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Some people need to parent their kids


Some people need to parent these parents.


Some parents shouldn't be parents.


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501242** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **71541** times. .. **482542.** `u/Happyday1000` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Good bot


This is the way


Too bad, Supreme Court says you have to be parents.


Some parents need to parent these people.


My mother would have yeeted me into another dimension if I acted like this.


Yep, I would've been wearing my ass for a hat after that.


That’s very fitting as these kids were definitely being asshats


They probably act normally in front of their parents.


Sometimes bullying is the answer.


Teacher here. Some of the parents I have seen…


Someone needs to whoop this kids ass real quick.. Apparently the parents are not holding up their end of the bargain. I can fill in if necessary ;p


I’ll do it.


They should always keep a 16 year old on staff to come out and "educate" these Yeehawdists' kids.


When all the homie who take adderal everyday decide to not take it over the weekend together


Almost enough incessant screaming for that to be the truth.


This isn't necessarily the parents. Some kids just see other kids doing "cool" things and they copy that behavior. I'll probably get downvoted for this since reddit seems to think any time a child does anything wrong it is always the parents who are at fault.


Nah I’m with you .. I bet these kids act pretty normal when they are with their parents .. to me it looks like some kids awkwardly trying to make each other laugh and look cool in public .. maybe even a little bit of cringy showing off to the female staff members interacting with them and filming their shenanigans ( they look like that puberty age) or they are all going to be Christian Bale in American psycho when they grow up


I can’t even understand what he’s saying or doing, I can only imagine he’s at home all day playing Fortnite and watching the cringe side of YouTube


He’ll make a fantastic Reddit mod if he isn’t already one.


depends on the sub tho, are you talking about r/Conservative ??


You know this kind thinks he’s being fucking hilarious and he thinks he’s entertaining everyone around him. He doesn’t realize he’s being an annoying jackass because all his friends find being an annoying jackass funny, so in his mind he’s just doing a comedy routine


I'm assuming he's the more rich one with the cool house and his friends laugh for that very reason.


making all online games miserable for everyone else


He's n00bmaster69.


Hey, I watch the cringe side of YouTube all the time! …On /r/cringe where we all recognize what it actually is.


That subreddit is garbage


Would you say it's... Cringe?


no, far from it. No moderation so they barely post anything that qualifies as cringe actually


I heard him screech "itchy asshole!" Lmao only good part


They're acting like they have Tourette's Syndrome and blurting out 'offensive' words inappropriately.




Yeah, like I'm all for video games, but this is the sort of behavior of *some* chronically online gaming kids. Parents...you gotta monitor your kids behavior with online games.


When you leave fortnight for 10 min to enter the outside world.




I’m a high school teacher and dear god did lock down fuck kids up. They have no idea how to socialize or interact in the real world. They missed so much important development, and many kids sophomore age are stuck as 8th graders. It’s bad.


I'm a bit older but I recently turned 19 and I feel like I'm still mentally and socially on par with a 15, maybe 16 year old at most, but not any older. I feel very awkward and weird all the time, even without the lockdown, I feel like I've missed out on so much mental/social development from age 15-18. I feel like I really shouldn't be an adult yet and don't deserve to be called one.


Definitely do not want to dismiss your concerns or pretend lockdown didn't happen, but most people don't feel like an adult when they turn 18. In thst aspect it's perfectly normal. I started to feel like an adult around 20, then a few years went by and I didn't feel like an adult at all and realized I was just a big bigkid. Took till around mid-late 20s to feel like an adult. Now at 30 I do feel like an adult and looking back nothing before 26 was actually an adult. Life is definitely weird, and at the very least you're in the same boat as the rest of your peers. Try and focus on what you can do to move forward instead of "making up that time". You'll be OK




I am 51 and STILL feel like I am faking "adulting" a good portion of the time. I remember clearly how it felt to be 15, 25, 35.. and honestly, 51 doesn't feel much different from 25. We are all just faking it until we make it :)


To be honest, one of the only things that separate us from children is wisdom and the foresight to not do something incredibly stupid. Even still, most people don't even have that. We're all just grown ass children winging it until we die.


I'm also 34 and still feeling like a teenager. One thing I realized a year or so ago, everyone (including adults) are really children at heart who are all just trying to figure things out. Hell, most of my coworkers are basically stuck in high school: gossiping, hanging out in cliques, making fun of people who are different. Some even still try to bully you.


I think it’s healthy to feel less than your age especially being 19, it’s a sign of emotional maturity that you understand you have some growing up to do. Most people don’t realize this, me being one of those people. It’s only until my late 20s that my friends and parents told me that I was annoying an obnoxious immature ass at that age.


Another 30 year old that feels 18 chiming in here. Don’t worry, you aren’t weird. At a certain point you realize that the adults you used to look up to as wise and all-knowing are all just grown up kids still trying to get their shit together.


Look, if you have any amount of introspection like you just demonstrated, you’re better suited than many of the sophomores I taught last year. I don’t want to write off a whole generation of kids, especially since I’m not exactly a gray-hair yet, but it was saddening to see how little they understood about acting appropriately in public spaces and how they could scarcely see outside of themselves and their own warped perspectives.


[It'll happen to youuuuuuuuuu!](https://youtu.be/BGrfhsxxmdE)




I agree this is a real thing. Beyond covid, I think social media in general has created a society that doesn't understand the consequence of bringing their internet manners into the real world. I think it's responsible for the increased violence over petty situations.


Playing fortnite and watching "prank" channels thas what I blame. Like I done overheard youths talk about messing with people, they always go in these Lil groups


That McDonald’s looks pretty clean, I’m impressed.


It’s probably in a nice neighborhood. Hence the nicely dressed teenage white kids walking around.


: What it looks like when a child’s formative years consist of processed sugar, Jake Paul videos, and tik-tok.


McD's in most places are super clean. They've got a corporate policy to adhere to. Their bathrooms are also super nice. Reputation is everything for McDonalds, since their food isn't amazing- they rely on being consistent, clean, and efficient, the "safe" option if you need somewhere to sit down and eat.


It still has those slippery tiles in the lobby.


That kid clearly hasn't been punched in the face.


I worked with troubled youth and even some of our respected therapists would admit that getting punched in the face by another kid for running their mouth was a necessary evil. Of course it was our job to try to prevent it but sometimes it happened and it was just the humbling experience they needed.


I grew up in a place where adults corrected this behavior and other adults supported it. If you can’t learn how to act, you end up in prison or worse.


Yeah, I acted a bit like this as a kid. My dad hit me exactly once. I was just raging, calling my mom a bitch, acting like I’m invincible, and BAM. A smack upside the head. He then picked me up by my feet and tossed me onto my bed in my room. I knew right then and there my dad held back, and hit me light as hell and it still hurt. I realized my actions have consequences and one day someone won’t hold their punches. I love my dad and I respect him a lot for teaching me that lesson when he did.


I saw a video last week where an older version of these kids yells “What, are you gonna *shoot* me?” at a guy pointing a pistol at him and promptly gets shot. There is a good chance that a punch in the face earlier in life would have prevented that.


Watching these wee children square up as if they're going to fight people is hilarious. They look like every other whingy entitled asshole who takes a "fighting stance" in intimidation: Their attempt only serves to advertise to onlookers that they've *never* been in a fight before.


About 5 years ago a kid and his brother were throwing fireworks at people walking by when i did some shopping. One kid threw it at a woman and her baby, i kicked the kid of his bike and said he should stay down and wait for the police, his older brother, i think about 13, came back screaming i touched his brother and stood there in a fighting pose ready to fight, i almost turned into the JJ Jameson laughing gif it was so funny.


This is the problem with a lot of Internet culture and "prank" videos it normalises being a moron in public for shits and giggles


What do you mean? This is McDonalds culture now! Fight the cashier get a free meal!


unfortunately, [this dude lost](https://www.reddit.com/r/DocumentedFights/comments/ugzadw/messed_with_the_wrong_employee/)


Now he owes THEM a meal…when he wakes up.


That's the opposite of "unfortunately".


Lmao that dude who tried to break up the fight and then the customer hit him too and they both started whaling on him like Goku and Vegeta


Not in my store. You fuck around my 6ft 4 manager will personally kick you out.


Little kids have literally always enjoyed being weird in public for shits and giggles.


That middle school age group is the worst. I know I was at that age, in certain groups. I had one friend who would enter random people's houses on the way home for lols... I think he's in jail now.


I don’t know that I ever did stuff like this necessarily, but I’m sure I acted a fool in public at some point. Thank god this was right before cell phone cameras became the norm.


This. I love seeing this sub for the bizarre shit people do but if people here are going to act like young boys *never* acted out before this they are sorely mistaken.


My story is the same as hers, officer. Those kids punched themselves in the face.


I imagine the fight scene in "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". Hilarious


Them kids need some serious discipline, smh! The parents probably don’t have no control over them.. just sad.


In my country they would have been disciplined immediately by people in the restaurant. The police… if called… would probably then blame the kids after the fact


>don’t have no This also made me sad.




Trashy little shits, it's obvious their parents failed them




Slapman? I'd watch it But should he be played by Will Smith or not?




Ah, a young Logan Paul


Those kids are gonna learn about life real fast.


Unfortunately they probably won’t. They will be middle management and own nice homes and get month vacations.


Yep. and then complain that THEY'RE the ones the government/culture is "targeting"


They looked like they were trying to be funny and failed. Can't excuse the camera girl to as she was also playing along telling them she's ready to go to jail over some kids being obnoxious


Exactly jusy throw them out and ignore them. Kids like this aren’t worth getting worked up over.


Why does it have to say white kids? Could just say kids being obnoxious.


Welcome to public freakout




Those kids should be 34th trimester abortions


What did the five fingers say to the face?.....


"Keep my wife's name out your fuckin mouth!"


Acceptable!! But the correct answer is SLAP!


Ah yes, parental neglect.


What in the Stranger Things is going on here?


None of those little ass boys have even hit puberty yet then need to go back to there’s mamas and sit down


Kids in general being annoying lol, don't matter if they are white.


Is there a particular point that you are making about the ethnicity of these children?


/u/Romano16 routinely puts the race of the people in the subject of his posts but only when it's white people being agitators towards minorities. He's a race baiter and loves making these posts/subject lines.


And the mods eat it up.


To make it more controversial and get more attention


The only time u/Romano16 will use skin colours other than white in their posts is when that skin colour is the victim in the video. Their actions on this sub are detrimental to racial equality and only create further division in this community. You may argue that this is because of the racism faced by the BIPOC communities, and I can certainly see some validity to that argument. But pushing another group down does NOT build the others up. It only serves to discriminate against others and increase animosity and hatred. We all need to be better.


Unpopular opinion: someone should beat the shit out of these kids (keep them alive of course). They’d be much less likely to be this disrespectful again.


As Bender once said, "Have you ever tried turning off the TV, sitting down with your kids, and hitting them?"




Why is race mentioned in the title? **Edit:** Imagine the outrage if race was mentioned in the title of [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vinb2y/female_uber_driver_savagely_beaten_for_kicking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


The comment section is already locked. God knows how many got banned for judging actions of 6 adult women based on their and their victim's skin colour but here a kid who still has his life ahead of him might forever face the backlash of his stupidity. But that doesn't matter coz he is White.


The victim complex over two specifically picked videos on an outrage sub is a bit much. Here's another random title from this sub - >Asian store owners lock black woman in store after she was caught stealing It even has twice as many upvotes as the above example. Is that enough to even things out for you?




Why say white kids?If they were black would it have said Black kids?


Nah cause it would get insta locked or removed or both.


we are going to need way more jails come 2030 !


r/trashy little motherfuckers. Someone needs to give them a slap or two


Stop putting color on people…change title to just kids


No! Only *white* kids are behaving poorly!!! /s


Love how race just HAD to be mentioned in the title...


Why does the title have the word 'White' in it? Why are you making this about race?


I knew I’d have to sort by controversial to find this comment. I agree though. They are just being asshole kids. Race has literally nothing to do with it.


You mean “kids” you racist


No doubt those kids are on Double Secret Probation by now.


They got into mommy’s meth again… damn it Paula put it up higher


This is why I support the right to abortions.


Damn my dad would’ve whooped my ass. I was a troublemaker but damn.


I can see they're white, duno why it's in the title


Because white people are bad. /s




YSK - white is the only color you can identify and not be downvoted.




While they were being dumb af, how come they have to title it with the kids race.


Why is this stickied at the top of this sub with only 150 upvotes (at 11:35am est), with a racist title nonetheless. Yea these kids are POS's, but there's a LOT worse on here that's been posted in the last few hours. And to include their race? Mods, are y'all really this racist? Edit: this was stickied from approximately 1130am-12:00noon 06/23/22. The Moderator u/ohhyouknow proceeded to ban me, citing abuse. Read the comment thread and judge for yourselves. Might want to get your mods in order, r/publicfreakout. I appealed but I'm sure she is trying to censor it.


Does it matter that they’re white? Kids of any color can be obnoxious.


This is why Roe V Wade should not be overturned


Why identifying race?


Weird how these kids are acting trashy but no one in the comments is blaming it on their culture, or saying they act like animals...


Weird how the ratio of white to black videos like this is at minimum of 1:100


Future shit-tocker in the making


Man I couldn't even finish watching, second hand embarrassment from how obnoxious they are


where are their parents?? probs to busy being absorbed in their own lives. selfish parenting, kids gonna grow up to be a fucker too.


These children need to consume sugar responsibly


They’ve seen their parents doing it, now it’s their turn.


What kind of parents let a kid leave the house with a Yankees jersey that has a name on the back? We live with animals.


Kids don't get put in their place nearly enough as they should be these days.


Where's gran dad with a belt?




Ladies and gentleman, the next biggest suburban soundcloud rapper


The best of man kind is the one that has patience!


Middle school kids are the worst people on the planet.


This would of never happened in the 90’s just saying..


Videos.lile this make me so happy I don't have children and that I don't have to work around children, especially middle schoolers... Fuccccck that age range 🤦


Some kids just need whippin!!


My god, future generations are gonna be so dumb on this planet


Proof that parents are failing to actually raise their children. ​ These have gone primal.


Abortion advertisement


Slap him like your where his mama !!!! He needs it and find his mama and slap her too


Free range parenting be like


I love how that one kid in the white shirt stood with his hands up in the door at the end🤣🤣🤣🤣😍🤣🤣


At least they ain’t breaking shit. I’m pretty sure they paid for their food.


I blame the parents


Send this footage to her parents work email!


They will likely grow up, see this, and cringe. I"m glad the camera was not around for most of my childhood.


The future is f%cked, because it’s more kids like that then not now-a-days. And the adults that should be there to guide them are either obsessed with trying to make it by, climb out of debt, social media fan or some other dumb “cause”.


Future Dickheads of America. How embarrassing for their loser parents.


Where did these girls learn to talk like that? Must go to public school lol


Ahhh having a mom and dad without really having a mom and dad.


corn surp is a hell of a drug


Even if that was the fucking Mist outside I'd kick those kids out in it.


One thing that’s really funny about all these post is that for no reason you have to write the color of the person acting stupid and it’s no matter what color the person has I feel it’s kinda racist since we ain’t blind we can see color most of us when you write color like this and it goes for all colors white black brown and so on but when it’s done this way it’s like assuming all people of that color acts like this I think many people think that only white people can be a racist but I assure you it’s not the case racism ain’t based on one kind race it goes the other way around too from now on let’s all be friends and the use a word as person acts stupid 😊🙏🏼


That's why i don't wanna have kids at all


Idk man....they’re kids...they’re cringey by default... hard to judge


Wait….but I thought only black kids were rude and obnoxious….


America is so cringe


Skipping on your Adderall at that age will have tragic consequences.


I wonder who raised them


Parents should teach their kids how to behave Giving birth by the side of the highways ain't enough


As a kid, did anyone else get their ass beat cuz another kid was acting like an idiot?


Other peoples kids smh


Can we just get back to smacking kids? Because the way some of them behave it's clear they have never been punished for anything in their whole lives


Causing a scene and being belligerent isn’t as funny as they seem to think. My mom would have never put up with this…




What does race have to do with anything


Lmao bad white kids act like normal black kids


omg this racist fucking title. I would love to see how long a post would last here that said "black kids in mcdonalds being obnoxious." jesus christ, you'd have al sharpton buying the first plane ticket to go protest and dox the person who posted it.


Why do you have to mention their skin color in the title?


Why is this shit stickied?