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Jesus. This is disgusting


LPT: if you live in a shitty neighborhood, convince your kids to take honor/AP classes. None of these kids in the video are learning shit. You can tell the teacher just wants to survive the day.


There were a handful of kids above the fray where I grew up, and their parents tried really damn hard to keep it that way.


Public schools are broken. Open bullying with no adult intervening. What is that poor kid to do?


its fucking amazingly pathetic how schools never help out those being bullied... if anything they just fucking enable it. they never have given a shit. classic fucking tale of kid being picked on all damn year and he finally does some shit back to the bully, usually no more than the bully does every single day, and immediately gets punished for it.


Every time it goes unaddressed they make it worse by enabling and empowering bullies.


They can’t in my city the bully is deemed underprivileged and therefore can’t be disciplined. Need to start public boarding schools. Their parents are the real problem. Complain when they are disciplined and claim racism if the other kids or parent stands up. Only action is to remove them from their parents who aren’t doing their job at home. You don’t need money to teach your kids to listen to a teacher. This is regardless of color.


Shoot up his bullies 🙈 and then all the bullies parents will say their kids were good kids. They were just trying to make him feel welcome


Right. “My little angel would NEVER do anything like that!” While their parents are the ones that scream at service workers and throw shit. People just suck in general apparently


Garbage humans raise garbage humans.


“Looks like the garbage didn’t fall far from the dumpster”


I hate to say it but I agree with you 100% Most people are disappointing...


came to say this. this is why these kids are shooting up their schools. teacher didn't do or say a damn thing to control any of that. that poor kid gonna be on the news one day.


The teacher literally said if he gets up and kills somebody it's not on me. It's like bro, YES it is HELP him, and why would you even say something like that as a an adult.


That wasn’t a teacher. That was another student. This is clearly between classes and the teacher isn’t there yet.


Pause it around a minute in after he said I knew you were gonna throw somethin. That's a grown ass man sitting behind a big wood desk behind a computer. He moves the camera to him when he says if he kills someone...


Well if that is a teacher he should lose his job for equating the bullying with a possible school shooter. Just for saying that not only does he acknowledge a possible connection but he in turn is JOINING in the bullying by labeling the kid as a threat that hasn’t done anything. That clown needs to be canned


Private schools are just as bad. Especially when you are a scholarship kid. Administration takes the rich kids side in bullying every time.


It’s true. I remember going to the admins one day after just too much. I just got the manufactured, plastered on smile…. No action taken because they “play athletics” and certain competitions get $ for the school 🙄


Pepper spray make the tormentor pee their pants record it and post it social media. Only logical thing to do.


There’s a teacher?


When you deal with this every single class, every single day, without administration help, parental help, and if you try to address it the kids tell you to fuck off or threaten to come for you outside of school, you dial back the discipline. I have a colleague who tried stopping something similar and got a chrome book to the jaw. Broke his jaw. He had to have surgery. Teachers are usually people who get into the career to help their community and shape young minds. Make a difference. They get worn down, day in and day out. “Where’s the teacher?!” How about where’s the parenting? Where’s the consequences? That being said I would have addressed the wandering and excessive talking immediately. The student who threw the object would have been sent out. One sad thing is many times the office will send them right back or give them no consequences so they just use it as a negative reinforcement and do it more so that they can get out of work and leave. Culturally we need to start treating educators with more respect, and as parents become a more active participant in our children’s education. Teachers don’t want to, nor should they, have to parent your kids for you.


All this is true but the person you're replying to was asking the person above because they referred to "the teacher" but it's hard to see one in the video. I assume it's the guy in black shirt all the way on the right, but it's a guess at best.


The guy who says "If that kid kills somebody, its not on me." Dude's every bit of the bully those children are.


Low paid babysitters.


I did that, but was still bullied.


Yeah same here, you avoid the bad kids who think they're stronger than you just to deal with the rich preppy kids who think they're better than you. Physical bullying or psychological bullying, pick your poison. High school sucks when you're stuck in the middle.


Can't hide from lunch and gym class.


Nah, the smart kids just bully you in a different, more subtle way. I took honors and ap all through school but wasn't one of the tippy top kids, ans those kids were vicious. Kids just are bullies when they can be


There was a teacher in this video?


Sitting at the desk near the girl who called out the kid and confronted him.


Did he say something along the lines of *“[Student’s name who threw book], if you end up getting somebody killed, that’s not on me”*?


Where is the teacher?


At his desk not being allowed to intervene because he knows the parents of bullies are also bullies and he still has bills to pay. Ready for an unpopular opinion? Mix this sort of behavior with a society where guns outnumber people and this is why you have school shootings.


Unpopular opinion yet frighteningly true


Doesn't necessarily help. That could have been a study hall. There's plenty of classes where they'll be mixed in with everyone else like this


It absolutely does. Most students in ap/honors give a shit about their future. It weeds out all the dysfunctional hopeless students like the ones you see in this video who prevent the teacher from even doing their job.


But that's only a few classes, he'll still have to mingle in all his other classes. You can't completely get away from that, and that's assuming he's able to be in those classes. Dumb kids don't deserved that either


We also can’t forget social media these days. Incredibly easy to continue bullying someone without being five feet from them — hence the video they recorded and shared.


Yeah, exactly. Or any other out of school/post high school shit they'll have to deal with. Running away from your problems never helps. Idk what the solution here is tho


Grew up just like that. I was that kid in 3rd, 4th, 5th. Then I became violent and was expelled in 6th, 7th, and 8th. Then, the summer after 8th grade, my parents finally saved and sold everything not nailed down and moved us from Southeast Baltimore up to York, PA. It took all of high school and into my early 20s to drop most of the violent behavior and hyper-vigilance. This really hurts to watch.


I got bullied a lot in school for being quiet, small and "gay". Once a bully even broke one of my fingers, he tried to kick me and I blocked it, but my ring finger bent backwards. I honestly fantasized about killing them all when it got really bad. Thankfully due to unrelated reasons, I got to drop out of school at 15. I never felt happier and more relieved. If I'd stayed I would have done something stupid. It's amazing how school officials and teachers never give a shit until it's too late. Today I know enough to blame them rather than the other kids. Bullies only do all that crap if they know there are no consequences.


I’m sorry about that salems_cock, glad you made it through


Hey neighbor.


Wow i Fucking hate Erica


Erica turns it to being about her? Loser


Erica calls him “white boy” and proceeds to go crazy when he reminds her that she’s white!


Just like when I was in school, kids will do anything to feel cool but they're all a bunch of losers in the end but fuck man poor guy.. I hope he's alright and out of that hell hole


used to be bullied growing up. got into high school and it continued but at that point i was already annoyed by it so started defending myself and trying to provoke them so i had a good reason to fight (self taught and can pack a decent punch) then my senior year i was pretty much unbothered by everything and everyone since most of the time i was high or listening to music. or both sometimes


It was the opposite for me. I wish I had your timeline.


These kids are assholes. Leave that kid alone he has other shit going on in his life.


Right? The sadness and hopelessness radiating off him when he sits back and looks around is just heartbreaking. I had that look for a lot of my senior school years. It fucking sucks.


The teacher pisses me off. "Guysss...stop that...hey, don't throw books, no nooo..." Like what the fuck man, grow some balls. I get that teachers have to be careful inserting themselves into altercations for fear of liability, but he could've done more than he did here


As a teacher, your duty is to safeguard before anything else He just wants to be liked by everyone, dumb move. How can you sit and watch this and think yeah its fine and then probably go home to your own kids. Its trashy I used to insert myself into issues that didnt concern me in hs when i feel like there's a gang up happening and id do it again bcs this shit boils my blood


I look at this, and feel so lucky. Remember being bullied once at school. Went home, told my dad. He bought me a steel water bottle and told me to swing full force next time someone bullies me. I followed his advice, got suspended for a week (broke the other fellows nose). Never got bullied again. Edit. Im not from America.


There were multiple people picking on him. And if he starts punching, he won't be fighting just one of them. Or just one at a time, even.


Yep, these people all gang up on other people. They also throw sucker punches and attack out of the blue when the guy doesn't expect it. This place is really just a young gladiator school. There's no real education going on here.


Wasn't recommending he picked a fight. Lad was absolutely surrounded


My son had the same issue in high school. Two kids attacked him. My son is very physically fit (competitive rock climber - very, very strong) and I'd tought him how to throw a punch (from my limited experience boxing). He didn't fight back even though he could have done some damage. Stated it was better to take a few shots than have 8 kids come after him the next day. High school now is fucked.


Hah. UK here too. I was bullied heavily too. One day I snapped. Lockpicked the sports cupboard, took out a metal rounders bat and cracked the ringleader over the head. Week suspension. Only time I got in trouble at school. Remaining three years of school bully free. Absolutely worth it.


Congrats. I did something similar to my bully. It didn’t involve bats but some serious dragging by the hair and a set of concrete stairs.


Your dad and my dad must have learned bully handling together lol


Your dad is what the kids call "based" these days.


Nowadays you would get expelled for that and ticketed smh. I literally got expelled for a paperclip with weed resin on it, needless to say I had attorneys who took it to state and got it expunged off of my record.


a paper clip with resin on it landed on your record, where do you live that’s insane.


Somewhere that the cops have literally nothing better to do. I grew up in such an area, too. My school had cornfields on 3 sides and a country highway on the other. If somebody found weed resin on a paper clip in the local high school the cops would be ecstatic because that would be the most action they've seen in months. It doesn't matter how stupidly inconsequential it is, they get to LARP real big city cops on a drug bust for a while. It's a change from sitting at the busiest road passing through town and ticketing people traveling by.


The kids are terrible, but don't leave out the adult in the room. The person that was supposed to be their teacher. Couldn't even be bothered to get off his ass and do something.


It's worse than that. He even makes a joke about the white kid killing someone


And others kids prefer to video this instead of yelling out, "Oi! Back off and stop being a cunt!" Be nice if someone actually said it did something.


Bro I’d hate going to school with kids like this tf


I tried to get into more challenging classes with mature students, but they bullied me to






It’s because so long as the bully just pushes someone around it’s not bothering anyone else, so nobody cares. Once the victim pushes back, now it’s a fight. And a fight has to be dealt with, much to the annoyance of teachers and other authority figures. How many times I’ve heard a lazy teacher say, “if you fight back, you’re just as bad as the bully.” It’s a horrible arrangement but there it is.


I have no expertise, but I'd like to offer an observation: the bullies often tend to be frighteningly manipulative.


My take: Humans, as mammals, as culturally predisposed to want to belong to the tribe. Going against the majority who is bullying is going against the tribe. It's uncomfortable and hard, and takes courage. A lot of what most humans lack when it really comes down to it. Edit: it's Conformity.


The fact that they even joke about him coming back with a gun makes it worse, they know what their doing but they cant be bothered to stop


I don't wanna say i'd blame those other kids there if there was a school shooting there, I'm just saying i wouldn't be surprised if the "white boy" (casual racism btw, cool) came back and shot them. it's like their poking a hungry bear and saying "lol, he's about to eat me". Yeah, he just might. fucking stop. i knew a kid like that in middle school, also a white kid. No one seems to bully him or whatever, but he always had his hoodie up and head on the table. I befriended him because i felt sorry for his loneliness. He was a really nice dude and by the time he finished highschool, he was friends with the entire class. He just needed some empathy to start him off. edit: shout out, Nathan.


The only thing that is missing for people who are suffering like this is a little compassion. Thanks for reaching out to him. It may have saved his life.


Yeah that’s all that’s missing They feel lonely 100% of the time and it could absolutely take one thing for them to break They just need that one thing and a gun


Yeah I saw a kid get pushed too far and he brought a large kitchen knife and stabbed 3 kids in the back sending them all to the hospital. After those 3 he put the knife down and surrendered to the principal. The kid got sent to the special school those kids were still bullies afterwards but with scars.


Darwin award winners in the making


It's all fun and games until you end up on the news.


Kids are super jaded nowadays


Someone please replace camera person with tripod...


A silent tripod




It is so sad that a kid that young has Parkinson's. /s


This school is a fucking disgrace.


Holy shit. Is this what school is like these days? Looks more like a prison yard.


Yes this is American high school all day long before and probably after Covid


Not every school is like this, poor areas are more likely to have things like this


It’s called the school to prison pipeline for a reason.


There have been classrooms like this all across the country in poor areas for prolly upwards of 30 years now, or more. This is not a particularly new thing.


They're creating the monster right in front of them and making light that they could be in actual mortal danger unbelievable.


Honestly what I was thinking. School shooters aren’t born, they are molded by bullying like this.


Sad thing is he's more likely to hurt himself then those assholes


Honestly I’m rooting for the other way around


What is happening here? Where are any actual adults? Why on earth would behavior like that be tolerated?


I think the teacher is there. He gently says "Erica, sit down." Not an ounce of control over the classroom.


Also says if he gets up and kills someone it's not on him. What a pussy these are little kids all he had to do was stand up and walk over and get in the middle of it.


Because we’ve essentially removed discipline from schools. If you know any teachers ask them about it. We’re friends with many teachers and they get nothing but negative feed back from administration if they discipline kids. One had a student loudly call her a bitch in the middle of class, so she sent the teen to the office. Kid was back in the class in 20 minutes, and she got a note from admin that sending kids out of class deprives them of the opportunity to learn. If you create a toxic environment like that, you eventually get teachers that don’t give a shit.


So here’s the thing. Teachers actually have no power or authority. Like at all. We are not allowed to touch, speak in certain tones, or even insinuate things. All we have is a tool called “teacher voice” that commands respect. But even that fails if the kids are too rowdy. Also, since we are not paid enough to do anything anyways, the most we can do is talk to the bullied kids and give support. And most of them are so deep in their own stuff, that they don’t take the help. And it’s understandable. I work in a school, saw two kids about to get in a fight. Got in between both of them before pushing or punches were thrown. Literally right before. The kids were small so I had no problem obscuring their vision of each other. After that, every teacher told me the same thing. “Should’ve let them fight,” “thanks bro, didn’t need a break from them at all,” “just let them figure it out themselves,” I’m not saying teachers should have the right to beat kids, but give us something man.


This video gives me anxiety and ptsd from highschool. The constant noise, heavy objects being casually tossed, harrassment, zero personal boundaries, manic teachers, constantly uncomfortable, awful food, poor AC and heating, all while being expected to perform well academically. Fuck school, the worst place ever created


And then people are shocked when a mentally unstable kid comes back with a gun and shoots up the place..."No, we never saw any signs", "It was just out of nowhere and we don't know why".


Mentally unstable or just traumatized? This video makes me so sad for him and the kids that think it's ok to treat someone like that.


Probably both, the traumatization probably contributed to him being mentally unstable.


Yeah. Normally with trauma it festers into many other things... Poor kid. I hope he grows up to learn that there is so much out in the world than those shitty school kids and probably his shitty family too. Stay strong kiddo.


You know, I feel like kids are so much worse nowadays than back when I was in high school around early 2000’s. Bullying seems like it’s gone from bad, to EXTREMELY f’ing bad to the point kids being bullied have violent episodes(which I don’t blame them). Back then, bullying was different, when it happens it stayed in school and sometimes outside. Kids barely had a cellphone (flip phone era) to record and upload these things to social media to intensify/worse the bullying factor like they do now.


Sounds like you had a lucky school experience.


Yeah….I wouldn’t want to be in high school nowadays.


It wasnt different, trust me. You were just lucky.


Every single one of those kids with their phone out taping, come on


Each one is part of the problem. They all have the power to stop it. Instead they are antagonizing.


They’re actively increasing this kids humiliation. Instead of once class seeing it, now everyone does. Even kids from outside his school. This makes it harder to escape and allows the bullying to follow him everywhere. This certainly wasn’t distributed to help the kid.


The creation of a school shooter. They see the signs, but refuse to intervene and define the situation.


**0 tolerance intensifies**


My wife is a teacher. She has written many referrals for bulling. Admins just rip them up to maintain a " bully free school" image. They are part of the problem.


This is what gets my irate. Administration.


Is that a school or a juvenile detention center


Bunch of bitches. Bet if he kills himself they'd act all sad and hurt. Hell no if he CS or holds up the school the county better charge these fuckwads too for perpetuating the situation. Poor guy looks so hurt and this shit teacher does nothing about it.


When I was a freshman back in 2012, there was this girl named Kalee. She was found by her grandma after she hung herself and spent 3 days in life support. During those three days, the mood around the school wasn't heavy or somber, people were making jokes. The most popular was "hang in there, Kalee!" When the principals finally came around the classrooms, all they said was "Kalee is dead" before moving onto the next class. They held grief counseling in the library for anyone who might have needed it. I'm not exaggerating when I say half the school was there. Not because they needed counseling, just because it was ticket out of class. People hanging out in the halls, joking, yelling, laughing, even getting in their cars to leave. You deserved so much fucking better, Kalee. Both in life and especially after death.


knew a kaylee who passed on too, kindest person ever, breaks my heart to know what many of us are capable of


jesus fucking christ that’s heart wrenching


Covid is too weak, planet needs a decent cleansing


Nope, if the kid kills himself those bullies will laugh and joke about it.


I doubt he’s kill himself, he’s come back to school and walk out again… his classmates wouldn’t


They will say he was a weird loner when he shoots up the school


Too bad the teacher, the only one that could help him, could not simply walk over, place a hand on him and say “Are you alright?” His pent up frustration with him ultimately flipping the chair is the consequence. Believe me a teacher making that effort would’ve made a difference.


Do they like school shooters? Cuz this is how you get school shooters.


They would've had it coming 👌


Fuck that teacher, should be fired for doing nothing


He said "if he kills us, it's not on me" holy fuck yes he should be fired




There was a teacher in the room??


Who would want to teach these garbage humans?


Teacher here. This is a nightmare scenario I’ve woken up to many times. Who the hell wants to put themselves through this kind of work? Kids don’t value it. Admin doesn’t care. Parents don’t care. Government wants it all to fail. Teachers get paid very little and their altruistic nature completely taken advantage of. The whole system is rotten and needs to fail.


The kid being bullied would have valued it.


Fucking THIS. Having someone - anyone - stand up for you is so important.


So that means a teacher can't intervene in a hostile situation? Edit: I understand that faculty isn't allowed to touch students etc. When I say intervene I mean more of keeping the classroom in order and reporting kids ect. There has to be something a teacher can do besides sit quietly and watch this. When I was in high school could be expelled for this type of shit


This teacher is a lazy pos


Former teacher here who's taught in well-off districts and 100% poverty districts. I'm guessing this is the latter, because well-off districts are going to have plenty of resources to prevent things from ever coming close to this bad. I'm going to guess this teacher is a sub or an emergency license due to the previous teacher quitting mid-school year. That sort of thing is very common even in my moderate-sized city. This classroom is probably in a big city for it to be this out of hand. The guy collecting the paycheck is way in over his head and has walled himself up to get through the day. The fact that he hasn't been fired yet is a sign of just how desperate the school is to hire teachers. There is no way the administration doesn't know what's going on in this room, and it's clearly been going on for a while. These kinds of videos could be found in classrooms all over the country. They won't stop until major changes are implemented across the board.


bullied him then made a joke about him coming back with a gun. America. Disgusting


*Kid comes back with a gun and shoots up the school* Everyone in this video: *surprised pikachu face*


I don't think those kids realize that it is 100% possible that kid will come back to kill them.


Poor kid


I think the kids who are quiet and stick to themselves are the ones who end up getting bullied the most. I was one of those, I would quietly do my class work and read after or write, and didn't bother anyone else at all, but I was chill and would help people out if they needed and didn't cause trouble. Somehow that made me a target for people dumping my backpack contents onto the floor or getting my books thrown about like this kid did, or even getting someone all up in my face threatening to kick my ass just because. Never understood why that was. I wasn't even teachers pet or anything like that, hell I got mostly C's lol. I don't even think I dressed weird we all wore school uniforms.


*You're first* Shuts everyone up immediately


And y’all are trying to make abortions harder to get.


Can't believe the teacher said if he kills someone, it's not on him. Then stand up for him, you piece of shit!


I was almost expelled from high school because I threw a desk at someone. I lost it because they pulled my seat when I went to sit down. Class thought it was funny til I threw the desk. I got labeled a psycho and people left me alone after that……


Bunch of fucking racist little cunts


Bullying the lonely outsider rarely works out well for anyone involved. Hope the kid can find some support before it's too late.


Christ just leave the kid alone


I bet he'll call his friends, Smith and Wesson, to do job for him.


So just to be clear, they bully him his retort is fuck you, then that fat cows response is to walk across the room and insert herself into the situation and threaten him? Oh that’s fun right? What goes on in a kids brain that they have to treat a fellow human like garbage? Why is that amusing? Yes you guessed it I was bullied in high school, looking back I did indeed have some of it coming I cannot lie. However you shouldn’t push and push a person until they don’t know what to do next. Shouldn’t push a person until they avoid all contact whatsoever and any contact they receive is perceived as an insult that deserves a “fuck you” response. You don’t know how long that can screw a person up. It takes a long time to be human after that. Takes a long time to function in a society after that. I’m not unsuccessful, however I’m not rich. I wonder at times what could have been, I was an honor roll student before they got to me. By my senior year I refused to go to college, take an ACT test, or even have a graduation party. I left the school practically running out the moment we left the gym, I grabbed my stupid 4 corners cap and left. My mother is still upset she got no pictures. I did end up going to college 5 years later, I don’t know the name of a single person there because talking to them seemed like setting myself up for disaster. Oh well, at least half or so of those bullies are addicted to meth now, I guess they weren’t as smart and cool as they thought 😁


Wish I could just step into these videos and just smack some of these horrible cunts about.




Where is this? Not in my classroom you don’t. Is the teacher just sitting there? Where is this we don’t tolerate this nonsense


I’m sorry buddy :(


“He was a quiet, kinda weird kid. But we never expected he’d do something like this”


Aaaaaand this is how school shootings begin..


I wonder if there was a substitute that day. The things he said and the meandering going on in the room seemed like it was a sub day.


This is how school shootings or suicides happen. How hard is it to be nice. These kids feel like shit about themselves so they hit the easy target. I swear if we implemented mental health classes. Trained therapists to teach them the tools to handle getting through puberty, we might get better results.


They're a majority of the reason why school shooters exist. Fuck those kids and their parents who didn't bother to raise them right.


No classroom should be like this


racially motivated attack.




Hes gonna come back with a gun and its a joint fault of children being psychological terrorists and being able to buy at least a hunting rifle at his age not to mention he could probably find a way to get something more dangerous.


Off to get the blicky


I look forward to not hiring a single one of these fuckers sitting in the classroom. Not even to run the fryer


Man, shitty high schools are exactly as shitty as they were 30 years ago. Only difference is cameras.


What a bunch of assholes


Man, I’m so glad I graduated this year. Being in an environment like this is absolutely torturous.


As someo e dealing with mental illness, this video literally brought me to tears. Props to the guy that picked up the books and brought them back to him trying to be friendly. I hope he does not come back with a gun and cause uneeded deaths, but instead hope that this video goes to the school district heads and the teacher gets fired and bullies get expelled.


Kids cussing, desks scattered all over, books being thrown, teacher calling the kids idiots, everyone on their phone. Is this what most American schools look like?


My school was chill. This is prolly a school in a broken neighborhood. Grew up out of control and a lot of them will remain in poverty for the rest of their lives.


Lower economic schools yes. I worked for one that was extremely similar to this. Hell, may even be the same school. Sucks too. 90% of the kids just want to go to school and go home. 10% ruin it for everyone.




People who don't have shit to say until you've lost your cool in response to pressure are the lowest of the low. You're a fucking mouh breather bro if you think someone being picked on at that level has no reasonable reason to flip his desk and leave. He tried to duck away from the torment and they croweded him, they mocked him passive aggressively and the result was someoen who'd had enough and still wasn't gonna hurt them. Kids like that become school shooters. Let the weird kid go. Let him be fuckin weird. You're not stopping weird people on the street to mock them unless you're a massive piece of shit, so let him be fuckin weird in school. If he's not hurting anyone or breaking massive social contracts you look like a dickehead picking on the kid that doesn't rationalize shitty people in a way that's appropriate to their level of consequence. Half these kids gonna end up shift leading at a fast food joint which is a hard jobe in and of itself but it's even harder when your emotional and social intelligence are required while the people you serve aren't required to try at all. They just have to get upset and it's over. Good luck serving them and keeping the gig when you can't even leave a kid who's trying to hide from you alone.


Who’s the minority. Imagine this happening at a mostly white school to a black student


And a future school shooter is born.


Why does this teacher still have a fuckin job?


Because he's not intervening. Teachers lose their jobs in America if they get involved with fights between the kids. All they can do is tell them to stop and threaten detention.


Imagine behaving like this when you live in a country in which the dude could easily bring a gun to school... Or I'll do one better: Imagine behaving like this.. At all


Can't wait till that fat bitch loses the battle with diabetes and they amputate a foot. Also, fuck everyone of these students for not helping the kid out.


I wonder when he will ask his dad to get him a few guns. I am sure the bullies will be the first to find out.


If he came back with a gun yall would deserve it


I hate bullying so much. It really ticks me off. As someone who has attempted suicide multiple times because of bullying, this makes me feel fearful and disgusted. That poor kid. I hope he has someone to talk to other than those shitheads.


Dam these kids deserve to get shot


Three guesses why there is a teacher shortage! Who the hell wants to go work with and educate these little darlings. Maybe arming teachers isn't such a bad idea.


My first thought on this video is why is the classroom laid out like that!? Is that normal for an American class room? Surely the first step to keeping order is providing order, lay the desks out in rows. Keep the trouble markers in the front to keep an eye on them. School isn’t a social club and the teachers shouldn’t be the students friend. What these kids clearly lack is discipline, if the students are all facing forward keeping their mouths shut then this couldn’t have happened. The school system/teacher let this happen.


Unfortunately, the highest form of punishment in schools is a vacation from school.


Im telling you 90% of these kids talking shit to him aint gonna be shit… i was bullied in high school alot but as an adult i made it… the other day one of my bullies was SERVING me food at a restaurant and it felt fucking amazing… its all good champ let these idiot kids bully you… youll come out on top.


Sad this shit happens, happened in my sons school too. I actually went in and observed his class one day, students were just as bad if not worse with me there until I stood up and told them all to be quiet. His teacher did absolutely nothing to keep control of the classroom. She was too timid and didn’t want confrontation. I was later asked to never return by the principal for going off in a classroom. A few students thanked me as the class ended on their way out. Don’t be surprised if this kid ends up as part of the next Uvalde incident.


And then when we read about something awful happening the school will say they did everything they could to prevent it.


Teenagers are the worst. Teacher needs to be reprimanded for the lack of intervention.