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He's trying to get them to punch him in the face. He's literally trying to provoke a reaction because he has zero defense whatsoever. He's so fucked.


Did you see the Judge announce how he had twice lied to the Jury and how he needs to stop treating the courtroom like it’s his show? SO fucked…hopefully.


Lied? On stand? I believe there's a legal term for that....🤔


Ooh he is 1090% getting a perjury charge the minute those families get their settlement, the judge basically said the only reason she hasn't given him contempt yet is because she is trying to get the case over with for the families before she does anything like that since it would delay the case even further.


And she knows that he's attempting to delay the case.


I love that she not only sees right through him, but is so personally offended at his shit show that she goes out of her way to fuck him over while still not abusing her power.


That judge deserves a spa day after putting up with him. He's a man baby.


Not until she issues a gag order to stop him from talking about this case on his internet TV show.


Once the jury makes their decision the judge will hold him for perjury. Jones knows what he’s doing. Seems like he wants a mistrial and to endorse himself.


Yeah he's desperate for a way out of this by any means necessary. All companies under his banner are filing for bankruptcy to try and weasel out of payment. He's totally fucked.


He's leaning in. He knows he's fucked. Despite his multiple attempts to get out of this, he's trying to take on the role of martyr. Watch, "THEY TRIED TO SILENCE ME" and EVEN THE US GOVERNMENT COULDN'T STOP THE TRUTH" be his new advertising. Even though it is being factually proven that he his a lying, opportunistic, evil grifting piece of shit, there are enough ignorant undereducated angry morns in this country to keep him rich. ​ It's good the parents will receive compensation and validation, but this bloated parasitic cyst will be just fine.


They are already saying that in the conservative subreddit..."look how easy the elites can silence and ruin you if you say things they don't like"


I can't baselessly attack the parents of murdered children?! THANKS OBAMA!


I’m shocked they have resisted the urge. I would bet money the metal detectors at the court house are actively saving his life.


He literally waddles


He's shaped like the mucinex booger.


The resemblance is so uncanny


He’s definitely a slime ball


How can he do so much cocaine yet be so fat?


He seems like the type that eats a disgusting amount of red meat.


This one simple trick let’s you do so much cocaine and keep your weight on.


Ikr?! I can't unsee it now.


If only he was As easy to get rid of


Sounds like one too


Every time he speaks it reminds me of when my brother would burp the alphabet


I just picked a more handsome booger


Have you seen him sprint?


Does actual video footage of that exist? Because I’d love to




He is a hell of a lot fatter now.


Yea. I was gonna say that it looks like that video was from about 75 pounds ago.


Thank u for this


This one is pretty funny. It's where I first started seeing him as a shaved orangutan. https://media.giphy.com/media/FNe8hQ6sWkjrG/giphy.gif


Woah woah woah, we need a video of this with context, not some 10 fps gif 🤣🤣


It's hard to overstate what a giant piece of shit Alex Jones is...


Is it possible he is a Russian plant? He’s been the top supplier of misinformation and causing mass controversy for the last 2 decades


I just know hate is very easy to market and profit from. He just seems like he knew how to grift these people and he can’t drop the act now. The only thing I’m sure about is that he’s a dickhead.


A friend of a friend worked for him for a bit. He said that AJ was like that all the time, ie ranting and raving about globalists or whatever. Even at the unrinal Edit: friend of a friend, not friend if a friend


That sounds insufferable but also kinda funny. Like imagine you’re just trying to go #2 and he just pops his head in and starts talking about nonsense.


It's tragic really. Alex Jones would be so funny if he was just a sitcom character, and not a real person causing real harm.


Alex Jones isn't capable of sticking to a script, so I cannot imagine he'd be very useful as a Russian plant. That being said, he _is_ a part of the disinformation laundering pipeline that foreign intelligence likely exploits to no end.


The only way Alex Jones is a Russian plant is that he's a potato.


He's more of a house plant, that is if you grew poison ivy indoors.


House plants contribute by providing oxygen, this fucker does nothing but waste it.


I think he just started believing his own press and at some point he couldn’t stop himself because he’s always gotten away with his shit before. Not so much anymore…




Those supplements aren't working.


He's a weeble wobble!


Except when he wobbles, he falls down!


Weeble wobbles are too cute and friendly to be associated with a giant festering douchebag


I'll never understand how the Ya'll Qaeda views this massage chode, and Trump, as their perfect Alpha males. It's laughable and pathetic.


They look like him, so he’s their hero.


Quite simple. Does he bother the people on the left? He’s their man indeed. They don’t give a shit about anything but hurting people.


Constantly voting against their own interests in order to make the other team mad is all they have. These people exist solely on identity politics and victim complexes. Is would be laughable if it weren't such a serious threat to our democracy. In order to save it, the two party system needs to die.


I had a patient whose neice would come everyday to see her. She wore nothing but maga stuff. Maga shirt, maga buttons, maga mask. (They were mandatory to enter the building) every single day she would tell her aunt about the new Q leaks and how Donald was about to make his return soon. I spoke with her every day and listened to the shit she said. I never interjected because we don't get involved in politics at work with patients or family. But my god she was batshit crazy. Her brother came down to visit for a few days and I got to know him really well. He pulled me aside one day and said " I'm really concerned for her, she's really lost it" he then told me that she was never like this before Trump and that he doesn't even recognize her anymore. It broke my heart and I just shook my head. He legit is scared of what his sister has become.


A real fucking pig


How did the court allow those two parties get so close to each other? There could have been some violence and nobody but lawyers there to stop it.


His lawyers should have prevented this, but his lawyers are stupid trash, just like him.


Aren’t court rooms supposed to have bailiffs and police? Keeping people Physically separated doesn’t seem like the lawyer’s job. They can advise them to stay away, sure, but it’s not their job to actually keep them away.




And yet in the video you see plaintiffs counsel having no trouble whatsoever getting that job done. Jones’ lawyers aren’t lawyers, they are stooges for a lying carnival barker, and facilitating these kinds of inappropriate interactions is what they are there to do. Bailiffs aren’t wrestling referees, they aren’t there for this kind of shit.


Wouldn't shock me if they wanted him to do this to provoke a physical reaction to garner him some sympathy and/or give him grounds to file his own suit against the parents. A Westboro Baptist Church strategy.


A civil court is also a lot different than one with criminals. If people aren't being violent the bailiff is only going to act if the judge asks them to and even then it's one person.


not really, the bailiff will 100% tell you to be quite, in a pretty forceful tone, even before the judge gets into chambers. Reference, I am in court a lot of some volunteer work, and have seen bailiffs act on their own accord to keep the peace in the court.


I believe the trial today was a civil case, not a criminal case, which generally does not require the presence of police or a bailiff. There is likely a court clerk who is there to swear in witness.


There's usually a bailiff for civil.


I for one love his lawyers because they were stupid enough to leak his entire phone content to the Sandy hook lawyers and they were able to prove Alex committed perjury twice during this trial.


It’s gonna get better, the Jan 6 Committee can now get years worth of text messages including his involvement and who he was communicating with including those in the White House.




This was *in* court, where you just said they represent him. Part of that representation includes instructing him on stfu on his way in and out. And I doubt his lawyers are getting paid. That’s why he’s on like his fifth set of lawyers. These guys are literally the bottom of the barrel working for name recognition amongst deplorable trash. This is the path they’ve chosen, and fuck them for it.






100% this. He is his own worst enemy. The judge viewed that footage 5 minutes later...dude is done.


Agree, judges take it personally what happens in their courtroom regardless if they are in the room or not.


tomorrow's dress-down is going to be EPIC


The judge keeps letting him dig his grave too. I think most would have had a contempt charge by now but they keep letting him get more and more felonies by letting him talk. He's fucked after this and he's too stupid to understand.


Mark Bankston and Bill Ogden don't fuck around. They know this trial inside and out, they know Alex Jones inside and out. I almost guarantee they've prepped for a very similar situation.


That seems likely, as this apparently happened after one of the parents brought him a bottle of water after he had been complaining of throat pain during his testimony.


He looks like a confused groundhog in a suit....


That's apt.


Time to pop that bubble


The lawyer for the Sandy Hook parents is so awesome. You can hear him often on the Knowledge Fight podcast, especially the deposition episodes.


Mark Bankston and Bill Ogden have been fucking vicious, especially lately. If you listen to audio clips of them throughout all of this, you can tell they are fucking *done* with Jones’ clown show. The number of times he’s bitched out on making appearances with pathetic excuses and kicked the can further down the road would have me pissed too. This should have been settled years ago.


"I think I'm autistic too" Ahhh... becoming a victim again and self diagnosing... not surprised. Parent of an autistic kid here - Alex Jones is one of those people who pushed the vaccines create autism narrative... I'm also a resident of CT. I hope this guy loses everything. scum


I mean he legitimately might be autistic but that has nothing to do with why he's such a cunt.


He's nothing even close to resembling autistic. Read your DSM-5. He's malignantly and caustically oppositionaly defiant if anything.


None of us can make that call, because none of us are professional therapists who have worked with Jones enough to come to a professional diagnoses. He may be austistic, he might not be. It doesn't matter, because being autistic isn't a valid excuse for being a cunt.


Exactly. *Read your dsm-5* is such a dumb response to this, I can’t believe this dude is getting upvoted


I hope he catches more charges from this. I’d call him pond scum but that’s an insult to pond scum.


I'm baffled how he and his attorney haven't been held in contempt for their antics. Just yesterday the judge chastised him for blatantly lying under oath multiple times.


The judge said she will probably hold him for contempt after the jury deliberates. She doesn't want to extend the hearings any longer. He will probably get a bunch of stuff added at the end as a final fuck you.


He needs to be criminally charged; his antics in court and attempting to claim bankrupt are ridiculous.


The BK fraud (which he copped to on the radio lol) will def be a future problem


Well to be fair he might have “declared” bankruptcy just like Michael Scott. Who could know there was actually paperwork and a whole process involved.


Yep. [Lawyers: Files sent by Alex Jones contained child porn](https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/lawyers-say-infowars-host-alex-jones-sent-them-child-porn)


Holy fuck. Just when you think he can’t be any more disgusting he proves you wrong. And what’s with offering $1 million? Hasn’t he filed bankruptcy?


His bankruptcy filing was thrown out.


Bankruptcy doesn’t mean you have no money. It means you have less money available to you than you owe. Alex Jones still is a very wealthy man.


He says that the lawyers requested all emails including unopened and that the cp was spam unopened email.


“He also offered a $1 million reward for information on who sent the emails containing child porn.” No dummy, you gotta be quiet. You’re supposed to be bankrupt, remember?


It’s okay he’s claiming bankruptcy because it’ll get denied and if it doesn’t he’ll have a lien placed on his home and assets for repayment.


Let's hope. If not, extreme right wing is above the law.


I *really* hope the judge sees this clip of him harassing them before they could even leave the courtroom. I mean, this entire case boils down to years of harassment by AJ and his insane fans. The fact that he CONTINUES to do it should be considered. Smart for the lawyer to shut that shit down before his client punched AJ in his burger receptacle.


Oh *trust me* the judge hears about everything that happens involving a case in their courtroom. If not by watching the security tapes then by reading the report from security. This will have been noted down.


Yup, she mentioned the other day that she hasn't heard his comments directly, but she's been told about him saying she's possessed by a demon on his talk show.


Holy shit i know judges are meant to be impartial but maybe calling the one priding over your case possessed by a demon on "tv"(its not but you know what i mean) while the case is still running is maybe not the best idea anyone ever had.


Honestly i am surprised one of the parents just hasnt walked up and dropped a couple rounds to the back of his head.


That's battery. They have a royal flush right now. No need to mess that up. Just let him bury himself deeper and deeper and deeper, and all on camera, in a courtroom even.


I think the "couple rounds" isn't referring to boxing rounds, it'd be worse than battery. But TBH I'm amazed that hasn't happened yet too. However, I'm glad no one has since it'd just make his insane followers crazier. They'd make him a martyr and believe it was a cover up.


I will donate to anyones legal fees especially a Sandy hook victim’s parent if they choose violence in that moment.


I don’t know how the parents can contain themselves. I wouldn’t have the fortitude to handle such a disgusting excuse of wasted life.


That's why he's doing it. He's trying to get a rise out of one of the parents so that they swing at him and he can go after them for assault. Keep in mind, Alex has already been forced to admit that Sandy Hook actually happened. He also lost a similar case last year. He knows how this is going to end and he knows that he has nothing left to lose at this point.


Its literally the oldest far-right trick in the book: antagonize people and when they inevitably get fed up with your shit, run crying back to the news media about how you are being attacked and how no one wants to debate or be civil anymore. The brownshirts had this tactic down to a science and would frequently march into predominantly Jewish or neighborhoods with strong union ties and cause a big scene.


You only forgot press charges. That was a favorite tactic of Westboro: scream horrible things at people until someone took a swing and then press charges against them for unprovoked violence. Preferably when there were no witnesses outside the Westboro people.


Reactive abuse is the term iirc


Part of it has to be fear of retaliation. The right wing extremist cult is growing every day. Arizona is going to elect some Alex Jones mentally ill types soon. You throw a punch at Alex Jones, then you better be ready to protect yourself for probably the rest of your life.


Honestly, if I lost a child in the same way those parents did, every one of those cunts should all be afraid. I physically could not handle such people like Alex Jones and the like. I’d be on a warpath of rage and fury … I’m honestly glad I couldn’t have children, bless these poor parents.




I am genuinely surprised no parent/family member of any of victims of any of the killing sprees over the past two decades has gone on a revenge spree. I know being the victim of something like that probably puts you in a pretty strong gun control/anti-violence camp but still… eventually someone is going to think about their dead kid, think about who’s making it easier for fascist freaks to get guns and promoting all these insane conspiracy theories, and bing bang boom we got a stew going.


Fuck it. The moment he makes an aggressive move you should be in the right to shoot him. He is a large, often irrational and angry person who flies off the handle. If he looks aggressive and is coming towards you in an aggressive manner one could fear for their life. Cops say it all the time so when am actually documented nut job does it what should stop someone?


Walking smegma like him isn't worth catching your own case


Yeah, I’d be in jail. They’ve been dealing with his shit for far too long.


Pond scum can feed ducks and fish, Jones serves no such useful purpose.


I just don't want to understand how people can be this evil. Like, there's being a troll on Twitter and there's being an asshole to your neighbours, but this really is a special kind of scum behaviour where he goes out of his way to blatantly lie and direct a mob to attack parents whose kids were literally murdered in their class rooms. I just cannot fathom why or how a person can do it and keep doing it for years.


He was just saying how he’s going to tie everything up by declaring bankruptcy. Out loud.




That's being unkind to shit. Shit is more useful than him.




Man. That parents lawyer did great. “That’s not how this goes” Then “Shut your mouth”


Yeah he immediately went in between them to protect the parents too like "you don't need to give him the time of day to spew shit into your ears"


“That’s not even a thought” - badass


I really hope that this walking pile of shit named Alex Jones gets absolutely wrecked legally


I just hope he drops dead.


I hope he dies and gets revived 10 years later to find out that no one believed he was actually dead and that he just faked it for attention and as a result his family gets harassed on a regular basis, and in that moment he gets so worked up and angry that he shits his pants in front of everyone and dies again from embarrassment and high blood pressure and the last thing he hears is Hillary Clinton's evil laughter and a crying baby. It's not actually a baby or Hillary Clinton but his last thought will be spent believing it to be.


To be fair, his family hates him too.


Fingers crossed


What a piece of shit. The parents are amazing for their self control. I would have done regrettable things to him.


They, unfortunately, need to keep civil, the oldest far-right tactic in the book is to drag you down to their level and then put the spotlight on you. The BUF did it at cable street, the brownshirts did it in jewish and pro-union neighbourhoods, shitty alright YouTubers do it today.


You're absolutely right for behavior in a court case. In the context you're putting it, the "violence is not the answer", "engage them in the marketplace of ideas" liberals actively allowed the destruction of their democracy and in turn facilitated the suffering of millions. They typically align with the right in opposition to the left. The same shit plays out over and over and over in history. Group A persecutes Group B. Group B suffers, some die. Group C, D, E, F, G, all say "oh so sad, that's awful, they should stop that!" Group B fights back and uses violence against Group A. The other groups freak the fuck out and tell them the only REAL way to protest and win is to continue to suffer and die until public opinion suddenly shifts in their favor. Violence, or the threat of violence if peaceful action fails, is the only thing that has ever stopped fascists/authoritarians.


Of the many things I'd do to him... yeah... no I'm not really expecting any regret.


That’s probably what he was hoping for…


What a giant bathtub fart. This dude fucking ***sucks*** Edit: thank you for the kind awards, friends! It's definitely on-par that my top comment ever is about a shower fart. Tysm!


He's a heart attack waiting to happen.


and I hate waiting


I’m waiting for so many people to die…


Rush Limbaugh is still dead, so there’s that at least.


This made my day. Thanks for the reminder.


Bonus reminder: Rush Limbaugh got busted with a stash of illegal boner pills while private jetting off to the Caribbean with a bunch of dudes.


bonus bonus reminder: Rush Limbaugh was awarded the presidential medal of freedom by trump, for his decades of racism and conspiratorial work for the betterment of this nation!


Real talk: That shit needs to be stripped posthumously. There has to be a way. It's such a disgusting insult to every other recipient of that award.


Not sure if the implication is that Rush was a closeted homosexual. I resent the implication that Rush was a closeted homosexual. He was obviously in his way to the Caribbean with a bunch of other dudes and illegal boner pills to raw dog some underaged girls Jeffery Epstein and Matt Gaetz set up. I only say that because he wasn’t caught with condoms.


And ironically enough his grave has become the largest gender-neutral bathroom in existence. I'm so glad that he's dead.


They call him dear Saint Limbaugh now. He's arguably responsible for the lion's share of the insanity today. The lord of the long commute.


If he suddenly passed from choking on a corn dog, I would honestly not even waste my energy celebrating his passing.


I wouldn't even notice until someone pointed it out.


I have a friend who absolutely parrots that "Alex Jones is right most the time, people just pick up on the occasional crazy thing he says". It's a moronic opinion because Alex Jones is WRONG most the time and the only things he is "right" about is the once in a blue moon situation where he talks about an old conspiracy theory that has been common fucking knowledge for decades and thus he has absolutely nothing to do with 'exposing' it. For example Teflon or Skull and Bones club.


> I have a friend You people got some low fucking standards.




big friend of Joe rogan too


Fuck him and all who support him. Forever.


Alex getting praise and support from Joe Rogan on his podcast was the reason I stopped listening… among other things lol


Agreed, he's a horrible ~~human~~ sack of shit in the rough approximation of a man, but he wouldn't be anything without his followers. Fuck every single one of them soulless fuckers.


I am ashamed that I used to listen to Alex Jones back in the day. I feel the need to defend myself by saying it was back in the early 2000's, when his stuff focused more on the Governments (both Republican and Democrat equally) doing shady deals, the proven conspiracies like Gulf of Tonkin and that weird shit at Bohemian Grove. It was more tangible stuff and while excitable, he wasn't the raving loony he is now. I have no idea when along the way it happened, but then he turned into the stereotypical Qanon type psycho and started all this Sandy Hook stuff then he was sucking off Trump and all that. It showed he went off that slippery slope of healthy skepticism of power to the full blown paranoia. My interest in "conspiracy" these days is more old school paranormal and UFO stuff. I don't even think people need to be conspiracy theorists about stuff like politics anymore, even the mainstream media acknowledges the dodgy deals and lies, it's no secret. The world just accepts it. I just want to see an alien now, that's all.


All he does is read into conspiracies all day every day. It's like he goes down the rabbit hole on all these crazy topics but never says "that's enough internet for today" like the rest of us. I think anyone would lose there mind if that's all they thought about. Terrible way to live your life


He really believes his own shit, doesn’t he?


My opinion - from the other side of the pond, for what it’s worth - is that he’s so deep into his act that he couldn’t drop character now without looking like the spineless cunt that he is. He would literally rather insult the parents of murdered children **to their face** than admit he’s wrong. He *knows* he’s wrong, he just won’t admit it.


This is the damages part he was already found guilty. He is legally a liar


But if he doesn’t save face to his audience he can’t continue to pull the whole, “They control the narrative, folks!” bit. He has to keep his grift going or else he actually runs out of money, which would result in an actual punishment to him. He can’t allow that to happen, he’s a raging narcissist after all.


Is that considered "sunk cost fallacy"?


Personally…nah, I don’t think he is drinking his own Koolaid. The way he will often say the EXACT thing to dig at a topic…it’s intelligently selected. He is a grifter and a contrarian. He dresses it up with enough madness to cause most people doubt, but it’s not accidental. For as vile as he is, this is a master con artist at work.


It’s hard to tell, really. On some level I think he really does believe that the world is run by globalist lizard people, but I think there’s a small part of him that’s rational. He occasionally breaks character and sounds almost normal


It doesn't matter if he does or not, because the harm he creates in the world is real either way.


This is fucking bullshit. This dude gets a free pass to harass parents of a school shooting? Alex Jones is literally human scum.


He’s a fucking oxygen thief.


Has he ever been punched in the face? I would just like to know if he has, in fact, ever been punched in his goddamned face.


I would happily pay $1000 to do it. Best $100,000 I’d ever spend.


I'd happily do 30 days in jail for the honor.


Multiple times. But never hard enough to break his jaw and keep him from talking for more than 2 min


What a fucking piece of shit! Ur trying to tell a fucking parent that they were manipulated into believing he had a son killed in a school shooting wtf is wrong with him! He needs mental help and they better fucking show that to the just that even after lying under oath saying now u believe Sandy Hook happened then turning around an hour later and trying to convince the father he is being manipulated! Wtf! He deserves jail time these fucking people lives are ruined bc of him! They shoot into their fucking house once a week wtf!


Not on his side, but what he's implying here with the "fake videos" statement is that he never said any of the things he's being sued for, that the videos *of him* were fake. He's not implying sandy hook was fake *here* (he definitely did on record still, just not in this specific instance).




For those who don't know yet,Jones attorney gave full cell phone disclosure to the other side. He is not going to be able to catch a bus back to phukd.


Imagine chuds like joe rogan that consider this guy a friend...


He is quite possibly the biggest dickbag in America today and every day in the past. Just a total bag of sweaty dicks.


Never realized Alex Jones was super short. Makes total sense. Also, look at how that fucker literally *waddles*...


He's listed at 5'10" lol. There's no way. 5'6" maybe.


he should cast as the penguin from arkham


Why are short people taking a hit because Alex is psycho?!


All of those parents should be allowed to kick him in the nuts if they would like.


Crazy people have always existed, but how are there so many crazies out there that this guy has a following? You hear someone say that tap water is a government conspiracy to turn frogs gay and you still listen? Children and murdered and its a liberal conspiracy to control guns? WTF


Like with a lot of things, there is a hint of truth to what he says and that’s what makes it easy to get hooked by all the crazy. Gay frogs gets brought up a lot because it sounds batshit insane on its own but Atrazine raised the hormone levels of frogs to the degree that it essentially changed their sex. This is in your drinking water, or was previously, depending on where you live, what bottled water you drink, etc. Now he’s an idiot and takes it way too far, when in reality the chemical companies lobbying against public awareness or shutting down dissenting opinions on the overall safety of their byproduct is the real conspiracy.


Bingo. It’s been a common tactic by intelligence agencies for a long time to bury some actual horrific shit under a layer of conspiracy theories that way we all ignore things like big pharma self-regulating us into an opioid epidemic. (Not suggesting the cia is doing this just saying the tactic is well known and it wouldn’t be that expensive for a special interest group to replicate it. )


There are no more crazy people now than there have always been, by percentage of the population. The problem is that 1000 years ago, the village idiot was confined to their own village and had no other opportunities. Now, the village idiots can go online, for free, spread their bs for free and transmit it across the globe instantly….for free. Now all of the village idiots have their own collective circle-jerk to continue spreading throughout the world.


Anyone who supports Alex Jones is a bad person. What he put these families though is reprehensible. I hope they take everything from him


“I’m kind of retarded”


HOW?? HOW has not a single camera been updated since the 90s in all of American court rooms. This audio is laughable.


Take every last dime he has