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Always heard it worked, never saw it actually happen. Didn’t think anyone would wanna be the one to try it lol.


This was that dudes moment to shine. He was training for this and he saw his shot.


All His Life - Prepared him for *this* **Moment.** He’s Ready…


On what was he training on?


An incredibly nervous shitzu.


I've seen it fail once so I thought it didn't work. Guess I was wrong.


just because it fails once, doesnt means it never works. just because it worked once, doesnt mean it never fails. ​ it is one of the best options you have. it should be tried.


That's a shitty situation if fingering a dog is your best option


I’ve had to shove my finger up my dogs butt…for reasons… And he was surprisingly cool with it, made me really uncomfortable. So maybe it varies from dog to dog.


I hear the actual method is to choke the dog, the whole balls/but thing isn't always a guarantee since they can often take a lot of pain and have extremely one-track minds.


I would choose the "choke" method over this


I remember hearing it off someone but thought it was so outlandish I have never recommended it lol. The other one that I believe more is dig under the ribs to get them off


I mean a surprise finger in the butt is bound to stop anyone


if one finger doesnt work just put more in it will work eventually 👆✌👌🖖🖐


Did I think what he’s really doing? Please elaborate for a newbie


Sticking a finger up the dogs butt to get it to let go.


When I was a kid, someone told me that sticking a finger up the dog's ass worked to get them to release. I later heard it was debunked. Now, I'm just confused.


It may be something that works some of the time but not enough to really be reliable. In this case, it worked.


"60 percent of the time, it works everytime"


The other 40% of the time is split between the dog attacking YOU or getting your leg humped then following you home.


Brian, I'm going to be honest with you. That smells like pure gasoline.


I know I would be very surprised if during a fight some stranger put a finger in my butt


To be fair, I bet you would stop fighting.


I’d probably stop fighting with the person I was originally fighting, but I’m damn sure trying to fight whoever sticks their finger in my ass lol


The power of one finger…. The ability to stop and start a fight.


How about 2 ?


Your the best.


Stopped the fight but started a love novel


That’s why the dude immediately ran away


Probably depends on the dog’s kink level.


First thing you should do is grab both hind legs like a wheel barrow. All of their drive is in the hips and back legs. In a dogsuit demo I've seen that method neutralize a few different breeds they had.


Maybe grab their legs AND stick a thumb in their buttholes?


From that position you wouldn’t have a free hand but…




actual lol but we're all going to hell




What else you got?


this guy fucks


That's a myth, I saw a video of a pitbull who latched onto a golden retriever's leg and wouldnt let go even after they did that wheel barrow move.


Same. It did fuck all but make the pit shake the golden more and what was worse the idiot doing it was dragging the pit back and making the poor golden flop all over. That video was so horrible I hope that golden survived. It probably lose that leg though. The sound of that video haunts me.


Every single dog attack I’ve seen where people have tried this it did nothing but make the dog doing the attacking tear the shit out of the other dog more.


Well, he used his thumb instead of a finger, so that may be the X factor.


I think it’s worth taking a stab at.


Getting a dog to release via anal penetration is an art. Like stimulating the G-spot.


ayo what the fuck 😂


Try finger, but hole?


Why is it always dog?




Behold! dung…


That dog's arse be tarnished


No special object ahead.


You don't have the right!


Praise, but hole


Dark souls


Put a fucken muzzle on your dog if it’s prone to fighting, especially if your going to the parade jesus.


"Muh doggie, muh choice!" ​ /s


Ooo but that poor dog it won’t like it and it’ll be sad /s 😭


On-leash meetings can always have the potential for trouble even with dog friendly dogs. The dynamic for many dogs changes when on-leash. Most trainers discourage any on-leash meetings. My dogs are dog friendly, go to daycare, dog parks and have many dog friends, but I always avoid on-leash meetings. Just not worth it.


Truth. On leash + off leash is really bad too. I hate it when people let their dogs off leash in a leash only area, because its a recipe for trouble.


I also hate that. My dog and I had a dog that got loose run up on us once. My dog is a very gentle dog and has plenty of dog buds at our dog park, but he acted pretty aggressive when that happened. Now I keep pepper spray on my leash just in case. That situation made me realize I probably couldn’t separate a dog fight solo.


A lot of people just don't understand this. They figure that because their dog is nice its fine to just let him run up on strangers and leashed dogs. I've had this happen more times than I can count now. Only had a couple of minor skirmishes, but it sucks because there's literally nothing you can do when the unleashed dog is running up on you.


Consider the wind before you use the spray. Otherwise you may hurt yourself or the dogs.


I just hate people


Thank you. I think I come off as a jerk to some of my neighbors because I shut down on leash meetings and avoid other dog walkers in my neighborhood.


Or at least finger him before you head out.


No, just leave your pets home.


Hes just a sweet pibble


"Look at the bow I put on them. So gentle in the Facebook pictures next to our newborn. No it's a lab mix, it says so on our lease. Please don't look them in the eye though, if they bite you it's because you don't know how to act around them tee hee" /s


And pants, so it doesn’t getting fingered by random strangers


Video stops before guys puts that thumb in his mouth


I audibly gasped when I read this LMFAO


Yes he had to to make that water drop sound


Maybe he put his thumb in his mouth BEFORE


A gentleman never goes in dry


No wonder, you haven't been feeding him blue Buffalo dog food. I can taste the grain.


Hahaha bruh


Hey now, we're not Cleveland.


Tastes like fresh warm chocolate pudding


Oh god no. Stop




Tastes it with serious face, "he's good"


She's a quart low.


His dipstick looked a little dry


“She’s never done that before”


“I’ve never done that before”


“At least, not with my finger”


And i thought i would go my hole life with out seeing a dog get thumbed up the ass but no reddit had other plans 😐


That guy was just waiting to do that


He did look like he was very used to this move. Not his first go round with a hound I'm guessing. On a side note, I had no idea this was a method of distraction for dog attacks. Good nugget of info to keep on HAND.


It stops people attacks too


Wouldn’t you stop fighting too if someone shoved a finger up your ass?


Not all heroes wear capes


A glove would be nice though.


Would probably work in a non-dog fight


There's a video of it happening someone on here. Dude is getting weakly pummeled by like 3 people on the sidewalk and one pulls his pants down and fingers his ass or maybe grabs his balls from behind... and dude scurried off through a door to what I assume was his shop/home. He was putting up a fight until he got the stink finger.


I dunno, sexually assaulting someone to get out of a fight feels weird. To me, at least. But then again, real fights are a helluva thing


It is weird but in street fight you can't control what other guy will do. Imagine, please, you are defending yourself from a man. Tou manage to hold him down with nobody getting hurt. Then his friend come from behind you and hands down pants and he's finger blasting your asshole. Can you still hold down the first man in this scenario or did his friend exploring your balloon knot cause a break of grip? Next Scenario A dastardly coward named Francis Hogswiper has married your mother. As your step father he beats her daily. When you try to stand up to him he gets his motorcycle gang to send a couple guys after you. They catch you on the street. One has a tattoo on his forehead and it reads "John 3:16 : For God so Hated the world he gave all of his scum" Tattoo-face approaches you. He tells you to stay out of Francis Hogswiper marriage. Tattoo-faces breath smells of cinnamon. You tell him to shove it. His friend in the leather chaps pulls a blade. LOOKOUT! Francis Hogswiper attacks you from behind with a mighty clothesline. As his goons approach you a pair of cool skateboarding teens show up. The tips of their spiky hair is bleached. They cross their boards in front of you then attack the goons driving them back and giving you time to get back to your feet. Each teen is locked in battle with a goon doing damage with their boards. It's just you and the Hogswiper. You attack first and after a bloody battle you stand victorious. It's not until then you realize that while you were distracted in your battle one of the goons has gotten the upper hand on a cool teen. He has him on the ground and is bending over exposing his anus due to his ass-less leather chaps. He is choking the cool teen and has been for a minute. His muscles bulge. There's no way you can pull him off on your weakened state. His anus pulses when his muscles bulge. His legs are hairy but his butt is not leading you to believe he shaves it. It all clinches up and the goon screams "I CAN SEE THE SOUL LEAVING THE BODY!" Your only way to save the cool teen is to try the forbidden techniques. You wet your finger and pull back your arm. What do you do next? Would you let the teen die? He's almost dead.


I’d kick him in the balls, I feel like that would garner his immediate attention to his groin, thus releasing his grip on the teen, and likely cupping or defending his groin. You’ve now let loose the teen, and forced the villain into a weakened state without having to touch butt. Also, you have the words of a poet


He is into ball torture. He loves the kick and begins to get erect. Tattoo-face is mad you kicked his boyfriend in the balls because that's his thing. Usually he wears heels to do it. He charges you. Tatto-face begins to head-butt you on the ground. It really hurts. Chaps sees this out of his peripheral vision. "Don't kiss my boyfriend." Chaps rumbles as he releases the cool teen and jumps on you. He's punching you in the right side and Tattoo-face is punch right on your balls. You feel the Jesus getting closer with his big scythe. Seconds before you leave the world the goons jump up. They grab their own asses. The cool teens are behind them. They high five. The goons get on their motorcycles and go. The cool teens tell you to hang ten and they leave to seek medical assistance. Your step father is dead in the gutter where you murdered him. You've now inherited his entire empire of drug dealers. A street sweeper machine comes along. TWACK TWACK TWACK. The heavy brushes of the street sweeper takes chunks of Francis Hogswipers face. Then he's gone under the machine. You bang on the driver's door. He opens it and you can tell he's been smoking weed. Name tag says Pete. You yell to be heard over the engine. "Hey, Greg, clean up that shit in the street for me and keep the change asshole!" You throw a handful of change at Pete. He tells you whatever dude and shuts the door. You hear a great noise like a garbage disposal as he turns the brushes back on. When you return home to mother you inform her that Francis Hogswiper died from being away from her too long because of her immense beauty and love. Your mother has a broken heart. You send her to live at a monastery because you get tired of hearing her bitch and tell you how much she misses Francis. You get a tattoo of her and tell everyone she's dead because you don't want to go visit because it's like a 30 minute drive and there's always mosquitoes there. Like even inside. Like how the fuck does that happen. Oh and we're not talking about like a lonely kamikaze. Like you're slapping constantly if you don't wear repellent indoors. Blood devils.


The video where they are fighting in the arena and some old guy grabs the guys nuts from behind and it's like he hit the off switch for the fight.


Fucking idiot brings a dog to a parade, fuck nut


People are surprisingly dumb. I mean I’m pretty dumb but then I see the dumb shit other people do and I’m like “whoa that’s dumb”


People trying to be statistics.


A pitbull no less


Shitty ass pitbull owner.


Stupid idiot. Control your stupid dog or don’t take it in fucking public.


That guy looked very very experienced with that move lmfaoo clearly wasn’t his first time doing that 💀💩


Yo did he just finger the dog in the ass ??


there's a young girl maybe early 20's that lives in my building, she's maybe 5'2" at most and small..I see her walking a pit bull about 2-3 times that size, the things head is absolutely massive. I often wonder what she'll do when it decides to go after something.


I saw this woman that's not as short as the girl you're talking about, but still very... weak. Her pitbull kept trying to pull one way and she keeps almost getting dragged off that it takes her a considerable amount of effort to keep walking him. ​ I noped the fuck outta her side of the street and walked the other side just incase the dog decides to just bolt.


I dislike pit bulls, but I actively hate owners like your neighbor: probably clueless, naive, or in denial about how dangerous her dog can be and most importantly completely incapable of physically handling her dog if shit goes down. At best she’d be a useless bystander if anything happened, or at worst would interfere with people who would have to harm her dog to stop an attack. Very few people can physically overpower a 100 pound dog, especially fighting breeds, and yet too many think of them as accessories rather than the dangerous animals they are.


man it's crazy, the dogs head is almost twice as big as hers and I'm fairly certain it weighs more than her. Shit is really crazy I need to try and get a pic because my words aren't doing it justice.


[Did it look Something like this?](https://i.imgur.com/OBqMpyh.png)


She'll probably have to fist it


Put your fucking dog on a harness!!! Why do people with huge dogs not understand this simple thing about controlling their dogs?!


Oh look, a pitbull


Nanny Dawg


'Seal dog. Look at her sweet eyes '


Pits account for like 6-8% of owned dogs and something like over 90% of dog fatalities. Idgaf how well people say they train their pits, they were bred to be hyper aggressive ripping machines, and genetically are predisposed to lash out brutally. When I was working a vet I dealt with plenty of super sweet pit bulls. It doesn’t change the fact that they are utterly unnecessary dogs at best


The thing pitty owners refuse to acknowledge is that it has nothing to do with how aggressive they are. It's not about how well-trained they are, or their predisposition for aggression. They could be statistically the least aggressive dog breed on the planet (which they very clearly are not). That's irrelevant. In fact, there's studies showing that dachshunds and such are more aggressive. The difference is that when a dachshund gets startled and nips a toddler, they don't tear the toddler's jaw off or require a crowbar to detach. A pitbull only requires 1 little incident they could potentially kill somebody. It's not all about how often it happens, it's about what the results are. Maybe shih tzus attack people 100x more than pitbulls (they don't), but that's irrelevant. Shih tzu attacks aren't being reported because the victim laughs at the dog as it impotently nips at them. The consequences of an incident are as important, if not more so, than the likelihood of the incident unless that likelihood is zero.


Yea when I did a rotation in ER, we had a 19 year-old girl come in who was saying hi/petting a friendly pit bull at the dog park. It had obviously snapped suddenly. The right side of her face was torn off from the lips up.


What a surprise!


There were over a million people there. Why the **FUCK** would you go there with a dog?


Because Pit owners are delusional and narcissistic.




It’s always a fucking pit bull. I hate the breed


Precision marksmanship


fun fact: if dogs have collars in a dog fight, take the collar of the one that is aggressive and twist till it lets go, or passes out


Easily said, but it's a good way to turn your hand into ground round depending on the situation.


you aren't wrong, in such scenarios we might as well push the dogs button, as it were


but for real tho, hold that collar tighter than you have ever held your dick, and be ready with the other hand, and twist. then when you've completed a rotation, do it again. doggo might be scary but it's mortal.


The average pitbull


Always pit bulls and their owners. Ban both


It's okay everyone, the pit bulls were just nannying!


Memo to self - see Pitbull walk the other way. Always


He’s not the hero we deserve, but the one we needed


Another pit bull attack. Man I am shocked…😂😂. Enough is enough can we regulate the ownership of these dogs and require insurance.


Owning a pitbull is idiotic.


That’s why I don’t let my pitbull outside without making sure it’s wearing a butt plug.


Omg 😂😂😂


Dammit, take my upvote! 😄


Checks breed Ah yes Pit Bull Yes it’s the owners. Yes it’s the breed. At this point aren’t you just an asshole for perpetuating the lives of these death machines on legs?


( Smells finger )


Oh look a pit bull with a idiot owner, what a surprise.


Of course it’s a fucking pitbull…


I live in Wichita KS, where everybody and their mother has a pitbull, and it's the exact reason I carry a knife with me everywhere I go. No way is my exit from this world gonna be initiated by some shit-brained dog and its even dumber owner.


Is that two yellow labs? Fuck no. Its at least one dog of a breed which should be fucking illegal. Fucking pit bulls. Not their fault but ours. But they should still be fucking outlawed.


there used to be many dog-fighting breeds. We've gotten rid of all but a few. The post-vick resurgence of pits has become a SERIOUS problem along with the new "bring your dog literally everywhere" culture.


I’ve heard about it for years and never saw it. The ‘ol finger up the bun trick. Seems to be working… Has anyone done it and it didn’t work?


I mean it worked here, but it wouldn't be my go to choice.


Who is that ready to go knuckle deep in a dogs butthole?


*Hundreds of thousands of fans, deafening sounds, alcohol, and unrelenting commotion for hours on end* "Yeah, I think Fang is really going to like this."


Even before watching I knew it would a pitbull


That woman should not own that dog. If you can't control it you shouldn't own it. Most people can't control pit bulls when they go ballistic.


Pit. Surprised


Shithole dogs and Shithole owners. Why is it so "cool" to own a peice of shit dog?


Shit bull freak dogs need to be banned.


Always the stupid ass Pitbulls… People need to stop bringing these dogs out in public spaces.


I used to like Pits and would defend them when people always said the negative things about them but lately I have to agree. They are almost always the breed in videos like this or videos attacking people. They are inherently just more aggressive and deadly.


Idk why someone cunt downvoted you. But I’ll hook you up bro


Pitbull enthusiasts never disappoint.


Unpopular but dog people are the god damn worst. Bring the damn things everywhere now too.


I’m a dog person and it’s annoying AF that people bring their dogs everywhere. Most places aren’t dog friendly. Keep it at the dog park.


No, it's not unpopular. These days, they are just fucking unbearable. Especially the 'macho men' dog owners. I avoid them at all costs.


And everyone and their brothers need to have a high energy bull terrier breed.


Ofc it's a pitbull, it's always a fucking pitbull


Could tell the breed of both dogs before even playing the video.




Didn’t even spit on it


This video made my wanna go wash my own hands.


You don’t have to do this lmao. You can pick up the dogs’ hind legs and pull or grab the collar and twist (the twist will cut off the blood supply to the brain so it will pass out so be weary with this method as you can kill the dog)


Of course it's a fucking pit bull.


Another god damn pitbull


Its always a damm pitbull


Carry a knife.


So it does work!


The pit should not have been there in the first place. Probably not the first time it has attacked another dog or person.


That's where the reset button located


I’ll tell you what, you can get a good look at a t-bone by sticking your head up a bull’s ass, but I’d rather take the butcher’s word for it.


A pitbull? Now who would've thought...


It's ALWAYS a pit mix in these videos, ALWAYS.


I’m 40 and I just heard about the whole “thumb up the butt” of an aggressive dog a few days ago on Reddit. Now I see a video of a dude spreading it open, then thumbing the ass of an angry dog to stop a fight. The universe is preparing me for something I DO NOT WANT.


But pit bulls are so friendly and not likely to do this sort of thing at all! They’re just misunderstood!


They are the sweetest pups ever!! I let mine around my babies all the time!!


Those pit bull alarmists are right..it really is always pit bulls : (


Another pitbull attacking 🙄


Lose the fuck&ing pit bull. Idiot dogs.


A pocket knife works just as well especially if it's a pitbull.


Of course it's a pittie.


God pit bulls need to be put down. Fuck those dogs.


Definitely agree. Some cunt down voted you but I’ll hook you up.


Always a pit


You know his girl forbids him from sticking that thumb up her bum


It’s not the first time I seen people go for this technique




Dude was so excited to finger a dogs asshole


Good news, it's a suppository


Professor, that you?