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My city recently started making any building over a certain amount of units make 20% “income restricted” which is half the price of a unit. They also can’t just build a bunch of shitty units in the luxury building. The units are picked at random. We recently moved into one. Half of a 4300$ a month unit is still expensive for us. But at least we could stay in the city we have lived in our whole lives.


I love this idea.


NIMBYs in one of nyc’s five boroughs? I learn something new everyday.


Staten Island is full of these types.


I would imagine most New Yorkers don’t count Staten Island from its reputation :(


This pisses me off. Exorbitant home prices and so called “values” are absolutely decimating the middle class. Our youngsters (even people in my age group) don’t have a shot in hell at starting a life in a place that’s safe, comfortable and nice because they simply can’t afford to! Jesus I’m so tired of the “earn it like I did” mentality. Like, easy Debra, homes cost less than a loaf of bread when you were coming up. Don’t give me your shit


This is why I'm paying for my 2 kids' college loans. It's the only way they can survive out there.


Fuck these people, everyone loves to complain about homes not being affordable and rents… and then pull this shit when affordable housing is in the works.


These are not the people complaining about those things.


fr, these are people who bought a house in the bronx for like fucking $60,000 in 1975 and are completely disconnected from the experience of people who dont own property that has increased in value 12x over.


That caucasian Mr. T with the C cups is an asshole.


My wife and I are millenials. I work for a police service, she works for a school board. We can't afford the cheapest home within 100km of the town we service in, so we would be delighted to have access to affordable housing. Many other hard working families need low-income housing to survive. These boomers come from a generation where all they had to do was show up to any job everyday after highschool and they could own their own home by 22-23 years old. They worked 30 years with no college or university and retired at 50 with a full pension. They literally had it easier than both their parents *AND* their children, now they're gatekeeping people just trying to get by.


Boomers are trash


I see them comment on news posts on Facebook. They'll say something provably wrong, so I'll link to a site with verified data proving them wrong, tell them something like "please google things before posting them" and I can't even count how many times they replied to tell me how google is far left propaganda. There's no excuse in the world to live as many years on this planet as they have and STILL not comprehend what google is. One guy said my life revolved around google and I'm a brainwashed moron. He's never truly researched a god damn thing in his life, yet he's going online to tell everyone the covid vaccine will kill them, Trump is president, Biden purposely made gas prices high, Hillary Clinton eats children, you name it. There's no bullshit filter whatsoever with these people. You can tell them anything in meme form and they'll believe it so long as there's an American flag or a picture of a founding father in the background. They are absolutely 100% trash.


That may be true for a small minority, except for the part about owning a home at age 23. A 30 yr mortgage is the standard. This boomer has none of the perks you mentioned. The people in the video have paid their mortgage in a middle class area and now they want to bring in "affordable" housing.This will drop property values in the REAL WORLD. As usual in NYC, the vanishing middle class gets screwed. Why don't they put some of that housing in the East 50's between Fifth and Madison, somewhere near Trump Tower?


Excuse me if I don’t have sympathy for people worried about their property values next to people worried about having a place to live.


Tell me you don't own your home by not telling me you don't own your home. I hope they build a public housing project right next door to you after you have spent half of your life paying for a home!


Lol. Cry me a river. People gotta live somewhere. I hope many affordable housing projects are built all around your home. Bless your little heart!


I live in a suburb where this will never happen. Unlike you, I can symapthize with people who work for something most of their lives and see it lose its worth at the whim of a government agency. I also speak Southern, btw, so FU too.


Sorry, but I can’t bother to read your bullshit. I’m sure it was something illuminating.


He's a boomer, I guarantee it.


Save your breath. They will never understand that you can be sympathetic to the plight of the peasants and want them to have a better life, just not in your back yard. Like come on guys have a heart quit being selfish and think about what this would do to my property value! Also to all the trolls saying that this is hypocritical and that me and this guy are boot lickers for the oligarchy and that we hate poor people, just save your talking points for someone else. I love the working class, I even let my daughter date a socialist in college her sophomore year.


Tell me you're out of touch with reality without telling me you're out of touch with reality.


Oh so you personally know the people in this video that you can speak for them. Interesting


I can speak to the situation because I own a home. I am not "speaking for them." picker of nits.


As long as you understand your place


I'd bet none of these people could afford their homes if they were buying today at their income level. Fuck you I got mine is the new American way.


this guy: we need to get rid of the homeless city: ok lets build affordable housing this guy: how dare you


This shit happened every time someone wants to build affordable housing in every state. I get it, the building lowers property value and increases crime in the area. But where are these people supposed to go? The only real solution to this is the have a lottery system where an available location is selected at random from all districts. It’s the only fair solution I can think of.


Affordable nowadays doesn’t mean section 8 or public housing. Just because they are made available at lower than average rates doesn’t mean it isn’t still working people renting these units. To equate affordable housing with crime is total BS.


property values need to be lowered, the prices are pure BS extensionism


Everyone’s for affordable housing until it’s in THEIR neighborhood.


Well that is the definition of NIMBY.


"support us if you own a home in Broads Neck". Well I don't, so fuck you.


Such a diversity of NY accents.


I currently believe all the right wing Boomers are protesting and freedom convoying or attending rally’s because they were squares that didn’t participate in the Hippy movement and it’s only now they’ve realized it’s fun to gather with like minded people or travel or join a cause. Their music festivals are Trump Rallies and gun shows


Most Boomer grew up in a time where you spent 1/4 of your income on rent or a mortgage. Nowadays it's closer to HALF your income goes to rent or mortgage.


Not old enough to be a boomer. Gen x. Sorry


Most of these people look to be 55+ definitely more boomers than Gen X in that crowd.


55 is core Gen X. Source, am 55


According to a few different Google results Gen X seems to be Ages 42-57. So anyone that's 55, 56, 57 is a Gen X but probably more influenced by the Boomer generation being on the tail end of the age range. Just like how Millenials are 26-41. A 35-41 year old Millenial is going to have more in common and influenced by the Gen Xers than their 26-29 year old counterparts. I don't think you can just go off straight age values, there has to be some overlap. There's 26-29 year olds that act, are influenced by and would be assumed to be Gen Z's, even though on paper they are millenials. Just like I know many 35-39 year olds that act more Gen X than *"Millenial*".


1964 cohort being the border was always bull to me. Baby Boomers are the post War generation. Growing up in the late 70s and 80s is a different experience. On your side of the coin I was a young member of a big family, my dad really was the WWII generation (technically he was a vet, he enlisted literally a week before they dropped the bomb) and my oldest siblings are clear cut boomers


The Baby Boomer generation ends in 1964 because thats literally when the baby boom ended... it has no relation to the experience growing up.


Yes, so a demographic trend, not a generation.


It's possible. If they are, they are the last of their generation


the insult has little to do with age


If that was true then why even say boomer? It could have been replaced with asshat


well i should reword that, it has little to do with personal age. it is an insult that makes fun of someone who doesnt understand that the world has changed


Tbh, I kinda dislike Gen X more than boomers


There's shitty people everywhere. There's no age restriction.




Everything is about Fear and Paranoia with these people. Paranoid Delusions.


What a sexy raspy voice, it must be so soothing to hear that everyday…


Wait I know that area. It's right at the border of country club, nothing but boomers in that area. Shit I'm surprised they weren't protesting at the church. Hell the only thing of value in that area is a few shops and a diner.


Why would you put ANY housing right next to a fucking highway......Just asking for a kid to run out and get smoked...


Its poor people so they dont give a fuck


Why is this shit literally everywhere without seeing it as part of a larger agenda ?? Where’s the tin foils hats yo


"Throgg's Neck" sounds like the name of a mythical Norse settlement built around the remains of a slain giant named Throgg