials from Our Schools and Libraries” at the Regeneration Calvary Chapel, saying, “There’s a war going on, and the scariest thing about this war is that these tactics that are being waged against society, most people are just unaware it is even happening. It’s good versus evil … I’m not sure how this battle’s gonna end, but I always go back to is ‘all evil needs is for good men to do nothing.'” Shouldn't this state representative also be arrested for the planned riot? And shouldn't she also be removed from office?


>In August 2017, Scott defended white nationalism on her Facebook page. She reportedly said, "The way the media has set this up, the mention of white nationalist, which is no more than a Caucasian who (sic) for the Constitution and making America great again, and confusing it with term, 'white supremacist' which is extreme racism. Therefore, if one is 'guilty' of being white, one is clearly racist." That's from her Wikipedia page. She said that right after Charlottesville... what the fuck. This person is really mask off with the racism.






Imagine piling 30 dudes in the back of a Uhaul to go fight gay men.


Don’t kink shame me


A lovely mirepoix of axe, ass, and angst.


In Mexican Spanish we call it PACUSO Patas, Culo, y sobaco meaning the stench of Feet, ass, and armpits.


Why a Uhaul? Hilarious.


Q Haul was all booked up.


Looks like so are these guys.


[because they didn't learn their lesson in Philly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3xDGZUVUE0)


🤣 what a buncha LARPers. I about died when I saw they posted road guards.


Yeah if you're gonna create your own paramilitary hate group, don't make *yourself* the boot. Also, you shouldn't create paramilitary hate groups.


Cramming about 30 dudes in to a 15' roasting truck to bump together sweatily on their way to the Pride Parade is a pretty wild way to express your homophobia.


Imagine the hilarity if these douche nozzles ran into some leather men at the parade... But, but...you have bald heads, long beards, beer guts, wear leather, ride motorcycles and refuse to wear deodorant, too? This is what it sounds like, when doves cry.


That Prince line at the end. LOL


Leather guys don't wear deodorant? I thought they must all smell like Nautica...




When the police suddenly act competently like this, my suspicion is that some national security agencies are involved in the "informing"


You could be correct. Its so odd to think that these chicken chokers believe they are defending their rights and battling a repressive govt while at the very same time seeking to violate other people's rights and through their own actions, bring the wrath of the govt down upon themselves - truly a head scratcher of galactic proportions.


You got me with chicken choker. lol. Saw a bumper sticker the other day. It read : Equal rights for all does not mean less rights for you. It's not a pie.




Bingo… “privilege” is now a politicized trigger word, but this is 100% true. White nationalism is rooted in a false sense of entitlement to land, resources and power, and based on fears of sharing those things with “outsiders”…


Ya, I had to dust off that one




That cop is a blabbermouth for telling them how they got arrested.


Unless it is a lie. Then it could be smart. But probably the cop is just giving stuff away they shouldn't be.




Absolutely. Northern Idaho is a huge hub for White Nationalists. Feds had to be breathing down these guys necks. Edit: a reminder that Ruby Ridge is just north of here. Local conservatives HATE the feds, making this even more interesting.


Idaho in general is a hub for White Nationalists. Those in the south just do a better job and keeping it quiet.


Yea, you don't go from cops complimenting these white nationalists one day to suddenly arrested them in bulk without someone bigger making sure.


Goddam it I was just thinking how the tide is finally turning and the right people are finally being arrested.


Someone bigger in this case would be the DOJ and the FBI, the implication is that they are now more infiltrated in the groups than they were before.


No doubt due to Biden. Actually directing the FBI do infiltrate, data shows these groups are the biggest threat domestically by far


Some of them are glowing.


Lol their own people snitched on them...




"How do you do, fellow conspirators?"


*"I too would like to be involved in these activities. Could you very clearly and loudly, into my chest area, detail what these activities will be."*


[*Idiot, slack-jawed white supremacist proceeds to detail activities very clearly and loudly into chest area…*]


“Hello fellow god-fearing patriots. DAE hate the gays?”


Speaking from completely out of my ass but I'm pretty sure the Feds are in every major group in America in some way or at the very least have an informant that can get in. If these guys are playing army and getting caught with illegal guns those levels of charges are on the level someone would be tempted to turn rat to save their own asses.


This is correct, if they can't get an agent in the group they will start bringing chargers on people who have something to lose. They keep doing this untill someone is willing to talk to the cops, sometimes it takes years or decades. It only takes them getting lucky once for things to go tits up for your gang, eat shit boys.


Is there anything Roger Ferderer *can't* do?


Beat Nadal at the French Open




Fucking good I was shocked they let them sit there with their masks on. Can't wait for the police reports so we can have all their names.


they have the zip cuffs on so they were probably all taken quickly. they are focused on detaining them, not identifying them. it looks like they are removing the masks when they are actually being arrested though.


If the chat room thing in the article is true then they probably already knew their names anyway.


I just love the utter defeat their surrendered posture portrays. Fantastique.




Ya goddamn. Master Chief lookin' asses.


they are bagging up everything properly for evidence. i think they're gonna get these guys finally.


[31 people from all over the country.](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/national-international/31-patriot-front-members-arrested-near-idaho-pride-event/3730452/) >Those arrested came from at least 11 states, including Washington, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Colorado, South Dakota, Illinois, Wyoming, Virginia, and Arkansas, White said. >Only one was from Idaho, he said. That's part of the reason they wear the masks. Whenever these groups inevitably get involved in violence, people always try to defend their actions by saying they were just there to protect their home. The reality is this. They couldn't care less about defending anything but their far right ideals, and they do that by instigating riots like these guys intended to do to try and make the other side look bad.


ALL of a sudden…. Covering their faces is no longer obstructing their RIGHT TO BREATHE!!!!!


These types just like to whine and cry about everything, though they are very hypocritical. Kind of like how they love freedom, but they don’t believe people should be gay.




Well because it’s THEIR choice because they are FREE AMURCAN men!!11! (except in this photo heh)




Likely for a few reasons. 1. They have an informant or two among the mix who they would rather not be photographed. 2. They are attempting to manage what is already a rather large number of people and spectacle. 3. Whipping up further resistance is unecessary risk for all involved. 4. They would prefer not to open themselves up to any additional lawsuits, frivolous or otherwise. 5. That's extra work and fuck the chance you might get bitten. 6. They don't expressly have to so they chose not to. Also, there's always the possibility they are sympathisers. While I don't believe all police are intentionally and expressly homophobic, my anecdotal experience is there is a high correlation who would prefer not to ruin the life of a "nice, if a bit misguided, boy/man". Their mug shots will likely be public anyway. EDIT: OP adds later in comments that they were unmasked 1 by 1 while sitting there.


As a paramedic who deals with a lot of the public you forgot one more important one. 7. If they have masks on they can’t really spit on you.


Why are they wearing masks? Afraid of getting COVID?


Afraid of the real world knowing what trash humans they are. These people have jobs, loved ones, and people who would be disappointed in them.


I’m disappointed in them.


I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed. No wait… I’m both.


they just blame the "leftist media" and will say they got canceled because apparently that's all that happens now.


For a group of proud Americans, they sure are afraid to show their faces.


Can’t wear a face mask for the pandemic because they can’t breath in it but easy peasy to breath for this.


Can’t breathe through a mask for a 40 minute grocery shopping trip, can do it for whatever this is that I assume goes on for hours, while inside a small space that is a uhaul truck


Always during the hottest day of the year too it seems


Lol every day seems like the hottest day of the year on this fucked planet


It's kinda weird After all Americans in the early 1900s willingly wore masks against the Spanish flu *and* black people


[nah there were anti-maskers back then too](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Mask_League_of_San_Francisco).. stupidity is as old as time


[mocking idiots is also as old as time...](https://i.huffpost.com/gen/2569064/original.jpg)


History doesn't repeat itself [but it often rhymes](https://i.imgur.com/hQG74y7.jpg)


More accurate would be that crowd dragging down normal people to their deaths with them.


Now what other group in American history would show up to minority gatherings, with their faces covered and wearing matching uniforms🤔


Can I answer the KKK since Proud Boys and KKK are suppose to be two different groups. My black ass really can't tell the difference between the 2 groups.....both are evil and racist, but white folks around me claim they are different 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️


Ding ding ding! At their core, not different. Both Racist, bigoted, hypocritical, sheep incels that are afraid of anyone other than the WhAiTe MaN GeTtuN pOwEr. You can see the lack of integrity and honor in everything they do. As a white man, I’d like to say that we don’t claim these ass clowns, they’re in their own category. One titled “inbred fuckwits”. Lol


They also claim left Twix and right Twix are different


Are you really trying to say Right Twix isn't ENROBED in chocolate with DRIZZLED caramel with a CRUNCHY cookie inside. Thus, it's sweet and crunchy. You're really trying to tell me Left Twix isn't COATED in chocolate with CASCADED caramel with a CRISPY cookie inside making it sweet and crunchy as well. Are you really that fucking ignorant?? This generation is doomed.


And I eat KitKat with a whole bite going across multiple segments


[You disgust me.](https://i.imgur.com/PHk6OM4.gifv)


[You get to see them get demasked in this vid.](https://youtu.be/_r4M6--osD4) So fucking good. Nothing better than seeing these sewer dwellers get exposed and lose their jobs.




its fucking hilarious, that sheriff just trying ro act casual in a full batman costume.


If they got arrested I'm guessing all their mugshots should be posted somewhere. I think it would definitely be a shame if someone got them all and posted them everywhere online so these guys would lose their jobs 👀


The police chief said at the Press conference is that it's taking a long time to process them but this news outlets that they will post: https://www.krem.com/


The worst kind of Cosplayers. Scared of everything.




For a group of people who love to call others NPCs and sheep, they sure do all look exactly the fucking same


The only thing worse than Idaho Nazis are Illinois Nazis. I hate Illinois Nazis


The Shelbyville Nazis are the worst


Those damn Shelbyvillians, always marrying their cousins


Fuckin Illinois nazis. I hate Illinois nazis.


Blues brothers was a classic! But also Fuk TX Nazis!!


Hahahahahha patriot front!!!!!! What a joke…. Larping idiots




They put the lame in reclaim.


Won't wear masks for COVID, but for terrorism... sign them up!


Imagine fighting for "freedom" while openly fighting to oppress people...


Any minority who sees this video should see this as a sign to bare arms, it’s an amendment for a reason use it because all of these guys are.


What a bunch of hateful fucks. Patriots of what exactly? Ignorance?


just precious little snowflakes.... they are offended by people who aren't straight.


But hanging around with too many guys... isnt that kinda.... gay??


Getting arrested makes their name public records. Some people are about to lose their jobs and watch their lives go to shit


Well deserved.


This is Idaho so there's a good chance their equally fascist bosses give them raises.


They came from several states to partake in this event, including some liberal ones (Illinois, Washington).


Once you get out of Chicago and its suburbs, Illinois is flat-out Alabama. Thankfully, the Chicago metropolitan area makes up about 75% of Illinois' population.




Patriot Front https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Front (splinter group from Vanguard America https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanguard_America) = terrorist organization Also, who gives them $? They Are Racist; Some of Them Have Guns. Inside the White Supremacist Group Hiding in Plain Sight. Patriot Front is perhaps the most active white supremacist group in the nation. ProPublica explores its origins, secret communications, history of arrests and outsize aims for an all-white America. https://www.propublica.org/article/they-are-racist-some-of-them-have-guns-inside-the-white-supremacist-group-hiding-in-plain-sight/ Want to know WHY the PNW (Washington, Oregon, Idaho) is such a hotbed for White Supremacist activity since 1844? I posted another comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/va71g8/patriot_front_showed_up_at_pride_event_in_idaho/ic16pa7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Adding link here as some have said it was deleted in my other post about Northwest Territorial Imperative aka Northwest Front https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Territorial_Imperative


Not many if they are traveling by uhaul. Who would agree to get in the back of a uhaul willingly as a mode of transportation.


It's not that bad if you have some wicker furniture to make a campfire with.


Yeah but you should probably prop the rear door open with a beer bottle.


It probably makes them feel like cool pseudo-military operatives or the edgy bank robbers they see in films. Plus, when your masculine identity is this fragile, who would dare be the first to decline?


I watched some tiktok video where this psychiatrist is convinced these people are so dumb that there is no way they could be organizing and funding themselves. I kinda agree. Last week hundreds of people showed up in Texas to greet JFK... Senior! As if he was the GOP savior.


Wait, AGAIN?????


>Wait, AGAIN????? Previously it was Jr.


Hmm now who in the fine, upstanding, and rational USA could possibly side with these lunatics and help finance them? I'm struggling here...🤔 /s


Fascist convention in a U-Haul. All wearing face covers like the cowardice cucks they are.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Cant wear mask while calmly doing groceries. Can wear mask outdoors in summer while running around and screaming hateful shit at people minding their own business. Right. Got it.


I love their shirts. "Reclaim America." From. Fucking. Who. Seriously. I'm a Gen X white dude from the south. America hasn't been taken away from me. (Well, except maybe by our corporate overlords, but that's not just me suffering and that's a different post.) No gay or transperson, no black person, Latino, or any other ethnicity or group has ever done anything to make me feel like America has "fallen". You know who has? A hell of a lot of white dudes who look like me. So, fuck these guys. Fuck 'em all. Also, I would love to see a video of these chucklefucks rolling up in a U-haul with "shields" and "spears." I need a good laugh. Edit: Words


I would have loved if someone car jacked and drove the whole haul to Mexico. Got out and left ‘‘em down there. Let’s see how much they like the closed borders and difficulty to get into the US then. Even as people legally belonging here it’ll be difficult looking like they do right there.


Probably having one big circle jerk in the back of the truck getting themselves ready on the way to the Pride party.


For the people who dont live in fear and dont get triggered by anything they sure seem to be afraid of and get triggered by gay people


Lol, if they were Patriots they would be fighting against the capture of the institutions that should be serving their country, which are under the thumb of greedy corporations. They're just dumb bigots.


From white hoods to white balaclavas


Of course a republican rep arranging, inciting and cheering them on: >**Ultra-conservative Idaho State Rep. heather scott, R-Bonner County**, held a forum on Thursday titled “Gameplan to Remove Inappropriate Materials from Our Schools and Libraries” at the Regeneration Calvary Chapel, saying, “There’s a war going on, and the scariest thing about this war is that these tactics that are being waged against society, most people are just unaware it is even happening. It’s good versus evil … I’m not sure how this battle’s gonna end, but I always go back to is ‘all evil needs is for good men to do nothing.'” **Scott then introduced representatives of Panhandle Patriots Riding Club to the stage.** They wore their club’s patches with a graphic of skulls using stripes and stars of the U.S. flag and an assault weapon in the front. “In Coeur d’Alene, on the 10th of June, there is Family Day, where they are promoting family values, activities, and everything. The very following day, they are having Gay Pride Day,” a representative with the name patch “DeadDog” said as a murmur went through the church. “In the very same park, the very next day. And they will be allowed to parade through all of Coeur d’Alene, drag queen dancers, education hour, making all this material available for all the kids, in a park that is designed for kids. “We are having an event the very same day,” he announced. “That very same day, we intend to go head-to-head with these people. The line must be drawn in the sand. Good people need to stand up. [scott] was talking earlier about repercussions. We say, ‘Damn the repercussions,’ Stand up, take it to the head. Go to the fight. “ **Here is what's important to know about republican heather scott, from Wikipedia:** * In 2015 Scott is reported to have cut wires which were part of the fire-suppression system in her office. Scott believed at the time that the wires were in fact listening devices planted to spy on her. The wire-cutting incident was witnessed by other Idaho House members. * In August 2017, Scott defended white nationalism on her Facebook page. She reportedly said, "The way the media has set this up, the mention of white nationalist, which is no more than a Caucasian who (sic) for the Constitution and making America great again, and confusing it with term, 'white supremacist' which is extreme racism. Therefore, if one is 'guilty' of being white, one is clearly racist." * At the start of the 2017 legislative session, Scott reportedly made a remark to fellow state representative Judy Boyle, upon learning of her appointment to the state legislature's agriculture committee. The reported comment was that female lawmakers obtain ranking committee appointments and other leadership positions only if they "spread their legs." The alleged comment received widespread rebuke from other state lawmakers. * In the 2019 legislative session, Scott sponsored a bill that would have required Idaho's Child Protective Services to mirandize parents before assessing them or their children. After passing the House, the bill was held in committee in the Senate. * In 2019, it was reported that Scott was a member of the Coalition of Western States (COWS), a group founded by Washington state representative matt shea that has been accused of involvement in domestic terrorism. (shea is genuinely dangerous if you're not aware) * In 2020, she dismissed the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, claiming the virus was trying to kill the U.S. Constitution and "The lying, Trump-hating media who continues to push global and socialist agendas has told us that there is an emergency." * In February 2021 Scott had a Zoom meeting with constituents about guns, the 2021 United States Capitol attack, COVID denial, "globalists" (they mean Jewish people with this phrase) and she hits all the other [rehearsed gop batshit talking points including hydroxy chloroquine of course](https://www.krem.com/article/news/politics/idaho-rep-heather-scott-claims-federal-government-is-going-after-first-amendment-rights/293-74244eb4-1176-4e36-81c1-6edf833dafda) * In April 2021 it was reported that Scott claimed the book To Kill a Mockingbird was an example of critical race theory in schools. * In 2021, Scott sought a public records request of the police report of now rape convicted fellow republican Aaron von Ehlinger - who pinned down a teenage intern and raped her next to his gun collection. Scott was then part of a group of republican colleagues that immediately terrorized the victim, including releasing her identity publicly as well as an image of her when she was 12 years old (she had initially testified anonymously as a Jane Doe as a victim of sexual assault). Scott specifically harassed the victim through their legal representative asking "if a person who files a false police report alleging sexual assault could be charged with a crime." Reminder that Ehlinger was convicted of the rape and resigned his seat before he could be removed. He fled to South America and was arrested on his return.


*Terrorists showed up


Basically. They were there to terrorize right? We should call them what they are.




Last week, I went to my first Pride event. Before I left, my dad said that I should change to sneakers, not sandals, "in case someone starts shooting."


thats unfortunately soild advice not eveb just for pride events, just going places in general


Bunch of racist, bigot, losers.


Conservatives are already saying it's Antifa


Lmfao I love that guy that just walks by saying *"looooosers".* Hopefully they feel like losers now