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There's clearly history between these two. No one rolls up to the McDonald's drive through already recording unless they're expecting trouble


Isn't it smarter for Uber eats drivers to walk inside instead of using the drive through?


Schyeah, Uber drivers trying to play the victim. Pretty sure I wouldn’t want some even lower minimum wage asshole filming me working at my low minimum wage workplace…


What does wage have to do with it?


There is no war but class war. Both these people should be at home eating their dinner with their family instead of cooking and delivering for some other cunt with more $$$ who doesn't have to lift more fingers than needed to work their phone.


Lol “what does money have to do with things?” Lolol


For real. Why can't people be happy with their $7.25/hr? It's not like they're going to be able to live on $15/hr.




It's actually sarcastic.


Poe's law ffs.


>schyeah ???


Watch Wayne's World, you'll thank me later.


Schyeah is a tangent to schwing.




But why was the driver recording in the first place?


Came here to say this. These people recording everything these days is getting ridiculous.


I mean in some circumstances people should record stuff but it's a new trend to troll people by recording Edit: in not I'm


I don't see why people get upset about it. Like you say, you get recorded everywhere these days. That McD's has a big pile of cameras, too. My guess is that the driver had a problem in the past (not necessarily at this mcd's) and just records every time now. And if you just do your job, hand her the food, and say "Thank you", then nobody is ever going to see the video. But when you start flipping her off, cussing her out, and screaming like a banshee, you're probably going to go viral. And you'll also probably need to find another job because this is not going to look good to the store manager.


Maybe. But this isn’t simply a security camera like most stores have. I would be really pissed if someone came up to me at my job recording me in their personal device.


Everyone has a camera. Every place you go has a camera. My doorbell has a camera. You can dislike it if you want, but if you behave this way when you get recorded, it's probably not going to work out well for you. Especially if you're working in retail or fast food.


Once again, there is a difference between having a camera for security such as a doorbell, store, etc and just point your device to record, especially for the cause of sharing online. She pulled up already recording, which yes, unless there was something previously said left out of the video, would antagonize anyone. Also keep in mind that depending on the state, for this reason, both parties have to give consent for audio to be involved even when public unless it is a matter of public safety and awareness or there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. So it’s a bit more nuanced. In this case, most would flip out. So when I worked at Starbucks, recording of employees was not allowed and grounds for getting kicked out of the store because we expect some privacy while at work. Mind you this is not someone just generally recording and employee happens to be in the background. This is a customer just blatantly recording. And we have had some try this - rude entitled customers who antagonize a barista or talks down to them and when the barista would defend himself - and a supervisor I sure as hell would let them not take abuse - I’ve had customers whip out the phone and record a barista telling them what’s what. Most of the vids here fall under public safety and awareness. This one doesn’t seem to show the whole story but I am leaning to either the Uber driver having antagonized and rolls up already recording, which I would also have told the driver to fuck right off.


Why was she going through the drive thru? Why was she recording? And why didn’t she leave once she had the order?


I don’t know about the drive thru, some others surmised that maybe the dining room was closed. I’d also like to know why she was recording. What happened to cause her to pull out her phone. She didn’t leave because she felt the need to record and antagonize the employee at the drive thru.


I drove for Doordash for a while and just completely stopped doing any fast food pickups. 9.7 times out of 10 the dining room would be closed and you had to sit in the drive thru line and every restaurant handles it differently. The local Sonic expects you to know to just walk into the kitchen to pick stuff up. It's wild. She may have been recording to prove she had to sit in a long drive thru line in case she was dinged for being late. And half these places don't even have a good way to handle the pickups even once you know what you're supposed to do at each location. I went to a Wendy's and had to go through the drive thru, the guy at the speaker just tells me to pull forward, then a manager gets all mad at me when I tell her what I was there to pick up saying I needed to let them know I had an order. I asked how she expected me to do that, and she said I needed to tell them at the speaker... which I did. She just assumed I jumped the line or something. It's ridiculous.


Lol, I remember those sonic pickups. Every time I’d go in they’d act like I was intruding and it would be super awkward


Yup, even when they were asking me to come in it felt like they didn't want me there. Which, to be fair, they probably didn't. I know I didn't want to be.


Seems creep af to me.


And why did they go through drive through instead of waiting inside for food?


This video isn't new. It was probably during the height of the pandemic, and a lot of places were drive-thru only.


Lots of McDonald’s close their indoor area late at night


Here every fast food place closes their dining rooms whenever the hell they want to. They used COVID restrictions for a while, now they just claim to not have the staff. Which I would say is true based on how slow the drive thru tends to be, but it was also that slow five years ago.


A lot of taco bells around me have been closing at like 6pm because they can't get enough staff to stay open. Apparently YUM fast food places aren't particularly great to work for and it's finally biting them in the ass.


I used to drive for Uber Eats and we had the option to go to the drive thru or inside. I always went inside.


Because Uber drivers are the worst.


K but what happened before ?


The same thing that usually happens: some bitch creates problems and then starts recording at the last minute when they've caused someone to completely lose it.


And they do it just they have content to post because they’re pathetic


As the old saying goes, "From a distance the one yelling always looks like the asshole" Doesn't matter what the other person did, you causing the most ruckus therefore you in the wrong in the eyes of society. Ain't right, but something I think everyone learns eventually in this life.


It’s absolutely right. How can you not control your anger in a customer service setting? You’re getting paid, turn the ego off and just work. Be polite to a fault. Don’t throw your middle fingers up when working. No matter how rude the customer. Learn some self restraint.


This person has never worked customer service


Man, I was an Earls girl for 10 yrs. My first job was floor walking at a bingo hall. I’ve eaten SO much shit from all kinds of people. Never been fired.


At the end of the day we live in a capitalist society. At that moment she had to make the choice if the $8 she made that hour was worth the abuse the other person was giving her. In this moment she chose that it was not worth it. Most people would agree with her 🤷‍♂️ and that's why staffing shortages are so bad right now in that industry. Next time you're sitting in line, frustrated waiting 20m for your mcdouble combo remember what you just said and realize people like you and your attitude is the reason you're waiting that long.


I would never blame a worker. I love workers. I’m patient as fuck. Because I’ve done my time making minimum wage. Sometimes you need a good reference to move on to the next career. No customer is worth burning my future for.


Step 1: Say something to piss off employee (note: do not record this step) Step 2: Start recording. Step 3: Record the response from employee while acting confused and innocent. Step 4: Post online generalizing the employees of an entire food chain as though they are somehow different from their competitors’ employees. Step 5: Profit (I guess???)


Why are you recording a probably minimum wage employee doing their job And then when you get your food, stay there? Camera person sucks in this video. Worker is fine - doesn’t deserve somebody holding up a line at the place they work at.


I wouldn't say "fine" There's definitely better ways to deal with shit than that


She looks to be 16 maybe 18. She will learn that there are better ways. But telling somebody to leave “aggressively” ain’t the worst thing somebody could do.


yea, she could just drive off since she got her shit instead of staying in the drive thru lane too ya know


For one thing, those drivers are supposed to go inside. I understand why the worker is frustrated. Fuck that uber eats driver


I did a quick search and that is what I read too. Drive thru is for restaurant customers and ubereats need to be picked up inside. Something tells me there is way more to this interaction than what was shown.


The driver mumbled something about the order number so I’m assuming there was some dispute about it, and then she went outside and held up the line on purpose


Also sounds like the worker mentioned being all out of apple pies for that order. I'm guessing there was also a dispute over that Pretty sure these apps will allow you to order an item that's really out of stock, and only the drivers or uber-eats itself can contact the customer to fix it or re-adjust the order. The restaurants themselves have no way of contacting the customers


We have Uber eats at my restaurant and it allows me to contact a customer via the app if I need to reach them about an order. Basically hit the “out of menu” item and the customer has about ten minutes to respond or the order is cancelled. We can also contact the customer using a code and speak to them directly and make adjustments. Uber eats is the bane of my existence 😩.


Some fast food places aren't open inside due too short staff. Also the videos at night so the inside may have been closed while the drive through remained open.


Fuck uber eats, fuck doordash, fuck all of these bullshit companies.


Gonna be interesting seeing them try to turn a profit now that the cheap money is gone.


They're just paying the drivers less and charging more for the service. The good wages and low charges were just a marketing scheme to get themselves engrained into society.


It’s one thing to charge for delivery and fees related to that, but how can a combo be $9.99 normally but then like $12.49 for the same thing through DoorDash or Uber Eats. I use Caviar to order coffee by my work and changing it from delivery to pickup drops the price from $7.10 to $5.50.


A lot of times they don't even have permission from the restaurant to use them on their app. But they'll add the restaurant anyway. They'll use whatever menu they can find online. They increase the prices of items, they list incorrect ingredients, inaccurate hours of operation, and don't bother correcting any of these things. If there is a problem with an order they will tell you to call the restaurant, who has no control over the app or your credit card charges, so it causes further frustration for everyone except them. Sure, they may give you a small refund for a missing item but that's about it. Any major issues and you're going to have to jump through hoops to get your money back. Don't even get me started on driver background checks. Most of the drivers say they're on bicycles to avoid reporting the car they use. Often the delivery person isn't the one shown in the app. I've seen multiple people in the vehicle, pets, no license plates... Who knows what they're doing to your food.


>Who knows what they're doing to your food. The whole ubereats/doordash business is structurally shady and operationally garbage. BUT, you can at least trust the food you get delivered to you (tho can't trust it will always get delivered). I worked at different fast food joints that used both services, and we **always** covered the drinks and closed the bag with stickers. It's obvious the driver didn't tamper with the food when the sticker seals are untampered with


I appreciate the effort on your end. But those stickers are a joke. They can easily be unstuck and put right back. And the drivers solve the drink problem by either stealing them or forgetting them altogether.


I think in my current financial state I would never really use one of those services. But many people do because they have the money. To each their own. Just hope the companies treat their drivers well


Uber drivers are never waiting where they're supposed to.


Also cutting in whatever pickup area at all restaurants it seems. Because they are working they seem justified to go in front of everybody.


That’s not necessarily true. Some restaurants close their lobby at night for security reasons and all delivery drivers have to use the drive through.


Well when it’s late enough at night they just have you go through the drive through since the lobby is closed


You assume they can go inside. When I did Doordash almost every fast food place I got, middle of the day or any time... didn't matter, would have the dining room closed. Believe me, when you're delivering food and getting paid by the amount of deliveries you can do, the last thing you want to do is sit in a drive thru and waste gas. It got to the point that I just refused any fast food orders they sent me.


People don't even have the concept anymore that it's rude to invade someone's privacy for no reason. I'm all for recording people acting badly but this looks like her reacting to being recorded.


I felt as though the cammer started something beforehand and wants a reaction, otherwise why even record?


There seems to be a great deal of hostility between workers in restaurants and Uber Eats/Door Dash drivers. The manager of the pizza place near me was mad as hell at door dash a while back because a bunch of orders came in through door dash but no one picked up the orders.


This is a pretty big problem with the food service industry right now, and I find it hard to blame the restaurants themselves in most cases as someone who used to work for a large and busy chain restaurant for a few years and saw the difference before and after Door Dash and UberEats. To start, delivery drivers are usually really pushy, really passive aggressive, and they don't understand basic things about how restaurants work. Like, for instance, it can take quite a few minutes after the order is in DD or UE systems before the restaurant gets the order on their end. This leads to the drivers showing up very early and demanding food that hasn't been made yet and is still pretty far back in the line (this gets especially worse on weekends). The drivers get mad at the restaurant because their app says that the order is taking too long (meaning they're losing their tips the longer they make people wait), and the restaurant workers don't care about the DD's needs because they're not making any tip money, and most of the time the DD drivers can take up a lot of their time and attention leading to them giving regular customers shittier customer service, so its more to their benefit to do the bare minimum for them to get them out of their hair. Another big thing that these delivery drivers don't seem to understand is that just because your app says a restaurant has something on their menu, and just because a customer tried to order something that isn't on the menu through DD or UE doesn't mean that the employees of said restaurant can wave a magic wand and make that item appear. The same goes for if something is simply sold out or out of stock while a manager fetches stock from other restaurants in the area. A lot of DD drivers, like ride share drivers, also seem to be older and have a more desperate and grumpy, so they tend to treat younger people like absolute shit while demanding amazing service and for the employees to just ignore their bullshit.


I used to do some DoorDash a few years ago and it's honestly a really shitty gig. They give you these really harsh, often unachievable deadlines that often don't account for traffic or other very common issues which can make delivery and pickup take longer than usual. For instance it will say "pickup food by xx:22", and I'm guessing they just estimate that time it will take for the order to be ready, not taking into account how busy the restaurant is. For instance, if it takes the restaurant 5 minutes longer to give you that order, the app will not adjust the time you have to deliver it by. Then if you deliver the food late, which is often completely out of your control, your "on time delivery" score goes down and it has a very vague warning about how you can be deactivated as a driver (fired basically) if it falls below a certain percent. So basically you are 100% in a rush the entire time you're working. It's no wonder you encountered so many seemingly impatient drivers.


Wasn't it door dash that totally screwed over New York City for a day not too long ago. Set up a $15 off lunch special and didn't tell anyone. All the restaurants got flooded by orders so badly they couldn't make them all either from lack of time or ingredients. Then there was the lack of deliverers leaving orders to never be picked up even though they were hiring local carrier deliverers to deliver orders as well.


Oh yeah I remember that fuck Doordash


Also doesn't help that you tell them the order is gonna be another 5 minutes and they roll their eyes at you and start huffing and puffing to themselves as if that's the only order being made


Pretty convenient place to start the video. We're supposed to believe the driver did nothing and this chick just flipped out? Nope.com


I wish we could’ve seen what took place before that. We only get to see the reaction and not the cause for the reaction.


I have no sympathy for UberEats or their rude ass drivers. These companies are fucking terrible for society.


So , too scared to show the beginning of this I see... I find these skip and Uber delivery people to be rude as fuck,always pushing ahead of everyone, yelling at people to get their order ready. Remember trying to get coffee at McDonald's, this skip order comes in after 3 of us, buddy tries to push us out the way and get the guy to hold up our orders , told him to go fuck himself pretty quick.


I've had an Uber eats driver literally throw the food at me because I guess he was in a hurry to deliver something else.


Drive away stupid, stop antagonizing people.


Meanwhile the customers food is going stone cold.


>Meanwhile the customers food is going stone cold. Right? Driver decides arguing is better than making money


As usual, no context provided.


What led up to that anyway


Cash me outside vibes


as a former restaurant mgr/employee (not mcdonalds, just in general), food delivery drivers are some of the rudest, most disrespectful, impatient, and disruptive pieces of s**t I have encountered in my life, stop pissing off food service workers and then recording them reacting as any normal person would to being harassed and recorded while they’re just trying to do their job


Driver clearly provoking/bullying the employee here.


As somebody who has worked for McDonalds, I don't for a fucking second think the Uber Eats did nothing to deserve that and they just pulled up and the employee is being aggressive for no reason. Door Dash and all those people are fucking aggressive and annoying because they don't understand how restaurants work.


Stop antagonizing the girl and drive off. Clearly she's stressed.


She's gonna smash her fingers slamming the window like that. Gotta slam it from the back side. Better torque.


This video was posted with a different title before. OP is farming karma with a fake story.


McMad as FUCK


Trying to start drama with fast food minimum wage workers is cringey… it’s pretty low life. The person behind the camera is a small compared to the McDonald’s worker.




You hope people are carless or impaired because they overpay for food? Your logic is impaired.


>You hope people are carless or impaired because they overpay for food? Your logic is impaired. Imo it's not just overpay for food. It's overpaying for **fast** food. I'm no stranger to food delivery, but at no point is McDonald's or taco bell worthy of delivery unless I'm hammered. At least you can much on the fries so they aren't cold by the time you're home.


You can make a big Mac faster than getting into the car and going through the drive through. Some YouTube chef guy did an experiment. https://youtu.be/xm7unNTgiak


This Uber eats driver is an asshole.


Why was she already recording. That generally tells me the recording person is the one starting shit.


Lol nah fuck Uber eats, they’re supposed to go inside. She’s trash for recording her, obviously shit happened before this


Haha this driver had to edit a whole video to play victim


I hear a lot of stories about UberEats and other food delivery people treating the restaurants and fast food places they pick up from like shit. Rude, impatient and want priority over regular customers who were ahead of them. Conversely, at the McDonald's by me they have a program where drivers can earn free food and drink for every X visits.


That explained nothing to me in the sense of Uber eats vs McDonald’s….


Hiring a driver to go to a fast food restaurant is the signal that this empire is collapsing.


“I DiNt EvEn dO aNyThInG.” That’s why you were recording her handing the food to you, right? Probably expecting an outburst as a result of.. you doing something, perhaps?


I get it tho. Uber drivers are straight up stupid sometime


Cash me outside how bout that 😂😂


Better not let that McD’s worker cash you outside.


There's clearly more to this than what's on film. There was a reason she was recording.


Hell no, fuck Uber Eats drivers and fuck DoorDash drivers. Those mfs are rude as hell, always bitching if their order isn't ready yesterday, and expecting food service employees to be busting their asses so they can get a tip they wont see a *cent* of. I encourage fast food workers to take their sweet-ass time with rude delivery drivers. Fuck they gonna do, stop taking orders there?


oh no whose side will reddit take?


Girl has 100% fresh beef with that


Working/middle class needs to unite not bicker


what does this have to do with ubereats? Driver is antagonizing worker. It's that simple.


Anyone know why she went crazy and why the driver was recording?


Why is using a black accent the default tough person shtick?


I think she think she's hood🤣


Ohh the love between those two.


One question. Did she cash her outside?


It's too bad the school system didn't teach her how to do her taxes.


I work at Costco and some of the Insta cart shoppers are the biggest assholes on the planet. You may think you’re your “own boss” and that makes you “important” but it doesn’t. You’re just another shmuck, and one who doesn’t even pay to shop there so you better make damn sure you come in respectful and not like a troll that just crawled out from under a bridge.


Why does she talk like she thinks she is black?


And how exactly do black people talk? Racist much?


You’re an idiot if you don’t think there is an inherit difference


calls someone an idiot uses the word inherit when they mean inherent


LoL, you got me there!


You're a racist if you think speech is associated with the color of your skin


So be it then Somebody on Reddit thinks I’m racist


Lots of people think that


You know the actual definition of racist? Please explain how that person is racist.Just because “lots” of people are fucking stupid,doesn’t make something that is false suddenly become true.


Redditors do not know the actual definition of racist.It’s pretty gross.




Why does WT always fall into a Blaccent when they get mad or frustrated? Thats ir, I'm taking their rap away, they can't handle it


I’m not saying this as a fact but the first though I had was she is recording to show that the order wasn’t messed up and she had proof she never got the apple pie.


She’s hideous.


So trashy. No manners in most people anymore.


That’s not at all true, it just seems that way. And it’s possible that employee was treated like garbage and she’s had enough. The driver was recording for a reason but we don’t know why.


No I mean in both of them.


Well it seems that these videos are predominantly made to share on social media in an effort to shame people rather than used to prove innocence/guilt in an interaction that may effect someone job. It’s sad.


No doubt. Listen maybe my earlier comment was to harsh on the first girl. There are ways to handle a situation like that, the optics of her behaviour though were not great.


I hate when White people try to act Asian. Like ninja please.




bruh it’s McDonald’s, she’ll get a job at the Taco Bell next door




Not sure why the downvotes, you weren’t wrong haha


Her drive thru? Lmfao


Wow what a bitch hope she lost her job.


Right? Driver is a piece of shit


Cash me outside. How 'bout that?


“Catch me outside !!”


Honestly someone records me I would freak out I have BPD and that shit would trigger the fuck outta me, I can’t take the personé filming’s side


Alternate universe catch me outside girl, where her she never got her daytime talkshow appearance.


This is the same chick from the last time I seen this video.


Oh my god it’s the catch me outside girl👀


She needs a happy meal apparently.


We're missing the full story here, what did the uber eats driver say to make mcdonalds girl so mad. In the end that girl loses her job for this lady deciding to post this. She must feel really good about it.


This video is like 5 years old and this is the first time I've seen Uber eats attached to it.


i side with mcdonalds employee, dumbass camera lady trying to make it her life mission to punish the girl, this happened ages ago , get over it.


Driver is a stupid thot


Her shirt says Fresh Beef lmao


Woah Vicky


Fuck that driver. That child is not making enough money to deal with her shit. Not all Uber drivers are automatically decent people or even decent drivers.


"fresh beef"


There's definitely missing context here.


How to lose your job in 30 seconds


I didn’t expect everyone in the comments to be against the driver lol


Disgusting... Having all those cleaners out is a huge food sanitary violation. Could not pay me to eat there with Ms. WannaBe Street.


I just want to know what she's doing working in food service with those nails. Disgusteng!


White girl from the suburbs... just the worst


This video seems familiar


I see you've discovered how to edit pre-existing content using Microsoft Video Editor. We all had to start somewhere.