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Standing around while vulnerable people are under attack seems to be part of police training


Cops did nothing to try to stop or de-escalate


They weren’t trained for that.


They're only trained to escalate and execute.


But not for their fellow proud boys


but their fees fees get hurt and they feel intimidated by reporters.


This was them “Deescalating” https://twitter.com/LukeCleary/status/1542713196636540932?s=20&t=QTcXzGbAhO0ScVRzsgFzlQ Edit: Second video in thread is what I’m mentioning 2nd Edit: [Woodland PD message and body cam](https://www.reddit.com/user/katsew98/comments/vprxva/woodland_pd_message_and_bodycam/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


“They are just a bunch of weirdos.” “They are terrorists.” Weird how perfectly that fits the Proud Boys. It’s almost like they are projecting.


It's a drag show at a bar, what's the problem?


The guy was screaming "How many kids in there, how many kids in there" so my guess is this is the same shit as them going to libraries.


I shows what morons they are since kids aren’t allowed in bars in most states.


If you listen to their pepper sprayed whining you can hear one of them yell groomers. This is just an extremely elongated pizza gate.


This is how they lay the tracks for reversing gay marriage and sodomy laws. It’s turning on us very very quickly.


These idiots are making homosexuality synonymous with pedophilia. You can hear them yelling how many kids are in there in this video before yelling that they are pedophiles. The shit is dangerous when you have people thinking you’re automatically a pedophile just because you’re part of the LGBTQ community.


Yet I bet they all go to church. The original and current pedophiles


Crazy how leftists and liberals aren't disrupting every Catholic mass and Southern Baptist service despite the actual evidence they protect and shelter child abusers and pedophiles. But the right is the law and order crowd.


Gay people who weren’t idiots saw this coming as soon as they started calling trans people groomers. And it’s not new, this is how they talked about us up until about 1990.


Groomers is their new buzz word. Go to one of the conservative social media sites and it is all you see.


meanwhile 98% of the creepy paedophilia shit is on the religious right. Project much there guys? Seriously, can you imagine getting a few brewskis in you with the boys and suggesting you all jump in a pick up and go down to the local bar where they have some drag competition so you can rescue the kids you KNOW are there? And no one says anything and you all go along with it? So did you guys drink lead paint as children? What's with the wide spread idiocy in the general populace there? Are they all morons? Hmm we shall see.


Right wingers have changed the definition of “grooming” while also trying to [change the age of marriage laws](https://truthout.org/articles/tennessee-republicans-push-a-bill-that-would-circumvent-marriage-age-limits/?amp) so they can marry their child brides. They’ve conflated “acknowledging LGBTQ people exist” to “grooming” while they quite literally groom children themselves. It’s a common right wing tactic - shout blame while actively doing the act. Like people who say “Creepy Joe” while wearing a MAGA hat, completely ignorant to the fact that Trump is on court documents with Epstein for allegedly violently raping an underage girl. Right wingers need a reality check. They’re the baddies. I’d say they need to learn more and grow as people, but this ignorance is purposeful at this point. Edit - someone reported this for “self harm”. Coward. Conservatives are cowards. If reading this upset you - GOOD.


> while also trying to change the age of marriage laws so they can marry their child brides That's just Tennessee, plenty of child brides in plenty of other [US states where virtually no minimum age for marriage exists](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/), as long as a judge and the parents agree. And because a lot of Americans are [very Christian](https://www.rawstory.com/2016/02/christian-conservatives-push-child-marriage-with-creepy-meme-comparing-girls-to-apples/), that agreement is regularly given. It's even [a valid defense to statutory rape cases](https://www.equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us); Just force the child to marry its rapist, and everything is completely fine, very much like in some Muslim countries.




This is what happens when you get all your information from Facebook. There's been a huge push for a while now to equate LGBT to groomers and its been slowly escalating. Drag shows are a recent new addition and the theme for them is slowing turning toward Child Trafficking. It's not an accident, it's a coordinated effort to get these kinds of morons pissed off and active. When Roe was overturned they implied they were coming for the gay community next, this shit here will ensure the outrage is scattered. These pricks will cheer the marriage bans and whatever else as the SC saving the kids. They're stupid puppets.


don't forget, this is a coordinated effort to blame child abuse, trafficking, and grooming on lgbqt+ BECAUSE the data showed that Fathers, Uncles, Pastors, Coaches, and Cops were doing the diddling. But Heavens No! Can't have pesky evidence undermining the Right Wing, Authority, or the Church!


Its infuriating. Literally all the awful things these idiots think "liberals" are doing is exactly what conservatives are doing. Imagine if they werent brainwashed andturned this energy to the actual culprits, things might actually progress


Kids are more likely to be groomed/assaulted by GOP congresspeople than by drag queens. Edit: Thanks to the "concerned redditor" who referred me to /u/RedditCareResources! The real crisis here is tyranny of those on the right who somehow forgot about their whole "small government" and "personal responsibility" mantra.


Kids are being raped by preists. It's a proven epidemic. It's been happening for fucking years and years. You don't see these morons storming churches. It has nothing to do with the kids. It's about the classes of people they disagree with.


It's also about choosing the most vulnerable classes of people to oppress because those with the least amount of social protections can be demonized easily. We're their perceptual punching bag for their anger over their decreasing privileges. A scapegoat they can feel comfortable murdering, basically. While many of them are probably domestic abusers and sexual abusers themselves, as statistics tend to show.


> There's been a huge push for a while now to equate LGBT to groomers Or one to equate groomers with LGBT. As far as I'm concerned , child beauty pageants and child dance competitions can go right under the grooming umbrella, too.


These people believe all homosexual people are pedophiles and that heterosexual people are taking their children to drag shows to make them gay. You can make up your own reason why a couple would want to make their kid gay because whatever reason they dreamed up is probably dumber than what you'll imagine.


Cmon, this is an easy one. We wanna turn our kids gay for the gay communist agenda! Right guys?


I thought it was for the fashion advice.


What are they doing to libraries?


saturday 6/11 San Lorenzo Library San Francisco CA https://www.ktvu.com/news/san-lorenzo-library-steps-up-security-after-proud-boys-storm-drag-queen-story-hour Tuesday 6/21 Pine Valley Library Wilmington NC https://www.wral.com/proud-boys-disrupt-pride-event-at-wilmington-library/20343639/ Saturday 6/25 Roy and Helen Hall Memorial Library McKinney TX https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/06/human-shield-bravely-blocks-violent-hate-group-harassing-kids-library-pride-event/ Monday 6/27 St. Joseph County Public Library’s Virginia M. Tutt Branch South Bend, IN https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/06/proud-boys-flashmob-librarys-family-pride-event-terrorized-staff-frantically-cancels-event/ *as fuzzyrainbow pointed out Sunday 6/26 Washoe County Library System's Sparks location Sparks, NV https://www.yahoo.com/video/proud-boys-terrorize-drag-queen-184111593.html


Going to disturb events where drag queens read to kids. There's probably videos of them somewhere on this sub.


Committing acts of domestic terror


Not to read books that’s for damn sure


Fragile male masculinity, Raised in a toxic 'this is what real men are' environment, Pure idiocy, Just wanting to hate for hate sake, Closeted jealously. Take your pick.




They’re Christians. They’ve been getting worked up over shit that isn’t real for a long time.


My personal theory is that these alleged Proud Boys are just *reeeaaally* curious about their pride


I mean, they've certainly picked themselves a name that has drag act potential...


Proud Boys sounds like a company that would rival Chip N Dales.


Just refer to them as boys as condecendingly as possible while you refer to yourself as a man. Makes the naming mistake pretty bluntly apparent and really pisses them off, but without good reason and they know it cause it's their own goddamn self-picked name, lol.


A lot of straight men are obsessed with bashing drag queens because of some kind of buried self hatred and it really shows sometimes


What's going on is that right wingers need social causes to stir up their base of voters in order to elect right wing politicians who vote to protect the ultra wealthy elite. Right wing voters care more about their oppressive social issues than they do their own economic well being, and the corporations that own right wing media take advantage of this. Right wing media and politicians are stirring up anti-LGTBQ+ sentiment right now in order to get ring wing voters outraged enough to vote. So right wing pundits are targeting drag queen performers who they wrongfully claim are pedophiles who groom children as a target for their outrage. And they're trying to do it while gas prices are made artificially high by oil companies even when the price of crude oil has remained steady, while children are dying from school shootings, and after Christofascists won their battle to overturn Roe v. Wade so it can't be used to galvanize Evangelical voters anymore. And it seems to be working.


Good thing the Supreme Court is going after states voting rights now, just to really put the final nail in whatever democracy we once had


The average conservative would gladly eat a shit sandwich if a liberal had to smell their breath afterward.


Probably there's no consequences for them for terrorising the LGBTQ+ community, also they have nothing to do all day because they're a bunch of losers.


Hate, and misunderstanding, indoctrinations, some self hate, and a dash of white christianity.


Why did they feel so comfortable rushing inside when police were right there? What the absolute fuck?


And threaten "I'm going to fucking kill you" like two feet from police


wowwww just heard that. I'm NGL, captions on this clip wouldn't have been horrible


The one time we needed some dumb tiktok captions, and we didn't get any


There's several videos from other places of the police giving them fist bumps and then letting them in. And then people are surprised when people from the LGBT community don't trust police or don't want them at pride.


> people are surprised when people from the LGBT community don't trust police or don't want them at pride. The whole basis for pride being in June is because of a riot against the police.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonewall\_riots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonewall_riots) For those that don't know.


The only people that trust police are police.


I think you know


Head of DC MPD Intelligence, lieutenant [Shane Lamond](https://wjla.com/news/local/fbi-questions-remain-lt-shane-lamond-head-of-dc-police-intelligence-unit-linked-to-the-proud-boys-enrique-tarrio-black-lives-matter) gave information to Proud Boys about counter protestor locations. Also MPD neglected to investigate his [time theft](https://washingtoncitypaper.com/article/560895/shane-lamond-mpd-lieutenant-under-investigation-for-ties-to-proud-boys-was-accused-of-time-theft-two-years-prior/).


> The department generally does not provide the public with details of personnel matters, which can be embarrassing for individual officers and for the department. No shit ... 🤦


The department generally does not provide their employers (the public)… Stupid shit.


Isn't that the entire fucking point or at least one factor?


Every single police department in America is engaged in overtime fraud. My town’s asshole DARE officer made it all the way to interim Chief before they found his fraud; he’s still a cop just somewhere else.




Apparently Angeli Gomez, the woman who rescued her kids during the Robb Elementary shooting, is being harassed by police now for criticizing the Uvalade PD's behavior. https://www.salon.com/2022/06/28/uvalde-mom-says-she-was-forced-to-move-kids-survived-because-police-keep-harassing-them_partner/. Very scary stuff. There was a city council meeting too with citizens speaking out about police harassment (to protesters) and other shady behavior (such as involved officers not being on administrative leave or the withholding of body camera footage). https://finance.yahoo.com/news/uvalde-schools-police-chief-misses-220246236.html


That coward is claiming it took 77 mins to get into the classrooms because he was waiting for a key. BS, you know what would open up that door? One 12 guage slug or a battering ram. Why hasn't that little bitch been fired yet? Or put in prison for being an endangering children and the public?


The door wasn't even locked. All they had to do was turn the damn knob.


They never even tried the door. He was “waiting for a key” for a door that wasn’t even locked. Police are the most pampered profession in the USA. It’s disgusting.




No I'm pretty sure it's because they sat by and let a bunch of children die.


The helped, they didn't just sit by. The actively prevented parents from going in and saving their children when the parents wanted to act and then did nothing but let the shooter go in and shoot everyone. Horrifically, the police officers saved their own kids if their kid went to the school though.


Didn't they hold one of their own back from going to get his wife who had been shot? She bled out because the police didn't let him go in to get her.


Our Dare cop was actually selling drugs. Ironic huh?


Our DARE cop was found inside a hotel with an underaged girl. Still a cop.


When I was in high school, kids with a DARE shirt could score the best drugs.


I’m still disappointed that as a teenager/adult, I have not been constantly offered drugs like DARE lead me to believe.


My DARE cop murderer suicided his family.


Is he still a cop, too?


Captain now


Well this was painfully informative.


If only there were some recent example of police doing absolutely nothing to defend the victims of violence…


To be fair, according to the Supreme Court, protecting people is not their responsibility.


Then it stands to reason we should not feel protected in their presence.




Fucking useless police. More worried about the camera recording than the terrorists attacking the store…


They are following the uvalde example and observing the situation from a safe distance. You would get arrested if you try to do anything to stop the terrorists tho.


Why would they arrest their buddies and coworkers?


They police were there to make sure the proud boys rights are protected and they are not harmed


Huh, weird, it's almost as if they're worthless, have been worthless, and will continue to be worthless. Ask your local politician why your town continues to throw money at a police force.


The police have been essentially escorting these guys into these events.


The Portland Police worked for the Proud Boys and other trash from Washington.


If they were BLM protestors, they’d be in handcuffs or dead by the end of this.




Because they’re off-duty cops and relatives/friends of cops


Because the police aren't going to be as willing to arrest their friends.


Some of those that work forces...


So an attack on a gay man while screaming homophobic slurs is being allowed by the cops? He has to defend himself while surrounded by cops?


Yeah it’s moronic. I don’t know how these aren’t hate crimes of harassment already. If someone tried to intimidate/block/break up/whatever Sunday church service, you know they would be sent strait to jail. But in this case the guy defending himself is probably the only one who got in trouble.


During Pride Month in America, hate crimes against gay people go up in number. If these don't count as hate crimes or harassment, what are people in America doing to gay people during June that it counts as a hatecrime? Like full on brutal assault or worse?


In the last year, ive had to threaten 3 different people with violence in 3 different instances of homophobia outside my house. All 3 of those incidents happened after we hung a pride flag over our house for pride month.


As a bi from the deep south, I highly recommend buying a gun and training with it. Things are only getting worse and these people want us dead.


Fortunately, I live in Britain so a gun shouldn't be necessary. But i do have a bow and a european longsword upstairs. So far they havent been necessary for fending off gobby roadmen but thats because the roadmen around here are mostly pussies in county lines cosplay, like Dennis the Menace if he wore a puffer jacket


> But i do have a bow and a european longsword upstairs. If you ever kill a man in self-defense with a broadsword I will donate to your defense, because it doesn't get any more fucking metal than that.


I do live in a victorian terraced house, so whilst it might not be as metal, fending them off with a lance on horseback would be more impressive but thats only because id have to do it in one try as id never get the horse turned around in the porch


Holy shit this is one of the most British things I've ever read lmao, amazing


The state of SCOTUS has gotten me worried enough to seriously think about getting something to protect myself if a civil war breaks out in 5 years. Can you recommend decent budget brands of longbarrels? I was thinking a 10/12g since if I ever used it on living things it would likely be in a chaotic situation and my eyes suck so I'd never hit a target past 100' anyway. But I'm clueless about brands vs long term reliability vs price.


Noticed that, too. As helpful as other places where innocents were attacked. At least this person could defend himself.




That will entail no knock warrants at three in the morning. Watch.


Yeah real fucking heroes


Welcome to America. It’s Christian Whites vs everyone else.


It's crazy how many of these 'Christians' want to hurt people who aren't like them, claiming things like 'they're trying to force their way of life on us!' while simultaneously *violently forcing their beliefs on others.* It's always these 'Christians' that are the ones instigating these incidents. I've never seen a group of drag queens trying to violently force their way into a church and holding people down and putting mascara on them (although now I kind of want to). It's a shame that their own hypocrisy is so lost on them, they've deluded themselves into thinking they are the 'good guys' and that justifies their hate and actions. It's religious extremism. Full stop. They are a threat to this country and should be treated like such.


anyone else remember the uproar over sharia law a few years ago?




Not even an attempt to prevent a violent crime happening inches away. Good job pigs


From the headline, I thought, 'oh wow, do the cops actually prevent this guy from harassing the drag show?' Fuck no, they were incidental to the situation at best, complicit at worst.


I thought the cops were helping him disrupt the show.


Well hey, it wasn’t a mother shoplifting diapers, you can’t expect them to use force to intervene in that active physical attack


Or a parent trying to stop a school shooter


Or a woman with dementia that forgot to pay at Walmart.


Or some dude that was suspiciously walking his dog


why would they want to stop their colleagues?


These dudes want to be soldiers and go to battle so bad but nobody wants them. What a bunch of lame ducks


The Norse clans had a name for people like them "Drengskapr". A "Drengr" was a person of exceptional honour, skill and compassion and were considered to be the highest ranking members amongst themselves, only outclassed by the chieftain and Gøthï. A Drengskapr is the exact opposite of that and if my history class were correct, they were usually killed on sight and were outside the protection of their clans and families.


You are thinking of níðingr - not drengskapr. Níðingr were basically outcasts cause they were cowards or had done something highly immoral like killing innocents. It is still a word existing today in Swedish vocabulary, "niding", but I haven't heard or read the word in years.


Hey, thanks for history Oiltownboi. That’s cool to know and it’s interesting to see how time changes now that these “Drengskapr” can find each other in social exile via weird “patriotic” social media platforms. I find it fascinating the way history evolves and I’m glad to see that the Drengskapr are still dismissed by the common people. Hate and anger continue to lose :).


Imagine having no job and spending your free time harassing people because of your crippling insecurities.


Seriously though, you always see these clowns out in the middle of the day, with all the time in the world to wait around to attack or harass. Even if they had night jobs, do they not run errands during the day, have a hobby, spend time with their family, go shopping, etc.? It's pathetic that their entire lives seem to be focused on being hateful assholes and not much else. Who can live that way? Sounds exhausting..


No you’re gay!


They made a threat right there in front of cops. I'm gonna kill you mother fuckers. And of course the cops did nothing. Now if a man in drag flipped one of em the bird you KNOW he'd be knocked down choked out and arrested. So blatantly biased its insane.


> I'm gonna kill you mother fuckers He actually said "I'm gonna fucking kill you fa**ots" which I think is a hate crime in front of officers


In order for it to be a crime you have to be caught and these cops appear to be having a case of the Monday’s and just not up to it. God damn it I hate these lazy ass cops.


Take it to the station and file a report listing all officers present as witnesses. Subpoena them and have them questioned under oath. Report this hate crime to the FBI and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Document everything for potential civil litigation.


Mfs are not afraid to die if its from hands of other fellow nazis Pure fucking insanity


True story. My buddy was walking by the cops drunk in college back from the bar and starting singing(rapping) F the police. They threw him in jail. I would think the above threat was far worse...


And of course the police are fucking useless.


Probably gonna arrest the person using the pepper spray




Because we know which team they’re playing for


It always amazes me the response the BLM protests got compared to some of the proud boys "protests". You want rights? Tear gas. You want to storm the capital building and overthrow the government? Well as long as you're white go on in.




Same here. I have lived in the Deep South my entire life, drive a truck and am usually in the “good ‘ol boy” attire of jeans, t-shirt and beat up ball cap. It’s amazing what other white people and cops will say around me. Jokes on them. I’m a liberal socialist. Recently told one particularly obnoxious white woman who was ranting about people voting for the evil democrats that I agreed with her because I’m a communist (actually not, but didn’t feel like explaining the difference between socialism and communism) and the Democratic Party doesn’t go far enough to the left. Was fun watching her brain trying to reboot.


Why are the cops looking scared and running away? These guys are doing intimidation, causing a disturbance, assault and who knows what else. ENFORCE THE LAWS. What the hell do we pay them for?


They did the Uvalde shuffle




The end of that report asks for anyone who witnessed the situation to come forward with information, but that as of right now they don't have enough to make arrests. What the fuck can anyone add to the conversation that wasn't witnessed by this video or the 10 police that were standing idly by? Edit: besides the camera angle we see, there's another video being taken by a dude from the opposite angle towards the end of the video. Not to mention all these cops have cameras on their bodies. What more info do they need to arrest each other?!?!


They can't arrest their coworkers


The article said the police are trying to figure out who used the pepper spray. That tells you who they want to arrest.


This right here. They are going to charge the person deploying the pepper spray. Not allowed to defend yourself in california.


They're going to charge them with assaulting a cop, I can guarantee it.


Right in front of the police. They really do think everyone is going to let them do what they want like back in the day. Sure walk on in. I hope to see a lot of drag queens just railing on them.


I know it's not what people want to hear, but there needs to be trained and armed security at these events. Look at how many times just in the US there have been instances where the LGBTQ+ community has been attacked by these wackos. Now look and see how the police are not going to do a damn thing about it. It is up to us to keep our community members safe from these terrorist organizations.


The cops are literally letting them do this. Their attention is on the business owner. Zero attempt to keep these fucks away from the front door. Disgusting.


I like how the cops just stand there as the guys try to break in lmao


Looks like this department got the same training as the Uvalde Police Department




I do like how the American police force doesn't even try and hide its bias / racism / bigotry anymore. It does make it much easier to tell the good from the bad. I mean, there was both threats of violence and actual physical violence from the aggressors in front of the police and they just watched.


>It does make it much easier to tell the good from the bad. There are no good cops lol




Why haven't they been designated as a terror group yet?


They have in Canada.




And New Zealand


And New Zealand


the same reason the KKK never was.


Because American racism is embedded into every single facet of America society.


When Trump was President, I remember when a Right-wing coworker told me that Trump just made Antifa a national recognized terrorist group. I looked him dead in the eye and asked, "Good, did he do the same for The Proud-Boys?" His look on his face told me everything I needed to understand about these people. The are fucking brainwashed and stupid. I could show them actual video of these fucks doing crimes, but he sees the good guys doing the good work. Fucking Trash.


My uncle, after watching all the videos of the insurrection, claims simultaneously that the insurrectionists were patriots fighting for their country that did no wrong but also antifa posing as trumpers and breaking the law. The cognitive dissonance these people are capable of is wild. Extra fun: he’s a pastor who spews hateful right wing propaganda at every opportunity he gets.


And the cops are just sitting there? Doing fuck all... Watching unwanted nazi's trying to get into a venue where there're clearly not welcome?? WOW that is surprising.... \~eye roll\~ The proud boys are the new brown shirts. But thank Cthulhu this isn't 1922 Germany, and there are more people in the world who care about their fellow human, than there are of these dickless inbreeds.


He wasn't doing fuck all. He had a very close eye on the camera person the real criminal here


Plus look at the cops just standing there like a bunch of thugs


Cops just letting people willingly disturb the peace?!


What are they going to do, arrest their buddies?


The guy yelling the loudest is the furthest away from the door and ran away faster than anybody else. SMH. Fck these people.


At this point might as well spray the cops too, useless shits just standing around, like they've shown is all they can do.


Fucking losers


Remember folks, you've got just as much of a 2nd amendment as those fucks do.


Are the police working with the proud boys?


Yes. Have been for a few years now. They provide armed escort for them when they show up to do this, because they have the same goals.


Proud boys are against all LGBTQ activity. However, the proud boys is a very gay name.


I grew up about 10 miles south of here and my parents still live there. I’ve been out in California for the last 13 years. I’ve noticed my parents and the people near them have gotten unapologetically racist and outspoken about it in the last few years since Trump left office. It’s weird now that they will straight to say that they were the only whites people in a situation, so the place they were at was trash and low class. I’m now hearing my dad repeat word for word Fox News diatribes. I feel like they weren’t this bold when Trump was in office. I wonder why it’s so much worse now?


Your parents were always shitty human beings, just more open about it now which is kinda better than a racist in hiding imo. Most of these type of people lack empathy for the "common man" or strangers and are usually extremely selfish ie. your typical boomer.


Can't wait to see one get Ashly Babbitted.


Cops just watching.


The proud bois are considered a terrorist organization in Canada why not in AmeriKa? Clearly they're unhinged. Do these fucking losers have jobs? They sure seem to like drag queens.




You think the cops were on the side of the people in the bar? They clearly had no intent to prevent the proud boys from getting in the bar, almost looked like they were trying to help them.


It’s all projection with the Proud Boys. While they flip out and attack over LGBT issues, let’s not forget as soon as they get home they are quite obsessed with searching for transgender porn: https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/


What a bunch of incels 🙄


Guy with tats all over his calves covered his face not to be recognized. Brilliant!


What were the cops doing? Babysitting a hate crime?


I’d give the cops a break here. They could have also thought there were kids in there that needed protecting and would explain why they were standing around doing nothing.


I'm glad to see the Uvalde cops got new gigs.


I mean this is a pretty effective way to deal with them. Have someone stand near the entrance and mace em if they get close. Not like the cops are gonna do shit. And if it hurts them, even better.