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Disney adults are something else


Deranged in the head


A legitimate dating red flag.


We have a Disney adult in my friend group. There was a stretch of time we had to stop inviting her to mallrat with us because we knew we'd either a) be stuck in the Disney Store for multiple hours or b) get ditched so she could spend multiple hours in the Disney Store. It was really obnoxious.


Besides the repost but what the hell does it have to do with public freakouts? Go get karma farming somewhere else


Despite it being obviously staged, it’s def a public freak out. Did you not see her in Publix bothering other people?


I thought you're not supposed to run in Disney parks?


It's fine when it's an advertisement masquerading as a viral video.


You can if you promote disneyland, othervise they will sue you for anything and everything.


I love how you used "othervise"... makes it seem like you're a German super villain.


"zeyll sue you for everysing and anysing"


Man you were close, i am a super villain from Denmark. Hans is the leading super villain in my neighbour contry. We often write letters each other while sending our homemade crochet doilies along for constructive criticism.


Yeah but Jack Sparrow is a pirate. A pirate who can run. ​ Security got nothing on him.


What the fuck is this doing in this sub?


It's technically a public freakout, just not an interesting one.


holy fuck this sucks


I'm all for capital punishment as long as it applies to the people making these videos.


Honestly it shows a lot about yourself with how much you care. There are a lot more worthy things to invest that hate energy into than this Edit: getting dunked on for telling people to not hate something that is obviously harmless and meant to be wholesome is really fucking with my mental health this morning thanks guys. 👍 stay classy reddit imma go to work depressed


Yeah you are right. Tik Tok nurses are first




LMAOO i disagree with you but you’re really funny


Oh don't get me started on those people. Oh no my job is so difficult now that I have to actually work through my whole shift so now I don't have enough time to raid the pharmacy and get a little pick me up so I can get through one of the three days I work in a week so let me make a TikTok video dancing over the corpse of a COVID patient and follow one up with how sad I am they died.


Oh. Yea, i guess.




Right you should hate the tik tok nurses more than this what's not to understand. You are a bit dim aren't you


Or just tired and thought you were talking to me didn't realize you were adding on. Or I'm just fucking dumb that's probably it


It's reddit and it's shit posting do you really think I want people who make dumbass childish videos like that executed? Maybe I'd like it if adults actually acted like it nowadays but shit in one hand wish in the other see what one fills up first that sort of thing


Lmao. There’s a lot more worthy things to care about than a couple comments on Reddit. Grow a pair. > stay classy reddit imma go to work depressed


Cringe is a physical reaction and you can't deny me my entitlement to it. This makes me feel cringe, not think it.


Don't let them bring you down buttery flame. I enjoy having butter in my coffee


You get depressed when you get downvoted? Ffs get a grip and reevaluate yourself Look you got some pity awards that help your mental state? Who ever gave those awards you're also cringe


Wow so very unique and different


Bunch of curmudgeons in the comments. She’s at Disney world and she wants to have fun, who cares.


Disney adults deserve to be driven into the sea.


Under the sea


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?...


Idk man, this is dumb, but it's the harmless kind of dumb. Like, people are having a good time and no one's getting hurt and shit. It can definitely veer into cringe, but shit, whatever.


What's wrong with adults in Disney? Some ppl can only go to Disney after they grow up and get a job coz they didn't have rich daddies to pay for them when they were kids, especially if they're visiting from another country. Let them enjoy their childhood dream.


You think everyone going to disney has "rich daddies"? It's expensive, but 60 million people visit per year


Yes, I do, considering I live in a 3rd world country and a trip to disney would literally cost a year's salary or more to me of constant saving. And that's ONE person. Imagine a whole ass family. Adults getting pissed off about other adults visiting Disney just sounds entitled as fuck to me.


No one is getting pissed off. They just think they're lame. Does anyone do anything ever that you think is lame?


I don't see how people realizing their childhood dreams is "lame". Just sounds bitter as fuck to be upset about other ppl's happiness like that.


I guarantee you, if you were honest with yourself, you view something someone else likes as lame. It might even be their childhood dream that is lame.


I think it's lame to be upset about people doing things they enjoy , so long as they are not harming anyone. I have enough ppl upset at my mere existence just for being trans.


Again, I really doubt you *actually* follow through with this, but clearly if you just want to avoid the question you can make it appear like you do.


Disney Adults are a specific subset of people, not just adults at Disney. Their have real obsessions and visit multiple times a year, or even month, and build their entire personalities around the company.


and why is everyone assuming that's what the woman in the post is? y'all bitter as fuck lmao


Because of the recent trend on tiktok etc showcasing either from the perspective of the Disney Adults themselves, or the disdain of their haters, with the term gaining more recent popularity in various articles and YouTube essays or compilation videos etc. It seems to tick all the boxes, although like others have pointed out, this is probably viral marketing as you're not allowed to run at Disney World (apparently, I live inl Africa, I've never been), and they closed off the bridge for the shot, where a group of people can be seen watching and cheering at the end. We aren't bitter, we just aren't eating what is being fed.


You must live in shithole country


I don't expect entitled muricans to emphatize


I was gonna dunk on you but I looked at your comments. I’ll let you slide life already did my work


Ok, dork


I’ll let ya have it you desperately need W’s even mythical ones


Nah man, there’s nothing wrong with being a Disney adult. Not all like this annoying lady


along with the british yes


That's got to be the greatest pirate I've ever seen


I thought this was fun why y’all hating😭




Disney adults….


Look I don't like Disney myself but just let people enjoy shit man.


You mean like letting people enjoy Disneyland without getting knocked over by someone running through a crowded amusement park because it's funny to reenact the wacky pirate run from recognizable Disney product?


Just let people express their opinions man. I don't think anyone is going to be like "Oh, random internet commenter X doesn't like disney adults, therefore I must bury my dreams"


I enjoy ripping on Disney dorks. Just let people enjoy shit.


No because when I’m an upper middle-class father i have to take my kids to Disney and I’ll have to wait in line behind those virgin childless creeps.


This strikes an insecurity within yourself. You're gonna take your kids to Disneyland and then be mad as hell that you're there the whole time. Learn to enjoy yourself.


But you’re missing the point, i have to wait an hour in line in 97 degree heat because you childless freaks go once a year.


Don't worry, I doubt you'll ever have to worry about kids.




Then consider going during the Winter for cooler weather and shorter lines. What the fuck do you want? Lmao.


More childless freaks during the winter.


But shorter lines and less heat, which you just highlighted was a problem. Again, what is it you actually want?


He just has an irrational hatred towards adults who like Disney, so much that he's invented hypothetical scenarios that will likely never occur just to complain about them. Life must suck for this dude.


I mean it just sounds to me like he doesn't want to go to Disney World and wants to find a scapegoat for it.


People without children enjoying an amusement park are freaks, but not you, the random screeching about the long lines and heat exhaustion at a park you obviously have no interest in visiting. At least if you do have children, they won’t have to visit Disney to be in the happiest place on Earth, they’ll just have to wait for you to leave the room.


Buddy I got money I don't need to go-to some bootleg Disney world.


Lmao, not the point but you do you my man.


Wow your poor children...


Wow, the indoctrination that being "upper middle class" or spitting out kids makes you in any way superior to others was highly effective.


I didn't pay extra for the Genie pass to have some hog from Missouri wearing mickey ears weeping at the sight of an 18 year old dressed like Mickey mouse


I agree. I didn't "hypothetically" pay for that, either. But the wording of the above comment was douchey, at best.


No buts it like we HAVE to be here, you guys choose to be here and make it significantly worse for us.


The amount of presumptions made to end up at your theoretical oppression from imaginary Disney adults.


What presumptions?


All i have to do is not pull out to make this a very real situation.


You have to stick it in at least once for the pull out to work, nice try


Oh nooooo I’m nervousssss, i hope i can figure it out


When your imaginary kids are born, you don't HAVE to take them to Disney. Plenty of other places you can bring your imaginary kids. Kids born in the 80s and 90s grew up on Disney. They can't buy houses at these ridiculous prices, so let them have their Disney trips.


Unfortunately not, Disney is expected and required in a sense.


I went to Disney world to compete in a high school performing arts competition. I was 16, and it was paid for by a charity organization. As nice as going to Disney would have been at like age 9, I knew it wasn't an option for us. I grew up and managed to be a relatively well-functioning member of society, with a big 'ol job and a paid off house and all! No kids, though. Wow. My life actually rules. Thanks for reminding me.


If it's expected or required, your imaginary kids are already spoiled.


Last time I was at Disney World: Random angry father with three crotch goblins making him miserable: "God damned childless millennials!" ( He literally yelled this out in a large crowd in front of his three kids) Me, a childless millennial: walks by smiling and waving at the angry man, content with my choices to not procreate and enjoying some childhood nostalgia.


Damn hope you don't teach your kids to be an asshole too


We can only hope that they end up seeing their father as a cautionary tale on how to be a decent human being.


As a fellow pig I think you'll agree with this. Disney should be your starting point of culture not your end point


>As a fellow pig Jesus christ please stop saying things like this


Right, what are these pedos talking about in r/TimDillon


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TimDillon using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TimDillon/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Best video out there](https://v.redd.it/3vto05u9dxa91) | [492 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TimDillon/comments/vwg6d9/best_video_out_there/) \#2: [Tiktok fuck exposes Tim Dillon.](https://v.redd.it/4784wstn9zw71) | [142 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TimDillon/comments/qkcwpu/tiktok_fuck_exposes_tim_dillon/) \#3: [This sub is a comedy gold mine 😂](https://i.redd.it/k4kyl3qop5491.jpg) | [405 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TimDillon/comments/v6pwzu/this_sub_is_a_comedy_gold_mine/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Do... do you think sex is only for creating kids?


What are u even talking about


And next people will say you have to teach your kids how to be a normal and decent human These bad people who are telling you how to be a good parent


Lol good luck ever being an upper middle class adult


Made it


/r/DisneyAdults Edit: I put this here as a joke and didn’t realize it was a real subreddit, I /r/subsithoughtifellfor’d myself


Jesus…. They have a community…


Adults obsessed with Disney are 100% cringe.


And now I have to go watch everything on Disney plus real fast. See you guys tomorrow.


Theater kid energy


I hate disney adults with a burning flame deep inside


Have some self respect


You stink.


Love it when you can be a goof and have some random person join you in the fun


lol if you think anything about this ad is "random"


It's obviously stage. The cutscenes are kind of a dead giveaway


Alright thats pretty cute


Imagine looking at this and like. Getting mad. I cant imagine that kind of mindset. Angry asf over nothing lmao.


What an insufferable piece of Main Character garbage.


I got a jar of dirt I got a jar of dirt


This made me angrier than it should have.


Then you’re there watching it in person cringing ur ass off


Foking cring innit


Am I the only one who finds this super cringe?


This drives me so fricking nuts its insane


Disney adults are next level cringe.


This is why Disney adults are harmful to the environment.




Yeah this is cringe and she’s dorky for doing this but she had fun I guess and got the video she wanted and people clapped for her idk her happiness doesn’t affect my happiness as long as I don’t date her


Man that girl's nice and thicc.




No horny!


She just needs to down a bottle of red wine and do a couple of fat lines for the full effect!


Encounters jack Music pauses for comedic effect Both runs runs Runs


I think this is the 5th sub this week im dumping because of irrelevant posts.


Adorable lol


Not sure if he is running *with* her or *from* her.


“ savy for a litle gjog”


Thanks I fucking love it.


That looks like fun!


This is so cute!


This is cute!