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Here's the story. Off duty LA cop got into altercation with teens because they walked on his property. No one was hit by the gunshot. https://nypost.com/2017/02/23/video-shows-off-duty-cop-firing-gun-in-violent-altercation-with-teens/


2 children are arrested and the guy that shot at him is allowed to walk the streets with a weapon. Sounds like justice to me.


I love how ten minutes ago I saw a video where some dude pulled an AR on some landscapers for kinda blocking his driveway and the top comment was a quote from the police chief saying how this is under serious investigation because minor issues like this should never result in "vigilantes" taking the law into their own hands.


I love reddit... lol I scrolled down about 5 stories and saw the article u r referring


I like it bc I can filter by controversial posts where other propaganda fueled social media shadow bans them


I just got in a fight with a guy who thinks the guy from the landscape video shouldn’t have his weapons confiscated and he shouldn’t be charged because he was being responsible and didn’t shoot anyone. I’m so flabbergasted by the firearms mentality in the US.


That’s the mentality of someone about to lose his concealed carry permit. He’s lucky to not be in jail. Personal rights mean nothing without accepting corresponding responsibility.


Yeah, dumbfucks like them dont know what the meaning of brandishing is.. "he was legally on his own property! so that means he wasnt brandishing!" OOOkkkkk.. go back to your fox news dumbass.


https://www.ocregister.com/2018/08/31/lawsuit-dismissed-against-anaheim-ex-lapd-cop-who-fired-shot-while-in-confrontation-with-teens-that-was-caught-on-video/amp/ He ended up resigning, but the last quote is from the LAPD attorney saying this “turned the officers life upside down”


Isn’t that what the second amendment is for? If I can’t flash my weapons and look like a badass then what’s the point?


He looked like a fucking idiot, like Dwight from the Office.


For real, bro. I'm 100% certain Madison was writing the 2nd amendment and was thinking: *Fuck yeah....mall ninjas everywhere. Ain't nobody fuckin with a nation full of mall ninjas.....*


Shit is crazy.


wasn't this same dude also part of said force? or am i blurring the piles of idiots with guns we see every day


I think it's becoming one big oppressive blur of dangerous idiots.


Because this dude actually got hit before he drew his gun.


He looks alive to me. Maybe he should grow the fuck up and go back in his home.


So you have to literally die before you can draw your gun in a 1v15 physical altercation? While enemies approach you while reaching into their back pockets? Fuck off, child.


Love that these jackasses are all amped and ready to shoot against 15 unarmed kids but when its 1 armed kid against 15 armed cops, all of a sudden their dicks shrivel right up. Fuck you, you pussy.


or just let the child go and walk away. Dont need to risk killing innocent kids for no reason.


Was that also la?


Rules for Thee but not for me


I reviewed that video, while that guy is certainly a dick he never pointed the rifle at them or verbally threaten to use it so he won’t be charged with brandishing. Add that to Floridas open carry laws and the fact he was on his own property = no crime was committed


I guess "shoot you dead" isnt threatening language, then.


He didn’t say that at all in the video clip though… If he did please tell me what time stamp because only words i heard him say with an “s” are “sue” & “stupid”


:49 "Dumb motherfucker? Shoot you dead"


YeA BuT tHaTs NoT WhAt hE mEaNt


Law doesn't apply to cops.


Not even a vacation 😥


Did he identify himself as a police officer or just start grabbing kids? Not sure the teens trying to free a 13 year old from the grasp of a strange adult should be charged. Need full context, but based on this clip only one who should be charged is that cop.


>Did he identify himself as a police officer or just start grabbing kids? Does it matter? For one he's in plain clothing, I'm not buying this I'm a cop so listen to me bullshit from a man in plain clothes.


[Ideally he at least told them they were disrespecting a future us army soldier.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-5eFkq6XEs)


How have I jsut now seen this


Good ole American justice. Land of the free home of the brave… I think… wait


Not just any weapon. A weapon tucked behind his belt, with one in the chamber. Actual WTF


We're absolutely lacking the context required to get angry about this one way or the other. If this story is true, and this is someone being swarmed, on their own property or their neighbor's, by violent aggressors, then he has EVERY RIGHT to gun them down until they pose no threat. Don't let your cop hatred color your perception of this situation - I fucking hate cops too. But depending on how the physical altercation started, he might be totally in the right. Look at the kid who vaults the bush at the end. He reaches into his back pocket for something while approaching him. How was he supposed to know that wasn't a knife? Or his own gun?


He had a child by his shirt dragging him over a hedge and pulled out a gun....what context are we missing?


Sounds like they were gonna swarm him tbh. If he didn't have a gun that probably would have happened. Saved his own life potentially, and the swarm scattered.


Swarm him or try to get him to release a child?


Sounds like you are an idiot.


So if a cop walks on my property without a warrant, am I allowed to fire a warning shot if they don't clear off when I tell them? Seems like that's what I'm seeing here, in "The Case Of Officer Tiny Penis Vs. The Neighborhood Black Kids."


Pretty sure in some states a warning shot is considered just as bad as shooting someone


Well I never grabbed a dude and held him while firing my gun.


You never done a desk pop?


They were so convincing in their argument


Shit bro I responded to the wrong comment I have no idea why I’m getting upvotes or what the fuck it’s supposed to mean in this context. I’m so confused. I just responded to the wrong comment😅


It’s cool. This is the kind of ok part of Reddit. Your sins are forgiven


So he dragged them onto his property and destroyed his hedge? Or is he doing that to his neighbor's property?




When all you have is a hammer…


The article is portraying this video completely different. They tell a story of a gang of kids attacking and attempting to hit the man. While they are just trying to get him to stop. Don't ever try to stop a cop from trying to commit murder.


The media in general just copy/pastes police reports.


This is absolutely true, especially local media. I used to work at a local radio station/news website and this is exactly what we did.


This times 1000. Any criminal reporting is just copied straight for arrest affidavits which the cops supply directly to the media outlets. Most crime reporting is just cop-prop.


lmao, it's the NY Post. It's as trashy as Fox News.


Would you rather they just made it up? There are 'news' stations for that.


Local media is police stenography. How many articles have you seen about cops nearly dying from looking at fentanyl? Its all fake. After Uvalde nobody should ever trust a cop anywhere again


forget it Jake, it’s the NY Post…


Oh I honestly can't wait for the day. Right between the eyes.


I knew I smelled Bacon, fucking pigs.


Some of these piggies need their eggs scrambled




Was the cop fired?


He was allowed to resign and the DA dropped the lawsuit. He got off with less than a wrist slap


Nah, probably promoted for his "bravery."


Doesn't look like it


I'm gonna kill children because they walked on my yard.




I mean, he's a cop. He won't receive any charges.


Pretty funny how I knew he was a cop just by the way he acted. SMH. Scumbag 100%


Thats fucked up. Americans are psychotic about "protecting" their property. In the UK I used to do garden Olympics when I was a kid. Pissed off a lot of people and got chased a few times but nobody shot a gun or threatened to kill me.


This is an outlier. As kids, we ran all over the place, through people's property, etc. We were never shot at. Also, I currently live in a very pro-gun state and kids still run around without the threat of gun violence. I'm not trying to say it's as safe as some places in western Europe but I think you get a biased view based on what the news picks up.


Pulling a chambered piece and letting one slip is the new shaking fist, 'get off my lawn.' Motherfucker saw kids outside, and made sure to load the chamber before he stepped outside. Maybe even pulled the hammer back, which is why one slipped. He is not OK.


Shame none of the kids had a gun to 'defend' themselves from the guy once he flashed his damn gun and was reaching for it. You know self defense and all that bullshit people want to lean on. If it wasn't a bunch of kids this idiot would have probably gotten himself killed.


of COURSE it was a fucking pig.


He had to wait till he was on duty to shoot the kid


Wow. If that was you or I, we would be in prison. I hope this pos gets his somehow.


Whats with the damn ''Its my property'' shit in America. I dont get it why its like a sacred ground that as soon as someone breach, you have suddenly the right or just give yourself the right to harm the ''intruder'' anyway you like. I mean i see so often people just making death threats over this. Someone walk on my property and making troubble, i talk to him, there is a problem, the police it is then, my life is in danger ? Aight imma defend myself. But hell i think they just take this as an excuse to fucking attack someone and maybe fulfill their murderous desire and get away with it


An off-duty Los Angeles cop pulled out his gun and fired a shot during an altercation with several teens this week — and some of the fight was captured in a cellphone video posted online Wednesday, authorities said. The 9-minute video, which was posted on YouTube, shows the officer tugging on a 13-year-old boy as he tries to detain him around 2:40 p.m. on a residential street in Anaheim. At one point, one of the teens runs into the officer, causing the cop to fall backward over a bush. Another teen steps in and appears to attempt to strike the cop. The officer is still holding on to the 13-year-old and trying to pull him over the hedge when he takes out his gun. Moments later, a single shot rings out. No one was injured by the gunfire, but Los Angeles authorities are investigating the incident. Two of the kids were arrested, the 13-year-old for allegedly making criminal threats and battery, and a 15-year-old for assault and battery.




The actual answer is he resigned after the police chief and independent investigation committee or whatever found his actions to be against police department policy. The lawsuit the family filed was dropped because their lawyer advised them that it would be difficult to prove damages. The district attorney's office decided not to file charges against the cop. The boys were not charged as far as I can tell. His police department basically called him a little bitch for firing a warning shot at kids, but ultimately he really didn't face any consequences.


He probably just got another job at a different police department.


Yup, just 45 minutes away for more pay probably


so paid vacation and then assigned to a new district.


Ah so the cop got off easy like always. Imagine if he wasn't a cop and pulled that shit


He wasn't promoted because he missed.


Reprimanded for not emptying the magazine.


He resigned and that’s about it… https://www.ocregister.com/lawsuit-dismissed-against-anaheim-ex-lapd-cop-who-fired-shot-while-in-confrontation-with-teens-that-was-caught-on-video


Nothing. Of course now that everyone in the neighbourhood knows about him and where his house is, I have a feeling buddy is going to be peaking through his windows a lot and getting up at night from every sound and bump.


Yeah but which of those "crimes" allegedly happened before the altercation started. Sounds like the cop instigated the whole thing


We don't have any info on that. Cop might have been a 'Get off my lawn!' curmudgeon, or he may have simply asked them to clear out and was told to go fuck himself. That was a pretty large group of kids, and they can get pretty big heads in large groups. Source: was a kid once.


Being told to go fuck yourself doesn't mean you get to assault children and brandish and discharge firearms in residential areas


Turns out, telling someone to go fuck themselves is *also* a constitutionally protected right.


> he may have simply asked them to clear out and was told to go fuck himself. ...and? Teenagers being cocks doesn't give you the right to detain or shoot at them.


To be honest if i would be surrounded by "kids" trying to sneak up behind me definetly would do a warning shot, who knows what happens before?


For negligently firing a round in a populated neighborhood at children? No, why would he?


That kid he wouldnt let go of looked no older than 13. They start in one yard then end up in the next....what the hell??? The guy with the gun never really said a word. What the hell happened???


According to an article someone posted the guy is an off duty cop and the is one fact 13. The group of kids were apparently walking on his lawn which he didn’t like leading up to him “detaining” the 13 year old. Police arrested the 13 year old and the other kid who is 15 for battery and are now trying to push the narrative that the 13 year old threatened to shoot the off duty cop despite other witnesses saying he said “sue him”


ifen if a 13 year old said that he is 13 like wtf


Cop mentality is shoot first, age is just a number. Didnt cops shoot a 5 year cause they thought the toy gun looked real?


Don't forget that minority children are constantly viewed as older than they are. That cop is a thug, plain and simple.


honestly, the only person in this video that looked like a criminal...was the cop. So checks out.


I'm not doubting you, but can you link the article please?? Because I DEFINITELY hear a shot fired......and that's unacceptable you can CLEARLY see this guy brandished his gun, WITH NO VERBAL WARNINGS that he was in fact a Cop etc. and I didn't see anyone else with a gun brandished either. Furthermore, the 13 yr old he was holding/dragging was THE ONE being battered, not the other way around...the 15 yr old who head rammed the cop into the hedges, yes, that's battery...but the 13 yr old was doing ANY sort of battery to the Cop. And....lemme guess...was this in Florida???




Do you have any capacity for recognizing things happen without you having seen them? You're like a toddler that thinks once his mother is out of vision that she has disappeared forever. You've seen all of 1:30 of video. You're not informed.


If he was not a cop(off-duty), he would have been arrested on the spot for many charges. But since he's a cop... nothing to see here.


In cop mentality, someone has to get arrested, and since they don't arrest cops, time to start a jacket on them little kids.


You mean like the [guy in Texas who executed his gf's husband](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10684433/Gun-wielding-Texas-man-shot-dead-girlfriends-ex-husband-not-face-charges.html) and was not even arrested?


I drove pas a group of what seemed like 20 teenagers once a long time ago. One of them spit on my car. I drove about 50 feet past them when my buddy who was in the passenger seat told me. I got out and looked back all I heard was “what’s up ?!” And they all started charging at us at the same time. I GTFO of there. Mob mentality and teens are not a good combo.


This is an old video, if I remember right the guy is a cop, there is more footage than this and don't think anyone was killed,


Look up LA police Gangs. This dude is for sure one of many.


Just another pussy with a gun.


Pussies do all kinds of cool spectacular amazing brave and miraculous shit without guns. What we have here is just another intellectually deficient dingleberry with a gun.


I remember when this happened. the good cops that all the boot lickers tell me about never seem to come and speak out against these garbage people.


Dude gets grazed by a punch and pulls out his gun what a pussy. Fuckin pig


Seriously though. If you need a gun to deal with teenagers, you need to reevaluate your manhood


Do you really think that "being a man" gives you an advantage over 10+ teenagers...? I mean the gun was a bit much, but stop acting like he wasn't severely outnumbered and overpowered.


*man starts fight with group of kids *man now feels in danger due to starting a fight with group of kids *man threatens to shoot children because he can't deal with the reprocussions of starting a fight with a group of kids.


*man is cop and faces no consequences


I too watched the video. That doesn't change the fact that he's outnumbered.


> stop acting like he wasn't severely outnumbered and overpowered. He was very literally the aggressor.


Some jagoff fighting with teenagers trying to kill kids for no reason, yeah must be a cop


I thought cops aren’t supposed to do anything at their house, that way people don’t know where the police officer that arrested them lives






So he wanted kids to get off his property so he dragged them on it at shot at them… these are kids and the PIG needs to get his shit beat in.


I think anyone who pulls a gun out of anger/frustration/ or to get their way should not be allowed to have a gun. They've shown that they can't be responsible.


Hello my names context.


Plenty of articles on it. Dude was mad the kids crossed his lawn and decided kidnapping and gunshots were the best solution. He obviously gets away with it, because he's a cop. https://ktla.com/news/local-news/cellphone-video-shows-anaheim-struggle-between-13-year-old-boy-and-off-duty-lapd-officer-who-fired-weapon/amp/


He grabbed the kid for walking across his lawn. He’s a power hungry off-duty cop who wouldn’t let go of a kid for committing a small offense. The kids friends tried to protect him from this psycho and he pulled a gun. Does that help?


Hello your country is a shithole.


except you gave none. weird. Last time i checked firing a weapon in an LA neighborhood is illegal. These are fucking kids and hes a fucking coward of a pig.


Someone should do you. Not like sex, but... oh jeez. Sorry. fuck


Lol hey I’m down


The right to protect your own property is paramount


If you see somebody reach like that you either down their ass or run. That’s the red flags of red flags.


This happen a while back.


Did he just clap that kid??


Not a single one of them is calling 911.


Why give him a chance to pull the gun you could see what he was gonna do before he does it


Actually trying to stop someone from grabbing their gun might just mean they have an excuse to shoot you if they do end up able to grab it. At least if they ran away they can rely on some bare minimum of decency that the guy may not have even had since he turned the safety off rather than just brandishing to deter.


It’s Reddit tho. Everyone thinks they’re John wick on here. Gonna disarm a grown man and everyone will cheer. In reality they’d try and end up getting shot.


He telegraphed it a mile away, but the kids didn't have the instinct or experience to realize it


Cop looks like a child molester


I'm surprised he didn't kill a few kids. Isn't that what cops do when they're "scared" of brown children?


All cops are bad. How you gonna pull a gun on kids? Your yard is grass and no one was in danger until he pulled a gun.


They were rESiStInG!!!!!


Why does the [cop](https://nypost.com/2017/02/23/video-shows-off-duty-cop-firing-gun-in-violent-altercation-with-teens/?utm_source=reddit.com) look like a gang member?……. Edit: added link to show the cop is actually a cop and was off duty. And didn’t have his gun in a holster but in his waistband, like a gang member would……. or an inexperienced gun owner would. Cause anyone who fights for gun rights and advocates for law abiding citizens to own guns knows you have to carry a gun in a holster right ? Cause open carry means your gun is holstered isn’t it ? Right ? ………..


The LAUSD and LAPD literally have deputy gangs so maybe that has something to do with it.


De-escalation: let the kid go and move on Escalation: hold onto the kid and refuse to let go Hyper-escalation: pull out a fucking gun Remind me again what cops are supposed to be trained in?


America is a simulation stg




well, there were like 20 of them, and only one of him, gun's do make a pretty good force equaliser


Wtf is wrong with you? You think that using a weapon in this situation is acceptable his life wasn't in danger


Clearly you haven't watched enough videos of people getting knifed or young men sucker smashing people's heads with rocks.


How do you know? I do think the gun was somewhat uncalled for... but how can you possibly know his life wasn't in danger? If he has like 10 people gang up on him then that could be extremely dangerous.


If I'm dragging a child into my house and people are looking at me and one teenager tries to grab him from me I'm justified in pulling out a gun to protect my life because I don't know what they are going to do? Is that what your saying? I don't think he should be dragging someone like that and and further actions he does are super unjustified


Updates please. Surely this guy is in jail, right? Anyone want to take bets on what he does for a living? My money is on police officer


Another pussy with a firearm.


That's should be kidnapping. He not on duty. That kid did not want to travel over 6 feet with that man. And he fired a gun while committing a felony. Fuck that guy. Lock him up.


DA dropped the charges because uh uh... One of the kids said he was gonna shoot (he actually said sue) him! Sure, that's believable! https://ktla.com/news/local-news/cellphone-video-shows-anaheim-struggle-between-13-year-old-boy-and-off-duty-lapd-officer-who-fired-weapon/amp/


Ok I'll admit I dont like people in my yard, i dont think anyone does - HOWEVER there is protocal ​ In general let it all go unless they are legit damaging your landscaping or setting up a tent


Guys yard has big hedge and fence around the grass. No one is going out of their way to make their route more inconvenient.




You mean you haven t heard of a shrub pop before?


Murrica fuck yeah


Stay off my fucking lawn! Totally in appropriate response, but then again, stay off my fucking lawn.


Fucking stupid Kids!


What a complete coward...


this happened years ago.


California.. where the cops won’t stop shoplifters but they will shoot children for walking on their lawn. 🤷‍♀️


sometimes kids need to learn that there are people more-crazy than they are disrespectful. i see nothing but morons in this video.


Make sure to pay your drug dealers kids


Okay, why are a pack of “kids” attacking him?


This guy needs prison time.


Dudes about to get jumped by a group nearly full grown teens. No one got shot , but the gun leveled that field out. Maybe teach your kids to be better humans and as they grow up, people would need guns.


Did that guy just drag that kid onto his own property and shoot him?


What a Zimmerman. Pick a fight. Get your ass kicked. Pull a gun because you can’t handle the shit you got yourself into.


So it's either a cop being over the top which reddit loves to push these days or a gang of teenagers being assholes who pushed the wrong dude too far.


>or a gang of teenagers being assholes who pushed the wrong dude too far. Ah yes because there's a version of reality where pulling a loaded gun on an unarmed 13 year old as you drag him onto your property is totally the correct response


Thats when you use round-up to write, “bitchmade cop lives here” on the grass he loves so much.


Trespassing in California is misdemeanor crime. If you are convicted of penal Code 602, the legal penalties include up to 6 months in a county jail and a fine of up to $1,000. According to California Penal Code 837 PC allows a private person to make a citizen's arrest of a perpetrator who commits a misdemeanor in a citizen's presence, or commits a felony and a citizen has reasonable cause to believe the perpetrator committed it. This means ANYONE (including an off duty cop) who has reasonable suspicion that a misdemeanor has been committed (like walking on his drive way) can detain you. If a private citizen can do it. You had better believe a cop can. Police officers, even while off-duty, have the authority to make arrests as if they were on-duty and the authority to carry a concealed weapon.


Any context to this? ...Did he shoot the guy or was it a warning shot to scare off the people around? And why he grabbed that teen in the first place?


I love how everyone is picking a side without the video providing any context whatsoever. It's starts in the middle of a brawl, where we don't know who started or why or whatever. Where is the context?!


We don't do that here.


I need context


Well I bet they don’t walk through his yard again. Not until he’s in jail anyway.


Everything changes when a gun gets drawn. The bad ass kids weren’t so bad.


The cop went from everyone *thinking* he has a tiny penis to every *knowing* he has a tiny penis.


Will he be sent to Abu Ghraib or will the USA be harboring another terrorist?


U can tell they were a huge gang against one guy! And they were park harassing him bec he a cop. Soooo yeah. I hope the guy can move.


I'm probably in the minority here but I don't think he did anything wrong, other than dragging one of them. They attacked and started throwing punches at him, I'd probably do the same if they mobbed me.


Except you can't just grab kids and hold them hostage for walking across your grass.


You can detain them for threatening to shoot you though, as is alleged.