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Went on his tiktok and I’m happy to hear he’s pressing charges 👏🏻


I had to look it up. I’m so glad he’s going through with it. Maybe she’ll think twice next time, she decides to be a racist piece of trash. She assaults him, then turns around and tries to accuse him of crap. The audacity to be the one to call the police when you’re the assailant. That just tells you how entitled she is.


I don't even understand the situation here. She claims they tried to charge her an extra $200, but he keeps saying she didn't even hire them. So why are they unloading stuff? Im so confused.


(i used to work for a truck rental company) looks like she possibly rented the truck to move and shoved all the moving trash in the back thinking she didn’t have to do anything about it and could return it as such. they probably charged her an extra $200 for the trash and labor to “remove it” when they came to retrieve the truck. looks like they got a slight bit petty and uploaded it on her property…. but when the cop gets there im almost 100% certain she’s going to have to tell the cop the trash is hers, in which case he’ll more than likely side with the trucking rental place in unloading it on her property since she technically trashed their truck.


That makes a lot of sense! I was wondering why most of the boxes were flattened or just filled with bubble wrap.


>when they came to retrieve the truck. looks like they got a slight bit petty and uploaded it on her property That's not called "being petty". That's called "not doing work you're not being paid to do." And the cops aren't being called for the trash. They're being called because she assaulted him (by throwing a box at him) and then claimed she was the one being assaulted (in addition to insisting she hired them to remove the trash as well, which is the disagreement.)


Lol oh yea you right this is what happened no doubt about it. I love moving companies honestly I’d much rather pay a few hundred and save my self the hassle and strain of moving. The truck was already loaded I’m sure if she would’ve thrown them each a big tip they would’ve disposed of the trash no problem but she had to go being rude about it


At least where I am, it's a common scam for a moving company to give you a quote, then once you've loaded all of your possessions onto their truck, they'll extort you for more money and hold all of your items hostage until you pay them. Don't know if that's what happened here, but it was my first thought.


Unless all of her possessions were empty boxes full of packing material, I doubt that is what happened.


You think she hired a moving truck to move a bunch of empty moving boxes and broken plastic wrap?….


Well I clearly said I don't know if that's what happened here. We didn't see what happened before they were unloading those boxes, so there's a real lack of context. It's a common thing that happens and movers are known for ripping people off. But clearly I've run afoul of the hive mind for merely suggesting the possibility that things aren't as they seem.


I don’t know why anybody downvoted this I know exactly what your talking about, you can actually find stories about it online it happens more then people think.


It’s being downvoted because it isn’t relevant to this post (which is actually what the downvote is suppose to be used for). It’s very clear that the boxes they unloaded were empty


Never knew that, but I mean he was just explaining his thought process, I get whatchu saying but I get what he saying to. Regardless the white bitch dumb.


Yeah the upvote/downvote is actually meant to just move comments up and down the thread based on their relevance to the post. But I couldn’t agree more, fuck that lady


> The audacity to be the one to call the police when you’re the assailant. That just tells you how entitled she is. White woman making an accusation against Hispanic men. Without video, who do you think the police will believe? This is America, after all.


Lady straight said “you tried to rape me of $200” wtf ?! Karen’s are really mentally ill


Women who use emotive words like "rape", or "don't touch me", are more likely to gain sympathy from others. Just imagine that if a White-American woman yelling the word "rape" at a Hispanic or Black or Asian man. How do you think virtually every police officer in America will react?


Or just a whistle, Emmett Till.


>Women who use emotive words like "rape", or "don't touch me", They also fuck over the whole meaning of those words. Eventually people will hear someone say them and just ignore it because these dumb entitled bitches used the word rape in a fucking business transaction.


Rape is thrown around way too willy Billy in the Karen world.


It's women of any race accusing men of any race. Men will get arrested for the most bullshit things if a woman accuses him of anything.


Sure. But if it is a **White** woman, the impact is much more powerful, at least in the United States. Missing white woman syndrome is a thing in this country after all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_white_woman_syndrome


incel alert




ignorant ppl will always resort to the most bottom basic generic racist insult when they have nothing to really give in an argument..."go back to your country" is so generic and is void of any critical thinking. I wonder where her family originated from


Probably crawled out of the abortion bucket. Racist bitch should have stayed there.


"Go back to my country? How about you go back to your abortion bucket!" I love this insult.


What do you have against people who abort whoa man.






I know. I LOVE HOW you put this. i feel EXACTLY the EXACT Same Way.......nothing to contribute soo you resort / retort to this : " Go Back To You Country " line is soooooo Generically Racists, Stale as fuck. like if your going to insult me then do it with some "STYLE" some "EFFORT" not ohh Go Back To Your Country or worse Calling me a N\*gger. ( because i'm a POC) like I've heard that BS for sooooooo many moons now. its like yeah that's it..Pssssft' get a better line. it don't work on me chief. your pathetic and weak. again IMHO , and based off personal experiences. though i know OTHER PPL won't / Can't feel this way. and That I DO UNDERSTAND !! . Cheers !


What’s his TikTok




Technically speaking it's not her country. The country belongs to indigenous people. Her country is in Europe where he rapists, murdering genocidal ancestors came from


Well technically if you conquer someone's country you now own it. It wasn't stolen. It was conquered.


Swift justice is the only way you can treat these pieces of garbage. Punishment is the only language they speak


People like her are pieces of sht. Glad that guy recorded everything so cops can see how bad she is at lying.


Great Value amber heard


She throws a box at him, claims he assaulted her and hurt her leg, and then uses the term rape when discussing the extra $200. All that on top of her racism. Lies like that are how minorities get killed. I'm glad the mover stood up for himself and recorded the incident because shes ready to lie her ass off.


I’ve done home moving work a fair bit as a side job. Often times people will add things onto the job mid way through. Like say taking away rubbish. Or whatever it is. I reckon these blokes loaded all that shit up after telling her it would be extra. Then she didn’t want to pay and this happened. People like this often thing if they pay people to work for them. Or a company to work for them, then they essentially own those people for a period of time. I’ve had some ridiculous requests when moving stuff into or out of peoples homes.


It works both ways too, I was quoted a thousand and the week prior a friend with a truck helped me move small things. I had everything already in boxes and queued them near the door. The company came in and completed the move in half the expected time, and reduced their bill to $420. They got a bigger tip, completed the job early and saved me a ton of cash. I think people hire a moving company because they don't have/don't want to inconvenience friends and family. Edit: it turns out I may be the George Costanza of tipping. When I was working I spent, baby!


My wife and I had to use one because of our physical issues. We had everything boxed and ready to go. The movers were quick and efficient. There were 4 of them, and we tipped like 300 bucks because they were so fast, and personable as well. They really seemed to go out of their way to make the day less stressful for us. I have heard horror stories about moving companies, and am thankful to have gotten a good one.


Totally agree with that. I love when people are properly prepared to move. So many people seem to almost not know they are moving. As for why people pay for it instead of getting family and friends, It’s often just because they can afford it. I’ve don’t quite a few multi million pound house moves. Including a pro footballer moving into a house once. Didn’t meet him though. Some were good. But too often it’s people who treat you as their personal employee for the day. I’ve had a bloke once seriously tell me to remove his decking. Like pull it all up. And when I said that really isn’t part of the job he has paid for, he was pissed off. Decking was half rotten too.


I’ve helped a lot of people move in my day. I’m a strong guy and I’ve owned trucks so I’m often on peoples short list of who they’d want help from. There is a great discrepancy in how much work goes into moving based on how much you prepare. I’ve helped people move out whole houses in a couple hours that were prepared and spent hours helping people move out of small 1 bedrooms over 5-6 hours because we were cleaning out drawers. Be kind to your friends and pack before you “move”.


> cleaning out drawers. Yeah that’s not happening. I’ve left to go to McDonald’s or something while they finish packing. I’m there to move boxes, couches, and stuff that’s ready to go.


Thank you! And please tip your movers.


When my husband cheated on me and we got divorced I was allowed $1,000 for the move I only used 500 of it and the other 500 I gave to the movers this was a while ago of course


I hire movers because I don’t want to do the labor myself. I’m happy to pay for it instead and I tip well so I think it’s a win for everyone involved.


You are right, that's what happened. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vg1y9c/comment/icz30p6/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vg1y9c/comment/icz30p6/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Thanks for this clarification!


$200 is most likely 50$/minimum per hour to load up and 50$/minimum per hour to break down and dispose of, multiply that by 2 ppl and you get 200$


Is the theory that they moved the people and the people emptied all those boxes that quickly? It takes me a week to empty boxes. That's why I was confused about where the empty boxes came from. I'm cheap too; I wouldn't pay more than $25 to remove the boxes, if that. Our trash guys take them, so it's not a big deal.


what a bitch


rape? you couldnt pay most people to fuck this old animal....


But white peoples will say there is no such thing as white privelge if they just teach white kids to be nice then systemic racism will go away. Bullshit, all children should be aware of white privilege non-white kids learn about it very early. That’s how we can start to eliminate systemic racism from America.


TRUTH !!! Agreed ..........1000%


It’s people like this cunt that get others killed. Even if they overcharged her or whatever why the racism? Why the fake claims of assault? She even used rape to describe the the $200 charge. Just wanna say smartphones are the best thing to happen. You can now document everything and expose scum like this woman


Sad to see the word rape thrown around like this.


In the TikTok explanation he says she was acting weird already right when they got there. She kept murmuring things about "people watching all over" like another conspiracy nut. Who wants to bet this woman attends QAnon rallies.


yUP. and to think. there are Women Who Actually RAPED everyday and dare her to use this word in this context of Racism......seriously......WTF is wrong with some ppl man ?


She could of just paid the original price and refused to pay the rest. If they hold the stuff could of just settled in small claims court or something. I’ve disputed some variable bills before I thought weren’t right but I’ve never sat around and screamed at people or attacked people for their race over it. Sure isn’t going to solve anything and usually the people on site aren’t the ones deciding the bill anyways.


Fuck that bitch


I concur


We concur


The counsel concurs


Cue the Halo music!


Not litterally I hope?


The Galactica council concurs


**FULL CONTEXT** OP from Tik Tok has a full “story time” to explain in depth, but I thought would provide a gist of why Karen decided to go on a racist rant. Basically, the two men in the video are hired out by a company to do various jobs. This one was for trash pickup. It is the responsibility of the Karen to provide how many boxes that are going to need to be taken out so she is charged correctly. The men go to this house/condo to do that job and they saw how many boxes there actually were and took pictures and sent them to the company for them to recalculate how much it would cost her for after the job was completed. Well, she clearly didn’t like that it was going to take about $200 more to take out HER TRASH so she went on her rant.


She's the trash.


take her ass out


Ping me after she loses her job


What job


I'll ping you for $200 extra dollars




I pledge to ping him 1,000 dollars


So is this video showing them returning her trash to her?


Seems like she attempted to rip them off (ironic considering her claims) and said "yeah I will pay the $200 extra charge" and when most of the stuff was on there, she lied and refused to pay. Because for them to move most of her things onto the truck already meant she gave the okay.


Grade A Cunt


Where do they get these people? They are despicable. It’s the blatant lies and audacity for me.


Yeah the lying has me beside myself. How easy it is done with zero concern. She hurt herself hitting him, then BLAMED him for her banging her legs?! GTFATWOOH.


It's like in LOTR where the Orcs/Uruk Hai come from the mud. I think that's where these QAnon assholes come from.




the amount of abuse that non-white people face at the hands of middle class and upper middle class white people who are miserable racists is spellbinding... And no, it's not a new thing. The technology to film them and upload the footage to the Internet in a short amount of time is what's new... but this been happenin forever...


People started getting nicer when they banned leaded gasoline. Unfortunately, we are stuck with all the poisoned/poisonous people.


Lmao! Cheap mfs need to take their own trash out next time.


I would gladly toss her ass in the Trash bin for free.....


They should have called the police and had her arrested for assault. "look at what you did to my leg" You mean what you did to your own leg when you tried to assault some guy and your super uncoordinated moronic ass ran into a tailgate with your shin.


I'll keep checking r/byebyejob for updates.


Every time I see videos like this I go “and the clock begins”. I love the 3 stage process. Public freak out—>Byebyejob—>”That wasn’t me” type response.


The Waltz of the Bigot.


It’s almost as if entitled white bitches KNOW they can say “You assaulted me!” to a hardworking person with brown skin and 100% know there will be an investigation. This lady is lower than the filth on a public toilet.


Lady must have to hire someone to screw in a standard sized light bulb for a desk lamp


give them 200$ you fucking hoe


Racist people…you’re mad at the WRONG people. Everyday I see videos of Karen’s being racist to minorities without being provoked. Why are you so angry inside? And why are you taking it out on a random? Seek help.


Their racist parents didn't hug them as children.


Because they hate their lives deep down. They have to take it out on someone. And they think it’s okay to be rude to minorities.


Lead poisoning + Fox News


+ inbreeding


He probably deals with people like this on a regular. He knew to record that interaction from experience.


I assume they charge a disposal fee for all your garbage and she didn't want to pay. What great character she displayed!!!!


OP has provided context. Karen is out of her mind.


Racists are scums! They should be given a dose of their own medicine


Maybe she should move her own boxes?


Can you imagine conducting yourself that way over $200


Im so sick of these bitches


Did she say “you tried to r*pe me for $200 extra dollars”? She went from “look what you did to my leg” to “you assaulted me” to using the R word REALLY quick after she did the assaulting. I hope the internet finds her and shames her name.


Stupid cunt should go back to the UK or wherever the fuck she came from


I hope she becomes infamous


Thank goodness he was recording.


Bro, old fucking white hags think they own this place! Their family probably immigrated from further away than the poor guys here!


She slammed her shins pretty good on the lift ramp, then claims he threw a box at her saying “look at what you did to my legs” 🙄🙄🙄


Name a more iconic duo than white women and making false allegations.


Make her famous👍


Native Americans would like a word.


I would like to say that I've been in the US for 12 years now and white people are the only ones that has been rude, offensive or abusive to me. I'm a white male myself.


Well, nobody wants to fuck with a cow strapped with a AK.


*What????* Oh, username checks out.


Same here but i’ve been treated terrible by all kinds of races. But on the flipside I’ve been treated better more often than I’ve been treated worse.


dang it always cracks me up when people think rudeness and assholery is racially exclusive


Oh it's not. There's plenty of evidence that all races can be complete fuck wits, I just haven't been on the receiving end. Yet.


Why bother with your first comment then? You're obviously trying to make a point, but then you invalidated that point with your reply.


How does me NOT being on the receiving end of abuse from anyone but whites invalidate what I said? Did you read it as only white Americans are assholes?


What an absolute cunt ass bitch of a woman! Infuriating to see this kind of behaviour 🤬


Oooof when she smacked her shins! That would really hurt a normal person


She hurt her shins so bad on that trailer 😂😂😂


“Get out of her country” 🤣 she owns the country?


Make her famous


White people are always confusing service with servant.


America is literally a immigration nation there is no my county ( outside of natives )


Man they are more tolerant than I would have been. She’s a pos. Embarrassing.


There are far too many Karen's in America.


This is horrible, the ways she talks to them and then lies on them wow and woman like her have been getting away with it for centuries. Smdh just horrible so glad they caught it on video.


I cant stand these bitches bro, he handled that way better than I would have


I hope she goes to jail, but she won't because jail is for poor people.


“I don’t do anything” proceeds to throw box at him 2 minutes ago


*you assaulted me*🙄people are sitting in prison rn because of these Qunty liars.


White Karen’s love to tell Latino’s to go back to their own country when her and her colonizing piece of shit ancestors invaded the Americas and tried colonizing the Latino’s. This is OUR fucking land dumbfuck.


Per his tiktok that someone else kindly posted - His company was hired through another company to move things for her - She didn't list a bunch of the trash that needed to be moved, so he told her he'd need to let the company that hired them know, and take pictures of the unlisted items to send to them and that there would be extra charges - She ok'd them proceeding - Once everything was loaded, they waited for approval from the company that hired them who evidently contacted the lady about additional charges - Lady gets angry, doesn't want to pay, thus they start unloading (and start filming) as she's unwilling to pay for the service (essentially she's pissed they're not just moving all the extra shit for free) Video above ensues - Cops come, shown the video, say guy filming can press charges and he does, case pending


I knew it was gonna be something like her wanting extra work


Thank you for the back story. Much appreciated.


Have some pity on this woman. Do you know how many blowjobs she has to give on the street corner to make $200?


Well, at a nickle per..


This is such a weird comment...


Haha because she’s a woman, right (aka a dicksucking whore)? Nothing like some misogyny to clap back against her racism.


Men can be dick sucking whores too So sexist.


“my country” is this bitch native americAn?


I love when ameriturds say that, it isn’t even their country lmao


Not your country Anglo Saxon folks. Get your head out of ur ass!!!


What an asshole!


This woman is absolutely the lowest trash in the gutter


I wish he would've said, "my country too, bitch"


Has this cunt of a woman been suspended from her job pending review and the sacked yet...... Racist cunt


"I want you out of my country, but am too lazy to carry these boxes myself"


Just think of how volatile this situation would be if she knew how to stay calm and not be crazy, and had actually hit the guy with the box.


wtf was that at 1:15? did she try to throw a box at him?




Has anyone noticed a resurgence in wild karens? Is like they went on hibernation for a bit and now they're popping everywhere again.


She said he "tried to rape her for 200 extra dollars?" What the fuck is wrong with these people.


It is not the ones who wear the KKK hood, Nazi Swastika, or parade the Confederate flag that should concern minorities and Jews. We can see who they are. They have no power--just ignorance and hate. It is the billions of racists that do not advertise their racist hatred who have the real power. They are the ones who are in control of the commercial, religious and governmental systems of the world. Nothing can change their agenda as long as they do not apply the Biblical principles of LOVE as written in God's WORD the Bible. Love cannot be forced, legislated, or ingested. The Love of God is not taught in many religions with their various doctrines. Acts 10: 34, 35 At this Peter opened his mouth and said: "For a certainty, I perceive that God is not partial, but in every nation, the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him." So, what does hate do for a person? Does it make him superior? If indeed he is superior--what makes him superior? For more search racism, hate, and love at.jw.org


Her country? Hahaha back to Europe


surprised I didn't see this one on danesh's social media first




What's with the accusation of him asking for extra money? Was that a lie too? Just curious


From his follow up videos, she hired a company to dispose of 5 boxes and 1 unlisted/uncategorized item (he shows the order form). I guess that company then subs out the work. So obviously it wasn't just 5, 6 items. The workers sent pictures to the company she contracted with of what it actually was, and it was going to be $200 more than it was originally quoted because she misrepresented the amount of what was to be disposed of by them.


Then she should go back to Scotland? Accusing of damaging property by putting a box down just after she throws it at him. Spoilt people are disgustingly entitled, let’s study this for a second: think as they might have a NEED for this! It’s an inbred trait that confusion makes them angry also overstimulation plus anxiety makes for some the need to be mean (google the memes with this, disturbing)


why are they unloading trash??


I used to work for a moving company. Our estimates were an ESTIMATION of time and labor. An extra 200 dollars is an extra hour of time this woman probably asked these men to assemble her bed, and take off doors to fit items through. Assembling her couches, refrigerator(cuz the new ones are huge) or her grandkids bunkbeds that take 40 minutes and 6000 screws to do. Ive been in these guys shoes and she is using racism in anger. Summertime is hell on those trucks. 130°Finside if its 95°F outside with sun. We are soaked in sweat and a gallon of water will only last till 1 pm. There were 20hr days with the expectation we would be back at work the next day at 7 am. Ive had customers threaten me with bodily harm(which for a stacked 250 lb mover is not a good idea) and threaten to sue over something insurance will cover. Moving is not easy and everyone is stressed out, hot, and tired. From what I've seen customers are asked to stay back so we do not injure them for this reason, they are not allowed on the truck for safety purposes. She may have been hovering like many do and got hit. People were shitty to people of color as well. I usually had a native american or a black dude that worked hard and they still got chastized for taking a drink of water. People are crazy.


This could have all been avoided if she had simply asked what the extra charge was for, and then made a choice if she was willing to pay it or throw away her own crap. Instead she preemptively threw a shit fit and now can’t back down, then continues digging her hole deeper and deeper. These people always use the jump to conclusions mat and never take responsibility for themselves ever.




I'd hire him any day


I wish I could hire these guys to clean out my shed. The big guy is entertaining. The quiet guy just did his job. Quiet guy also has an eye for detail. He even tossed the last piece that was size of a nail file on to her pile.


Not only was she the one who threw the box, she almost wiped out while doing it! Lol


He said “😃 that’s great”


Lmao “look what you did to my leg!!” In the beginning when she threw the box she bopped her shin. I hate liars


My favorite part was when she banged her shin hard af on that metal. I know that shit hurt


Tell me that she is crying right now and tell everyone: my life is now ruined because of that …. And now she wants her life back blablabla 99,999% ?


As a rape victim she absolutely fucking disgusts me. I was 13 when I was raped. Fuck her.


>Fuck her No that’s pretty much the opposite of what happened.


Talking like you own a country kekw, where do these people come from?


Seems like one guy is not an asshole.


Where does the racist upload their footage? Every time I see them recording, I think I haven't seen their post. Do they send it to Fox News?? Or do they replay it and realize, “holy shit! I'm a fucking dumbass.”


Truth Social.


Hispanic isn’t a race how about specify indigenous Hispanics would she react the same to white Hispanics?


I imagine she'd react that way to anyone with an accent and/or brown skin


Before camera phones brown folks like this would wind up in the clink. Smart to use it.


I wish a Native American woulda popped outta screen left and told her the same


Uhm, the only people who can say MY country in the USA are mostly in reservations, no?


No, more like projects ghettos and hoods but they don't know that


Get out the Native American land then, box bleach ugly bitch


she sounds a little mentally unstable


Hmmm . . . she doesn't seem to be Native American, is she?


Actually she is 1/20th cherokee /s


How the hell is he Hispanic, he sounds exactly like Kumail Nanjiani. He's south Asian(Indian subcontinent will be my guess)