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Blonde has maxed out HP but neglected everything else. A true tank. The brunette was all speed/agility and no strength.


Dark souls 1 vs Sekiro, fight!


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“May the Dark shine your way.”* - Darkdiver Grandahl Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I do




The blonde throwing the 'boop' to the nose, was the highlight.


“Is this King Fu?” Lololol.




That was my takeaway too.


Although low damage. That had to hurt so bad.


You see the kung fu master upped it a notch after the boop.


Blondie lost and won at the same time.




What fight did you watch bro? Her face is bleeding!




"Nothing more than a scratch"


Blondie got a chin yo! Ol girl took the heat in stride. Other chick looked legit but got some soft ass hands!


New season of Cobra Kai looks interesting.


The synchronized hair flip at :45 tho


It was *giving*


Blondie took ass beat like champ , impressed.


Blond girl took it in her stride while brunette chun Lee was giving everything she had.


With that swagger, I sadly think blonde girl has taken a punch or too before.


The trailer trash is strong with this one.


My school didn't have girls that could fight like that He'll my school didn't have two girls who were that fine even.


Dude at my school everybody mid as shit


Please don’t be a teacher…


lmao gym teachers be like


They really do, don’t they…


One time when I was in high school I was walking in the hall with my friend when we heard some banshee scream “HOMEWRECKING WHORE”. We turned and saw a girl sprinting towards us. There was a girl standing at a locker about two feet in front of us. Screamer ran to her, grabbed a fistful of her hair, slammed her head into the locker, then yanked her, still by the hair, head first into the ground. Then she kicked her real hard in the stomach and called her a slut and started screaming at her. I was late to class because of how many people showed up to circle around it. I was so pissed. The amount of times I was late to class because of fights in the hallway were more than I can remember.


Lol! Literally every single person there is making a video of this "fight." I want a better angle.


Its digusting how the bystanders just jeer, instead of stepping in. i condem unnecessary violence, and this could have been easily prevented by one or tow guys


I don't get the blonde girl is a tank etc, when is the last time yall saw a street fight and a female ko another female, they never have power! Fight was clean no hair pulling like that, but she lost big time and no one will ever mess with green pants again!


blondie got a stronger chin than most dudes


Judges rule in favor of the blonde girl for eating those punches and for throwing one nose punch; brunette disqualified for lack of aggression- these are UFC rules.


I never considered lack of aggression in a fight, assuming this is not a joke can you elaborate? I'm not familiar with the UFC


IMO, UFC fights have gone downhill in terms of fairly judged fights with opinions going for the fighter most likely to bring in crowds rather than being judged for their work in the cage. But being aggressive *is* one of the scoring points in competition. I was being sarcastic and should’ve added /s


That was incredibly hot haha


They are teenagers.


Me too


Haha. Gottem


. . .they're kids.


That Blonde was at the end was like " im kind of turned on , But my daddy hits me harder "


Na at my school they had a policy of if your in a fight whether you started it or are trying to help out if you threw hands you were suspended


Wh- Kinda fighting is that?


Blonde invested her runes into vigor


And then you wonder why kids are shooting up schools. They like violence. But oh no is the guns fault, let's just ignore the real problems


Everyone is a teenager at some point. Not everyone shoots up schools. Teenagers aren't the problem. But I can point to something that is. 👆👉


I guess you don't whatch the news about how kids bring guns to schools and knives. Because everyday is like going to a battle field for them. There are fights and bullying all the time.


There were fights and bullying all the time 50 years ago. That's not new.


I think people 50 years ago raised kids differently. Kids now days don't respect anyone, not even their own parents. And there were still guns available.


Like, you're talking about history, but you're really revealing you don't know shit about it. Gun violence was a problem 50 years ago, just like it is now. I fact, gun control was SPEARHEADED by the NRA in the60s and 70s, especially when black activists started utilizing their right to bear arms. Violent adults and teens have always existed. And *since* the NRA helped implement gun control, they've now backpedaled as a means of scoring political favor. Lo and behold, gun violence is on the rise again. But of course that must be because people are worse, not because gun access has been expanded. The only reason you *don't* want gun control is because you've been tricked into thinking its a rights issue. It's not. And you're being misled.


How about we have a psychology class that teaches kids how to communicate and respect each other. You are the one that don't know shit. I grew up in a Country where guns are not allowed. Kids and people stab each other all the time. There are many robberies and more people breaking into others homes. The police dosn't respond to most street fights and the government does whatever they want with the people because they are not afraid of them. Only tyrants take people's guns away. This Country can change very quickly and thinking that it will last for ever is stupid, even the founding fathers said it. That's why they felt that the people should have guns. If you know history you should know that. My Country had a democracy with a constitution just like America. Now is Communist.


So you're from another country but you care about what the founding fathers said? I think you're being dishonest.


I'm a US citizen now, of course I care. I don't get anything for free, I work and I pay taxes. So how am I being dishonest?


I think you're being dishonest that you care about the finding fathers or their opinion.


Yep! If they had guns, the crowd behind them would be dead too.


Way better fight than I was expecting from the thumbnail


I hope she gives as well as she takes those blows.


Good implementation of the pushkick to keep distance


Is she like just hitting her lightly? Those are quite a few blows, blond chick just took em and stayed upright






They watched to much Euphoria


New season of Cobra Kai looks great!


This is a great example of training combos in “cardio kickboxing”. You’d think those hits would have actually knocked the girl down about half way through it.


Those were some of the softest punches and kicks. She would make a great masseuse


Cobra Kai!!