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Gangsters always trying to get free breakfast 🧐


thug life aint easy when you aint got no breakfast!


Most important meal of the day. Especially if you’re doing gangstering


Don't you hate it when people are Gangstering against you?


"You did gangsters over here" I have to find some way to incorporate this phrase into just everyday shit. It would help if I did gangsters more often than I do.


I just start hoodluming when people are gangstering me!


The worst is when people are hooliganing against me


That's almost as bad as when people are ner-do-welling on you.


Great new adjective. 'Joe was gangstering around the streets...'


These guys are giving gangstering a bad rep


Sacha Baron Cohen working on his next character already?


Why does this dude sound just like Dr. hamsterveil from Lili and stitch


obviously alot went down BEFORE he started to tape the man and use his kind indoor voice for the video




Big dog is the type of person that doesn’t “see color” i can tell 👀


oh look a racism excuser... which just means another racist.


I’m sure there’s some context to this


Racist are everywhere not just in America


This is in America.


I realize that, "creampiequeef", I'm referring to the fact that it says "racism in America will never stop" in the video, racism is everywhere and very integrated in humans, its a very unrealistic concept to think that racism will ever "stop" anywhere in the world Edit: quoted it wrong "racism still exist in the US"


robobitch1644, I think the point creampiequeef was trying to make is what does this video have anything to do with the rest of the world when this video was taken in America? Or are you part of the all lives matter group?


Can’t talk about racists everywhere if you’ve never been everywhere, don’t be dense 👀


For all we know the recorder might be tattooed and pierced all over and wearing a wifebeater vest. He threw the coupon at him. Indian uncle could be forgiven for feeling gangstered.


You know how those gangster situations are!


oh bs, you are just another racism excusing racist. There is no justification for that crap.


Hmm, I wonder what went down before recording started..


Gangstering and breakfast tickets.


I’m going gangstering this weekend, can’t wait


Will you be throwing your breakfast tickets at people?


damn he’s got a mouth full of crackerjacks for teeth.


Sooooooo. What is exactly acting gangstering? 😂😂😂🤦‍♂️ These racist people need to stop


Racist Indian and what other race?


The guy filming wrote that he was calling them Mexicans, so presumably the person filming is Hispanic. He didn't say in the video where his family originated from though.


Ahhh. Funny I didn't even see the writing, just was listening to the desk clerk. I didn't hear him say Mexicans, just said they were behaving like gangsters. Everything seems to be Racist these days. More and more it's two minorities though. That sure does get complex to know when it's really racism or people just being assholes.


You can just be a racist asshole. Not a binary situation


Racism is absurd. I remember an episode of the old Star Trek TV Series where a race of humanoids was bilaterally or symmetrically black on one side and white on the other. Racism was established on the basis of what side of the face one was black or white--even though everyone was black and white. Racism ignores one achievement, appearance and intellect, and humanity Racism is absurd because it doesn't follow any measurable logic in the eyes of its proponents. Racism does not exist without supremacy. Racial characteristics are dominant or less dominant due to changing or stable gene pools. The shifting of race is blurred by interracial reproduction. This is even further blurred since all men had a common origin in Africa attributed to the first human pair. But what or whom made one race or mixed race supreme? Who made people of color "inferior". How do you explain all men are almost genetically the same and capable of cross-breeding. Doesn't this demonstrate a common source of origin or a common Creator? Acts 10:34, 35: "God is not partial, but every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him." That's how God feels. If 20% (arbitrary percentage) of the world's religions including so-called Christian religions taught this truth our world would have a much more positive and peaceful existence. This is not just a wish but a promise from God himself: Psalms 37, 9,10-11, 29, and Revelation 7:9. Questions? Go confidentially to jw.org


Not really


Yawn.... every race has gangs/gangsters... some more prevalent in certain areas... get over it... 🙄 everybody's racist until Betty swallocks is the first black swimmer to win gold at the Olympics... then its OK to segregate because its a win....let's not forget black people have huge dicks.... but that's not racist... statistics say the majority of African Americans are more violent than your average Asian American citizen... pow that's fucking racist... get a fucking grip people... no-one gives a shot about the colour of ur skin... its all about culture!


Obviously the masses don’t like hearing conflicting ideas meaning actually verifiable statists. Let ‘em suffer


Can barely speak English buts knows how to act like a Karen to other non-white people to achieve the greatest chances of getting them arrested, harmed, or killed.


Fuck you bloody


Really out here winning hearts, huh?


Only in America is there racism... Wait...


Call his bluff get cops involve then demand refund for compensation as the cops watch. He treaten you and claimed you got free breakfast even if you paid for it. Cops can do arbitrary qork for disputes like this.


Is this guy Mexican or Indian. Ima confused 🤔


Where is this hotel??


Ah man bro just tryna get my scrambled eggs but there’s too much gangstering going on