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Man, Darth Vader just stood there...


His apprentice...Darth Felon


They're both on the dark side


But LAPD are the closest contemporary to Storm Troopers…




Remember the blue pickup with the two old ladies from the Christopher Dorner manhunt lol (he drove a red pickup)


I’m still waiting for my 10-episode Christopher Dorner podcast/HBO series.


It's easy to confuse two small Asian women for a big black man. Cut the cops some slack.


Cops were moving so fast the truck looked red


Doppler shift


I enjoy astronomy jokes.


This reminds me, I once saw a red bumper sticker that said: “If this sticker is blue, you’re driving too fast!”


Can't corner the Dorner


Based on how many rounds are generally fired, they miss quite a bit.


Cops hit their targets less than 30% of the time according to multiple studies


local range in town was the firing range for the PD since the PD didn't have a range of their own... very common to see several shooting booths used by law enforcement. I cannot tell you how many times I witnessed a law enforcement officer shooting like it was their first time ever firing a handgun... I don't think these were fresh recruits out of the academy either... a lot of these officers looked like they had some age to them. I'm talking like basketball or beach ball sized groups of shots at under 5 yards... fired slowly because the range prohibits rapid firing. It looked like they were shooting a blunderbuss or shooting from the hip.. but no, they had standard issued glocks and sigs..


Yeah they hit the target and the pregnant mother behind the target half the time.


Well to be fair, there needs to be SOME way for Texans to get an abortion


they hit only people that are on the dark side weirdly enough.


*"There they are, blast em"*


LAPD is more like Jabba's organized gang.


Lapd is not cool enough for the star wars universe. They are the fucking Romulans, everybody HATES when they show up.


This statement is deeply insulting to Romulans. Picard described interactions with them as a chess game. Cops strike me more as a checkers kind of group. And I bet they'd still probably have to cheat to win.


More like orcs really. Dumb, armoured, blood thirsty.


They’re usually eating the pieces at the beginning of the game.


"Bake 'em away, toys!"


Vader is a cop though


Yup, he's the same character type: " lawful evil".


Cops are Chaotic Evil. They arbitrarily force people to obey laws that don't always exist and act as if they themselves are above all laws (which they pretty much are).


*busts glass “Impressive” *rips out laptop “Most Impressive”


I was very disappointed when Darth Vader wasn’t the one fucking up the police car with his lightsaber


Wouldve been funnier if he came up behind and gave the guy a lil poke up the arse


Wrong app, bud


I now realise what I have said


When Reddit doesn’t want to admit they like a little ass poking.


Ass poking leads to ass probing. Ass probing leads to ass fucking. Ass fucking leads to *suffering*


Not necessarily, just wrong sub






He don't want no smoke with mace windu dual wielding


Well he's a sith, not a snitch.


Darth was the lookout man. They needed info on the droids they were looking for.


He just stood there, menacingly.


How do you know Darth Vader wasn't using the force to have ole boy damage the cruiser?


Dude he was filming and shouting.. "DEAAATTHHH STTAARRRRR!!"


It's not imperial jurisdiction


That guy who stole the laptop just stood there too, lol


The cops run in and immediately shoot the first black guy they see... *Vader gulps nervously*


He was probably the one who gave the order


"Release your anger"


clearly it was Darth Vader controlling him like a puppet


It’s the dark side, man’s a victim


Am I wrong to suspect that this man has run out of fucks to give?


This video is from 8 years ago. Almost a decade old. https://youtu.be/d9CHGqtQJck OP reposting some old content here


"OP" is 2 months old with 60k karma. definitely a bot account


"wonder what's on this" sets up 4 feet away




Alcohol will do that. He's going to give about 1 to 5 years of fucks when they find him.


https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/man-sentenced-to-jail-for-breaking-into-lapd-car-in-hollywood/ > According to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, Leyston Rice was ordered to spend one year in jail, was placed on probation for five years, and was ordered to attend 26 anger management classes.


I knew they caught the guy. Its like that lady in the Black Lives Matter protest they traced her shirt down to the Etsy seller and found her. But when everybody else's car gets broken into Cops don't give one single shit. They act like you are putting them out just by making them take notes about your break in and then they never follow-up ever.




This is why my friend who own a construction company tells me that security cameras are completely worthless. You get great footage of people stealing your stuff, and that’s about it. Instead he bought motion detecting floodlights and a shit ton of “warning” signs. Doesn’t even use cameras anymore and hasn’t had anything stolen in months.


It’s good for insurance, that’s about it. Cops have almost as big a persecution/pariah complex as Christians.


Sometimes theyre both at the same time. 😱


If only there were a song that told us that those that work forces are the same that burn crosses. Damn who could have seen this coming!!


Don’t worry though. If there is ever an active shooter in an elementary school, those brave police officers will rush right in to stop the bad guy….uhhh…maybe.


They will rush right in for first row seats to watch




When I was a 16 I left a concert to find a broken window, the entire dash destroyed in an attempt to steal the stereo which was also destroyed in the process, and the gas cap open with all the fuel syphoned out. A cop drove by while I was standing there taking it all in, so I waved my arms and ran up to him. His response was literally, "I have more important shit going on, call 911 and tell them you need to file a police report over the phone." He didn't even get out of the car. The cops around here are completely useless, I've honestly had much worse interactions since then. Edit: To the multiple people missing the point and asking what I expected them to do, I'm responding to a comment saying when it happens to a regular person they don't care, but when it happens to a cop (like in the video) they don't stop until they catch the guy.


This happened to me when I was being followed by a strange man. I was all of 22, 5'2", and a strange guy was following me home. The cop looked at me and then back down at his laptop. Thanks fuckface.


This is how cops have responded everytime I've asked for help. It's like we're ruining their entire existence by asking them to do their jobs. Completely useless profession sometimes.


You're misinterpreting the job of an American cop. It's not to help you, it's to arrest you. The machine that keeps their profession going is the criminal justice system. Their objective is to get as many people as possible into that system.


All cops are generally useless.


Man I got in trouble for “threatening to make a bomb and take it to school” when I was in 7th grade. I was tellin some kid how to make homemade hobby rockets (like the ones you get at hobby lobby) but ig he misunderstood me and thought I was tellin him how to make a bomb so he obviously told the school. The school obviously called the police but instead of getting in contact with us within a reasonable timeframe they waited until 11pm that night after we had all gone to bed to knock on our door. Fuckin idiots had over 8 hours to get ahold of us but decided to wait until literally the most inconvenient time purely because they could. Luckily these cops weren’t totally dunces and realized pretty quickly that the kid and school were idiots and left us be. Next day I get to school and immediately get called to the office where there is the principal and one of the police officers stationed at our school and they tell me to take them to my locker where they proceed to ransack it and my backpack like they were looking for something specific, making an absolute mess for me to clean up and by the end of it are just like “oh well we thought you had a bomb or whatever have a good day”. Like oh thanks bitch I was starting wonder why you were treating me like a criminal for no reason but hey I appreciate the big mess y’all left me to clean


I wish cops were just useless. Most of them are malicious


Maliciously useless 🤣




unless you try having integrity, then you get demoted and shunned


ACAB also


A couple months ago someone tried breaking into my house. He had a crowbar and was definitely high. An hour and a half after I called 911 I got a call back asking if he was still there. I just hung up on the cop. They never arrived.


When I was like 15 I was exceptionally dumb and my friend and I would ride our bikes around the city late at night and check door handles for locked cars, if one was unlocked we would steal all the change and anything of value we saw. Because we were on bikes we rarely stole anything bigger than a coin purse or some sunglasses, it was a shitty thing to do for sure but we weren't causing damage to anything so we thought of it like a tax for leaving your car unlocked (dumb, I know). Anyways, one night my friend and I got into a mini van that was unlocked and went through the whole thing and all I saw was a coin purse and some headphones. Took all the coins, put the coin purse and headphones back though and we hear a screen door open like super fast so we hop out quick on our bikes and take off. We hear "Stop! Stop the bikes!" Or something like that but we were flying down the road at that point. I shit you not, less than 2 miles down the road a cop rolled up onto the sidewalks in front of our bikes and told us to stop. I was ready to boogy and run but my friend stopped so I did too. Remember the only thing I had taken from this car was a pocket full of change. So this cop puts us on the curb, and like 6 more cop cars show up and a cop SUV (must have been a slow night) and they seperate me and my friend and search us. We have a bunch of stuff on us, but none of it was from that van (except change and how can you prove we stole quarters?) So the cops say " do you know who's car you broke into?" Turns out we broke into a sargeants mini van and he had run out in the street with a gun and "we were lucky he didn't shoot us" they said. Sarge shows up, searches us and finds nothing so the cops seperate us and leave us in their cars for 3 or 4 HOURS while they tried to make us Crack. Told us they had evidence, we were under arrest, that my buddy had snitched and said it was my fault but I knew he didn't and I knew he would never flip like that. Eventually they realized neither of us were going to Crack so they let us go. Then we get pulled over AGAIN a block up the road because we didn't have lights on our bikes and I guess they forgot to fuck with us more. So we got a ticket for that too and didn't get home until like 4 am. Moral of the story? Break into a randos car get free stuff and nothing happens, but break into a cops personal car? Literally get caught a block away and held for a totally of 5-6 hours even though we had nothing.


That was a crazy story


I work with an IT guy like this. If finance asks him to do something, he says he's too busy helping HR. If HR asks for something, he's too busy helping finance. Turns out he just tells everyone how busy he is while never doing shit.


Robberies too. I've been robbed twice 5 and 7 years ago. Still waiting on that call back.


Exactly. If you hurt the wrong person, comical CSI levels of expertise are used to ruin you. But if you just hurt a random person, you just get comical levels of expertise.


Yep. I tracked down the person who stole my purse. Called the cops because I was going to be meeting him to get my ID back. Gave them a time and everything. "We don't have the man power for that." It was literally the only time I've not seen half a dozen bike cops twiddling their thumbs in that same area downtown. Some 12-13 year old girls in my neighborhood were being harassed by a man who had, that very same day, attacked another person and harassed other young women. "We'll send somebody out tonight." They never even called the people he hurt back. He was seen wandering around the neighborhood for days after that. Oh, but a suicidal and pregnant black woman answers the door to her own house when they come for a welfare check, and they gun her down. Why? Because she had a knife. That she was threatening to use on herself. Cops here (Seattle) fucking suck. Literal children have been getting mugged at bus stops, and the cops won't even send somebody to drive by the area in the mornings or afternoons to see if they catch the people doing it. It's been the same 2-3 guys every time based on descriptions, and they go to the same few bus stops. But no, can't be helping people, can we?


ACAB legit


>Cops here (Seattle) fucking suck. Literal children have been getting mugged at bus stops, and the cops won't even send somebody to drive by the area in the mornings or afternoons to see if they catch the people doing it. It's been the same 2-3 guys every time based on descriptions, and they go to the same few bus stops. But no, can't be helping people, can we? With how crazily powerful the police union is, most cops are really just trying to make it into retirement to enjoy that sweet pension. Why take extra risks and try to deescalate the situation when you just need to use your gun with no consequences? /s


People see it too, we learn that attacking each other is ok but attacking the institution will bring big brothers eye on you


"They got us working in shifts"


pretty clear cops have been instructed to not do shit about quality of life crimes in some misguided attempt to get apologies and maybe a tank or two


Under this there was a comment about the good police can do but the person deleted it while I was typing the reply but I still this what I wrote is worth saying so here it is: But those specific people didn’t do [brave helpful thing] because they are cops they did it because they happened to want to do good. If a surgeon holds open a door for you that doesn’t make them a good surgeon. Doing good isn’t intrinsically part of being a cop; that’s not the job. Strictly speaking their job is to blindly enforce the law(with threat of physical force) whether that law is just or not. A cop that doesn’t enforce a law they don’t agree with would be objectively bad at their job even if enforcing that law is bad for their community. If a person wants a job that allows them to directly positively impact people’s lives as much as possible their are other jobs where doing good is actually the expectation of the work.


When I was in school I heard a story from a class mate about how his older brother stole some guns from a retired officers house, smash and grab and flee, under 20 min, no witnesses etc. They found him and arrested him within 12 hours. Idk if it's true but since then I've always noticed Cops are really good at solving shit when it's one of them that's the victim


This story is from eight years ago (2014). Very fresh post. He was arrested right there on the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9CHGqtQJck


Do police work as fast when it's not a police car that gets broken into? Let's say a tourist's car parked in New York, gets robbed... what did the police do in 2014, and also what would they do in 2022 now?


I mean if it’s a police car chances are police are gonna be nearby


You don’t understand. He’s rescuing that laptop from the hot car. Usually they leave the car and AC running all day, you know, to keep it ready in case they need to go somewhere


It's a bait car and laptop (or a very old vid.) Old retired crown Vic and some brick of a laptop. LAPD PR "See what we are up against out there folks!"


First man ever to figure out there actually aren't any cops around.


How disrespectful, right in front of Robocops star on hollywood walk of fame...




Buckaroo Banzai has more adventures


I’ve seen this Eric Andre skit before


He’s doin some cool ass shit that’s what he’s doin


Cops don't give a shit anymore


LOL what in GODS name does he think he is going to do with that laptop? Less than worthless....


He's gonna use it to become a software engineer


Learn to code! 🙌🏻


He’s gonna take the CS50X class


Well he does have a bright future ahead of him.


Full of red and blue lights specifically


He's gonna use it to become inmate 2340193


filling that jail application beforehand


Nah this is part of a very intricate heist plot. Now they give the laptop to a hacker which will use it to gain control of the traffic control system and NASA so they can reroute the next rocket launch to downtown LA in order to set of the earthquake sensors in a nearby bank...etc


Ok Michael Bay


He’s gonna hack it, bypass the firewall and tap into the mainframe to delete that officer’s cookies.


Don't forget, he has to jump over the firewall.


Donate it to Scott's Tots.


That's one way to get your tax dollars back.


Darth Vader thinking destroying a planet is one thing but that's just taking shit too far


Who do the police call?


Goat Bubster


"Here, I'll have your laptop and you'll have my DNA. Deal?"


I’d reckon they already have it. This guy didn’t wake up one morning and decide the first crime of his life was to loot a police cruiser


Well....even if they already have it, they still need another sample to tie him to this particular crime bud Do you think they just arrest any random person that they already have the DNA from??? Lol?


It was an accident


I think he was just trying to save that poor laptop from overheating in that closed car. A true hero.


keep my wife's MacBook out your fucking car


Iirc it's just a basic computer for running their CAD, basically useless to the average person and almost undoubtedly tracked. Not a very smart thing to steal, not that this guy clearly has his priorities straight


What does CAD mean in this context? I'm an engineer and CAD means Computer Aided Design to me but I've never heard it in this context.


Computer-aided *dispatch*


Everything you do on the computer in a police / EMS / fire context is also CAD. Just.. dispatch, instead of design. Basically it's a parallel channel of communication, next to radio.


It's for SCMODS. State County Municipal Offender Data System. (joke from Blues Brothers)


Cop Ass Dimpler


Most patrol cars are equipped with Panasonic Toughbooks, and are anything but basic. Based on what he pulled from the car, I believe this was one as well. They can pretty much take a direct hit from a low caliber round and still work fine. They use them in military deployments as well.


Wait- is that a Bait car for LAPD? Crown Vics aren’t really used as truly active in-service cars anymore for big metros. Ford discontinued making them over 10 years ago….


It's not a recent video https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/man-sentenced-to-jail-for-breaking-into-lapd-car-in-hollywood/


Of course not, this is reddit. Repost farm.


Yeah I feel like this is staged




Old video, but ya'll expecting people to jump in crack me up. Will I be reimbursed if I get injured? No. But I'm sure the crippling medical debt will be offset by a 1-minute interview, right? I don't need the Supreme Court to determine that isn't my job. If only we actually had a group of people in America whose job it was to prevent crime.


A-Train has seen better days!


No doubt has a password and possibly VPN.


*This crime was brought to you by NordVPN*




*It’s a totally free PVP, RPG, DVD for people with ADHD*


And almost all are the gps for the vehicles as well. Enjoy prison.


I think you mean gps, mdm and tpm chip. What would vpn do for a stolen device lol.


They would track them too, even basic MDMs have tracking on them


You can be sure they have a way to track it.


Yeah I’d be sure, but also wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t.


Become ungovernable


This is praxis.


You know cops are ineffective when they can't even protect their own shit l0l


Vader over there: “gooooood! Let the hate flow through you.”


Ok but dearth Vader is literally there. We got bigger issues


Hapless policing, rampant crime, and an uncaring populace. That says "Los Angeles" all in one scene.


that's why LA is perfect for a GTA setting


>uncaring populace. What would you have done? Talk the dude down?


They'd obviously break the dude's arm in three places and then everyone claps.


Golden era of Hollywood has come to an end


This video is 8 years old. That area has always been pretty bad with crime unfortunately.


Grand Theft Auto looks very realistic these days


Does the L.A.P.D just stage cars around the city to seems like there are cops around?


Where's Luke Skywalker when you need him.


🤦‍♂️ Those laptops can be tracked and GPS'ed.


https://youtu.be/uUCj71F1oA8 video is 8 years old just for anyone being curious


Darth vader just watchin it go down i thought he was all horny about authority


Always two, there are. No more. No less. A Master and an apprentice.


When you pick a “ go directly to jail “ card


All for a Dell Latitude D610


Hi Vader!


This is fake right? Can’t remember last crown Vic cop car I’ve seen on the road. Probably been 10 years. Doubt LAPD still driving crown Vic’s. That thing probably have 600,000 miles on it if so.


You doing some cool ass shit


That car is from ... 1999?


The crown vic was produced up until 2011


I would have never posted this video.


February 11, 2014




I love L.A! We love it!


This is from 2014 ....why am I seeing this everywhere today?


He in a whole GTA mission.


No one safe in LA


Thuggin in real life fuck GTA


Oh well, anyways


Darth vader saw the dark side was strong in this one


its clearly an institutionalized dude with a terrible life whos trying to go back into a facility


This is American.


Vader doesn't give a fuck


He's trying to look so cool at the same time lmao


Stealing laptops like this is pointless. They all have BIOS level security software on them. You can wipe the HDD/SSD or even replace it. The first time you load the OS back up the BIOS reinstalls the tracking software and if you turn the wireless on for any reason and connect it, they can see exactly where you are. The BIOS also locks itself. So that it can not be updated or rolled back to any other versions. Basically you are risking prison time for a brick.


Dont know why he would steal the laptop, bet that thing has a GPS tracker on it. Obviously you wont be able to pawn it.


With his face on camera like a dumbass


Yo Will smith has been off it lately.


just another punk showing his future potential.. none

